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You expect of me a speech?

I have only one to

give. It is the same one I’d give were we not
standing on the brim of a battlefield.

It is the same one I’d give were we to meet in

the street by chance. I have only ever hoped
for one thing: to see this kingdom united
under this English crown.

All men are born to die. We know it. We carry

it with us always. If your day be today, so be
it. Mine will be tomorrow. Or mine today and
yours tomorrow. It matters not. What
matters is that you know in your hearts that
today you are that kingdom united.

You are England, each and every one of you.

England is you. And it is the space between
you. Fight not for yourselves. Fight for that
space. Fill that space. Make it tissue. Make it

Make it impenetrable. Make it yours! Make it

England! Make it England! Great men to it,
captains, lords. Great men to it!

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