Full Name: - Grade: 4 Section: - Subject: English Year: 2012 E.C Homework

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Full Name: ___________________________ Grade: 4 Section: _________

Subject: English Year: 2012 E.C Homework

Homework 1
I. Fill in the blank with the appropriate articles you have learned so for.

1. We use __________ umbrella in ___________ rainy season.

2. The started late in _____________ after noon.

3. She is _____________ smartest girl in ___________ class.

4. ______________ honest man is respected everywhere.

5. _____________ sun rises in ___________ east.

Homework 2

II.Match the words with their closest meaning.

________ 1. peacefully A. truthful

________ 2. munched B. wearisome

________ 3. troublesome C. sore

________ 4. wound D. Without problem

_________5. honest E. chewed

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