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Reflection Paper

We all know as a Filipino that American colonization brings a huge impact from

the day they came up to the present. It is crystal clear that America’s contribution to our

country leads us to a more progression and improvement. On one side, this changes we

absorb, is it truly helpful for us or it blurred our eyes from neglecting the fact that we are

a Filipino?

English became a common language among the Filipinos. It is said that

America’s greatest achievement was incorporating the public school system to our

country. From this starting point, learning the language that was not familiar from us

came to birth. They invoke to us what we are now grateful for which is the knowledge

and the learning’s that passes from generation to generation. This includes why our

country’s been improving and can be globally competitive. America’s impact to our

education was also felt in the development of the government to the Filipinos. During

the colonization era, they made this program called pensionado which selected Filipino

students were sent as government scholars to the United States for them to study. In

exchange to this, they were made to serve the colonial government. This is why it

shows that we are a product of the American government such as using the English

language as a primary medium in implementing laws and constitution. Another one is,

adoring anything manufactured in the United States or Western countries and looking

as being the superior among any kind of things. Aside from these, their culture and
tradition have outgrown to us. Up to this day, we’ve been romanticizing anything from

them because we think that they dominate our mindsets and acts through the modern


This colonization brought our country goodness and betterment. But we are

much focusing on to what it gives to us. We are forgetting what we are truly made of

and who we are. The fact that we forsake our country because of the idea that others

are more innovative and advance. The colonial mentality of Filipinos proves that

anything from foreign products is vastly superior. This entitlement gives nothing but a

bad impression to the Filipinos. If we give much attention to the growth of our country

such as embracing our language, product and originality of our own we would be a

better independent country. Every country has its own uniqueness and we should

empower by this because we are also capable and distinguished among the rest.

Throughout these evolving years, many have changed and still remain. There

can be things that felt right because it intends to give us what we desire but by seeing it

deeply, it can be the opposite of what we are looking and been focusing for. These

changes can give people an opportunity to see what is wrong and right. Not for self-

serving but for our country that is maybe been lacking of appreciation.
Napoleon J. Casambre. The Impact of American Education in the Philippines


Kristine Camille Bigaw.(March 13, 2014). The Impact of American Rule


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