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Quiz_Eating Disorders

1. T he nurse is teaching a class on eating behaviors

disorders to a group of nurses. Which of the [ ] 6. P erfectionistic tendency
following should the nurse include in the class? 6. T he nurse administers which of the following
1. E ating disorders affect females and males prescribed drugs to a client with anorexia
equally nervosa for the purpose of improving weight
2. T here is an increased incidence of gain?
depression in clients with eating disorders 1. O lanzapine (Zyprexa)
3. T here is no mother–daughter connection in 2. S ertraline (Zoloft)
eating disorders 3. F luoxetine (Prozac)
4. T here is a 20% chance of dysthymia in 4. Q uetiapine (Seroquel)
clients with eating disorders 7. W hich of the following statements would
2. T he nurse should monitor a client with an provide the nurse with the most accurate
eating disorder for which of the following information regarding how successful the
complications? treatment has been for a client with a longstanding
S elect all that apply: history of bulimia?
[ ] 1. H ypertension 1. “I take my medicine when I have an urge to
[ ] 2. Dysmenorrhea binge.”
[ ] 3. P arotid swelling 2. “I try to do other things when I feel I want to
[ ] 4. Delayed gastric emptying eat.”
[ ] 5. B radycardia 3. “I have learned to eat a variety of foods.”
[ ] 6. Dysthymia 4. “I no longer feel the need to see my therapist.”
3. T he nurse should administer which of the 8. T he nurse is caring for a 25-year-old client with
following drugs to a client with an eating an eating disorder who is in the hospital. The
disorder who has a delayed gastric emptying physician ordered periodic laboratory tests to
time? monitor the client’s medical status. Which of
1. E someprazole (Nexium) the following serum laboratory test results is
2. M etoclopramide (Reglan) abnormal and should prompt the nurse to
3. Dicyclomine (Bentyl) notify the physician?
4. Diphenoxylate with atropine sulfate 1. C alcium of 9.2 mg/dl
(Lomotil) 2. M agnesium of 1.8 mEq/L
4. T he nurse is planning the care for a client with
muscle weakness, constipation, a serum 10133.
potassium of 3.0 mEq/L, and a pulse of 65 bpm. P otassium of 3.0 mEq/L
What clinical manifestation should take priority 4. S odium of 128 mEq/L
in this client’s plan of care? 9. T he nurse is collecting data on an 11-year-old
1. M uscle weakness client suspected of having anorexia nervosa.
2. S erum potassium 3.0 mEq/L Which of the following physical assessment
3. P ulse of 65 bpm findings should be reported to the client’s
4. Constipation physician confirming the presence of anorexia
5. T he nurse assesses a client for which of the nervosa?
following findings in a client suspected of 1. A temperature of 37.2°C (99°F)
having bulimia? 2. A pulse of 72 bpm
S elect all that apply: 3. T he presence of lanugo
[ ] 1. L axative abuse 4. Dysmenorrhea
[ ] 2. Amenorrhea 10. During an admission interview, a client with
[ ] 3. L anugo anorexia nervosa complains of feeling cold all
[ ] 4. Dental erosion from repeated vomiting the time and asks the nurse why. Which of the
[ ] 5. C hemical dependency or stealing following is the most appropriate response by
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Quiz_Eating Disorders
the nurse? 14. A client with anorexia nervosa is crying and
1. “Let me take your temperature.” tells the nurse, “I just want to die. I can’t live
2. “You might be getting a cold.” like this anymore.” In determining what action
3. “There is a loss of subcutaneous fat.” to take next, which of the following factors is a
4. “You probably aren’t dressing warmly priority for the nurse to consider?
enough.” 1. H ow long the client has been feeling this
11. T he nurse should include which of the way
following interventions in the plan of care for a 2. T he recovery rate with treatment
client with a binge-eating disorder? 3. I f the client has a suicide plan
S elect all that apply: 4. I f the client has a support system
[ ] 1. E ncourage the client to keep a food diary 15. T he nurse is signing a hospitalized client with
and a feelings diary bulimia back in after a day pass at home. Which
[ ] 2. E ncourage the client to gain ½ pound of the following should be the nurse’s priority
a week action?
[ ] 3. I nstruct the client to avoid fasting 1. Ask the client about any special activities
[ ] 4. I nstruct the client that high-calorie foods while out on pass
are to be avoided 2. O btain a detailed menu of what was eaten
[ ] 5. E ncourage the client to plan for 3. S earch the client’s belonging for laxatives or
structured meals diuretics
[ ] 6. I nstruct the client on well-balanced 4. Q uestion the client about any binge–purge
nutrition behavior at home
12. T he nurse is interviewing a 46-year-old female 16. T he nurse is collecting a health history from a
client with a binge-eating disorder who is 25-year-old client suspected of having an eating
tearful and admits to the nurse of being disorder. Which of the following questions is a
depressed. The client states, “I have been fat all priority question for the nurse to ask the client?
my life and I can’t lose weight.” Which of the 1. “Is your father away from home much of the
following should be the priority response by the time due to his job?”
nurse? 2. “Do any siblings have issues with food?”
1. “In order to lose weight, you need to stop 3. “Does your mother have an eating
binging.” disorder?”
2. “You need to eat a well-balanced diet.” 4. “Do you have a friend who has a body image
3. “Cognitive behavioral therapy offers the problem?”
most success.” 17. T he family of a male client suspected of having
4. “You will lose weight if you take your an eating disorder asks the nurse how their son
sertraline (Zoloft).” can have an eating disorder because eating
13. T he registered nurse is delegating clinical disorders only occur in women. Which of the
assignments on an eating disorder unit for the following is the most appropriate response by
day. Which of the following clinical the nurse?
assignments would be appropriate for the nurse 1. “Your son is very slender for his height.”
to delegate to a licensed practical nurse? 2. “Your son has a poor appetite.”
1. Develop a class to be taught on eating 3. “The incidence of eating disorders is
disorders increasing in males.”
2. I nstruct a client with bulimia on the 4. “Food-related problems in males are
prescribed medication different from eating disorders.”
3. C reate a meal plan for a client with anorexia 18. T he nurse is caring for a client with anorexia
nervosa nervosa. Which of the following interventions
4. M onitor a client with an eating disorder should the nurse include in this client’s plan of
after meals care?
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Quiz_Eating Disorders
elect all that apply: 23. T he nurse is caring for a client with bulimia
[ ] 1. E ncourage the client to eat when hungry who informs the nurse of an unpleasant tingling
[ ] 2. L imit mealtime to 1 hour of the hands and around the mouth, as well as
[ ] 3. M onitor the client for 30 minutes after muscular spasms. The nurse should notify the
eating physician of which of the following suspected
[ ] 4. W eigh the client two to three times a disorders?
week 1. C ushing’s syndrome
[ ] 5. P romote a weight gain of 3 to 5 pounds a 2. Addison’s disease
week 3. Hyperthyroidism
[ ] 6. R estrict exercise if the target weight is 4. Tetany
not maintained 24. T he nurse is evaluating the medical records of
19. T he nurse is admitting a client with anorexia the following four clients. It is essential that the
nervosa to the hospital based on which of the nurse report which of the following clients
following criteria? immediately?
S elect all that apply: 1. A client with anorexia nervosa who has a
[ ] 1. A systolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg pulse of 55 beats per minute
[ ] 2. A loss of 20% of body weight 2. A client with bulimia who has a serum
[ ] 3. A temperature of 35.4°C (95.8°F) potassium of 3.5 mEq/L
[ ] 4. A serum potassium level of 2.8 mEq/L 3. A client with anorexia who has a systolic
[ ] 5. A pulse of 60 beats per minute blood pressure of 90 mm Hg
[ ] 6. F ailure to gain weight 4. A client with bulimia who has a serum
20. W hich of the following nursing diagnoses is calcium of 8.6 mg/dl
appropriate for the nurse to include in the plan 25. T he nurse should monitor a client with bulimia
of care for a client with a binge disorder? for which of the following clinical
1. I neffective thermoregulation manifestations of hypokalemia?
2. R isk for self-mutilation S elect all that apply:
3. I neffective health maintenance [ ] 1. H ypotension
4. Anxiety [ ] 2. W eak, thready pulse
21. T he nurse should administer which of the [ ] 3. Diarrhea
following drugs to a client with a binge-eating [ ] 4. H yperreflexia
disorder for the purpose of decreasing the binge [ ] 5. Decreased urinary output
episodes? [ ] 6. S hallow respirations
1. S ertraline (Zoloft)
2. O lanzapine (Zyprexa)
3. Amitriptyline (Elavil)
4. I mipramine (Tofranil)
22. A client with anorexia nervosa who is
emaciated is crying and tells the nurse, “I feel
so fat when I look in the mirror.” Which of

following is the priority response for the
1. “You shouldn’t look in the mirror if it upsets
2. “You are 30% below your body weight.”
3. “It must be very frightening to feel fat.”
4. “Ask another person for another opinion.”
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