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12/12/2019 An Economic Analysis of Banks in Belize

An Economic Analysis of Banks in Belize

We are students from the University of Belize, currently taking a Managerial Economics course. As part
of our Final Project, we are required to conduct a Managerial Economics Analysis about banks.
Therefore, we are conducting a survey to get a better understanding of the subject area. This survey
should only take 2-5 minutes to complete. You are required to be completely honest and truthful with
your answers. Be assured that all the responses will be kept anonymously and completely confidential.
Your responses will be solely use for the purpose of this project. Thank you for agreeing to participate!

This is a survey, not a test; there are no right or wrong answers. Place a tick (✓) on your answers.

1. What is your gender?

Check all that apply.


2. What is your age?

Check all that apply.

18-24 years
25-31 years
32-38 years
39-45 years
46 years and above

3. What is your average yearly income? If applicable

Check all that apply.

Below $10,000
Above $25,000

4. Are you a client of any bank in Belmopan?

Check all that apply.

No 1/4
12/12/2019 An Economic Analysis of Banks in Belize
5. What is the name of your bank (s) in Belmopan? (Select more than one (1) if applicable)
Check all that apply.

Atlantic Bank
Belize Bank
Scotia Bank
Heritage Bank
National Bank

6. Of the above, which bank is your favorite?

Please specify. Skip to the following question
if you only bank with one financial institution.

7. On an average, how much do you withdraw on a monthly basis?

Check all that apply.

Less than $100

Above $900

8. What major banking services you utilize?

Check all that apply.


9. How often, if ever, do you currently use these banking services?

Check all that apply.

Extremely often
Very often
Somewhat often
Not so often

10. For what purpose do you mainly utilize your bank?

Check all that apply.

Personal purposes
School purpose
For work
Business purposes 2/4
12/12/2019 An Economic Analysis of Banks in Belize

11. Which bank you believe offers the best interest rates?
Check all that apply.

Atlantic Bank
Belize Bank
Scotia Bank
Heritage Bank
National Bank

12. If you were to substitute your current bank, for which of the above institutions would it be?
Check all that apply.

One of the credit unions

Quick Stop Personal Finance Center
Courts Ready Cash
I would not substitute my current bank for another institution

13. Are you a member of any credit union?

Check all that apply.


14. Which financial institution you consider to be better?

Check all that apply.

Credit Union

15. If you were to change your current bank for another financial institution, what would be the
reason leading to such decision?
Check all that apply.

Great savings benefits

Online Banking
Low interest rates
Faster loan process
Better customer service

Other: 3/4
12/12/2019 An Economic Analysis of Banks in Belize
16. When you think about banking do you think about it as something you need or do not need?
Check all that apply.

Definitely need
Probably need
Probably don't need
Definitely don't need

17. What day(s) do you mostly prefer to visit your bank?

Check all that apply.


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