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Introduction to Special Topic Forum: The Future of Work Motivation Theory

Article  in  The Academy of Management Review · July 2004

DOI: 10.2307/20159049

277 24,963

3 authors, including:

Richard Steers Debra L. Shapiro

University of Oregon University of Maryland, College Park


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姝 Academy of Management Review
2004, Vol. 29, No. 3, 379–387.



University of Oregon

University of Maryland

The topic of employee motivation plays a cen- been. This introduction represents an overview
tral role in the field of management— both prac- of the field of work motivation from a theoretical
tically and theoretically. Managers see motiva- standpoint and lays the foundation for the arti-
tion as an integral part of the performance cles that follow.2
equation at all levels, while organizational re- The term motivation derives from the Latin
searchers see it as a fundamental building word for movement (movere.) Building on this
block in the development of useful theories of concept, Atkinson defines motivation as “the
effective management practice. Indeed, the contemporary (immediate) influence on direc-
topic of motivation permeates many of the sub- tion, vigor, and persistence of action” (1964: 2),
fields that compose the study of management, while Vroom defines it as “a process governing
including leadership, teams, performance man- choice made by persons . . . among alternative
agement, managerial ethics, decision making, forms of voluntary activity” (1964: 6). Campbell
and organizational change. It is not surprising, and Pritchard suggest that
therefore, that this topic has received so much motivation has to do with a set of independent/
attention over the past several decades in both dependent variable relationships that explain
research journals and management periodicals. the direction, amplitude, and persistence of an
Whereas several recent articles have exam- individual’s behavior, holding constant the ef-
ined how far we have come in researching work fects of aptitude, skill, and understanding of the
task, and the constraints operating in the envi-
motivation, this special forum focuses on where ronment (1976: 63–130).
we are going.1 That is, we ask the questions:
What is the future of work motivation theories? These and other definitions have three com-
What are the critical questions that must be mon denominators. They are all principally con-
addressed if progress in the field is to be made? cerned with factors or events that energize,
What is the future research agenda? How can channel, and sustain human behavior over time.
we extend or modify current models of work In various ways, contemporary theories of work
motivation so they continue to be relevant in the motivation derive from efforts to explicate with
future? And where are entirely new models of increasing precision how these three factors in-
motivation needed to further our understanding terrelate to determine behavior in organizations.
of employee behavior and job performance in
contemporary organizations? EARLY DEVELOPMENTS IN
To understand where the field is going, how- MOTIVATION THEORY
ever, we must first understand where it has
The earliest approaches to understanding hu-
man motivation date from the time of the Greek
We are indebted to the staff of AMR and to the editorial philosophers and focus on the concept of hedo-
review panel for their time and effort on behalf of this spe-
cial forum.
1 2
For recent reviews of the research literature on work For a more detailed examination of the evolution of work
motivation, see Kanfer (1990), Mitchell (1997), Ambrose and motivation theories, see Pinder (1998) and Porter, Bigley, and
Kulik (1999), and Mitchell and Daniels (2002). Steers (2003).

380 Academy of Management Review July

nism as a principle driving force in behavior. nism of the past. Past actions that led to positive
Individuals were seen as focusing their efforts outcomes would tend to be repeated, whereas
on seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. This past actions that led to negative outcomes
principle was later refined and further devel- would tend to diminish. Thorndike (1911) re-
oped in the works of philosophers like Locke, ferred to this as the law of effect, while Hull
Bentham, Mill, and Helvetius, in the seventeenth (1943) suggested that effort or motivation was
and eighteenth centuries. largely determined by drive ⫻ habit.
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the Skinner (1953) and others later built on these
issue of motivation began to migrate from the principles with the introduction of operant con-
realm of philosophy to the newly emerging sci- ditioning (referred to by some as reinforcement
ence of psychology. Challenges immediately theories), arguing that, over time, individuals
arose over the use of hedonism as the basis for learn contingent relationships between actions
the study of motivation. As Vroom explains, he- and their consequences and that these contin-
donism had gencies guide future behavior. Reinforcement
models continue to thrive today as explanatory
no clear-cut specification of the type of events
that were pleasurable or painful, or even how vehicles for understanding work motivation and
these events could be determined for a particular job performance, as well as in the workplace in
individual; nor did it make clear how persons various performance management programs
acquired their conceptions of ways of attaining (e.g., Komaki, 2003).
pleasure or pain, or how the source of pleasure or While psychologists were focusing on in-
pain might be modified by experience. In short,
the hedonistic assumption has no empirical con- stincts and drives, managers were focusing on
tent and was untestable (1964: 10). more pragmatic issues. A key development here
was the work of Frederick Taylor and his col-
As a result, behavioral scientists began search- leagues in the scientific management move-
ing for more empirically based models to ex- ment. Coming from an industrial engineering
plain motivation. background, Taylor (1911), along with many of
Among these early models were instinct the- his associates, focused his attention on the in-
ories, such as those proposed by James, Freud, efficiencies of factory production in an increas-
and McDougall. Instead of viewing behavior as ingly industrialized age. These colleagues pro-
highly rational, these theorists argued that posed a new and paternalistic approach to
much behavior resulted from instinct, defined by managing workers that relied on a combination
McDougall as of job training, pay-for-performance incentive
“an inherited or innate psychological predisposi- systems, improved employee selection tech-
tion which determined its possessor to perceive, niques, and job redesign, including the intro-
or pay attention to, objects of a certain class, to duction of ergonomics. Far from being exploit-
experience an emotional excitement of a partic- ative in intent, Taylor and his associates saw
ular quality upon perceiving such an object, scientific management as an economic boon to
and to act in regard to it in a particular manner
(1908: 4). both workers and management through the use
of improved manufacturing techniques, in-
James identified a list of such instincts that in- creased operating efficiency, and shared re-
cluded locomotion, curiosity, sociability, fear, wards. However, the subsequent rise of an in-
jealousy, and sympathy. creasingly sophisticated workforce, coupled
Beginning around the 1920s, however, as in- with company efforts to maximize productivity
creased limitations of the theory began to without simultaneously increasing employee re-
emerge, instinct theories began to be replaced wards, eventually served to discredit this sys-
by models based on drive or reinforcement. Led tem, leading to the widespread rise of unioniza-
by such psychologists as Thorndike, Wood- tion efforts in the 1930s.
worth, and Hull, drive theorists introduced the Meanwhile, social scientists and managers
concept of learning in motivated behavior and began to consider the role of social influences
posited that decisions concerning present or fu- on behavior in the 1930s. The role of group dy-
ture behaviors are largely influenced by the namics and the need to view employees as com-
consequences of rewards associated with past plex beings with multiple motivational influ-
behavior. Allport (1954) referred to this as hedo- ences were recognized as powerful influences
2004 Steers, Mowday, and Shapiro 381

on performance. Best noted among these re- and, thus, has found considerable popularity in
search endeavors are Mayo’s (1933) and Roeth- research on individual factors relating to work
lisberger and Dickson’s (1939) works. Bendix motivation.
summarized the principle contribution of this While Maslow and McClelland and their col-
human relations movement by observing that leagues focused on the role of individual differ-
the “failure to treat workers as human beings ences in motivation, Herzberg (1966; Herzberg,
came to be regarded as the cause of low morale, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959) sought to under-
poor craftsmanship, unresponsiveness, and con- stand how work activities and the nature of
fusion” (1956: 294). McGregor (1960) later built on one’s job influence motivation and performance.
this in his classic early work, The Human Side of In his motivation-hygiene theory, Herzberg ar-
Enterprise. gued that work motivation is largely influenced
By the 1950s, several new models of work mo- by the extent to which a job is intrinsically chal-
tivation emerged, which collectively have been lenging and provides opportunities for recogni-
referred to as content theories, since their prin- tion and reinforcement. Herzberg saw the con-
cipal aim was to identify factors associated with text surrounding a job (which he referred to as
motivation. Included here is Maslow’s (1954) hygiene factors) as being far more temporal in
need hierarchy theory, which suggests that, as terms of leading to satisfaction and future moti-
individuals develop, they work their way up a vation. Herzberg deserves credit for introducing
hierarchy based on the fulfillment of a series of the field to the role of job design—specifically,
prioritized needs, including physiological, job enrichment—as a key factor in work motiva-
safety and security, belongingness, esteem, and tion and job attitudes. In subsequent work,
self-actualization. Maslow argued that the first Hackman and Oldham (1976) and others have
three needs on the list represent deficiency extended this line of research as it relates to
needs that people must master before they can work design, motivation, and job performance,
develop into a healthy personality, while the while others, including Deci (1975; Ryan & Deci,
last two represent growth needs that relate to 2000), have articulated theories focusing specif-
individual achievement and the development of ically on task-based intrinsic versus extrinsic
human potential. Alderfer (1972) later adapted factors in motivation (e.g., self-determination
this model to encompass just three needs: exis- theory).
tence, relatedness, and growth.
A second need theory of the same era, first
introduced by Murray (1938) but more fully de-
veloped by McClelland (1961, 1971), ignored the
concept of a hierarchy and focused instead on Beginning in the mid 1960s, a new approach to
the motivational potency of an array of distinct the study of work motivation emerged, which
and clearly defined needs, including achieve- focused on delineating the processes underly-
ment, affiliation, power, and autonomy. McClel- ing work motivation. Process theories contrast
land argued that, at any given time, individuals sharply with the earlier content theories, which
possess several often competing needs that focused on identifying factors associated with
serve to motivate behavior when activated. This motivation in a relatively static environment.
contrasts with Maslow’s notion of a steady pro- Process theorists view work motivation from a
gression over time up a hypothetical hierarchy dynamic perspective and look for causal rela-
as individuals grow and mature. By far, most of tionships across time and events as they relate
the attention in McClelland’s model focused on to human behavior in the workplace.
the needs for achievement (defined as behavior Central to the process theory genre is a series
directed toward competition with a standard of of cognitive theories of motivation that collec-
excellence) and power (defined as a need to tively attempt to understand the thought pro-
have control over one’s environment). McClel- cesses that people go through in determining
land’s conceptualization offered researchers a how to behave in the workplace. In our view, the
set of clearly defined needs as they related to theories generated during the late 1960s and
workplace behavior, in contrast to Maslow’s early 1970s make this period something of a
more abstract conceptualizations (e.g., need for “golden age” of work motivation theories. Never
achievement versus need for self-actualization) before and, some would argue, never since has
382 Academy of Management Review July

so much progress been made in explicating the several emerging models of cross-cultural influ-
etiology of work motivation. ences on work motivation and job performance
Perhaps best known of the cognitive theories (Bhagat & McQuaid, 1982; Earley, 1997; Steers &
is expectancy (or expectancy-valence) theory. Sanchez-Runde, 2001; Triandis, 1995).
Expectancy theory derives from the early work In addition to expectancy theory, a number of
of Lewin (1938) and Tolman (1959), who saw be- other important cognitive theories of work moti-
havior as purposeful, goal directed, and largely vation have been developed since the 1960s,
based on conscious intentions. Vroom (1964) pre- each with its own focus. Adams (1963), for exam-
sented the first systematic formulation of ex- ple, introduced equity theory to explain how em-
pectancy theory as it related to the workplace. ployees respond both cognitively and behavior-
He argued that employees tend to rationally ally to perceived unfairness in the workplace
evaluate various on-the-job work behaviors (see also Mowday & Colwell, 2003, and Weick,
(e.g., working harder) and then choose those be- Bougon, & Maruyama, 1976). Adams argued that
haviors they believe will lead to their most val- both conditions of underpayment and overpay-
ued work-related rewards and outcomes (e.g., a ment can influence subsequent behavior. Re-
promotion). Thus, the attractiveness of a partic- cent work on procedural and distributive justice
ular task and the energy invested in it will de- further develops this area using the fundamen-
pend a great deal on the extent to which the tal concept of equity and its consequences (Cro-
employee believes its accomplishment will lead panzano & Rupp, 2003; Folger, 1986; Greenberg,
to valued outcomes. 1993; Sweeney & McFarlin, 1993).
Porter and Lawler (1968) expanded Vroom’s Goal-setting theory also emerged in the late
initial work to recognize the role of individual 1960s, as researchers began to discover that the
differences (e.g., employee abilities and skills) simple act of specifying targets for behavior en-
and role clarity in linking job effort to actual job hanced task performance (Locke, 1968, 1996;
performance. Porter and Lawler also clarified Steers & Porter, 1974). Research in this arena
the relationship between performance and sub- showed that goal specificity, goal difficulty, and
sequent satisfaction, arguing that this relation- goal commitment each served to enhance task
ship is mediated by the extent and quality of the performance. Based on numerous empirical
rewards employees receive in exchange for studies, Locke and Latham (1990) subsequently
good job performance. Finally, Porter and proposed a formal theory of goal setting. Earley
Lawler incorporated a feedback loop to recog- and Erez (1991) later added a time dimension to
nize learning by employees about past relation- this topic by examining the role of cognitive
ships. That is, if superior performance in the processing on motivation, while Crown and
past failed to lead to superior rewards, future Rosse (1995) examined the role of group goals, in
employee effort may suffer as incentives and the addition to individual goals, on performance.
reward system lose credibility in the employee’s Applications of goal-setting theory in the form of
eyes. individual and team management-by-objectives
Since its initial publication, a number of programs are now used widely throughout in-
scholars have worked to extend or further refine dustry (Ambrose & Kulik, 1999).
the basic cognitive expectancy framework to re- Finally, this period saw significant develop-
flect emerging research findings and new theo- ments focusing on the role of social cognition
retical developments (e.g., Kanfer, 1990; Mitch- and self-efficacy on behavior and performance
ell, 1997). For example, expectancy theory has by such leading researchers as Bandura
been used to study forms of work behavior other (1977a,b, 1997). Bandura proposed a social cog-
than job performance, including employee ab- nitive theory, suggesting that self-confidence
senteeism, turnover, and organizational citizen- lies at the heart of an individual’s incentive to
ship behavior (Mobley, 1977; Mowday, Porter, & act or to be proactive. Indeed, after a major
Steers, 1982; Organ, 1988; Porter & Steers, 1973; review of the research literature on social cog-
Steers & Rhodes, 1978). Researchers have also nition and self-efficacy, Stajkovic and Luthans
linked group expectations and social influences (1998, 2003) found considerable support for the
to individual work motivation decisions (Porter, role of self-efficacy in determining work-
Lawler, & Hackman, 1975). Finally, basic expect- related performance, particularly as moder-
ancy principles have been incorporated into ated by task complexity and locus of control.
2004 Steers, Mowday, and Shapiro 383

Based on this research, Luthans (2001) has pro- An outside observer might conclude from
posed extending this concept into the work- this situation that either we have lost interest
place through a model labeled positive organ- in the subject of work motivation (perhaps be-
izational behavior. cause it is no longer a pressing issue in organ-
izations) or that we solved the work motivation
problem long ago, thereby eliminating the
need for additional work. Neither of these con-
clusions seems very plausible. On the con-
trary, in the new economy, replete with its
Many of the ideas emerging from the 1960s dot.coms, e-commerce, and increased global-
and 1970s have subsequently been extended ization (as well as the more traditional manu-
and further developed to reflect an expanded facturing and service firms), a motivated work-
pool of research findings and more sophisti- force is frequently cited as a hallmark of
cated research methods. Indeed, the 1980s wit- competitive advantage. Indeed, MIT econo-
nessed a series of refinements and extensions of mist Lester Thurow (1992) observed over a de-
existing theories. For example, researchers cade ago that successful companies (and
made great strides in conceptual developments countries) will compete in the future based
and empirical work focusing on social learning principally on the quality of both their tech-
theory, as they did in new work focusing on nology and their human resources. A moti-
goal-setting theory, job design, reward systems, vated workforce becomes a critical strategic
punishment, procedural justice, innovation and asset in such competition.3 Why, then, has
creativity, and cross-cultural influences on work there been so little intellectual activity focus-
behavior. ing on this important topic? Perhaps we have
However, by the 1990s, intellectual interest yet to develop the breakthrough ideas that can
in work motivation theory—at least as mea- push us to the next level of understanding.
sured by journal publications—seemed to de- While theoretical developments on work mo-
cline precipitously. As evidence of this, con- tivation may have declined in recent years,
sider the number of theoretical (as opposed to the world of work has changed dramatically.
empirical) articles published in leading be- Indeed, one can argue that the past decade
havioral science journals over the past decade has witnessed greater workplace changes
(e.g., see Ambrose & Kulik, 1999, or Mitchell & than any other decade in memory. Companies
Daniels, 2002). You will find few articles that are both downsizing and expanding (often at
focus on genuine theoretical developments in the same time, in different divisions or levels
this area. Instead, you will see minor exten- of the hierarchy). The workforce is character-
sions, empirical tests, or applications of exist- ized by increased diversity with highly diver-
ing theories. While clearly helpful, this hardly gent needs and demands. Information technol-
leads to breakthrough developments in our ogy has frequently changed both the manner
understanding of the principles underlying and location of work activities. New organiza-
work motivation. At the same time, a review of tional forms (such as those found in e-com-
the most recent editions of textbooks in the merce) are now commonplace. Teams are re-
field of management and organizational be- defining the notion of hierarchy, as well as
havior reveals that most of the theories dis- traditional power distributions. The use of
cussed date from the 1960s and 1970s, with contingent workers is on the rise. Managing
only fleeting references to more recent work. knowledge workers continues to perplex expe-
(It is also curious that some early motivation rienced managers across divergent industries.
theories that have subsequently been widely And globalization and the challenges of man-
discredited continue to permeate such texts.) aging across borders are now the norm in-
In short, while other fields of management stead of the exception.
research (e.g., leadership, decision making,
negotiations, groups and teams, and organiza- 3
See a special issue of Harvard Business Review (January
tion design) continue to develop conceptually, 2003) focusing on the importance of employee motivation as
substantive theoretical developments focus- a key strategic asset in competition and corporate perfor-
ing on work motivation have not kept pace. mance.
384 Academy of Management Review July

These changes can have a profound influence tions for developing more complex theories of
on how companies attempt to attract, retain, and work motivation that are more valid, more com-
motivate their employees. Yet we lack new mod- plete, broader in scope, and, by implication,
els capable of guiding managerial behavior in more useful to practitioners than existing
this new era of work. As Cappelli notes, “Most theories.
observers of the corporate world believe that the In the second, Yitzhak Fried and Linda Haynes
traditional relationship between employer and Slowik examine ways in which time factors can
employee is gone, but there is little understand- influence goal-setting processes and job perfor-
ing of why it ended and even less about what is mance in work organizations. They argue that
replacing that relationship” (1999: 1). We believe the addition of time as a key variable in goal-
that the time has come to redirect our intellec- setting theory adds to its dynamism and validity
tual energies into discovering new models—and in helping explain employee behavior in in-
research toward new models— of work motiva- creasingly complex, continually evolving work
tion and job performance commensurate with environments.
this new era. Next, Myeong-Gu Seo, Lisa Feldman Barrett,
and Jean M. Bartunek draw on both psychologi-
cal and neurobiological theories of core affec-
tive experiences to identify a set of direct and
With this in mind, in 2001 AMR issued a call indirect paths through which work-related affec-
for papers on the topic of the future of work tive feelings can influence three dimensions of
motivation. A special seminar was held at the behavioral outcomes: direction, intensity, and
2001 annual meeting of the Academy of Manage- persistence. In addition to direct influence, af-
ment to stimulate interest and discussion in the fective experiences can also influence behavior
topic. In response to the call, researchers sub- indirectly, through their effects on goal level
mitted fifty-six papers, which were subse- and goal commitment, as well as on the key
quently reviewed. In view of space limitations of judgment components of motivation relating to
the journal, many worthy papers could not be expectancy, utility, and progress.
accommodated. However, following multiple re- Ruth Kanfer and Phillip L. Ackerman then use
view cycles, six papers emerged that seem to life-span and adult development theories to fa-
offer new and useful ideas and insights into cilitate an understanding of the implications of
future directions for the theoretical development aging on workplace motivation. Although aging
of the topic. is generally viewed as leading to declining cog-
What these papers have in common is a nitive and intellectual capabilities, these au-
genuine effort to build on existing theories of thors argue that this view may be overly sim-
work motivation by adapting and extending plistic. Instead, they argue that aging is a more
them to fit the realities of the changing con- complex process, in which declining cognitive
temporary workplace. Today’s workplace is abilities are accompanied by growth in other
characterized by an increasingly short-term intellectual abilities, reorganization of motives
focus, time as a critical performance variable, and goals, and changing personality traits.
increasing interdependence among employ- Fully understanding how aging influences mo-
ees (often manifested in some form of team tivation, therefore, requires a comprehensive
organization), evolving affective responses to understanding of the different and often com-
the workplace experience, increasing value pensatory changes taking place.
and motive conflicts on the part of employees, Following this, Naomi Ellemers, Dick de
and a clear recognition of the transitory nature Gilder, and S. Alexander Haslam use self-
of careers. categorization theory and social identity pro-
The six papers appearing in this special issue cesses to examine the ways in which individual
address a variety of issues critical to advancing and group processes interact to determine work
our understanding of motivation theory and mo- motivation. The fact that work in organizations
tivation in the workplace. The first paper, by is increasingly organized around teams sug-
Edwin A. Locke and Gary P. Latham, focuses on gests it is important to understand how groups
the development of metatheories on work moti- influence work motivation. Their paper explores
vation. These authors present six recommenda- how participation in groups can have a power-
2004 Steers, Mowday, and Shapiro 385

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Richard M. Steers is the Kazumitsu Shiomi Professor of Management in the Lundquist

College of Business, University of Oregon. He received his Ph.D. from the University of
California at Irvine. His current research focuses on employee motivation and cross-
cultural management.

Richard T. Mowday is the Gerald B. Bashaw Professor of Management in the Lund-

quist College of Business, University of Oregon. He received his Ph.D. from the
University of California at Irvine and focuses his teaching and research on leadership
in organizations.
2004 Steers, Mowday, and Shapiro 387

Debra L. Shapiro, formerly the Willard Graham Distinguished Professor of Manage-

ment at UNC–Chapel Hill, is now professor of management and organization in the
R. H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland at College Park, and a member
of the Academy of Management’s Board of Governors. She received her Ph.D. from
Northwestern University. Her research focuses on issues regarding how to manage
conflict in organizations that tend to motivate unproductive employee behaviors and
the cross-cultural challenges of managing conflict effectively.
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