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1. A solid piece of tungsten melts into liquid without a change in temperature.

Which of the
following is correct for the molecules in the liquid phase compared with the molecules in the
solid phase?

Kinetic energy Potential energy

A. same greater
B. same same
C. greater greater
D. greater same
(Total 1 mark)

2. What is the mass of carbon-12 that contains the same number of atoms as 14 g of silicon-28?

A. 6g

B. 12 g

C. 14 g

D. 24 g
(Total 1 mark)
3. A heater of constant power heats a liquid of mass m and specific heat capacity c. The graph
below shows how the temperature of the liquid varies with time.

The gradient of the graph is k and no energy is lost to the surroundings. What is the power of
the heater?

A. kmc



(Total 1 mark)
4. This question is about mechanics and thermal physics.

The graph shows the variation with time t of the speed v of a ball of mass 0.50 kg, that has been
released from rest above the Earth’s surface.

The force of air resistance is not negligible. Assume that the acceleration of free fall is
g = 9.81 m s–2.

(a) State, without any calculations, how the graph could be used to determine the distance



(b) (i) In the space below, draw and label arrows to represent the forces on the ball at
2.0 s.

(ii) Use the graph opposite to show that the acceleration of the ball at 2.0 s is
approximately 4 m s–2.





(iii) Calculate the magnitude of the force of air resistance on the ball at 2.0 s.





(iv) State and explain whether the air resistance on the ball at t = 5.0 s is smaller than,
equal to or greater than the air resistance at t = 2.0 s.




(c) After 10 s the ball has fallen 190 m.

(i) Show that the sum of the potential and kinetic energies of the ball has decreased by
780 J.







(ii) The specific heat capacity of the ball is 480 J kg–1 K–1. Estimate the increase in the
temperature of the ball.





(iii) State an assumption made in the estimate in (c)(ii).


(Total 14 marks)
5. This question is about mechanics and thermal physics.

The graph shows the variation with time t of the speed v of a ball of mass 0.50 kg, that has been
released from rest above the Earth’s surface.

The force of air resistance is not negligible. Assume that the acceleration of free fall is
g = 9.81 m s–2.

(a) State, without any calculations, how the graph could be used to determine the distance



(b) (i) In the space below, draw and label arrows to represent the forces on the ball at
2.0 s.

(ii) Use the graph opposite to show that the acceleration of the ball at 2.0 s is
approximately 4 m s–2.





(iii) Calculate the magnitude of the force of air resistance on the ball at 2.0 s.





(iv) State and explain whether the air resistance on the ball at t = 5.0 s is smaller than,
equal to or greater than the air resistance at t = 2.0 s.




(c) After 10 s the ball has fallen 190 m.

(i) Show that the sum of the potential and kinetic energies of the ball has decreased by
780 J.







(ii) The specific heat capacity of the ball is 480 J kg–1 K–1. Estimate the increase in the
temperature of the ball.





(iii) State an assumption made in the estimate in (c)(ii).


(Total 14 marks)
6. The energy of the molecules of an ideal gas is

A. thermal only.

B. thermal and potential.

C. potential and kinetic.

D. kinetic only.
(Total 1 mark)

7. Oil with volume V has specific heat capacity c at temperature T. The density of oil is ρ.
Which of the following is the thermal capacity of the oil?

A. ρcV


C. ρcVT

(Total 1 mark)

8. The volume of an ideal gas in a container is increased at constant temperature. Which of the
following statements is/are correct about the molecules of the gas?

I. Their speed remains constant.

II. The frequency of collisions of molecules with unit area of the container wall

III. The force between them decreases.

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. I and III only

D. II and III only

(Total 1 mark)
9. This question is about internal energy and thermal energy (heat).

(a) Distinguish between internal energy and thermal energy.






(b) Describe, with reference to the energy of the molecules, the difference in internal energy
of a piece of iron and the internal energy of an ideal gas.





(c) A piece of iron is placed in a kiln until it reaches the temperature θ of the kiln. The iron
is then quickly transferred to water held in a thermally insulated container. The water is
stirred until it reaches a steady temperature. The following data are available.

Thermal capacity of the piece of iron = 60 J K–1

Thermal capacity of the water = 2.0 × 103 J K–1
Initial temperature of the water = 16 °C
Final temperature of the water = 45 °C

The thermal capacity of the container and insulation is negligible.

(i) State an expression, in terms of θ and the above data, for the energy transfer of the
iron in cooling from the temperature of the kiln to the final temperature of the

(ii) Calculate the increase in internal energy of the water as the iron cools in the water.



(iii) Use your answers to (c)(i) and (c)(ii) to determine θ.



(Total 9 marks)

10. This question is about internal energy and thermal energy (heat).

(a) Distinguish between internal energy and thermal energy.






(b) A piece of iron is placed in a kiln until it reaches the temperature θ of the kiln. The iron
is then quickly transferred to water held in a thermally insulated container. The water is
stirred until it reaches a steady temperature. The following data are available.

Thermal capacity of the piece of iron = 60 J K–1

Thermal capacity of the water = 2.0 × 103 J K–1
Initial temperature of the water = 16 °C
Final temperature of the water = 45 °C

The thermal capacity of the container and insulation is negligible.

(i) State an expression, in terms of θ and the above data, for the energy transfer of the
iron in cooling from the temperature of the kiln to the final temperature of the


(ii) Calculate the increase in internal energy of the water as the iron cools in the water.



(iii) Use your answers to (b)(i) and (b)(ii) to determine θ.



(Total 7 marks)

11. Two objects are in thermal contact with each other. Which of the following will determine the
direction of the transfer of thermal energy between the bodies?

A. The mass of each body

B. The area of contact between the bodies

C. The specific heat capacity of each body

D. The temperature of each body

(Total 1 mark)
12. The mole is defined as

A. the mass of an atom of the isotope carbon-12.

B. the amount of a substance that contains as many elementary entities as the number of
atoms in 12 g of the isotope carbon-12.

C. the mass of one atom of the isotope carbon-12.

D. the amount of a substance that contains as many nuclei as the number of nuclei in 12 g of
the isotope carbon-12.
(Total 1 mark)

13. A gas is contained in a cylinder by a piston.

The gas is compressed rapidly by moving the piston in the direction shown. The best
explanation for the resulting increase in temperature of the gas is that the molecules of the gas
gain kinetic energy

A. from the moving piston.

B. by colliding more frequently with each other.

C. by being pushed closer together.

D. by colliding more frequently with the walls of the cylinder.

(Total 1 mark)

14. This question is about solar heating panels.

(a) State the energy change that takes place in a solar panel.


(b) A village consists of 120 houses. It is proposed that solar panels be used to provide hot
water to the houses.

The following data are available.

average power needed per house to heat water = 3.0 kW

average surface solar intensity = 650 W m–2
efficiency of energy conversion of a solar panel = 18 %

Calculate the minimum surface area of the solar panels required to provide the total
power for water heating.







(c) Suggest two disadvantages of using solar power to provide energy for heating water.

1: ..................................................................................................................................


2: ..................................................................................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

15. This question is about heating a liquid.

(a) Suggest why, in terms of the molecular model, the energy associated with melting is less
than that associated with boiling.



(b) Milk in a cup is heated to boiling point by passing steam through it. Whilst cooling
subsequently, some milk evaporates.

(i) Distinguish between evaporation and boiling.







(ii) The cup contains 0.30 kg of milk at an initial temperature of 18 °C. Estimate the
minimum mass of steam at 100 °C that is required to heat the milk to 80 °C.

Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 2.3 × 106 J kg–1

Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1 K–1
Specific heat capacity of milk = 3800 J kg–1 K–1







(iii) State two reasons, other than evaporation, why the answer to (b)(ii) is likely to be
different from the actual mass of condensed steam.

1: .......................................................................................................................


2: .......................................................................................................................

(Total 10 marks)

16. Water at a temperature of 0 °C is kept in a thermally insulated container. A lump of ice, also at
0 °C, is placed in the water and completely submerged.

Which of the following is true in respect of both the net amount of ice that will melt and the
change in temperature of the water?

Net amount of ice Change in

that melts temperature of water
A. all will melt no change
B. some will melt decrease
C. none will melt no change
D. all will melt decrease
(Total 1 mark)
17. This question is about solar heating panels.

(a) A village consists of 120 houses. It is proposed that solar panels be used to provide hot
water to the houses.

The following data are available.

average power needed per house to heat water = 3.0 kW

average surface solar intensity = 650 W m–2
efficiency of energy conversion of a solar panel = 18 %

Calculate the minimum surface area of the solar panels required to provide the total
power for water heating.







(b) Suggest two disadvantages of using solar power to provide energy for heating water.

1: ..................................................................................................................................


2: ..................................................................................................................................

(Total 5 marks)
18. A box that is at rest with respect to horizontal ground contains a fixed quantity of an ideal gas.
The internal energy of the gas is U and its temperature is T. The box is now made to move at
constant speed with respect to the ground. Which of the following gives the change, if any, in
the internal energy and the temperature of the gas after the box has been moving for some time?

Internal energy Temperature

A. no change no change
B. no change increase
C. increase no change
D. increase increase
(Total 1 mark)

19. Object P has a mass mP and specific heat capacity cP. Object Q has a mass mQ and specific heat
capacity cQ. The temperature of each object increases by the same amount. Which of the
following gives the ratio

thermal energy transferred to object P

thermal energy transferred to object Q

mP cQ
mQ c P

mP c P
mQ c Q

mQ cQ
mP cP

mQ c P
mP cQ
(Total 1 mark)
20. For two objects to be in thermal equilibrium they must

A. be in contact with each other.

B. radiate equal amounts of power.

C. have the same thermal capacity.

D. be at the same temperature.

(Total 1 mark)

21. This question is about change of phase of a liquid and latent heat of vaporization.

(a) State the difference between evaporation and boiling with reference to

(i) temperature.




(ii) surface area of a liquid.



(b) A liquid in a calorimeter is heated at its boiling point for a measured period of time.
The following data are available.

Power rating of heater = 15 W

Time for which liquid is heated at boiling point = 4.5 × 102 s
Mass of liquid boiled away = 1.8 × 10–2 kg

Use the data to determine the specific latent heat of vaporization of the liquid.






(c) State and explain one reason why the calculation in (b) will give a value of the specific
latent heat of vaporization of the liquid that is greater than the true value.




(Total 7 marks)

22. This question is about change of phase of a liquid and latent heat of vaporization.

(a) State the difference between evaporation and boiling with reference to

(i) temperature.



(ii) surface area of a liquid.




(b) A liquid in a calorimeter is heated at its boiling point for a measured period of time.
The following data are available.

Power rating of heater = 15 W

Time for which liquid is heated at boiling point = 4.5 × 102 s
Mass of liquid boiled away = 1.8 × 10–2 kg

Use the data to determine the specific latent heat of vaporization of the liquid.






(c) State and explain one reason why the calculation in (b) will give a value of the specific
latent heat of vaporization of the liquid that is greater than the true value.




(Total 7 marks)
23. A system consists of an ice cube placed in a cup of water. The system is thermally insulated
from its surroundings. The water is originally at 20 °C. Which graph best shows the variation of
total internal energy U of the system with time t?

(Total 1 mark)
24. Thermal energy is added at a constant rate to a substance which is solid at time t = 0. The graph
shows the variation with t of the temperature T.

Which of the statements are correct?

I. The specific latent heat of fusion is greater than the specific latent heat of

II. The specific heat capacity of the solid is less than the specific heat capacity of the

A. I only

B. I and II

C. II only

D. Neither I nor II
(Total 1 mark)

25. Which of the following is an assumption made in the kinetic model of ideal gases?

A. Molecules have zero mass.

B. Forces between molecules are attractive.

C. Collisions between molecules are elastic.

D. Molecules move at high speed.

(Total 1 mark)
26. This question is about fuel for heating.

(a) Define the energy density of a fuel.



(b) A room heater burns liquid fuel and the following data are available.

Density of liquid fuel = 8.0 × 102 kg m–3

Energy produced by 1 m3 of liquid fuel = 2.7 × 1010 J
Rate at which fuel is consumed = 0.13 g s–1
Latent heat of vaporization of the fuel = 290 kJ kg–1

(i) Use the data to calculate the power output of the room heater, ignoring the power
required to convert the liquid fuel into a gas.






(ii) Show why, in your calculation in (b)(i), the power required to convert the liquid
fuel into a gas at its boiling point can be ignored.




(c) State, in terms of molecular structure and their motion, two differences between a liquid
and a gas.

1. ..................................................................................................................................


2. ..................................................................................................................................

(Total 8 marks)

27. An ice cube and an iceberg are both at a temperature of 0 °C. Which of the following is a
correct comparison of the average random kinetic energy and the total kinetic energy of the
molecules of the ice cube and the iceberg?

Average random kinetic energy Total kinetic energy

A. same same
B. same different
C. different same
D. different different
(Total 1 mark)

28. This question is about fuel for heating.

(a) Define the energy density of a fuel.


(b) A room heater burns liquid fuel and the following data are available.

Density of liquid fuel = 8.0 × 102 kg m–3

Energy produced by 1 m3 of liquid fuel = 2.7 × 1010 J
Rate at which fuel is consumed = 0.13 g s–1
Temperature at which air enters heater = 12 °C
Temperature at which air leaves heater = 32 °C
Specific heat capacity of air = 990 J kg–1 K–1

(i) Use the data to calculate the power output of the room heater, ignoring the power
required to convert the liquid fuel into a gas.






(ii) All the energy output of the room heater raises the temperature of the air moving
through it. Use the data to calculate the mass of air that moves through the room
heater in one second.





(Total 7 marks)
29. A temperature of 23 K is equivalent to a temperature of

A. –300 °C.

B. –250 °C.

C. +250 °C.

D. +300 °C.
(Total 1 mark)

30. The ratio

thermal capacity of a sample of copper

specific heat capacity of copper

A. does not have any unit.

B. has unit J kg–1 K–1.

C. has unit J kg–1.

D. has unit kg.

(Total 1 mark)

31. In the kinetic model of an ideal gas, it is assumed that

A. the forces between the molecules of the gas and the container are always zero.

B. the intermolecular potential energy of the molecules of the gas is constant.

C. the kinetic energy of a given molecule of the gas is constant.

D. the momentum of a given molecule of the gas is constant.

(Total 1 mark)
32. This question is about internal energy, heat and ideal gases.

(a) The internal energy of a piece of copper is increased by heating.

(i) Explain what is meant, in this context, by internal energy and heating.

Internal energy: .................................................................................................



Heating: ............................................................................................................



(ii) The piece of copper has mass 0.25 kg. The increase in internal energy of the
copper is 1.2 × 103 J and its increase in temperature is 20 K. Estimate the specific
heat capacity of copper.





(b) An ideal gas is kept in a cylinder by a piston that is free to move. The gas is heated such
that its internal energy increases and the pressure remains constant. Use the molecular
model of ideal gases to explain

(i) the increase in internal energy.


(ii) how the pressure remains constant.





(Total 9 marks)

33. This question is about internal energy, heat and ideal gases.

(a) The internal energy of a piece of copper is increased by heating.

(i) Explain what is meant, in this context, by internal energy and heating.

Internal energy: ................................................................................................



Heating: ............................................................................................................



(ii) The piece of copper has mass 0.25 kg. The increase in internal energy of the
copper is 1.2 × 103 J and its increase in temperature is 20 K. Estimate the specific
heat capacity of copper.




(b) One mole of an ideal gas is heated at constant pressure. The increase in temperature of
the gas is 30.0 K. The energy transferred to the gas is 623 J and the work done is 249 J.


(i) the change in internal energy of the gas.






(ii) the thermal capacity of the gas.





(c) Another mole of the same gas is heated at constant volume starting from the same state as
that in (b). Suggest whether the thermal capacity in this case is equal to, greater than or
less than the answer in b(ii).





(Total 13 marks)
34. This question is about energy transfers.

(a) Energy degradation takes place in the energy transformations which occur in the
generation of electrical power. Explain what is meant in this context by energy





Some of the energy transformations that take place in a coal-fired power station are represented
by the Sankey diagram below.

(b) (i) State what is represented by the width w.


(ii) At the three places marked A, B and C on the diagram, energy is degraded.
Identify the process by which the energy is degraded in each of the places.

A: ......................................................................................................................


B: ......................................................................................................................


C: ......................................................................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

35. Two objects near each other are at the same temperature. Which of the following statements
has to be true?

A. The objects have the same internal energy.

B. The objects have the same thermal capacity.

C. No thermal energy is exchanged between the objects.

D. The net thermal energy exchanged between the objects is zero.

(Total 1 mark)

36. The temperature of an ideal gas is a measure of the molecules’ average

A. velocity.

B. momentum.

C. kinetic energy.

D. frequency of collisions.
(Total 1 mark)
37. The temperature of an ideal gas is a measure of the molecules’ average

A. velocity.

B. momentum.

C. kinetic energy.

D. frequency of collisions.
(Total 1 mark)

38. In the table below, which row shows the correct conversion between the Kelvin and Celsius
temperature scales?

Kelvin temperature / K Celsius temperature / °C

A. 0 373
B. 100 –173
C. 173 100
D. 373 –100
(Total 1 mark)

39. Carbon has a relative atomic mass of 12 and oxygen has a relative atomic mass of 16. A sample
of 6 g of carbon has twice as many atoms as

A. 32 g of oxygen.

B. 8 g of oxygen.

C. 4 g of oxygen.

D. 3 g of oxygen.
(Total 1 mark)
40. Tanya heats 100 g of a liquid with an electric heater which has a constant power output of 60
W. After 100 s the rise in temperature is 40 K. The specific heat capacity of the liquid in J kg –1
K–1 is calculated from which of the following?

60  100
0.1 40

60 0.1

0.1 40

(Total 1 mark)

41. This question is about thermal energy transfer.

(a) A piece of copper is held in a flame until it reaches thermal equilibrium. The time it takes
to reach thermal equilibrium will depend on the thermal capacity of the piece of copper.

(i) Define thermal capacity.



(ii) Outline what is meant by thermal equilibrium in this context.



(b) The piece of copper is transferred quickly to a plastic cup containing water. The thermal
capacity of the cup is negligible. The following data are available.

Mass of copper = 0.12 kg

Mass of water = 0.45 kg
Rise in temperature of water = 30 K
Final temperature of copper = 308 K
Specific heat capacity of copper = 390 J kg K –1
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg K–1

(i) Use the data to calculate the temperature of the flame.






(ii) Explain whether the temperature of the flame is likely to be greater or less than
your answer to (b)(i).



(Total 7 marks)

42. This question is about thermal energy transfer.

(a) A piece of copper is held in a flame until it reaches thermal equilibrium. The time it takes
to reach thermal equilibrium will depend on the thermal capacity of the piece of copper.

(i) Define thermal capacity.


(ii) Outline what is meant by thermal equilibrium in this context.




(b) The piece of copper is transferred quickly to a plastic cup containing water. The thermal
capacity of the cup is negligible. The following data are available.

Mass of copper = 0.12 kg

Mass of water = 0.45 kg
Rise in temperature of water = 30 K
Final temperature of copper = 308 K
Specific heat capacity of copper = 390 J kg K –1
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg K–1

(i) Use the data to calculate the temperature of the flame.






(ii) Explain whether the temperature of the flame is likely to be greater or less than
your answer to (b)(i).



(Total 7 marks)
43. The internal energy of a solid substance is equal to the

A. average kinetic energy of the molecules.

B. total kinetic energy of the molecules.

C. total potential energy of the molecules.

D. total potential and total kinetic energy of the molecules.

(Total 1 mark)

44. A gas is contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston as shown below.

When the gas is compressed rapidly by the piston its temperature rises because the molecules
of the gas

A. are squeezed closer together.

B. collide with each other more frequently.

C. collide with the walls of the container more frequently.

D. gain energy from the moving piston.

(Total 1 mark)
45. The specific heat capacity c of a solid block of mass m is determined by heating the block and
measuring its temperature. The graph below shows the variation of the temperature T of the
block with the thermal energy Q transferred to the block.

The gradient of the line is equal to

A. .

B. .

C. mc.

D. .
(Total 1 mark)

46. Specific heat and a domestic shower

(a) Define specific heat capacity.



(b) Equal masses of two different solid substances A and B are at the same temperature. The
specific heat capacity of substance A is greater than the specific heat capacity of
substance B. The two substances now have their temperatures raised by the same amount.

Explain which substance will have the greater increase in internal energy assuming both
remain in the solid phase.






(c) The diagram below shows part of the heating circuit of a domestic shower.

Cold water enters the shower unit and flows over an insulated heating element. The
heating element is rated at 7.2 kW, 240 V. The water enters at a temperature of 14 °C and
leaves at a temperature of 40 °C. The specific heat capacity of water is
4.2  103 J kg–1 K–1.

(i) Estimate the flow rate of the water.






(ii) Suggest one reason why your answer to (c)(i) is only an estimate.


(Total 8 marks)

47. The internal energy of a solid substance is equal to the

A. average kinetic energy of the molecules.

B. total kinetic energy of the molecules.

C. total potential energy of the molecules.

D. total potential and total kinetic energy of the molecules.

(Total 1 mark)

48. A gas is contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston as shown below.

When the gas is compressed rapidly by the piston its temperature rises because the molecules
of the gas

A. are squeezed closer together.

B. collide with each other more frequently.

C. collide with the walls of the container more frequently.

D. gain energy from the moving piston.

(Total 1 mark)
49. Domestic shower

(a) The diagram below shows part of the heating circuit of a domestic shower.

Cold water enters the shower unit and flows over an insulated heating element. The
heating element is rated at 7.2 kW, 240 V. The water enters at a temperature of 14 °C and
leaves at a temperature of 40 °C. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2  103 J kg–1

(i) Define specific heat capacity.




(ii) Estimate the flow rate of the water.






(iii) Suggest two reasons why your answer to (a)(ii) is only an estimate.

1. ...............................................................................................................


2. ...............................................................................................................


(iv) Calculate the current in the heating element when the element is operating at 7.2




(v) Explain why, when the shower unit is switched on, the initial current in the heating
element is greater than the current calculated in (a)(iv).



(b) In some countries, shower units are operated from a 110 V supply. A heating element
operating with a 240 V supply has resistance R240 and an element operating from a 110 V
supply has resistance R110.

Show that for heating elements to have identical power outputs

 0.21.








(Total 14 marks)

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