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Gabriel García Márquez was a novelist writer, short story writer, screenwriter, editor and
journalist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982 and one of the great masters of world
literature. He was born in Aracataca (Magdalena), Colombia on March 6, 1927. Son of Gabriel
Eligio García and Luisa Santiaga Márquez Iguarán.

Gabriel García Márquez was the main figure in the so-called Boom of Spanish American Literature.
He attended secondary school at the Jesuit school San José in 1940. Later, thanks to a scholarship
granted by the government, he was sent to Bogotá, where he was relocated to the Liceo Nacional
de Zipaquirá, a town one hour from the Bogota capital, culminating his secondary studies.

After his degree in 1947 he remained in Bogotá, studied Law and Journalism at the National
University of Colombia where he devoted himself specially to reading. His early childhood years
decisively marked his work as a writer; All that wealth of traditions passed down by his
grandparents inspired much of his work. His desire to be a writer grew, he published his first story,
La Tercera Resignación, on September 13, 1947 in the newspaper El Espectador.

In the year of 1955 he published his first novel "La Hojarasca"

He married Mercedes Barcha in March 1958. They had two children Rodrigo born in Bogotá in
1959 turned into a Filmmaker and Gonzalo Born in Mexico three years later, currently a graphic
designer in the Mexican capital.

He wrote One Hundred Years Of Solitude published in June 1967 in Buenos Aires (Argentina). The
success of this novel was resounding and translated into more than 24 languages, winning four
international awards.

In 1970 it was published in English and was chosen as one of the best twelve books of the year in
the United States. Two years later he was awarded the Rómulo Gallegos Prize and the Neustadt
International Prize for Literature (American Literary Prize). He also publishes in the form of a book
"Story of a Castaway".

Student: Edison Armando Mejia P

English 2
systems engineer
Nariño University

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