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Administrator part

First, we will go through the authentication page to know where to redirect the user (it
depends on the user role), we have 3 roles:




Figure : authentication page

2-Admin Session
now we will be redirected to the administrator session where we have the choice to modify
the doctors, nurses, hotels or configure the dictionary.
Figure : Admin Session page

1-Doctor Management :

in this page you can add a doctor or remove him from the database. When we add a doctor
we add it with a role_id which equals 2 (which means a doctor).
Figure : Doctor Management page

2-Nurse Management :

in this page you can add a nurse or delete it from the database. When we add a nurse we
add it with a role_id which equals 3 (which means a nurse).

Figure : Nurse Management page

3-Hospital Management :

in this page you can add a hospital or delete it from the database.

Figure : Hospital Management page

3-Database :
Our database contains several tables, among them:

 hospital: to add or remove hospitals from the database

 patient: to add patients, and then process their files individually.
 type_user: to know what type of user after authentication (there are 3 types:
administrator, doctor, nurse)
 user: to add or remove users from the database
Figure : EMR Database

1-User Table :
The user table contains 6 columns:

 id: which is the primary key

 First: the first name of the user
 Last: the last name of the user
 Role: which allows you to define what type of user it is
 Email: user's email
 Password: the password with which he will access the platform (the passwords are
encrypted in md5)

Figure : User Table

2-Hospital Table :
The hospital table contains 2 columns:

 id: which is the primary key

 hospital_name: the hospital name

Figure : Hospital Table

3-Medical services:

Figure : Medical Services Table

this is the table of the different medical services that we will add in the next part

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