Internet of Animals: Characterisation of Lora Sub-Ghz Off-Body Wireless Channel in Dairy Barns

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Internet of animals: characterisation Path loss measurements were performed with a LoRaMote (PCB

of LoRa sub-GHz off-body wireless PIFA, 0 dBi) and LoRa gateway (monopole antenna, 2.1 dBi) for
three different scenarios, namely barn without cows, barn with one
channel in dairy barns cow (i.e. one cow wearing LoRaMote and no other cows in the barn)
and barn with 17 cows. (i.e. one cow wearing the mote and 16 other
S. Benaissa, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, J. Trogh, L. Martens,
cows moving freely in the barn).
L. Vandaele, L. Verloock, F.A.M. Tuyttens, B. Sonck
In the first scenario, the LoRaMote (TX) was configured to transmit
and W. Joseph✉
two packets each second at 868.3 MHz with a constant power of
14 dBm. The LoRaMote was mounted on a plastic mast with antenna
Advances in wireless sensor technologies and MEMS have made
it possible to automatically monitor the health status of dairy cows vertically polarised at a height of 1 m above the ground, a height com-
using Internet of things (IoT) and wireless body area networks. parable to that of a cow’s neck. The receiver (RX) was a LoRa gateway
Since on-cow measuring devices are energy constrained, a proper (iC880A connected to Raspberry Pi B+) configured as a sniffer to
characterisation of the off-body wireless channel between the on-cow capture the transmitted packets. The Raspberry Pi B+ was connected
sensor nodes and the back-end base station is required for an optimised to a laptop via an Ethernet connection to log the captured packets con-
deployment of these networks in barns. In this Letter, the long taining the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) values using
range (LoRa) off-body wireless channel has been characterised at ExpLoRa studio software. The RX was placed at a fixed position with
868 MHz, a typical IoT frequency. Both path loss and temporal the antenna vertically polarised at a height of 4.5 m, a typical access
fading were investigated using LoRa motes. Based on this characteris-
point height. Then, the position of the transmitter (TX) was set inside
ation, network planning and energy consumption optimisation of the
on-body nodes could be performed, which enables the deployment
the cubicles as illustrated in Figs. 1a–c.
of reliable dairy cow monitoring systems. In the second scenario, the TX side was replaced with one cow
wearing the LoRaMote on the collar. In this scenario, no other cows
were present in the measurement area. The same TX positions in the
Introduction: The size of dairy farms and the number of animals per barn 1 as scenario 1 were investigated. After attachment, the antenna
stockperson are increasing. Within larger herds, timely detecting of the LoRaMote mote was vertically polarised (with respect to the
health problems of individual cows becomes a challenging and costly ground) with a separation of 5 cm above the cow’s body (node attached
task. Monitoring health indicators in real time using sensors might on the collar). For this configuration, the influence of the cow’s body on
provide aims for large dairy farms to optimise their economic. the antenna is limited thanks to its ground plane (investigated in [2]) and
Wireless body area networks (WBANs) and Internet of things (IoT) the free space gain of 0 dBi is used to calculate the path loss. In WBANs
can be effectively used in health tracking of dairy cows to facilitate with antennas close to the body, the antenna patterns near the body
herd management and enhance cow welfare (Internet of animals). should be accounted and included in the path loss model [2].
Several studies have been published on monitoring dairy cattle with In the third scenario, the same TX and RX setup was used as scenario
wireless sensors (see review in [1]). However, sub-GHz WBANs for 2. However, in addition to the cow wearing the LoRaMote, 16 cows
cows have not yet been investigated up to now. Moreover, since were moving freely in the measurement area.
on-cow measuring devices are energy-constrained, it is likely that new
energy-efficient IoT technologies such as sub-GHz long range (LoRa) RSSI calibration: A calibration experiment of the RSSI had been
and Sigfox will find their use in animal monitoring. The aim of this conducted beforehand using a spectrum analyser as performed in [3]
Letter was to characterise the off-body wireless channel in indoor to determine the relation between the RSSI values and the real RF
(barns) environments at 868 MHz using LoRa nodes. Both path loss power PRX . A constant shift of 6 dB has been found between
and temporal fading were investigated. Based on this characterisation, the RSSI reported by LoRaMote and the RF power measured by the
network planning and energy consumption optimisation of the spectrum analyser.
on-body nodes could be performed, which enables the deployment of
reliable dairy cow monitoring systems. Path loss modelling: After estimating a local average received power
for each TX–RX constellation, the path loss should be calculated and
Path loss measurements: Measurements were conducted in three dairy modelled. From the measured average received power PRX , the path
cattle barns in the region of Melle, Belgium. A barn of the Institute for loss PL(dB) is calculated as follows:
Agricultural and Fisheries Research (barn 1), and two barns of
UGent-Biocentrum Agrivet (barns 2 and 3) (Fig. 1). PL = PTX + GTX − LTX + GRX − LRX − PRX (1)
where PTX is the TX power (dBm), GTX the TX antenna gain (dBi), LRX
the TX cable losses (dB), GRX the RX antenna gain (dBi) and LRX the
29 m 5.5 m RX cable losses (dB).
4m It is well known that the average received signal decreases logarithmi-
cally with distance. Therefore, the path loss can be modelled as a linear
function of the logarithmic distance between TX and RX as explained in
A PL(d ) = PL(d0 ) + 10 n log + Xs (2)
a d0
with PL(d0 ) is the path loss at reference distance d0 = 1 m, n the path
2m loss exponent, d the separation distance between TX and RX, and Xs a
1.15 m
zero-mean Gaussian distributed variable (in dB) with standard deviation
s, also in dB. PL(d0 ) and n are obtained from the measured data by the
4.5 m
method of linear regression analysis.
42 m 21.5 m 37 m
14.6 m Characterisation of temporal fading: To determine temporal fading
5.5 m 4.5 m
properties, measurements were performed at five different TX–RX
configurations within the barn 1 (i.e. A, B, C, D and E in Fig. 1a).
3.1 m For each case, the TX and RX were set in stationary positions, while
26 m 2m the cows were moving freely in the measurement environment. These
b ⊗ RX × TX c scenarios were set to allow the recording of received signal power
variations due to the movements of the cows. At each TX location,
Fig. 1 Measurement environments and positions of TX and RX RSSI values were recorded in a time interval of 10 min, at a rate of
a Barn 1
two samples per second. Consequently, a total of 1200 RSSI samples
b Barn 2 of received power were recorded per temporal fading measurement
c Barn 3 run. The Rician distribution, described in terms of the K-factor

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 31st August 2017 Vol. 53 No. 18 pp. 1281–1283

(Rician factor), was adopted to characterise the temporal fading [4]. This For the temporal fading, the Rician K-factor is estimated based on
assumption was validated by comparing the theoretical Rice distribution the moment method presented in [5]. For each K-factor, as listed in
to the distribution of the measured temporal fading samples. Table 2, the K-factor varies between 6.4 dB for location A and
10.2 dB for location C, with an average value of 8.2 dB. The difference
Results: Fig. 2a shows the measured path loss values and the fitted in K-factors could be explained by the amount of motion made by the
models versus log distance (TX–RX separation) for the first scenario cows when temporal fading measurements are performed. These large
(i.e. barns without cows). The markers indicate the individual measure- values indicate a strong specular path LOS component in our measure-
ments, while the lines represent the path loss models obtained through ments due to the RX height (4.5 m). Based on the obtained K-factors,
fitting of the measurement data. fade margin is calculated for an outage probability of 1%. The fade
margin varies between 6 and 10.8 dB. An average fade margin of
75 8.3 dB should be considered in barn environments.
measurements barn 1
fit barn 1
70 measurements barn 2
fit barn 2
measurements barn 3
Table 2: K-factors and the corresponding fade margins for an
fit barn 3
65 free space outage probability of 1%
path loss, dB

50 Locations A B C D E Mean
K-factors (dB) 6.4 6.8 10.2 8.3 9.5 8.2
Fade margin (dB) 10.8 10.1 6.0 7.9 6.6 8.3

45 Conclusion: In this Letter, the sub-GHz off-body wireless channel

7 10 20 30 40
for dairy cows in barns has been characterised for sub-GHz IoT
TX–RX separation
technologies at 868 MHz. Three different barns have been investigated.
Measurements of large-scale fading and temporal fading have been
measurements barns without cows performed with LoRa nodes. Results show that the large-scale fading
fit barns without cows
measurements barns with cows
fit barns with cows
can be well described by a one-slope log-normal path loss model. The
measurements barns with 17 cows
highest path loss increase resulted from the body of the cow wearing
path loss, dB

fit barns with 17 cows

65 free space
the sensor node (4 dB). Other cows had less influence (1 dB). The
60 temporal fading was statistically described by Rician distributions
with an average K-factor of 8 dB. These results enable the deployment
of reliable IoT dairy cow monitoring systems with optimised network
50 planning and energy consumption.
8 15 20 30 Acknowledgments: This work was executed within MoniCow, a research
TX–RX separation
project bringing together academic researchers and industry partners. The
MoniCow project was co-financed by imec (iMinds) and received project
Fig. 2 Path loss models
support from Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship. E. Tanghe is a
Postdoctoral Fellow of the FWO-V (Research Foundation – Flanders).
a Scenario 1
b Scenarios 2 and 3 The authors would like to thank Thijs Decroos, Sara Van Lembergen,
and Matthias Van den Bossche for their help during the measurements,
As expected, the path loss inside the barns is higher than the free space and ILVO and UGent-Biocentrum Agrivet for providing the barns for
path loss because of the influence of obstacles inside the barn. Moreover, the measurements.
excellent agreement is achieved between the path loss models of the three
barns. This result is shown in Table 1, where the parameter values of the © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
path loss models (see (2)) are listed. Similar path loss at reference distance Submitted: 11 April 2017 E-first: 8 August 2017
(PL(d0 ) ≈ 37 dB) and path loss exponent (n ≈ 2) are obtained for the doi: 10.1049/el.2017.1344
three barns. Standard deviations (s) around 3 dB are obtained for all One or more of the Figures in this Letter are available in colour online.
models, indicating a relatively low shadow fading effect. S. Benaissa (Department of Information Technology, Ghent University/
imec, iGent-Technologiepark 15, 9052 Ghent, Belgium)
Table 1: Parameters of path loss models (d0 = 1 m)
D. Plets, E. Tanghe, J. Trogh, L. Martens, L. Verloock and W. Joseph
PL(d0 )(dB) n s (dB) R2 (Department of Information Technology, Ghent University/imec,
Barn 1 without cows 36.45 2.09 2.22 0.89 iGent-Technologiepark 15, 9052 Ghent, Belgium)
Barn 2 without cows 37.44 2.11 3.69 0.72
✉ E-mail:
Barn 3 without cows 36.91 2.04 3.36 0.71
Barns without cows 36.67 2.08 3.17 0.80 L. Vandaele, F.A.M. Tuyttens and B. Sonck (Institute for Agricultural
Barn 1 with 1 cow 40.03 1.92 2.37 0.84 and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Scheldeweg 68, 9090 Melle, Belgium)
Barn 1 with 17 cows 40.36 2.04 2.52 0.87 S. Benaissa: Also with Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research
(ILVO), Scheldeweg 68, 9090 Melle, Belgium

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ELECTRONICS LETTERS 31st August 2017 Vol. 53 No. 18 pp. 1281–1283

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