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OptiX iManager T2000


Software Installation Guide


Issue 05
Date 2011-02-28


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Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) About This Document

About This Document

This document describes how to install the T2000 in the Windows OS and how to obtain
reference information required for installation.

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

OptiX iManager T2000 V200R007C03

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:

l Installation and Commissioning Engineer

This document is organized as follows.

Chapter Description

1 Installation Overview This chapter describes the software required

when the T2000 runs and the installation

2 Installation Preparations Before you install the T2000, make sure that
the preparations for the software, hardware
and environment are done.

3 Installing the Operating System This topic describes how to install the
Windows operating system on the server.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
About This Document Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Chapter Description

4 Installing the T2000 on Windows This chapter describes how to install the
T2000 on Windows.

5 Uninstalling the T2000 This topic describes how to uninstall the

T2000 properly.

6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000 This chapter describes how to start and shut
down the T2000.

7 FAQ This chapter describes how to troubleshoot

the common problems in the installation

A Configuring the Management Console This topic describes how to configure the
management console of a blade server.

B Logging In to the Management Console This topic describes how to log in to the
management console of a blade server.

C Mounting the Virtual Media This topic describes how to mount the virtual
media on a blade server.

D Installing the Windows OS This topic describes how to install the

Windows OS and its patches on an IBM
server or an ATAE blade server.

E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 The topic describes the T2000 license file and
License how to obtain, install and use the T2000

F Network Management System This topic describes the working principle,

Maintenance Suite functions, and features of the network
management system maintenance suite, the
concepts of the subsystem and instances, and
the method of deploying a subsystem.

G Service Ports Description This chapter describes service ports of the


H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External This chapter describes how to forward alarms
Systems to an external system by using email or short

I Timeslot Numbering Policy This chapter describes two modes for

numbering VC12 timeslots in a VC4.

J Glossary This chapter lists the terms that are used in

this document.

K Acronyms and Abbreviations This chapter lists the acronyms and

abbreviations that are used in this document.

iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) About This Document

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which

if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance degradation, or unexpected results.
TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement

important points of the main text.

General Conventions
The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in
Courier New.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
About This Document Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Convention Description

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations
The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt
+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations
The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

vi Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) About This Document

Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving
the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Update History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.

Updates in Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Based on Product Version V200R007C03

The updated contents are as follows.

Chapter 2 Installation Preparations

Added the description about the requirements for the T2000 OS language version.

Chapter 4 Installing the T2000 on Windows

Added a step for entering a password for the database super user.

Updates in Issue 04 (2010-06-10) Based on Product Version V200R007C03

The updated contents are as follows.

Chapter 2 Installation Preparations

The versions of Windows OSs where the T2000 can be installed are changed.

Updates in Issue 03 (2009-12-15) Based on Product Version V200R007C03

The updated contents are as follows.

Appendix H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External Systems

The procedures of installing a wireless modem are updated.

Updates in Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Based on Product Version V200R007C03

The updated contents are as follows.

Chapter 2 Installation Preparations

Changes are made for the recommended servers that run on the Windows platform.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
About This Document Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Updates in Issue 01 (2009-06-30) Based on Product Version V200R007C03

Initial commercial release.

viii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) Contents


About This Document...................................................................................................................iii

1 Installation Overview................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Terminology....................................................................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Required Software...........................................................................................................................................1-2
1.3 Installation Flow..............................................................................................................................................1-3

2 Installation Preparations...........................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Configuration Requirement.............................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Obtaining a T2000 License.............................................................................................................................2-3
2.3 Installation Planning........................................................................................................................................2-3
2.3.1 Disk Partition Planning.......................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.2 Planning the IP Address.........................................................................................................................2-4
2.3.3 Host Name Planning...............................................................................................................................2-5
2.4 Connecting Equipment Cables........................................................................................................................2-6
2.5 Checking the Necessary Software.................................................................................................................2-10

3 Installing the Operating System.............................................................................................3-1

3.1 Installing the Windows OS............................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.2 Verifying the OS Installation.......................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.1 Viewing the Versions of the Windows and the Patch............................................................................3-3
3.2.2 Checking the Time Zone and Time Setting........................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3 Verifying Configurations of the IP Address and Gateway.....................................................................3-3

4 Installing the T2000 on Windows...........................................................................................4-1

4.1 Checking Before the Installation.....................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Installing the T2000 Software.........................................................................................................................4-4
4.3 Installing the T2000 License.........................................................................................................................4-19
4.4 Configuring the Northbound Interface Instance............................................................................................4-20
4.4.1 Configuring the CORBA Interface Instance (Optional).......................................................................4-20
4.4.2 Enabling the SNMP Interface (Optional).............................................................................................4-21
4.4.3 Enabling the MML Interface (Optional)..............................................................................................4-23
4.5 Updating the Subsystem on Windows..........................................................................................................4-24
4.6 Verifying the Installation..............................................................................................................................4-29
4.6.1 Checking Directories and Files............................................................................................................4-30
4.6.2 Checking the Running Status of Databases..........................................................................................4-31

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OptiX iManager T2000
Contents Software Installation Guide (Windows)

4.6.3 Viewing the Version of the Database Server.......................................................................................4-32

4.6.4 Checking the Running Status of the T2000.........................................................................................4-32
4.6.5 Viewing the Version of the T2000 Server...........................................................................................4-33
4.6.6 Checking the Consistency of the T2000 Client and Server Versions..................................................4-33
4.6.7 Checking the CORBA Interface (Optional).........................................................................................4-34
4.6.8 Checking the SNMP Interface (Optional)............................................................................................4-34
4.6.9 Checking the MML Interface (Optional).............................................................................................4-34
4.6.10 Starting the T2000Client....................................................................................................................4-35
4.6.11 Creating NEs in Batches....................................................................................................................4-36
4.6.12 Creating a Single NE..........................................................................................................................4-38
4.6.13 Configuring the NE Data....................................................................................................................4-40
4.6.14 Checking Consistency of Configuration Data Between an NE and the T2000..................................4-40
4.6.15 Viewing Current Alarms....................................................................................................................4-41

5 Uninstalling the T2000..............................................................................................................5-1

5.1 Preparations for Uninstallation........................................................................................................................5-2
5.2 Uninstalling the T2000 on Windows..............................................................................................................5-2
5.3 Checking the Uninstallation Status of the Server............................................................................................5-3

6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000.................................................................................6-1

6.1 Starting the T2000...........................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.1 Powering on Server Safely.....................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.2 Starting the T2000 Server......................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.3 Logging In to the T2000 Client..............................................................................................................6-3
6.2 Shutting Down the T2000...............................................................................................................................6-4
6.2.1 Exiting a T2000 Client...........................................................................................................................6-4
6.2.2 Shutting Down the T2000 Server...........................................................................................................6-5
6.2.3 Powering off Server Safely....................................................................................................................6-6
6.3 Viewing the T2000 Process Status..................................................................................................................6-6
6.4 T2000 Process.................................................................................................................................................6-6

7 FAQ...............................................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 About the Operating System ..........................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.1 How to Convert the File System Type to NTFS....................................................................................7-2
7.1.2 How to Enable and disable the Telnet Authority of User root...............................................................7-3
7.1.3 How to Enable and disable the FTP Authority of User root..................................................................7-3
7.1.4 How to Modify the Host Name of the T2000 Server.............................................................................7-4
7.1.5 How to Change the IP Address of the T2000 Server.............................................................................7-4
7.1.6 How to Upload Files by Using the FTP.................................................................................................7-5
7.2 About the Database.........................................................................................................................................7-6
7.2.1 How to Manually Start the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Server............................................7-6
7.2.2 How to Manually Shut Down the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Server..................................7-7
7.3 About the T2000..............................................................................................................................................7-7
7.3.1 What are the Factors Affecting Response Speed of T2000....................................................................7-8

x Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) Contents

7.3.2 How to Handle the Failure of Connection Between the T2000 Server and an NE................................7-8
7.4 Network Management System Maintenance Suite......................................................................................... 7-8
7.4.1 How to Troubleshoot the Inconsistency of the Instance Status..............................................................7-9
7.4.2 How to Troubleshoot the Automatic Logout of the Client of NMS Maintenance Suite......................7-10
7.4.3 How to Troubleshoot the Disconnection of the Deployment Instance................................................7-10
7.4.4 How to Troubleshoot the Failure of Starting the Instance...................................................................7-11
7.4.5 How to Troubleshoot the Failure of Reloading the Process List.........................................................7-11
7.4.6 How to Troubleshoot the Response Failure of Reloading the Process List.........................................7-12
7.5 Troubleshooting Installation Exceptions.......................................................................................................7-13
7.5.1 Database Fails to Be Reinstalled..........................................................................................................7-13
7.5.2 Database Installation Fails with a Certain Probability.........................................................................7-13
7.5.3 Cannot Connect to the Data Source.....................................................................................................7-14
7.5.4 "Failed to get the product special variable XX"...................................................................................7-14
7.5.5 A Message Is Displayed Indicating That a Conflicting Product Exists...............................................7-15
7.5.6 Illegible Characters Are Displayed on the T2000 Client of the Chinese Version...............................7-15
7.5.7 Shortcut Icons Can Be Opened Though They Are Displayed Improperly...........................................7-16

A Configuring the Management Console...............................................................................A-1

A.1 Configuring the Management Console of an ATAE Blade Server...............................................................A-2
A.2 Configuring the Remote Management Console of an IBM Blade Server.....................................................A-3

B Logging In to the Management Console..............................................................................B-1

B.1 Logging In to the Management Console of an ATAE Blade Server.............................................................B-2
B.2 Logging In to the Management Console of an IBM Blade Server................................................................B-4

C Mounting the Virtual Media..................................................................................................C-1

C.1 Mounting the Virtual Media on the ATAE Blade Server..............................................................................C-2
C.2 Mounting the Virtual Media on the IBM Blade Server.................................................................................C-3

D Installing the Windows OS...................................................................................................D-1

D.1 Installing the Windows OS on ATAE Blade Server.....................................................................................D-2
D.2 Installing the Windows OS on an IBM Blade Server..................................................................................D-10

E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 License............................................................................E-1

E.1 T2000 License Precautions............................................................................................................................E-2
E.2 Obtaining a T2000 License............................................................................................................................E-2
E.3 Installing a T2000 License.............................................................................................................................E-3
E.4 Changing the License.....................................................................................................................................E-4
E.5 How to Correctly Use a License.....................................................................................................................E-5

F Network Management System Maintenance Suite............................................................F-1

F.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................................F-3
F.1.1 Introduction to the Network Management System Maintenance Suite................................................. F-3
F.1.2 Basic Concepts.......................................................................................................................................F-5
F.2 User Interface..................................................................................................................................................F-6
F.3 Application Example...................................................................................................................................... F-8

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential xi

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OptiX iManager T2000
Contents Software Installation Guide (Windows)

F.3.1 Example of Deploying the T2000 Instance...........................................................................................F-9

F.3.2 Example of Configuring the Northbound Interface.............................................................................F-13
F.3.3 Example of Collecting the Data...........................................................................................................F-14
F.4 System Management.....................................................................................................................................F-16
F.4.1 Logging in to the Network Management System Maintenance Suite Client .....................................F-16
F.4.2 Refreshing the Information of the Network Management System......................................................F-17
F.4.3 Synchronizing the Information of Network Management System......................................................F-18
F.4.4 Backing Up the Data of the Network Management System................................................................F-18
F.4.5 Restoring the Data of the Network Management System....................................................................F-19
F.4.6 Changing the Password of the Network Management System Maintenance Suite.............................F-21
F.4.7 Exiting the Network Management System Maintenance Suite Client................................................F-22
F.5 Deploying the T2000....................................................................................................................................F-22
F.5.1 Adding the Instance.............................................................................................................................F-22
F.5.2 Deploying an Instance Automatically..................................................................................................F-24
F.5.3 Modifying the Instance Information....................................................................................................F-25
F.5.4 Starting the Instance.............................................................................................................................F-26
F.5.5 Stopping an Instance............................................................................................................................F-27
F.5.6 Deleting an Instance.............................................................................................................................F-28
F.6 Configuring the Northbound Interface Instance...........................................................................................F-29
F.6.1 Configuring the CORBA Interface Instance (Optional)......................................................................F-29
F.6.2 Enabling the SNMP Interface (Optional)............................................................................................F-30
F.6.3 Enabling the MML Interface (Optional)..............................................................................................F-32
F.7 Collecting Fault Data....................................................................................................................................F-33
F.8 NMS Fault Diagnosis....................................................................................................................................F-34
F.9 Collecting the network management system maintenance suite Server Files..............................................F-35

G Service Ports Description.......................................................................................................G-1

G.1 Background....................................................................................................................................................G-2
G.2 Notes and Precautions...................................................................................................................................G-2
G.3 Service Ports Used by the T2000..................................................................................................................G-2
G.4 How to Query Service Ports..........................................................................................................................G-9

H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External Systems................................................................H-1

H.1 Forwarding Alarms to Email Automatically.................................................................................................H-2
H.2 Installing Wireless Modem............................................................................................................................H-2
H.3 Commissioning Wireless Modem.................................................................................................................H-3
H.4 Forwarding Alarm to Mobile Phone Automatically......................................................................................H-6

I Timeslot Numbering Policy......................................................................................................I-1

J Glossary........................................................................................................................................J-1
K Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................................................K-1

xii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) Figures


Figure 1-1 Flow of installing the T2000..............................................................................................................1-4

Figure 2-1 Switch blade being connected to a public network............................................................................2-6
Figure 2-2 Switch blade being connected to a public network............................................................................2-7
Figure 2-3 Hardware connection between the T5220 server and the OceanStor S2600 disk array.....................2-7
Figure 2-4 Hardware connection between the T5220 server and the OceanStor S3100 disk array.....................2-8
Figure 2-5 Hardware connection between the T5220 server and the StorageTek 2540 disk array......................2-8
Figure 2-6 Hardware connection between the M4000 server and the OceanStor S2600 disk array....................2-9
Figure 2-7 Hardware connection between the M4000 server and the OceanStor S3100 disk array....................2-9
Figure 2-8 Hardware connection between the M4000 server and the StorageTek 2540 disk array..................2-10
Figure F-1 User interface of the network management system maintenance suite client....................................F-6
Figure F-2 Deploying the T2000 Instance.........................................................................................................F-10
Figure F-3 Example of configuring the northbound interface...........................................................................F-14
Figure H-1 Connection description...................................................................................................................H-4
Figure H-2 Connect To......................................................................................................................................H-4
Figure H-3 COM1 Properties............................................................................................................................H-5
Figure H-4 HyperTermianl interface...................................................................................................................H-5
Figure I-1 Numbering mode (ITU-T G.707)........................................................................................................I-1
Figure I-2 Interleaved mode.................................................................................................................................I-2

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential xiii

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) Tables


Table 1-1 Required software................................................................................................................................1-2

Table 1-2 Installation flow...................................................................................................................................1-5
Table 2-1 Configuration requirement...................................................................................................................2-2
Table 2-2 Software configuration of the server that runs on Windows................................................................2-2
Table 2-3 Sample 146 GB disk partitioning.........................................................................................................2-4
Table 2-4 IP address plan.....................................................................................................................................2-5
Table 2-5 Host name planning list........................................................................................................................2-5
Table 4-1 Environment variables used for installing the T2000 server and client.............................................4-31
Table 6-1 T2000 processes...................................................................................................................................6-6
Table A-1 Parameter settings...............................................................................................................................A-4
Table D-1 Installation information table............................................................................................................. D-9
Table D-2 Setting parameters during installation..............................................................................................D-12
Table F-1 Deploying the T2000 Instance...........................................................................................................F-11
Table F-2 Confirming the instances for deployment.........................................................................................F-12
Table F-3 Configuring the northbound interface...............................................................................................F-14
Table F-4 Collecting the data.............................................................................................................................F-15
Table F-5 Fault data...........................................................................................................................................F-15

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential xv

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) 1 Installation Overview

1 Installation Overview

About This Chapter

This topic describes certain confusable terms, the software required to be installed, and the
installation process for the T2000.

1.1 Terminology
Before descriptions of the solution, this topic describes certain terms that easily cause confusion.
1.2 Required Software
This section describes the software required when the T2000 runs, time when the software is
installed, and required installation disk.
1.3 Installation Flow
This chapter describes the flow of installing the T2000 system.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
1 Installation Overview Software Installation Guide (Windows)

1.1 Terminology
Before descriptions of the solution, this topic describes certain terms that easily cause confusion.
l Server: It can refer to either the hardware or the software. When we refer to the client/server
architecture, the server here refers to the server application, which is the software. Usually,
the computer that runs the server application is also called a server, which is the hardware.
l Client: It can refer to either the hardware or the software. When we refer to the client/server
architecture, the client here refers to the client application, which is the software. The client
application can either run on the same computer with server application, or separately run
on another computer. Usually, the computer that runs the client application is also called a
client, which is the hardware.
l Workstation, host: In this manual, the workstation is the same as the host. It is a
Windows computer on which a service is running.
l Active (Standby) site: The active or standby site is mentioned for an HA system. It refers
to the site that is in the active (standby) state. The site that is in the standby state protects
the site that is in the active state.
l Subsystem: A subsystem, logically consisting of a process or multiple processes, can realize
a certain function. The T2000 consists of multiple subsystems. According to the functions,
subsystems are classified into three types as follows: NE management subsystem, network
management subsystem, and northbound interface subsystem.
l Instance: An instance refers to the actual physical process that is generated after a subsystem
is deployed. After the instance of the subsystem is deployed and started, the T2000 has the
function of the subsystem

1.2 Required Software

This section describes the software required when the T2000 runs, time when the software is
installed, and required installation disk.
Table 1-1 shows the software required when the T2000 runs, time when the software is installed,
and reference documents for installation.

Table 1-1 Required software

Server/Client Required Software Time Required Installation
when the Disk

Server that runs Windows Server 2003 R2 Before CD-ROMs of the Windows
on Windows Standard Edition (Service delivery operating system and
Server 2003 Pack 2) or Windows Server patches
2003 R2 Enterprise Edition
(Service Pack 2)

1-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) 1 Installation Overview

Server/Client Required Software Time Required Installation

when the Disk

OptiX iManager T2000 On-site T2000 for Windows

(English edition) that runs on installatio installation DVD #1
Windows (English edition) n

SQL Server 2000 standard On-site

edition installatio

Server that runs Windows XP Professional Before CD-ROMs of the Windows

on Windows XP (Service Pack 2) or Windows delivery operating system and
XP Professional (Service patches
Pack 3)

OptiX iManager T2000 On-site T2000 for Windows

(English edition) that runs on installatio installation DVD #1
Windows (English edition) n

SQL Server 2000 PC edition On-site


1.3 Installation Flow

This chapter describes the flow of installing the T2000 system.
The T2000 software includes the T2000 server and T2000 client. It is recommended that you
also install the T2000 client when installing the T2000 server. The T2000 client can be installed
on multiple computers and can log in to one T2000 server. The T2000 server can be installed
on the Solaris, Windows, or SUSE Linux platform. 2.1 Configuration Requirement lists the
configuration requirements of the server. The T2000 client can be installed only on the Solaris
or Windows platform.
If the server on site has been installed before delivery, you only need to commission the server
according to the field planning and does not need to re-install the server. For example, you can
modify the name and IP address of the server.
The T2000 server can be installed on the Solaris, Windows and SUSE Linux platforms. Currently
the T2000 client is only supported on the Solaris and Windows platform. 2.1 Configuration
Requirement shows the configuration requirement for the T2000 server.
Figure 1-1 shows the flow of installing the T2000 ().

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
1 Installation Overview Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Figure 1-1 Flow of installing the T2000


preparation Child



Install the server

on Windows

Whether the OS N0 Install the

and the patch meet the OS and the
requirements patch


Whether the Install the

installation of the DB DB and
and T2000 meets the T2000 server

Install the license and update

the subsystems according to the

Modify the host name and IP

address of the server according
to the planning

Commission the network

1. (Optional) Commission the northbound interface
2. (Optional) Configure the alarm remote notification
3. Configure the DCN network
4. Create the network data
5. Configure the security data

Installation self-check


Generally, if the server has been installed before delivery, perform related checks and then install the
optional items according to the branches on the flowchart.

1-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) 1 Installation Overview

Table 1-2 describes the installation flow.

Table 1-2 Installation flow

SN Procedure Description Reference Chapter Duration

1 Installation Preparations before 2 Installation 40

preparations installation Preparations

2 Connecting Connect equipment D Installing the 20

Equipment cables. Windows OS

3 Installing the Install the T2000 4 Installing the 120

T2000 server server. T2000 on Windows

4 (Optional) If the upper-level F.6 Configuring the Based on

Commissioning network management Northbound the actual
the northbound system exists, this Interface Instance condition
interface operation is

5 (Optional) Configure the alarm H Setting Alarm Based on

Configuring the remote notification Forwarding to the actual
alarm remote (by the short message External Systems condition
notification or Email) according to
the requirements. This
operation requires the
support of the T2000

6 Configuring the Ensure that the T2000 - Based on

DCN network can communicate with the actual
the NEs and the upper- condition
level network
management system
through the TCP/IP. In
addition, ensure that
the T2000 server can
communicate with the
T2000 clients through
the TCP/IP.
If the firewall is
configured, the
corresponding ports
should be enabled on
both sides of the
firewall for data

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
1 Installation Overview Software Installation Guide (Windows)

SN Procedure Description Reference Chapter Duration


7 Creating the Data creation at the - Based on

network data NE layer and the the actual
network layer, condition
management for
network management
system users, and
alarm performance

8 Configuring the Configure the OS, See the OptiX Based on

security data network management iManager T2000 the actual
system (including the Administrator Guide. condition
client ACL), database,
and NE security.

9 Installation self- Verify the installation 4.6 Verifying the Based on

check Installation the actual

If the T2000 patch DVD is delivered, patch the T2000 by referring tot he patch installation guide included in
the DVD.

1-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) 2 Installation Preparations

2 Installation Preparations

About This Chapter

Before you install the T2000, make sure that the preparations for the software, hardware and
environment are done.


If the SSL is enabled or a firewall exists, you must make application in advance.

2.1 Configuration Requirement

The software and hardware running environments of the are strictly selected and tested. The
following sections list the server and client requirements.
2.2 Obtaining a T2000 License
The T2000 functions and management capacity are controlled by the T2000 license file. Before
you install the T2000, you need to obtain a T2000 license.
2.3 Installation Planning
This topic describes the required planning of the installation before you install the T2000.
2.4 Connecting Equipment Cables
You can follow the instructions described as follows to connect equipment cables.
2.5 Checking the Necessary Software
Prior to the installation, you need to prepare the operating system DVD and the T2000 installation
DVD (or the T2000 installation software package).

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-1

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OptiX iManager T2000
2 Installation Preparations Software Installation Guide (Windows)

2.1 Configuration Requirement

The software and hardware running environments of the are strictly selected and tested. The
following sections list the server and client requirements.

Hardware Configuration
T2000 server can run on the Windows operating system. Table 2-1 shows the recommended
configurations of the server. You can choose the required configuration according to the actual
application scenario.
The following table lists the recommended server configurations. In the case of a server of other type, the
server configuration cannot be lower than those listed in the following table.

Table 2-1 Configuration requirement

Server Description

Blade server BH23C server card (2 x Intel Xeon Quad Core, 2.13 GHz, 16 GB, 2
x 146 GB)

IBM HS21 blade server (2 x Intel Xeon Quad Core, 2.5 GHz, 16 GB,
2 x 146 GB)

HP ML110 1 x Xeon, dual core, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB, 160 GB

HP DL380 2 x Xeon, dual core, 2.0 GHz or 8.0 GHz, 4 GB, 5 x 146 GB

HP DL580 4 x Xeon, dual core, 2.13 GHz, 16 GB, 4 x 146 GB

Software Configuration
The T2000 server can install on the Windows operating system. Table 2-2 shows the supported
versions of the Windows operating system and the database.

Table 2-2 Software configuration of the server that runs on Windows

Item Description

Operating Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2)

Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 3)

Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 2)

Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition (Service Pack 2)

Database MS SQL Server 2000 Standard with SP4

2-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 2 Installation Preparations

Item Description

Network T2000
management NOTE
system The T2000 software can be installed on the OS with either the English version or
software simplified Chinese version.

2.2 Obtaining a T2000 License

The T2000 functions and management capacity are controlled by the T2000 license file. Before
you install the T2000, you need to obtain a T2000 license.


l If the server computer has multiple NICs, you only need to obtain a license for the active
l Do not make any modifications to the license file. Otherwise, the license will fail.

Step 1 Obtain the contract number in project documents.

Step 2 View the MAC address of the server.

Step 3 Send the contract number and the MAC address to a Huawei engineer or the nearest branch.

Step 4 The Huawei engineer will fill in the application form and mail it to the License Center to obtain
a T2000 license.
For details about how to obtain a license, refer to E.2 Obtaining a T2000 License.


2.3 Installation Planning

This topic describes the required planning of the installation before you install the T2000.

2.3.1 Disk Partition Planning

Before installing the operating system, you need to select a disk partition scheme.
2.3.2 Planning the IP Address
Before you install the T2000, you need to plan the IP address for server.
2.3.3 Host Name Planning
Before installing the T2000, you need to plan the host name of the server.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-3

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2 Installation Preparations Software Installation Guide (Windows)

2.3.1 Disk Partition Planning

Before installing the operating system, you need to select a disk partition scheme.

Disk Partition Rules

If the corresponding operating system is installed, check the disk partition. The first partition
(drive C) requires a minimum of 40 GB space. If the disk partition requirements are not met,
you need to re-partition the system or install the T2000 in the disk partition whose disk space is
the largest and cannot be less than 40 GB.

By default, the T2000 is installed in the C:\T2000 directory. Hence, ensure drive C has enough

Sample Disk Partition

The following table illustrates the procedure for partitioning a 146 GB disk. See Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Sample 146 GB disk partitioning

Drive Size Description

C: 106 GB It is sued for saving system

files and the T2000. Disk
space is first allocated to the
other partitions. The
remaining free space is
allocated to the partition C.

D: 40 GB It is used for other purposes.

In the case of a blade server,
the provided partition space
is for reference. The system
automatically allocates the
space without manual

2.3.2 Planning the IP Address

Before you install the T2000, you need to plan the IP address for server.

Principles of Planning the IP Address

l The IP address must be unique on the network.
l The server must normally communicate with the equipment managed by the server.
l The server must normally communicate with the client.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 2 Installation Preparations

Example of Planning the IP Address

Table 2-4 shows the sample IP address plan. Plan IP addresses depending on the actual practice.

Table 2-4 IP address plan

Device Item IP Plan Description

Server Host IP It is used for providing external

5.0 services of the blade server.

Managemen IP address of It is used for remotely accessing the

t board the network 5.0 management software of a blade
interface on server through the Internet Explorer
the for management.

(Optional) IP address of It is used for remotely configuring

Virtual the virtual 5.0 the management console of an
media media ATAE blade server. If you use an
daughter daughter IBM blade server, you need not plan
board board the IP address.

2.3.3 Host Name Planning

Before installing the T2000, you need to plan the host name of the server.

Principles of Planning the Host Name

When planning the host name of the T2000 server, you need to comply with the following:

l The host name of the T2000 server must be unique in the network.
l The host name of the T2000/T2100 consists of a maximum of 15 characters. The name
cannot contain the space or any of the following symbols:
; : " < > * + = \ | ? ,

l The host name of T2000 server must conform to customers' regulations or habits. It is
recommended that customers offer the host names.

Example of Planning the Host Name

Table 2-5 shows an example of planning the host name of a server. You need to plan the host
name according to actual situation.

Table 2-5 Host name planning list

T2000 Sever Example of the Host Name

Server T2000

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-5

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2 Installation Preparations Software Installation Guide (Windows)

2.4 Connecting Equipment Cables

You can follow the instructions described as follows to connect equipment cables.

Step 1 Replace the power cable core of the T2000 computer with the grounding cable that is specifically
delivered to ground the T2000 computer. Connect one end of the grounding cable to the
grounding conductor of the T2000 computer, and the other end to the protection grounding bar
in the equipment room or to the casing earth PGND of the transmission equipment.

l Generally, at the network interface side of the T2000 computer, there is a dedicated grounding screw
with a grounding mark. If there is not such a grounding screw, ground the cable to a place (on the
T2000 computer cabinet) that is equivalent to earth. The grounding cable of the T2000 computer should
be routed under the antistatic floor, and then be connected to the protection grounding bar in the
equipment room or to the casing earth PGND of the transmission equipment.
l If the computer uses UPS for power supply, the shell of the UPS should be connected to the PGND
connectors of the equipment room or the PGND of the transmission equipment chassis. The AC ground
wire (PE) must be disconnected.

Step 2 Connect a server to an external network.

l In the case of an ATAE blade server, the server is usually connected to the external network
through the Base plane of the switch blade. Figure 2-1 shows the connection method.

Figure 2-1 Switch blade being connected to a public network

ATAE Blade server





l In the case of an IBM blade server, the server is connected to the external network through
I/O module 1 or I/O module 2. Connect the cables as shown in Figure 2-2.

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Figure 2-2 Switch blade being connected to a public network

I/O module 3 I/O module 1
IBM Blade server

I/O module 4

I/O module 2


l In the case of a common server, one end of the network cable is connected to the network
port of the server, and the other end to the switch in the external network.
Step 3 Check the connection cables of hardware and the network cables against the hardware connection
The disk array is optional. If the disk array is not selected, skip the disk array connections.
l The following figures show the hardware connections of the T5220 server.

Figure 2-3 Hardware connection between the T5220 server and the OceanStor S2600 disk array

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-7

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2 Installation Preparations Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Figure 2-4 Hardware connection between the T5220 server and the OceanStor S3100 disk array

Figure 2-5 Hardware connection between the T5220 server and the StorageTek 2540 disk array

l The following figures show the hardware connections of the M4000 server.

2-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 2 Installation Preparations

Figure 2-6 Hardware connection between the M4000 server and the OceanStor S2600 disk array

Figure 2-7 Hardware connection between the M4000 server and the OceanStor S3100 disk array

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-9

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2 Installation Preparations Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Figure 2-8 Hardware connection between the M4000 server and the StorageTek 2540 disk array


2.5 Checking the Necessary Software

Prior to the installation, you need to prepare the operating system DVD and the T2000 installation
DVD (or the T2000 installation software package).

Step 1 Check the Windows operating system install disks.

Step 2 Check the T2000 installation DVD ( and T2000 for Windows installation DVD #1) or software
packages as follows:
l T2000 for Windows installation software #a (T2000 software):
l T2000 for Windows installation software #b (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition,
for Windows XP Professional):
l T2000 for Windows installation software #c (Microsoft SQL Server 2000, for Windows
Server 2003 Standard Edition and Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition):
l T2000 patch package (The name of the T2000 patch package at
is used.)

version in the installation software package indicates the detailed version number of the T2000.


2-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 3 Installing the Operating System

3 Installing the Operating System

About This Chapter

This topic describes how to install the Windows operating system on the server.

3.1 Installing the Windows OS

This topic describes the notes for installing the Windows OS on the server. If the Windows OS
has been installed on the server before delivery, you can skip this topic.
3.2 Verifying the OS Installation
This topic describes how to verify the correctness of the OS installation and patch installation
after the OS installation is complete.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-1

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OptiX iManager T2000
3 Installing the Operating System Software Installation Guide (Windows)

3.1 Installing the Windows OS

This topic describes the notes for installing the Windows OS on the server. If the Windows OS
has been installed on the server before delivery, you can skip this topic.

l The server for the installation is prepared.
l The installation disk of the Windows is prepared.

l For the servers of some models, prepare the installation disks attached to the servers.
l The installation of the operating system of another version is similar. You can install the operating
system with reference to the descriptions in this topic.

l The computer name consists of a maximum of 15 characters. The name cannot contain the
space or any of the following symbols:
; : " < > * + = \ | ? ,

l The authentication mode is Every Server, and each server is licensed to support 99
l The network settings are the typical settings.
l No domain name is needed.
l If you start the Windows 2003 server for the first time, a configuration interface appears.
If no configuration is needed, close the interface.
l You must configure the network attributes of the computer to ensure the network
l Set the system time of the OS accurately. A stable system time is vital to the T2000. Do
not change the system time during the operation of the T2000.
l It is not recommended that you install the screen saver or use the screen saver on the
Windows OS, because the CPU usage is high when the screen saver runs, thus affecting
the performance of the T2000.

Operation Procedure
l If an HP server is configured, install the Windows OS by using the SmartStart DVD
delivered along with the product.
l If an ATAE server is configured, install the Windows OS by referring to D.1 Installing
the Windows OS on ATAE Blade Server.
l If an IBM blade server is configured, install the Windows OS by referring to D.2 Installing
the Windows OS on an IBM Blade Server.

3.2 Verifying the OS Installation

This topic describes how to verify the correctness of the OS installation and patch installation
after the OS installation is complete.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 3 Installing the Operating System

3.2.1 Viewing the Versions of the Windows and the Patch

This section describes how to view the versions of the Windows and the patch.
3.2.2 Checking the Time Zone and Time Setting
This section describes how to set the time zone, date and time.
3.2.3 Verifying Configurations of the IP Address and Gateway
This topic describes how to verify the correctness of the configurations of the IP address and

3.2.1 Viewing the Versions of the Windows and the Patch

This section describes how to view the versions of the Windows and the patch.

Step 1 Right-click My Computer on the desktop, and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. The
System Properties dialog box is displayed.
View the versions of the operating system and the patch in System on the General tab page.
For example, Windows XP Professional SP2 indicates that the patch is installed


3.2.2 Checking the Time Zone and Time Setting

This section describes how to set the time zone, date and time.

Step 1 Open the Control Panel window, and double-click the Date and Time icon.

Step 2 In the dialog box that appears, click the Date & Time tab, and check the system date and time

Step 3 Click the Time Zone tab, and check the time zone setting.

Step 4 If you want the server to automatically adjust the time according to the daylight saving time
(DST), select the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes.


The system date, time, time zone, and DST meet the on-site requirements.


The DST setting depends on the time zone.

3.2.3 Verifying Configurations of the IP Address and Gateway

This topic describes how to verify the correctness of the configurations of the IP address and

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-3

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3 Installing the Operating System Software Installation Guide (Windows)

The network card used by the T2000 must be connected to the Internet.

Step 1 Choose Start > Run. The Run window is displayed.
Step 2 Enter cmd, and click OK. The cmd.exe dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Enter ipconfig/all, and press Enter.
Check the information displayed in the IP Address and Default Gateway fields.
The actual IP address and default gateway vary with the actual situation.


3-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) 4 Installing the T2000 on Windows

4 Installing the T2000 on Windows

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to install the T2000 on Windows.

l The Windows operating system and their corresponding patches are installed, refer to 2.1
Configuration Requirement.
l A user t2000 that has the administrator authority must be created.
4.1 Checking Before the Installation
This section describes the checking operations before the T2000 is installed on Windows.
4.2 Installing the T2000 Software
You can install the T2000 software and the MS SQL server database on Windows.
4.3 Installing the T2000 License
This section describes how to install the T2000 license on the Windows operating system.
4.4 Configuring the Northbound Interface Instance
If the T2000 needs to be connected to the upper layer NMS, the northbound interfaces (NBIs)
must be configured. The common NBIs include CORBA, MML, and SNMP NBIs.
4.5 Updating the Subsystem on Windows
When you need to manage the equipment and service of a new type on the T2000 or enhance
the capability of the T2000 for managing NEs, the new subsystems requires to be installed. When
certain installed subsystems are not used, you can uninstall these idle subsystems. In the above
cases, you can add or delete a subsystem by using the installation disk.
4.6 Verifying the Installation
After you install the T2000 and the MS SQL server on Windows, you need to verify the
correctness of the installation.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-1

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OptiX iManager T2000
4 Installing the T2000 on Windows Software Installation Guide (Windows)

4.1 Checking Before the Installation

This section describes the checking operations before the T2000 is installed on Windows.

Step 1 Power on the server.
Step 2 Check the server pre-installation.
SN Operations for Checking Operation
the Server Pre-installation

1 Check whether the versions of l If the versions of the operating system and
the operating system and the patch are correct, and the disk partitions
patch are correct, and whether meet the requirements, modify the server
the disk partition is correct. name and IP address according to the
l For information on how to planning. For details, see 7.1.4 How to
check the versions of the Modify the Host Name of the T2000
operating system and the Server and 7.1.5 How to Change the IP
patch, see 3.2.1 Viewing Address of the T2000 Server. After the
the Versions of the server name and IP address are modified,
Windows and the Patch. go to the next item.
l For the requirements of
If you have installed the network management
the disk partition, see 2.3.1 system and database, do not modify the server
Disk Partition Planning. name. Otherwise, the database fails to be
l If the versions of the operating system and
patch are incorrect, or the disk partitions
do not meet the requirements, go to Step

4-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 4 Installing the T2000 on Windows

SN Operations for Checking Operation

the Server Pre-installation

2 Verify the installation and l If the database and the T2000 are not
check the running status of the installed, go to Step 5.
database and T2000. l If the database and the T2000 are installed,
l For information on how to and the database and the T2000 run in the
verify the installation, see normal state, go to Step 6.
4.6.1 Checking l If the database and the T2000 are installed
Directories and Files. If but the database and the T2000 run in the
you have not installed the abnormal state, do as follows:
database and T2000, see
4.2 Installing the T2000 1. Uninstall the T2000. For details, see
Software to install them. 5.2 Uninstalling the T2000 on
l For information on how to
check the running status, 2. Reinstall the database and the T2000.
see 4.6.2 Checking the For details, see Step 5.
Running Status of
Databases, 4.6.4
Checking the Running
Status of the T2000, 4.6.5
Viewing the Version of
the T2000 Server and
4.6.3 Viewing the
Version of the Database
In the case of the network
management system that runs on
Windows, the operating system
is usually pre-installed before
the delivery. The database and
T2000 are installed on site.

Step 3 Install the operating system by using the Windows installation disk delivered along with the

Step 4 Modify the IP address of the server according to the planning. For details, see 7.1.5 How to
Change the IP Address of the T2000 Server.

If you have installed the network management system and database, do not modify the server
name. Otherwise, the database fails to be started.

Step 5 Install the T2000 software. For details, see 4.2 Installing the T2000 Software.

Step 6 Install the T2000 license, and check and update the subsystems. For details, see 4.5 Updating
the Subsystem on Windows.

Step 7 Commission the network management system.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-3

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4 Installing the T2000 on Windows Software Installation Guide (Windows)

1. Optional: Commission the northbound interface. For details, see F.6 Configuring the
Northbound Interface Instance.
2. Optional: Configure the alarm remote notification. For details, see H Setting Alarm
Forwarding to External Systems.
3. Create the network data.
For details, see the OptiX iManager T2000 Operation Guide.
4. Configure the security data.
For details, see section Security Management in the OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator
Step 8 Perform the installation self-check.
For details, see 4.6 Verifying the Installation.


4.2 Installing the T2000 Software

You can install the T2000 software and the MS SQL server database on Windows.

l The browser of the Windows operating system must be Internet Explorer 6.0 or Internet
Explorer 7.0 and the proxy cannot be set.
l User t2000 with the administrator authority of the operating system must be created.

This procedure illustrates the T2000 installation on Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2). The
installation procedure on other Windows platforms is the same. Therefore, you can refer to this procedure
when installing T2000 on other Windows Platforms.

Step 1 Log in to Windows as user "t2000".

Install the T2000 on a local computer instead of a remote computer, regardless of the installation
modes. Otherwise, unpredictable errors may occur.

Step 2 Insert the T2000 for Windows installation DVD #1.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 4 Installing the T2000 on Windows


l If you install the T2000 from the hard disk, you need to decompress the installation software packet
( and to the
same directory on the Window XP Professional OS. Make sure that the decompressing directory is
short and contains no space, punctuation, or non-alphabetic character. Select all the compressed
packages, for example, WinRar software, right-click them and choose Extract Here from the shortcut

menu, as shown in .
l If you install the T2000 from the hard disk, you need to decompress the installation software packet
( and to the
same directory on the OS of the Windows Server 2003 R2 . Make sure that the decompressing directory
is short and contains no space, punctuation, or non-alphabetic character. . Select all the compressed
packages, for example, WinRar software, right-click them and choose Extract Here from the shortcut

menu, as shown in .

Step 3 Run the setup.exe file.

The duration of initializing the wizard varies according to the different hardware configuration of the on-
site computers. In the case of the recommended computer, about one minute is required for initializing the

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-5

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4 Installing the T2000 on Windows Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Step 4 Select English, and click Next.

Step 5 Click Next. The License Agreement dialog box is displayed.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 4 Installing the T2000 on Windows

Step 6 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement, and click Next.

Step 7 Click Next.

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4 Installing the T2000 on Windows Software Installation Guide (Windows)

l By default, the T2000 is installed in the C:\T2000 directory. If a non-empty directory whose
name is T2000 already exists on drive C, click OK in the dialog box that is displayed. The
setup program automatically backs up the T2000 directory as the T2000_backup
time_bak file.
l Click Browse, if you want to choose a different folder.
l Try to make the folder path simple and convenient. Make sure that the path contains no space,
punctuation or non-alphabetic character.
l If the MS SQL Server 2000 is installed, clear the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 check box.

Step 8 Click Next.


If Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is not installed , you must select Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to install the
database. Otherwise, the installation of the T2000 fails.
If the MS SQL Server 2000 is installed, the Database Installation Confirmation dialog box is displayed.
If you click No, return to Step 7 and clear the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 check box. If you click Yes,
the installation of the T2000 fails.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 4 Installing the T2000 on Windows

l By default, the MSSQL2000 is installed in the C:\MSSQL2000 directory. If a non-empty
directory whose name is T2000 already exists on drive C, click OK in the dialog box that is
displayed. The setup program automatically backs up the MSSQL2000 directory as the
MSSQL2000_backup time_bak file.
l Click Browse, if you want to choose a different folder.
l Try to make the folder path simple and convenient. Make sure that the path contains no space,
punctuation or non-alphabetic character.

Step 9 Click Next.

If the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is not installed, the following dialog box will be displayed.
Then enter Database Super Admin Password and Confirm Database Super Admin

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4 Installing the T2000 on Windows Software Installation Guide (Windows)

The password of user sa: must consist of 6 to 18 characters and must contain letters or digits. For example:

If the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is installed, the following dialog box will be displayed. Then
enter the existing password of user sa.

Step 10 Click Next.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 4 Installing the T2000 on Windows

l As the network expands, the database files in the NMSdata directory occupy more and more
space. To ensure the normal running of the network management system, it is recommended
that the remaining space of the disk where the NMSdata directory is installed be more than
14 GB.
l When the remaining space of the disk where the NMSdata directory is installed is less than
14 GB, the system displays a message during the installation indicating that the remaining
space of the disk is insufficient.
l If the remaining space of the disk where the NMSdata directory is installed is between
3 GB and 14 GB, the installation can continue. In this case, the network management
system can be installed successfully. As the network expands, however, the disk space
may be insufficient.
l If the remaining space of the disk where the NMSdata directory is installed is less than
3 GB, the installation is interrupted. In this case, you need to release the disk space or
change the disk where the NMSdata directory is installed so that the sufficient disk space
is ensured.

Step 11 Click Next.


l By default, the NMSdata is installed in the C:\NMSdata directory. If a non-empty directory whose
name is T2000 already exists on drive C, click OK in the dialog box that is displayed. The setup program
automatically backs up the NMSdata directory as the NMSdata_backup time_bak file.
l Click Browse, if you want to choose a different folder.
l Try to make the folder path simple and convenient. Make sure that the path contains no space,
punctuation or non-alphabetic character.

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The timeslot modes include the numbering mode and the interleaved mode which determined by the way
in which VC12 timeslots are numbered in a VC4. For the two numbering modes, refer to I Timeslot
Numbering Policy.

Step 12 Select a VC12 numbering scheme. Click Next.

Step 13 Choose whether to enable the SSL encryption protocol according to the actual practice and click

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Step 14 Select the deployment mode according to the actual situation.

Installation Status Deployment Mode

The formal T2000 license is obtained. The amount of the actual Select Auto.
equipment is the same as the amount of the equipment supported
by the license.

The formal T2000 license is not obtained. Or the T2000 license is Select Custom.
obtained, but the amount of the actual equipment is the
inconsistent with the amount of the equipment supported by the

1. If you select Auto, the installation procedures are as follows:

a. Click Browse.
b. Double-click the T2000 license file. The required instances are deployed
automatically. In this way, the installation is simplified.
Make sure that the directory where the T2000 license is saved is short and contains no space,
punctuation or non-alphabetic characters.
2. If you select Custom, the installation procedures are as follows:
a. Click Next.

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b. Select the subsystem for which you want to create.

If you do not select certain subsystems, you can only update the network management system
later to activate and deploy the required subsystems. For details, see 4.5 Updating the
Subsystem on Windows.

Step 15 Click Next.

Step 16 Click Next.

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Step 17 Click Install, and wait.

If you install the MS SQL Server 2000 on the Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition or
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition or Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition or
Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition, a prompt may be displayed indicating that the
current operating system does not support the current SQL Server version and the patch version.
In this case, click Continue. The installation program automatically installs the SQL Server
2000 SP4 patch in the later steps.

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Step 18 Select Yes, restart the system. Click Finish and the operating system restarts.

Do not eject the installation disk during the restart of the operating system. Otherwise, the
installation program fails to read data from the installation disk after the restart of the operating
system, which causes later installation failure.

Step 19 Log in to Windows as user t2000.

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Step 20 Click Finish. The installation of the T2000 is complete.


4.3 Installing the T2000 License

This section describes how to install the T2000 license on the Windows operating system.

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You must obtain the authorized T2000 license.


l This section is applicable to the customized deployment.

l In the case of the automatic deployment during installation, the installation script automatically copies
the T2000 license to the license directory in the installation directory of the T2000. In this case, you
need not copy the license manually.

Step 1 Copy the authorized license file to the license directory in the installation directory of the
T2000. By default, it is C:\T2000\server\license.

l Do not modify the license file.

l To obtain the registry file of the T2000, see E.2 Obtaining a T2000 License.


4.4 Configuring the Northbound Interface Instance

If the T2000 needs to be connected to the upper layer NMS, the northbound interfaces (NBIs)
must be configured. The common NBIs include CORBA, MML, and SNMP NBIs.

4.4.1 Configuring the CORBA Interface Instance (Optional)

TheT2000 CORBA interface connects an NE management system to a network management
system. By adopting CORBA technology, the T2000 does not only connect to the cross-vendor
integrated NMS of the carrier, but also play a crucial role in the cross-field NMS.
4.4.2 Enabling the SNMP Interface (Optional)
Using the SNMP interface, the T2000can connect to the upper layer NMS from the operator and
other vendors.
4.4.3 Enabling the MML Interface (Optional)
To connect the T2000 to the T2100, you must enable the MML interface.

4.4.1 Configuring the CORBA Interface Instance (Optional)

TheT2000 CORBA interface connects an NE management system to a network management
system. By adopting CORBA technology, the T2000 does not only connect to the cross-vendor
integrated NMS of the carrier, but also play a crucial role in the cross-field NMS.

l The T2000 license file includes the CORBA item, and the CORBA item
SupportCorbaIFBase is set to 1. If you purchase advanced function, set the CORBA item
SupportCorbaIFAdv to 1.
l The T2000 license file contains the license control items of CORBA users, such as
"MaxCorbaUserNum = N". N indicates the maximum of CORBA users that are accessed.

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l The database has been started.

Step 1 To Configure the CORBA Interface Instance, refer to OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound
CORBA Interface User Guide.


4.4.2 Enabling the SNMP Interface (Optional)

Using the SNMP interface, the T2000can connect to the upper layer NMS from the operator and
other vendors.

l The T2000 license supports the SNMP interface. That is, the TT2000 license file contains
the SNMP item and SupportSnmpIF is set to 1.
l The database has been started.

The detailed procedure of enabling the SNMP Interface Instance, refer to section OptiX iManager T2000
Northbound SNMP Interface User Guide.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 On the network management system maintenance suite client, choose NBI > Configure the
SNMP interface instance. The Configure the SNMP interface instance dialog box is

Step 3 Click the Basic Configuration tab to perform the basic configuration of SNMP instance.

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The basic configuration is the important process for the SNMP interface configuration. The basic
configuration contains three aspects and you can set the basic attributes in each subview.
l Basic Project: You can set the IP address and port of the host that transmits trap packets,
the IP address and port of the host that receives the requests delivered from an upper-layer
NMS (the SNMP agent receives the requests from this host), and the supported SNMP
l Community Info: You can determine whether to set the parameters of this option according
to the actual situation. If you set the group information, the parameters of each option in the
preceding figure have two statuses: (editable) and (read-only). You can click Add to
add the group information. Currently, the system supports up to ten sets of group information.
l VB Project: VB indicates a binding variable. After receiving requests from the upper-level
network management system, the SNMP agent specifies the information to be reported
according to the specific user settings. If you set this option, the system displays the
corresponding information when receiving an alarm. The VB variable is classified into 16
Step 4 Click the Advanced Configuration tab to perform the advanced configuration of SNMP

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Select the configuration item on the left and perform the advanced configuration. You can also
use the default settings and skip this configuration. You can configure the following parameters:
l Third-party NM
l v3 Para Settings
l Notification settings
l Other Settings

After configuring the parameters, click OK. The progress bar for instance configuration is

Step 5 Click OK.


4.4.3 Enabling the MML Interface (Optional)

To connect the T2000 to the T2100, you must enable the MML interface.

The database has been started.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.

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3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 On the network management system maintenance suite client, choose NBI > Configure the
MML interface instance. The Add Instance dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click OK. The process bar of adding the instance is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK. The instance configuration of the MML northbound interface is complete.


Follow-up Procedure
Restart related instances according the prompt.

4.5 Updating the Subsystem on Windows

When you need to manage the equipment and service of a new type on the T2000 or enhance
the capability of the T2000 for managing NEs, the new subsystems requires to be installed. When
certain installed subsystems are not used, you can uninstall these idle subsystems. In the above
cases, you can add or delete a subsystem by using the installation disk.

l The Windows OS adopts Internet explorer 6.0 or Internet explorer 7.0 as the explorer, and
the proxy server is not set.
l The t2000 user who has the administrator rights must be created.
l The server of the network management system maintenance tool must be started.
l The client of the network management system maintenance tool is not logged in to.
l The deployment of the network management system must be different from the actual
deployment. You can learn the deployment of the network management system according
to the capability of each subsystem for managing NEs listed in Table F-2.

This section considers the installed instance of the SDH NE management process as an example to describe
how to update the subsystem on Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2). The procedures on other
Windows platforms are similar.

Step 1 Log in to the Windows OS as user t2000.

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Step 2 Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel. The Control Panel window is displayed.
Step 3 Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs window is displayed.
Step 4 Select OptiX iManager T2000, and click Change/Remove.

Step 5 Select Modify, and click Next.

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Step 6 Select the deployment mode according to the actual situation.

Installation Status Deployment Mode

The commercial T2000 license is obtained. The amount of the Select Auto.
actual equipment is the same as the amount of the equipment
supported by the license.

The commercial T2000 license is not obtained. Or the T2000 license Select Custom.
is obtained, but the amount of the actual equipment is the
inconsistent with the amount of the equipment supported by the

1. If you select Auto, the installation procedures are as follows:

a. Click Browse.
b. Double-click the T2000 license file. The required instances are deployed
automatically. In this way, the installation is simplified.
Make sure that the directory where the T2000 license is saved is short and contains no space,
punctuation or non-alphabetic characters.
2. If you select Custom, the installation procedures are as follows:
a. Click Next.

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b. Select the required subsystem for deployment. For example, select WDM NE
Management Process.

l DEPLOYED: Indicates that the subsystem is installed and an instance is deployed on the
l INSTALLED: Indicates that the subsystem is installed but an instance is not deployed on
the subsystem.
l To uninstall the subsystem that is not in use, and the instance status is Deployed, do as
1) Log in to the maintenance tool of the network management system. For details, see F.
4.1 Logging in to the Network Management System Maintenance Suite Client .
2) Delete the instance that is not in use. For details, see F.5.6 Deleting an Instance.
3) Go to Step 2 to continue.
l To uninstall the subsystem that is not in use and whose status is INSTALLED, do not
select the subsystem, and then go to Step 7.

Step 7 Click Next.

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Step 8 Click Next.

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Step 9 Click Finish.


4.6 Verifying the Installation

After you install the T2000 and the MS SQL server on Windows, you need to verify the
correctness of the installation.

The T2000 and the MS SQL server must be successfully installed on Windows.

If the following procedures are performed successfully, it indicates that the T2000 is installed
4.6.1 Checking Directories and Files
After the T2000 is installed, you can check whether directories and files are correct.
4.6.2 Checking the Running Status of Databases
After the T2000 is installed, you can check the running status of databases.
4.6.3 Viewing the Version of the Database Server
This section describes how to view the version of the database server.
4.6.4 Checking the Running Status of the T2000
You can check the running status of the T2000and network management system maintenance
suite on Windows.
4.6.5 Viewing the Version of the T2000 Server
This section describes how to view the version of the T2000 on Windows.

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4.6.6 Checking the Consistency of the T2000 Client and Server Versions
This topic describes how to check the consistency of the versions of the T2000 server and client.
4.6.7 Checking the CORBA Interface (Optional)
You can check whether the T2000 CORBA interface is successfully installed .
4.6.8 Checking the SNMP Interface (Optional)
You can check whether the T2000 SNMP interface is successfully installed.
4.6.9 Checking the MML Interface (Optional)
You can check whether the T2000 MML interface is successfully installed.
4.6.10 Starting the T2000Client
To manage networks by using the T2000client GUI, you need to log in to the T2000server from
the T2000client first.
4.6.11 Creating NEs in Batches
When the T2000 communicates properly with a GNE, you can search for all NEs that
communicate with the GNE by using the IP address of the GNE or the network segment to which
the IP address is associated, or by using the NSAP address of the NE. Then, you can create NEs
in batches. This method is quicker and more accurate than manual creation.
4.6.12 Creating a Single NE
The T2000 can manage an NE after the NE is created. Although creating a single NE is not as
fast and accurate as creating NEs in batches, you can perform this operation regardless of whether
the data is configured on the NE or not.
4.6.13 Configuring the NE Data
Though an NE is successfully created, it is not configured. You need to configure the NE first
so that the T2000 can manage and operate the NE.
4.6.14 Checking Consistency of Configuration Data Between an NE and the T2000
A consistency check is done to compare the configuration data in the NEs with the data in the
T2000. After the check, a report of the result is created. If the result shows the configuration
data is inconsistent, you need to upload the configuration data from the NE to the T2000 or
download the data from the T2000 to the NE for data synchronization.
4.6.15 Viewing Current Alarms
By viewing the current alarms, you can know the running status of the network. This helps during
the network maintenance when you need to update the alarm information and take proper
measures on time. When you view the current alarms, you can at the same time perform other
operations for these alarms. For example, synchronize, refresh, check, acknowledge and filter

4.6.1 Checking Directories and Files

After the T2000 is installed, you can check whether directories and files are correct.

Step 1 Check whether the T2000 folder exists. The default directory is C:\T2000.

Step 2 Check whether the network management system maintenance suite folder exists. The default
directory is C:\HWMSuite.

Step 3 Check the shortcut icons.

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1. There must be T2000Server, T2000Client, T2000 System Monitor and MSuite shortcut
icons on the Windows desktop.
2. Choose Start > Programs, and there should be the iManager T2000 shortcut directory
with T2000Server, T2000Client, T2000 System Monitor, T2000 Help and MSuite
shortcut items.

Step 4 Check the environment variables.

1. Right-click My Computer on the desktop and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. Click Environment Variable. The environment variable as shown in Table 4-1 must exist
in the System Variables area of the dialog box displayed.

Table 4-1 Environment variables used for installing the T2000 server and client

Environment Variable Value

IMAP C:\T2000\server\conf

SSL_CERT_FILE C:\T2000\server\conf\certificate

imapsvc_startmode 1



Path C:\T2000\server\bin;C:\T2000\server\lib

In this example the T2000 is installed in the C:\T2000 path. If the T2000 is installed in other path,
the variable is changed correspondingly.


4.6.2 Checking the Running Status of Databases

After the T2000 is installed, you can check the running status of databases.

Step 1 Choose Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Service Manager. The SQL Server
should be correctly started.


Exception Handling
If the database server is not started, do as follows to manually start the SQL server database:
1. Choose Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Service Manager. The SQL Server
Service Manager dialog box is displayed.

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2. Click Start/Continue.
3. Select Auto-start service when OS starts.

4.6.3 Viewing the Version of the Database Server

This section describes how to view the version of the database server.

Step 1 Choose Start > Running. The cmd.exe window is displayed.

Step 2 Run the following commands to obtain the database version:

>isql -Usa -P Password_of_user_sa -ST2000DBServer
1>select @@version

The screen displays:

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)
May 3 2005 23:18:38
yright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation
Personal Edition on Windows
NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

The password of user sa is null by default. If you have changed the password, enter the new password.


Reference Standard

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 indicates that the database version is
2000 and the patch version is SP4.

4.6.4 Checking the Running Status of the T2000

You can check the running status of the T2000and network management system maintenance
suite on Windows.

Step 1 Double-click the T2000Server icon on the desktop.
The System Monitor Client window with a login dialog box is displayed in several seconds.

Step 2 Enter the user name, password and server. After you successfully log in to the T2000server, wait
until the Fault Process, Client Upgrader, Security Process, Topology Process, T2000 Public
Perf Server, T2000 Public Server, Schedule Task Process, Zip Server and Tomcat
Process are all in the Running state.

l By default, the initial user name of the Sysmonitor client is admin, the password is T2000 and the
server is Local.
l To ensure the T2000security, change the password in a timely manner. Be sure to remember it, for it
will be used again afterwards.

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Step 3 Double-click the T2000Client icon on the desktop.

Step 4 Enter the user name, password and the IP address of the server.
By default, the initial user name of the T2000 client is admin, the password is T2000 and the server is
Local. To allow different users to manage the T2000, create new NM users and assign authorities to them
in a timely manner.

Step 5 In Windows Task Manager, check whether the msserver process exists. If the msserver
process exists, it indicates that the installation of the network management system maintenance
suite is successful.


If all the previous checks are passed, the installation of the T2000on Windows proves successful.

4.6.5 Viewing the Version of the T2000 Server

This section describes how to view the version of the T2000 on Windows.

Step 1 Log in to the operating system as a user that has the administrator rights.

Step 2 View the version of the T2000 server at the end of the %IMAP%\imap.cfg file.


4.6.6 Checking the Consistency of the T2000 Client and Server

This topic describes how to check the consistency of the versions of the T2000 server and client.

The T2000 server must be started normally.

Step 1 Logging In to the T2000 Client.

Step 2 Choose Help > About.

On the Component tab page of the dialog box displayed, view the information about the T2000


Reference Standard
The version information that is checked in this topic must be consistent with the T2000 server
version information that is checked in 4.6.5 Viewing the Version of the T2000 Server.

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4.6.7 Checking the CORBA Interface (Optional)

You can check whether the T2000 CORBA interface is successfully installed .

l The T2000 client must be installed.
l The CORBA interface is successfully deployed.

Step 1 Double-click the T2000Server icon on the desktop of T2000 server.
The System Monitor window with a login dialog box is displayed in several seconds.

Step 2 Enter the user name, password and server.

Step 3 After the successful login, check whether the AgentCORBA (Northbound CORBA Interface
Process), Naming Service, and Notify Service processes are in the running status. If yes, the
CORBA interface is successfully enabled.


4.6.8 Checking the SNMP Interface (Optional)

You can check whether the T2000 SNMP interface is successfully installed.

l The T2000 server must be in the running state.
l The T2000 client must be installed.
l The SNMP interface is successfully deployed.

Step 1 Double-click the T2000Server icon on the desktop of T2000 server.
The System Monitor window with a login dialog box is displayed in several seconds.

Step 2 Enter the user name, password, and server.

Step 3 Check whether the AgentSNMP(Northbound SNMP Interface Process) process is in the
running status. If the AgentSNMP(Northbound SNMP Interface Process) process is in the
running status, it indicates that the SNMP interface is enabled successfully.


4.6.9 Checking the MML Interface (Optional)

You can check whether the T2000 MML interface is successfully installed.

l The T2000 client must be installed.
l The MML interface is successfully deployed.

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Step 1 Double-click the T2000Server icon on the desktop of T2000 server.
The System Monitor window with a login dialog box is displayed in several seconds.
Step 2 Enter the user name, password, and server.
Step 3 Check whether the Northbound MML Interface Process process is in the running status. If
the Northbound MML Interface Process process is in the running status, it indicates that the
MML interface is enabled successfully.


4.6.10 Starting the T2000Client

To manage networks by using the T2000client GUI, you need to log in to the T2000server from
the T2000client first.

l The T2000 server must be started correctly.
l The client user access control list (ACL) must be set on the T2000 server. For information
on how to set the ACL of the network management system, see the Optix iManager T2000
Operation Guide.

Step 1 On the T2000 client computer, double-click the T2000 Client icon on the desktop.

l On Windows, the T2000 client supports automatic upgrade. When versions of the T2000 client and
server are different, you can upgrade the T2000 client automatically in the network mode.
l If you install the client independently by using installation CD-ROMs, the following dialog box is
displayed during the first login. Click Yes and enter the IP address of the T2000 server.

Step 2 Enter the User Name and Password of the T2000 client.
For example, User Name: admin; Password: T2000.

l By default, the initial user name is admin, and the password is T2000. To protect the T2000 from
illegal login, you need to change this password and keep the new one.
l The administrator needs to create new T2000 users and assign them to certain authority groups.

Step 3 Optional: Set the server parameters.

1. Click , and the Setting dialog box is displayed.

2. Click New, and another Setting dialog box is displayed.

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3. In the Setting dialog box, specify the IP Address, Server, and Mode.

l The IP address is the one that the T2000server is using. When an automatic switching occurs,
you need to set the IP address to the IP address of the standby server.
l The Mode has two options including Common and Security (SSL). When you choose the
Security (SSL) mode, the communication between the client and the server is encrypted.
l You need not enter the Port number. After you specify the Mode, the system selects a Port
number automatically.
l The communication mode of the client must be consistent with that of the server. Otherwise, the
client cannot log in to the server.
l To view the communication mode of the server, choose System > Communication Security
Setting from the Main Menu of the System Monitor client.
4. Click OK to complete adding a server.
5. Click OK to complete the server settings.
Step 4 Select a server and click Login to access the Main Topology of the T2000.


4.6.11 Creating NEs in Batches

When the T2000 communicates properly with a GNE, you can search for all NEs that
communicate with the GNE by using the IP address of the GNE or the network segment to which
the IP address is associated, or by using the NSAP address of the NE. Then, you can create NEs
in batches. This method is quicker and more accurate than manual creation.

You must be an NM user with "NE administrator" authority or higher.
The T2000 must communicate properly with the GNE.
The NE Explorer instance of the NEs must be created.

Step 1 Choose File > Search for NE from the Main Menu. The Search for NE window is displayed.
Step 2 Click Add and the Input Search Domain dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Set Address type to IP Address Range of GNE, IP Address of GNE, or NSAP Address, and
enter Search Address, User Name, and Password. Then, click OK.

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You can repeat Steps 2 through 3 to add more search domains. You can delete the system default search
l If you use IP address to search for NEs:
l Usually, the broadcast function is disabled on the routers on a network, to avoid network broadcast
storm. Therefore, by using the IP Address Range of GNE method, only the NEs in the same
network segment can be searched out.
l To search the network segments across routers, the IP Address of GNE method is recommended.
Through a gateway NE, you can search out the NEs in the network segment of the gateway NE.
l If you use NSAP address, you can only select NSAP address.

Step 4 Click Start. The Search for NE dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 In the Search for NE dialog box, you can perform the following operations:
l Select Search for NE and click OK to search for all NEs in the selected domain.
l Select Create device after search, and enter NE user and Password. Then, click OK.


l The default NE user is root.

l The default password is password.
l Select Upload after create and click OK, so that the NE data can be uploaded to the
T2000 after the NE is created.

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If you select all options in the Search for NE dialog box, you can search for NEs, create the NEs, and
upload the NE data at one time.

Step 6 Optional: If you select Search for NE only, you can select the NEs, which are not yet created,
in the Result list after the search for NEs is complete. Click Create and then the Create dialog
box is displayed. Enter User Name and Password in the Create dialog box, and then click

Step 7 Click Change NE ID. Then, the Change NE ID dialog box is displayed. Users can check against
the Bar Code List by the value of Bar Code, and then modify the NE Name, Extend NE ID,
Base NE ID, and IP Address fields accordingly.


The Bar Code List is provided by the hardware installation personnel to the software commissioning personnel.
The list contains the bar codes of stations.


Follow-up Procedure
After an NE is created, if you fail to log in to the NE, possible causes are listed as follows:

l The password for the NE user is incorrect. Enter the correct password for the NE user.
l The NE user is invalid or the NE user is already logged in. Change to use a valid NE user.

4.6.12 Creating a Single NE

The T2000 can manage an NE after the NE is created. Although creating a single NE is not as
fast and accurate as creating NEs in batches, you can perform this operation regardless of whether
the data is configured on the NE or not.

You must be an NM user with "NE operator" authority or higher.

The license must be installed and the license must support creating the NE of the type.

The NE Explorer instance of the NEs must be created.

Background Information
First create a GNE, and then create a non-gateway NE.

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If the NE is not created properly or the communication between the NE and the T2000 is
abnormal, the NE is displayed in gray color.

Step 1 Right-click in the blank space of the Main Topology and choose New > Device from the shortcut
menu. The Add Object dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Select the NE type from the Object Type tree.
Step 3 Complete the following information: ID, Extended ID, Name and Remarks.

Step 4 To create a GNE, proceed to Step 5. To create a non-gateway NE, proceed to Step 6.
Step 5 Select Gateway from the Gateway Type drop-down list and set the IP address.
Step 6 Choose Gateway Type, Protocol and set the IP address and NSAP address.
OptiX OSN 1800/3800/6800/8800 I do not support NSAP address setting.
1. Select Gateway from the Gateway Type drop-down list.
2. Select the Protocol type.
If the T2000 Do...
communicates with
NEs through

IP protocol Select IP from the Protocol drop-down list. Enter the IP

Address and use the default value for the Port number of
the GNE.

OSI protocol Select OSI from the Protocol drop-down list. Enter the
NSAP Address of the GNE.

If the T2000 Do...

communicates with
NEs through

IP protocol Select IP from the Protocol drop-down list. Enter the IP

Address and use the default value for the Port number of
the GNE.

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The NSAP address is a hexadecimal number that contains a maximum of 20 bytes. Its format is:
domain address+08003e+NE ID+NSEL.
The domain address that contains a maximum of 13 bytes is entered by the user. NSEL is the port
number of the network-level protocol, with a fixed value of 1d (one byte).

Step 7 Select Non-Gateway from the Gateway Type drop-down list. Select the GNE to which the NE
is associated to from the Affiliated Gateway drop-down list.

Step 8 Enter the NE User and Password.

The default NE user is root, and the default password is password.

Step 9 Optional: If you do not want to apply the NE configuration data in the T2000 to the NE, check
the NE Preconfiguration check box, and set NE Software Version.
If you apply the configuration data of the preconfigured NE to the actual NE when the configuration data
on the preconfigured NE is inconsistent with that on the actual NE, the actual services will be affected.

Step 10 Click OK. Then, click in the blank space of the Main Topology and the NE icon appears in the
position where you clicked.

Step 11 Click OK. Then, click Open in the dialog box displayed.


After an NE is successfully created, the system automatically saves the information, such as the
IP address, NSAP address, subnet mask, and NE ID to the T2000 database.

Follow-up Procedure
After an NE is created, if you fail to log in to the NE, possible causes are listed as follows:

l The communication between the T2000 and the NE is abnormal. Check the settings of
communication parameters, such as the IP address of the NE and NE ID.
l The password for the NE user is incorrect. Enter the correct password for the NE user.
l The NE user is invalid or the NE user is already logged in. Change to use a valid NE user.

4.6.13 Configuring the NE Data

Though an NE is successfully created, it is not configured. You need to configure the NE first
so that the T2000 can manage and operate the NE.

4.6.14 Checking Consistency of Configuration Data Between an NE

and the T2000
A consistency check is done to compare the configuration data in the NEs with the data in the
T2000. After the check, a report of the result is created. If the result shows the configuration

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data is inconsistent, you need to upload the configuration data from the NE to the T2000 or
download the data from the T2000 to the NE for data synchronization.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

l Configuration data consistency check between the T2000 and NEs does not change the
configuration data in the NEs and in the T2000.
l To ensure that the T2000 properly manages the NEs, it is recommended that you run this
function on a monthly basis to keep the consistency of configuration data in NEs and the
T2000 server.

Step 1 Select Configuration > Configuration Data Management from the Main Menu.
Step 2 Select one or more NEs in the left pane and click the double-right-arrow button (red).
Step 3 Select one or more NEs from the Configuration Data Management List.
Step 4 Click Consistency Check. Alternatively, right-click the NE and select Consistency Check from
the shortcut menu.
Step 5 Click OK when the Confirm dialog box is displayed.
Step 6 Click Close in the Operation Result dialog box.
Click Save As to save inconsistent information to a file.


Reference Standard
The result indicates a consistency in the configuration data between the NE and the T2000.

If the result indicates an inconsistency in the configuration data between the NE and the
T2000, you need to upload or download the data to achieve consistency.

4.6.15 Viewing Current Alarms

By viewing the current alarms, you can know the running status of the network. This helps during
the network maintenance when you need to update the alarm information and take proper
measures on time. When you view the current alarms, you can at the same time perform other
operations for these alarms. For example, synchronize, refresh, check, acknowledge and filter

To perform the browse operation, You must be an NM user with the "NM monitor" authority or
higher. To perform the acknowledgement or clearance operation, you must be an NM user with
the "NE operator" authority or higher.

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Step 1 Choose Fault > Browse Current Alarm from the Main Menu.

Step 2 In the Filter dialog box, set filter criteria and click OK. The current alarm viewing window is

l The default alarm viewing template chooses all current alarms. If you want to view the correlative alarms
caused by the current alarms, click Display correlative alarms.
l If you already set the startup template for the current alarms, the alarms that meet the startup template criteria
are directly displayed, without the displaying of the Filter dialog box.

Step 3 Optional: Right-click an alarm in the query result list, and you can perform the following
l Choose Correlative Alarms from the shortcut menu to query the correlative alarms.
l Choose Remark from the shortcut menu to set remarks for this alarm.
l Choose Acknowledge from the shortcut menu to acknowledge the alarm.

l If the selected alarm is an unacknowledged and uncleared alarm, it changes to an acknowledged but
uncleared alarm.
l If the selected alarm is an unacknowledged but cleared alarm, the alarm changes to a history alarm.
l Choose Locating to Topo Object from the shortcut menu to locate the alarm to the
topological object where the alarm occurs.
l Choose Fault Diagnosis from the shortcut menu to locate and remove the fault using the
fault diagnosis wizard on the T2000.
l Choose Suppress from the shortcut menu to suppress the alarm.

Step 4 Optional: Select the Display latest alarms check box to view the real-time alarms reported.

Step 5 Optional: Select one or more alarms. Click Check to check the selected alarms.
When you check the alarm, you are comparing one or more uncleared alarms on the T2000 with those on
the NE. If the alarm exists as a current alarm in the NE, it means that the alarm information remains
unchanged on the T2000. If the alarm does not exist in the NE, the alarm is cleared on the T2000.

Step 6 Optional: Select an alarm. Its details and handling suggestions are displayed in the table below.

Step 7 Optional: Select one or more NE alarms and click Delete. The Delete the Alarms dialog box
is displayed. Click Yes.
The progress bar about the alarm deletion is displayed.

Step 8 Optional: Click Print or Save As to output the alarm data.


For operations of backing up the T2000 data, see related sections in the OptiX iManager T2000 Administrator


Reference Standard
All current alarms are cleared.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 4 Installing the T2000 on Windows

If an NM alarm is reported, handle this alarm according to the repairing suggestion. For details,
press F1 to view "The T2000 Alarm References" of the Online Help.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-43

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) 5 Uninstalling the T2000

5 Uninstalling the T2000

About This Chapter

This topic describes how to uninstall the T2000 properly.

5.1 Preparations for Uninstallation

This topic describes the preparations for uninstalling the T2000 from Windows.
5.2 Uninstalling the T2000 on Windows
This topic describes how to uninstall the T2000 server and client from Windows.
5.3 Checking the Uninstallation Status of the Server
This topic describes how to check whether the T2000 is uninstalled completely.

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5 Uninstalling the T2000 Software Installation Guide (Windows)

5.1 Preparations for Uninstallation

This topic describes the preparations for uninstalling the T2000 from Windows.

Step 1 Shut down the network management maintenance suite.
1. Exit the client of the network management maintenance suite.
2. Shut down the server of the network management maintenance suite.
Step 2 Shut down the T2000.
1. Exit all the T2000 clients that are running.
2. On the System Monitor client, choose System > Shutdown System from the Main Menu.
3. The system automatically shuts down the T2000 process. You can check whether the
T2000 process is shut down by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys or choosing Task
Manager from the shortcut menu of the Windows taskbar.


5.2 Uninstalling the T2000 on Windows

This topic describes how to uninstall the T2000 server and client from Windows.

The preparations for uninstallation must be complete.

l In this section, the network management system maintenance suite is uninstalled together.
l It is recommended that you do no uninstall the database during the uninstallation of the
T2000. To uninstall the database, the T2000 should be uninstalled first. Otherwise, certain
data files fail to be deleted.
l If you need to save database and MO backup files, manually back up the server\database
\dbbackup directory to a non-T2000 installation directory before the T2000 is uninstalled

Step 1 Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel. The Control Panel window is displayed.

Step 2 Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs window is displayed.

Step 3 Select OptiX iManager T2000, and click Change/Remove.

Step 4 Select Uninstall, and click Next.

Step 5 Confirm the information, and click Uninstall.

The uninstallation progress bar is displayed. Wait patiently.
Step 6 Select Yes, restart my computer, and click Finish to restart your computer.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 5 Uninstalling the T2000

Step 7 Optional: To uninstall the database, do as follows:

1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel. The Control Panel window is displayed.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs window is displayed.
3. Select Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and click Change/Remove.
This section considers the Microsoft SQL server 2000 as an example. In the case of other databases,
select the database according to the actual situations.
4. Click Yes. The progress bar of the uninstallation is displayed, and wait.
5. Follow the prompt to perform the remaining operations.


5.3 Checking the Uninstallation Status of the Server

This topic describes how to check whether the T2000 is uninstalled completely.

Step 1 Check whether the T2000Server, T2000Client, T2000 System Monitor, and MSuite shortcut
icons that are created during the T2000 installation are cleared from the Windows desktop.
Step 2 Check whether the Start > Programs, and the iManager T2000 shortcut directory with
T2000Server, T2000Client, T2000 System Monitor, T2000 Help and MSuite shortcut icons
that are created during the T2000 installation are cleared.
Step 3 Check whether the environment variables generated during the installation are completely
uninstalled. For the specific environment variables, see4.6.1 Checking Directories and Files.
Step 4 Check the T2000 installation directory, for example, C:\T2000. After uninstallation, the files
that are generated during the running of the T2000 and are saved in the server\license, server
\dump, and server\script directories are retained. You can determine whether to delete them
as required.


After the preceding check items are performed, the T2000 is uninstalled completely.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-3

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) 6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000

6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to start and shut down the T2000.

6.1 Starting the T2000

This section describes how to start the T2000 server and the T2000 client.
6.2 Shutting Down the T2000
This section describes how to exit the T2000 client and shut down the T2000 server.
6.3 Viewing the T2000 Process Status
If the process status of the T2000 server is abnormal, the T2000 client may fail to be logged in
or may run abnormally. In this event, you can view the status of each process of the T2000 server
in the user interface of the System Monitor client.
6.4 T2000 Process
The T2000 manages different function modules by using processes. After starting the T2000
server, you can view each process in the user interface of the System Monitor client.

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6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000 Software Installation Guide (Windows)

6.1 Starting the T2000

This section describes how to start the T2000 server and the T2000 client.

6.1.1 Powering on Server Safely

This section describes how to power on the server.
6.1.2 Starting the T2000 Server
For network management first start the T2000 server, and then start the T2000 server application.
6.1.3 Logging In to the T2000 Client
To manage networks through the T2000 client graphical user interface, you need to use the
T2000 client to access to the T2000 server.

6.1.1 Powering on Server Safely

This section describes how to power on the server.

All the hardware devices must be connected.

Step 1 Prepare for powering on the server. Ensure that all the devices are powered off. If certain devices
are still powered on, power them off.

Step 2 If the cabinet is used, turn on the switch of the power distribution box of the control cabinet.

Step 3 If the PDU is used, turn on the PDU.

Step 4 If the KVM is used, power on the KVM switch.

Step 5 Power on the cabinet.


6.1.2 Starting the T2000 Server

For network management first start the T2000 server, and then start the T2000 server application.

l The computer where the T2000 is installed must be started correctly.
l The operating system of the T2000 server must be running correctly and the database must
be started normally.
l The T2000 license must be in the correct directory.
l The instance must be deployed.

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Step 1 Double-click the T2000Server icon on the desktop of the T2000 server. The Login dialog box
is displayed in a few seconds.

Step 2 Enter the User Name, Password and select Server.

For example, User Name: admin, Password: T2000 (T2000 by default) and Server: Local.
Periodically change the password and memorize it.

Step 3 Click Login to display the System Monitor window.

If the System Monitor client application is started, you can restart the T2000 server on the System Monitor
client. Perform the following step:
Choose System > Start All NMS Services on the Main Menu of the System Monitor client.


6.1.3 Logging In to the T2000 Client

To manage networks through the T2000 client graphical user interface, you need to use the
T2000 client to access to the T2000 server.

The T2000 server must be started correctly.

When the T2000 server and the T2000 client are not on a computer, the IP address that is used during the
first login to the T2000 client is added to the ACL automatically. Other IP addresses, however, can be used
during login to the T2000 client only after they are added to the ACL manually.
l On the T2000 client, choose System > NMS Security Settings > ACL from the Main Menu.
l Click Add. In the dialog box displayed, enter related information.
l Select IP address or segment and set an IP address or network section that can be accessed
according to the Example of format.
l Select Start IP address to end IP address and set the range of IP addresses that can be accessed
according to the Example of format.

Step 1 On the computer that is installed the T2000 client, double-click the T2000Client icon on the

The version of the T2000 client must be consistent with the version of the server to be logged in.

Step 2 Enter the User Name, Password of the T2000 client.

For example: User Name: admin; Password: T2000.

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6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000 Software Installation Guide (Windows)


l By default, the initial user name is admin, and the password is T2000. To protect the T2000 from
unauthorized logins, you need to immediately change this password.
l The administrator needs to create new T2000 users and assign them to certain authority groups.
l After the automatic login is selected, you do not need to enter the user name and password.

Step 3 Optional: Set the server parameters.

1. Click to display the Setting dialog box.

2. Click New to display another Setting dialog box.
3. In the Setting dialog box, specify the IP Address, Port, Mode and Server Name.

l The IP address is the IP address used by the T2000 server.

l The Mode has two options including Common and Security (SSL). When you choose the
Security (SSL) mode, the communication between the client and the server is encrypted.
l The communication mode of the client must be consistent with that of the server. Otherwise, the
client cannot log in to the server. To view the communication mode of the server, choose
System > Communication Security Setting on the Main Menu of the System Monitor client.
l You need not enter the Port number. After the Mode is specified, the system selects a Port
number automatically. It is recommended to use the default port.
4. Click OK to complete adding a server.
5. Click OK to complete the server settings.

Step 4 Select a server and click Login to access the Main Topology of T2000.


6.2 Shutting Down the T2000

This section describes how to exit the T2000 client and shut down the T2000 server.

6.2.1 Exiting a T2000 Client

Before shutting down the T2000 server, you must exit the T2000 client.
6.2.2 Shutting Down the T2000 Server
When the T2000 server is managing the system normally, do not perform this operation. In
special circumstances, for example, when modifying the system time of the computer where the
T2000 resides, or when upgrading the version, you can use the System Monitor Client to shut
down the T2000 server.
6.2.3 Powering off Server Safely
This section describes how to power off the server.

6.2.1 Exiting a T2000 Client

Before shutting down the T2000 server, you must exit the T2000 client.

The T2000 client must be started normally.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000

Step 1 Choose File > Exit from the Main Menu.
Step 2 Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
If the layout of the view is changed and not saved, the Confirm dialog box appears asking you whether to
save the changes. After you confirm the dialog box, automatically exit the client.


6.2.2 Shutting Down the T2000 Server

When the T2000 server is managing the system normally, do not perform this operation. In
special circumstances, for example, when modifying the system time of the computer where the
T2000 resides, or when upgrading the version, you can use the System Monitor Client to shut
down the T2000 server.

All the T2000 clients connected to the T2000 server must be shut down.


l when performing the operations related to the database (such as initializing the T2000 database,
restoring T2000 databases and restoring T2000 MO data) or the operations related to the T2000 (such
as the upgrade, installing patches and re-installing the T2000), you need to shut down the T2000 server
first. You are recommended to shut down the T2000 server in the way of shutting down the T2000
server and the System Monitor Client.

l Shut down the T2000 server only.
1. From the Main Menu of System Monitor Client, choose System > Stop All NMS
Services to close all processes of the T2000 server.
2. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. Wait until the T2000 core process, and the
processes that are optional according to the actual situation are in the Stopped state.
Now the T2000 server is shut down successfully.
Now you cannot shut down the MDP process or initialize the database.
l Shut down the T2000 server and the System Monitor Client.
From the Main Menu of System Monitor Client, choose System > Shutdown System to
shut down the T2000 server and the System Monitor Client. Click OK in the confirmation
dialog box.
After all the T2000 processes are finished, you can initialize the database.

Follow-up Procedure
Perform the following operation to ensure that the T2000 server is already shut down. On
Windows, if the T2000 core process, and the processes that are optional according to the actual
situation do not exist, this indicates that the T2000 server is already shut down.

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6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000 Software Installation Guide (Windows)

6.2.3 Powering off Server Safely

This section describes how to power off the server.

Step 1 If the network management system is running, stop the service of the network management

Step 2 If the database is running, stop the database service.

Step 3 Shut down the T2000 server.

Step 4 If the KVM switch is used, turn off the KVM switch.


6.3 Viewing the T2000 Process Status

If the process status of the T2000 server is abnormal, the T2000 client may fail to be logged in
or may run abnormally. In this event, you can view the status of each process of the T2000 server
in the user interface of the System Monitor client.

Step 1 Start and log in to the System Monitor.

Step 2 In the user interface of the System Monitor, click the Process tab, and view whether the status
of each process is Running.
l If the process status is Stopped, right-click on the process, and choose Start Process from
the shortcut menu. In this way, the status of the process is Running.
l If the manual startup fails, it indicates that the process is abnormal.
l To save resources, you can close unwanted processes. Set the startup mode of the desired
process to Manual, and then select Stop Process.


6.4 T2000 Process

The T2000 manages different function modules by using processes. After starting the T2000
server, you can view each process in the user interface of the System Monitor client.

Table 6-1 describes the processes in the software structure of the T2000.

Table 6-1 T2000 processes

Process Service Name Function Dependent


Fault Process Process for fault EmfTopo

EmfFaultDm management.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000

Process Service Name Function Dependent


EmfSchdSvr Schedule Task Process Schedule task Mdp

management of the
network management

EmfSecuDm Security Process Security management Mdp

of the network
management system.

EmfSysmoniDm Sysmonitor Process Process for system Mdp

monitor client.

EmfTopoDm Topology Process Provides the Mdp

management function
of topology objects in
the network
management system.

Eml_monitomcat Tomcat Process Tomcat Process. Mdp

Eml_PerfSvr T2000 Public Perf Process for public perf Eml_PubSvr

Server service.

Eml_PubSvr T2000 Public Server Process for public Mdp


Eml_WebLCTSv Web LCT Process Process Web service. Eml_monitomcat


Nemgr_ext Extended NE Provides the Eml_PubSvr

Management Process management function
of extended NE.

Nemgr_ngwdm NGWDM NE Provides NE Explorer Eml_PubSvr

Management Process for NG WDM NEs.

Nemgr_rtn RTN NE Management Provides NE Explorer Eml_PubSvr

Process for RTN NEs.

Nemgr_sdh SDH NE Management Provides NE Explorer Eml_PubSvr

Process for SDH NEs.

Nemgr_wdm WDM NE Management Provides NE Explorer Eml_PubSvr

Process for WDM NEs.

Nemgr_marine Marine NE Provides NE Explorer Eml_PubSvr

Management Process for Marine NEs.

Nemgr_ptn PTN NE Management Provides NE Explorer Eml_PubSvr

Process for PTN NEs.

Nml_ason_wdm ASON WDM Provides the Eml_PubSvr

Management Process management function

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6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000 Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Process Service Name Function Dependent


Nml_common End-to-End Common Provides the common Mdp

Management Process management function
of end-to-end.

Nml_eth End-to-End Eth Provides the Nml_common

Management Process management function
of end-to-end Ethernet.

Nml_otn End-to-End OTN Provides the Nml_common

Management Process management function
of end-to-end OTN.

Nml_sdh End-to-End SDH Provides the Nml_common

Management Process management function
of end-to-end SDH.

Nml_ptn End-to-End PTN Provides the Nml_common

Management Process management function
of end-to-end PTN.

SNMPAgent Northbound Interface Forward alarms from EmfFaultDm

Module(SNMP) T2000 to other system.

Naming_Service Naming Service CORBA Naming All T2000

Service. processes

Notify_Service Notify Service CORBA Notify All T2000

Service. processes

Agent_CORBA AgentCORBA CORBA Northbound All T2000

(Northbound CORBA Interface Management. processes
Interface Process)

Eml_mml Eml_mml(MML MML Management Eml_PubSvr

Management Process) Process.

sqlserver Database Server Process Provides database -

management function.

Cau Client Upgrader Upgrade the client Eml_monitomcat

which connects to this
server. The service is
not available when this
process is down.

t2kzip Zip Server File compress Mdp

management of the
network management

toolkit Toolkit Process Provides software None

management function.

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) 6 Starting and Shutting Down the T2000

Process Service Name Function Dependent


DCServer DCServer Process Provides software None

management function.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-9

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 7 FAQ


About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to troubleshoot the common problems in the installation procedure.

7.1 About the Operating System

This section describes the following information: network configurations of the Windows
operating system, how to query the hardware and software information, and how to troubleshoot
in the case of the exceptional workstation shutdown.
7.2 About the Database
You can determine whether the database is started, and manually start the database.
7.3 About the T2000
This section provides the frequently asked questions (FAQs) of the network management system.
7.4 Network Management System Maintenance Suite
This section describes the frequently asked questions (FAQs) of the network management system
maintenance suite.
7.5 Troubleshooting Installation Exceptions
During installation, certain exceptions may occur. This topic describes the corresponding causes
and troubleshooting methods.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-1

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7 FAQ Software Installation Guide (Windows)

7.1 About the Operating System

This section describes the following information: network configurations of the Windows
operating system, how to query the hardware and software information, and how to troubleshoot
in the case of the exceptional workstation shutdown.

7.1.1 How to Convert the File System Type to NTFS

On the Windows operating system, the file system type of the directory where the installation
package is decompressed must be NTFS.
7.1.2 How to Enable and disable the Telnet Authority of User root
For the convenience of remote control and maintenance, you need to enable the Telnet service
for the root user. A user that has the administrator authority can manually enable and disable
the telnet login authority of user root.
7.1.3 How to Enable and disable the FTP Authority of User root
The file transfer protocol (FTP) is used to upload and download files. A user that has the
administrator authority can manually enable and disable the FTP authority of user root.
7.1.4 How to Modify the Host Name of the T2000 Server
When changing the host name of the T2000 server, follow the steps below to ensure effective
operations and the security of the equipment.
7.1.5 How to Change the IP Address of the T2000 Server
You need to change the IP address if the site network environment or the configuration changes.
This section describes how to change the IP address of the T2000 server.
7.1.6 How to Upload Files by Using the FTP
This section describes how to upload files on the local computer to a remote server by using the

7.1.1 How to Convert the File System Type to NTFS

On the Windows operating system, the file system type of the directory where the installation
package is decompressed must be NTFS.

The Windows operating system must run in the normal state.

Step 1 Choose Start > Run. The Run window is displayed.

Step 2 Enter cmd, and click OK.

Step 3 Enter convert Drive letter where the installation package is decompressed: /FS:NTFS. For
example, enter convert F: /FS:NTFS if you need to decompress the installation package to
partition F. Follow the prompt in the screen to enter the corresponding information.

Step 4 Restart the computer.


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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 7 FAQ

7.1.2 How to Enable and disable the Telnet Authority of User root
For the convenience of remote control and maintenance, you need to enable the Telnet service
for the root user. A user that has the administrator authority can manually enable and disable
the telnet login authority of user root.

You must have the authority of user root.

l Enable the telnet authority of user root.
1. Log in to the Solaris operating system as user root.
2. Run the following commands to enable the telnet authority of user root:
# svcadm enable telnet
# sed "/^CONSOLE/s//#CONSOLE/g" /etc/default/login > /tmp/login
# cp /tmp/login /etc/default/login

l Disable the telnet authority of user root.

1. Log in to the Solaris operating system as user root.
2. Run the following commands to disable the telnet authority of user root:
# svcadm disable telnet
# sed "/^#CONSOLE/s//CONSOLE/g" /etc/default/login > /tmp/login
# cp /tmp/login /etc/default/login


7.1.3 How to Enable and disable the FTP Authority of User root
The file transfer protocol (FTP) is used to upload and download files. A user that has the
administrator authority can manually enable and disable the FTP authority of user root.

You must have the authority of user root.

l Enable the FTP authority of user root.
1. Log in to the Solaris operating system as user root.
2. Run the following commands to enable the FTP authority of user root:
# svcadm enable ftp
# sed "/^root/s//#root/g" /etc/ftpd/ftpusers > /tmp/ftpusers
# cp /tmp/ftpusers /etc/ftpd/ftpusers

l Disable the FTP authority of user root.

1. Log in to the Solaris operating system as user root.
2. Run the following commands to disable the FTP authority of user root:
# svcadm disable ftp
# sed "/^#root/s//root/g" /etc/ftpd/ftpusers > /tmp/ftpusers
# cp /tmp/ftpusers /etc/ftpd/ftpusers


Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-3

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7.1.4 How to Modify the Host Name of the T2000 Server

When changing the host name of the T2000 server, follow the steps below to ensure effective
operations and the security of the equipment.


Make sure that the operation of changing host name does not affect other applications. Back up
the files to be modified before this operation.

l On Windows, change the host name of the T2000 server.

On Windows, if the network management system and the database are already installed,
the host name of the server cannot be modified. Otherwise, the database may fail to be

1. Log in to the operating system as a user of the Administrator authority.

2. On the desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and choose Properties from the
shortcut menu. The System Properties dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the Computer Name tab.
4. Click Change and the Computer Name dialog box is displayed.
5. Press the F1 key on the keyboard. According to the Help pages that are displayed,
modify the host name of the server.


7.1.5 How to Change the IP Address of the T2000 Server

You need to change the IP address if the site network environment or the configuration changes.
This section describes how to change the IP address of the T2000 server.

The T2000 and the database must be shut down.

l In Windows, change the IP address of the T2000 server.
1. Optional: If you already deploy the northbound interface instance, you should delete
the instance before modifying the IP address. For details, see F.5.6 Deleting an

7-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) 7 FAQ

2. Log in to the operating system as a user of the Administrator authority.

3. Choose Start > Settings > Network Connections. The Network Connections dialog
box is displayed.
4. Right-click the network connection that you want to configure and choose
Properties from the shortcut menu.
5. In the General tab (for local connection) or Network tab (for other connections), click
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
6. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, enter a new IP address.
7. Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client. For details, see
F.4.1 Logging in to the Network Management System Maintenance Suite
Client .

Due to the change of the IP Address, if you log in to the client of the Network Management
System Maintenance Tool, the ERROR prompt is displayed indicating the login failure.
According to the screen prompts, click OK to synchronize the IP Address.
8. Optional: If a northbound interface is enabled before you modify the IP address, you
need to reconfigure the northbound interface. For details, refer to F.6 Configuring
the Northbound Interface Instance.


7.1.6 How to Upload Files by Using the FTP

This section describes how to upload files on the local computer to a remote server by using the

When you upload files by using the FTP, classify the files into two types: ASCII files and binary
files. The ASCII files on different operating systems are not compatible. Therefore, the format
can be automatically converted when you upload ASCII files between different operating
systems by using the FTP. In the case of binary files, the FTP does not convert the format.

Step 1 Run the FTP program.
1. Choose Start > Run. The Run dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter ftp Primary IP address of the remote server.
3. Click OK. The ftp dialog box is displayed.
4. Enter the user name and the password of the remote server. If the following prompt is
displayed, it indicates that login through FTP is successful.

Step 2 Run the following commands to upload a single file:

ftp> File format
ftp> lcd Directory on the local computer
ftp> cd Directory on the remote server
ftp> put Name of the file to be uploaded

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-5

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7 FAQ Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Run the following commands to upload all the files in a certain directory:
ftp> File format
ftp> lcd Directory on the local computer
ftp> cd Directory on the remote server
ftp> mput *.*

Step 3 Run the following command to exit the FTP program:

ftp> close
ftp> bye


Run the following commands to copy test.txt in C:\mydoc on the local computer to /usr/
local on the remote server:
ftp> binary
ftp> lcd c:\mydoc
ftp> cd /usr/local
ftp> put test.txt

Run the following commands to copy all the files in C:\mydoc on the local computer to /usr/
local on the remote server:
ftp> binary
ftp> lcd c:\mydoc
ftp> cd /usr/local
ftp> mput *.*

7.2 About the Database

You can determine whether the database is started, and manually start the database.

7.2.1 How to Manually Start the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Server
Usually, the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database is started when the Windows operating system
is started. When the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database is not started properly or the database
is manually shut down, you need to manually start the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database.
7.2.2 How to Manually Shut Down the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Server
This topic describes how to manually shut down the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database on

7.2.1 How to Manually Start the Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Database Server
Usually, the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database is started when the Windows operating system
is started. When the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database is not started properly or the database
is manually shut down, you need to manually start the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database.

l The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database must be installed.
l The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database server is stopped.

7-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Step 1 Click Start and choose Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Service Manager.
The SQL Server Service Manager dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Start/Continue.


If the Start/Continue button in the SQL Server Service Manager dialog box is grayed out,
this indicates that the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database server is started successfully.

7.2.2 How to Manually Shut Down the Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Database Server
This topic describes how to manually shut down the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database on

l The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database must be installed.
l The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database server must be started.

Step 1 Click Start and choose Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Service Manager.
The SQL Server Service Manager dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Stop.

The SQL Server Service Manager confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Yes.


If the Stop button in the SQL Server Service Manager dialog box is grayed out, this indicates
that the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database server is shut down successfully.

7.3 About the T2000

This section provides the frequently asked questions (FAQs) of the network management system.

7.3.1 What are the Factors Affecting Response Speed of T2000

This section describes the factors that may affect the response speed of the T2000.
7.3.2 How to Handle the Failure of Connection Between the T2000 Server and an NE
If the icon of one NE is gray on the T2000 Main Topology, it indicates that the T2000 server
fails to connect to the NE. Perform the operations described as follows to solve the problem.

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7.3.1 What are the Factors Affecting Response Speed of T2000

This section describes the factors that may affect the response speed of the T2000.
The following factors may affect the response speed of T2000:
l The number of gateway NEs and the number of NEs that a gateway NE manages.
l The communication status between the T2000 and gateway NEs.
l The scale of ECC subnetworks.
l The hardware configuration of the T2000 server.
l The management capability of the T2000.

7.3.2 How to Handle the Failure of Connection Between the T2000

Server and an NE
If the icon of one NE is gray on the T2000 Main Topology, it indicates that the T2000 server
fails to connect to the NE. Perform the operations described as follows to solve the problem.

l If the NE is a non-GNE, check whether the icon of the GNE to which the NE is associated
to is gray.
– If the icon of the GNE to which the NE is associated to is gray and there is no standby
GNE in the DCN management, the icons of all the other NEs that connect to the GNE
should be gray. Hence, first check the connection status of the GNE to which the NE
is associated to.
– If the GNE to which the NE is associated to is connected normally, it indicates that
the non-GNE becomes faulty or the connection between the non-GNE and the GNE
fails. Check the status of the non-GNE and the connection fiber between the non-GNE
and the GNE.
l If this NE is a GNE, perform the following steps:
1. Right-click the icon of the NE and choose Attribute to view the IP address of this
2. Run the following command on the T2000 server to check the network connection
between the GNE and the T2000 server:
ping IP_address_of_the_GNE

3. If the ping operation fails, check the status of the NE and the network connection
between the T2000 server and the NE.
If there is firewall in the network, the ping operation may also fail. Check whether the firewall
disables the communication port between the T2000 server and the NE. If the communication
port is disabled, enable it. For details, refer to G Service Ports Description.


7.4 Network Management System Maintenance Suite

This section describes the frequently asked questions (FAQs) of the network management system
maintenance suite.

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7.4.1 How to Troubleshoot the Inconsistency of the Instance Status

This section describes how to troubleshoot the inconsistency of the instance status between the
client of the network management system maintenance suite and the system monitoring client
by refreshing the information on the network management system.
7.4.2 How to Troubleshoot the Automatic Logout of the Client of NMS Maintenance Suite
This section describes how to log in to the client of the network management system maintenance
suite again after the automatic logout.
7.4.3 How to Troubleshoot the Disconnection of the Deployment Instance
This section describes how to troubleshoot the disconnection of the deployment instance.
7.4.4 How to Troubleshoot the Failure of Starting the Instance
This section describes how to troubleshoot the failure of starting an instance after the instance
is deployed successfully.
7.4.5 How to Troubleshoot the Failure of Reloading the Process List
This section describes how to troubleshoot the failure of reloading the process list in certain
deployment operations.
7.4.6 How to Troubleshoot the Response Failure of Reloading the Process List
In the case of certain deployment operations, reloading the process list is slow and the system
does not respond for a long time. This section describes how to troubleshoot the failure.

7.4.1 How to Troubleshoot the Inconsistency of the Instance Status

This section describes how to troubleshoot the inconsistency of the instance status between the
client of the network management system maintenance suite and the system monitoring client
by refreshing the information on the network management system.

l The server of the network management system maintenance suite must be started.
l The client and server of the network management system maintenance suite must be
communicate with each other normally.

The client of the network management system maintenance suite refreshes the instance status every 15
seconds. Therefore, the instance status between the client of the network management system maintenance
suite and the system monitoring client may be inconsistent in a short time.

Step 1 On the client of the network management system maintenance suite, click the Instance tab.

Step 2 Click the shortcut icon to refresh the information on the network management system.


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7.4.2 How to Troubleshoot the Automatic Logout of the Client of

NMS Maintenance Suite
This section describes how to log in to the client of the network management system maintenance
suite again after the automatic logout.

l The server of the network management system maintenance suite must be started.
l The client and server of the network management system maintenance suite must be
communicate with each other normally.

The client of the network management system maintenance suite is a system based on a single user. To
prevent a user from occupying the server system for a long time, the client automatically log out if the user
does not perform any operation on the GUI of the client in 15 minutes.

Step 1 In the INFO dialog box, click OK.
Step 2 Enter the password for logging in to the client of the network management system maintenance
suite. The initial password is MSUITE.
Step 3 Click OK to log in to the client of the network management system maintenance tool again.


7.4.3 How to Troubleshoot the Disconnection of the Deployment

This section describes how to troubleshoot the disconnection of the deployment instance.

l The server of the network management system maintenance suite must be started.
l The client and server of the network management system maintenance suite must be
communicate with each other normally.

When you deploy an instance, the deployment fails due to the network disconnection of the client and
server of the network management system maintenance suite.

Step 1 Log in to the client of the network management system maintenance tool again.
Step 2 The network management system maintenance tool detects whether incomplete tasks exist at
the login. If the incomplete tasks exist, the system displays the prompt dialog box. In this case,
click Yes to continue.

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If the fault is not repaired successfully, do as follows to repair the fault again:
1. Delete the server/conf/trans.cfg file on the server of the network management system maintenance
2. Log in to the server of the network management system maintenance suite again.
3. On the client of the network management system maintenance suite, synchronize the information of
the network management system. For details, see F.4.3 Synchronizing the Information of Network
Management System.


7.4.4 How to Troubleshoot the Failure of Starting the Instance

This section describes how to troubleshoot the failure of starting an instance after the instance
is deployed successfully.

l The server of the network management system maintenance suite must be started.
l The client and server of the network management system maintenance suite must be
communicate with each other normally.

In the case of the initial startup of an instance, the corresponding data table is created. If the instance is
interrupted unexpectedly during the startup of the instance, the instance fails to be started.

Step 1 Delete the instance on the client of the network management system maintenance suite. For
details, see F.5.6 Deleting an Instance.
Step 2 Add the instance again on the client of the network management system maintenance suite. For
details, see F.5.1 Adding the Instance.


7.4.5 How to Troubleshoot the Failure of Reloading the Process List

This section describes how to troubleshoot the failure of reloading the process list in certain
deployment operations.

l The server of the network management system maintenance suite must be started.
l The client and server of the network management system maintenance suite must be
communicate with each other normally.

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l When you perform deployment operations on the client of the network management system
maintenance suite, certain operations are being performed on the network management system. In this
case, the system becomes busy. After you load the process list for 30 minutes, the system prompts the
l When you perform deployment operations on the client of the network management system
maintenance suite, certain user reloads the process list on the system monitoring client. In this case,
reloading the process list fails.
l The network management system is being shut down. In this case, reloading the process list fails.

Step 1 Shut down the T2000.

Step 2 On the client of the network management system maintenance suite, synchronize the information
about the network management system. For details, see F.4.3 Synchronizing the Information
of Network Management System.

Step 3 Restart the T2000.


7.4.6 How to Troubleshoot the Response Failure of Reloading the

Process List
In the case of certain deployment operations, reloading the process list is slow and the system
does not respond for a long time. This section describes how to troubleshoot the failure.

l The server of the network management system maintenance suite must be started.
l The client and server of the network management system maintenance suite must be
communicate with each other normally.

When you perform deployment operations on the client of the network management system maintenance
suite, reloading the process list starts the new instances. The whole deployment process is complete after
all the instances are started. This causes the response timeout.

Step 1 Shut down the T2000.

Step 2 On the client of the network management system maintenance suite, synchronize the information
about the network management system. For details, see F.4.3 Synchronizing the Information
of Network Management System.

Step 3 Restart the T2000.


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7.5 Troubleshooting Installation Exceptions

During installation, certain exceptions may occur. This topic describes the corresponding causes
and troubleshooting methods.
When the exception is not described or the exception cannot be troubleshot according to the
method provided, collect the logs during installation and send them to Huawei for analysis.
Assume that the T2000 is installed in the C:\T2000 directory. You need to collect the logs as
l All the files that start with install_optix in the %temp% directory.
l All the files, except the subdirectories, in the C:\T2000\installunist directory.
l All the files and subdirectories in the C:\T2000\server\database\log directory.
l All the files and subdirectories in the C:\HWMSuite\client\logs directory.
l All the files and subdirectories in the C:\HWMSuite\server\logs directory.
7.5.1 Database Fails to Be Reinstalled
7.5.2 Database Installation Fails with a Certain Probability
7.5.3 Cannot Connect to the Data Source
7.5.4 "Failed to get the product special variable XX"
7.5.5 A Message Is Displayed Indicating That a Conflicting Product Exists
7.5.6 Illegible Characters Are Displayed on the T2000 Client of the Chinese Version
7.5.7 Shortcut Icons Can Be Opened Though They Are Displayed Improperly

7.5.1 Database Fails to Be Reinstalled

Symptom Description
The database is not uninstalled completely and thus the database fails to be reinstalled.

Cause Analysis
This fault is caused by the bug of the third-party software.

Handling Procedure
Clear the SQL2000 that was installed. For details, refer to KB290991 provided by Microsoft.
Alternatively, you can run the script provided in the installation CD-ROM to clear the SQL2000.
The script, uninstall_sql2000.bat, is saved in the setup\tools directory.

7.5.2 Database Installation Fails with a Certain Probability

Symptom Description
The computer name contains lower case letters and thus the database fails to be installed with a
certain probability. If you find "General network error" in the database installation log, the fault
occurs due to the preceding cause. If the T2000 is installed in the C:\T2000 directory, the
database installation log is the sqlstp.log file in the C:\T2000\installuninst directory.

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Cause Analysis
This fault is caused by the bug of the third-party software.

Handling Procedure
If the database fails to be installed, and you check the log and determine that the fault is caused
by the computer name, you only need to modify the computer name by changing all the lower
case letters to the upper case letters. Then, reinstall the database.
If the T2000 is installed on disk C, the paths for saving logs are as follows:
l c:\T2000\installuninst\sqlstp.log
l c:\windows\sqlstp.log

7.5.3 Cannot Connect to the Data Source

Symptom Description
During installation, a message is displayed indicating that the data source cannot be connected.

Cause Analysis
The data source registry item that is provided by the operating system is deleted mistakenly.

Not all the registry items related to the SQL database need to be deleted when you uninstall the network
management system and the SQL database.

Handling Procedure
Import the registry item, ODBC.reg, that is saved in the setup\tools directory of the installation

7.5.4 "Failed to get the product special variable XX"

Symptom Description
During installation, the error message "Failed to get the product special variable XX" is displayed
as shown in the following figure.

Cause Analysis
This fault is caused by the bug of the third-party software.

Handling Procedure
l If formal installation is not required or the existing network management system is not
required to be uninstalled completely, you can troubleshoot the problem as follows. Assume

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that the operating system is installed on drive C. Rename the common directory, for
example, common_bak in C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Universal.
l In other scenarios, for example, when the network management system is reinstalled or
when the existing network management system must be uninstalled completely, you can
troubleshoot the problem as follows. Assume that the operating system is installed on drive
C. Send the vpd.script file in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield
\Universal\common\Gen1\_vpddb directory to Huawei and then replace it with the new
file that Huawei sends back.

7.5.5 A Message Is Displayed Indicating That a Conflicting Product

Symptom Description
After the installation starts, a message is displayed indicating that a conflicting product exists.
Before proceeding with the installation, you need to uninstall the product.

Cause Analysis
A conflicting product, that is, the network management system of a different version, is already
installed on the computer.

Handling Procedure
l Click Start and choose Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. Find the conflicting
network management system and uninstall it.
l If the existing network management system is damaged and thus cannot be uninstalled or
fails to be uninstalled, you can troubleshoot the problem as follows. Assume that the
operating system is installed on drive C. Rename the common directory, for example,
common_bak in C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Universal.

7.5.6 Illegible Characters Are Displayed on the T2000 Client of the

Chinese Version
Symptom Description
Illegible characters are displayed on the T2000 client of the Chinese version.

Cause Analysis
The database of the English version that is originally provided in the operating system is used.

Handling Procedure
Uninstall the T2000 and the database. Then, re-install the T2000 of the Chinese version and the
database of the Chinese version.

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7.5.7 Shortcut Icons Can Be Opened Though They Are Displayed

Symptom Description
Though certain shortcut icons are displayed improperly after installation, you can double-click
the shortcut icons to run the corresponding programs.

Cause Analysis
The icon cache mechanism is used for the shortcut icons on Windows. Thus, when the cached
icons are damaged, this fault occurs.

Handling Procedure
Right-click the shortcut icon and choose Properties > Change Icon from the shortcut menu.
Re-select the shortcut icon and click OK. The icon recovers.

7-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) A Configuring the Management Console

A Configuring the Management Console

This topic describes how to configure the management console of a blade server.

A.1 Configuring the Management Console of an ATAE Blade Server

You can configure the IP address of the network port on the SMM board on an ATAE blade
server through a serial port. This facilitates the access to the ATAE blade server management
software through the Internet Explorer, thus to manage the ATAE blade server.
A.2 Configuring the Remote Management Console of an IBM Blade Server
This topic describes how to configure the remote management console of an IBM blade server.
After that, you can remotely maintain and manage the IBM blade server through the Internet

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A Configuring the Management Console Software Installation Guide (Windows)

A.1 Configuring the Management Console of an ATAE

Blade Server
You can configure the IP address of the network port on the SMM board on an ATAE blade
server through a serial port. This facilitates the access to the ATAE blade server management
software through the Internet Explorer, thus to manage the ATAE blade server.

l A Windows-based management terminal must be available.
l The ATAE blade server must be connected to the management terminal through a serial
port cable. In addition, the ATAE blade server communicates with the management
terminal in the normal state.

Step 1 Log in to the Windows-based management terminal.

Step 2 Choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > Hyper Terminal.

Step 3 In the Connection Description dialog box, enter a connection name, and click OK.

Step 4 In the dialog box that is displayed, select the current serial port, and click OK.

Step 5 In the dialog box that is displayed, set the parameters as follows: Bit/Second: 11520, Data
Bit: 8, Parity Check: null, Stop Bit: 1, and Data Flow Control: null. Click OK.

Set the parameters according to the preceding values. Otherwise, the communication may fail.

Step 6 Enter the user name root and the password huaweiosta, and press Enter.
If you change the initial password, enter the new password in this step.

Step 7 To configure the IP address of the network port on the SMM board, run the following command:

#ifconfig eth0 netmask

It is recommended that you use the public network IP address as the IP address of the network
port on the SMM board. Hence, you can manage the blade server remotely in an easy manner.
Restrict the access to the IP address of the management unit (such as SMM) based on the actual
situation for security purpose. For example, use the firewall to restrict the access.


A-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) A Configuring the Management Console

A.2 Configuring the Remote Management Console of an

IBM Blade Server
This topic describes how to configure the remote management console of an IBM blade server.
After that, you can remotely maintain and manage the IBM blade server through the Internet

l The browser on the Windows management terminal must be Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
l The JRE 1.4.2_08 or later must be installed on the Windows management terminal. If the
version of the JRE on the PC does not meet the requirement, uninstall the JRE of an earlier
version. Then, re-install the JRE software after obtaining it from the setup\tools directory
on the T2000 installation CD-ROM T2000 for Windows installation DVD #1 (T2000 DVD-
ROM) or from the setup\tools directory in the installation software package

Step 1 Connect the control network port of the management module of the IBM blade server to the
network port on the PC with a network cable, as shown in the following figure.
IBM Blade server


Step 2 On the PC, modify the IP address and subnet mask of the network adapter that is connected to
the network port of the management module of the IBM blade server. Modify the IP address to
192.168.70.xx, for example,, and modify the subnet mask to

Step 3 Open an Internet Explorer window. In the address bar, enter the IP address http:// Then, the login web page of the IBM management module is displayed.

Step 4 Enter the default user name USERID and initial password PASSW0RD, and click Log in.

When you enter the initial password, note that the character after letter "W" is a number "0", but
not a letter "O".

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-3

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OptiX iManager T2000
A Configuring the Management Console Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Step 5 Click Continue and the management page is displayed.

Step 6 Choose MM Control > Network Interfaces. The configuration page is displayed. Set the
parameters by referring to Table A-1. After you set the parameters, click Save to save the

Table A-1 Parameter settings

Item Parameter Description

External Network Interface DHCP Sets this parameter to

(eth0) Disabled - Use static IP

Primary Management Hostname Uses the default value or

Module specifies the host name of the
control module.

IP address Enters the IP address of the

management module.

Subnet mask Enters the subnet mask of the

management module.

Gateway address Enters the route address of

the management module.

Advanced Use Advanced Failover Not required.

Step 7 Choose MM Control > Restart MM. Then, click Restart.

Step 8 Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. Then, the management module restarts.

A-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) A Configuring the Management Console

Step 9 Remove the network cable from the control network port of the management module of the IBM
blade server, and insert the network cable that is connected to an external network.


Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) B Logging In to the Management Console

B Logging In to the Management Console

This topic describes how to log in to the management console of a blade server.

B.1 Logging In to the Management Console of an ATAE Blade Server

You can log in to the USM-E management software to manage an ATAE blade server remotely.
This topic describes how to log in to the USM-E management software.
B.2 Logging In to the Management Console of an IBM Blade Server
You can log in to the management software of the IBM management module to manage a blade
server remotely. This topic describes how to log in to the management software of the IBM
management module.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
B Logging In to the Management Console Software Installation Guide (Windows)

B.1 Logging In to the Management Console of an ATAE

Blade Server
You can log in to the USM-E management software to manage an ATAE blade server remotely.
This topic describes how to log in to the USM-E management software.

l The browser on the Windows management terminal must be Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
l The JRE 1.5_08 or later must be installed on the Windows management terminal. If the
version of the JRE on the PC does not meet the requirement, uninstall the JRE of an earlier
version. Then, re-install the JRE software after obtaining it from the setup\tools directory
on the T2000 installation CD-ROM T2000 for Windows installation DVD #1 (T2000 DVD-
ROM) or from the setup\tools directory in the installation software package
l The daughter board of the virtual media must be installed on the used board.

Step 1 Log in to the Windows-based management terminal.

Step 2 Open an Internet Explorer window. In the address bar, enter the IP address of the network port
on the management unit of an ATAE blade server, and press Enter.
The login dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Enter the user name root and the password huaweiosta, and click OK.

Step 4 Choose Blade > RC IP Configuration on the left-hand navigation tree.

B-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) B Logging In to the Management Console

In the Blade >> RC IP Configuration window, enter the IP address of daughter board, subnet
mask, and gateway of the virtual media corresponding to the board. For details, see 2.3.2
Planning the IP Address.
Perform this step only for the first login. For future logins, skip this step.

Step 5 In the left-hand pane, click Blade > Remote Control.

The Warning-Security dialog box is displayed.

JRE 1.6.0 is used as an example in this topic. In the case of the JRE of another version, the displayed dialog box
is different. Make selection according to the on-screen instructions.

Step 6 Click Run to log in to the management console.

Step 7 In the Blade >> KVM panel, select the required board.

Click the board number on the toolbar to select the required board.


l To enter the full screen mode, click on the toolbar.

l To restore from the full screen mode to window, move the mouse to upper middle of the screen, press

Ctrl+Shift+Alt and click in the upper portion of the screen.

For details on operations on a remote control screen, refer to the online help of USM-E. Specifically, click
the question mark located in the upper right corner of the Blade >> KVM panel to display the online help.


Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
B Logging In to the Management Console Software Installation Guide (Windows)

B.2 Logging In to the Management Console of an IBM Blade

You can log in to the management software of the IBM management module to manage a blade
server remotely. This topic describes how to log in to the management software of the IBM
management module.

l The browser on the Windows management terminal must be Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
l The JRE 1.4.2_08 or later must be installed on the Windows management terminal. If the
version of the JRE on the PC does not meet the requirement, uninstall the JRE of an earlier
version. Then, re-install the JRE software after obtaining it from the setup\tools directory
on the T2000 installation CD-ROM T2000 for Windows installation DVD #1 (T2000 DVD-
ROM) or from the setup\tools directory in the installation software package

Step 1 Log in to the Windows-based management terminal.
Step 2 Open an Internet Explorer window. In the address bar, enter the IP address of the network port
on the management module of an IBM blade server, and press Enter.
The login dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Enter the user name and password of the management module.
By default, the login user of the management module of the IBM blade server is USERID and
the password is PASSW0RD.
There is a number "zero" between W and R.

B-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) B Logging In to the Management Console

Step 4 Click Continue.

The main window of the management software is displayed.
Step 5 In the left-hand pane, click Blade Tasks > Remote Control.
The Remote Control Status dialog box is displayed.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
B Logging In to the Management Console Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Step 6 Click Start Remote Control.

The Warning-Security dialog box is displayed.


JRE 1.6.0 is used as an example in this topic. In the case of the JRE of another version, the displayed dialog box
is different. Make selection according to the on-screen instructions.

Step 7 Click Run to log in to the management console.


B-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) C Mounting the Virtual Media

C Mounting the Virtual Media

This topic describes how to mount the virtual media on a blade server.

C.1 Mounting the Virtual Media on the ATAE Blade Server

Mounting the virtual media refers to mounting the CD-ROM on the console to a blade server.
In this way, the software can be installed remotely. This topic describes how to mount the virtual
media on the ATAE blade server.
C.2 Mounting the Virtual Media on the IBM Blade Server
Mounting the virtual media refers to mounting the CD-ROM on the console to a blade server.
In this way, the software can be installed remotely. This topic describes how to mount the virtual
media on the IBM blade server.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
C Mounting the Virtual Media Software Installation Guide (Windows)

C.1 Mounting the Virtual Media on the ATAE Blade Server

Mounting the virtual media refers to mounting the CD-ROM on the console to a blade server.
In this way, the software can be installed remotely. This topic describes how to mount the virtual
media on the ATAE blade server.

l The version of the browser on the Windows management terminal must be IE 5.0 or a later
l The JRE1.5_08 or a later version must be installed on the Windows management terminal.
l The daughter board of the virtual media must be installed on the board.

Step 1 Log in to the management console of the ATAE blade server.

Step 2 Choose Blade > Remote Control on the left-hand navigation tree.

Step 3 Click Blade >>Virtual Media. A confirmation dialog box is displayed asking you whether to
open the virtual media.

Step 4 Click OK.

1. Select the required board from the Select Blade drop-down list.
2. Select an installation mode in the Virtual CD-ROM panel according to the actual situation.
The installation modes are virtual CD-ROM and mirror file.
l To use the virtual CD-ROM for installation, do as follows:
a. Select Virtual CD-ROM, and select the disk where the virtual CD-ROM is
mounted from the drop-down list box next to Virtual CD-ROM.
b. Insert the installation disk of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 to the CD-
ROM drive of the computer where the management console is located.
l To use the mirror file for installation, do as follows:
a. Select Image File, and click Browse to select the required mirror file.

Make sure that the name of the directory where the image files are saved is short
and contains no space, punctuation or non-alphabetic characters.

b. Click Open.
Prepare the mirror file if you need to use a mirror file for installation. In the Virtual CD-ROM panel,
select Image File, and click Browse to select the required mirror file.
3. Click Connect.

C-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) C Mounting the Virtual Media

For information on how to mount the virtual media, see the USM-E online help. Specifically, click the question
mark located in the upper right corner of the Blade >>Virtual Media panel to display the online help.


Follow-up Procedure
To eject the CD-ROM, do as follows:
1. Run the following command to check the name of the virtual media device:
# df -hk
If the terminal displays /dev/sr1 132136 132136 0 100% /media/05_04_2009, it indicates
that the name of the virtual media device is /dev/sr1. The device name varies according to
the actual situation.
2. Run the following command to eject the CD-ROM:
# eject Name of the virtual media device

C.2 Mounting the Virtual Media on the IBM Blade Server

Mounting the virtual media refers to mounting the CD-ROM on the console to a blade server.
In this way, the software can be installed remotely. This topic describes how to mount the virtual
media on the IBM blade server.

l The version of the browser on the Windows management terminal must be IE 5.0 or a later
l The JRE1.5_08 or a later version must be installed on the Windows management terminal.

Step 1 Log in to the management console of the IBM blade server.

Step 2 In the remote management console window, click Remote Drive. The Remote Disk dialog box
is displayed.

Step 3 In the Media Tray field, select the board to be operated.

Step 4 In the Available Resources pane, select the required installation mode.
The installation by using the virtual CD-ROM drive is implemented in two ways: using the
virtual CD-ROM drive and using image files.
l If you use the virtual CD-ROM drive for the installation, do as follows:
1. Click CD-ROM (G:) and then click Add.
The drive letter after CD-ROM varies according to the actual situation.
2. Click Mount All.
For information on how to mount a CD-ROM, see the online help of the remote console. Specifically,

click to display the online help of the remote console.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
C Mounting the Virtual Media Software Installation Guide (Windows)

You can run the df -hk command in the terminal window to query whether the virtual media is
successfully mounted.
Run the df -hk command in the terminal window repeatedly until the terminal displays /dev/sr1
132136 132136 0 100% /media/05_04_2009. This message indicates that the virtual media is
successfully mounted. /dev/sr1 indicates the device name. The device name varies according to
the actual situation.
3. Insert the installation CD-ROM of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 to the CD-
ROM drive of the computer where the management console resides.
l If you use the image files for the installation, do as follows:
1. Click Select Image... and then click Add .The Open dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the location of the image files and then click Open.

Make sure that the name of the directory where the image files are saved is short and
contains no space, punctuation or non-alphabetic characters.


Follow-up Procedure
To eject the CD-ROM, do as follows:
1. Run the following command to check the name of the virtual media device:
# df -hk
If the terminal displays /dev/sr1 132136 132136 0 100% /media/05_04_2009, it indicates
that the name of the virtual media device is /dev/sr1. The device name varies according to
the actual situation.
2. Run the following command to eject the CD-ROM:
# eject Name of the virtual media device

C-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) D Installing the Windows OS

D Installing the Windows OS

This topic describes how to install the Windows OS and its patches on an IBM server or an
ATAE blade server.

D.1 Installing the Windows OS on ATAE Blade Server

This topic describes how to remotely install the Windows OS and its patches by using the Service
D.2 Installing the Windows OS on an IBM Blade Server
This topic describes how to remotely install the Windows OS and its patches by using the IBM
ServerGuide CD-ROM.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
D Installing the Windows OS Software Installation Guide (Windows)

D.1 Installing the Windows OS on ATAE Blade Server

This topic describes how to remotely install the Windows OS and its patches by using the Service

l The Service CD-ROM must be available.
l The CD-ROM for the Windows OS and its patches must be available.

Step 1 Insert the Service CD-ROM to the CD-ROM drive of the computer where the management
console resides.
Step 2 Mount the virtual media of the ATAE blade server.
Step 3 In the Blade >> KVM panel, select the required board from Select Blade, and click Cold
Reset to restart the blade server.
Step 4 The system navigates to the BIOS SETUP UTILITY window in the startup mode. Press the
Tab key to choose Boot > Boot Device Priority, and press Enter.

If the OS is already installed, the BIOS self-check window is open for 6s. In this case, press Delete in 6s
to navigate to the BIOS SETUP UTILITY window.

Step 5 In the Boot Device Priority pane, set the order for starting the system so that the OS boots from
the USB disk drive.

D-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) D Installing the Windows OS

Step 6 Press F10 after the previous settings, save the settings, and exit. Then, the system restarts
automatically and the installation boot window is displayed guiding you to install the OS.

Step 7 Press an arrow key to select Install Windows Server 2003 and press Enter.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
D Installing the Windows OS Software Installation Guide (Windows)

The Service CD-ROM provides 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 2003 versions.

l Install Windows for x86 (32-bit)

l Install Windows for x64 (64-bit)
Step 8 Select Install Windows for x86 and press Enter. The Service CD-ROM automatically loads
Step 9 Wait approximately 10 minutes. After the files are loaded, the following window is displayed.

Step 10 Select Clear the specified hard disk and recreate partitions on the hard disk., and select the
hard disk whose ID is 0, and then click Next.
The Partition dialog box is displayed.

D-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) D Installing the Windows OS

The Windows 2003 OS can be installed on only the hard disk whose ID is 0.


l If the current hard disk is already partitioned and meets the partition requirements, directly go to Step 8.
l This topic describes how to create disk partitions again.

Step 11 Click New, and the New Partition dialog box is displayed.

Step 12 Perform settings as shown in the following figure.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
D Installing the Windows OS Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Step 13 Click OK.

Step 14 Click New and proceed to create the second partition.

Perform settings as shown in the following figure.

Step 15 Click OK.

D-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) D Installing the Windows OS

Step 16 Click Next and a confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 17 Click Yes and a message is displayed indicating that partitions are created successfully.
Step 18 Click OK and the following window is displayed.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
D Installing the Windows OS Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Step 19 Select Use the specified file system to format the partition and install Windows., select the
corresponding hard disk partition (for example C:) and file system (for example NTFS), and
then click Next.
The Input installation information dialog box is displayed.

Step 20 Enter the installation information according to the following table.

D-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) D Installing the Windows OS

Table D-1 Installation information table

Installation Description or Example


Administrator Password To ensure system security, the password must contain the
following characters:
l A minimum of two letters
l A minimum of one number or one special character
l A minimum of 8 to 16 characters

Confirm Password Reenters the password to confirm it.

Host Name NOTE

The host name cannot be the same as other host names on the network
where the server resides. Otherwise, when the OS starts after installation
is complete, a message is displayed indicating that the network cannot
be used in normal state because of a network conflict.
For details of the host name planning, refer to Table 2-5.

User Name For example: t2000

Organization For example: HuaWei

CD Key Enters the correct serial number. If the serial number is incorrect,
you are prompted to enter the correct serial number in the
subsequent system installation process.

Step 21 Click Next and

the Insert the Windows CD into the CD-ROM. window is displayed.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
D Installing the Windows OS Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Step 22 Install the OS by following the instructions in the prompts.

In this process, follow the instructions in the prompts. Insert the OS installation CD-ROM as prompted.
During installation, the OS restarts for many times. The entire installation lasts 60 minutes.


D.2 Installing the Windows OS on an IBM Blade Server

This topic describes how to remotely install the Windows OS and its patches by using the IBM
ServerGuide CD-ROM.

l The IBM ServerGuide CD-ROM must be available.
l The CD-ROM for the Windows OS and its patches must be available.

Step 1 Insert the IBM ServerGuide CD-ROM shipped with the T2000 into the CD-ROM drive of the
local computer.

Step 2 Log in to the remote management console of the IBM blade server from the local computer. For
details, refer to B.2 Logging In to the Management Console of an IBM Blade Server.

Step 3 In the left-hand navigation tree, choose Blade Tasks > Remote Control. In this web page, click
Start Remote Control.

Step 4 In the Remote Console window, click to select the blade server on which you want to install
the Windows OS.

Step 5 To create a remote virtual CD-ROM drive, do as follows:

1. In the Remote Console window, select Remote Drive and the following dialog box is

2. Select the blade server on which you want to install the Windows OS from the Media
Tray drop-down list. For example, 3-SN#YK108088T1PY.
3. In the Available Resources pane, select CD-ROM and click Add.
4. Click Mount All.
5. When Mount All changes to Unmount All, it indicates that the remote virtual CD-ROM
drive is created successfully.

Step 6 In the Remote Console window, choose Power Control > Power On to start the blade server.

D-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) D Installing the Windows OS

Step 7 To set the startup order, do as follows:


l In the Remote Console window, click the mouse before you perform operations in the Remote
Console window.
l If you want to select a parameter, use the ↑, ↓ key and press Enter.

1. When the System X window is displayed, click the mouse, press F1, and then wait
approximately two minutes. The following dialog box is displayed.

2. Choose Start Options > Startup Sequence Options and press Enter. The following dialog
box is displayed.

3. Set First Startup Device to CD ROM, Second Startup Device to Diskette Drive 0, and
Third Startup Device to Hard Disk 0.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-11

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OptiX iManager T2000
D Installing the Windows OS Software Installation Guide (Windows)

4. Press Esc twice to return to the Main Menu.

5. Choose Devices and I/O Ports > System MAC Address from the Main Menu. Press
Enter. The following dialog box is displayed.

6. Make a note of the two MAC addresses displayed in the dialog box.
7. Press Esc twice to return to the Main Menu.
8. Choose Save Settings from the Main Menu. Press Enter twice to save the settings.
9. Choose Exit Setup from the Main Menu. Press Enter twice.
Step 8 Wait approximately five minutes. The IBM ServerGuide window is displayed. Install the
Windows OS according to the instructions in the prompts and the description in Table D-2.

l In this process, ignore the parameters that are not described in Table D-2. When the related window
is displayed, directly press Next.
l In this process, follow the instructions in the prompts. Insert the OS installation CD-ROM as prompted.
During installation, the OS restarts for many times. The entire installation lasts 60 minutes.

Table D-2 Setting parameters during installation

Task Lisk Parameter Settings

ServerGuide GUI English


Select Operating System Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition R2

Set Date and time Sets this parameter to the current time.

Configure RAID Bypass RAID Configuration


Create partition Partition size: 106000 MB

File type: NTFS

Clear All Disks: Yes

Operating System Setup Full name: T2000server

Computer name:T2000

Product ID: Enters the serial number of the installation CD-ROM

shipped with the T2000.

D-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) D Installing the Windows OS

Task Lisk Parameter Settings

Configure Regional Sets this parameter based on the actual situation. For example, if
Settings you want to install the English version of the OS:
l Set select your time zone to (GMT+08:00)
Beijing,Chongqing.Hong Kong,Urumqi.
l Set primary language to English (United States).
l Set Select your alternate languages by region to Western
Europe and United States.


Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 License

E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 License

The topic describes the T2000 license file and how to obtain, install and use the T2000 license.

E.1 T2000 License Precautions

The T2000 license controls the management capability and functions of the T2000. Without a
license file, T2000 can be started, but the functions are limited.
E.2 Obtaining a T2000 License
Use this procedure to obtain for the T2000 license.
E.3 Installing a T2000 License
Use this procedure to install the a license on the computer of the T2000 server.
E.4 Changing the License
You can change the license in the T2000 server by using the T2000 client.
E.5 How to Correctly Use a License
If the T2000 server is installed on Windows platform, the licenseXXXXXXX.txt file is installed
in the C:\T2000\server\license directory. After you restart the T2000 server program, the license
can be normally applied.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential E-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 License Software Installation Guide (Windows)

E.1 T2000 License Precautions

The T2000 license controls the management capability and functions of the T2000. Without a
license file, T2000 can be started, but the functions are limited.

l A T2000 license exists in the form of text file. The file name is in the format of
l One license file corresponds to the MAC address of the network card of a T2000 computer,
which can only be used on the corresponding computer.
l For the server that has multiple network cards, obtain the license for only the master network
card that is used by the T2000.
l Never make any modifications to the license file. Otherwise, the license will fail.
l Ensure that there is only one License file in the license folder of the T2000 server directory.
l The license of the T2000 V200 is incompatible with that of the T2000 V100. If you have
upgraded the T2000, reapply for a license.
l The items that the license supports vary with different versions of the T2000. You must
use the application form template specific to that T2000 version when applying for the

E.2 Obtaining a T2000 License

Use this procedure to obtain for the T2000 license.

l The T2000 license file is not sent to the customer with the T2000 installation DVD-ROM,
but is applied by the Huawei engineer according to the contract number and the MAC
l When users need to change the T2000 computer server or increase the management
capability of the server, they need to feed back the MAC address and the contract number
to a Huawei engineer for the T2000 license.
l The Huawei engineer applies for a T2000 license according to the contract number and the
MAC address.

Step 1 Get the contract number in project documents.

There are 14 integers in the contract number.

For example, 123456 (post code) 010811 (date) 10 (serial number).

Step 2 Get the MAC address of the server.

In Windows:

1. Click Start,select Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

E-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 License

2. In the Command Prompt window, enter ipconfig /all.

The display is as below:

3. Get the MAC address.

In this example, the MAC address is 00-50-BA-19-58-35.
Step 3 Send the contract number and the MAC address to a Huawei engineer or the nearest branch.
Step 4 The Huawei engineer fills in the application form to obtain a T2000 license.
Step 5 After the Huawei engineer obtains the T2000 license, she or he sends it to the customer.


E.3 Installing a T2000 License

Use this procedure to install the a license on the computer of the T2000 server.

The T2000 license file is ready.

To install the T2000 license, you can copy the license file to the license directory of the

l If the T2000 server is installed on Windows, copy the license to the T2000\server\license directory
(the default directory is C:\T2000\server\license).

Step 1 Exit all the T2000 client software.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential E-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 License Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Step 2 Shut down the T2000 server software.

Step 3 On the computer where the T2000 server is installed, copy the authorized license file to the
T2000 installation directory server\license as the user that installs the T2000.
Step 4 Restart the T2000 server software.


Then the license can take effect. Choose Help > About from the Main Menu and then click
License to check the license information when the T2000 client is started.

E.4 Changing the License

You can change the license in the T2000 server by using the T2000 client.

l Log in to the T2000 as user admin.
l The T2000 license must be obtained.


l When the types of equipment supported by the new license are different from those supported by the
old license, do as follows:
l You can change the license if additional types of equipment are supported by the new license and
if the additional equipment types are supported by the current T2000 version. You cannot change
the license if the additional equipment types are not supported by the current T2000 version.
l You can change the license if some types of equipment are no longer supported by the new license
and if no NEs are created on the T2000 for the unsupported equipment types. You cannot change
the license if NEs have been created on the T2000 for the unsupported equipment types.
l You cannot change the license if the new license supports different function items than the old license.
l When the new license supports a different number of clients than the old license, do as follows:
l You can change the license if the new license supports lesser number of clients than the old license
and if the number of the currently logged-in clients is lesser compared to the clients of the new
license. You cannot change the license if the currently logged-in clients are more than the number
of clients of the new license.
l You can change the license if the new license supports more clients than the old license.
For situations where you can change the license, you can also shut down the T2000 server, change the
license and then restart the server.

Step 1 Backup the original license from the T2000 server.

l If installed on Windows, create a folder backup in the default directory \T2000\server\license\, and
copy the license to the directory \T2000\server\license\backup.

Step 2 Delete the original license from the T2000 server, and copy the new license that is authorized
to the license directory of the T2000 server.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 License


l If installed on Windows, copy the license to the default directory\T2000\server\license\.

Step 3 Choose Help > About from the Main Menu. Click the License tab. Then, click Update. In the
Open dialog box displayed, select the new license file and click Open.
Step 4 If the license file is invalid, follow the procedure described as follows to check the correctness
of the license.
Check the correctness of the license on Windows.
1. Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt to start a command
terminal. Run the following command.
ipconfig /all

The screen displays:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast
Controller (3C905C-TX Compatible)
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 8:0:20:c4:8f:db
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

The characters that follow "Physical Address" is the MAC address of the network card.
2. Open the license file.
The screen displays:
SupportIPEndToEnd = 1
SupportWaveEndToEnd = 1
MAC = 8:0:20:c4:8f:db

License = A26F90385ACE5FD947F057C36786A4C5E33E1C854AB410

The characters that follow "MAC=" is the MAC address of the network card that
corresponds to the license. Check whether the two MAC addresses are the same or not. If
not, get the proper license file.
3. Check whether the network adapter is available or not.
l If not, the MAC address cannot be detected, and the license will be invalid. Check
whether there is any error during the transfer of the license.
l If yes, re-transfer the license file and store it in the C:\T2000\server\license directory.
Restart the T2000 to see whether it is valid.


E.5 How to Correctly Use a License

If the T2000 server is installed on Windows platform, the licenseXXXXXXX.txt file is installed
in the C:\T2000\server\license directory. After you restart the T2000 server program, the license
can be normally applied.

Do not modify the name, the content, or the format of the license file. Otherwise the license will be invalid.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential E-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
E Obtaining and Installing a T2000 License Software Installation Guide (Windows)

If the license file is invalid, follow the procedure described as follows to check the correctness
of the license.

l Check the correctness of the license on Windows.
1. Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt to start a command
terminal. Run the following command.
ipconfig /all

The screen displays:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast
Controller (3C905C-TX Compatible)
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 8-0-20-c4-8f-db
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

The characters that follow "Physical Address" is the MAC address of the network
2. Open the license file.
The screen displays:
SupportIPEndToEnd = 1
SupportWaveEndToEnd = 1
MAC = 8:0:20:c4:8f:db

License = A26F90385ACE5FD947F057C36786A4C5E33E1C854AB410

The characters that follow "MAC=" is the MAC address of the network card that
corresponds to the license. Check whether the two MAC addresses are the same or
not. If not, get the appropriate license file.
3. Check whether the network adapter is available or not.
– If not, the MAC address cannot be detected, and the license will be invalid. Check
whether there is any error during the transfer of the license.
– If yes, re-transfer the license file and store it in the C:\T2000\server\license
directory. Re-activate the T2000 to see whether it is valid.

E-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

F Network Management System Maintenance


This topic describes the working principle, functions, and features of the network management
system maintenance suite, the concepts of the subsystem and instances, and the method of
deploying a subsystem.

F.1 Overview
This chapter describes the system structure, features, functions and basic concepts of the network
management system maintenance suite.
F.2 User Interface
The network management system maintenance suite client uses graphical user interface. The
user interface consists of five areas, which are menu, shortcut icon, maintenance list status, log
bar, and system status.
F.3 Application Example
This example describes the application and configuration method of the network management
system maintenance suite.
F.4 System Management
This chapter describes the system management functions of the network management system
maintenance suite.
F.5 Deploying the T2000
This section describes how to deploy the T2000 through the network management system
maintenance suite client.
F.6 Configuring the Northbound Interface Instance
If the T2000 needs to be connected to the upper layer NMS, the northbound interfaces (NBIs)
must be configured. The common NBIs include CORBA, MML, and SNMP NBIs.
F.7 Collecting Fault Data
This section describes how to collect the log files of the network management system server,
network management system client, and network management system maintenance suite by
using the fault collection tool. This helps you to collect the fault data and locate the fault.
F.8 NMS Fault Diagnosis
When a fault occurs in the network management system maintenance suite or during routine
maintenance, the Maintenance Suite is used to check the network management system

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-1

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

maintenance suite system and to rectify the fault automatically. If the fault cannot be rectified
automatically, suggestions for manual processing are provided.
F.9 Collecting the network management system maintenance suite Server Files
If you need to obtain the relevant files (such alarm or performance dumping file, or log file) of
the network management system maintenance suite server, you can collect the files from the
server to the local computer by using the Maintenance Suite. You can open and view the files
by using a text editor, or send the files to the relevant personnel for problem location or

F-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

F.1 Overview
This chapter describes the system structure, features, functions and basic concepts of the network
management system maintenance suite.

F.1.1 Introduction to the Network Management System Maintenance Suite

This section briefly describes the usage, system structure, features and functions of the T2000
network management system maintenance suite.
F.1.2 Basic Concepts
This section describes certain basic concepts of the subsystem and instance.

F.1.1 Introduction to the Network Management System

Maintenance Suite
This section briefly describes the usage, system structure, features and functions of the T2000
network management system maintenance suite.

The network management system maintenance suite is a graphical system maintenance tool that
is developed for the OptiX iManager T2000 V200R007C03. It is mainly used to deploy the
instancesof the T2000 V200R007C03.

The NE Manager is divided into several independent NE Manager subsystems according to the
equipment type. For the detailed classification of NE Managers, see F.1.2 Basic Concepts. Each
independent NE Manager subsystem supports the multi-instance deployment.

System Structure
The network management system maintenance suite uses the Client/Server structure. The client
and server communicate with each other by using the TCP/IP protocol. The network
management system maintenance suite server receives a request from the client, completes the
specific task, and sends the result back to the client.

The relation between the network management system maintenance suite and the T2000 is as

l During the installation of the T2000 server, the client and server of the network management
system maintenance suite are automatically installed. During the installation of the
T2000 client, the network management system maintenance suite client is automatically
l Each network management system maintenance suite server can access a maximum of one
network management system maintenance suite client. Each network management system
maintenance suite client can connect to one network management system maintenance
suite server of the T2000 at the same time.

Features and Functions

After the T2000 is installed, use the network management system maintenance suite to deploy
the T2000. The main functions of the network management system maintenance suite include

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-3

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OptiX iManager T2000
F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

the system management, T2000 deployment, instance configuration of the northbound interface,
and collection of fault data.

System Management of the network management system maintenance suite

l Refresh the information of the NMS: Refreshes the deployment information about the
subsystem and the instance.
l Synchronize the information of the NMS: Synchronizes the deployment information on the
T2000 to the network management system maintenance suite client by using the network
management system maintenance suite.
l Back up the information of the NMS: This function is used to back up the configuration
files of the T2000 and network management system maintenance suite to the specified
directory of the network management system maintenance suite client. At the same time,
those configuration files are automatically backed up to the backup directory of the network
management system maintenance suite server. The T2000 information that is backed up
contains database backup files, system configuration files, and the deployment information
about the instances and subsystems.
l Restore the information of the NMS: Restores the database information and deployment
settings of the T2000 by importing the backup files. The system deploys instances based
on the backup information of the T2000. If the instances in the current system are not
consistent with the instances in the backup information, the inconsistent instances are
l Reload process list: In the case of the System Monitor client of the T2000, the statuses of
certain processes that are deployed by using network management system maintenance
suite are displayed improperly. You can re-load the process list to rectify the fault.
l Change password: To ensure the T2000 system security, immediately change the password
of the network management system maintenance suite after the T2000 server is installed.
In addition, you need to well keep the password.

T2000 Deployment
l Add instance: Creates an instance for the selected subsystem. Adding instances for the NE
Manager according to the server capacity can expand the management capacity of the
l Delete instance: Deletes the configuration files and database of an instance. You can delete
multiple instances at a time.
l Add instances in batches: You can add multiple instances in batches at a time.
l Deploy instances automatically. You can deploy instances based on the NE types that are
authorized in the license.
l Modify instance information: The network management system maintenance suite allows
you to modify the name and description of an instance for the NE management server
l Start instance: Starts the process of a T2000 server subsystem to enable the process to run
l Stop instance: Stops the process of a T2000 server subsystem.

Instance Configuration of the Northbound Interface

l Configure Instance for CORBA Interface: Deploys and configures an instance for the
CORBA interface.
l Configure Instance for SNMP Interface: Deploys and configures an instance for the SNMP

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

l Configure Instance for MML Interface: Deploys and configures an instance for the MML

Collect Data:
l Collect fault data: Collects the log files of the network management system maintenance
suite server, network management system maintenance suite client, and network
management system maintenance suite. The log files can be used when you collect the fault
data and locate the fault.
l NMS fault diagnosis: When a fault occurs in the network management system maintenance
suite or during routine maintenance, the Maintenance Suite is used to check the network
management system maintenance suite system and to rectify the fault automatically. If the
fault cannot be rectified automatically, suggestions for manual processing are provided.
l Download files: If you need to obtain the relevant files (such alarm or performance dumping
file, or log file) of the network management system maintenance suite server, you can
collect the files from the server to the local computer by using the Maintenance Suite. You
can open and view the files by using a text editor, or send the files to the relevant personnel
for problem location or troubleshooting.

F.1.2 Basic Concepts

This section describes certain basic concepts of the subsystem and instance.

Subsystem: A subsystem, logically consisting of a process or multiple processes, can realize a
certain function. The T2000 consists of multiple subsystems. Subsystems can be classified as

According to the number of instances supported, subsystems can be classified in to the single-
instance subsystem and multi-instance subsystem.

l Single-instance subsystem: Only an instance can be deployed in the entire T2000.

l Multi-instance subsystem: Multiple instances can be deployed in the entire T2000 at the
same time.

According to the functions, subsystems are classified into three types as follows: NE
management subsystem, End-to-end management Subsystem, and northbound interface

l NE management subsystem: This subsystem realizes the management at the equipment

layer. Different types of NEs are managed by corresponding the NE management server
subsystem. The NE management subsystem is the multi-instance, which supports the multi-
instance deployment. When the number of NEs exceeds the management capability, you
need to add a NE management subsystem by using the network management system
maintenance suite to expand the management capability of the system.

When you create an NE, the T2000 uses the corresponding algorithm to add the NE to an instance
according to the NE type. This can automatically realize load balance of management capacity. If an
NE Manager instance manages too many NEs and the response to some operations is relatively slow,
you can add an NE Manager instance of the same type, and moves some NEs to the new instance to
manage. For details, refer to descriptions of NE migration in the OptiX iManager T2000 Operation

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-5

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

l End-to-end management Subsystem: This subsystem realizes the management at the

network layer. The end-to-end management subsystem is a single-instance subsystem and
thus only an instance can be deployed.
l Northbound interface subsystem: This subsystem realizes the management of the interfaces
that the T2000 provides for the upper-layer NMS. The northbound interface subsystem is
a single-instance subsystem and thus only an instance can be deployed.
Table F-2 shows the classification of the T2000 subsystems in details.
For the dependency among the T2000 subsystems, see the section "T2000 Process" in the OptiX iManager
T2000 Administrator Guide.

Instance: An instance refers to the actual physical process that is generated after a subsystem is
deployed. After the instance of the subsystem is deployed and started, the T2000 has the function
of the subsystem. For example, after the instance of the SDH NE management process is enabled,
the T2000 can manage the SDH NEs.

F.2 User Interface

The network management system maintenance suite client uses graphical user interface. The
user interface consists of five areas, which are menu, shortcut icon, maintenance list status, log
bar, and system status.

Main Window
Figure F-1 shows the operation interface of the network management system maintenance suite

Figure F-1 User interface of the network management system maintenance suite client

F-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

User Interface Components

Component Description

Menu Chooses a menu to enter the user interface of

the corresponding function.

Shortcut icon Clicks the button to fast enter the

corresponding user interface. The button has
the same function as the corresponding menu.

Maintenance List Status l On the Instance tab, view the name,

running status, affiliated subsystem,
affiliated computer name, and database
name of each instance.
l On the Subsystem tab, view the name,
type, description, and number of instances
of each subsystem.
l On the Server tab, view the hostnames, IP
addresses, NMS status, and resource
usage of all servers.

Log Displays the log information during a task is


System Status Displays the network management system

maintenance suite version, monitoring status
of the slave server, and network management
system maintenance suite connection

You cannot perform an operation if the corresponding button is grayed out.

Button Name Function

Start Instance Starts the selected instance.

Stop Instance Stops the selected instance.

Add Instance Adds an instance to a


Delete Instance Deletes the selected instance.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-7

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Button Name Function

Config Instance Modifies the configuration

information of the
northbound interface
subsystem instance. Applies
to the configuration of only
the northbound interface

Modify Instance Info Modify the name and

description of an instance.
Applies to the modification
of the instance information of
only the NE management
server subsystem.

Refresh Instance Status Updates the instance status of

the sysmonitor client to the
network management system
maintenance suite client.

Batches Deploy Instances Adds multiple instances at

the same time.

Synchronize Deployment Synchronizes the

Information deployment information of
the client with that of the

Auto Deploy Instances Deploys automatically

according to the license

Change NE password Changes the login password

of the network management
system maintenance suite.

Logout Logs out of the network

management system
maintenance suite client.

F.3 Application Example

This example describes the application and configuration method of the network management
system maintenance suite.

F.3.1 Example of Deploying the T2000 Instance

The following describes the flow of deploying the T2000 instance and the configuration method.
The network management system maintenance suite is used to deploy the T2000 instance after
the T2000 is installed. The deployment mode is classified into automatic deployment and
customized deployment.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

F.3.2 Example of Configuring the Northbound Interface

If the T2000 needs to access the upper-level network management system, you need to enable
the corresponding northbound interface.
F.3.3 Example of Collecting the Data
This example describes how to collect the data and perform the fault diagnosis by using the
network management system maintenance suite.

F.3.1 Example of Deploying the T2000 Instance

The following describes the flow of deploying the T2000 instance and the configuration method.
The network management system maintenance suite is used to deploy the T2000 instance after
the T2000 is installed. The deployment mode is classified into automatic deployment and
customized deployment.
Deploy the T2000 according to the configuration flowchart as shown in Figure F-2.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-9

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Figure F-2 Deploying the T2000 Instance



Deploy the network

management system

The license of the
network management system
has been installed.


The number of
No Deploy the network management
equipment defined in the license
must be the same as the number system in the customized mode
of actual equipment.


Confirm the instance for deployment

Deploy the network
management system
Log in to the client of the network
management system maintenance
Log in to the client of the network
management system maintenance
Deploy instances in batches

Deploy the instance automatically

F-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

Table F-1 Deploying the T2000 Instance

Operation Remarks

F.4.1 Logging in to the Network After you log in to the network management
Management System Maintenance Suite system maintenance suite client, you can
Client maintain the T2000 by using the network
management system maintenance suite,
including deploying the T2000, configuring
the instance of the northbound interface, and
collecting the fault data.

F.5.2 Deploying an Instance Automatically The network management system

maintenance suite deploys the instance
according to the NE type that is defined in the
license. The instance is automatically
deployed, which facilitates the deployment of
the T2000.

Confirming the Instances for Deployment The Table F-2 lists the equipment or services
managed by each subsystem. Confirm the
subsystems for deployment according to the
actual equipment or services managed by the

Batch Deploy Instances This operation helps you to add multiple

instances at a time, which facilitates the
instance deployment.


l In the case of managing the subsystem instances on a per-NE basis, the number of managed NEs is
2000. Affected by the management capability of the entire network, the number of NEs managed by
all the instances cannot exceed 15000.
l In the case of managing the subsystem on a per-NE basis, multiple instances can be deployed to enhance
the management efficiency of the subsystem. Usually, a single instance is sufficient for the T2000 to
manage the equipment. Only when the amount of the equipment for management is close to the
management capability of the subsystem (less than or equal to 500), multiple instances can be deployed
to enhance the management efficiency of the subsystem. For example, the management capability of
one SDH NE management process subsystem is 2000 equivalent NEs. If you need to manage 1700
equivalent NEs, the difference of 2000 and 1700 is 300, which is less than 500. In this case, two
instances can be deployed to enhance the management efficiency of the subsystem.
l In the case of the end-to-end management and the northbound interface subsystem, only one instance
can be deployed for each subsystem.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-11

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Table F-2 Confirming the instances for deployment

Subsystem Subsystem Managed Equipment or Services Management
Type Capability

NE SDH NE OptiX 155/622 (Metro 2050), OptiX 2000

Managemen management Metro 100, OptiX Metro 200, OptiX equivalent NEs
t Subsystem process Metro 500, OptiX 155/622H (Metro or instances
1000), OptiX Metro 1000V3, OptiX
Metro 1050, OptiX OSN 2000, OptiX
Metro 1100, OptiX 2500+ (Metro
3000), OptiX Metro 3100, OptiX 10G
MADM, OptiX OSN 500, OptiX OSN
1500, OptiX OSN 2500, OptiX 2500
REG, OptiX OSN 3500, OptiX OSN
7500, OptiX OSN 9500, OptiX 155C,
OptiX 155622S, OptiX 2500, OptiX
2500REG, OptiX 155/622B-I, and
OptiX 155/622B-II


management OptiX BWS OIS, OptiX BWS equivalent NEs
process 320GV3, OptiX BWS1600G, OptiX or instances
BWS 1600G OLA, OptiX Metro 6020,
OptiX Metro 6040, OptiX Metro
6040V2, OptiX Metro 6100, OptiX
Metro 6100V1, and OptiX Metro

NGWDM NE OptiX OSN 3800, OptiX OSN 6800, 2000

management and OptiX OSN 8800 I equivalent NEs
process or instances

RTN NE OptiX RTN 610, OptiX RTN 620, 2000

management OptiX RTN 605, OptiX RTN 910, and equivalent NEs
process OptiX RTN 950 or instances

PTN NE OptiX PTN 1900, OptiX PTN 3900, 2000

management OptiX PTN 912, OptiX PTN 910, and equivalent NEs
process OptiX PTN 950 or instances

Extended NE OSN900A and OptiX OTU40000 2000

management equivalent NEs
process or instances

Marine NE OptiX BWS 1600S, OptiX SLM 1630 2000

explorer equivalent NEs
or instances

End-to-end End-to-end All the end-to-end services N/A

managemen common
t Subsystem management

F-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

Subsystem Subsystem Managed Equipment or Services Management

Type Capability

End-to-end SDH End-to-end SDH services N/A


End-to-end OTN End-to-end WDM services N/A


End-to-end ETH End-to-end Ethernet services N/A


End-to-end PTN End-to-end PTN services N/A






Northbound CORBA Northbound CORBA interfaces N/A

interface northbound
Subsystem interface process

SNMP Northbound SNMP interfaces N/A

interface process

MML MML interfaces N/A


F.3.2 Example of Configuring the Northbound Interface

If the T2000 needs to access the upper-level network management system, you need to enable
the corresponding northbound interface.
Configure the northbound interface according to Figure F-3.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-13

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Figure F-3 Example of configuring the northbound interface



Configure the instance of the Configure the instance of the Configure the instance of the
CORBA interface SNMP interface MML interface

Log in to the client of the Log in to the client of the Log in to the client of the
network management system network management system network management system
maintenance suite maintenance suite maintenance suite

Configure the instance of the Configure the instance of the Configure the instance of the
CORBA northbound interface SNMP northbound interface MML northbound interface

Table F-3 Configuring the northbound interface

Operation Remarks

F.4.1 Logging in to the Network After you log in to the network management
Management System Maintenance Suite system maintenance suite client, you can
Client maintain the T2000 through the network
management system maintenance suite. The
maintenance includes T2000 deployment,
northbound interface instance configuration,
and fault data collection.

F.6.1 Configuring the CORBA Interface The T2000 CORBA interface connects an
Instance (Optional) element management system to a network
management system.

F.6.2 Enabling the SNMP Interface Using the SNMP interface, the T2000can
(Optional) connect to the upper layer NMS from the
operator and other vendors.

F.6.3 Enabling the MML Interface To connect the T2000 to the T2100, you must
(Optional) enable the MML interface.

F.3.3 Example of Collecting the Data

This example describes how to collect the data and perform the fault diagnosis by using the
network management system maintenance suite.

When the network management system is faulty, to locate the fault quickly, you can collect the
data and perform the fault diagnosis based on Table F-4 according to the requirements.

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Table F-4 Collecting the data

Operation Remarks

F.4.1 Logging in to the After you log in to the network management system
Network Management maintenance suite client, you can maintain the T2000 by
System Maintenance Suite using the network management system maintenance suite,
Client including deploying the T2000, configuring the instance of
the northbound interface, and collecting the fault data.

F.7 Collecting Fault Data Collect the log files of the network management system
server, network management system client, and network
management system maintenance suite by using the fault
collection tool. This helps you to collect the fault data and
locate the fault. In the case of the data that needs to be
collected, see Table F-5.

F.8 NMS Fault Diagnosis When a fault occurs in the network management system
maintenance suite or during routine maintenance, the
Maintenance Suite is used to check the network management
system maintenance suite system and to rectify the fault
automatically. If the fault cannot be rectified automatically,
suggestions for manual processing are provided.

F.9 Collecting the network If you need to obtain the relevant files (such alarm or
management system performance dumping file, or log file) of the network
maintenance suite Server management system maintenance suite server, you can
Files collect the files from the server to the local computer by using
the Maintenance Suite. You can open and view the files by
using a text editor, or send the files to the relevant personnel
for problem location or troubleshooting.

Table F-5 Fault data

Fault Data Type Fault Data Name

Client data Client log, client patch, client configuration

file, and server time

Server data Server log, log of the network management

system maintenance suite, server patch, server
time, database log, database operation log,
server configuration file, operating system log,
CORBA configuration file, operating system
version, and configuration file of the network

Other data MO backup data, database backup data, and

deadlock data.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-15

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OptiX iManager T2000
F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

F.4 System Management

This chapter describes the system management functions of the network management system
maintenance suite.

F.4.1 Logging in to the Network Management System Maintenance Suite Client

After you log in to the network management system maintenance suite client, you can maintain
the T2000 through the network management system maintenance suite. The maintenance
includes T2000 deployment, northbound interface instance configuration, and fault data
F.4.2 Refreshing the Information of the Network Management System
The information that is displayed on the user interface of the network management system
maintenance suite is automatically refreshed every 15 seconds, instead of being refreshed in real
time. You can manually refresh the T2000 information immediately, such as T2000 status,
instance enable status, CPU usage, and memory usage.
F.4.3 Synchronizing the Information of Network Management System
You can synchronize the information of the network management system maintenance suite
with the information on the T2000 server, which contains current deployment information of
the subsystems and instances on the T2000 server.
F.4.4 Backing Up the Data of the Network Management System
This function is used to back up the configuration files of the T2000 and network management
system maintenance suite to the specified directory of the network management system
maintenance suite client. At the same time, those configuration files are automatically backed
up to the backup directory of the network management system maintenance suite server. The
T2000 information that is backed up contains database backup files, system configuration files,
and the deployment information about the instances and subsystems. After the deployment is
complete and before a new deployment is started, it is recommended that you back up the data
of the T2000. This prevents the data loss of the T2000 caused by misoperations of instances.
F.4.5 Restoring the Data of the Network Management System
You can restore the T2000 deployment settings and database information by using the backup
of the T2000 information.
F.4.6 Changing the Password of the Network Management System Maintenance Suite
To ensure the T2000 system security, after the T2000 server is installed, you need to immediately
change the password of the network management system maintenance suite and remember the
new password.
F.4.7 Exiting the Network Management System Maintenance Suite Client
After the deployment is complete, you need to exit the network management system maintenance
suite client.

F.4.1 Logging in to the Network Management System Maintenance

Suite Client
After you log in to the network management system maintenance suite client, you can maintain
the T2000 through the network management system maintenance suite. The maintenance
includes T2000 deployment, northbound interface instance configuration, and fault data

F-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client can communicate with the
network management system maintenance suite server normally.

Normally, when the operating system is started, the network management system maintenance suite server
is started automatically along. You can also manually start the network management system maintenance
suite server by running the following commands on the server:
l On Windows, run the following command in the DOS window:
> net start msserver

Step 1 On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the MSuite icon,
the Login dialog box is displayed.

On Solairs, the network management system maintenance suite client starting file is /opt/HWMSuite/
client/bin/msclient. On Windows, the file is %MSUITE%\client\bin\msclient.bat.

Step 2 Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server.

l Each network management system maintenance suite server can access a maximum of one network
management system maintenance suite client.
l The IP Address is the Host IP Address of T2000 server.
l The default communication port between the network management system maintenance suite client
and server is TCP 50000.

Step 3 Enter the password of the network management system maintenance suite. The initial password
Step 4 Click OK. Successfully log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is changed,
during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically detects the
changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance suite to update
the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment operation,
if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation resumes the
next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.


F.4.2 Refreshing the Information of the Network Management

The information that is displayed on the user interface of the network management system
maintenance suite is automatically refreshed every 15 seconds, instead of being refreshed in real
time. You can manually refresh the T2000 information immediately, such as T2000 status,
instance enable status, CPU usage, and memory usage.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-17

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OptiX iManager T2000
F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

l The T2000 server must be normally started.
l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client and server communicate with
each other normally.

Step 1 In the network management system maintenance suite client, choose System > Refresh the

Information of the NMS. You can also click the shortcut icon to refresh the information.


F.4.3 Synchronizing the Information of Network Management

You can synchronize the information of the network management system maintenance suite
with the information on the T2000 server, which contains current deployment information of
the subsystems and instances on the T2000 server.

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client and server can communicate
with each other normally.
l The database must be in the running state.

Step 1 On the network management system maintenance suite client, choose System > Synchronize
the Information of the NMS. The Synchronize Data dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click OK. The progress bar of data synchronization is displayed. Wait until a message is
displayed indicating that data synchronization is complete.

Step 3 Click OK. The deployment is successfully synchronized.


F.4.4 Backing Up the Data of the Network Management System

This function is used to back up the configuration files of the T2000 and network management
system maintenance suite to the specified directory of the network management system
maintenance suite client. At the same time, those configuration files are automatically backed
up to the backup directory of the network management system maintenance suite server. The
T2000 information that is backed up contains database backup files, system configuration files,
and the deployment information about the instances and subsystems. After the deployment is
complete and before a new deployment is started, it is recommended that you back up the data
of the T2000. This prevents the data loss of the T2000 caused by misoperations of instances.

F-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client can communicate with the
network management system maintenance suite server normally.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.

1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 In the network management system maintenance suite client, choose System > Backup the
NMS Information.

Step 3 The Backup the NMS Information dialog box is displayed. Set the backup directory.

l On Windows, the default backup package path %MSUITE%\client\backup.

l If you select to back up the database, the database must be started.

Step 4 Click OK. A message is displayed indicating that the backup package is successfully exported.

Step 5 Click OK.


F.4.5 Restoring the Data of the Network Management System

You can restore the T2000 deployment settings and database information by using the backup
of the T2000 information.

l The T2000 server must be closed normally.
l The database must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

l The network management system maintenance suite client can communicate with the
network management system maintenance suite server normally.
l You have backed up the data of the network management system.

l The system deploys instances based on the backup information of the T2000. If the
instances in the current system are not consistent with the instances in the backup
information, the inconsistent instances are deleted.
l If the current T2000 version and operating system type are inconsistent with those in the
backup data, the database cannot be restored.
l If the backup files of the database are not contained in the backup data, or the Restore
database option is not selected, the database cannot be restored.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.

1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 In the network management system maintenance suite client, choose System > Restore the
NMS Information. A message Restore the NMS Information is displayed.

Step 3 Click OK.

The Restore the NMS Information dialog box is displayed.

l On Windows, the default backup package path is %MSUITE%\client\backup.

l If you select Restore from server, you can use the backup information that is saved on the server for

Step 4 Select a backup directory and click OK. The import progress bar is displayed.

Step 5 Click OK.


F-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

F.4.6 Changing the Password of the Network Management System

Maintenance Suite
To ensure the T2000 system security, after the T2000 server is installed, you need to immediately
change the password of the network management system maintenance suite and remember the
new password.

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client can communicate with the
network management system maintenance suite server normally.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.

1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 In the network management system maintenance suite client, choose System > Change
Password. The Confirm dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click OK. The Change Password dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Enter the old password.


The default password is MSUITE.

Step 5 Enter the new password.

Step 6 Re-enter the new password.

Step 7 Click OK. The password is changed.


Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-21

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

F.4.7 Exiting the Network Management System Maintenance

Suite Client
After the deployment is complete, you need to exit the network management system maintenance
suite client.

Step 1 In the network management system maintenance suite client, choose System > Exit. The Exit
dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click OK to exit the network management system maintenance suite client.


F.5 Deploying the T2000

This section describes how to deploy the T2000 through the network management system
maintenance suite client.

F.5.1 Adding the Instance

When you install the T2000, the network management system maintenance suite deploys an
instance for each selected NE Manager by default. When the number of the NEs of a certain
series is beyond the management capacity of an NE Manager, you need to add new NE Manager
instances to expand the management capacity of the system by using the network management
system maintenance suite.
F.5.2 Deploying an Instance Automatically
The network management system maintenance suiteclient deploys the instances according to
the NE type authorized by the license file. Deploying the instance automatically facilitates the
deployment of the T2000.
F.5.3 Modifying the Instance Information
Modifying the instance information contains modifying the name and remarks of the instance.
F.5.4 Starting the Instance
This section describes how to start an instance. This operation changes the status of the instance
from Stopped to Started.
F.5.5 Stopping an Instance
This section describes how to stop an instance. This operation changes the status of the instance
from Started to Stopped.
F.5.6 Deleting an Instance
This section describes how to delete an instance that is not in use. This enhances the efficiency
of running the network management system.

F.5.1 Adding the Instance

When you install the T2000, the network management system maintenance suite deploys an
instance for each selected NE Manager by default. When the number of the NEs of a certain
series is beyond the management capacity of an NE Manager, you need to add new NE Manager
instances to expand the management capacity of the system by using the network management
system maintenance suite.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l Database Server Process is in the Running state.
l The network management system maintenance suite client can communicate with the
network management system maintenance suite server normally.
l The subsystem to which the instance is added must be installed. If the subsystem is not
installed, you can install the subsystem by updating subsystems.


l If you add a single instance, the subsystem name must be consistent with the instance name.
l In the case of a failure of adding an instance because of accidental errors, if the network communication
between the server and client of the network management system maintenance suite is normal, the
client of the network management system maintenance suite automatically restores the deployment
information of the T2000 to the status before adding the instance. However, if the network
communication is interrupted, you need to log in to the client of the network management system
maintenance suite again and perform the rest operations after the network recovers.
l This section is applicable to the NE management system subsystem and end-to-end management
subsystem. If you need to add the northbound interface instance, navigate to the NBI menu to add and
configure the instance. For details, refer to F.6 Configuring the Northbound Interface Instance.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 In the T2000 network management system maintenance suite, choose Deploy > Add
Instance from the Main Menu. The Add Instance dialog box is displayed.

The NE management server subsystem and the network management server subsystem support adding
instances in batches. In the T2000 network management system maintenance suite, choose Deploy > Batch
Deploy Instances from the Main Menu. Use this function when you need to deploy several instances at
the same time.

Step 3 Choose the subsystem type and server, and set the name of the instance that you want to add.
Click OK.

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

You can determine the instances to be deployed according to the equipment and services that the network
management system needs to manage with reference to F.3.1 Example of Deploying the T2000

Step 4 Click OK. Wait. The The instance is successfully added dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Click OK. The instance is successfully added.


Follow-up Procedure

If the T2000 server is started, in the case of all subsystems except the NE management subsystem, after
instances are added, you need to restart relevant processes on the System Monitor client according to the
prompts on the network management system maintenance suite client.

F.5.2 Deploying an Instance Automatically

The network management system maintenance suiteclient deploys the instances according to
the NE type authorized by the license file. Deploying the instance automatically facilitates the
deployment of the T2000.

l The T2000 license file must be obtained, and the license file is copied to the license directory
in the T2000 installation directory.

l If the T2000 server is installed on Windows, copy the license file to the server\license directory
in the T2000 directory. By default, it is C:\T2000\server\license.
l Only one license file exists in the installation directory. If a new license file is obtained, the earlier
license file must be deleted.
l The subsystem to which the instance is added must be installed. If the subsystem is not
installed, you can install the subsystem by updating subsystems.

A subsystem is supported in the license but is not installed. In this case, the subsystem is installed
automatically after you deploy the instance by using license.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 In the network management system maintenance suite client, choose Deploy > Auto Deploy
Instances. The Auto Deploy Instances dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Select a license and click OK. A message The instance to deploy have been computed. Please
confirm the instances is displayed.
Step 4 Click OK and the Batch Deploy Instances dialog box is displayed.
The network management system maintenance suite automatically calculates the instances to be added
according to the T2000 license file. You can also deploy the instances as required.

Step 5 Click OK and a message The instances are successfully added is displayed.
Step 6 Click OK.


F.5.3 Modifying the Instance Information

Modifying the instance information contains modifying the name and remarks of the instance.

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l Database Service Process must be Enabled.
l The network management system maintenance suite client and server can communicate
with each other normally.
l The subsystem of the NE Manager must be deployed.


Only the instance information of the subsystem of the NE Manager can be modified.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 On the network management system maintenance suite client, select the instance whose
information you want to modify.

Step 3 Choose Deploy > Modify Instance Info from the Main Menu, and the Modify Instance Info
dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Enter the name and remarks of the new instance.

Step 5 Click OK and wait until the prompt is displayed indicating that the instance information is
successfully modified.

Step 6 Click OK.


F.5.4 Starting the Instance

This section describes how to start an instance. This operation changes the status of the instance
from Stopped to Started.

l The T2000 server must be normally started.
l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client can communicate with the
network management system maintenance suite server normally.
l The status of the instance must be Stopped.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.

1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 In the network management system maintenance suite client, click the Instance tab.
Step 3 Right-click the instance that you want to start and choose Start Instance from the shortcut menu.
The Start Instance dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Click OK. A dialog box is displayed indicating that the instance is successfully started.
Step 5 Click OK.


F.5.5 Stopping an Instance

This section describes how to stop an instance. This operation changes the status of the instance
from Started to Stopped.

l The T2000 server must be normally started.
l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client can communicate with the
network management system maintenance suite server normally.
l The status of the instance must be Started.


When you stop the instance of an NE Manager, the NE managed by the instance is out of

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 In the network management system maintenance suite client, click the Instance tab.

Step 3 Right-click the instance that you want to stop and choose Stop Instance from the shortcut menu.
The Stop Instance dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK, wait. A dialog box is displayed indicating that the instance is successfully stopped.

Step 5 Click OK.


F.5.6 Deleting an Instance

This section describes how to delete an instance that is not in use. This enhances the efficiency
of running the network management system.

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The database must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client can communicate with the
network management system maintenance suite server normally.
l Ensure that the instance you want to delete is stopped and the status is Stopped.
l Ensure that the instance you want to delete has no NE and trail. (You can view the NE
deployment information by choosing System > NE Deploy Management from the Main
Menu of the T2000 client.
l You need to export the backup package and back up the T2000 MO data before deleting
an instance.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

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Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 In the network management system maintenance suite client, click Instance tab.
Step 3 Right-click the instance that you want to delete and choose Delete Instance from the shortcut
menu. The Delete Instance dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Click OK. A reconfirmation dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Click OK to start deleting the instance.
Step 6 Wait. The The instance is successfully deleted dialog box is displayed indicating that the
instance is successfully deleted. Click OK.

When you delete an instance, the network management system maintenance suite automatically checks the
status of the instance. If the status of the instance is Started, a prompt is displayed asking you whether you
want to continue. If you select Yes, the system closes the instance automatically and then delete it.


F.6 Configuring the Northbound Interface Instance

If the T2000 needs to be connected to the upper layer NMS, the northbound interfaces (NBIs)
must be configured. The common NBIs include CORBA, MML, and SNMP NBIs.

F.6.1 Configuring the CORBA Interface Instance (Optional)

TheT2000 CORBA interface connects an NE management system to a network management
system. By adopting CORBA technology, the T2000 does not only connect to the cross-vendor
integrated NMS of the carrier, but also play a crucial role in the cross-field NMS.
F.6.2 Enabling the SNMP Interface (Optional)
Using the SNMP interface, the T2000can connect to the upper layer NMS from the operator and
other vendors.
F.6.3 Enabling the MML Interface (Optional)
To connect the T2000 to the T2100, you must enable the MML interface.

F.6.1 Configuring the CORBA Interface Instance (Optional)

TheT2000 CORBA interface connects an NE management system to a network management
system. By adopting CORBA technology, the T2000 does not only connect to the cross-vendor
integrated NMS of the carrier, but also play a crucial role in the cross-field NMS.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-29

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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

l The T2000 license file includes the CORBA item, and the CORBA item
SupportCorbaIFBase is set to 1. If you purchase advanced function, set the CORBA item
SupportCorbaIFAdv to 1.
l The T2000 license file contains the license control items of CORBA users, such as
"MaxCorbaUserNum = N". N indicates the maximum of CORBA users that are accessed.
l The database has been started.

Step 1 To Configure the CORBA Interface Instance, refer to OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound
CORBA Interface User Guide.


F.6.2 Enabling the SNMP Interface (Optional)

Using the SNMP interface, the T2000can connect to the upper layer NMS from the operator and
other vendors.

l The T2000 license supports the SNMP interface. That is, the TT2000 license file contains
the SNMP item and SupportSnmpIF is set to 1.
l The database has been started.

The detailed procedure of enabling the SNMP Interface Instance, refer to section OptiX iManager T2000
Northbound SNMP Interface User Guide.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

F-30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

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OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 On the network management system maintenance suite client, choose NBI > Configure the
SNMP interface instance. The Configure the SNMP interface instance dialog box is
Step 3 Click the Basic Configuration tab to perform the basic configuration of SNMP instance.

The basic configuration is the important process for the SNMP interface configuration. The basic
configuration contains three aspects and you can set the basic attributes in each subview.

l Basic Project: You can set the IP address and port of the host that transmits trap packets,
the IP address and port of the host that receives the requests delivered from an upper-layer
NMS (the SNMP agent receives the requests from this host), and the supported SNMP
l Community Info: You can determine whether to set the parameters of this option according
to the actual situation. If you set the group information, the parameters of each option in the
preceding figure have two statuses: (editable) and (read-only). You can click Add to
add the group information. Currently, the system supports up to ten sets of group information.
l VB Project: VB indicates a binding variable. After receiving requests from the upper-level
network management system, the SNMP agent specifies the information to be reported
according to the specific user settings. If you set this option, the system displays the
corresponding information when receiving an alarm. The VB variable is classified into 16
Step 4 Click the Advanced Configuration tab to perform the advanced configuration of SNMP

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-31

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Select the configuration item on the left and perform the advanced configuration. You can also
use the default settings and skip this configuration. You can configure the following parameters:
l Third-party NM
l v3 Para Settings
l Notification settings
l Other Settings

After configuring the parameters, click OK. The progress bar for instance configuration is

Step 5 Click OK.


F.6.3 Enabling the MML Interface (Optional)

To connect the T2000 to the T2100, you must enable the MML interface.

The database has been started.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.

F-32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 On the network management system maintenance suite client, choose NBI > Configure the
MML interface instance. The Add Instance dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click OK. The process bar of adding the instance is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK. The instance configuration of the MML northbound interface is complete.


Follow-up Procedure
Restart related instances according the prompt.

F.7 Collecting Fault Data

This section describes how to collect the log files of the network management system server,
network management system client, and network management system maintenance suite by
using the fault collection tool. This helps you to collect the fault data and locate the fault.

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The database service process must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client and server can communicate
with each other normally.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.

1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-33

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 Choose Collect > Collect Fault Data from the Main Menu. The Collect Fault Data dialog box
is displayed.

Step 3 In the Collect Fault Data dialog box, configure the type of the data to be collected according
to the requirements.
If you collect the data of the client, you need to select the directory where the data of the client is saved.

Step 4 Click OK.


l If you collect the data of the client, wait until the prompt that Collecting completed is displayed. Then,
click Close. The data is saved in the data save directory.
l If you collect the data of the server or other data, wait until the prompt that Collecting completed,
downLoad fault data? is displayed. Then, you can choose whether to save the collected fault data to
the data save directory . If click Yes, The prompt that The file is successfully downloaded is displayed
and the data is saved in the data save directory. If click No, The data is saved in the temporary
directory /T2000/server/dataCollect, instead of the data save directory.


F.8 NMS Fault Diagnosis

When a fault occurs in the network management system maintenance suite or during routine
maintenance, the Maintenance Suite is used to check the network management system
maintenance suite system and to rectify the fault automatically. If the fault cannot be rectified
automatically, suggestions for manual processing are provided.

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The database service process must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client and server can communicate
with each other normally.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.

F-34 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) F Network Management System Maintenance Suite

The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 Choose Collect > NMS Fault Diagnosis from the Main Menu. The NMS Fault Diagnosis
dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Select the items to check and click Start to begin automatic fault diagnosis. After the operation
is complete, a message is displayed indicating whether to display the diagnosis result.

Step 4 Click OK to display the diagnosis result. Click Save as to save the diagnosis result as an HTML


F.9 Collecting the network management system

maintenance suite Server Files
If you need to obtain the relevant files (such alarm or performance dumping file, or log file) of
the network management system maintenance suite server, you can collect the files from the
server to the local computer by using the Maintenance Suite. You can open and view the files
by using a text editor, or send the files to the relevant personnel for problem location or

l The network management system maintenance suite server must be started.
l The database service process must be started.
l The network management system maintenance suite client and server can communicate
with each other normally.

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client as user root.
1. On the desktop of the computer that the T2000 client locates in, double-click the shortcut
icon MSuite, and the Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and the
login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
The initial password is MSUITE.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-35

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
F Network Management System Maintenance Suite Software Installation Guide (Windows)


l If the host name or IP address of the operating system where the T2000 server is installed is
changed, during login the network management system maintenance suite client automatically
detects the changed host name or IP address. Use the network management system maintenance
suite to update the host name or IP address in the configuration file of the T2000 server.
l When the network management system maintenance suite client is performing a deployment
operation, if the operation is disrupted due to a network or system failure, the interrupted operation
resumes the next time when you log in to the network management system maintenance suite

Step 2 Choose Collect > Download Files from the Main Menu. The Download Files dialog box is
Step 3 Specify the directory and server to save the files, select the directory or files on the server to be
collected, and then click OK to collect the server files.

Set Filter Criteria to quickly search for the required files. The wildcard (? or *) is supported for query.
For example, when you enter *.log, you can search out all the files with the .log suffix. Fuzzy query is not

Step 4 When a message is displayed, click OK. You can view the collected files in the file save location.


F-36 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) G Service Ports Description

G Service Ports Description

This topic describes related precautions, service ports of the T2000, and how to query the service

G.1 Background
This section describes the service ports used by the T2000.
G.2 Notes and Precautions
In the practical communication process, the source (the server) and the sink (the client) use
relevant ports. Usually you only need to specify the source port, and the sink port is dynamically
G.3 Service Ports Used by the T2000
This section describes service ports of the system.
G.4 How to Query Service Ports
This section describes how to query the service ports.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
G Service Ports Description Software Installation Guide (Windows)

G.1 Background
This section describes the service ports used by the T2000.

To ensure the network security, you can take measures on the customer's network. The following
are the two cases that affect the network security:

l Security filtering settings such as routers or firewalls are configured in the network
environment where the T2000 runs. When carrying out the project, make sure that the
service ports used by the T2000 are not filtered out according to the security settings.
l Some service ports providing system services are closed to prevent network or virus attacks.
Note that the service ports used by the T2000 should not be closed. Otherwise, the
T2000 does not run properly.

G.2 Notes and Precautions

In the practical communication process, the source (the server) and the sink (the client) use
relevant ports. Usually you only need to specify the source port, and the sink port is dynamically

Note the following during the project implementation:

l The service ports used by the NMS should not be closed.

l If there are routers or firewalls between the source and the sink, check all ports used by the
source and the sink. Make sure that these ports can be normally turned up to support the
communication between the source and sink.

G.3 Service Ports Used by the T2000

This section describes service ports of the system.

Service Service Port/ Direction Function Remarks

Name Protocol (Server

T2000 server 9800/TCP IN Listens the If there are

access of routers or
T2000 client. firewalls between
the client and the
server, check
whether the
service port is

T2000 server 9803/TCP IN Listens the If you log in to the

(SSL) access of server using SSL
T2000 client mode, you need
using SSL to check whether
mode. the service port is

G-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) G Service Ports Description

Service Service Port/ Direction Function Remarks

Name Protocol (Server

Gateway NE 1400/TCP OUT Listens the If there are

access of routers or
T2000 or firewalls between
command the T2000 and the
lines. gateway NE,
check whether
the service port is

Gateway NE 1500/UDP OUT The port is If there are

used for routers or
automatic firewalls between
device the T2000 and the
discovery. It gateway NE,
listens the check whether
automatic the service port is
device filtered.
discovery of
the T2000.

NE 11000 to 11050/ IN The port that If the NE

Management TCP the NE management
Process management process and the
process opens Web LCT are
to the access deployed on
of the Web different
LCT. computers and
there are routers
or firewalls
between the
computers, check
whether the
service port is

NE 11051 to 11100/ IN The port that If the NE

Management TCP the NE management
Process (SSL) management process and the
process opens Web LCT are
to the access deployed on
of the Web different
LCT and the computers and
port supports there are routers
the SSL. or firewalls
between the
computers, check
whether the
service port is

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
G Service Ports Description Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Service Service Port/ Direction Function Remarks

Name Protocol (Server

WEB LCT 11000 to 11050/ OUT The port that If the NE

Server TCP the Web LCT management
uses to process and the
connect to the Web LCT are
NE deployed on
management different
process. computers and
there are routers
or firewalls
between the
computers, check
whether the
service port is

WEB LCT 11051 to 11100/ OUT The port that If the NE

Server (SSL) TCP the Web LCT management
uses to process and the
connect to the Web LCT are
NE deployed on
management different
process computers and
through the there are routers
SSL protocol. or firewalls
between the
computers, check
whether the
service port is

T2000 server 35600 to 35654/ IN & OUT The port is If there are
UDP used for routers or
automatic firewalls between
device the T2000 and the
discovery. It gateway NE,
listens the check whether
automatic the service port is
device filtered.
discovery of
the T2000.

G-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) G Service Ports Description

Service Service Port/ Direction Function Remarks

Name Protocol (Server

T2000 server 15000/TCP IN Listens the If there are

MML routers or
interface firewalls between
access of the the T2000 server
upper NMS. It and the upper
is NMS, check
unconfigurabl whether the
e. service port is

T2000 server 15001/TCP IN Listens to the If routers or

(SSL) MML firewalls exists in
interface the network
access of the between the
SSL protocol T2000 server and
of the upper upper NMS,
NMS. check whether
the server port is

T2000 12001/TCP IN Listens the If there are

CORBA access of the routers or
naming upper NMS firewalls between
service CORBA. The the T2000 server
port is not and the upper
open if NMS, check
CORBA is whether the
not started. service port is

T2000 12002/TCP IN Listens the If there are

CORBA access of the routers or
notification upper NMS firewalls between
service CORBA. The the T2000 server
port is not and the upper
open if NMS, check
CORBA is whether the
not started. service port is

T2000 12003/TCP IN Listens the If there are

CORBA access of the routers or
Agent upper NMS firewalls between
CORBA. The the T2000 server
port is not and the upper
open if NMS, check
CORBA is whether the
not started. service port is

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
G Service Ports Description Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Service Service Port/ Direction Function Remarks

Name Protocol (Server

T2000 22001/TCP IN Listens the If there are

CORBA access of the routers or
naming upper NMS firewalls between
service (SSL) CORBA the T2000 server
using SSL and the upper
mode. The NMS, check
port is not whether the
open if service port is
CORBA is filtered.
not started.

T2000 22002/TCP IN Listens the If there are

CORBA access of the routers or
notification upper NMS firewalls between
service (SSL) CORBA the T2000 server
using SSL and the upper
mode. The NMS, check
port is not whether the
open if service port is
CORBA is filtered.
not started.

T2000 22003/TCP IN Listens the If there are

CORBA access of the routers or
Agent (SSL) upper NMS firewalls between
CORBA the T2000 server
using SSL and the upper
mode. The NMS, check
port is not whether the
open if service port is
CORBA is filtered.
not started.

T2000 22/TCP IN Listens to the If routers or

CORBA CORBA firewalls exists in
access of the the network
FTP protocol between the
of the upper T2000 server and
NMS in the upper NMS,
SSL or SSJ check whether
mode. The the server port is
port is not filtered.
open if the
not started.

G-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) G Service Ports Description

Service Service Port/ Direction Function Remarks

Name Protocol (Server

SNMP 9812/UDP IN Listens to the If routers or

SNMP access firewalls exists in
of the upper the network
NMS. The between the
port is not T2000 server and
open if the upper NMS,
northbound check whether
SNMP is not the server port is
started. filtered.

Sybase 5100/TCP IN Listens the Database ports

dataserver access of are unfixed, and
application are specified
database during T2000
(UNIX). installation.
Query the port in
use through the
dsedit command
as user sybase.

Sybase 5200/TCP IN Listens the Database ports

backupserver access of are unfixed, and
application are specified
database during T2000
(UNIX). installation.
Query the port in
use through the
dsedit command
as user sybase.

SQL Server 1433/TCP IN Listens the If there are

2000 access of routers or
application firewalls between
database. the application
and the database
server, check
whether the
service port is

Syslog 514/UDP, 601/ OUT This port is If there are

TCP used for routers or
Syslog firewalls between
Service. the application
and the T2000
server, check
whether the
service port is

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
G Service Ports Description Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Service Service Port/ Direction Function Remarks

Name Protocol (Server

Toolkit Server 8999/TCP, 9000/ IN Listens the If there are

TCP access of routers or
Toolkit client. firewalls between
the application
and the T2000
server, check
whether the
service port is

iPASS 9815/TCP IN This port is If there are

used for routers or
iPASS. firewalls between
the application
and the T2000
server, check
whether the
service port is

Sound Tool 28149/TCP IN This port is -

used for
playing the
alarm alert.

WebLCT/cau 8090 IN & OUT Service port If a firewall exists

of webserver, between the
used to client and the
process the server, you need
http request. to check whether
the service port is
filtered. This port
needs to be
enabled when the
client is installed
through a web

WebLCT 8250/TCP IN & OUT Monitors the Monitors the

client of the requests sent by
WebLCT. the Web
application and
check whether
the WebLCT
process is

G-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) G Service Ports Description

Service Service Port/ Direction Function Remarks

Name Protocol (Server

tomcatserver 8019 IN & OUT Management If a firewall

port of exists, you need
tomcat. to check whether
the service port is

tomcatserver 8015 IN & OUT Management If a firewall

port of exists, you need
tomcat. to check whether
the service port is

tomcatserver 10443 IN & OUT Accepts https -


msserver 50000/TCP IN & OUT Service port If a firewall

of the network exists, you need
management to check whether
system the service port is
maintenance filtered.

msserver 50001/TCP IN & OUT Port of the If a firewall

network exists, you need
management to check whether
system the service port is
maintenance filtered.
suite for

G.4 How to Query Service Ports

This section describes how to query the service ports.

Step 1 Log in Solaris as user root.
Step 2 Run the following command to view the system service ports:
# netstat -an

Step 3 Log in to the operating system as the user with the administrator authority, for example,
Step 4 Choose Start > Run. The Run window is displayed.
Step 5 Enter cmd, and click OK. Thr cmd.exe dialog box is displayed.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
G Service Ports Description Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Step 6 Run the following command to view the system service ports:
>netstat -an


G-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External Systems

H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External


This topic describes how to forward alarms to an external system by using email or short

H.1 Forwarding Alarms to Email Automatically

You can set parameters for alarm notifications so that when an alarm is generated, the T2000
automatically sends the alarm information to the email box of the engineer concerned. In this
way, the engineer can know the network running status at any time.
H.2 Installing Wireless Modem
The wireless modem should be installed on the server.
H.3 Commissioning Wireless Modem
Power on the modem. Then initialize the modem in Windows.
H.4 Forwarding Alarm to Mobile Phone Automatically
You can set parameters for alarm notification so that when an alarm is generated, the T2000
automatically sends the alarm information to the mobile phone of the engineer concerned,
through a wireless modem or SMS gateway. In this way, the engineer can learn the network
running status at any time.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External Systems Software Installation Guide (Windows)

H.1 Forwarding Alarms to Email Automatically

You can set parameters for alarm notifications so that when an alarm is generated, the T2000
automatically sends the alarm information to the email box of the engineer concerned. In this
way, the engineer can know the network running status at any time.

l You must be an NM user with the "NE operator" authority or higher.
l You must be an NM user with "NM monitor" authority or higher.

l You can set to forward alarms to an email box, a mobile phone, or both.
l You can also set to forward alarms to several email boxes or mobile phones.

Step 1 Choose Fault > Settings > Remote Notification from the Main Menu.

Step 2 In the Remote Notification window, click New to add a new alarm notification.

Step 3 Set the Remote Notification Condition and select an alarm for which you want to set remote

l The conditions in the Basic Settings and Alarm Source tabs work together. That is, an alarm can be
forwarded only when it meets the conditions specified in the Basic Settings and Alarm Source tabs.
l In the Basic Settings tab, the Alarm name, Severity, and Type also work together.

Step 4 Set parameters including the Email, Time Zone, and Remark.

l You can set a mobile phone number, so that the alarm is also forwarded to the mobile phone.
l If you want to forward the alarm to several email boxes, separate email addresses by ;.

Step 5 Click Communication Settings to set the communication parameters of remote notification,
and click OK.

After setting, click Test and select the test email address to check whether the communication is normal.

Step 6 Optional: Click Delay Settings to set the delay time of remote notification as required. This
avoids irrelevant alarm notification information.

Step 7 Click Apply.


H.2 Installing Wireless Modem

The wireless modem should be installed on the server.

H-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External Systems


l To use the SIM card, disable the PIN checking function of the card.
l Disable the PIN checking through the PIN setting function provided by the mobiles. The
interface for setting PIN varies with different mobiles. For details on how to disable the PIN
checking, see the related documents delivered with the mobiles. You can also use the
console to send at to the SIM card. This will help you to disable the PIN checking function
of the SIM card.
l For how to use the console, see H.3 Commissioning Wireless Modem. Suppose that the
PIN of a SIM card is 1234. Then you need to use the console to send two commands AT
+CPIN=1234 AT+CLCK="SC",0,1234. The first command is to submit PIN to the SIM
card and pass the PIN checking of the card. The second one is to disable the PIN checking
of the card. If an error is return after you send the second command, send the second command
again one minute later.

If the COM port of the workstation or PC is a socket or DB-25 pin, they cannot get connected with the
COM port cable of the modem. You need to use a converter.

Step 1 Insert the SIM card properly according to the guide to the wireless modem.
Step 2 Fix the DB-9 plug of the COM port cable to the modem, and use the DB-9 socket to connect the
COM port of the workstation or PC.
Step 3 Have the DC power cable comes with the modem connected to the power supply. For details,
see the user manual of the modem.


H.3 Commissioning Wireless Modem

Power on the modem. Then initialize the modem in Windows.

Step 1 In Windows, choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications >
The Connection Description dialog box appears as shown in Figure H-1.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External Systems Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Figure H-1 Connection description

Step 2 Set the connection information of the COM port as shown in Figure H-2.

Figure H-2 Connect To

Step 3 Set the COM port properties as shown in Figure H-3.

H-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External Systems

Figure H-3 COM1 Properties

Step 4 Dial a number to check if the dial-up is normal as shown in Figure H-4. If the dial-up is normal,
OK is returned.

Figure H-4 HyperTermianl interface

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
H Setting Alarm Forwarding to External Systems Software Installation Guide (Windows)


H.4 Forwarding Alarm to Mobile Phone Automatically

You can set parameters for alarm notification so that when an alarm is generated, the T2000
automatically sends the alarm information to the mobile phone of the engineer concerned,
through a wireless modem or SMS gateway. In this way, the engineer can learn the network
running status at any time.

l You must be an NM user with the "NE operator" authority or higher.
l You must be an NM user with "NM monitor" authority or higher.

l You can set to forward alarms to an email box, a mobile phone, or both.
l You can also set to forward alarms to several mobile phones.

Step 1 Choose Fault > Settings > Remote Notification from the Main Menu.

Step 2 In the Remote Notification window, click New to add a new alarm notification.

Step 3 Set the Remote Notification Condition and select an alarm for which you want to set remote

l The conditions in the Basic Settings and Alarm Source tabs work together. That is, an alarm can be
forwarded only when it meets the conditions specified in the Basic Settings and Alarm Source tabs.
l In the Basic Settings tab, the Alarm name, Severity, and Type also work together.

Step 4 Set parameters including the Mobile Phone, Time Zone, and Remarks.

l You can set the email address, so that the alarm is forwarded to the email box.
l If you want to forward the alarm to several mobile phones, separate the phone numbers by ;.

Step 5 Click Communication Settings to set the communication parameters of remote notification,
and click OK.

After setting, click Test and select the test mobile phone to check whether the communication is normal.

Step 6 Click Delay Settings to set the delay time of remote notification as required. This avoids
irrelevant alarm notification information.

Step 7 Click Apply.


H-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) I Timeslot Numbering Policy

I Timeslot Numbering Policy

There are two modes for numbering VC12 timeslots in a VC4: numbering mode and interleaved
The numbering mode is recommended in ITU-T G.707. Figure I-1 shows the numbering mode.

Figure I-1 Numbering mode (ITU-T G.707)

The calculation formula for VC12 numbering by order is as follows: VC12 number = K + (L -
1) * 3 + (M - 1) * 21.
The interleaved mode is used for optimizing the VC3 trails. Figure I-2 shows the interleaved

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential I-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
I Timeslot Numbering Policy Software Installation Guide (Windows)

Figure I-2 Interleaved mode

The calculation formula for VC12 numbering in the interleaved mode is as follows: VC12
number = (K - 1) * 21 + (L - 1) * 3 + M.

I-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) J Glossary

J Glossary

Disk mirroring It is a process where data is duplicated at the same time to two hard
disks or two partitions of a hard disk through the same channel. If the
primary disk is faulty, the secondary disk takes over the data. The disk
mirroring does not take effect if the channel is faulty because there is
only one channel.

E2E management It is used to implement the management for networks.


High availability It is important for network maintenance and network protection.

Instance It is an actual physical process created after the subsystem deployment.

When the instance of a subsystem is deployed and started, the T2000
can implement the functions of the subsystem.

Master server It is a server on which core processes and database services of the
T2000 are installed and deployed.

Multi-instance It is a subsystem for which multiple instances can be deployed in the

subsystem entire network management system. Generally, the NE management
server is a multi-instance subsystem. If the bearer capability of the
server permits, the management capability of the subsystem can be
enhanced when instances are deployed for the NE management server
according to the network scale.

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential J-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
J Glossary Software Installation Guide (Windows)

NE management It is used to manage NEs. Different types of subsystems manage the

subsystem corresponding types of NEs.

Network It is a GUI-based instance management tool developed based on the

management system new architecture of Huawei OptiX iManager T2000, which is mainly
maintenance suite used for instance deployment, NBI configuration, and fault collection.

Single-instance It is a subsystem for which only one instance can be deployed in the
subsystem entire network management system.

Slave server It is a server that is mounted to the master server in the distributed
mode and is used for balancing the load of the master server.

Slave server It is not protected by the slave protection server. When the slave server
(unprotected state) is faulty, in the case of a HA system, the site is automatically switched
to another site. Otherwise, the monitoring of the processes of the slave
server is interrupted.

Slave server It is protected by the slave protection server. When the slave server is
(protected state) faulty, the processes can be automatically switched to the slave
protection server.

Slave server It is a slave server in the switching state. In the switching state, the
(switching state) processes are running on the slave protection server.

Subsystem Logically, it is a system that consists of one or more processes and can
implement a certain function. The T2000 consists of multiple
subsystems. The subsystems can be classified into three types
according to the function implementation: NE management
subsystem, network management subsystem, and northbound interface

J-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 05 (2011-02-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX iManager T2000
Software Installation Guide (Windows) K Acronyms and Abbreviations

K Acronyms and Abbreviations

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture

ECC Embedded Control Channel

EMS Element Management System

ID Identity

IP Internet Protocol

IPMP IP Network Multipathing

LCT Local Craft Terminal

MO Managed Object

NE Network Element

NM Network Management

NTP Network Time Protocol

SQL Structured Query Language

USM-E Universal Server Manager-Embedded

Issue 05 (2011-02-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential K-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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