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free software Software libre

open source Código abierto
e-mail Correo electronico
backup Copia de seguridad
benchmark Banco de pruebas
bootstrap Botón de arranque
browser Navegador web
bug Fallo
cache Memoria cache
checkpoint Punto de control
chipset Conjunto de chips
class clase
command comando
compress comprimir
Interface interfaz
coprocessor Coprocesador
cyberspace Ciberespacio
database Base de datos
decoder decodificador
delete borrar

Can Do Statements:
• I can give brief information about the interface.
Is a connection between two machines of any type, is an interactive
window where a connection is made with a server or database.

• I can talk about the hardware interface in a simple way.

is an interactive window with options for the user. is used as a door to
communicate with the other machine.
• I can talk about the software interface in a simple way.
in a program called netbeans, the windows are created and the codes
are implemented to make the interface
Activity 1: Ask your partner: with the following questions, create a short
dialogue with a partner/partners using basic English information.

• What kind of programs do you think are useful to transfer information

in a computer?
• Why do some websites prohibit access to all the information?

Aurora: Hi, how are you.

David: Hi, very well thank you, how i can help you?.
Aurora: I need a computer program to pass information.
David: Yes, the program is ease us, is free but you can buy the pro
Aurora: ok, what is the Price.
David: the monthly cost 16 dollars.
Aurora: ok, it’s safer than putting it on the Internet?
David: yes, it is safe.
Aurora: thank you David.
David: thank you for your custom.
The Interface: a Very Important Element of Software Engineering
Instructions: Read the text below.
A very important part of software engineering is the interface. When we
talk about that, we refer to the different types of connections or
interactions between two different systems or devices. In fact, interface
also refers to the interaction between a machine and a human. In
simple words, this is the process in which a surface allows the
communication and exchange of information between two different
parts in a computer system. For example, a printer receives printing
information from a computer through an interface.
Now, that interface takes place under different circumstances. To start,
there are two different types of interfaces; these are the hardware and
software ones. Let’s start with the first one. The hardware interface
connects two different parts together, like devices, components or
systems. Furthermore, this type of interface contemplates connectors,
ports and plugs that link devices, such as the mouse or keyboard, to a
On the other hand, we have the software interface. It is important not to
confuse these two different types of interfaces and to always keep their
differences in mind. When we run any type of program on a computer,
it works through a software interface. Now, we can say that this type of
interface basically enables the communication of different programs
with each other or with the operating system. All in all, the software
interface is basically a language and message format as the system
uses commands and codes to communicate and transfer data from
point A to point B. processes safe, and it helps companies to increase
their productivity!
Dear apprentices: according to the above text answer the following
1) Underline with blue color the demostrative words
2) Circle with green color the verbs
3) Cross with red color the prepositions
4) Write a translation about the text with your own words.
know how to differentiate interface types. It is essential to use an
interface to improve productivity.

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