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Khamin 1101

How vulnerability builds relationships

“Relationship” in my interpretation is when I feel connected to other people whether they are

friends, family members, or whoever they are. “Understanding” is also one of the most vital factors in the

human relationship because it leads to reliability that one can show toward others. Since I trust someone,

it is easy to express a vulnerability that I usually hind from people that I don’t know. The vulnerability can

actually build a relationship stronger as I have experienced it so far. If I was me in the past, I would keep

all my feeling with myself. That made me feel like I had no one to share my matters and it was tough for

me to break the wall of myself because I was afraid of being judged by others. Now that I grew up, I was

more open-minded. At first, I wouldn’t let anyone know my true self but when I found my friends here at

MUIDS who I could tell what I actually felt or all my thoughts without thinking how would they think about

me or whether they would judge me or not. I couldn’t remember how I and my friends know each other

and also how I gathered my courage and let myself show my vulnerability to them. But I could tell that

when I once tried, I felt relief and felt more connection between me and my friends. When I had a bad

mood or a bad day, I was comfortable telling my friends even though they sometimes couldn’t give any

advice, but they could be my mental support when I was down. It was like when I felt the connection with

someone who could listen to my problems, I felt safe and secure to tell him or her. I thought that when I

opened up to my friends, they would also open up to me because we trust each other or sometimes they

showed their vulnerability first, then I would feel comfortable to show mine, one way or another could

tighten the relationship. As I talked to my friends, I could know the other side of them or I could know my

friends better. Besides, the conversation that we exchanged our ideas thoughts and perspectives would

make us understand each other. For example, when I saw indirectly sign from my friend whether it was a

facial sign or body language sign, I could tell that there was something wrong or something that might

upset her and I could help her in some way that would calm her down. Or even when I was pissed off, my

close friends would easily notice and they could pull me up from those gloomy feelings. Without

explaining or describing my emotions, they understood why I felt it that way. If I felt lonely, I could go to

my friends’ room and just sit with them although we wouldn’t have any conversation, it totally made me
feel much better than I was with myself. For me revealing vulnerability to your friends could strengthen

your relationship whether with your romantic partner, family, or friends.

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