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Writing about advantages & disadvantages

Some useful phrases & sentence patterns

 One serious/important/major  Another advantage is that

disadvantage is that _________ __________
 Another disadvantage is that  Another positive thing about
_________ _________ is that _________
 Another problem is that  The main disadvantage/advantage
_________ of _________ is that ________
 One important/major advantage is  One of the good/bad points about
that __________ _________ is that ________

Exercise 1

Using the prompts, make sentences. Use the phrases & sentence patterns above.

1. credit cards/pay high interest rates

→ One major disadvantage of credit cards is that you have to pay high interest rates.
2. credit cards/pay in instalments

3. CCTV cameras/feel safe

4. a dormitory/safe and convenient

5. a flash disk/store a lot of data

6. e-book/not take up a lot of space

7. CD-ROM dictionary/hear the pronunciation

8. online newspaper/reach information quickly

9. online newspaper/see a lot of pop-up adverts

10. speak English/communicate almost everywhere

11. laptop computer/not have to share with everyone

12. cell phones/emit radiation

Study the use of linkers. Then complete the sentences in Exercise 2.

1. ALTHOUGH (concession/surprising)

Although I don’t like living in the dormitory very much, I have to live there for some

I have to live in the dormitory for some reasons although I don’t like living there.

Although my laptop computer is quite old, I am still very happy with it.

I am still very happy with my laptop computer although it is quite old.

2. ON THE ONE HAND/ON THE OTHER HAND (2 contrasting ideas)

On the one hand many students prefer to live in the dormitory because it is safer and more
convenient. On the one hand, some other students like to live in a flat because they think
they have more freedom than the ones who live in the dormitory.

On the one hand smokers should have the right to smoke the they want to, but on the other
hand non-smokers should have the right to breath smoke-free air.

3. THEREFORE (consequences)

I think; therefore, I am. (Descartes)

I’ve spent a lot this month. Therefore, I’ll have to start saving next month.

My laptop computer is getting slower and breaking down more often than ever. Therefore,
I think I’ll have to buy a new one.

4. HOWEVER (contrast)

Many students like to live in a flat because they think they have more freedom. However,
they have a lot of complaints about sharing a flat.

I have many credit cards. However, I have to cancel some of them because I don’t want to
pay their card fees.

This is one way of learning how to use linkers; however, there are other ways such as
reading books and writing compositions.

Exercise 2
Use appropriate linkers in the blanks. There may be sometimes more than one

1. We usually have to wait at the bus stop at least 15 to 30 minutes for a bus to come.
___________, we still have to prefer public transport because it is the cheapest way
to travel.
2. Many students realised that they can’t do without passing the Gateway exams.
___________, they have decided to study really hard. 
3. Linkers such as however, therefore, although etc are really crucial when you are
writing. __________, students must learn how to use them properly if they want to
write and speak better.
4. William Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest writer in English.
___________, almost every English Literature student has to study many of his
5. University education is getting more expensive. ___________, most of the families
want their children to get higher education, which doesn’t always guarantee a good
6. Many young people think that the Internet is a means of entertainment and having
fun. ___________, it is the biggest and fastest source of information available on
7. Use of mobile phones should be banned in public places such as schools
__________ it is the most convenient means of communication.
8. __________ I’ve been driving for so many years, I had some difficulty in driving a
car with an automatic gear that I borrowed from a friend last week.
9. Students who are learning English should know how to learn and study a foreign
language without much help from outside. ___________, they can be an in
independent learner.
10. Some teachers who teach a foreign language forget that they were once students
who were learning a foreign language. __________, they may have some difficulty
in understanding the frustration that many learners have in the classroom.
11. In my opinion, teaching informal and colloquial (even slang) English should be OK
in the classroom. ___________, there may be some teachers (and students) who
would be highly critical of teaching this type of language.
12. ___________ I can write more sentences for this gap-fill exercise, I think this is
enough in order to avoid boring the students and the teachers! 

Try here your own sentences using some linkers that you have learned.











Writing about advantages and disadvantages.

Write a short text discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards.
Consider the points below. However, you may also use your own ideas.

Advantages Disadvantages
doing faster and easy shopping spending more than the card limit
paying in instalments paying high interest rates/card fees
gaining/winning points/credits or free not very safe on the Internet


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