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The Topic of our project simple machine - Pulley

Pulley is a wheel with grove carved around its circumference in which a rope or belt is placed
to drive the wheel.

A pulley is use in various day to day things like bicycle,locks,well,elevator,trolleys,lift etc.

Here we have demonstrated the use of pulley in

1) A well , 2) A lift to heavy loads , 3) A trolley OR cable car.

1) A well

In villages we see use of pulley in fetching water from well.

Here a single fixed pulley is used. It is easier to fetch water using pulley as it helps us to
reverse the direction of our lifting force.

2) Lifting of heavy loads using 5 pulley

When pulley are used together in this way , they reduce the amount of force needed to lift
a load.

Here 3 are fixed pulleys and 2 are movable pulleys.

This mechanism is used in cranes.

3) Use of pulley in trolley or cable car

cable cars are use in hilly areas to transport people and their goods ,

Here a pulley helps the trolley tomove across the rope/cable. In some places the trolley is
moved manually by pulling the roaps.

Here we have shown the trolly runs on cable with the help of pully and the pulley is
attached to a motor runs on electricity.

here we have sticked some pictures to show the use of pulley.


1. pulley is invented by ----------------

2. The idea of pulley come from wheel.

3. Some simple machines are screw,lever,inclined phone,wedge,wheel and pulley.

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