Periodic Table2018 Plan3

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Name of Teacher Mustufa Khalil Subject Chemistry

Topic Periodic Table Date 11th October 2018

Class IX Duratio 80 min


Analyzed the physical and chemical properties of Group I elements

Attainment Target

Learning Outcomes
● Analyzed lithium, sodium and potassium in Group I (the alkali metals) as a collection of relatively soft, low-density
(Knowledge, Skills and metals showing a trend in melting point and in their reaction with water.

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning Formative assessment
materials and
(Day to day

How are you explaining and What are the students doing to help them What resources will How do you plan to
demonstrating the topic? (The teaching understand the topic? you use that will assess learning as it is
strategies/ methodology selected) support the happening?
teaching and
learning activities?
Learner’s understanding
Starter Activity
will be assessed on the
I will elicit students’ prior knowledge about
basis of their responses
asking following questions.
 What is the identity of any element? Learners will respond voluntarily
 How are the elements in the same
period similar in terms of their Learner’s feedback will be highlighted on the
electronic structures? board. 5 min
 How are the elements in the same
group similar in terms of their electronic

Responses from 10-12 students will be

written on the board necessary information
will be added if required.

Teacher’s Demonstration:
● I will share the objective with the
5 min

Pair share:
I’ll ask the students to open page number
313 and read out Group I (the alkali Students will analyse the trend in properties
metals) as a collection of relatively soft,
low-density metals showing a trend in
melting point and in their reaction with 15
water. min
I’ll provide them with discussion
 What are the physical property of
alkali metals
 How do the physical properties of
group I metals change going down They will note down their findings and
group I? discussion point.
 How can we use the periodic table
to predict the properties of alkali
 How the reactivity changes down
group I.
 Do all alkali metals have the same
reactivity. Students will move towards their classes and
settle down.
● Follow up of the activity :
Full scape sheet to each pair will be
provided , they will write down their
Whole Class Discussion:
There will be whole class discussion among min
learner’s understanding will
I will randomly ask any pair to discuss the the students
also be assessed based on
first discussion prompt with the class. Any their responses given to
other pair can rectify and the add on their rest of the class.
findings into the first discussion prompt. In
this way all the discussion prompt will be
discussed with whole class.

Teacher Exposition: 15
Teacher exposition will be given regarding mins
the reactions of alkali metals with cold
water, by letting the students know the
equations and observations.
Learners will give written responses
Written work:
Learners will do the written work on their
 Test yourself 16.3 (Q1,2 and 3)

 Past paper question
1. Lithium is in group I of the periodic
learner’s understanding will
table. It reacts with water to form also be assessed based on
lithium hydroxide and hydrogen. their written responses.
a. Describe what would you observe
when a small piece of lithium is
dropped onto the surface of cold
b. Write the equation for the reaction
between lithium and water
c. Predict what would you observe
when a small piece of rubidium is
dropped onto cold water.
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
How did you make the lesson inclusive?
I made the lesson inclusive by making pairs and whole class discussion.

Lesson Evaluation:
Strengths Areas for improvement
Students were engaged throughout the lesson by using active learning

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson

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