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[ARMED FORCES AND POLICE MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, INC. ‘Col Bonny Serrano Read cor E. Delos Santos Avenue, Quezon City Contact Nos. (8) 822-MBAl (6224) Website: wuvafpmbsi com ph ‘AFPMBAI LOAN APPLICATION FORM Gand Exension ice ae corral — Tom Tee Teleae of Cai / Benet / Refunds Croucy Dlexeanoeo savany [for Pickup © Head office © MBAI Branch © Ne, Cleauiry Eimepat (ntember's ror Deposit © ATM/Aect No: (© Bank/Branch Disney Educational Assistance | Epes check you ep fy iar undomed eins omy afer dam prinena anon | Dlearanary loan ‘shall automaticaly be depostedinthe ATM acount of the elimant Tanieaion pe Tan Crew Direnewal DPersonat Leusiness Llotrers mn Words oan goes] Tan Tr ayenE MOgE (vo.otwonts) | [J Payrtt [Joiect Payment ° Ey Post Dated checks LAST NAME: MIDDLE NAME JARST NAME: ECW NAME UR, SR) in: DATE OF aIRTH (COMrYn: ace [ra SeRiat/BADGE/ACCT NO. [ReTinEMENT OATE: bos: [UNIT ASSIGNMENT [UNIT ADDRESS [cet PHONE No. PHILS¥S NO. (PSN EMAIL ADDRESS! [PRESENT ADDRESS: [Pemawenr ADORESS: Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9510 creating the Credit Information Caroration (CC) ks implementing Rules and Regulton (RR), and various Clr, the ASPB mandated to submit the Borrower’ tase ered data a defined byl 5 wells any reglr updates ox carectons heed, othe Ofer eansodstion land deste as may be authored by the CIC. Consequent, the base eed data may be shared with other lenders and other ered reporting agencies duly ‘authorize bythe Ic forthe purpose of establishing the borrower's credtwortiess. oe more inormation, please vii the wbst at wc ah you a Close Family Member [lgkimate o commoniaw spouse, pare chi, bother, ster, grandparent, grendchls, prertin tw son/daughter, ‘wother/ssteritaw, randpaencintan and grandchild of nya the AFPMEA Soar Trustees, corporate ocr (Chala, Vice-Chairman, resent and ‘£0, Corporate Secretary, Treasurer, Senor Vice-President) and key management personel (Heads of Sales and Operations Group, Corporate Sences Group, ecutive Serves, Finance, IntealAut, rea apd Branch Operations, Legal, Information Techlogy, Admin, RealEstate, Human Resource, Isurance Sls, and Maretog? Do Desa Inacate the name of yourrelated gary) /AFPMBAI phos an india’ data privacy hts nd observes thal persoralinfermation, sensi personal infomation and privieged information coectoé and tobe called are processed or recorded manages, orgarie sored, update, retraved,consoated se, Hacked, and erased according othe Data Privacy ‘tof 2012 (RA 10173), ts Implementing Rules ard Repultins (RR), and various Crauars under the principles of transparency, lgtimate purpose, and proportionality apg for any AFPMBA Loan 2nd Supping my personal data, herby ge my consent to the processing hating andor wansfering of my personal data relating tomy acount, without ote, to AFPMBA ts ervce provers an ents or thd partes having authority right such esosureof ifmation 35 n ‘the cise ofeultory agencies, govermentl or otherwie, which Rave requred such deowre from AFPMBAL also to enable AFPMIAL to sence my account 0 provide all xting features and future enhancements thereto, and to aval other AFPMBAL products, sree, flies and chanel a the AFPAEBA deems necessary. agree to ld AFPUAL is afte, subsires and hed party serie providers ee and hares rom any ability ring fom ori connection wth the consent herein hen TUTORED REPRESENTATE ‘BORROWER'S SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME |. vemo MW. ABOD Acted asComalerte tom Bahan ots cor Optoatnrace S$ a ag Saar osn face nount otal Poteytoan Aplaes con weal ai mentum esc otey tun Calton iyo Eeave Due embeEayns———— eoa =~ Crt to ron &s rear Wonbeess aT le ney ESsrote oan eed iE one | ———— Signe” | toed iF one Tama fs [ELIGIBILITY 1. Salary/Expanded Salary Loans the Borrower must have an active Additional Insurance and/ or E56 with AFPMBAI which is enforced for at least 1 month at the time of application. 2. MEDAL: the borrower should have existing Basic Insurance, Additional/ E-56 Insurance or SGTI coverage. 3. The borrower must have a good credit record as determined by any credit bureau facility. All his/her accounts should be current and have NO ARREARS. 4, The borrower should have a NET TAKE HOME PAY as required by his branch of service/bureau after deducting the monthly amortization of Salary Loan/ MEDAL. 5. One Salary Loan and 1 MEDAL per borrower is allowed regardless on the number of polices held but not to exceed the aggregate face amount of his/her insurance. roan LOANTPE "AMOUNT [INTEREST] TERM RENEWAL ‘THER CONDITIONS fy aroun ra of at et zmomyft SRT MEDAL: for ting Pokey Jceeding coh vate 6x | 24mes max [Aer payment of stlest mont roer, "ane payment term lof the policy jeseceneeneee [shall be reckoned on the fstrement ator onthe matty > 001000 andbetu] 6 | samen mae er : ster payment oF 6 eaual monty the fnget py In lect uty [Above TO DODO) man fameortiation whichever comes first {60,000.00 * soomoaandveon| ex | temo sre > eopo ter payment of 6 cnseutvef. Saay/MEDAL : the fest ssa a | s6mos ~ 10000000, eqvalmonthiyamertzaton font amortztion rst ime above | 100,000.00) ay, 60 mos. ican shall be due on the 3rd Ps0000000 not rom date foo lease, nm Fa RE FRE oF RT = eau month ametzstons a $0,000.00 max [After payment of 6 consecutive] mm | at mon equ montiy amortzaon pana cana SF festa T Vero] Expanded Salary |e sceeding PIM 5% Seetirement |SALARY LOAN REDEMPTION INSURANCE (SLRI) / CREDIT REDEMPTION INSURANCE (CRI) T Sslry Loan: SLA and premium payment due are as follows Fermin months ¢[2[s[™[»[_=]_@[e[=][@ Rate pr P1000. aus [sez] 77 | mis | 338 [tes] a5] 2252 [2507 | 2023 2. MEDAL: credit Redemption insurance (CH) premium and payment de are a5 olows [fermin months s [2 Rate per PI.00000 aaa 3. Health Declaration to support SIRI is required for loans above P200,000.00 and shall be incontestable after being enforced for 1 year from the date of effectivity. 4. ifloan is fully paid or renewed prior to its maturity, SLRI rebate is made except for loans with remaining term of less than one 5. n case of borrower's death, if loan is a) updated - the outstanding balance should be considered fully paid; b) with arrears -SLRI should only cover the theoretical balance (penalties, interest, arrearages not included). Any unpaid balances should be deducted from his/her Death Benefits; c) is dormant/expited term - loan is not covered by SLRI [ABILITIES Direct or Indirect commission of fraud, collusion, falsification, misrepresentation of facts or any other kind of anomaly in the accomplishment of this form, or in obtaining any benefit or payment under this application that resulted to damage and/or financial loss to AFPMBA\ shall be subject to administrative, civil and/or criminal action/labilties. SERVICE RECORD CLEARANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that subject personnel is a bonafide BIMP | THIS IS TO CERTIFY that subject personnel has NO PENDING CASE. personnel on a permanent status. ‘recor, Directorate for Personnel and Records Management ‘Chie, Legal Service Office FINANCE ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY that subject personnel has a NET Take Home Pay of P and available for loan payment. ‘hie, Finance Service Office For value receed rem to 0 the ade the Ame Forces end Pls Mutu! Benefit Associaton, Ie (AFPMOAI, the rns amount an interest PRINCIPAL LOAN AMOUNT oan team Mook or raneent: — Cpyrt beaucton INTEREST RATE MONTHLY AMORTIZATION Bowes opment, roTaLoausarion ret ose checks aye, be my oun oven or ot, tout further need of ate or amang. Any unpaid srtuson du shall bea adeltoainerr fr dlayed payer ‘Acceptane by AFPMOAI or Rr san Of any amount afer my aaeton Mas Decora due in accordance here sal ot be condered at etencing th efor ‘a secur of thi oan ant enute promot payment of he monthly amertzston on dus dete | hereby krevocaty aig to APRIL my wages, sie stoweness and sled emoloments fom al soe td appoint my Tesurer/DsbusingCalecion/NW/PN® Fines Oier/Cetesfunts afer Commencing (Ofrcereas of Otte or nt or Penson Disbursing fc, sy tary in acto ede thereto such mount equres uncer is Nts For any reason, the Teesurr/Dsbursing/Colecton/AF/PNP Finane Offer Centrs/unts andor Commanding Oex/Need of Oe or unto Pension ciwuring ce Tso det rom my wagensalr/oenton!atowancs ad alle emumets ror al sores, thea monly srt 8 rmaay rete toAFPMA the dant of ner rman ono Before the Si dy of he towing moth. thee, rye ‘de salar an 288tonl tare per month of asa nt aly 5 In cae of deft or fase to py at est ree 3) consecutive monthly amorttins onthe indebtedness o he neat whan due, thn the entre prints us the eres tht hos So fer cru Slat heaton of APPA sme Become due an payable whet nee of ole dean a are Bay Sy ovtstanng sunt dun on this lo sinters tharon at the ae fret ated above on te nd smOun ds compound monthly together wi a {cs cares and surcharges nt aly sd. wich com herby ovtoie snd empower AFPMOA! xen without noe ome ocala any mane ot Slat public oF private sale such Securts or thigs of ae for the purpose of appv the roceeds a payment oft oan ‘sbove, shal be deducted from my last payment, commutation of leaves, furlough, AFP REBSrefuné. eersion and all ether separation bereits an thereby waive my ‘ahs unde aplicale rules ease of preterminatin of my loon, the compton of my oustanding loan bance shal be In scoréance wth the eng {hdains orders ond ples Bang mslemented by he Asean. \ hereby understand ana snowldge hat! have rad tha prtsé prOVONE And wren eres Of thie Poison NA ad ly Bere to te th an ents rotate consummation ofthe cre asain and contr the sme. Tem erecting the Promisry Note with Mul Knowedge ory eieton end 1 hersoy autores te you 10. deduct tom my slan/rtiament banta/commutsion of lve credvpendin and pry ne amount af ¢. ery month for mens besnning or the payment of my toon mortzatos unt fl setemert| ‘rot wih the ARMED FORGES AND FOUCE MUTUAL BENEAT ASEOCAION, INC (AFPM@AI, I futher nanorse my personal trmavon uncer my Unk/otc] se outetaning rain Slane ieuding inter, pater ane ster charge a AEPNEAI fom anyon 3 poy an benats de ma of my laa het for my Citiely det Ferd expresy wae all yi nde Section 23 Ru 39 of the Rls of Cure epee No 138 (Pay Ss of AP). 6975 PRP Law) 2330 (ase neement Gerais, 4917 (atremet Benet of Erployees of Pte Frm, 9510 (ret formation System), 10173 (ate Prway, ad to ony an a uy understand tht he loa oto it contract etwwen the AFPMBAY and the undersigned borrower and thus. hereby atu al the obligations tat se thereat and hea understand thatthe nance Sarees nt py 0 Oe cna en enced withthe APRA! Dus erly autorded pura oA

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