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Dissertation Report
Submitted for partial fulfillment of requirement for the
award of degree

SESSION- 2018-2020

Ms. Prachi Giri Hemant Gupta




I, Hemant Gupta, hereby declared that the project report entitled “PERFORMANCE
APPRAISAL.” submitted by me to the university in the partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration under the guidance of “Ms.
Prachi Giri” is my original work & the conclusion drawn there in are based on the
material/data collected by myself.

The report submitted is my own work & hence not from any other source.

I shall be responsible for any unpleasure moment/situation (if any)




This is to certify that Hemant Gupta is the bonofied student of MBA have successfully
completed the project work as described by the university in the partial fulfillment of the
Master of Business Administration of the academic year 2019-20.

The project work entitled as “PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL”

Ms. Prachi Giri



A successful project is the result of team work & coordination that includes not only the
group of developers who put for the ideas, logics but also those who guide them. So, at the
completion of the project I feel obliged to extent my gratitude towards all those who made
valuable conclusions throughout my research period.

I am thankful for all the knowledge/guidance & support imparted by “Ms. Prachi Giri” to me
who gave me invaluable knowledge in the period.

I would also like to thank all the respondents for giving us their precious time and relevant
information and experience, as and when required without which this project would not have
been possible.

At the end just as significantly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to management
department & all the other members who have provided me excellent knowledge & guidance
throughout my MBA degree.

Thanking you

Hemant Gupta



Performance appraisal is something which is not very old for the government organizations.
Even today railways, etc have just confidential reports as performance appraisal tool, but now
even the public sector units have introduced various methods to appraise the workers for their
performance. Performance Appraisal has been considered as the most significant an
indispensable tool for an organization, for an organization, for the information it provides is
highly useful in making decisions regarding various personnel aspects such as promotion and
merit increases.

Performance measures also link information gathering and decision making processes which
provide a basis for judging the effectiveness of personnel sub-divisions such as recruiting,
selection, training and compensation. This research will concentrate on examine the effect of
the performance appraisal on an individual as well as on organizations.

It is a powerful tool to calibrate, refine and reward the performance of the employee.
It helps to analyze his achievements and evaluate his contribution towards the achievements
of the overall organizational goals.

People differ in their abilities and their aptitudes. There is always some difference
between the quality and quantity of the same work on the same job being done by two
different people. Therefore, performance management and performance appraisal is
necessary to understand each employee’s abilities, competencies and relative merit and worth
for the organization. Performance appraisal rates the employees in terms of their











9 ANNEXURE 52-55


Performance appraisal is one of the oldest and most universal practices of management. It
refers to all the format procedures used in working organization to evaluate the personalities
and contribution and potential of group members.

Performance appraisal is defined as a “structured formal interaction between an employee and his
sub-ordinate that usually take the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi- annual or any other
periodicity fixed by the management) in which the work performance of the sub- ordinate is
examined as well as opportunities for improvement and skill development. The same process occurs
employees get evaluated by their immediate seniors the evaluation acts as a basis of their
promotions and the incentives they get. There is a strategy used at companies according to which
the employees are divided into two categories; first to represent the artisans and the supervisors
and the second category of executives and top management, while supervisors get their annual
confidential report as a measure of their performance and the incentives hardly get affected the
second category gets incentives based on their performance which gets evaluated based on e-
MAP( Moving ahead through performance) an online technique to appraise employees.

Performance appraisal is known as an important tool of personnel management since it

reflects an evaluative judgment of the traits, characteristics as well as work performance of
the employees on their jobs. Therefore the importance of employee performance appraisal
within an organization is of vital importance from the point of view of employees- both
subordinates and supervisors. Employee can earn more income and better employment
privileges by better performance measured by some appraisal plan. These appraisal plans
serve as a basis for counseling employees about their strength and weaknesses for improving
their productive efficiency and for better superior employee relations by developing material
confidence. Appraisal plans are also of great importance in the area of training, development,
compensation, handling grievances and disciplinary cases.

In words of Mc Gregor:
Performance appraisal plans are designed to meet three needs, one of the organization and
other of the individual, namely

 To provide systematic judgment to back up salary increase, transfer, demotion or

 They are means of telling subordinates that how he is doing, and Suggestion
needed change in his behavior, attitude skills or job knowledge.
 They are used as a base for coaching and counseling the individual by the

I chose this topic for the project work because the performance appraisal system of
COMPANIES has drastically evolved in recent years, therefore to evaluate the basic entries
criteria of the employee’s performance in the company. It is necessary to know the actual
conditions and the employee satisfaction in the industry.

More over it is learnt that COMPANIES is the first public sector undertaking that has gone
for electronic method of performance measurement through the E-MAP (Moving ahead
through performance)

But before going any further it is important to know the importance of the performance
appraisal system, which is as under:

Performance Appraisals is used by many organisations due to the following Reasons:-

1) Administrative- Performance Appraisal commonly serve as the administrative tool by

providing employers with the rationale for making many personnel decisions.
2) Employee Development- Performance Appraisal for employee’s development
purpose provides feedback on employees performance. Appraisal data can also be
used for employee development purpose in helping to identify specific training need
for individuals.
3) Programme Assessment- Programme Assessment requires the collection and storage
of Performance Appraisal data for number of uses. The records can show how
effective recruitment, selection and placement have been supplying a qualified

4) To create and maintain a satisfactory level of performance.

5) To bring about better operational and business needs
6) To facilitate fair and equitable compensation based on performance
7) To help the superiors to have a proper understanding about their subordinates.
8) To provide information useful for manpower planning by identifying the employees
with the potential for advancement.
9) To facilitate for testing and validating selection tests, interview techniques through
comparing their scores with performance appraisal ranks.

Apart from these, the biggest advantage is to motivate the workforce, keeping in mind the
growing attrition rates and the employee dissatisfaction among the employees; the HR
professionals are approaching and using the performance appraisal as a fuel to
motivate employees. The latest trend being followed by the HR professionals is to use
the performance appraisal and review process as a motivating mechanism.

One of the most motivating factors for the employees, in the Performance appraisal processes
is to receive a fair an accurate assessment of their performance. Inaccurate evaluation is one
reason because of which most employees dread going through performance appraisals. An
employee always expects his appraiser to recognize and appreciate his achievements, support
him to overcome the problems and failures.

The discrepancies and the inaccuracies in the performance review can demotivate the
employees, even if there has been an increase in the salary. Such inaccuracies can kill the
innovating and risk taking enthusiasm and spirit in the employees. Similarly, inaccurate
reviews with no hike in compensation can increase the attrition rate in the organization,
forcing the employees to look out for other options.

Keeping these things in mind the top management of COMPANIES has introduced the E-
MAP system which ensures transparency to a great extent, hence the motivation level of the
employees increases seeing such a transparent system thus it could be said that the present
system provides transparency at such a level which nobody ever had.

The above diagram describes how important is it to get a fair evaluation for motivation, an
employee with good performance if does not get good incentives, would definitely get
demotivated and his working quality would also decrease; on the other hand if the
performance gets fairly rated resulting in good incentives, the person would be highly
motivated, would work harder, there is another way around too even if a person is being
payed good but performance review is inaccurate there would be decrease in motivation

Performance appraisal at COMPANIES-

COMPANIES has been working to improve the performance appraisal system ever since its
beginning, unlike the other public sector units this organization is way ahead of its other
counterparts, its system is like that used in other organizations of the private sector, way
ahead in technology.

The features which make it remarkable are:

 Its technology, the performance appraisal system has gone all online, gone are the
days in which people had to dug their heads into papers now people can check out
their performance scores online.
 It is a systematic way of appraisal, people have different grades, they have different
work and so have to be differently rated for their performance; therefore the whole
system is divided into two categories, first category depicting the supervisors and the
artisans and the second category consisting of executives and the top management.
 It is a fair system for appraisal, as the lower grade people are not much into
technicality so their incentives should not be dependent upon their performance in
terms of ideas, etc for they would do what they are asked to by the executive, thus

they get normal bonuses only the promotions do get affected by these annual
confidential report containing the details of the evaluation done on their performance.
 The executives are the people who take major decisions and see through the normal
processing of their respective departments, thus their incentives are performance
based, and they are rated as per their achievements and the type of work they
 To seek that the company’s objectives get fulfilled and the organization functions
well, there is a need to rate the efforts of a team, a department, a sector , a unit and so
their exists a balance scorecard system in which rather than individuals, whole of the
organization is responsible for gaining points.

These are thus some of the features of the performance appraisal system, which make it
whole lot of better than the other techniques..

Cascade refers to the process of aligning organizational goals to individual goal in a series of
step. This is done by translating the goal that are identified at organization level in to business
sectors, unit functional and departmental level scorecard and onward in the form of KRA to
individuals who form a part of these unit. Cascade of unit /department level goals to
individual KRA ensures alignment and that the individual and group objectives and results
contribute directly to achievement of organizational results

Performance targets:

The major objectives on which performance is graded could be divided into four categories:

1. To gain financial gains, that is bringing profits

2. Customer satisfaction
3. Proper processing
4. Good strategies to enhance the organization’s capability

Organization’s performance

Unit performance sector performance


Department performance

As given above the organization’s performance depends upon the performance of its units
and sector and each sector’s performance depends upon the departments under it, this
mechanism is dependent upon the balance scorecard, which is used to give details of the
performance of the sector, departments units and ultimately the organization as a whole.
Balance scorecard is used to show the performance of each unit rather than individual people.

People involved in the system-


This class of employees is higher than the artisans and lower than executives. The supervisor
is responsible for passing of work orders from the executives and then making sure that the
workers work according to the requirements of the customers. The supervisors are ranked
from S1 toS7 under different grades. Sometimes direct appointment is also made. The
performance appraisals systems used for the supervisors are the ACR’s. The supervisory
cadre is classified as under:

 Charge man S1
 Assistant Forman S2
 Forman S3
 General Forman S4
 Executive Forman S5
 Senior executive Forman S6
 General executive Forman S7


The executive class of any industry is responsible for its proper functioning and long term
benefits. Executive class has to be exhibit various traits like leadership, motivation,
communication skills, discipline, job knowledge, managerial capabilities etc.

They manage the workers, supervisors and other supporting staff and are responsible for the
proper growth, public relations, customer satisfaction and thus market value of the firm on
national and internationals platforms. They utilize not only their technical knowledge but also
their managerial skills. The executive class is divided into following grades:

 Engineer/ officer E1
 Senior Engineer/ officer E2
 Deputy Manager E3
 Manager E4
 Senior Manager E5
 Deputy General Manager E6
 Senior Deputy General Manager E6-A
 Additional General manager E7
 General Manager E8
 Executive Director E9

Thus we see that the executive class goes to the top right from the engineers to the top
management of the company.

Performance appraisal for the executives and above:

For executives and higher grades there is this e-map system or online moving ahead through
performance, in which people get promotions and incentives based on their performance,
which they could see on the Companies’s website, it provides a lot of transparency. This E-
map technique uses a lot of tools for its implementation like KRA master, balance scorecard,
differentiation, etc.

Over the years there have been various changes introduced, in order to make this technique
even better. The employee firstly appraises himself that is there is self appraisal found here
after which the report is sent to the superior who gives his remarks, if the superior makes
remarks which the employee does not agree with then it goes to the reviewer, who makes his
final decision.

Before the appraisal there are two most important things to be planned which are as such:

A) Organization’s specific policy- Top management within each organization shall develop,
implement and administer a performance management policy. This policy & procedure shall
be tailored to meet the organization within the parameter of this policy. Each policy must
reflect the conscious decision that agency management makes in designing performance
management system. An agency policy must include:-

 All of the components of an operative system.

 Instruction about how the system will operate using the three parts management
performance process.
 A provision requiring that one of the responsibilities included in each supervisor’s
and manager’s work plan is managing the performance of subordinate employees
in accordance with the organization.
 Performance management policy and procedure.
 Sanctions to be levied by the agency head if all provisions are not met.
 Relationships of performance management to other human resource system.
 Responsibilities/roles of the organization Personnel.

B) Individual work Plan-Each employee shall have a work plan established at the beginning of
the cycle on an annual basis. A work plan must include the result to be accomplished and the
behavior/skills needed to produce these as well as any special one time projects and/or goals.
The work plan shall be based on each employee’s position description or an equivalent
document based on job analysis (this would include a generic or specific job description, a
listing of job or responsibilities etc), if no position description exists a job description or its
equivalent shall be written using a job analysis approach. Each employee’s work plan must
also include expectations, tracking sources/frequency and actual performance. Expectations
must be written at the “GOOD” level. To be considered substantive at the “GOOD”,
performance expectations must have one or more indicators for measuring (quality, quantity,
timeliness or cost). In order to be as fair s possible to employees and to ensure that work
plans are defensible, supervisors should also discuss performing at the “OUTSTANDING”
and “UNSATISFACTORY” levels. The supervisor’s managers are responsible for ensuring
that expectations for similar jobs across units reporting to them are consistent and equitable.

C) Management should endure to establish standard work plans for employees performing the
same work except for the parts of job, which vary. After the work plan is completed at the

beginning of the cycle. It must be signed and dated by the employee, the supervisor, and the
supervisor’s manager. If changes are made on the work plan during the cycle, the employee,
the supervisor and the supervisor’s manager must initial date the changes before it is
effective. In both of these cases, the supervisor retains the original and the employee must
receive a copy. Unusual circumstances within certain jobs/classification may require
alternative practices to ensure reasonable requirements and equitable treatment. These
situations should be discussed with the office of personnel so that adjustments may be made.

Key features of E-MAP:

There are various features of this technique which makes it different from others and more
efficient, these features are as such:
 Alignment & focus-
Employee’s performance aligned to the goals of COMPANIES. Individuals make
their own action plan keeping in mind the organization’s goals.
 Objectivity –
Measuring performance objectively based on targets
defined at the beginning of the year.
 Transparency-
Clear and transparent process of target setting and sharing of assessment with
individual, has brought about a lot of transparency.
 Consistency
Consistent application of MAP tools across the
organisation (standard KRAs, Unit of measurement).
 Differentiation
Identifying & rewarding high performers, and seeking that the appraiser does
not take the process for granted, for they have a tendency of rating everyone
almost equally through this process bands are made and no two employees of
the same band can get the same rating.
 Development
Developing individual competence & capability required for the role, this
could be done through proper training and motivation to employees.
 e-Enablement

Companies has a Web-based system linking over 100 locations, covering

around 11,000 executives. Centralised monitoring for effective
implementation thus a transparent and spread to whole of the country system

Map tools-
There are various Map tools used to measure the performance of individuals and of
the units or departments itself, these tools are as such
 Balance scorecard
 KRA masters
 Rating scales
 Differentiation
 Normalization

1. Balance Score Card (BSC)

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a strategic performance management tool for

measuring whether the smaller-scale operational activities of a company are aligned with
its larger-scale objectives in terms of vision and strategy. By focusing not only on
financial outcomes but also on the operational, marketing and developmental inputs to
these, the Balanced Scorecard helps provide a more comprehensive view of a business,
which in turn helps organizations act in their best long-term interests.

The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used
extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide
to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal
and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic
goals. The Balance Scorecard is used for the executive class in COMPANIES.

There are certain parameters on which rating is done for each department or unit, etc. then
a cascade is formed, there are certain measures taken in order to achive the targets, these
targets are customer satisfaction, profit and increased capability to produce, so there have
to be certain measures taken in terms of the financial situation that is, the organisation
must best utilize its resources while also gaining profit, besides the process to produce
must be efficient enough to give technical upperhand to the organization over others.

2. KRA Master and the performance planning process-Performance Management

System is based on the importance of managing each individuals work and continuous
communication between employees and their supervisors. It ensures that all
 Are aware of what is expected from them.
 Are provided with continuous feedback about their performance.
 Are provided with provided with opportunities for education, training and
 Are awarded in fair and equitable manner.
It is desirable that each organisation has a system for managing.
The performance process is the sequence of the actions that supervisors and mangers take
when interacting with the employees about their performance. The three parts of the process

b) Planning b) Managing c) Appraising

3. Differentiation-
To prevent the appraiser giving the same rating to the employees COMPANIES has
also introduced a differentiation tool, which disallows the people getting the same
rating irrespective of their work thus avoiding the general rating.
It ensures that no two individuals within a group can have the same aggregate score
on the given factors –
• Quality of work
• Cost Consciousness
• Process Orientation
• Contribution to overall objectives of the Group

There are several bands in which the employees lie and no two employees of the same
band can have the same rating, these bands are as such:
E1-E3; E4-E5; E-6 and so forth these are the levels of the executives and those
employees falling in the categories of E1, E2, E3 would not get the same rating.

4. Normalization-
It is the process of categorizing individuals within a department into Excellent / Very
Good / Good / Fair / P, based on Performance Scores.
Principle of ‘Normal distribution’ is used to define the percentage in each category.


Performance appraisal is one of the most important requirements for all successful business
and human resource policy (Kressler, 2003). Rewarding and promoting effective
performance in organization, as well as identifying ineffective performers for resource
management (Pulakos, 2003). The ability to conduct performance appraisal relies on the
ability to assess an employee’s performance in a fair and accurate manner. Evaluating
employee performance is a difficult task. Once the supervisor understands the nature of the
job and the source of information, the information needs to be collected in a systematic way,
provided as feedback, and integrated into the organization’s performance management

process for use in making compensation, job placement and training decisions and
assignment (London, 2003). After a review of literature, a performance appraisal model will
be described in detail. The model discussed is an example of a performance appraisal system
that can be implemented aim a large institution of higher education, within the Student Affair
division. The model can be applied to top-level, middle-level and lower-level employees.
Evaluation instruments (forms) are provided to assist with implementation the appraisal

Performance evaluations have been conducted since the times of Aristotle (Landy,
Zedeck, Cleveland, 1983). The earliest formal employee performance evaluation program is
thought to have originated in the United States military establishment shortly after the birth of
the republic (Lopez, 1968). The measurement of an employee’s performance allows for
rational administrative decisions at the individual employee level. It also provides for the raw
data for the evaluation of the effectiveness of such personnel-system components and
processes as recruiting policies, training programs, selection rules, promotional strategies,
and reward allocations (Landy, Zedeck, Cleveland, 1983). In addition, it provides the
foundation for behaviorally based employee counseling. In the counseling setting,
performance information provides the vehicle for increasing satisfaction, commitment, and
motivation of the employee. Performance measurement allows the organization to tell the
employee some thing about their rates of growth, their competencies, and their potentials.
There is little disagreement that if well done, performance measurements and feedback can
play a valuable role in effecting the organization (Landy, Zedeck, Cleveland, 1983).

Performance appraisals should focus on three objectives: performance, not
personalities; valid, concrete, relevant issues, rather that subjective emotions and feelings;
reaching agreement on what the employee is going to improve in his performance and what
you are going to do (McKirchy, 1998). Both the supervisor and employee should recognize
that a strong relationship exists between training and performance evaluation (Barr, 1993).
Each employee should be allowed to participate in periodic sessions to review performance
and clarify expectations. Both the supervisor and the employee should recognize these
sessions as constructive occasions for two-way should include opportunities for self-
assessment as well as supervisor feedback.

The supervisor should keep in contact with the employee to assure the training
experiences are producing desired impact (Barr, 1993). A portion of the process should be
devoted to an examination of potential opportunities to pursue advancement of acceptance of
more complex responsibilities. The employee development goals should be recognized as
legitimate, and plans should be made to reach the goals through developmental experiences
or education (Barr, 1993). Encouraging development is not only a supervisor’s professional
responsibility, but it also motivates an employee to pursue additional commitments. In
addition, the pursuit of these objectives will also improve the prospect that current employees
will be qualified as candidates when positions become available. This approach not only
motivates current performance but also assists the recruitment of current employees as
qualified candidates for future positions (Barr, 1993).


Employee learns of his or her own strengths in addition to weaknesses.- New goal
and objectives are agreed upon. Employee is an active participant in the evaluation process.
The relationship between supervisor and employees is taken to an adult-to-adult level. Work
teams may be restructured for maximum efficiency. Employee renews his or her interest in
being a part of the organization now and in the future. Training needs are identified. Time is
devoted to discussing quality of work without regard to money issues. Supervisor becomes
more comfortable in reviewing the performance of employees. Employees feel that they are
taken seriously as individuals and that the supervisor is truly concerned about their needs and
goals. (Randi, Toler, Sachs, 1992).

When conducting performance appraisals on any level, it is important to keep in mind
the common pitfalls to avoid.
These pitfalls may include but are not limited to:-

1. Bias/prejudice- Race, religion, education, family background, age, and/ or sex.

2. Trait assessment – Too much attention to characteristics that have nothing to do with the job
and are difficult to measure.

3. Over-emphasis on favorable or unfavorable performance of one or two tasks which could

lead to an unbalanced evaluation of the overall contribution.

4. Relying on impressions rater than facts.

5. Holding the employee responsible for the impact of factors beyond his/her control.

6. Failure to provide each employee with an opportunity for advance preparation (Maddux,

Any performance appraisal system used to make employment decisions about a
member of a protected class (i.e. Based on age, race, religion, gender or national origin) must
be a valid system (an accurate measure of performance associated with job requirements).
Otherwise, it can be challenged in the courts based on Title VII of the1964 Civil Rights Act,
the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
1975(London, 2003).

Effectiveness of performance Appraisal system it is argued is a function of applying

the right system in right context. - By Klein; the Art o Appraisal

Performance appraisal system are “home work” that provides the information you
need in order to make appropriate administrative recommendations, hold meaningful
feedback discussions with staff members, and determined were performance improvement is
required - By Marion E. Haynes; Managing Performance

The effectiveness of an Appraisal System is determined by the quality of

communication between the manager and staff member, not by multiple raters, complex
scoring methods, or the form used. -By John D. Drake; Performance Appraisal: One
More Time

Performance appraisal can actually be counter-productive for employees who are in

the greatest need of training and further development -By Victor Buzzottan; Improving
your Performance Appraisal

One of the measure reason Performance management and Performance Appraisal fail
is that too much time is spent on Appraising performance using vague criteria, and not
enough time and effort put into helping employee understand what his job is about, and the
goals and objectives he/she is expected to achieve to be successful. Learn to do goals setting
painlessly. -By Robert Bacal; Learn to plan Performance and set employee goals

Maximizing and measuring our own performance and that of the people who work for
us is a basic tenant of the work environment. Always use of simple tool and approach that
can be beneficial in achievement performance plan. -By Zack Mansdorf;
Performance Management; Identifying work goals

Most managers and supervisors today are attempting to quantify their departmental
objective and pass them on their employees through performance standards. Despite the
simplicity of this management- by –objective approach, deadlines are missed, quality is
relatively poor and productive is low. The reasons for this may not be the fault of the
employees carrying out the work. The cause is most often associated with the immediate
supervisor’s lack of attention to the realities surrounding objectives and performance
standards require a careful analysis of all the relevant issues. -By Gregory Isaac; Plan for

Organizations striving to develop an open and participative approach have begun to

give employees the chance to say what they think of their managers. Such appraisals can only
work in a culture where mangers are willing to listen and learn and effect any necessary
changes as a result. - By Madhukar Shukla; Upward Appraisal and

Organizational culture

At one stage performance appraisal relied mainly on personality characteristics. Sub

ordinates were being appraised by their superior on the extent to which they exhibited
characteristic like, tact, willingness, enthusiasm, and maturity. Mangers were being put into
position of psychologists and required to make subjective ratings without any point of
reference expect their own opinion -By Bob Nelson; Performance Assessment

Performance appraisal is a part is a part of overall performance management system

of an organization. Through the appraisal process, gap between an individual’s agreed

performance standard his actual performance is assessed and appropriate strategies are drawn
for subsequent performance cycle. This is a useful performance enhancement exercise. In
many Organizations, PMS is linked with other systems like salary & Benefits, Training
&Development and Succession Planning. -By H.K.Shukla; Straties Human

Resource Management

Bi-directional performance recognizes that for performance to improve, both manager

and employee must receive feedback on how well they are fulfilling their obligations to their
organizations and to each other. -By Robert bacal; when Boss evaluates you


A) PRIMARY DATA: Sample Design.

 Sample Element : Employees from haridwar

 Sample Size : 10
 Sample Media : Questionnaire
 Sampling Method : Simple Random Sampling

Questionnaire method has been used to analyse and assess the employee motivation of

COMPANIES employees, Hardwar.


Secondary data are collected from:

 Newspapers

 Magazines

 Internet


 Chi – square test

 Percentage analysis

 Weighted average ranking method


The Chi-square test is an important test amongst the several tests of significance
developed by statisticians. Chi-square is a statistical measure used in the context of sampling
analysis for comparing a variance to a theoretical variance. As a non-parametric test, it can
be used to determine if categorical data shows dependency or the two classifications are
independent. The test is, in fact, a technique through the use of which it is possible for all
researchers to

 Test the goodness of fit

 Test the significance of association between two attributes and
 Test the homogeneity or the significance of population variance.

As a test of independence, χ 2 test enables us to explain whether or not two attributes

are associated. In such a situation, we proceed with the null hypothesis that the two attributes

are independent. If the calculated value is less than the tabulated value at certain degrees of
freedom, the null hypothesis is accepted and vice versa.

χ 2 is calculated as follows:

χ2= ∑ (O-E) 2

Whereχ 2 = Chi – square

Oi = Observed Frequency

Ei = Expected Frequency

χ 2 is always positive and it ranges from 0 to 00

The expected value for the contingency tabulated as follows.

E = (Row total * Column total

Grand total

The χ test depends on the set of observed and expected values and on the degrees of

The χ 2 distribution is the limiting approximation designation


It refers to a special kind of ratio. Percentage is used in making comparison between

two or more series of data; percentages are used to determine relationship between the series
if data finding the relative differences becomes easier through percentage.

It is expressed as,

Percentage (%) = No. of respondents x 100

Total no. of respondents


Weighted average can be defined as an average whose component items are

multiplied by certain values (weights) and the aggregate of the products are divided by the
total of weights. One of the limitations of simple arithmetic mean is that it gives equal
importance to all the items of the distribution. In certain cases relative importance of all the
items in the distribution is not the same. Where the importance of the items varies it is
essential to allocate weight applied but may vary in different cases. Thus weighted is a
number standing for the relative importance of the items.

Weighted Average method is used to sum up the views of the various respondents to
obtain mean score for the particular statement.

Mean score = Total score / Number of respondent


Total score = Number of respondent x Weighted average


Research design is the specification of the method and procedure for acquiring the
information needed to solve the problem.The research design followed for this research study
is descriptive research design where we find a solution to an existing problem. The problem
of this study is to find the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal system at COMPANIES,





61 and above
Pies show counts



Fig: 3.1 the distribution of respondents as per their ages

Observation-Through the above chart it could be deduced that maximum people are from the
41 to 60 age group, followed by 26 to 40 and so forth.

Work experience-

w ork experience
less than 5 years
5-15 years
15-25 years
above 25 years

22.0 Pies show counts


Fig:4.2 work experience


Observation-Most of the people are here with a work experience above 25 years, hence they
have seen the changes in the performance appraisal system through the years.

Evaluation of the E-map system for performance appraisal of the


The appraisal system is a web based mapping system in which the roles and responsibilities
are mapped with the key result areas which define what a person has to do then his
performance gets rated by the reporting officer who happens to be the immediate senior, then
it goes to the reviewer and finally the HOD but the rating for an individual is also done by the
general manager, the questionnaire helps in knowing about the effectiveness of the system.

E-MAP is helping in improving the performance of the organization

Table: 4.23 E-MAP is helping in improving the performance of the organization

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree 14 20.0 35.9 35.9
20 28.6 51.3 87.2
5 7.1 12.8 100.0
39 55.7 100.0
Missing System
31 44.3
Total 70 100.0

Fig: 4.5 e-map is improving the system

Observation-Most of the people are satisfied by the E-map system and feel that the
performance in the organization has improved because of this E-map system.

E-MAP is helping in improving the performance of the organization







stongly agree agree disagree
E-MAP is helping in improving the performance of the organization

E-map has brought about transparency in the system

Table: 4.24 E-map has brought about transparency in the system

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree 7 10.0 17.9 17.9
24 34.3 61.5 79.5
neither agree nor
disagree 3 4.3 7.7 87.2

5 7.1 12.8 100.0
39 55.7 100.0
Missing System
31 44.3
Total 70 100.0

E-map has brought about transparency in the system




stongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree
E-map has brought about transparency in the system

Fig: 4.6 E-map has brought about transparency in the system

Observation-Most of the people are happy with the present system as everything is known to
them no biasing could happen due to the transparent system, thus E-map has brought about

Better performers receive better incentives

Table:4.25 Better performers receive better incentives

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree
18 25.7 46.2 46.2
21 30.0 53.8 100.0
39 55.7 100.0
Missing System
31 44.3
70 100.0

Better performers receive better incentives







stongly agree agree
Better performers receive better incentives

Fig: 4.7 Better performers receive better incentives

Observation-There is no disagreeing to the fact that better performers get better incentives
through this system, there is no biasing.

Disputes with superiors have no affect on the ratings given by them

Table: 4.26 Disputes with superiors have no affect on the ratings given by them

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree
4 5.7 10.3 10.3
23 32.9 59.0 69.2
12 17.1 30.8 100.0
39 55.7 100.0
Missing System
31 44.3
Total 70 100.0

Disputes with superiors have no affect on the ratings given by them







stongly agree agree disagree
Disputes with superiors have no affect on the ratings given by them


Observation-Although the system is transparent but still employees feel that disputes with
superiors do affect the ratings in some or the other form.

Periodic feedback is a necessity

Table: 4.27 Periodic feedback is a necessity

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree
18 25.7 46.2 46.2
21 30.0 53.8 100.0
39 55.7 100.0
Missing System
31 44.3
70 100.0

Periodic feedback is a necessity







stongly agree agree
Periodic feedback is a necessity

Fig: 4.8 Periodic feedback is a necessity

Observation-People feel that feedback at a timely period is a must to improve performance,

people if know where and what to improve they would definitely improve themselves to be

Promotions depend upon the ratings

Table: 4.28 Promotions depend upon the ratings

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree 7 10.0 17.9 17.9
agree 32 45.7 82.1 100.0
Total 39 55.7 100.0
Missing System 31 44.3
Total 70 100.0

Promotions depend upon the ratings






stongly agree agree
Promotions depend upon the ratings


Observation-There is no scope of denying that the promotions, totally depend upon the
ratings if both the workers are working almost with same capability then also the one with
better ratings would get an early promotion.

Periodic training is received

TABLE: 4.29 periodic training is received

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree
6 8.6 15.4 15.4
33 47.1 84.6 100.0
39 55.7 100.0
Missing System
31 44.3
Total 70 100.0

periodic training is received






stongly agree agree
periodic training is received


Observation-The employees at COMPANIES are given timely training to ensure a skilled

workforce as per the present trends and changes.

Appraiser periodically discusses about the goal achievements and areas to improve

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree
13 18.6 33.3 33.3
26 37.1 66.7 100.0
39 55.7 100.0
Missing System
31 44.3
Total 70 100.0

Appraiser periodically discusses about the goal achievements and areas to





stongly agree agree
Appraiser periodically discusses about the goal achievements and areas to

Fig: 4.11 Appraiser periodically discusses about the goal achievements and areas to improve

Observation-At COMPANIES there as a periodic discussion which takes place between the
appraiser and the appraisee about the goal achievements and areas to improve.

E-map is an effective technique for performance appraisal

Table: 4.36 E-map is an effective technique for performance appraisal

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid stongly agree 17 24.3 43.6 43.6
Agree 17 24.3 43.6 87.2
Disagree 5 7.1 12.8 100.0
Total 39 55.7 100.0
Missing System 31 44.3
Total 70 100.0

E-map is an effective technique for performance appraisal






stongly agree agree disagree
E-map is an effective technique for performance appraisal

Observation-The appraisers believe that E-map is an effective technique for appraising as

the cumulative count for agreeing is coming out to be 87.2 which proves that e-map has been
a success.


Cross tabulation between the changes taken for performance appraisal and improvement of
performance appraisal

H0: There is no significant relationship between the changes taken for performance appraisal
and improvement of performance appraisal.
H1: There is significant relationship between the changes taken for performance appraisal
and improvement of performance appraisal.

Expected frequency = Corresponding row total * Corresponding column total

Total number of samples

O E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E
7 11.22 -4.22 17.81 1.59
5 5.28 -0.28 0.08 0.01
9 4.95 4.05 16.40 3.31
12 8.25 3.75 14.06 1.70
0 3.30 -3.30 10.89 3.30
12 8.50 3.50 12.25 1.44
2 4.00 -2.00 4.00 1.00
6 3.75 2.25 5.06 1.35
3 6.25 -3.25 10.56 1.69
2 2.50 -0.50 0.25 0.10
11 8.50 2.50 6.25 0.74
8 4.00 4.00 16.00 4.00
0 3.75 -3.75 14.06 3.75
6 6.25 -0.25 0.06 0.01
0 2.50 -2.50 6.25 2.50
4 5.78 -1.78 3.17 0.55
1 2.72 -1.72 2.96 1.09
0 2.55 -2.55 6.50 2.55
4 4.25 -0.25 0.06 0.01
8 1.70 6.30 39.69 23.35
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 54.04



χ 2 =

O = Observed frequency
E = Expected frequency
χ2 = Chi square
Computation Table for χ 2

Level of significance α = 0.05 Degrees of freedom = (R-1) (C-1)
= (4-1) (5-1) = 12
Tabulated value at 5% level of significance and degree of freedom 12 is 21.026

The calculated value is greater than the tabulated value: 54.04 > 26.296

Therefore, reject the Null Hypothesis H0 and accept the alternate Hypothesis H1

There is significant relationship between the changes taken for performance appraisal and
improvement of performance appraisal.

Cross tabulation between the proper execution of performance appraisal and rating employee
Yes No Total

Based on abilities and skills

8 2 10

Based on management reference 19 6 25

Based on superiority
21 4 25
Based on contribution
30 10 40

Total 78 22 100

H0: There is no significant relationship between the proper execution of performance
appraisal and rating employee performance.
H1: There is significant relationship between the proper execution of performance appraisal
and rating employee performance.

Expected frequency = Corresponding row total * Corresponding column total

Total number of samples

χ 2 =

O = Observed frequency
E = Expected frequency
χ2 = Chi square
Computation Table for χ 2

O E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E

8 7.80 0.20 0.04 0.01
2 2.20 -0.20 0.04 0.02
19 19.50 -0.50 0.25 0.01
6 5.50 0.50 0.25 0.05
21 19.50 1.50 2.25 0.12
4 5.50 -1.50 2.25 0.41
30 31.20 -1.20 1.44 0.05
10 8.80 1.20 1.44 0.16

TOTAL 0.82

Level of significance α = 0.05
Degrees of freedom = (R-1) (C-1)
= (4-1) (2-1) = 3
Tabulated value at 5% level of significance and degree of freedom 3 is 7.82

The calculated value is lesser than the tabulated value: 0.82 < 7.82

Therefore, accept the Null Hypothesis Ho and reject the alternate Hypothesis H1

There is no significant relationship between the proper execution of performance appraisal
and rating employee performance.

Cross tabulation between the Rate appraisal program and performance appraisal developed in
relevance to employee job

H0: There is no significant relationship between the Rate appraisal program and performance
appraisal developed in relevance to employee job.
H1: There is significant relationship between the Rate appraisal program and performance
appraisal developed in relevance to employee job.

Expected frequency = Corresponding row total * Corresponding column total

Total number of samples


χ 2 =

O = Observed frequency
E = Expected frequency
χ2 = Chi square
Calculation of CHI-SQUARE table

O E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E

8 8.70 -0.70 0.49 0.06
22 21.75 0.25 0.06 0.00
20 21.75 -1.75 3.06 0.14
34 30.45 3.55 12.60 0.41
3 4.35 -1.35 1.82 0.42
2 1.30 0.70 0.49 0.38
3 3.25 -0.25 0.06 0.02
5 3.25 1.75 3.06 0.94
1 4.55 -3.55 12.60 2.77
2 0.65 1.35 1.82 2.80
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 7.94

Computation Table for χ 2


Level of significance α = 0.05
Degrees of freedom = (R-1) (C-1)
= (5-1) (5-1) = 3
Tabulated value at 5% level of significance and degree of freedom 16 is 26.29

The calculated value is lesser than the tabulated value: 7.94 < 26.296

Therefore, accept the Null Hypothesis Ho and reject the alternate Hypothesis H1

There is no significant relationship between the Rate appraisal program and performance
appraisal developed in relevance to employee job.

Cross tabulation between the feel that performance appraisal encourages and obtain
appraisal feedback.


H0: There is no significant relationship between the feel that performance appraisal
encourages and obtains appraisal feedback.
H1: There is significant relationship between feel that performance appraisal encourages and
obtain appraisal feedback.

Expected frequency = Corresponding row total * Corresponding column total

Total number of samples

χ 2 =
O E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E
17 18.81 -1.81 3.28 0.17
37 32.49 4.51 20.34 0.63
3 5.70 -2.70 7.29 1.28
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 6.93 0.07 0.00 0.00
11 11.97 -0.97 0.94 0.08
3 2.10 0.90 0.81 0.39
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 3.30 0.70 0.49 0.15
4 5.70 -1.70 2.89 0.51
2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 3.96 1.04 1.08 0.27
5 6.84 -1.84 3.39 0.49
2 1.20 0.80 0.64 0.53
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 5.50
O = Observed frequency
E = Expected frequency

χ2 = Chi square Computation Table for χ 2

Level of significance α = 0.05
Degrees of freedom = (R-1) (C-1)
= (5-1) (4-1) = 12
Tabulated value at 5% level of significance and degree of freedom 12 is 21.026

The calculated value is lesser than the tabulated value: 5.50 < 21.026


Therefore, accept the Null Hypothesis Ho and reject the alternate Hypothesis H1

There is no significant relationship between the feel that performance appraisal encourages
and obtains appraisal feedback.


 Performance Appraisal system of the company is very minutely designed and


 This is helpful in making all the organisations decision such as promotion, transfer
identification of training and development needs and individual planning.

 Performance appraisal rates the employees in terms of their performance.

 Performance appraisal takes into account the past performance of the employees and
focuses on the improvement of the future performance of the employees.

 All of the respondents have undergone performance appraisal program once in a year.

 100% of the employees interpret the reason for conducting performance appraisal
includes all the factors such as to identify motivating methods, to decide monetary
benefits and identify barriers for performance.

 All respondents mostly share their opinion and suggestions freely during the
performance appraisal.
 All respondents have got the training to fill up the performance appraisal forms.

 All of the respondents feel that the appraiser is not aware of the jobs and duties of the
each and every employee.


Performance appraisal may be understood as the assessment of an individual’s

performance in a systematic way. The performance being measured against such factors as
job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision,
dependability, co-operation, judgement, versatility, health and the like. It is also help the
developing the strengths & weakness of the employees.

The E-map system has been quite effective with people being satisfied in being able to make
their own action plan and key result areas, also the appraiser can change these KRA’s if it
does not go as per the work required out of the people. The appraisal process starts with the
self appraisal technique leading to appraisal by the immediate superior leading to reviewing
from the reviewing officer then to the head of the department and so forth, thus rating does
not depend on rating from only the superiors.

1. Tendency to give same score to majority.

2. People with softer targets get better scores, as it is the employees who prepare their
3. Assessment on absolute performance vs relative ranking in relation to other
4. Grade factor has large variation at the higher levels
5. Performance Factor across 5 levels will create huge difference in pay-out within same
grade affecting Team work.
6. A person performing individually although very hard may not be contributing to the
organization’s goals.
7. The rating is done even by the general manager who hardly knows anything about the
employee’s behavior and potential thus, this is a kind of blind appraisal.
8. Supervisors and workers have no clue about the parameters on which they are to be
rated in their CR’s.



 Performance appraisal could be conducted by any person inside the organisation and one who
is familiar with the employees.
 Objective of conducting the performance appraisal could be discussed and doubts can be
 Performance appraisal could be updated regularly to match individual and organisational
 Suggestion could be obtained from employees regarding framing the performance appraisal

 Since the performance appraisal is conducted by the outsider, employees’ suggestion during
performance appraisal may not reach the top managers. For such situations suggestion box
can be implemented and frequently reviewed.

 The appraiser must be familiarized with the employee’s job responsibilities and duties before
conducting performance appraisal.

 Feedback on performance could be discussed through formal or informal meetings. This may
enhance the involvement and performance of employees.

 Appropriate and experienced appraiser can be appointed for effective performance appraisal
 Performance appraisal can developed in such a way to identify the hidden talent and skills of

 Employees having low performance could be called individually, encouraged and monitored
closely to make improvements.


 There must not be any predetermined score in mind while rating the employees, for
their performance it must not be so that they get rated only for some incident, etc.

 The director and general manager could be rated on the basis of subordinate appraisal,
where the juniors appraise the senior for their efficiency in working and managing

 Raters should be given training about the method of evaluation.

 There should be the regular conduction of the Post-Appraisal Interviews.

 There may be more transparency introduced for example just now through E-map
people can only see analysis not the result

 Equal marking is not allowed for the same band it may be so that the people are
performing at par but get different ratings this demotivates them, so bands within a
band so that the difference lies based on the performance.

 Loop holes where improvement could be brought about must be told

 Parameters for CR must be told.

 It must not be so that some people have soft targets and some do not at all for it may
bring load on one and the other might be achieving targets easily with hardly any
complicated work in their kitty.

 It should be taken care of that feedback is given at a regular basis.




1. Performance Management, Concepts, Practices and Strategies for Organisation success by S.

K. Bhatia, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2008.

2. Human Resource Management. By S. Seetharaman & B. Venkateswara Prasad, Scitech

Publication, 2007.

3. Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology - Methods & Techniques , New Delhi, New Age

international (P) Ltd., Publishers, Second Edition,2004.

4. Statistical Methods for Management, By P.N. Arora & S.Arora New Delhi, Sultan Chand &

Sons Publishers, 2005.

www . performance -



This questionnaire has been prepared for the core purpose of study there are no hidden
motives. You are requested to kindly spare your valuable time to fill this questionnaire.

Age 1) 18-25 2) 26 -40 3) 41 -60 4) 61 and above

Work Experience 1) less than 5 years 2) 5-15 years 3) 15-25 years 4)

Above 25 years

Category 1) Supervisor and below 2) Executives and above

If category choice is 1 please answer Section A else Section B

Section A (Workers and supervisors)

Please mark the following statements as strongly agree/ agree/neither agree nor
disagree/disagree/ strongly disagree

Strongly Agr Neither Disagree Strongl

agree ee agree y
nor disagree
1.a Annual confidential report affects bonuses

2.a I could check annual confidential reports (ACR) online


3.a Online CR’s have brought about transparency in the whole

4.a CRs should be reviewed periodically rather than annually

5.a Timely feedback is given for performance

6.a Superiors give reasons for negative feedback in confidential

7.a Behavior should be a parameter to be rated in the CRs

8.a Parameters should be told on which rating is to be done

9.a Promotions are based on the ratings of CR

10. Relation with superiors affect the confidential report

11. Present system is better than the previous one.

Section B (Executives and above)

Answer the following as an appraisee:

12. How much time do you spent for your performance planning?
1) A few minutes 2) Half an hour 3) More than half an hour

13. In your opinion performance management system depends upon:

1) Working capability/potential 2) Behavior 3) Relation with superior 4)
5) Hours of work

Please mark the following statements as mentioned:

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

agree agree nor disagree
14.b E- Map is helping in improving the
1 performance of the organization
15.b E-Map has brought about transparency
1 in the system
16.b Better performers receive better
1 incentives
17.b Disputes with superiors have no affect
1 on the ratings given by them
18.b1 Periodic feedback is a necessity
19.b1 Promotions depend upon the ratings
20.b1 Periodic training is received

21.b1 Appraiser periodically discusses about

the goal achievements and areas to
22.b1 Mid year review helps in improvement
23.b1 Behavioral traits affect the ratings
24.b1 Disagreement with superiors occur
while deciding upon the KRAs
25.b1 The present system focuses on quality
of work not only on the quantity

Answer the following as an appraiser:

26. How much time do you spent for your subordinate’s performance planning?
1) A few minutes 2) Half an hour 3) More than half an hour

Strongly Agree Neither Disagre Strongly

agree agree nor e disagree
27.b2 E-map is an effective technique
for performance appraisal
28.b2 There is a predetermined score in
mind while rating a subordinate
29.b2 The ratings through the e-map
helps in improving the score in the
balance score card
30.b2 Regular feedback should be given
31.b2 There is a need of some Ki
32.b2 Too much transparency is making
the system dysfunctional
33.b2 Frequent discussions take place
with subordinates on action plan
and KRA’s
34.b2 Individuals should create their
own action plans
35.b2 MAP score helps in differentiating
a nonperformer and a performer
36.b2 Midyear review is necessary for
performance improvement.
37.b2 Ratings affect the relation with

38. Opinion about the present appraisal system:

1) Is very effective, has increased performance greatly 2) Better than the previous
year’s scheme
3) Same as the previous one 4) Poorer than the previous one 5) Can’t say
39. Suggestions to improve the present performance management system
Thank You….

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