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The Clifton Strength research

For Ross Conlon

1. Restorative
2. Ideation
3. Strategic
4. Connectedness
5. Belief
6. Relator
7. Adaptability
8. Deliberative
9. Futuristic
10. Activator

The CliftonStrengths at the top of your profile are the most powerful.

They are your most powerful natural talents.

1. Restorative
You are adept at dealing with problems. You are good at figuring out what is wrong and
resolving it.
These personalized Strengths Insights are specific to your CliftonStrengths results.
Chances are good that you have an ability to influence people to fix processes, situations, or
even personal traits that you believe limit them.
Driven by your talents, you normally exhibit a methodical and rational thinking style. You
determine what you could and should upgrade or improve. Your reasonable approach is apt to
have a calming effect on illogical and emotional people.
Because of your strengths, you unlock the door to success by conquering your shortcomings.
You intentionally set goals that force you to confront your limitations. Typically you aim to
gain a working knowledge of unfamiliar subjects and acquire enough skill to produce
acceptable results.
Instinctively, you accomplish more whenever you spend time thinking about what you need
to perfect or upgrade. Once you realize your outcomes are being compared to everyone else’s,
you become determined to do things better. Why? You intend to capture the top title or prize.
Chances are, your hours of hard work ultimately produce the outstanding results you
It’s very likely that you intentionally keep abreast of current events. You study areas of
special interest to you either personally or professionally. You consistently acquire new
information to make needed upgrades. You seek to understand things that most people do not
comprehend. You want to make things better tomorrow than they were today.
You love to solve problems. Your ability to analyze a situation, identify potential
shortcomings and modify as needed makes you powerful in times of difficulty and crisis.
2. Ideation
You are fascinated by ideas. You are able to find connections between seemingly disparate
These personalized Strengths Insights are specific to your CliftonStrengths results.
Driven by your talents, you contribute many innovative ideas to the group during
brainstorming sessions. You tend to be highly imaginative when proposals are fully heard and
any criticism is reserved for a later time.
It’s very likely that you usually have more innovative concepts to suggest to the group than
your teammates. You use methodical reasoning to explain your proposals, theories, or plans.
People are prone to take what you say quite seriously. In fact, your careful forethought as well
as your spontaneous ideas have such importance that they often influence and impress others.
Instinctively, you tune in to people and figure out what they are saying and thinking about
you. You are acutely aware of how individuals regard you. You probably curry — that is, try
to win — the favor of some and seek to impress others.
Chances are good that you ask questions. You ponder answers. You find the underlying
causes of a situation, problem, system, mechanism, plan, regulation, or prohibition. Logical
and ordered in your thinking, you study every detail, however small. You are determined to
examine the facts.
Because of your strengths, you think creatively. You see possibilities. You are inclined to
reject traditional approaches to problem solving. You trust your feelings to lead you to
the proper solution.

3. Strategic
You create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, you can quickly spot
the relevant patterns and issues.
Because of your strengths, you can reconfigure factual information or data in ways that reveal
trends, raise issues, identify opportunities, or offer solutions. You bring an added dimension
to discussions. You make sense out of seemingly unrelated information. You are likely to
generate multiple action plans before you choose the best one.
Chances are good that you automatically generate numerous ways to enhance, upgrade,
revise, correct, or revamp a process, action plan, or itinerary. Your suggestions often
influence how a project will unfold in the coming months, years, or decades. You tend to find
fault with your own and even other people’s talents, skills, and/or knowledge. Fixing people
or things ranks high on your favorite activities.
It’s very likely that you usually identify problems others fail to notice. You repeatedly create
solutions and find the right answers. You yearn to improve things about yourself, other
people, or situations. You are drawn to classes, books, or activities that promise to give you
the skills and knowledge you seek.
Driven by your talents, you customarily pinpoint the core problems and identify the best
solutions. You artfully and skillfully eliminate distractions. This helps people gain a clear
understanding of what is happening and why it is happening. You frequently identify ways to
transform an obstacle into an opportunity.
By nature, you generate innovative ideas. You have a unique perspective on events, people
and situations. You probably inspire others to start projects and launch initiatives as a result
of your perspective. You tend to identify a goal, devise numerous ways of reaching it and
choose the best alternative. This explains why you see opportunities, trends and solutions
before your teammates, classmates or peers do.

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