Fourier Series Notes

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FOURIER SERIES “*aeueatias The fourier series of g periodic Finchon FU) is Jean o representation that, resiyes PEE) why ode cements | x and an dc cmprent oxtprang on fie series & wen 4 theater harmonio, anusdids, ~ Gwen a petivdic furchon Pte) that sahefes f)= $+ wT) where 1 is an wheger and T ic the period “Fourier Thentem ~ ony practical periodve Aincion of fe wreney Gy can be enpressed aj an mofinite. Sum of sire or (ysine, Fnckone that ave inkegel muiple of Oo Fk) = Mp + G,oSwot + b sinwob + A. wms2wot + D_MMIWot +A, cs 3Wot + bb, an 3Wot + fit oO m | fu): Yo + Zz (Q, cos) Wot + bas nid ot ) ac v trepnometvic fourier sores: Wo= am, Fundamental Sequenay (ad.| sec") SINNWst of Msnwt = Mth harmone of Fee) Qo- de Component of avevage ~alue of £44) On F by= Founer eh rents, where 2 csbsetiie on yutube 496 Genginerdmatn “the proces of finding Fowier teffivents Q., On +b, lets derive the value of faye Integrating Woth sides from 0 tT. Sopa = Q [aot Z (ancasnatt + by smut] ab 2 or T ~ Maa + ZS ovcanebeat +P basomadt at] Since Yo we niegrate tsnwt ond snot over ibs period T the paste and negate area partons Cael ot , a . Son cosvuit dt =o 4 J, besinnant dt <0 Be hs fog at «a7 a> wai PUL) dk | average vebve oF A For ay lets mulily path sides of the equator oy cosvmuets te mig fen 0+. 7 es S14) tus ontled dt = ft Oot Zlancsnwet + loysamauiet ) [asm = PToocsmatdt } Z [ Jrasasnust cosmuist ot ° "=I $f bssinnust coermast at J Again Jlaccosmutdt = oy it b,an net cosmwat dt =O o f m zy For J" cpsnuot copmulst dt = + J a $ if m=) 3 subsoribe 1 youtube hfe Therefore» For m= 1) Genginerdmatin fea) wsnWer gt = ae Oe = f Fie) eonudet dt For oy , bes mu Igy \eth sides by san mot yAben negrale fom ObT si 2 sn mont dt = [as f a Anasnist + by sinvulot | siomubt db a eal = [To,enmustat + 2 FJ, oncnendst aw mart gt t y b, smmudst anmubrt dt | Mani, STassnmust at =0, 0 {7 On wsNWot anMUWd+tAt =O _ fd mtn For F son wet cnet dt 15 sf eh Thee fre fy m=" J" $)simnust e bot n = feu) sin Wetdt 4 subsotive 04 youtube, $8 ‘Arnpltide= phase: a: Gengiverdmatn f= dt 2 Anostaudt + 4a) Apaiying tgp Ident vty: tos (a+ B= cosol C58 — singeing where: A= o, 7 pF nwt fley= aot Z An cos Cn wot + bn) = O 2 |(tncas bins nwt — [Ansindy smnwet | n=) ‘ompating the aie To He Rem e Pay= ash FS Pioosn wet + bysinnwit J 7 =O An = An msdn, = = byeNOFTeE hye tn" “ln complex Foren: An Za - n=) by ‘The plot of An vf the Mnarmnones versus WWe I¢ called the camplihile, Fepecturn of FAD. The plot of prose fy, YesUs nue Is called Aye phases) “speckrurn of Ett). Frequency spechuny of a gna) ans. of Me plas fe ampitudes and gases of he harmontes. yersus Requency. 5 Subsonibe, on youtube, AT paranecioaty FOR \NTEGRAL MULNPLES OFT Fundhhion Nalue Cos ANT ——————_ 1 Sin In —————> 0 cos WY ————5 1" san nt —————+ 0 y (A) n=even om ' OSL 19 needa ener - 50 S$ Fo jan ° aterien) CS 4 on —_____, i ov er reen —————" ney JEN nad Determne the Fouvier series of He waxefom shaun vn Figute tedon Usain the ampitnde and phase specka. Ft) 6 subsets 99 ypatulbe 66 Solution: @enginerdinatn The Fuvier Series is rs by: Fue)= ay + S\ (an wasnt + Dysinnaist,) wy} Let's do Fowier avalysis ond Ard the wetfaen. 0, , ay, and bn Let's tepresent Aivst Ye Function aleve as pice wise He) 1 b4b eI Fe) = 16 "Sten FU) is poriodic. such tat PU)= F(EtT), Since T= 2 Wo? aM, = aM = 7 Qy> Sf! Fwdt - HSS ak + [*odt]-44)\ = -$J, Moses at ° arf (eosn'Pt dt + fo: wentat | - L smomt| = 1 ~ = = a , a tent sq wT) | =|O eA “since SMT =0 fr all in by= a FUL) annwet dt Sanne “0 sionttdar + [yo swat dt | \ \ si mae CoS TA = Ten [cos na) 7 vos 10) | = ~ lost ~ 4) —s GSH = EN am the table? or oe Gn} = Subsotilce, on yputulbe, SP @enginerdmatn » Pa) = Zang + 2 4 2 an IM +, e Gi aq et or Since HY wntans ofly Me de components ard the site fewns why the firdamental and odd haymones, + wrap Ye. waiten as eo due) = oe &£ Zyoin » N= Qk-l *Y) \ Wore form, @N=" 2 r d ’ To dota the ormpli tude and phage spectta for the signa] Since Aq=o Ane N 084 be A, =a) ote V2 aed Iba = 9 Oy Neen b= ng pao ate odd ) ne een _ ° Frase spectrum o a wo - a0" Amplitude speckrum a Subsorilbe, on yartulee, 2 ft Genginerdmath Obtain the Fourier series iv the potichc fadion w Figure Welow and Bet +e ongihide ond grave, spect Rey ) 2 40 12 Solution: The fimdion is desafibed as eu t so [ a gonmt - =a cosn | | 2 ° =p — sar . fens 0 { °? an ~ | fu) 4 } ZS ase + CO cnet] Te obtam the amplitude and phase sped we nonce that fer eer harmonics, O,=0, and = 7 Vi ) sb that Ay Lobo, = On —y =O+j) te Ans lol? qe 2 1 2 Ayo beat 1B For odd onmonics, On ~2)atar) bg- Venn) so that A, Lon= Qn= Jn = = + That is, Anz Navet be a al aay +e aie Fron the equation, we mohue that ch hes tn thied quadrant, y= 40? + kaye? SE “ » MES {0 Subscribe, 00, yputuloe, Rf inerdinath 44 °F bag Poise cpatrn” iplitude spectrum amt aspg? | 3° 042.2° 035 Olle . oll \@ 00s . ave ay 0° | it . i | | | + . > + T > Oo pf a aD ADP OP UP W oT @ mr oT ® bt @ y , ~h fiction PE) is even fF Hs pot is syimmetical obout the Vertial ans age Fa) = Fee) exomes: t7) £*, tost and the Agues below: a) he) A u + -p me [DoT my A moan pcperty vf even function is I gajac= af" R09 44 For even Finding tre Fourier Coetickents a2)" rat ane Sf Fe)asnni dt b,=0 \) Subserilve- 00 youtube, BP 2) @engiyordmath ~A Rincon PLE) is said ty be odd if tks Bak is any mnmetrial oles the Vertical amis, rat is: ftk) = Fk) enone s* tj t?, sint and the Rguies \belnw ho 08d. Fuwction ‘has a mojo chaxoctelistic, A Jy, Wdt-0 For odd Aimdions the Founer Coefficients 1" O20 Anz 0 n= TI, fWsnnent dt 1) The product of two ever Anchons js alss an een Rnchon 2) The product of two odd finchons is an an even Ranchon D The groduc of an even findion ard an odd Ainchon 1c an odd incon ) The sum (or ditererce) ot tuo een Rinchons js aloo an even Fanchon 5) The sum (or diflovene) of hu odd Fanchons 1s ale om odd Finckon U)The gum Lor difference of an-even ond an odd Rnction 1s neler odd nif ofan, e Subsorilbe on yourtuloe, BP 3) Gengnerdimatin A funcion is half-wave ymitetne if each \alf ode is He imme mage of the next hhalf- tyde, £(4-F) = £4) examples arc the Aiguees elo) Fo half-wme syanetic Aurehions, te Founer Laetticrents q ph One a4 Ts PWD acnwdst dt, Be 1 ood D for even Th bax {* 5 4 Fe) smnWstdt = for wodd fy never Syrmetry a. On Frey yt Ow a © Tiagole oct Te Heavy het Odd Q=0 Anz 0 by to Ereqnle at i an nL ets Half-wae 20 Aon=O ban=0 ew hn cnliy Wy 2-hgoh-He ° anit 0 Bary FO coebtiurentt bY Funchon, ) Square Wave, $4) A 3) Sawheth “Wore Maa. 0 oT + 4) Targuloy Nove subsotilve 09 youtulbe, 2. @enginerdnath Foutiey Series 7 2-1 We fuy- oom SMC2N-D Wet, AA FS sinus’ Fle) = 2 v 2 n A 4k A fu) = 3 Zz oar (ant wet cont v1 " Subsori lhe on yautuloe, RP Gengnerdmath 5) Half: wove rechhed sine eA 4 A fu)= A+ Kanwet FE 2 Cat D T 4 6) Full--wave rechfied sine ~ A 2h - 4h FN _ enw} f= ., T nel Ave] U . 5 -3 " .), 2 a ys > -1 Solution The ickon FY) isan odd Farction « Hence Qy=0_ ond MnO The period is T=4 and we = STA = y= Vy o> tha bez +P Eu) smnwet dt AP) on Feat 4 J o-s eat] is Subsonilte on youtulre, fo er ee @enginerdmatin =~ = 2 7 _ np om So map (I= © r) = iT (- us BE) on a Determine the fiurier genes fr Me half-wave vechfes casine finction chown Inthe Saue below : Fl) I 543 21 0 to 2 oe 4 Solution: This ts an even Fiction so that toy? 0. Mso, T=4 , t0.= 2m 05 = 2y= Wo Over a period. 0, -2| Subsotilve 1, yuctube, fb But cos o6B= + 5 LostAt8) + cs (A- BY]. Then, Gengnerdmatn Oy 5 S [ cos Bonin 4 ws Eo0-De] dt For w=! 7 \ Lf Slart 4 =3S Loser tjdb= a] as ++ | [+ inane \ T l TX ontt) + —bL—anE cnt On* Tome D+ Fema Sze) For n=vdd nies nti) and (M1) are, hoth-evem SO sin E (met)= © = anEw) , neodd For n=even on 24; 6,0), UN) ard (HI) ave both od, Koo sin inet) = ~ sn (m1) = wsMh = € = 5 n=eten Therefve ; y Qe ED 4 =O" . ~2¢-1)” TOntt) TUNA) TC(n=-1) 00. Wa - ce yo? oct 4 $(4) + poke A tai » Y= erer) Thus, | Tv To od Using = 2,4) Gm and also + ease computeation , we can vehace n vy 2K, uree Ke 23,0 ard thlain _ 4 bee = 2 (-)* a $= at gegt eer nl a subsotilve-0n yputulve, Rf Genginerdmat Colulate the Fomey Serres Ar the Finctivn in Ague Velow : ge) Soluboy: The furehon mm the Rgite aloe ts hal-unte, odd apnmetne,, so that O\=0, QO . Tris desurlved aver bulf the pered as Pye, 14061 T=4, wor A = M/y= Va . Yonce, wh ba= +3 Ft) 9 MWek dt Instead of wlegeg PE) fom 0 yD, HE Us vmoe conve nem b were fom -\t |, ; b= 4 J tantgeat [SUE _ baswntfe) | veg /h W/o. « Afonat — an(-A8)]- Sith es 8 ? ree Swe MEX) = SNK 15 an odd Fanction yuhle, (0S CX) =~ GK Is an enon Tunction . Using entines Far smn No. Subsorilce, 09 yuutuloe, Af @enginerdinatn _ wD, _ 7 by = aa (-\) : N= o0dd= 1) 3,5, Therefre ; z 7 Ip, sind t Pus Z bse where lon Is oyvenn above, \ ‘ Ying Euler's wen ti Ws NWet = | \e ‘\nwot = nat sinnwest = ae ~t | et" SubyMtuhng Ans inte Pye Oy + DLBocasrrart FYpannart] ard clleckiag na) like devs, we hone : % . “awe ~ynwet fuj= a+ $F, Ta. joye + Cnt joe Uf we dehned a new oethaent Cy, 3 tha} -\%, + Coro , Coe HD os ok = Bot ile = 2 then, Fi) bewmes: wo jut nets Pw Cot 2 (eC, € + Geb ney “yawet x Puj= 2! Ge Ne-00 v Of Fourtel Series, Subsofie on youtulve, fo @enginerdmatn -ofa periodic Finekion PLE) desoribes the specu of $C) in Jeans of the ampitide and prase anufe of ac components at psthve ard vege, von frequen des, The wefhuents of the tice fins of Fauntet series: ( tryprometri, ampitwde -Prase and vptivential form) are rdlaled by: A, Loo = Oy = Jb, = 2Cy 0 |a,- \Cn| 29a. = N aetbe bg 2. The wethuent Cn , Coe EST we At Find Ye exponential Fourier Series expansion o the patina c Rien Pte)=e', 0244 am uth FUE ran) = FO) 20 Subsorive: om yputube, Afb Solution : @enginerdmnattn Swe Te AP, Wo = SV = AM aw = 1, Vence, T | ynwot » a? ¢ ajnt Cr tf foe dt- apd, be at 4 ate at = 1=jn But by Euler's Identity, em ra . | [ee - i] > ati-yr) = cos 2tn~ sien = 10> 4 Therefore: Cy - av U\=yn) ] a) L__ fee] -_ 85 The complex Fourier Series is oo at = 2b _ e€ f= Zin

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