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“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of

Pasig City.”




This chapter presents the elements and concepts of presenting, analyzing and interpreting

data to answer the specific problem posited in chapter one of the study. Graphs were used

for data presentation to give the overall view of the findings and to establish relationships

between parts of the findings. The type of non-textual presentation is pie charts.

Out of 300 respondents, 34% or 102 were from 20 years and below age bracket,23

% or 68 were from 21-30 years old age bracket, 16% or 49 were from 31-40 years old

age bracket, 14% or 41 were from 41-50 years old age bracket, 8% or 25 were from 51-

60 old age bracket,5% or 15 were from 61- above years old age bracket .Most of our

respondents are from young ages.

1 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

Based on the graph,

females got the highest frequency of 152 with a percentage of 52 % while, male got the

frequency of 148 with a percentage of 49 %. Especially on working days most men are

normally at work while their wives are taking care of their homes or doing the household

chores. According to Forste (2012) it stated that in the Filipino culture women mostly do

all the household related chores. Heavy work that requires more strength is done by the

husband. In general, Filipino women find pride in their work. They do not find

themselves separate from their chores because they work with, around, and for their

families. According to the study of Martínez and Paterna (2009) it stated that some

cultural interpretation argue that women are more involved in house chores. According to

the article of the Filipino Family Hierarchy (2017) it stated that mothers are also given

almost equal importance and respect in Filipino families. They are the foundation of the

household and are care providers to the children and elders. They may be working but are

also responsible for cooking and taking care of household chores. The housewives are

2 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

more given towards day to day duties but are dependent upon their husbands to provide

for the money. Mothers are respected and are the first teachers for their children.

As shown in the graph, that 8 % says that there monthly bill is below ₱199.00,

while the other 25 % says that there monthly bill is ₱ 200.00- ₱499.00, 32% says that

there monthly bill is ₱ 500.00- ₱ 799.00, 19 % says that there monthly bill is ₱ 800.00-

₱999.00, and the other 16 % say that there monthly is ₱1000.00 and above. In this graph

shows that almost all of the respondents have a monthly bill that costs ₱ 500.00- ₱ 799.00

every month also most of our respondent have two families in one house that make their

monthly bill cost much.

3 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

Out of 300 respondents from the three barangay, 28 % of the household are

composed of 1 family, while 42 % are composed of 2 families, 17 % are composed of 3

families and 13 % are composed of more than 4 families it means that most of the family

in household that have 2 family and there's less 4 families in one households. It showed

that Filipino has really have a tied relationship with the other members that they choose

to live in one house. According to the article of the Filipino Family Hierarchy (2017) it

stated that the concept of joint families or big families living together in the same house

isn’t uncommon. Grandparents are taken care of by their children and are responsible for

caring for the grandchildren if both the parents are working. Extended family is one of

the common things that you will notice if you’re going inside the house of a Filipino

family. You will notice that almost all family remember living together in one roof. In the

Philippines, extended families could only show how close and very strong their family is.

Filipino families are very close, especially those who have grandparents in their house.

4 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

Out of 300 respondents from the three barangays, 21% of the household is

composed of less than 4 persons, while 16% has a size of 4 persons, 23% has a size of 5

persons and 40% has a size of more than 5 persons. The number of households increased

to 107,835 as compared to 104,242 households in 1995. According to Philippine

Statistics Authority (PSA) the average household size recorded in Census 2000 was 4.67

persons, higher than the 1995 figure of 4.51 persons. And it state in this article that the

household population of the Philippines reached 100.57 million persons in 2015. This is

8.48 million higher than the 92.10 million household population reported in 2010, and

24.24 million more than the 76.33 million household population.

5 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this graph it shows that 77% or 230 of the respondents have their own water

meter while, 23 % or 70 doesn’t have a water meter. Most of our respondents have their

own water meter. But few of them said that they are just connected to their neighbor.

Based on the articles of (2013) it stated that if there are less people in

your house than bedrooms example is if two people living in a four-bedroom family

home, then you could save money by switching to a water meter. For larger families,

being on a water meter may not be cost effective as your water consumption may be high.

Your water company can tell you have much you could be saving if you moved onto a

meter. Tejvan Pettinger (2009) stated that the consumers will benefit greatly from water

meters in that they are able to monitor their water consumption and therefore they get to

pay for only the amount they have consumed.

6 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”


this graph it shows that 77 % say that they are practicing proper recycling of water while

23 % say that they do not practice proper recycling of wate r. Most of our respondents are

doing or practicing proper recycling of water. According to Marie Luise Blue (2018) it

states that recycling water also prevents pollution by decreasing the amount of waste

water and also it can reduce and prevent pollution and can save energy. As Bob Gorman

stated that the biggest benefit comes from preventing water shortages. That offers

protection to the world's water resources, which would get drained to ensure that humans

can continue to prosper while we run out of water. Recycling also ensures that we have

enough water to grow crops, maintain our hygiene, and simply stay hydrated. Aside from

being the most important element here on Earth, the United States Environmental

Protection Agency notes that water recycling is important because it allows us to reuse it

for other beneficial purposes. This includes agricultural and landscape irrigation, toilet

flushing, and of course, drinking.

7 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

This graph

shows that the

majority of the participants have experienced water shortage while the minority

participants have not experienced water shortage. According to Manila Water, which

serves the East Zone of Metro Manila, around 52,000 households relying on their supply

currently do not have water. This number does not include those experiencing low water

pressure. On March 6, 2019, about ten thousand households across Metro Manila began

to lose water supplies. It is very evident that not only in the other part of the NCR but

also here in Pasig there is no exemption for water shortage. In 2010 when the country

was also hit by El Nino, Manila residents similarly suffered from a water supply crunch

lasting several hours a day. The government then had regular cloud seeding operations

and tankers went around cities to distribute water to households. Maynilad Water

Services Inc., which serves the other half of the capital, said it had built more reservoirs

and treatment plants after the 2010 shortage. According to Asian Water Development

Outlook (2007) that the rapid urbanization of the Philippines, with more than 2 million

being added to the urban population annually, is having a major impact on water


8 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

As shown in the graph that 43 % out of 300 respondents said that they use

most water in laundry while, 14% said that they use most water in washing dishes, 16%

said that they use most of water in body and bath and 27 % said that they use most of

water in laundry, washing the dishes and body and bath. According to the Poland water

bureau, about 22 percent of the water used in a typical residential home is for washing

clothes. Estimates say that a four-person household with a standard washing machine will

generate more than 300 loads of laundry per year, consuming 12,000 gallons of water.

According to Stamminger (2009) stated that washing laundry is one of the most wide-

spread housework in the world. Today, washing machines do this work in many private

households, using water, electricity, chemical substances, and process time.

9 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

As shown in this graph 62 % of the respondent’s state that they wash dishes 3 or

more times a day, 29 % state that they wash dishes 2 times a day and 9 % state that they

wash dishes once a day. It shown that most of the respondents that they do 3 times a day

in washing dishes. Most of the other respondents said that they wash dishes in the

morning, afternoon and evening.

10 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

As shown in this graph 37 % of the respondent’s state that they only used

clothes washing machine once a week or less, while 48 % state that they used clothes

washing machine 2-3 times a week,10% state that they used it 4-5 times a week and 5%

state that they use it everyday. Most of the respondents tells that they use their washing

machine 2-3 twices a week. Laundry is probably a big part of every house routine. In

facts according to Nielsen, globally 67 percent of people said they do laundry at least

twice per week, and another 31 percent said they do laundry every day. But despite

similarities in how often people around the world clean their clothes, there are some

differences in how they do their laundry.

11 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this graph, 61% of the respondents use to wash their hand by using running

water, while 29% use hand soap before they wash their hand and 10 % by using hand

soap. Proper hygiene like hand washing and boosting your immune system are your best

defense against the novel CoronaVirus (nCoV) infection. The U.S. Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends you wash your hands much more frequently

than you probably do

12 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this chart it shown that 63 % out of 300 respondents said that while brushing

teeth they use a glass of water, while 19 % said that they let the water run and 18 % said

that they turn the tap off while brushing teeth. You can help preserve that precious

amount by contributing to water conservation in simple ways while brushing your teeth.

According to Knight it stated that don't use your hands as a cup to drink from the faucet

as you rinse your mouth instead use a glass of water. Not only do your hands have germs

on them, but this allows some of the water to run down the drain and go to waste. Knight

also mentioned that you should turn the water off while you brush your teeth. If you leave

the water running, you can end up using as much as four gallons each time you clean

your teeth.

13 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this chart, it shows that 61% of the respondents turn off the shower when they

shampooing/soaping, while 19% said that it depends 18% said that they let the water run

all the time and 2% said they don’t have shower. Most of the respondents said that while

they taking shower they turn it off when they are shampooing or soaping. According to

the article rainbow international company it mentioned that turning off the water while

washing your hair will save up to 150 gallons per month.

14 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this pie chart, it shows that 54% of the respondents in the 3 barangays don't

have any garden, while the 22% use buckets to water the plants 19% use hose and 5% use

greywater. Most of the respondents said that they don’t have any garden in their house,

and the 22% are using bucket to water the plants. According to Micro Gardener the

research found that plants watered after 12.00 pm and during the afternoon, “significantly

outperformed plants grown with early morning irrigation.” So, watering container plants

in the afternoon may lead to healthier, stronger growing plants compared to container

plants watered early in the morning. In that cases you can save more water.

15 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

The pie chart shows that 45% of the respondents don't have any vehicles to

wash, while 27% use hose 23% use bucket and 5% use greywater to wash their vehicles.

Most of the respondents don’t have a vehicles.

16 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this pie chart, it shows that 91% of the respondents in 3 barangays are aware of

the water scarcity that is happening in our country while the 9% is not aware. Most of the

respondents are aware of the water scarcity or water shortage that is happening in our

country. According to the UK Meteorological Office, climate change is expected to

account for about 20 percent of the global increase in water scarcity. Countries that

already suffer from water shortages will be hit hardest. Significantly, there will be major

increases in water scarcity even if the water impacts of climate change prove to be neutral

or even enhancing of the world’s hydrological budget. With neither being reasonably

expected to happen, the impact of changing climate will affect not only bulk water

availability but also worsen the extremes of drought and floods.

17 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this pie chart it shows that 68% of the respondents still experience water

shortage rarely, while 18% said they still experience water shortage almost every year

and 14% never experience water shortage. According to World life Org. Billions of states

that people are lack of access to water and 2.7 billion experiences water scarcity at least

once a month a year, and it also states that by 2050 two third of the world’s population

may be facing water shortages. Most of the respondents are still experiencing water

shortage rarely.

18 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this chart, it shows that 46% of the respondents encounter the low water run

in their kitchen, while 40% encounter that water is only run in specific time and 15% is


19 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

This chart shows that 44% of the respondents encounter low water run in their

bathroom, while 42% of respondents encounter that the water only runs in specific time

and 14% never counter challenges in the bathroom.

20 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this chart, it shows that 54% of the respondents did not encounter any challenges

in the garden, while 24% said that it is hard to bring a bucket in the garden 18% takes

time to water the plants 2% don't have any garden.

21 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

This chart shows that 44% of the respondents encounter the time consuming

of storing some water in a basin, while 21% find it hard to convert water and 26% didn't

encounter any challenges in laundry.

22 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this Chart, it shows that 34% of the respondents don't have any vehicles to

encounter challenges, while 25% of respondents said it consume water by using hose

21% did not encounter challenges in cleaning vehicles and 20% of respondents said that

it needs more water to clean all the parts.

23 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

In this Chart, it shows that 43% of the respondents in 3 barangays did not collect

rain water, while 30% said that sometimes they collect and 27% of respondents they

collect often. According to Gonzun she said that people forgot the old ways of storing

rainwater for other use, like using it for watering plants in the household. The new system

has changed the Filipinos, she said that they forgot how to store and manage rainwater

and save it for dry days. Instead of experiencing floods, you can have rainwater storage.

24 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D
“Efficient Practice of Water Usage for an Effective Water Shortage Solution in Selected Barangay of
Pasig City.”

This chart show that 35% of the respondents in 3 barangays think that the main

cause of the water shortage is insufficient raw water of dry season, while 5 % cause of

deforestation, while 21% cause of water management 16% cause of many water user also

16% think that all of the choices is the main causes and 7% think that cause of the water

problem is busted pipes. Most of the respondents think that the main cause of water

supply problems is insufficient raw water during the dry season and some of the

respondents choose all of the above.

25 | K.C Descalzo, F. Castro, J.C Flores, M.E Villasor, N.C Montano, E. Gabat | 12-ICT D

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