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Seat Work No.

3 (Week 3- Application of insights from the Micro Case Study read and
Reading Task on page 38 about Jessica Cox)

Answer the question below:

1. What kind of motivation should one use in communicating to our brothers and sisters
across the globe that is also experiencing inborn disabilities or even indifference of racial
origin? Provide or research a COMMUNICATION STRATEGY to promote their sense of
value in a highly critical world of today. Use sensory images techniques in your description to
characterize them with clarity
(At least explain through a maximum of 2 paragraphs with 7-15 maximum sentences)
WRITE/TYPE YOUR ANSWER using the format below the criteria

I - (10pts) Clarity of Content and explanation. Coherence of thoughts per every sentence in
the paragraph
II - (8pts.) Originality of concepts presented (free from plagiarism) Has applied the use of
proper citations
III - (2pts) proper use of punctuations

SEATWORK Seat Work No. 3 (Week 3- Application of insights from the Micro Case Study
read and Reading Task on page 38 about Jessica Cox)

Date: June 15, 2020

PAGATPAT, Aischelle Mhae R.

Motivating a person with disability can be as hard as teaching a toddler. Motivation can
come from external and internal, but it can only be effective if they are willing to accept such
motivations. Because it is especially hard if they are not open to motivation or if they already
think that he/she has no hope in life. For this reason, what you have to do first is change
their perspective in life. There is no use of giving them toxic positivity comments, telling them
that everything happens for a reason and just look on the bright side or telling them that it is
okay and everything will work out in the end, when it’s clearly isn’t. Because if you are asked
to choose between having a disability and having none, you will obviously choose to have
none. What you need to do is empathize with them. Although, you may not know how it feels
to not have a leg, an arm, a hand, or a foot, but you know how it feels to be disappointed,
defeated and mistreated by life. Make them feel that their sentiments are valid. It is fine to
think that it is unfair, but what matters is, now that you know that the circumstance is not in
your favor, what are you going to do next? You may not have legs, but you have an arm.
You just have to choose the way you see the water inside the glass, whether it’s half full or
half empty. The moment that you stop focusing on what you lack and start focusing on what
you have, you will then realize the other potentials that you have.
Words are powerful for it can either break or make a person. A simple, “You can do it, I
believe in you” can be significant to a person. Words of affirmation or encouragement are
one of the ways you can do to motivate someone who is differently abled. Be their number
one supporter not only by saying motivational messages, but also actually acting on it.
Another way of motivating them is by making them feel secure. There will always be gloomy
days, but show them that like how sad times are going to be always there, you will be too. It
is also important to treat them like how you treat everyone else. Don’t give them special
treatment in a way that they would feel separated from others. They already know that
he/she is not the same may it be physically or mentally with others, but making them feel like
he/she is different from others is a different story. He/she has disability but, he/she is not
his/her disability. Look at them as who they are and not as their disability, after all, they are
just a human being like you

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