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Mục 1: Đọc hiểu – Lắp đặt thiết bị y tế
1.1 Bài đọc 1 - Lắp đặt nồi hấp tiệt trùng (Sturdy SA-300VFA – Fully automatic
Autoclave Sterilizer, class- S)
EX 1
Nồi hấp tiệt trùng có được dùng phổ biến ở các cơ sở y tế hay không? Để làm gì? Y tế
tuyến cơ sở như trạm y tế, bệnh viện huyện có thường sử dụng không?
EX 2
 Cho biết các từ ở cột A thuộc từ loại nào? (danh từ, động từ, tính từ…)
 Dịch các từ ở cột A sang Tiếng Việt, tham khảo nghĩa của chúng ở cột B
1. Sterilize To make something completely clean and free from
2. Sterilizer A machine for making things completely clean and
free from bacteria.
3. Sterilization Making something completely clean and free from
4. Install To connect or set in position and prepare for
use: installed the new furnace; installed software on my
5. Installation The act of installing.

6. Chamber An enclosed space or compartment: the chamber of a

pump; a compression chamber.
7. Sophisticated Highly complex, refined, or developed; characterized by
advanced form, technique, etc.: sophisticated equipment
8. Microprocessor An integrated circuit that contains a processor, such as a
central processing unit.

Hình 1 – Nồi hấp tiệt trùng Sturdy SA-300VFA – Fully automatic Autoclave
Sterilizer, class- S
EX 2. Đọc và làm bài tập cho cuối bài
Preparation and Installation for Fully Automatic Autoclave Sterilizer.
SA-300VFA is engineered with Microprocessor Technology, providing advanced
features for more sophisticated chamber sensors, user interfaces, warning and alert

A: ………………………………

1. Cut off the bale binder.

2. Remove top cover of the carton.
3. Remove foam-packing pieces.
4. Move out the autoclave from the base foam.

B: ……………………………………………………
1. Put this autoclave on the level floor, and keep the distance more than 5cm
between the wall and the case. And keep the autoclave in level condition then
press the caster to fix the machine.
2. Install piping
2.1 Install the exhaust hose: that one end to be fixed on the pipe connector “G”
port. And another end must be fixed on the connector of the water exhaust
piping system.
2.2 Install the water input that one end to be fixed at the pipe connector “F”
port. And another end must be fixed on the connector of the water source
A: Fan air out B: 20 amp NFB
C: Power cord D: Water Filter
E: Exhaust for safety valve
F: Water input (Female/ Male reducer ¼’’ PT
* ¼’’ PT)
G: Exhaust (Female/ Male reducer 1/2’’ PT *
¼’’ PT)

3. Check the elec. power source 220-240v. You are now, ready to take the power
cord out, and connect the wire to 1Þ, 20Amps. NFB (No Fuse Breaker)
4. The water should be RO or DISTILLED water only.
5. Push the power switch –on, if it is light on, that means the power is already
stand-by now.

EX 3. Bài tập đọc hiểu - Comprehension Questions

1. Chọn tiêu đề thích hợp điền vào các mục A, B của bài đọc trên.
a) Checklist for weekly maintenance
b) Checklist before use this autoclave
c) Checklist for unpacking autoclave from carton
d) Checklist for basic steps of operation.
2. Các phát biểu dưới đây là đúng hay sai?
a) You can put autoclave about 15 cm far from the wall or other things beside it.
b) You should not press the caster to fix the autoclave. ……..
c) Fuse breaker is necessary for autoclave. ………
d) Clean water can be used for autoclave. ………
e) Do not put autoclave too near the wall or other things (less than 5 cm). …….
3. Ghép tên từng thiết bị với hình ảnh cho phù hợp
a) Patient monitor b) Ultrasound machine c) Autoclave

Figure 1 ……… Figure 2 ………. Figure 3 ………….

1.2 Bài đọc 2 – Lắp đặt máy siêu âm màu SONOACE 8000
EX 1. Kể tên các thiết bị, linh kiện có trong một hệ thống máy siêu âm màu.
EX 2. Các từ/ cụm từ dưới đây thuộc 2 hệ thống thiết bị. Hãy sắp xếp các từ/ cụm
từ vào đúng nhóm phù hợp (Ultrasound system hoă ̣c Autoclave).

Chamber Basket Connection cable

Main unit Caster Ground cable
Keyboard Pressure gauge Control panel
Power cord Emergency stop Tray
Probe button Fuse
Microconvex No-fuse breaker Ultrasound gel
Linear probe tuyến tính Over heat display Volume probe: đầu dò thể
Sector probe mảng pha Heater cover tích, khối
Convex probe: đầu Power cord
dò mảng cong Set cover

Ultrasound system Autoclave
…………………. ………………….
…………………. ………………….

EX 3. Đọc và làm bài tập cho cuối bài

(Trích từ tài liệu máy siêu âm màu SONOACE 8000 – Service Manual)

System Assembly
1) Unpacking main box
SA8000 main box is consisted of main system, accessory box, probe box.

2) Monitor installation

VGA Cable

Power Cable

Figure 1. Screw Position Figure 2. Cable Connection

+ Unpack the monitor box and put the monitor on base like [Figure 1].
+ Fix the monitor with 4 screws [Figure 1].
+ Connect monitor power cable and VGA cable to system.
3) Probe Installation
Unpack the probe and connect the probe to system. [Figure 3] Turn the knob
to arrow direction to fix.

Figure 3. Probe Connection
4) Power Connection



110V/220V 110V/220V
Input Power Output Power
Selectable Selectable


Figure 4. Power Connection

5) Before using the system, please check the following.

- Check the power is suitable with system power specification (110V/220V).
- Check all connector is connected in position.
- Check the system is grounded exactly. (If not, there are possibility noise occur)
- Check the power is off status when connect the probe.

EX 4. Xác định câu đúng/ sai (T/F)

1. There are 4 main steps in an ultrasound installation. …………
2. Accessory box is not in the main box. …………
3. An ultrasound system is not necessary to be grounded. …………
4. When connecting the probe you don’t need to switch off the power. …………

Mục 2 Sử dụng ngôn ngữ / LANGUAGE USE

2.1 Imperative sentence
Câu nào dưới đây là câu mệnh lệnh:
- Avoid the following environment for operation or storage.
- Try to place the system far from power generators and xray machines.
- Unpack the monitor and put the monitor on base like figure 1.
- You can print B/W images and any information on the screen just as they
look on the screen.
- Echo printer uses different types of power (110V 0r 220V) according to the
area where the system is produced.
- Currently this system is set to 110V, thus please make sure of it before
- Do not put autoclave on the rough floor.
- Do not use fuse-breaker for autoclave.
NOTE: Câu mệnh lệnh được dùng với mục đích gì?
Có mấy loại câu mệnh lệnh?
2.2 Câu bị động / Passive voice
Một số mẫu câu bị động các thời
No Subject + to be + past + rest of sentence
(conjugated) participle

1. Simple present

The house is cleaned every day.

2. Present continuous

The house is being cleaned at the moment.

3. Simple past

The house was cleaned yesterday.

No Subject + to be + past + rest of sentence
(conjugated) participle

4. Future

The house will be cleaned next week.

5. Inifinitive

The house must be cleaned before we arrive.

2.3 Thành lập từ/ Word Formation

2.3.1 Động từ
 Một số động từ được thành lập bằng cách thêm tiền tố vào gốc từ như
các trường hợp sau:
o Re-do; Repack, Re-use; Reset; …
o Undo; unpack; unlock …
 Cho biết nghĩa các động từ trên.
 Ngoài các tiền tố RE, UN, còn các tiền tố nào khác thường kết hợp với
động từ? Cho ví dụ.
2.3.2 Danh từ
Một số danh từ được thành lập bằng cách thêm vĩ tố vào sau gốc từ.
 -ER/OR
Verb  Noun (-ER/OR) (person/ thing)
Drive - driver Keep – keeper Connect - connector
Write –writer Use – user Generate – generator
Direct - director Operate - operator Break – breaker
Verb  Noun (-sion/ - tion/-xion) (thing)
Inform - information Install - installation Connect - connection
Direct - direction Operate - operation Generate – generation
 Cho biết nghĩa các cặp từ trên.
 Ngoài các vĩ tố trên, còn các vĩ tố nào thường kết hợp với danh từ, cho ví dụ.

Mục 3 Luyên tập/ Practice

EX 1. Đọc và điền câu phù hợp (a, b, c) vào những ô trống:
a) Cover the autoclave with plastic bag.
b) Close the top of the carton, and seal with tape.
c) Drain all water from the chamber.
Re-packing instructions: To pack autoclave into carton
1. ………………………………
2. Remove power cord and place all items into the chamber. Close the door secure
3. ………………………………
4. Put the bottom of the carton containing the packing piece No 1 onto the floor.
And put on the foam set in the bottom case.
5. Place the autoclave into bottom case and fix in bottom foam set.
6. Put 4 pieces angle hard paper on each corner of the carton.
7. Put the top carton piece on.
8. Put top foam on around the top of the autoclave.
9. ………………………………
10. Binding with binder to concrete the top carton and bottom carton.

We strongly recommend that all packing material, including the carton to be
kept for re-use in the event that the unit needs to be transported far away.

EX 2 Word Formation/ Thành lập từ

o Hãy viết ít nhất 10 động từ có tiền tố RE-; 10 động từ có tiền tố UN-;
o Cho biết nghĩa các động từ đã viết.
o Viết các danh từ được lập từ các động từ sau:

1. E 2. Pol 3. St 4. E
mit lute erilize xplain
5. Co 6. Pr 7. Fo 8. C
mplete oduce rm lassify
9. Co 10. Tr 11. Pr 12.
nfuse ansport int Protect
13. Int 14. Int 15. M 16. M
roduce end aintain ove
17. Tr 18. Su 19. R 20. C
ansmit ggest equire orrect

EX 3 Điền động từ ở dạng bị động thích hợp vào ô trống./ Fill in the correct
passive form of the verb in parentheses.
4.1 Passive Voice: Fill in the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses.
- After the earthquake, aid was sent to the people of Haiti. (sent)
- The electricity was cut off because the bill hadn’t been paid. (not pay)

1. Penicillin ______ by Alexander Fleming in 1928. (discover)
2. Statements ______ from all the witnesses at this moment. (take)
3. Whales ______ by an international ban on whaling. (must protect)
4. Both weddings _______ by Good Taste. (cater)
5. A Picasso ____ from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.(steal)
6. ____ this washing machine ______in Germany? (make)
7. Tea _____ in China. (grow)
8. When we reached the airport, we found that all the flights____ due to the
storm. (cancel)
9. The fax _____ until tomorrow morning. (not send)
10. The soundtrack of a movie _____ always _____ after the filming is finished.
EX 4 Write the past participle of the following verbs./Viết phân từ 2 của các động từ

1. F 2. M 3. A 4. In 5. S
inish ake dd stall terilize
6. P 7. C 8. C 9. K 10.
rovide heck onnect eep Fix
11. C 12. G 13. P 14. T 15. M
lose enerate ut ransport aintain
16. O 17. R 18. U 19. C 20. C
pen educe se over ut
21. D 22. E 23. B 24. P 25. T
o nclose reak roduce ake
26. B 27. R 28. S 29. S 30. L
e ise pill wing eave

EX 5 Đọc, dịch bài dưới đây.


1. Must be prepared in advance
 Stable and leveled surface
NOTE! The surface must be leveled

 4 liters of distilled/ mineral free water;

 Available electrical power port as per specification;
 Grounding.
2. Lifting & Carrying

CAUTION Two or three person left required;
3. Size and Dimensions
The counter top or stand must be able to support:

Model Length of counter top or Maximum load

1730 M/MK 46 cm 20kg
2340 M\MK 55 cm 31kg
2540 M\MK 55 cm 33 kg
3140 M\MK 56 cm 52 kg
3850 M\MK 70 cm 69 kg
3870 M\MK 88 cm 78 kg
Leave a minimum of 5 cm space around the back & sides of the unit.
4. Connecting
o Connect the power cord to the socket on the rear of the autoclave;
o Plug it into the supply outlet.
o The supply outlet must be a properly grounded outlet.
o Please push up the red switch;
5. Packing material
o Remove all packing material.
o Switch the power on;
6. Fill water
o Use mineral free water only;
o Fill water up to the safety valve;
o Keep the safety valve out of the water;

 Ready to run sterilization cycles.

(Phần thuyết minh của VIDEO hướng dẫn lắp đặt nồi hấp tiệt trùng Tuttnaeur (M &
MK Manual Tabletop Autoclaves – Operation and Installation Videos)

EX 6 Các hành động được khuyến cáo dưới đây nên được thực hiện vào giai đoạn
nào trong các giai đoạn dưới đây (đối với máy siêu âm):
1) Pre-installation
2) Installation;
3) Operation;

Upon arrival, make inventory the shipment with the carrier’s driver.
 Carefully inspect the packing material for obvious signs of damage such as
crushed, punctured, torn, broken, wet or rattling packages.

 If damage is not evident, sign and stamp a bill of lading “condition of
contents unknown – subject to inspection”.
 If damage is evident, contact your Purchasing Department for action, have
the carrier’s driver indicate the damage on the damage on the freight bill,
and sign all copies of the bill.
During formal inspection, you should:
 Open all packages within 15 days of receipt for a complete inspection of the
 Report concealed damage to the carrier within 15 days of receipt or the carrier
may not accept liability.

EX 7 Chọn tiêu đề phù hợp cho bài đọc dưới đây

a) Preparation Before Sterilization;
b) Installation Instructions;
c) Maintenance
Caution: The sterilizer must be placed on a rigid and leveled surface. The stand must
be able to hold the load of the device and loaded material.
Note: Make sure, when placing the autoclave, to leave space around the machine, to
give the technician access to service the machine.
1. Electrical
The electrical connection should comply with the devices power requirement. It
must also comply with local installation and safety rules and regulations. The
voltage supplied to the device must comply with the label 5%.
In order to avoid any injury by electrical hazard, it is mandatory for the customer
to have installed an earth leakage relay (GFI outlet or circuit breaker) in the
electrical circuit to which the autoclave is connected. This relay disconnects all the
poles of the electrical power line in case of accidental contact by the power line,
with the autoclave’s metal enclosure.

Note: Keep the back and the right side of the autoclave approximately 1” (25mm)
away from the wall to allow for ventilation.
Connect the power cord to the socket on the rear side of the autoclave; plug it into the
supply outlet.
2. Setup
Proper adjustment of the chamber pitch is one of the most important things you
can do for the sterilizer. Proper chamber pitch insures that among other things, the
sterilizer will have the proper amount of water in the chamber at the beginning of
each cycle. Insufficient water in the chamber, at the beginning of the cycle, will
cause the unit to overheat and activate one of the safety thermostats. This will
occur at some point during the cycle when the water level becomes too low. If, on
the other hand, there is too much water in the chamber, this will extend the heating
portion of the cycle. Extending the heat up time will shorten the sterilization time,
causing items to not be sterilized, indicator strips to not change color and spore
tests to fail.
For proper setup please follow these setup steps (see drawing below):
The autoclave should be turned off and unplugged.
Make sure the counter is level and sturdy (3).
Make sure all the feet are on the autoclave and none have been lost.
Make sure the feet are free to move in and out (2).
Position the autoclave on the counter.
Fill the reservoir with distilled water (see sec 7.2).
The chamber should be empty of any instruments, trays or leftover water.
The chamber pitch now needs to be adjusted.
Measure to the proper amount of distilled water for the appropriate model unit
as listed below.
1730 2340/2540 3140 3850 3870
10-12 300-350 12-15 350-450 14-16 420-480 20-23 600-690 24-27 720-810
oz ml oz ml oz ml oz ml oz ml

Pour the proper amount of water into the chamber through the front door of the
unit (4).
This water should cover the bottom of the chamber to within +/- ½ inch of the
groove in the front (1).
If necessary, adjust the front leveling feet, up or down, so that the water lays in
the chamber correctly (2).
Once the chamber pitch adjustment is completed, the unit is ready to operate.
Note: It is imperative to have the correct amount of water in the chamber each
cycle for proper operation of the autoclave.
3. Lifting and Carrying
Caution: Before moving the autoclave, make sure that the electric cord is
disconnected from the power and there is no pressure in the chamber.
1. Disconnect the power supply cord.

2. Drain the water from the reservoir and vessel.
To avoid injuries, lifting and carrying should be done by two people.
Do not drop this device!

4. Water quality
Use distilled or mineral free water for the autoclave.
Attention: We recommend testing the water quality once a month. The use of water for
autoclaves that does not comply as suggested by us (See Section 5 – Operation and
Maintenance Manual, Tabletop Autoclave Tuttnauer) may have severe impact on the working
life of the sterilizer and can invalidate the manufacturer’s warranty.

Kết thúc chương I


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