Z Transform

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‘by, Solve the following difference equation using unilateral ZT: * y(a)-2y(u-1)+Fy(n-2)=x(n) : (10 Marks) Giveny (n)- 4 y a= 1) + By n—2) =x en) Taking unilateral z- transform on both the sides. / ¥e)= Afr) aoly (2)]+ x2 )z" +x4y(2)]=X(z eB a). vtefisdersae] p12 aaa - 4 . ¥@= 2c Yel eye (1 -¥2t eme(ite ; 2 +z | ete exe) Using partial fraction expansion yy lowe Toye YO= (8 2-Y2 447 _ (i= Ye") Kz) La k= (-F'y@| teow (J 27 age yt kx (I 42") v2) ie Be a _ yest 2- a" +e? k= ( he Yee ima Zz (1- ~he")| .* x . We Takipg i inverse z- transform . _ ye)= Xu(n)-+( vs w(a) +600" eda e c. State and prove the final value and inital value property for z= transform (09 Marks ns, Initial value theorem’ “Hf x(n) =0 forns0_ then Lt»(n) =3(0)= Lt x(2) Proof © age} = 2) = ox(a)2" . . : ana . lL Exe) ee : ex Oy x Q) zt +2 22+ ses ‘ Take limit 2 2 @ on both the sides © Lt x(z). ee@4o 0+ a Lzs(a) = x(0)= Lex() inal value: theo! If. ‘x (0) “> X (2) ; anid if'x (2) exists and no poles outside the circle and ifhas no double « higtier order poles on the unit circle contered:at the origin of the 2- plane, Hx) = x(2)=Lt(z ~)) Proof = “zfe(@} =zx(@)-2x0) | z(x(atl)] =zx(z}-22@) © ze (nt 1))—z [x ()] = 2x (z)—-zx(0)-x &) - = Saxe tjet— b+ njz" #0 =z i@)~ 250) Taking limit z 1 onboth the sides ule (2)~2x(0)]= BEE neta) zote Lt “(o)=nln)=tale-9me 8. a, A causal LTI system is desevibed by the difference equation, y(n) = y(a y(n - 2) +x (n -.1). Find the sysiom funetion H(Z), plot the. poles and zeros indicate the ROC. Also determine the impulse response of the system. : (06 Mar! 1S. Given (+ ya-lt+y (h-2)4+% (0-1 y(a)-y (a= 1)-y (n= 2)=x (0-1) ™“ Taking 2- transform on both the sides . .¥@)- 21 Y(z) - 2 ¥(@) = 2! X(@) ngy- 2s -p OS R(t) dae 24 0.62) 2 =1,62), . The system is causal, the ROC must be outside the outermost pole. . img {2} e {Zz} k, 0.622" # eat y k= U+0.622"}A(2)| = Ter . “ge (nee He), = = 045 “045° NaS : : HO? oa ioe : . I . Taking inverse z-transform: : A @)=-0.45 (20: 62" uta) + “04S (1.6200 vg é. Define z~ transform ofa signal. What do you men by ROG? Mention the properties “of ROC. (08 Marks) Let -x (n) = discrete time signal x(n) =z- tansform of x(n) Ibis defined as x (x)= >. x(n)Z™ Where Z is a complex variable : — : ROC: . z-transform is an infinite power series it exists only for those values of z for which the series of converges. The region of convergence (ROC) of x(z) is the set of all values of z. For which x(z) attain a finite value, . . © Properties of the region of convergence. “ Propéity 1 >The ROC of x (z) consists of a ring in the z - plane centered aboutthe. origin: Property 2:. The ROC does not contain any poles. : Property 3: If x(n) is of finite duration, then the ROC isthe entire. plane; except possibly b= Q arid izi= Prepery 4; If x(n) is aright sided sequence and if the circle [2] =¢, isin the ROC, thenall - finite valves of z for which [2] > r, will also be inthe ROC(.c. ) ROC of a.right sided sequence is outside the ‘sircle, Property 5°: Ifx (n)'is left sided sequence and if the circle|z| =r, isin the ROC, thén ail values of 'z' for which 0 < |2| < 1, will also be in the ROC(i: e.) ROC of a left sided sequence is inside the circie. Propeity.6 : If ¥ (n).is two sided and ifthe circle |z| =r, is in the ROC, then the ROC will consist ofa ting in the z= plane that include the eircte [|= 1, is in the ROC of two sided sequence is a concentric.ring. , Property 7: Ifthe z < transform x (2) of x (n) is rational, then its ROC is bounded by poles or extends to infinity, . : : b. Use partial - fraction expansion method to find inverse - z transform of d-gt+27 x(jep— ee (f1ste'](i-ar\nn) with ROC @) 1 < fe] <2 5 (ii) [2] < i (14-Mart) lez}+2? 8 |i) teeta tS A(ta 2e"\(l~2")+ Bll ee)(1-24) eta") 227") mei 121415 A(1-2)(1-1)4 BEI 4()){(1=1)+6(1- 41)(1-2) 1= Af0)+B(0}+0(%)(-1) JYO-)+B(UAXI (IH) +0(l- Hall Lx J) Bl =f} +20) = HEBUXY, =Bxy¥% “2 : 1-24+4=A(1=2%2) (1-2) + BULK yxZ)(1-2)+C(1= yxZ)(1-2%1) 3=AGDCD eos A=i . : { / E 2 2 XO) = ig a ae (a) = (J) u(n) +22)" u(n) -20(n) @ Given ROC 1 fx} <2. (a) must be Isided ~ 2g) u(en=1)-2(2)" (ni) 2u(n) (ii), Given (iii) |2]<% . : —(4)" u(-n-a) = 2(2)" u (=n =1)-2u(-n -1) bees gp Find the Zetranstorm of the sequence 1 x(n) = (3) sketch the ROC and pole-zere Focation Example “mn "sin Fn) un) and Solution: Giver x(n) = Qo" sin ny ula) =) ES] un) 1 5S We have X(7) P5.6.1 : tdrt4 (Fe Fy (4 In eqn. P5.6.1 both che sums should conve The ROC and pole-zero locations are shown in Fig P5.6. Img{z} Retz} Fig, P5.6 c. Given : HZ) (i); Is this system causal? ‘(i) Is the system BIBO stable ? ‘ily Find the unit sample response of the system, (iv) Find the difference equation realization of the system and an (¥) Is the system linear? (10 Marts) Ans, @ Causality :. $ ROC is ||| means itis exterior of cirele of radius | z|= 1 system is eausal. (ii) Stability: . ROC is |z| >| This means the unit circle [z|= T'is not included in the ROC. Herice the system is unstabie. (ii) Unit sample response of the systera H@ = z #41 5 Here sin %= 1,008 {= 0 Taking inverse 2~ transform se ain Seo Difference eqn : : 1 Ye X(z). * 142 Y@) [+23], = 2X) ¥@)+z7y (2) =z" X(2) Faking inverse z-transform ‘ ¥@)+Y (+2) =X(@-1) (v) Lineatity: The system is linear . bee

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