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1. When did it start?

The game has prehistoric origins and has been played for 4,000 years.
In 1884, GAA organized Ireland first national championship. From that time on,
hurling had an enormous growth in the country, becoming today one of the most
2. How do you play it?
The objective of the game is for players to use a wooden to hit a small ball. A
player who wants to carry the ball for more than four steps has to bounce or
balance the ball on the end of the stick, and the ball can only be handled twice
while in his possession.

3. Where is it popular?
The championship finals are a highly anticipated event for fans. It all comes
together at Croke Park in Dublin during August or early September to see the
matchup between the best teams in the country.

4. How many players are there in a team?

Two teams of 15 players

5. What equipment do you need?

 Helmets with face shields
 A wooden stick called Hurley

6. What is the name of an important league or players in this sport?

The main and most popular hurling teams in Ireland are Kilkenny, Cork, Tipperary,
Limerick and Dublin.

7. Add any additional information.

The Hurly is generally 24 to 36 inches in length.

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