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1.ovarian cycle

-development of follicle


2. Uterine cycle

-functional endometrium thicken and sheds


1ST day of menstruation

-hypothalamus secrete GnRH causes anterior pituitary gland to release FSH and LH ,these pituitary
hormones control maturation of ovarian follicles which initially made up of primary oocyte
surrounded by theca and granulosa cell, the hormones secreting cell of ovary

1st 10 days

-Theca cell develop receptor and bind to LH and secrete androstenedione, androgen hormone.

-Granulosa cell develop receptor and bind FSH and produce enzyme aromatase. Aromatase converts
androstenedione into 17 beta estradiol,which is member of oestrogen family
Days 10-14

-Granulosa cell begin to develop LH receptors.As follicles grow and oestrogen is released into
bloodstream, increased oestrogen levels act as negative feedback, so that pituitary secrete less
FSH.As a result,decrease FSH production,some of follicle in ovary will stop growing ,regress and die
off.The follicle that has the most FSH receptors will continue to grow become the dominant follicle
that will undergo ovulation.This dominant follicle continue to secrete oestrogen, and rising
oestrogen level make pituitary more responsive to the pulsatile action of GnRH from
hypothalamus.As oestrogen increases the dominant follicle become positive feedback signal makes
the pituitary secrete a lot of FSH and LH in respons to GnRH.The surge of FSH and LH happens 1-2
days before ovulation and is responsible for stimulating the rupture of ovarian follicle and release of

-average 5 days

- old endometrium lining from previous cycle is shed and eliminate through vagina produce bleeding
pattern known as the menstrual period

-high oestrogen level stimulate thickening of endometrium,growth of endometrial glands and

emergence of spiral arteries.Rising oestrogen levels also help change consistency of the cervical
mucus.Increases in oestrogen on uterus and cervix help to optimize the chance of fertilisation,which
is the highest between day 11 and day 15.Following ovulation,the remnant of ovarian follicle
becomes corpus luteum which is made up of luteinized theca and granulosa cells. Luteinized theca
cells keep secreting androsteniodone and luteinized granulosa cells keep convert 17 beta
oestradiol.Luitenized granulosa cells respond to low LH concentrations that present after
ovulation .So luitenized granulosa cells secrete more progesterone than oestrogen during luteal
phase.Progestrone act as a negative feedback signal on pituitary, decrease release of FSH and
LH.Luitenized granulosa cell begin secrete inhibin which inhibit the pituitary gland from making
FSH.Both of these process result in decrease oestrogen levels, so progesterone become dominant
hormone in this phase of cycle.Decrease level of oestrogen,the rising progesterone levels signal that
ovulation occur and help make the endometrium receptive to implantation

-under the influence of progesterone, uterus enters into secretory phase .Spiral arteries continues to
grow and uterine gland begin to secrete mucus.After day 15 of the cycle, optimal window for
fertilisation begin to close,the cervical mucus starts to thicken and become less hospitable to the
sperm.Corpus luteum gradually degenerates into corpus albicans, so oestrogen and progesterone
low.When progesterone reaches its low level the spiral artery collapse and the functional layer of
endometrium prepare to shed through menstruation.Shedding marks the beginning of new
menstrual cycle and another opportunity for fertilisation

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