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15 Copper niche lloy te well inown for {hatrlase perfomance Inarne app {ance antbctoulng proper and abl Iirtowinstand roston covesion allack hive ben ecogind and succasatuly ‘ipl torment ofthis entry. Theroarea numero commetia. copper ka alloys each detgned wth arulr propa and ond uses ‘ina OF these, Copp Aioy No. 78 [UNS Croat oer te beet combination tropes or marine aplostions and fas thotroadetapoeatonn seawater Sendes Coroaiion and avant ong owing ota or ly 708 are gen ‘Alo TO6has boon used aboar ships toraacades primary 2s tng fe ooe water tibton ana shipboard re pro. Teationayatams iiused a many Soca Ing plants andi sugartineisoeato the sea Coppers aloe nd Ing 06 hav ao en oxo sore Icpas condenser and et exchanger ‘hare pants whore oootng water ro ‘Gum brackish or sai th uch lenganabroeatated seria history St copes corey iatoa: Bavedon the rocoto ues, ‘oppernicelisbangspeteaineoas Igy for seawator piping on fishor plat {orma, cope thea designed fot ons {aim savin coopwatar labors, Re para resusly fave lator ct ‘eultandcosty declan emphasis ‘st ee materia abi ara pice (gost atecs on Iecycie cost arn Segre a ese rire “The ton large platorms operating ingnepr waters savy nw tothe UStofsnore industry. mn North Se, Piston have ban larger and eve ample and doopwater operation has ‘Genoa ben there Maintenance APPLICATION DATASHEET ee SSaPaTTGsat piping for offshore platiorms ra otis there areamongthehighestn he used for seawater fod nes omc ‘won and consequently syetemretabi- pumps angectment pumps, and: dl Ines recsvedgrererstenton is Satarsuply. Wha ost ha copper Encpalytorthesereasonthalsea__nikelnow sand on afer plato Is Wraterpphgsystonson Norm Seapiat. _nihelom of poe saunas blow four ters re now aimost exsustlyeSpper_ Inches ndiametes wader rg. neha ‘tbe, nwt patom aoigns wun “The uses of coppernickelppingrtect_aubtel foster broader applications for ‘naatoyeralabity, pial appleations coppernckel sheet te andstuctra Ireludetraprotectenaystore,sanfay’ shapes. Pete pits unde’ de funding serveesand process cooling velopment into Alley Tsing for fines aswell as seawater piping for faro _highgressurewelnection pos ana Door generat cools and detaion sheeting on ho seawater doc! cor Banta Coppericcllsalso succestuly ler poy andpialom Suppo igs ‘TABLE 1. COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES FOR WROUGHT S10 COPPERNICKEL (ALLOY C7050, Cooper Nek {har or oasis Lana he Phowons 42% hax Sulla Qe ax, sn Cabon Eun bas ate Uris Sng rae ‘a_sor Sores hema Corciciny @ Four “ening riemtnar @ 206 Concer ot thema Expenon asx tower goer) 11 2704-0 Boa Sern oun, Galywoame esis ot aot coon) fax top sausmire wae iy pare) tehcowre “il stent Capper Alby Outstate, enslasews,Esannen| Gongatonn2 TRS” OR ewm “nmia Unver tans,” “i Bae emy ministry "rns Crew we MTN Oar sa zo aro a Sioa 85) 3s “fogaronents sarge ASTM Bt oan a filth pe when used Inthe armel tomoer OST Rex aceon come see Toba eesti aot wo se tt Copp Ekiigetest eraceeence, (ame Se a Sostamroetme os precede paral Cleve cron Se ‘nickel is far superior to steel, so much ie ete ee ee +have thrae principal materia selection op- ‘should last for the full life ofthe plat- fi tons: galvenaed carbon ste ter form. The noes for piping ene ore Siena ca. lel Saenbcenan Sieeascmorrec: § — Saiaateehe | Lane eaves faceacmeames |S ‘no corogs, but ey ten sacl ‘another source of recurring ey See. sleet aaa | Sel line Exiting, | — Sarcasm opm sms = Seecctenaminn iawaeiianntons Rouges Serene Eacesececoe. Saitek neseay Shiorasess: Saree yo q Seecisetenansciaegtine — SOeungnanea ne enema Sum | SARA Coca cage serriunictemecas fomausreicparican — Racahattt Sat er bioing) te Lane ‘reinforced plastics, copperickel re meee secime soe Somsmienncte seine anc as stescemurmmaaiowe, — Sucomatecataa mnie aetna mere” SEaefuneectnasct wm Sine otras Aicvermi” — ceeerSemet rac” atu oars = enmcswchetGtonan souiheeatne ocn Tine Reiscwecuccnar | Saaesenet rats ‘aueSsoarlte RyBcacamta, Cmatl cimecrtwues Goce Siaeiemaeeers” invuaisunlocyeites Sack Fopars canbe costly and ult (rowintoditodge and cog Samat Toos ining agents ean clog or Firings sens parps rates twain Alsechotngrsated__damegedownttam components Considerations eprevent Maden costs Iigsanbe seneivoto handing cond sete Gilencinteavododtwougnite ss Yoteand maybe damagodoy extrat Caner & Ht change ‘esppernce pra \elsng Nove of healtemathe png ones bce GSieoyn decttiysosdemage ‘Matis previ protection aga oh ‘Sue soir see {esltenee ct Aly To ing ate ‘arosion and bt ousng:ony copper trance sr Scooiortoberrétoreed pte,‘ Metelhas his abit efsan ae, sat ioyrae\eselerorussinfegwctac. Permanent cheracerati othe oy "iors 102 thn syste te unikaly vent IntaRY esses Seat andesite pecan wn [CORROSION AND BIOFOULING ove Sie png ater a <= Sonus flay 708 means pas crate estes ‘Aly 06 comeares very avr ith anger EantyafseTnseconomicearentage onstrate ox Boa ‘aunique ocoppernicalandshoule” — ESreapandingy igh ate 3 cepoeed Ben at xy Caovsingsysemieqowcon, (tava, Aly Pfam atin | to Nanyatermtvepongratecannave Tohtert atthe lion coat veonpopost ang iadrertneyens,” —nealdoein acer ae 169 bows ee, remands, Bose gavaiad sts ad ar ‘ronment. Hower, tate are tw reste ‘enforced plasies, Pesohavoincuded pata diteronces betown the core ‘iy ern mr (oy er aes on expeiencedtby coppernicke and “Thocoppar nicl onde fins fmiy ‘onde othe underiying metal ands ‘oaryinsolubloin seawator I tharetore botecis the alo tro further attack, ‘may bein th range rom less than 1.00 eut25 migperyenr ita aaene ot ety desired piping aster the copper {ime, evenvaly droping to asiow as ‘00S mis per year ater several years ene ce, Rates as low as 0.02 mis pee year shipboard pia. ‘oxide fm developed on Alloy 08's tha iBan extemety poor madi forthe adherence and growth of marine ite forms Algae and barmacin, the two most ‘most ofthe other copper based alloys. ‘Boy 708 ping therefore remains clean ‘and smootn, nthar corroding apprect ‘ably nor bacoming encrusted with growth, Figure 2 which corpars th ma su {acoso tal and oy 703 pes ater twentytwomonthe servant ‘demonstrates coppernickas superioy. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ‘Seanaor piping systems are comnex, consisting of nameccus component 06 ‘eat em avery of materi, lca mun bgt nent Beyond nis ere thease doegn FIGURE 2. COPPERANICKEL ALLOY NO. €70600 ANO CAREON STEEL PPNG AFTER “coon se a aod ad seve le: he appre ing considertions pressure stp and ticton Gen, bulk volt tho oot of tuo fndinetalaton mens, Materials Selection Inruitcompanent stmatesa syste such as main png. ong ‘hhanceorosion apres desgn ‘Enaldrston Fortunes. gvania or ‘caine wel unserstood ancan be revered tvaugh the prope section ot ‘atorais ang alge eystom dein “ie tenonoy foro eta totrm 6 ‘gahanscorosten couple cen be ost ewe FIQURE 2, THE GALVANC SERIES, ‘Alyse in the ode of te =) sah in sesatee, loys ‘esonably near each cher in petit te rave itl tendency to form demas (shen comouon couple. Tue END wits SUiPon srest ‘VAN STONE = ‘upon Welbestee. fy FGURE 4 TYPICAL FLANGED CONNECTIONS FOR COPPER-ICKEL PIPING syste. ‘tert vid pane ects ‘The inset ndetos that ata flanges vertaye with one pass nikal an two pastes TO0 copperictl ond machined Tesh belo weang Wipe 1800 coppertickel [

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