Mid Term Spring-20 AI - A

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Mid Term Exam

Credit Hours: 3 Artificial Intelligence Time allowed: 2:30 Hrs

Course Code: CS-331 Maximum Marks: 25

Question No-1: Differentiate the following with the help of diagram. Marks [2+2+2=6]

a. List the steps in the Hill-Climbing algorithm to find a path in a search space. Under which
circumstances may the algorithm fail to find a solution even though one exists? Illustrate with an
b. Distinguish between state space search and adversarial search, indicating the similarities and
differences between these approaches.
c. Compare and contrast heuristic search and exhaustive search. Which compromises are accepted by the
heuristic approach?. Illustrate your answer with examples of heuristics.

Question No-2: State the following. Marks [4]

a. Model the Eight Queens Problem as a State Space Search Problem. Define the initial and goal states, and all
valid operators.

Question-3: State the Following Marks [4]


Figure 1

1. What is the order of states expanded using Depth First Search?

2. What is the order of states expanded using Breadth First Search?
3. What is the order of states expanded using Best First Search?
4. What is the order of states expanded using Iterative deepening Search?
(b) Apply minimax to the game tree in Figure 2. Which move should be chosen if the root is a maximizing player?
Which move should be chosen if the root is a minimizing player? Marks [4]

Figure 2
(c) Consider the following game tree in which static scores are from the maximising player’s point of view.
Which move should be chosen? Which nodes need not be examined in a left to right alpha-beta pruning? Which
nodes need not be examined in a right to left alpha-beta pruning? Marks [4]
(d) Apply A* to find an optimal path in the search space (Figure 1). Provide a full trace of the algorithm. Assume
that s is the start node and g is a goal node in the space. The arcs are labelled by their costs and the nodes are
labelled by their heuristics. What is the optimal path? Marks [3]


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