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Development and Application of a Planning Support
System for Regional Spatial Functional Zoning Based
on GIS
Xiaorui Zhang 1,2, *, Qian Hua 1 and Linya Zhang 1
1 Department of Urban Planning, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China; (Q.H.); (L.Z.)
2 Laboratory of Digital Human Habitat Studies, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-551-6468-3152

Academic Editor: Vincenzo Torretta

Received: 16 July 2016; Accepted: 2 September 2016; Published: 7 September 2016

Abstract: Regional spatial functional zoning in China is a large-scale strategic planning and requires
very advanced planning decision support technology. With respect to spatial functional zoning,
the planning support system (PSS) is introduced as one of the most popular computer aided
planning systems at the present time in this paper, and is further explained with the example
of the latest regional main functional area (RMFA) planning in China. On the Visual Studio.NET
visualization development platform, the planning decision model, planning decision method, and
GIS are organically integrated and customized by using the component-type secondary development
technology of the ArcGIS Engine with the development language VB.NET. Hence, a highly efficient
and flexible planning support system of regional main functional areas (RMFA-PSS) is established.
It was adopted in the research of the Beijing–Tianjin area in China and accordingly two types of main
functional area planning are acquired. The RMFA-PSS offers an efficient and flexible decision support
with regard to RMFA planning. The research can provide a reference for further PSS development
and applications related to other types of spatial functional zoning.

Keywords: planning support system (PSS); spatial functional zoning; GIS; regional main functional
areas (RMFA); Beijing–Tianjin area in China

1. Introduction
In the pattern of national development strategy, each regional space assumes a certain function.
Regional spatial functional zoning provides scientific evidence in order to establish a regional
development layout with clear function, reasonable division of labor, and complementary advantages.
Moreover, it can play an important role in improving spatial allocation efficiency and optimizing
spatial structure of the regional socio-economic [1]. As the latest frontier domain in planning subject
development, the regional spatial functional zoning has been considered as the strategic starting point
for national, regional, and local planning [2]. This can be seen in the European transformation from
spatial planning to spatial regulation, in the American transformation from “simple zoning” to the
“smart growth”, in the Japanese and Korean transition from land comprehensive improvement to
sustainable development planning, and also China’s transformation from comprehensive natural
division and ecological functional zoning to the latest main functional zoning. Compared with
small-scale city planning and construction, regional spatial function zoning is macro-planning on a
larger scale. It involves all aspects of the regional economy, society, and the natural environment [3],
and is more complicated in the planning index system, planning model, data processing, etc. In a word,
it requires more scientific planning, technological support, especially the computer aided planning

Sustainability 2016, 8, 909; doi:10.3390/su8090909

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system, an integrated planning model, method, result analysis, and output. Thereby, planning
efficiency and precision is improved.
Planning Support System (PSS) is currently one of the most prevalent computer aided planning
systems [4]. Harris (1989) first put forward the concept of PSS [5]. He reckoned that in combination
with spatial information technology and planning methods and steps, PSS can provide decision support
for different stages in the planning process. Once this concept was proposed, it received considerable
attention and concern, and has become a significant research area and the main development direction
in the computer aided planning system [6]. Essentially, PSS is affiliated within the category of the earlier
developed decision support system (DSS), but it is a special type of DSS. It assists planners with their
specific planning task, particularly suitable for decision support in a variety of professional plannings.
In developed countries, PSS has the function of a decision support system and offers various
tools, models, methods, and especially some specialized technologies in the planning area. The aim
of PSS is to solve the problems in semi-structured spatial decision, such as urban growth [7], land
utilization [8], land allocation and consolidation [9], urban land policy formulation [10], sustainable
development planning [11], urban form situation assessment [12], urban infrastructure planning
and construction [13], and transportation planning [14]. Meanwhile, foreign states have developed
some practical PSS, for instance, CUF, WHAT IF?, SLEUTH, INDEX, CommunityViz, CITYgreen,
GB-QUEST etc. [15]. In comparison, PSS research in China is still in its infancy, but is developing
rapidly. The existing research mainly covers: studying the urban master planning layout in the light
of foreign PSS [16]; introducing and analyzing basic issues in PSS including concepts, theories, and
methods [17,18]; developing and applying PSS to several newly-exploited areas, such as strategic
environmental decision assessment systems concerning urbanization [19], land use planning support
systems for urban and rural areas [20], planning support systems related to urban growth control [21],
and agricultural land optimization systems [22].
However, research on specialized regional spatial functional zoning can rarely be found from the
above PSS research and application, whether home or abroad. In other words, research in this area
should be initiated and encouraged. Therefore, this paper aims to introduce PSS to the field of spatial
functional zoning including its concept and principles and the development and application of PSS in
the latest regional main functional area (RMFA) planning in China. The discussion is based on the
geographic information system (GIS) which is regarded as the basic technical platform for secondary
development via computer programming language. In this way, the planning decision model, planning
decision method, and GIS are organically integrated and customized thereby establishing the planning
support system for the regional main functional areas (RMFA-PSS) in China. Moreover, it has been
applied to the main functional zoning in research of the Beijing–Tianjin area in China. The purpose
of this article is to provide a case study and application for the decision support technology in the
field of regional spatial functional zoning, which is expected to provide a reference on the theory and
technology towards future studies in related areas.

2. Principles and Methods

2.1. PSS Principles

The planning support system is developed by extending the traditional concept of DSS into
planning and is closely connected with GIS technology (Figure 1). PSS, within spatial analysis
technology of GIS, can provide auxiliary decision support with various planning issues and in turn,
realize integration and linking between spatial analysis, the planning decision model, and the method.
The basic PSS principles can be summarized as the following three points.
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Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 3 of 17

Figure 1. The source and basic structure of the planning

planning support
support system
system (PSS).

(1) Table
PSS is 1.a Comparison
subset of DSS, between planning
referring to a support
support (PSS) and decision
system which support system
integrates GIS (DSS).
the planning
Content Comparison decision model and
DSS various technologies directly related
PSS to planning. As a
Data form interactive computer
Non-spatial data system, it is used to support one or a
Spatial data and non-spatial data set of planners in
semi-structured or unstructured planning decisions at high
Variety: efficiency.
statistical, The comparison
digitized scanning, of PSS
and Data
is shown in Table Single:
1. statistics
image processing, etc.
(2) The PSS is an auxiliary decision-making tool, offering support
Spatial model based, to decision making inbyvarious
planning modelrather than
stages, Non-spatial
making modeldecisions by itself. PSS non-spatial model the capacity of
aims to expand
Results output of planners, rather than
Figures, tables replace them, planners
Graphics, images, always retain
tables, autonomy in
decision-making. At the same time, PSS does not directly
Closely offer thewith
combined bestGIS,
solution, but through
there would
scenario with GIS
planning analysis Generally
presets severalno possible strategies and planning rules, and then
be no PSS without GIS
simulates each option, under planning strategies and rules by PSS, and uses visualization
(2) The PSS issuch as imagesdecision-making
an auxiliary and diagrams of the different
tool, offeringresults
support communicated
to decision to planners.
making Finally,
in various
it depends entirely on the power of planners to choose a scheme
planning stages, rather than making decisions by itself. PSS aims to expand the capacity and planners will need to choose
the most suitable planning scheme from decision results. The
decision-making of planners, rather than replace them, planners always retain autonomy in PSS internal decision-making
process is completely
decision-making. At thetransparent,
same time,inPSS whichdoes planners can clearly
not directly offer thegraspbestplanning
solution,strategies and
but through
rules; by changing these strategies and rules, PSS will be able
scenario planning analysis presets several possible strategies and planning rules, and thento produce different planning
results. Hence
simulates each there willunder
option, not beplanning
PSS without planning
strategies andstrategies
rules by and decision
PSS, making
and uses rules. The
methods such as images and diagrams of the different results communicated to planning
condition and foundation of PSS development and application is the support from planners.
strategies and decision-making rules. The essence of the PSS is to
Finally, it depends entirely on the power of planners to choose a scheme and planners will provide a technology platform
for multi-scheme comparison based on different planning strategies
to choose the most suitable planning scheme from decision results. The PSS internal and decision-making rules.
(3) decision-making
The basic structure of PSS
process is includes
completely thetransparent,
database subsystem,
in which model planners basecan
subsystem, and
clearly grasp
human-computer interaction subsystem. The database subsystem
planning strategies and rules; by changing these strategies and rules, PSS will be able to mainly copes with
produce differentbuilding
results. Hence different
there data types.
will not Thewithout
be PSS model base subsystem
planning strategiesmainly
copes with
decision makingmodel building,
rules. model algorithm
The condition and foundationand the of integrated
PSS development specialized model withisGIS.
and application the
The human-computer interactive subsystem mainly deals with
support from planning strategies and decision-making rules. The essence of the PSS is to the interactive communication
provide and system,
technology input and
platform for output, as well comparison
multi-scheme as the planning baseddecision-making
on different processes
and results visualization.
strategies and decision-making rules. The model is the core of PSS. Without the model, PSS could neither
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 4 of 17

provide planning decision support function, nor be an authentic PSS. At best, it could be a
planning information system. According to the existing PSS, CUF integrates the population
prediction model and spatial allocation model, “WHAT IF?” integrates the land suitability
evaluation model, the land demand forecasting model and land use allocation model, and
SLEUTH results from the cellular automata model. Thus, PSS is “model-driven”. There would
be no PSS without a planning decision model.

Table 1. Comparison between planning support system (PSS) and decision support system (DSS).

Content Comparison DSS PSS

Data form Non-spatial data Spatial data and non-spatial data
Data acquisition Single: statistics Variety: statistical, digitized scanning, image processing, etc.
Decision model Non-spatial model Spatial model based, supplemented by non-spatial model
Results output Figures, tables Graphics, images, tables, etc.
Combined with GIS Generally no Closely combined with GIS, there would be no PSS without GIS

2.2. RMFA Principles

Regional main functional areas (RMFA) is the latest regional spatial functional zoning in China.
It was launched as a national strategic promotion project in 2006. According to the regional
resource-environment carrying capacity, existing development density, and development potential,
RMFA planning divides national space into four main functional zones: prohibited developing area
(PDA), restricted developing area (RDA), focus developing area (FDA), and optimized developing area
(ODA). Not only is this a new ground towards the establishment of an orderly regional development
pattern in China, but also a major innovation regarding a national land spatial development system
and mechanism [23].

2.2.1. RMFA Planning Model

The core of RMFA planning is a set of planning decision-making models and methods, and
of course, also a prerequisite of RMFA-PSS development and application. According to relevant
research [24], this paper takes the four-force model “carrying capacity-potential-pressure-resistance”
as the decision model of RMFA-PSS development.
In the four-force model, the sum of the resource environmental carrying capacity and the
economic-social potential constitutes the “total potential” or impetus in regional spatial development,
while the sum of environmental stress and ecological resistance constitutes the “total resistance”.
Referring to the cost-benefit analysis method, the integrated planning index (IPI) is the resultant
force of four forces. It can be seen as the rest of the driving force deducting the delaying force of
regional spatial development, IPI = (Carrying capacity + Potential) − (Pressure + Resistance). From
this point of view, the general layout of the RMFA planning strategy is to follow the decision rules that
“index system—index normalizing score—index weight—index synthesis”. Each of the four forces
can correspond to a set of evaluation index system. The absolute value after index normalization and
index synthesis is the size of each force. Therefore, the problem of four forces synthesis can be solved
by scientifically determining weight, normalizing score, and overlay rule. The specific calculation
steps of IPI are as follows.
First is the data normalization. Formula (1) is to calculate the positive index, formula (2) is to
calculate the negative index.
x − xmin
xi = (1)
xmax − xmin
xmax − x
xi = (2)
xmax − xmin
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 5 of 17

In the formulas (1) and (2), xi is the normalized evaluation index value, x is the original index 5value,
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 of 17
xmax is the maximum value of the original indexes, xmin is the minimum value of the original indexes.
Secondly, the
Secondly, the size
size of
of the
the four
four forces
forces should be calculated. The formula is:
FF =
 
wwi xxi
i i
i =1
In the formula (3), F is the magnitude of each force, xi is the normalized evaluation index value
of theIn the formula
force, wi is the(3), F is the magnitude
corresponding weightofofeacheachforce, xi is the
evaluation normalized
index evaluation index value of
of the force.
the force, wi the
Finally, is the corresponding
resultant weight
force of the fourofforces
each is
calculated, index
and of thethe
then force.
IPI of each spatial unit is
Finally, the resultant force of the four forces is calculated,
obtained. It can specify per spatial unit into the corresponding main functional and then the IPI ofareas
each spatial unittois
obtained. It can specify
the IPI. The formula is: per spatial unit into the corresponding main functional areas according to the
IPI. The formula is:
I = (W(W a FaaFa+WW bF
bFbb )
(Wcc F W
Fcc + WddFFd )d ) (4)(4)

formula(4),(4), FFaa, ,FFbb, ,FFc,c ,FFd drespectively
respectivelystandstandfor forresource-environmental
resource-environmentalcarrying carryingcapacity,
economic-social potential, environmental stress and ecological resistance.
economic-social potential, environmental stress and ecological resistance. Wa , Wb , Wc , Wd respectively W a, W b, W c, Wd

represent therepresent
weight ofthe each weight of each corresponding
corresponding force, Wa + W force,
b + WW +W
c a+W d b=+1.Wc +Wd = 1.
Formulas(1) (1)and
and (2)
(2) can can solvesolve the the problem
problem of of index
index normalization.
normalization. Formulas
Formulas(3) (3)and
and (4)
(4) give
methodsof ofindex
synthesis,which whichisisalso alsothe
numberof ofindex
calculationsare areinvolved
involvedin inthese
planningstrategy strategyof ofplanners,
planners,whichwhichcan canbebecalculated
calculatedby byusing
methods such
such as
as the commonly used used AHP AHP(Analytical
method,the thesortsort method
method or
or user
user defined,
defined, etc.
Accordingto toformula
formula(4), (4),IPI IPI refers
refers to
to the
the standardized
standardized resultant
resultantforceforce against
against regional
development. It Itisisa acomprehensive
comprehensivemeasurement measurementevaluating
evaluatingthe the condition
condition of of regional
regional spatial
development.The Thevalues
valuesofofIPI IPIofoffour fourmajor
functionalzones zonesdescend
follows: ODAODA > FDA
> FDA >
> PDA(Figure
According totoFigure
Figure 2,2,
Point0 0isisthe
demarcationpoint pointofofdeveloped
areas (ODA andand FDA)
FDA)and andprotected
protectedfunction function areas
areas (RDA(RDA andand
Point Point
A is Atheisdemarcation
the demarcation point
of ODA of ODA and FDA,
and FDA, and Pointand Point B is the B demarcation
is the demarcation
point of point
RDAofand RDA PDA.andHowever,
PDA. However,based on based on
purposes, purposes,
plannersplanners can flexibly cansetflexibly setvalues.
different differentThevalues. The 0fixed
fixed Point and Point 0 andPoint
the flexible the
flexible Point BAembody
A and Point and Point theBmost embody obviousthe most obvious characteristics
characteristics of the model, of the model,
illustrating the illustrating
organic unitythe
of rigidunity of rigid
constraint andconstraint
flexible control. and flexible
Further control.
details Further details
about the about model
planning the planning
can be modelseen incanthe
be seen in the
Reference [24].Reference [24].

Figure orderof
accordancewith IPI.

Planning Methods
Planning decision
decision method
method isis aa series
series of
of comprehensive
comprehensive technological
technological approaches
approaches pursuing
pursuing aa
methodbased basedononthe
model and the multi-criteria decision method, the RMFA planning decision process
model and the multi-criteria decision method, the RMFA planning decision process can be summarized can be
as: planning as: indexplanning
system index
indexbuilding, indexscore,
standardized standardized score,
index weight index weight
calculating, index
synthesizingindex synthesizing
and integrated and integrated
planning index. Fromplanning index. From
the perspective the perspective
of decision of decision
theory analysis, RMFA
theory analysis,
planning RMFA
is a typical planning isdecision-making
multi-criteria a typical multi-criteria
process decision-making process on the evaluation
on the basis of a comprehensive basis of a
comprehensive evaluation
index system, within whichindex system,the
the score, within which
weight and the score, therule
decision weight and the
constitute decision
the rule
three major
elements inthe
thethree major elements
multi-criteria in the multi-criteria
decision-making. decision-making.
When operating, each set of When operating,
evaluation each
indexes set
of evaluation indexes should be selected with regard to the prescribed content in accordance with
each force. Generally, the process of the RMFA planning decision method can be summed up as in
Figure 3.
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 6 of 17

be selected with regard to the prescribed content in accordance with each force. Generally, the process
of the RMFA 2016,
Sustainability planning
8, 909 decision method can be summed up as in Figure 3. 6 of 17

Figure Theprocess
process of
of the
the RMFA
RMFA planning
planning decision

3. Development of RMFA-PSS
3. Development of RMFA-PSS Development
Development Platform
RMFA-PSS works on the basis of the secondary development mode in GIS components. This
RMFA-PSS works on the basis of the secondary development mode in GIS components. This mode
mode combines GIS technology with component technology, which has now become the
combines GIS technology with component technology, which has now become the mainstream in
mainstream in GIS development. Its basic idea is that with classification of various functional GIS
GIS development. Its basic idea is that with classification of various functional GIS models into
models into different types of control, each control completes its corresponding function, while
different types of control, each control completes its corresponding function, while between either
between either GIS or non-GIS controls, the integration can be realized through visible software
development tools [25]. In this way, the GIS application system will meet the user’s specific need.
Such secondary component development mode provides new tools for the application of the new
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 7 of 17

GIS or non-GIS controls, the integration can be realized through visible software development
tools [25]. In
Sustainability 2016,this
8, 909way, the GIS application system will meet the user’s specific need.7 ofSuch 17
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 7 of 17
secondary component development mode provides new tools for the application of the new GIS
GIS generation
generation with variouswith features
various features and including
and benefits, benefits, including
flexibility, flexibility, low cost,
low cost, development
GIS generation with various features and benefits, including integrated flexibility, low cost,
convenience, convenience,
utility utility
convenience, convenience,
easy easyinterface
generalization, generalization, interface
visualization, etc.visualization, etc.the
Specifically, on
development convenience, utility convenience, easy generalization, interface visualization, etc.
Visual Studio.NET on the Visual
(.NET) Studio.NET
visualization (.NET) visualization
development development
platform platform
and by using and
the ArcGIS by using the
ArcGIS Engine on (AE)
the Visual Studio.NET
technology and (.NET)
VB.NET visualization
language, development
RMFA-PSS has platform
realized and
the byEngine (AE)
using the
technology and VB.NET language, RMFA-PSS has realized the comprehensive
ArcGIS Engine (AE) technology and VB.NET language, RMFA-PSS has realized the comprehensive integration of decision
integration of decision model, decision-making method, as well as common GIS and other non-GIS
model, decision-making
integration of decision method, as well as common
model, decision-making GIS and
method, other
as well asnon-GIS
commonfunctions. The RFMA-PSS
GIS and other non-GIS
functions. The RFMA-PSS development platform can be concluded as in Figure 4.
development platform can be concluded as in Figure 4.
functions. The RFMA-PSS development platform can be concluded as in Figure 4.

Figure 4. RMFA-PSS development platform.

Figure RMFA-PSS development platform.
development platform.
3.2. Structure of RMFA-PSS Structure
Structure of of RMFA-PSS
Generally, RMFA-PSS adopts the overall structure of “data-model and method-user
interaction”. RMFA-PSS
includes adopts
database the overall
overall structure
model baseofsystemofand
“data-model and method-user
and method-user
a human-computer interaction”.
interaction”. It includes a database system, model base system and a human-computer interactive
It includes a database
system (Figure 5). system, model base system and a human-computer interactive system (Figure 5).
system (Figure 5).

Figure5.5. The
Figure The overall structure
Figure 5. The overall structure of RMFA-PSS.
The database system is responsible for the construction and maintenance of database, and data
system is responsible
responsiblefor forthethe construction
construction andand maintenance
maintenance of database,
of database, and dataand
retrieval, query, and statistics. It also stores various planning data including spatial data (vector data
data retrieval,
retrieval, query,
query, and statistics.
and statistics. It also
It also stores storesplanning
various variousdataplanning data
including including
spatial spatial
data (vector data
and raster data) and attribute data. The model base system is the key element which differs PSS from
(vector data
and raster and
data) raster
and data)
attribute and
data. attribute
The data.
model base The
system model
is the keybase system
element whichis
the general information system. It covers planning decision models and methods. The core model of
the key
differs PSSelement
the general
which information
RMFA-PSS PSS from system.
the RMFA the It decision
planning covers planning
information decision
model “carrying and methods.
It covers planningThedecision
core model of
methods. is the RMFA planning
The coreinclude
modelindex decision
of RMFA-PSS model “carrying
is index
the RMFA capacity-potential-pressure-resistance”.
planning decision model
The decision methods construction, weight, comprehensive index, etc.“carrying
In this
The decision methods include index construction, index weight, comprehensive index, etc. In this
system, decision-making method is realized by the GIS spatial analysis technology. The
system, decision-making method is realized by the GIS spatial analysis technology. The
human-computer interaction system is composed of user and human-computer interaction interface.
human-computer interaction system is composed of user and human-computer interaction interface.
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 8 of 17

capacity-potential-pressure-resistance”. The decision methods include index construction, index

weight, comprehensive index, etc. In this system, decision-making method is realized by the
GIS spatial analysis
Sustainability technology. The human-computer interaction system is composed
2016, 8, 909 8 ofof
17 user
and human-computer
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909
interaction interface. Its features lie in providing a variety of display
8 of 17
Its featuresmodes,
conversational lie in providing
input anda output
variety conversional
of display and conversational
function, modes, inputinteraction
human-computer and outputunder
program control,lie
Its features function,
and human-computer
in providing interaction
a variety unification
of display andunder
using program
conversationalsystem and
modes, human-computer
input As is the
and output
unification using various system components. As is the same with other software, RMFA-PSS also
sameconversional function, human-computer
with other software, RMFA-PSS also needs interaction under program control,
a human-computer interfaceandtohuman-computer
carry out interactive
needs a human-computer interface to carry out interactive dialogues and operation between human
dialogues and using
operationvarious system components.
between human andAs is the sameIn
computer. with other
order tosoftware,
realize RMFA-PSS
each also it is
needs computer.
a In order to interface
human-computer realize each
to function,
carry out it is performed
interactive under
dialogues certain
and logic.between
operation Figure 6human
the under certain logic. Figure 6 shows the toolbar,
RMFA-PSS user interface,
bar,including menu bar,
computer. In user interface,
order including
to realize menu bar,
each function, layer
it is performed information
under certain logic. map navigation
Figure 6 shows
toolbar, layer information bar, map
window, map display window, status bar, etc.navigation window, map display window, status bar, etc.
the RMFA-PSS user interface, including menu bar, toolbar, layer information bar, map navigation
window, map display window, status bar, etc.

Figure 6. RMFA-PSS interface.

Figure 6. RMFA-PSS interface.
Figure 6. RMFA-PSS interface.
3.3. Functions of RMFA-PSS
3.3. Functions of RMFA-PSS
3.3. Functions
contains numerous functional nodes. According to the properties, these nodes can
be classified contains
into numerous
five major functionalmodules
functional nodes. According data to the properties, these nodes can be
RMFA-PSS contains numerous functional nodes. including
According to themanagement module,
properties, these nodesdata
classified into five
pre-processing major
module, functional modules
the construction including
and process ofdata management
planning module,
index module,
be classified into five major functional modules including data management module, data data
module, planning
pre-processing management
the construction
module,and the module.
processThese five
of planning
construction and functional
processindex modules
of planning support
index andmodule,
module, connect
and each
management with high efficiency in planning data processing, thereby constituting an organic
and planning management module. These five functional modules support and connect with each high
module. These five functional modules support and connect with eachunified
other entity
on thewith
other whole.
in Figure
high 7 is aprocessing,
efficiency diagram
in planningof data
the functional
thereby modules
processing, anthe system.unified
constituting entity
an organic on the
unified whole.
is awhole. Figure
diagram of 7the
is afunctional
diagram ofmodules
the functional
in themodules the system.

Figure 7. The functional modules of RMFA-PSS.

Figure 7.7.The
functional modules
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 9 of 17

3.4. Summary of RMFA-PSS

The core of RMFA-PSS is the RMFA planning decision model and the decision method.
It integrates the complex planning decision model solutions with classical GIS spatial analysis
technology and modern decision technology organically. Moreover, RMFA-PSS highly integrates
the linear weight summation decision rule with the GIS spatial overlay analysis by using the visual
function of GIS. In this way, the planning decision is made based on GIS spatial analysis in the planning
mode—“what you see is what you get”. Thus, the planning decision process becomes simple, accurate,
flexible, and efficient. The system can complete all the operations from beginning of date input to
result output. If the index system, value, weight, and overlay rule are consistent with one another
accordingly, the planning results can be reproducible and testable. Furthermore, this system can be
used for not only RMFA planning, but also for all kinds of similar functional area planning as long as it
is relevant to spatial data processing and spatial analysis either partially or wholly, such as ecological
functional area planning, environmental functional area planning, and urban functional area planning.
Meanwhile, if the corresponding functional area planning models and methods can be integrated
into the system, the corresponding planning decision tasks will be completed as well. This feature
illustrates the openness and commonality in system development, serving as reference for other types
of PSS development.

4. Application of RMFA-PSS

4.1. Study Area and Data

The Beijing–Tianjin region in China was chosen to be the research area of RMFA-PSS. The area
includes Beijing, Tianjin, and Langfang, covering 35,000 km2 . As the economic center of the
Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei area and one of the three metropolitan areas in China, the sample area is
industry-intensive and densely populated, which has become a hot research spot. The data mainly
focuses on the Beijing–Tianjin region, including the Landsat-7 ETM image of the study area shot on
May 2011 with a spatial resolution of 30 m, topographic maps, land use maps, relevant economic and
social statistical data, etc. The land use data of the Beijing–Tianjin area in 2011 was interpreted by
correcting, combining, stitching, cutting, and other processing based on the remote sensing images
referring to 1:100,000 topographic maps.

4.2. RMFA-PSS Operation

4.2.1. Index System

Index data is the input of PSS. Firstly, the index choice must meet the interests and needs of
administrative management, that is, administrative efficiency can be reflected in the selected indexes.
Secondly, the index choice must be consistent with China’s current data statistical system, to obtain the
research data.
According to China’s RMFA planning requirements, the four-level index system of Beijing–Tianjin
area RMFA planning was established (Table 2). In the index system, the carrying capacity represents the
supply capacity of regional resources and energy, and the potential represents the regional economic
and social development level. The greater the sum of these two types of index values, the more natural
resources and human capital will be invested in the regional spatial development. Thus, it will be more
favorable for the regional spatial development, which can play a positive role in promoting regional
spatial development. Pressure represents load brought by the existing regional space development
against the regional environment, and ecological resistance represents the suitability degree of the
regional natural ecological environment on spatial development. The greater the sum of these two types
of index values, the higher is the cost that needs to be paid in order to overcome various obstacles to the
spatial development which is brought by the natural environment. Therefore, it will be not conducive
to the regional spatial development and play a negative role in the regional spatial development.
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 10 of 17

Table 2. The index system of the main functional areas planning in the Beijing–Tianjin area.

Target Layer Constrained Layer Criteria Layer Index Layer

Per capita water resources
Per capita cultivated area
abundance Per capita forest area
Per capita grassland area

Resource- Urban domestic sewage treatment rate

environmental Comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid wastes
carrying capacity
Garbage harmless treatment rate
capacity Environment protection investment for industrial output
value of ten thousand yuan
The product output value of comprehensive utilization of
“three wastes” ten thousand yuan industrial output value
Per capita GDP
Fiscal revenue of unit land area
Economic Fixed assets investment of unit land area
Proportion of industrial value accounted for GDP
Density of highway network
Density of railway network

Economic-social Urbanization level

potential town Proportion of urban construction land area accounted for
total land area
Population density
Per capita expenditure on education
RMFA planning
Society Ten thousand people hospital bed number
Per capita social retail sales of consumer
Per capita postal business
Amounts of wastewater discharged per ten thousand
yuan industrial output value
Environmental Pollution Amounts of SO2 discharged per ten thousand yuan
stress emissions industrial output value
Amounts of soot discharged per ten thousand yuan
industrial output value
Main rivers
General rivers
Water Minor rivers
Ecological Important lakes
General lakes
Unused land
Protected areas Nature Reserve

Firstly, the designed planning index system in Table 2 needs to be converted into an electronic
index system in a readable XML format. This can be realized through the “construct index” command
in the “planning index” menu. The interface after operation is shown in Figure 8. The electronic
index system building aims to provide a template for comprehensive overlay analysis. That is to
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 11 of 17

say, corresponding index data loaded in the system view can be chosen according to the name of
each index.2016, 8, 909
Sustainability 11 of 17

Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 11 of 17

Figure 8. The
Figure 8. The interface
interface of
of the
the planning
planning index system of
index system of RMFA-PSS.
Figure 8. The interface of the planning index system of RMFA-PSS.
4.2.2. Force
4.2.2. Calculation
Force Calculation
Force Calculation
to formulas
formulas (3)(3) and
and (4)
(4) of
of the
the RMFA
RMFA planning
planning decision
decision model,
model, the
the four
four forces
forces were
According to
calculated respectively.
According to formulas
respectively. Here, the
(4) of the RMFA planning
resource-environmental carrying capacity
carrying calculation
capacity is used
the fourisforces
calculation as
used as an
calculated to explain
example torespectively. the operational process of RMFA-PSS.
Here, the resource-environmental
explain the operational process of RMFA-PSS. carrying capacity calculation is used as an
(1) Index rasterization. By using process
to explain the operational of RMFA-PSS.command in “planning index” menu, the
“index rasterization”
(1) Index rasterization. By using “index rasterization” command in “planning index” menu, the
nine resource-environmental
(1) Index rasterization. By usingcarrying capacity indexes
“index rasterization” are converted
command into theindex”
in “planning rasterized data in
nine resource-environmental carrying capacity indexes are converted into the rasterized datathe
nine format and saved
carryingThe resolution
capacity set
indexes is 30
are m in order
converted to
into be
rasterized with
data the
IMG format and saved respectively. The resolution set is 30 m in order to be consistent with the
IMG formatofofETM
and images
saved of the study
respectively. Thearea.
resolution set is 30 m in order to be consistent with the
resolution ETM images of the study area.
(2) resolution
Index overlayof ETMsynthesis.
images of Thethe“index synthesis” command in “planning” menu can be the
study area.
(2) Index overlay synthesis. The “index synthesis” command in “planning” menu can be the
(2) Index index
overlay data loading,
synthesis. the index
The “index weight calculation,
synthesis” command in the“planning”
index overlay analysis,
menu can beandthea
completed index data loading, the index weight calculation, the index overlay analysis, and a
series of other decision-making analyses (Figure 9).
completed index data loading, the index weight calculation, the index overlay analysis, and a
series of other decision-making analyses (Figure 9).
series of other decision-making analyses (Figure 9).

Figure 9. The “index synthesis” command interface of RMFA-PSS.

Figure 9.
9. The
The “index
“index synthesis”
synthesis” command
command interface
interface of
According to Figure 2, the system integrates three kinds of index weight calculation methods:
ranking method,toAHP
According method,
Figure 2, the and the user-defined
system method.
integrates three kindsThe ranking
of index method
weight and AHP
calculation method
are common index weight calculation methods, while the user-defined method acts
ranking method, AHP method, and the user-defined method. The ranking method and AHP method as an interface,
are common users to input
index weightthecalculation
value of the index weight
methods, while thewhich is calculated
user-defined by other
method methods.
acts as This
an interface,
reflects the flexibility in system development. Firstly, load the four index data concerning
allowing users to input the value of the index weight which is calculated by other methods. This resource
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 12 of 17

According to Figure 2, the system integrates three kinds of index weight calculation methods:
ranking method, AHP method, and the user-defined method. The ranking method and AHP method
are common index weight calculation methods, while the user-defined method acts as an interface,
allowing users to input the value of the index weight which is calculated by other methods. This reflects
the flexibility in system development. Firstly, load the four index data concerning resource abundance
into the current view in the system, and use the AHP method to calculate the weights of the four
indexes. Then, click the “overlay analysis” button, and carry out spatial overlay analysis in accordance
with formula (2). In this way, the rasterized data layer in the IMG format of the resource abundance
index is acquired. Following a similar procedure, the rasterized data layer in IMG format of the
environmental capacity index can be also calculated. Finally, the rasterized data layer in the IMG
format of the resource-environmental carrying capacity is calculated by synthesizing and analyzing
the resource abundance index and environmental capacity index. The weight of resource abundance
index and environmental capacity index is “user-defined” by inputting 0.5 respectively. The system,
in turn, facilitates the calculation of the economic-social development potential, environmental stress,
and ecological resistance in the Beijing–Tianjin area, and then the rasterized data layer in the IMG
format of the corresponding acting force can be completed.

4.2.3. Comparative Analysis of Scenario Planning

According to the characteristics of RMFA, there are two kinds of scenario planning modes namely
restrictive development mode (with protection playing the predominant role and development playing
the auxiliary role) and promotive development mode (with protection playing the auxiliary role
and development playing the predominant role). Restrictive development mode aims to protect the
ecological environment effectively during spatial development, while the promotive development
mode aims to promote spatial development during rapid urbanization. As for a specific area, adopting
restrictive mode or promotive mode should be determined according to the different development
environments. When one mode is mainly used, the other mode becomes an alternative. For example,
when the restrictive mode is mainly used, the planning scheme under restrictive mode must be
preferred as the main decision-making result and will play a predominant role in spatial development,
while the planning scheme under promotive mode will become the alternative and play an auxiliary
role, and vice versa.
First of all, the AHP method function of the system is utilized to calculate the weights of the
four fundamental forces under the two scenarios (Table 3). In the restrictive development mode, the
ecological protection is defined as the main task, and therefore the weight of ecological resistance is
the maximum. While in the promotive development mode, the economic and social development is
the most important factor influencing decision-making, and therefore the weight of economic-social
potential is the maximum.

Table 3. The weights of four forces under the two planning scenarios.

Forces Weights of the Restrictive Mode Weights of the Promotive Mode

Carrying capacity 0.10 0.10
Potential 0.31 0.53
Stress 0.06 0.06
Resistance 0.53 0.31

Secondly, overlay and synthesize the resource-environmental carrying capacity and

economic-social potential in order to get the total potential; then overlay and synthesize the
environmental stress and ecological resistance in order to get the total resistance. Finally, choose
the “functional area planning” command in the “planning” menu (Figure 10), click the “factors
synthetic” button, and execute the subtraction operation between total potential and total resistance.
In this way, IPI values are evaluated. The minimum value of IPI is −0.4358, and the maximum value
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 13 of 17

of IPI is 0.3282. Afterwards, click the “interval show” button, the system will regard point 0 as the
cut-off point and list the IPI interval division scheme. The point 0 is fixed, while the cut-off point
of point A and B is their median value. Point A is an intermediate value between −0.4358 and 0,
point B is an intermediate value between 0 and 0.3282. Finally, click “zoning” button and four types
of main functional area will be completed in terms of the three demarcation points: A, B, and 0.
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909
The result will be displayed in the system view. Thus, under the restrictive development13mode, of 17
Sustainability zoning
main functional 2016, 8, 909scheme of the Beijing–Tianjin area is accomplished in RMFA-PSS13 (Figure
of 17 11).
Similarly, the zoning scheme of the promotive development mode is accomplished in RMFA-PSS
(Figure the
12).zoning scheme of the promotive development mode is accomplished in RMFA-PSS
Similarly, the zoning scheme of the promotive development mode is accomplished in RMFA-PSS
(Figure (Figure
12). 12).

Figure 10.10.
Figure Functional
planning operation interfaceofofRMFA-PSS.
operation interface RMFA-PSS.
Figure 10. Functional area planning operation interface of RMFA-PSS.

Figure 11. Result of restrictive development mode.

Figure 11.Result
Figure Result of
of restrictive development
restrictive development mode.
Sustainability 2016,
2016, 8,
8, 909
909 14

Figure 12. Result of promotive development mode.

Figure 12. Result of promotive development mode.

In general,
In general, thetheentire Beijing–Tianjin
entire Beijing–Tianjin areaarea
can be
candivided into four
be divided intofunctional zones in zones
four functional the restrictive
in the
restrictive scenario planning scheme. From north to south, in turn, they are the ecological zone
scenario planning scheme. From north to south, in turn, they are the ecological protection along
the Yanshan
zone along theMountains, Beijing and Beijing
Yanshan Mountains, its suburban
and itsdevelopment zone, Beijing–Tianjin
suburban development ecologically
zone, Beijing–Tianjin
limited zone, and the south development zone constituted by Tianjin and its
ecologically limited zone, and the south development zone constituted by Tianjin and its suburban suburban areas, Langfang,
areas, and Wenan.
Langfang, In the and
Bazhou, promotive
Wenan. scenario
In theplanning
promotive scheme, the center
scenario planningdowntown
scheme, of Beijing and
the center
Tianjin is taken as the priority concerning the development functional areas,
downtown of Beijing and Tianjin is taken as the priority concerning the development functional forming a spatial pattern
of “twoforming
areas, points and one ribbon”
a spatial withofoptimized
pattern and focus
“two points and development;
one ribbon” while with restricted
and focus
zones and prohibited
development; development
while restricted zones constitute
development zones and the protectivedevelopment
prohibited and limited spatial development
zones constitute the
area surrounding Beijing and facing Tianjin.
protective and limited spatial development area surrounding Beijing and facing Tianjin.
Statistics (Table
Statistics (Table 4)4) show
comparedwith withthe
predominant protection
protection planning
planning scheme,
scheme,in the
the predominant development
development planning scheme,
planning prohibited
scheme, development
prohibited development zones account
zones for 16.57%
account and
for 16.57%
and by 5.96%;
reduce restricted
by 5.96%; development
restricted zones zones
development declinedecline
by 6.57%; by focus
6.57%;development zones increase
focus development zones
by 10.91%;
increase by optimized development
10.91%; optimized zone increase
development 1.62%. The
zone increase results
1.62%. Theshow, according
results to different
show, according to
development scenario analyses, better planning decisions for the Beijing–Tianjin
different development scenario analyses, better planning decisions for the Beijing–Tianjin main main functional areas
with multi-objectives
functional areas withand multi-situational
multi-objectives andconstraints which can
multi-situational be realized
constraints by setting
which can beup realized
the relevant
setting ofthe
four fundamental
weights offorces in the
the four planning model.
fundamental forces in the planning model.
RMFA-PSS is utilized to give two different planning schemes by changing the weights of the four
forces to change
Table 4. The the
areadecision makingofrules.
and proportion Accordingarea
each functional to the above
in the analysis forarea
Beijing–Tianjin PSS, it can
under clearly
be seen that PSS does not choose the best solution among all, the final choice of scheme and the
subsequent planning strategies of the study area should be carried out by the planners.
Functional Restrictive Development Mode Promotive Development Mode
Area Type Area (km2) Proportion (%) Area (km2) Proportion (%)
PDA 7752.06 22.53 5701.36 16.57
RDA 15927.33 46.29 13666.75 39.72
FDA 8997.62 26.15 12751.50 37.06
ODA 1730.71 5.03 2288.11 6.65
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 15 of 17

Table 4. The area and proportion of each functional area in the Beijing–Tianjin area under two scenarios.

Restrictive Development Mode Promotive Development Mode

Functional Area Type
Area (km2 ) Proportion (%) Area (km2 ) Proportion (%)
PDA 7752.06 22.53 5701.36 16.57
RDA 15927.33 46.29 13666.75 39.72
FDA 8997.62 26.15 12751.50 37.06
ODA 1730.71 5.03 2288.11 6.65

Firstly, the actual development environment of the Beijing–Tianjin area is analyzed. As one of the
key development areas at national level, in building an international metropolis region of strategic
context, driven by Beijing and Tianjin, both cities at the national-center level, the urbanization and
the rapid development of the Beijing–Tianjin area is inevitable. Therefore, the main functional area
planning scheme under the two different scenarios in the guide, in this promotive development
mode with protection playing the auxiliary role and development playing the predominant role is
more consistent with the actual situation in the Beijing–Tianjin area, which is more in line with the
requirements of future development strategy in Beijing and Tianjin. This should be the primary and
preferable option, and restrictive mode should be the alternative option.
Secondly, in full consideration of the natural environment constraints and limitations in the
Beijing–Tianjin area in the future, the main goal of the spatial development in the Beijing–Tianjin area
is to achieve rapid economic and social development, as well as the orderly expansion of the urbanized
area. The strategic direction of spatial development is as follows; first, Beijing extends to Baoding
City which is located in the southwest; second, it develops to the south along the Beijing City–Tianjin
City–Tanggu City axis; third, it expands to Langfang City in the east. At the same time, Tianjin City
should extend to the northern and western areas. Beijing and Tianjin will be expanding themselves
into two international central cities in China.

5. Discussion and Conclusions

This paper introduces advanced PSS to the field of regional spatial functional zoning by explaining
the basic concept, characteristics, and principles of PSS. At the same time, the paper takes the PSS
development for the latest planning of RMFA in China as an example. The RMFA-PSS has been
established on the basis of the component-type secondary development technology of GIS. The research
can provide references for development and application of PSS for other types of spatial functional
zoning. Specifically, on the Visual Basic .NET visualization development platform, the planning
decision model, planning decision method, and GIS are organically integrated and customized by
using the ArcGIS Engine as the component-type secondary development technology and VB.NET
as the development language. Therefore, RMFA-PSS is established tailored to the regional main
functional areas of planning. Such RMFA-PSS was applied to the planning of the Beijing–Tianjin area,
and the result conforms to the objective reality of this area development. That is to say, the system is
preferably applicable. This illustrates that RMFA-PSS is a systemic and integrated operating entity
with a tight structure. It integrates the planning decision model and the planning decision method,
and could in turn provide better decision support for the regional main functional areas of planning in
utility and flexibility.
This study showed that: firstly, PSS can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of planning,
it is able to offer a number of schemes under various scenarios, and at the same time planners
must complete the final scheme selection and the subsequent development strategies formulation.
Secondly, the planning decision rule is the premise and basis of PSS, PSS is essentially a multi-scheme
comparison technology platform based on different decision rules. The decision rules are mainly shown
as the planning model and decision making methods in RMFA-PSS. Thirdly, during the application
of RFMA-PSS in the Beijing–Tianjin area, the decision rules design for planning, embodied in the
Sustainability 2016, 8, 909 16 of 17

index weights, change, by changing the weights of the forces to obtain the planning schemes under
the two scenarios, and then bring forward the future development strategy according to the final
planning scheme.
Although, in this paper, RMFA-PSS system was established under the integrated idea of the
decision model, decision method, and GIS, it actually integrated only a part of the GIS function
concerning data processing and spatial analysis. Compared with the commercial GIS software,
the RMFA-PSS system is less powerful and more complex. For example, there are still some basic data
processing functions, which need support from the traditional commercial GIS software and other
software. Therefore, it is necessary to keep up the in-depth study in system designing. However,
as a secondary development support system, its main purpose is to solve the problems in regional
main functional areas planning. If these goals are reached, then the system would be considered to
have achieved the expected development target. Additionally, the existing shortcomings can provide
motivation and theoretical foundation for further advancement and upgrade of the RMFA-PSS.

Acknowledgments: Great thanks are given to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41201168) and
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (2013HGXJ0207).
Author Contributions: Xiaorui Zhang conceived and designed the research; Xiaorui Zhang and Qian Hua
analyzed the data and wrote the paper; Qian Hua performed the data collection; Linya Zhang analyzed some data
and checked the language of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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