I. Give The Correct Form of The Verb in Brackets (2 Points) : Vocabulary and Grammar

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I. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets (2 points)

1. The equipment in our office needs (modernize)_______
2. Every day Mary (type) _______ on the computer, but today she (use) _______ a typewriter
because there is no power.
3. They (run) _______ for 3 hours when the storm suddenly broke.
4. The mother told her son (not/behave) _______ so impolitely.
5. I hate (ask) _______ personal questions by newly-acquainted friends.
6. I have ever told you he (be)_______ unreliable.
7. Mary was the last applicant (interview)_______

II. Choose the correct answer (5 points )

1. Where is Jimmy? - He is ____ work. He is busy ____ his monthly report.
A. on / for B. in / about C. to / through D. at / with
2. You are old enough to take _______ for what you have done.
A.. responsible B. responsibility C. responsibly D. irresponsible
3. These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.
A. solve B. solvable C. solutions D. solvability
4. John is _______ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
5. Affected by the Western cultures, Vietnamese young people's attitudes _______ love and
marriage have dramatically changed.
A. for B. with C. through D. towards
6. Sometimes she does not agree _______ her husband about child rearing but they soon find
the solutions.
A. for B. on C. with D. of
7. The young are _______ more concerned with physical attractiveness than elderly people.
A. much B. as C. many D. as much as
8. It will take more or less a month to prepare for the wedding.
A. approximately B. generally C. frankly D. simply
9. The number of the participants in the survey _______ 250 students for Oxford University.
A. are B. was C. were D. have been
10. Pay more attention _______ picture and you can find out who is the robber.
A. to B. for C. at D. on
11. - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _______
A. Thank you very much. I am afraid B. You are telling a lie
C. Thank you for your compliment D. I don't like your sayings
12. He asked us not to make so much noise ______ he was working.
A. and that if B. and C. and that D. and added that
13. She said that she hadn't visited the UK _______.
A. before B. then C. now D. ago
14. It _______ it is parents' responsibility to take good care of their children.
A. commonly says that B. commonly to be said that
C. is commonly said that D. is commonly saying
15. He studies _______ his two brothers.
A. much better than B. more better than
C. more good than D. very better than
16. Many people even wonder these days _______.
A. what marriage is B. what is marriage
C. what marriage was D. what was marriage
17. I was born in Scotland but I_______ in Northern Ireland.
A. grew up B. raised C. brought up D. rose
18. _______the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. When B. After which C. Since D. Unless
19. Geography is my favourite _______ at school.
A. material B. matter C. class D. subject
20. If you require any more_______ about the holiday, please telephone us.

A. description B. information C. news D. fact


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets (3 points )

While most children attend a mainstream school, there is a tradition

in many countries throughout the world of “alternative schools”. In 1. CREATIVE
these schools there tends to be more emphasis on (1)__________
with a greater amount of time spent on the (2)__________ of 2. PARTICIPATE
children in artistic subjects and on encouraging pupils’ inherent 3. FASCINATE
(3)__________ in the world around them. Mainstream schools do
not have the same (4)__________ as they tend to be bigger and 4. POSSIBLE
often have a strict curriculum to adhere to. They do sometimes offer
(5)__________for pupils with special (6)__________ needs, 5. PROVIDE
whether that might be extra lessons or help within classes. But for
the most part, (7)__________is expected amongst pupils. 6. EDUCATION
Alternative schools tend to discourage this and praise 7. CONFORM
(8)__________ in their pupils, giving them opportunity to express
themselves in their own way. This can, of course, be (9)__________ 8. ORIGINAL
especially if (10)__________at classes is not (11)__________ .
Most alternative schools require a financial (12)__________ from 9. DISASTER
the parents.




1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

IV .Find and correct the mistake (3.75 points)

Read this text from a tourist brochure. There is a spelling mistake in each line. Underline the
word which has been spelled wrongly in each line and write a correction in the space at the
end of the line.

City canals have a particular kind of beauty that makes them magicall. 1._____________
Many writers and poets have been enspired by them with their vague 2._____________
shapes and muted sounds which give them a mysteriuos quality. 3._____________
The building of this canal at the beginning of the ninteenth century, 4._____________
created a seenic enclave much loved by poets and artists. The canal 5._____________
district has, more recently, become one of the cities most sought-after 6._____________
residentail areas. And we owe a debt of thanks to the local residents. 7._____________
Thoughout the years, these people have fought against planners and developers 8._____________
to keep the atmospere of the place intact. In the 1950s, 9._____________
there were tremendous wrows about the replacement of the old gas street 10.____________
lamps by ugly concreete ones, and also about the cutting down of trees. 11.____________
In the 1960s, residents fought hard to stop a marina being builded on the canal, 12.____________
complete with car park and restarant in classic 1960s bunker 13.____________
arcitecture. Looking at the plans now, we can see it as one of the 14. ____________
greatest comunity victories ever won in the city. 15. ____________


I. Choose the word that best completes the sentences in the text (4 points )

So the time has come for you to fill in your college application form. The best advice is to
(1)__________that you’re the person who’s choosing the applicants and to ask yourself what
valuable (2)__________you – and you alone – can bring to the college in question.
(3)__________ every justified opportunity to (4)__________yourself in a positive light. You
must (5)__________that you are clear-headed, keen to study your chosen subject – and that
you can (6)__________your personality. Make the most of your interests – but bear in mind
that any you (7)__________may be probed in depth at interview.
Hopefully, you can (8)__________a deep, thorough interest in one or two fields. Saying
you’ve (9)__________a polar expedition is much more (10)__________than saying you like
to go for long walks. If it’s true put it down !
Remember to say what your hobbies have taught you . If you (11)__________as a gardener
you will surely have (12)__________ideas about the environment. In a similar way, if you’re
a volunteer hospital porter you’ll have gained some significant (13)__________into the needs
of the sick and their anxious relatives. Any job may (14)__________deep-seated benefits,
even if you undertook it just to earn money.
Getting two or three people to (15)__________your application can be very useful. And
make sure your writing is easy for a poor old professor to read. After (16)__________,he
may have tired eyes and a hundred other forms to go through.
1. A. imagine B. presume C. deduce D. intend
2. A. elements B. qualities C. factors D. recourses
3. A. Catch B. Apprehend C. Have D. Seize
4. A. advance B. present C. command D. proffer
5. A. show B. manifest C. declare D. display
6. A. deliver B. project C. practice D. identify
7. A. denote B. boast C. mention D. enumerate
8. A. take B. prove C. demonstrate D. reveal
9. A. captained B. led C. taken D. undergone
10. A. successful B. worthy C. impressive D. illustrious
11. A. serve B. work C. labour D. employ
12. A. thoughtful B. had C. educated D. informed
13. A. awareness B. vision C. understanding D. insight
14. A. convey B. confer C. enjoy D. attract
15. A. check B. veto C. test D. consider
16. A. all B. that C. hours D. yours


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

II. You are going to read a magazine article about ways to become a millionaire. Eight
paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-I the one
which fits each gap (1- 8)

(4 points )


There is no specific formula you can use to become a millionaire. At school, we are told that
gaining knowledge is all that we need to do well in society.


Other studies show that there is little connection between how well children do at school and
the success they achieve as adults. At the moment , there are 95,000 millionaires in Britain
alone. Those who recently became millionaires come from a wide variety of backgrounds.

If you are not born wealthy, you may be able to take advantage of your good looks. Dr
Raymond Bull of Portsmouth University says that good looks make early life easier. He then
adds that people expect a good-looking person to be kinder and more efficient.


Professor Cook has divided successful people into categories: the entrepreneurs and the
intrapreneurs . The former often left school early, and have several business disasters. They
have awkward personalities, but they are determined. The latter, however, have risen up
through the levels of organizations. They are the children everybody thought would do well.
Over half of them went to universities. They are good organizers and get on well with people.


However, even if you were born poor and lack the height or looks of a top model, there is still
plenty you can do to improve your chances of success. There are many courses and self-help
manuals available to help you reach the top. There is even a magazine called Personal
Success, filled with ads for courses that will “transform your thinking and behaviour”.


“Success does not happen by accident,” says Michael Breen, who runs seminars on various
aspects of being successful. “Successful people,” says Breen, “ are the ones who, when
something doesn’t work, try something else. Unsuccessful people keep on doing the same
thing, only harder.”


Breen gets students to concentrate on specific tasks that need attention, rather than allowing
themselves to be overwhelmed by a mountain of things waiting to be done. He makes his
students concentrate on getting one thing done, and helps them focus on the good feeling it
produces when the job has finished.


However, what none of these techniques do is to look at the quality of your life, or consider
whether the price of success is too high.


One thing is sure, though. True success turns out to be based on more than motivation. There
is a need for harmony, balance, creativity and healthy relationships.
One dramatic difference between Cooper’s two groups is that many of the
intrapreneurs felt that they had been the victims of discrimination early on in their
lives. This has not been the case for the entrepreneurs.
In his training programmes, Been shows people how to get rid of negative thoughts
and put themselves in a more productive frame of mind. He believes that motivation
is the key.
The easiest way is to start out wealthy. In a survey of the richest 200 people in
Britain, more than fifty per cent had inherited money. Twenty five per cent of those
who head large corporations were born into wealthy families.
Entrepreneurs are “anxious people, non-conformists, poorly-organised, and not
strangers to self-destructive behaviour”. Twenty-five per cent of top executives are
unhappy with the long hours they have to work and the destructive effect on their
family life.
However, a recent study by Professor Gary Cooper, of the University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology, has proven this wrong. Professor Cooper studied
the lives of successful entrepreneurs and discovered that sixty per cent left school
early, either due to expulsion or boredom.
Another useful feature is height. Other qualities being equal, employers are more
likely to select taller candidates to fill vacancies.
Most of today’s courses on positive thinking originate in America . Many start by
emphasizing the importance of self-belief, and its role in being successful.
However, it is possible to be too beautiful. You can easily find yourself employed as a
decorative figurehead while you less attractive colleagues are moving up the career
All these methods are the result of the fact that the old idea of a career ladder leading
to success in big corporations no longer applies. There is much greater emphasis on
personal development.

III. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word ( 3.75 points )


We are familiar with the saying “a picture paints a thousand words” and in the global village
the world has become, information in pictorial form is (1)_________ we turn. Much
communication takes (2)_________ through symbols rather than words, a case in point
(3)_________airports, where you can see the majority of the thirty-four symbols devised
(4)_________the American Institute of Graphic Arts in the 1970s. (5)_________signs as a
knife and fork for a restaurant or a telephone for a phone booth are a boon for (6)_________a
traveller who does not speak English or use the Latin alphabet. . (7)_________ worldwide
“languages” of (8)_________kind are musical and mathematical notation, circuit diagrams,
road signs and computer icons, (9)_________, again, bypass the need for words. Even a label
on a garment will carry, in symbols, washing and ironing instructions. All these
(10)_________to be sufficient to their (11)_________restricted worlds but would it
(12)_________ be possible to devise a universal symbolic system of communication
independent of (13)_________spoken language, culture-free and value-free, as dreamt of by
the seventeenth-century philosopher Leibniz? It would seem (14)_________ . Chinese and
Japanese pictograms and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics are sometimes cited as examples of
such a system, yet (15)_________ Japanese script and Egyptian hieroglyphics include sound-
base elements and Chinese is often transliterated into romanised sound based “pin yin” script.
In a word, words are inescapable.


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given ( 5 points )
1. People estimate that his fortune is worth over two million pounds. estimated
His fortunate_________________________________________
2. The local football team didn’t succeed in defeating their opponents. to
The local football team didn’t____________________________
3. The only person they didn’t invite to the wedding was Ian. apart
They invited__________________________________________
4. I would prefer it if nobody else discovered the truth. want
I don’t_______________________________________________
5. Why did you behave so rudely ? point
6. He suffers from headaches and insomnia. prone
7. There are more than six hospitals in this city. excess
There are_____________________________________________
8. To look at him, you would think he was poor. judging
You would think_______________________________________
9. That woman looks an awful lot like my mother. bears
That woman___________________________________________
10. You certainly could never accuse Tom of being mean. nothing
II. Writing :Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily
homework is necessary for students. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Write about 250 words. (3 points )

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