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Farhan bin Shaarudin

KBA242 4A
ENT 530
Best Social Media in the Market
In my opinion, I choose a Facebook is the best social media for business activities.
This is because Facebook have many advantages and function. In addition, Facebook
provide a lot of facilities and many ways that we can use to promote or advertise the product.

Firstly, Facebook text post or status. This is the most basic type of Facebook post. A
text post can’t direct people to your website or drive conversions, but it can be used to spark
engagement on your Page. Asking a question can be a great way to get people involved, like
we asked what a product that customer want to find. Even better, it brought in loads of
customer feedback that what we can sell.

Next, Facebook photo post. Like a text post, a photo post is designed to build
awareness or spark engagement. In general, photo posts see much higher engagement than
text posts. Photo posts are a great way to show off your products, especially if they have
high visual appeal, or they’re something people need to see in use to fully appreciate.

Then, Facebook video post. A short video post can be compelling if your product has
strong visual appeal. Since videos start to play automatically in the News Feed, even a clip
that’s only a few seconds long can be a great way to catch someone’s eye. Facebook also
suggests using short videos for announcements and polls. Longer video posts are a better
bet for ongoing series or sharing memorable content. If you’re using video to tell a story,
Facebook recommends taking at least one minute, and ideally three minutes or more. It’s
clear that video posts can be an important way to connect with followers. They see even
higher engagement rates than photo posts do.

Furthermore, Facebook Live video post. Facebook Live video is, not surprisingly,
video broadcast live on Facebook. It can be a great way to give followers a behind-the-
scenes look at your company, your product, or the personalities behind your brand. Since the
launch of live in 2016, more than two billion people have watched a Facebook Live video.
Live is a fantastic format to share announcements in real time, or to interact with your
followers directly.

Besides that, Facebook Stories. Facebook Stories are photo or short video posts that
appear in vertical format and disappear after 24 hours. They live at the top of the News Feed.
Photos appear for five seconds, and videos can be up to 20 seconds long. More than half a
billion people view Facebook Stories every day. When you’re thinking about how to use
Facebook for business in 2020, Stories can offer a powerful way to connect with fans.

Last but least, Facebook also provide a page that we can put our product in the page
and can name the page as a name of our company. Furthermore, we also can put or
promote our product in the selling group. This is because Facebook also provide a group that
a buyer can find the product that they want to buy in the group. For example, G Shock
watches group, Converse group and bundle group.

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