A Review of Scabies: An Infestation More Than Skin Deep

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Review Article

Dermatology 2019;235:79–90 Received: July 31, 2018

Accepted after revision: November 12, 2018
DOI: 10.1159/000495290 Published online: December 13, 2018

A Review of Scabies: An Infestation More

than Skin Deep
David J. Chandler a Lucinda C. Fuller b, c

a Dermatology
Department, Brighton General Hospital, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust,
Brighton, UK; b International Foundation for Dermatology, London, UK; c Department of Dermatology, Chelsea and

Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

Keywords Introduction
Scabies · Diagnostic criteria · Mass drug administration ·
Ivermectin · Moxidectin Scabies is a parasitic infestation of the skin caused by
the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. In developed countries, scabies
outbreaks are common in residential and nursing care
Abstract homes where they cause significant morbidity and dis-
Human scabies, a common infestation, has a worldwide dis- tress [1–4]. Diagnosis is challenging and often delayed,
tribution with a variable impact and presentation depend- and management of outbreaks is costly. Globally, more
ing on the clinical situation. In developed, high-income set- than 200 million people are affected, with a particularly
tings, health institution and residential home outbreaks high prevalence in resource-poor tropical regions [3].
challenge health and social care services. In resource-poor This review describes recent advances in the understand-
settings, it is the downstream sequelae of staphylococcal ing, diagnosis and treatment of scabies focusing on the
and streptococcal bacteraemia, induced by scratching, global implications of the infestation across both re-
which have a significant impact on the long-term health of source-poor and -rich settings.
communities. Over the past decade scabies has been recog-
nised as a “neglected tropical disease” (NTD) by the World
Health Organisation, has an accepted practical system of The Scabies Mite
global diagnostic criteria and is being adopted into integrat-
ed programmes of mass drug administration for NTDs in The life cycle of the scabies mite (S. scabiei var. homi-
field settings. This review seeks to summarise the recent ad- nis) begins with the pregnant female burrowing into the
vances in the understanding of scabies and highlight the ad- human epidermis and laying 2–3 eggs per day. Larvae
vocacy and research headlines with their implication for di- emerge after 48–72 h and form new burrows. The larvae
agnosis and management of outbreaks and individuals. In reach adulthood in 10–14 days, mate, and the cycle is re-
addition, it will indicate the priorities and questions that re- peated. Transmission is by direct skin-to-skin contact.
main. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel Human scabies mites are capable of surviving in the en-

© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. David J. Chandler

Dermatology Department, Brighton General Hospital
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
E-Mail karger@karger.com
Elm Grove, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 3EW (UK)
www.karger.com/drm E-Mail davidchandler1 @ nhs.net
vironment, outside of the human body, for 24–36 h in highly debilitating and stigmatising. Patients typically de-
normal room conditions (21 ° C and 40–80% relative hu-
     scribe pruritus as being most intense at night, and this is
midity); during this time, they remain capable of infesta- associated with sleep disturbance and a reduced ability to
tion [5]. Indirect transmission (via clothing, bedding and concentrate.
other fomites) has been proposed; however, this has been In a small number of cases, hyperinfestation can occur
difficult to prove experimentally [6]. Early experiments leading to crusted scabies, where the host may be colo-
conducted by Mellanby [7] showed that indirect trans- nised with many millions of mites. This is in contrast to
mission is unlikely to play a significant role, except per- classical scabies in which the host will harbour on average
haps in cases of crusted scabies where the host is heavily 10–15 mites. Crusted scabies occurs often, although not
infected. In these experiments, volunteers slept in bed- exclusively, in the setting of immunosuppression, for ex-
ding that had been used less than 24 h before by persons ample in those with advanced HIV infection or malig-
with scabies [7]. When the patients had parasite rates of nancy, and in the elderly. Pathogen factors, such as viru-
20–50, only 1.3% of volunteers (4 out of 300) became in- lence of the scabies mite, are not thought to play a role.
fested. When the patients had parasite rates of 200 or Clinically crusted scabies presents as a hyperkeratotic
more, 30% of volunteers (3 out of 10) became infested. dermatosis, typically involving the palms and soles, often
with deep skin fissures. Generalised lymphadenopathy,
peripheral blood eosinophilia [15, 16] and raised serum
Clinical Presentation IgE levels [17] are frequently observed, and secondary
bacterial infection is common and associated with a sig-
Infestation with the scabies mite results in an intense- nificant mortality [18].
ly itchy skin eruption consisting of papules, nodules and Davis et al. [19] developed a clinical grading scale for
vesicles. Mostly this is the result of host hypersensitivity crusted scabies, which is useful for assessing disease se-
although the direct effect of mite invasion contributes. verity and guiding treatment. The score is based on the
For this reason, the incubation period before symptoms clinical assessment of four domains: distribution and ex-
occur is 3–6 weeks in cases of primary infestation, but as tent of disease (body surface area), severity/depth of skin
little as 1–2 days in cases of reinfestation [7, 8]. Sensitisa- crusting, the number of previous episodes (hospitalisa-
tion to mite antigens has been demonstrated up to 1 tions) for crusted scabies, and the degree of skin cracking
month after primary infestation [9], and indeed it can and pyoderma. Each domain is scored between 1 (mild)
take up to 6 weeks for signs and symptoms of hypersen- and 3 (severe) and combined to produce an overall score:
sitivity to resolve. Symptoms that persist beyond this grade 1 (score 4–6), grade 2 (7–9), grade 3 (10–12).
should be reinvestigated. Burrows are formed as the adult
female mites consume [10, 11] their way through the epi-
dermis; detection of even one burrow is pathognomonic; Diagnosis
however, they are often unidentifiable due to scratching,
crusting or secondary infection, and may be observed The diagnosis of scabies is made largely on clinical
only in a minority of cases [4]. grounds. The description of an intensely itchy rash, often
The typical distribution of signs of infestation includes worse at night, is supportive and a history of contact with
areas between the fingers, the wrists, axillae, groins, but- known cases is often present. Examination may reveal
tocks, genitals, and the breasts in women. In infants and skin lesions in a typical distribution (see above), and char-
young children, the palms, soles and head (face, neck and acteristic serpiginous burrows may be visible with the na-
scalp) are more commonly involved [12]. Mites seem to ked eye.
avoid areas with a high density of pilosebaceous follicles Closer examination with a handheld dermatoscope al-
[13]. Although effective treatments exist, people living in lows better visualisation of the curvilinear scaly burrow,
regions where the pathogen is endemic are susceptible to and the mite itself may be seen at the end of the burrow
reinfestation. This can occur rapidly even when house- as a dark triangular structure, corresponding to the pig-
hold contacts are treated [14]. With chronic infestation, mented head and anterior legs of the scabies mite. This
severe eczematous skin changes occur and so-called “sca- picture is often referred to as a “jet with contrail.” Addi-
bies nodules” may be observed particularly on the male tionally, eggs may be seen as small ovoid structures with-
genitalia and breasts. The predominant symptom of sca- in the burrow. Less commonly observed is the “mini tri-
bies infection is severe, persistent pruritus which can be angle sign” which refers to scabies eggs that show the head

80 Dermatology 2019;235:79–90 Chandler/Fuller

DOI: 10.1159/000495290
of the maturing mite within the egg [20]. Emerging larvae Table 1. Summary of 2018 IACS criteria for the diagnosis of scabies
escape through the roof of the burrow, moving closer to [13]
the skin surface, where they burrow out small pockets and
A Confirmed scabies At least one of:
moult to the next developmental stage [13]. Other non- A1 Mites, eggs or faeces on light micros-
invasive imaging techniques have been used, including copy of skin samples
videodermatoscopy [21, 22] and reflectance confocal mi- A2 Mites, eggs or faeces visualised on
croscopy [23], which provide a more detailed inspection individual using high-powered imag-
of the mite. Parasitological confirmation can be obtained ing device
A3 Mite visualised on individual using
with gentle skin scraping to remove the mite which can dermoscopy
then be placed on a glass slide and seen under low-power
B Clinical scabies At least one of:
microscopy. However, the sensitivity and reliability of B1 Scabies burrows
this method in practice is limited, requiring expertise. B2 Typical lesions affecting male genitalia
Additionally, skin scraping may be poorly tolerated, par- B3 Typical lesions in a typical distribution
ticularly by young patients. and two history features
A recent Delphi study involving international experts es- C Suspected scabies One of:
tablished consensus criteria for the diagnosis of scabies with C1 Typical lesions in a typical distribution
a very high level of agreement (>89%) [24]. This study in- and one history feature
troduces three categories of diagnosis – “confirmed sca- C2 Atypical lesions or atypical distribution
and two history features
bies,” “clinical scabies” or “suspected scabies” – each with History features:
its own set of criteria corresponding to the level of diagnos- H1 Itch
tic certainty. The diagnosis of “confirmed scabies” requires H2 Close contact with an individual who
direct visualisation of the mite or mite products (eggs, fae- has itch or typical lesions in a typical
ces) by at least one method, e.g. microscopy, dermoscopy distribution
or videodermoscopy. The diagnosis of “clinical scabies” and These criteria should be used in conjunction with the full
“suspected scabies” relies on the detection of typical skin explanatory notes and definitions (in preparation). Diagnosis can
lesions in a characteristic distribution, supported by key be made at one of the three levels (A, B or C). A diagnosis of clinical
features in the history. These criteria are summarised in Ta- and suspected scabies should only be made if other differential
ble 1. The use of these criteria will support health workers diagnoses are considered less likely than scabies. Reproduced from
Engelman et al. [13].
in making a diagnosis of scabies in field settings. They will
also be vitally important for scabies research to provide a
standardised diagnostic language that will facilitate consis-
tency and comparison between studies.
There are no standardised laboratory tests available for which is improvement over the 14% detection rate re-
the diagnosis of scabies. A number of candidate antigen ported by Wong et al. [25] using conventional PCR. Em-
and antibody immunoassays have been evaluated but the ploying novel molecular techniques such as this for the
performance of these tests has been suboptimal, and none diagnosis of scabies could offer great benefit in a variety
have been widely adopted. A sensitive and specific rapid of clinical research settings.
diagnostic test for scabies would be of great value in the
field; modern molecular techniques may offer solutions,
and this area should be prioritised in the scabies research Complications of Scabies
agenda. Conventional PCR targeting the mitochondrial
cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene of S. scabiei Scabies has a number of important sequelae. The re-
has previously been used to diagnose scabies infestation; sultant scratching of the skin is an important cause of im-
however, the positive diagnosis rate was too low to pro- petigo. Disruption of the skin barrier allows secondary
duce satisfactory results [25]. In a recent study by Hahm bacterial infection, most often due to Streptococcus pyo-
et al. [26], the use of a nested PCR assay based on the cox1 genes (group A streptococcus, GAS) and Staphylococcus
gene offered improved sensitivity for diagnosing scabies aureus. These bacteria have been isolated from skin bur-
infestation. In this study all microscopically proven cases rows and mite products (faecal pellets) suggesting that
tested positive using the nested PCR assay; in addition, mites could contribute directly to the spread of bacteria.
26% of the microscopy-negative cases tested positive, Additionally, it has been shown that complement inhibi-

A Review of Scabies: An Infestation More Dermatology 2019;235:79–90 81

than Skin Deep DOI: 10.1159/000495290
Sleep disturbance Itch and scratch Scabies
Economic impact

Crusted scabies Impetigo –

S. pyogenes and
S. aureus

Complicated Invasive Invasive S. aureus Glomerulonephritis Rheumatic fever

local skin S. pyogenes

Chronic renal Rheumatic heart

disease disease

10% case 5% case 5% case 2–5% case

fatality rate fatality rate fatality rate fatality rate
per year per year

Fig. 1. Complications of scabies infestation. Reproduced from Engelman et al. [92].

tors produced by the scabies mite promote the growth Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis can oc-
and survival of S. pyogenes in vitro, with the suggestion cur after throat or skin infection. In tropical regions, skin
that this may also apply to mite-infested skin in vivo [27]. infection accounts for at least 50% of acute post-strepto-
The presence of scabies is associated with an increased coccal glomerulonephritis [30], which acts as a strong
risk of impetigo. Data from the SHIFT trial, conducted in risk factor for developing chronic kidney disease in later
Fiji, show that the attributable risk of scabies infestation life [31]. In contrast, it has been accepted for many years
on impetigo was 94% [28]. that acute rheumatic fever occurs only following GAS
Impetigo due to S. pyogenes acts as a precursor to a di- pharyngitis; however, this is unlikely to be the case in
verse range of clinical manifestations. These include in- tropical settings [32]. The greatest prevalence of rheu-
vasive GAS infections, toxin-mediated diseases including matic heart disease is found among the indigenous pop-
scarlet fever and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, and ulations of Australia and the Pacific Island nations, where
the autoimmune complications of rheumatic fever and there is a high burden of GAS impetigo [33]. In these
glomerulonephritis. populations GAS pharyngitis is rare, and cases of GAS
Invasive GAS infections are serious and potentially fa- impetigo outnumber throat carriage or infection nine-
tal, and include infection of skin, soft tissue (including fold [34]. It is also known that there is greater diversity
necrotising fasciitis), joints and lower respiratory tract in of GAS in tropical regions with a predominance of skin-
addition to bacteraemia without an obvious focus of in- associated strains [34, 35]. There is evidence to support
fection. The burden of invasive GAS diseases globally is the exchange of GAS between the skin and pharynx, and
high, with more than 663,000 new cases and 163,000 this could explain the involvement of skin strains in
deaths each year, in addition to more than 111 million rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease; however,
prevalent cases of GAS pyoderma [29]. There is likely also this area is poorly understood and requires further inves-
to be a significant morbidity and mortality associated tigation.
with staphylococcal infection (Fig. 1).

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DOI: 10.1159/000495290
The Impact of Scabies In developed countries in the western hemisphere, out-
breaks of scabies are a particular problem in institutions,
Scabies accounts for a significant global health burden, including care homes, schools, military camps and pris-
with implications for both resource-poor and developed ons. Within Europe, there is an increasing population of
regions. refugees seeking asylum, often those displaced from areas
Using data from the Global Burden of Disease Study of Africa or the Middle East due to conflict. These are vul-
2015, Karimkhani et al. [3] provided for the first time a nerable populations, and individuals are at risk of con-
robust estimate of the global burden of scabies. They used tracting a number of important infectious diseases, in ad-
prevalence estimates, weighted for disability, to calculate dition to scabies, which frequently coexist [41]. A recent
disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), assuming a zero observational study of scabies outbreaks, in residential
mortality for scabies. The greatest burden from scabies and nursing care homes in south-east England, showed
was demonstrated in east and south-east Asia, Oceania that the clinical presentation of scabies in this elderly pop-
and tropical Latin America. In these and other resource- ulation differs from the classic descriptions with which
poor tropical regions, the DALY burden is highest in clinicians are familiar. Half of the patients in this study
younger age groups and particularly in children aged 1–4 were asymptomatic, and 57% of patients had signs of sca-
years. In contrast, regions with low overall scabies burden bies only on non-exposed areas of the body. The median
such as North America and western Europe show a more time to diagnosis in this study was 22 days (IQR 7.5–186).
even distribution of scabies prevalence across all age Dementia was identified as a risk factor for scabies with an
groups. Of the 246 conditions included in the Global Bur- odds ratio of 2.37 (95% CI 1.38–4.07) highlighting the
den of Disease 2015 Study, scabies ranked 101 in age- need for a high index of suspicion and thorough examina-
standardised global DALYs, just ahead of atrial fibrilla- tion in this vulnerable group [4]. Significant economic
tion or flutter (102) and acute lymphoid leukaemia (103). costs are incurred by institutions in managing outbreaks
It is important to note that this study focused specifically of scabies, with direct costs ranging from USD 2,000 to
on the direct effect of the skin infestation; it did not 200,000 per outbreak [42, 43]. Costs relate predominantly
include in its estimates the significant contribution to to staffing (coping with absences and increased workload)
overall disease burden of bacterial superinfection and and treatment (acaricide prescriptions).
subsequent complications. In resource-poor regions,
scabies-related impetigo is the principal cause of
post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, of which there are Treatment
almost half a million new cases per year [29], as well as
rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, which ac- A range of effective treatments are available for sca-
count for at least 300,000 deaths worldwide every year bies. However, clinical trials comparing the effectiveness
[36]. The mortality indirectly attributable to scabies has of these treatments, in particular the available topical
not been calculated yet but a theoretical algorithm has agents [44], are relatively few in number; as a result, pre-
been developed (Fig. 1). scribing practice varies widely between countries and is
It is known that regional differences in scabies burden largely based on factors such as treatment availability and
exist within countries. Australian aboriginal communi- cost, and the preference of the physician.
ties for example have a much higher prevalence of scabies Individual case management will be influenced by the
and impetigo than the non-indigenous population [37]. level of diagnostic certainty, which may consider a broad
Factors that might contribute to high levels of endemic differential diagnosis according to patient and geograph-
scabies within these communities, and similar settings in ic factors. The 2018 consensus criteria for the diagnosis
other countries, include poverty (families with lower of scabies [24] may help to guide case management by
monthly income and those not owing their house) [38], non-expert health workers, although they will be more
overcrowding [39] and lack of access to medical facilities relevant as a tool for use in research studies and mass
[40]. Crusted scabies is generally attributed to immuno- treatment programmes, where the diagnostic hierarchy
suppression; however, it has been reported in indigenous might be used to identify suitable or comparable popula-
Australians with no known immune deficiency. It might tions. Individual cases of “suspected” scabies should be
be the case that these individuals harbour a specific im- treated as such; in other words, treatment should not be
mune deficit, although the nature of this is currently un- restricted only to those with a diagnosis of “clinical” or
clear. “confirmed” scabies.

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than Skin Deep DOI: 10.1159/000495290
Treatment failure should not be diagnosed until at and young children [58, 59]. Benzyl benzoate, an ester of
least 6 weeks after completion of treatment, as it can take benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol, has been used in 10–25%
this long for symptoms and signs of hypersensitivity to preparations in many countries, including in Europe and
resolve. Most cases of treatment failure are likely to result Australia. Benzyl benzoate is a very active antiscabietic
from inadequate treatment or poor compliance with agent with excellent cure rates if tolerated. It has been
treatment; however, alternative diagnoses should be con- used effectively as an adjunct to ivermectin in the treat-
sidered. In developed countries the differential diagnosis ment of HIV-associated scabies [60] and in the control of
should include common pruritic dermatoses such as pso- an institutional outbreak of permethrin-resistant scabies
riasis, atopic eczema and lichen planus. If blistering is [61]. However, its use is limited by severe skin irritation,
present, then bullous pemphigoid [45, 46] and dermatitis which not uncommonly occurs within minutes of appli-
herpetiformis should be considered. Additionally, there cation, and the need for repeated applications. The low
appears to be an increased risk of developing psoriasis fol- cost of sulphur and benzyl benzoate preparations means
lowing scabies [47]. In infants and young children, the that they are often the first choice in developing coun-
differential diagnosis might include Langerhans cell his- tries. γ-Benzene hexachloride 1% (lindane) is an organic
tiocytosis [48, 49], papular urticaria and infantile acro- insecticide with potent antiscabietic effects. However,
pustulosis, and in tropical settings pyoderma without sca- systemic absorption can occur, leading to neurotoxicity;
bies is an important consideration. The differential diag- this has occurred most commonly in paediatric and el-
nosis of crusted scabies includes hyperkeratotic disorders derly populations [62], particularly where the drug was
such as psoriasis [50, 51], seborrhoeic dermatitis, Darier’s used in excessive quantities or applied to broken skin. Re-
disease and palmoplantar keratoderma. ported neurotoxic effects following topical application
The risk of transmission or reinfestation via fomites is include nausea and vomiting, disorientation, restlessness,
negligible in all but the severest forms of crusted scabies. tremor, seizures and death [62–64]. The drug has there-
Recommendations to treat clothes and bed linen (wash- fore been withdrawn from sale in many countries. It is
ing at 60 ° C, freezing or keeping them in a sealed bag for
     also contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding wom-
at least 48–72 h) should therefore be restricted to these en. Crotamiton 10% (Eurax) has been favoured in chil-
severe cases and not prescribed routinely. Evidence sup- dren due to its low toxicity profile; however, it has limited
porting this precautionary intervention is not yet avail- efficacy, and multiple applications are usually required to
able, so the advice remains somewhat controversial. achieve a satisfactory response.
Two of the most commonly used treatments for sca- Ivermectin is effective as an oral treatment for scabies.
bies are topical permethrin (a synthetic pyrethroid insec- It is prescribed at a standard single dose of 200 µg/kg body
ticide) and oral ivermectin (a macrocyclic lactone antibi- weight. It lacks ovicidal activity, and a second dose is in
otic with broad-spectrum activity against nematodes and theory required 14 days after the first dose to ensure that
arthropods); both have comparable efficacy and are gen- newly hatched mites are killed. Standard treatment, with
erally very well tolerated [52]. 2 doses 2 weeks apart, results in a cure rate approaching
Permethrin 5% cream is the first-line topical therapy 100%, comparable to that of topical 5% permethrin [52,
in the UK and the USA. Permethrin is adulticidal and ovi- 65]. Oral ivermectin has been available commercially for
cidal against the scabies mite and is therefore highly ef- years; it was first approved for the treatment of scabies in
fective after a single application [53, 54]. However, in France in 2001, where it is licensed for the treatment of
practice the prescribed regimen often involves two appli- outbreaks in residential homes [66]. In recent years it has
cations. Adverse effects occur infrequently and are lim- gained approval in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Ger-
ited to local cutaneous reactions including erythema, many and the Netherlands [52, 67]. Ivermectin is not li-
burning and pruritus [55, 56], although poor reporting is censed for treating scabies or any other condition in the
a major limitation. Many other topical treatments have UK; it can be prescribed off-label but is expensive and
been used to treat scabies. Sulphur compounds can be ef- available only on a named-patient basis for the treatment
fective, with preparations of 5–10% sulphur in paraffin of crusted scabies, from “special order” manufacturers or
widely used throughout Africa and South America [57]; specialist importing companies. In countries such as In-
however, they are unpleasant to use and can cause skin dia, oral ivermectin is easy to access and cheaper than
irritation and are therefore poorly tolerated. Safety data permethrin, making it an attractive option [56]. Studies
are limited; however, both permethrin and sulphur prep- of mass drug administration (MDA) with ivermectin
arations are considered safe for use in pregnant women have demonstrated a very good safety profile [28]. Whilst

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there is a lack of safety data concerning the use of iver- treatment and close monitoring; however, making the di-
mectin in pregnant women and children under 5 years of agnosis is not always easy and may be missed. A prag-
age, the drug has been used in these groups without re- matic treatment approach has been developed by an Aus-
ports of adverse outcomes emerging. Early studies of iver- tralian team which involves isolation of the patient and
mectin for onchocerciasis suggested that it could be used treatment with multiple doses of oral ivermectin (200 µg/
safely in pregnancy; Pacqué et al. [68] observed no differ- kg/dose), according to disease severity [19, 73]. Grade 1
ence in birth defects or developmental status in 203 chil- cases should receive 3 doses of ivermectin over a period
dren born to women inadvertently treated with ivermec- of 1 week and can be treated in the community in consul-
tin during the first trimester of pregnancy, compared tation with an infectious diseases physician. It is recom-
with the children of untreated mothers. More recent mended that grade 2 and 3 cases are admitted to hospital
studies have explored the adverse outcomes associated and treated with a combination of oral and topical treat-
with co-administration of ivermectin and albendazole, ments. Grade 2 cases should receive 5 doses of ivermectin
for the treatment of soil-transmitted helminths, failing to over 2 weeks, and grade 3 cases should receive 7 doses
show any difference in the risk of congenital malforma- over 4 weeks. Topical treatments, such as urea-based
tion or miscarriage due to treatment [69, 70]. emollients, are given for scabies and hyperkeratosis.
In developing countries, ivermectin has been used for Treatment may also be required for secondary bacterial
the control of scabies and many other neglected tropical and fungal skin infection. Treatment of all household and
diseases (NTDs) at the community level. The SHIFT trial, close contacts, and treatment of the homes of patients
conducted in Fiji, showed that MDA with oral ivermectin with crusted scabies, are considered important aspects of
(single dose, 200 µg/kg body weight) led to a significantly effective management. Education of patients and all staff
greater reduction in prevalence of both scabies and impe- within an institution is key to maximising the effective-
tigo, compared with permethrin and standard approach ness of treatment and control measures, in order to pre-
to care [28]. In addition, it has been shown in the Solo- vent further spread. Robust evidence supporting the
mon Islands that intensive scabies control using this above intervention is not yet available.
strategy has long-lasting effects, with very low levels of The most effective community control strategies
scabies and associated bacterial skin infections main- have incorporated ongoing post-treatment surveillance
tained 15 years after cessation of control activities [71]. A [74, 75]. This is particularly important for patients with
higher dose of ivermectin (400 µg/kg) may offer improved crusted scabies, who are “core infectors” of other com-
efficacy over the standard dose (200 µg/kg), particularly munity members [76]. The “Healthy Skin Program” in
for the treatment of crusted scabies, although this has not Northern Territory, Australia, suggests that a “chronic
been confirmed. care plan” should be instituted to provide regular skin
Ivermectin is useful for combating a range of diseases checks and ongoing preventive topical treatments, as
and therefore offers many potential health benefits for the part of the management of crusted scabies in remote ab-
communities in which it is administered. It is particular- original communities [73]. Regular follow-up of these
ly effective against human filarial diseases including on- patients and household contacts offer additional oppor-
chocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, for which hundreds tunities for community education and engagement,
of millions of treatments are donated free of charge each which are thought to be key factors contributing to the
year as part of the Mectizan Donation Programme. An- success of such programmes [74]. This process could be
nual MDA of ivermectin as part of the lymphatic filariasis implemented by non-expert health workers from a
elimination programme in Unguja and Pemba Islands in range of backgrounds providing they are appropriately
Zanzibar was shown to significantly reduce the preva- trained and supervised. It is unclear to what extent these
lence of scabies over a 6-year period [72]. This programme ongoing surveillance activities are required; fortnightly
utilised social and religious networks to engage members or monthly skin checks (depending on the level of infec-
of the community and achieve high coverage. In addition, tivity and risk of recurrence) have been suggested [77],
it is thought that the successful treatment of scabies, although uncertainty exists regarding the optimal fre-
which is highly symptomatic and often debilitating, in- quency and duration of monitoring. Operational re-
creases clinic re-attendance, community engagement search is required to answer these questions and deliver
with the MDA and compliance with further treatment. cost-effective solutions. There are numerous opportuni-
The management of crusted scabies is particularly ties for integration of surveillance activities for scabies
challenging. Effective control requires prompt diagnosis, with other NTDs.

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than Skin Deep DOI: 10.1159/000495290
Scabies outbreaks are difficult to control and consti- as a single dose of oral ivermectin for the treatment of hu-
tute a significant public health problem in developed man scabies, with cure rates of 86 and 83% 4 weeks after
countries. Heavily infested patients with crusted scabies treatment, respectively [Goldust, unpubl.; 84]. Afoxolan-
are highly infectious and often the source of outbreaks in er, a related molecule also belonging to the antiparasitic
institutions and vulnerable communities; these patients isoxazolines, has shown promise in a porcine model of
should be isolated and measures taken to prevent trans- human scabies infestation [85]. Tea tree oil is used by in-
mission, including the use of protective clothing by any- digenous tribes in Australia, and in secondary care set-
one coming into close contact with them. In nursing and tings as a therapeutic adjunct; it has known antimicrobial
residential care homes management of outbreaks is com- properties and reduces the survival time of the scabies
plicated by the high prevalence of dementia (68% of the mite compared with permethrin and ivermectin [86].
study population) [4] and the atypical clinical presenta- Other botanical products used with varying results in-
tion of scabies. Treatment using topical agents in this clude clove, Lippia and neem oils, and turmeric [87, 88].
population is logistically difficult and distressing for pa-
tients. Oral ivermectin is at least as effective as topical
permethrin, and easier to administer in this population. Strategy for Scabies Control
Mass treatment with ivermectin was also shown to be ef-
fective in controlling outbreaks of scabies in refugees and The control of scabies requires a coordinated effort
asylum seekers in the Netherlands [78]. with input from a range of sectors. The recent addition of
Emerging resistance to currently available agents, per- scabies to the World Health Organisation list of NTDs is
methrin and ivermectin, has stimulated interest in under- a positive action and one that should allow scabies to fea-
standing the underlying mechanisms and exploring the ture on the global health agenda and gain recognition in
possibilities for novel therapeutic agents or even a scabies relevant health policy in both low- and high-income set-
vaccine. Moxidectin is a newer agent that offers promise; tings. Funding will be required to support an increase in
it has better retention in the skin and a much longer half- scabies research; priority areas include the development
life (more than 20 days, compared with 14 h for ivermec- of robust diagnostic tests for scabies, and improved treat-
tin) meaning that a single dose may be enough to elimi- ment and control strategies, particularly in view of the
nate infestation [79, 80]. It also appears to prevent reinfes- emerging threat of drug resistance. In the USA, funding
tation for a longer period of time after treatment, compared for scabies research was shown to be under-represented
with ivermectin. A scabies vaccine could be effective, al- in relation to the associated disease burden, and this gap
though currently more work is needed to better under- needs to be addressed [89]. In the UK research and policy
stand the interaction between the host immune system efforts should address the management of scabies out-
and the scabies mite, and it is likely to take many years for breaks in institutions, with particular focus on the use of
a vaccine to become available. Additional approaches to oral treatments, such as ivermectin or moxidectin, and
treatment of scabies include the use of insect growth regu- increasing the availability of these drugs.
lators, such as Fluazuron, and natural products, including Integration of activities that control NTDs affecting the
essential oils and novel plant products [81]. Fluazuron skin, many of which coexist, could be a cost-effective and
blocks the synthesis of chitin, a major component of the beneficial approach [90]. Opportunities for integration
exoskeleton of arthropods including the scabies mite. It range from diagnosis and surveillance to mass drug ad-
prevents the growth of new larvae within the eggs but has ministration and morbidity management. These activities
no activity against adult mites. The use of fluazuron in pigs have already been successfully combined with existing
with S. scabiei var. suis infestation resulted in a reduced programmes for trachoma and yaws in the Solomon Is-
number of early stage mites, and clinical improvement lands for the purpose of coordinating mass treatment
[82]. Using this in combination with traditional acaricides studies [91]. Initiatives to support the provision of oral
could offer improved efficacy and might for example elim- ivermectin for scabies are needed in low-resource settings,
inate the need for a second dose of ivermectin. Fluralaner in the way that the Mectizan Donation Program provides
is an isoxazoline ectoparasiticide that inhibits the arthro- for onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis. The Interna-
pod nervous system. Administration of a single dose of tional Alliance for the Control of Scabies (IACS) consists
fluralaner is an effective treatment for naturally acquired of a group of experts from various disciplines who are
S. scabiei var. canis infestation in dogs [83], and recent committed to overcoming these challenges and improv-
data show that a single dose of oral fluralaner is as effective ing the health of affected communities worldwide [92].

86 Dermatology 2019;235:79–90 Chandler/Fuller

DOI: 10.1159/000495290
Definitive strategies for the control of scabies, includ- the convenience and acceptability of treatment, improv-
ing management in endemic settings and outbreak re- ing the understanding of epidemic outbreaks and control
sponse plans, are under development. Targets for the remain key priorities in achieving the number one prior-
control or elimination of scabies have not been agreed. At ity for the IACS: to advance the establishment of global
this stage it is worth noting the experience of our col- control measures for reducing the impact of scabies on
leagues in efforts to control other NTDs. Lockwood et al. human populations.
[93] draw attention to some of the hazards of setting tar-
gets for elimination, from their experience with leprosy.
They highlight the need to have clear and realistic control Key Message
targets that are based on an understanding of disease biol-
Scabies, a neglected tropical disease, continues to have a global
ogy and the effectiveness of available treatment options.
impact and long-term health sequelae.
Targets and progress should be monitored transparently
and adjusted if needed.
Disclosure Statement

Conclusion Dr. L.C. Fuller is a member of the steering committee of the

IACS. The authors declare no financial conflicts of interest.
Human scabies, a condition amendable to treatment,
continues to be widespread and to cause intense suffer-
ing. Developments of accurate diagnostic tests, increasing

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90 Dermatology 2019;235:79–90 Chandler/Fuller

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