HW Intro To Control

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HW 1
 Due Jan 31 by 11:59pm

 Points 40

 Submitting a file upload

 File Types pdf

Note: For all your MATLAB work in this class, you need to "publish" your work to a
PDF file to submit.  The default output file type is HTML. This can be done in on the
MATLAB's "Publish" tab (at the top) and selecting the drop-down menu just below
the Publish button. Select Edit Publishing Options... to change the output file
format. Also note where the output file will be located.
Q1 -- Using MATLAB, create a SINGLE plot showing the effect on the error for the
closed-loop cruise control example shown in Lecture 1 for controller gains of
K=1/10, 1, 10, and 100 as the disturbance, w, varies from a 0-degree to a 5-degree
grade. The reference input, r, is 65 mph. Make use of the MATLAB functions:
linspace, plot, xlim, ylim, xlabel, ylabel, title, legend. What conclusions can you make
about the system error as K is varied? 
Q2 -- Work out, in detail, the transfer function for the two-mass system shown in
the textbook, Example 2.2 as shown in Lecture 2. Start with equations (2.8) and
(2.9) and get these differential equations into matrix form as shown on page 32.
Note there is a book error where the matrix form has [...][X(s);Y(s)] + [...]R(s). Here,
that "+" sign should be an equal sign. As suggested in the text, use Cramer's Rule to
solve for Y(s)/R(s). You answer should match that given in the example.
Q3 -- Given the transfer function result in Example 2.2, using the numerical values
for m1, m2, ks, kw, and b, plot the step response and pole/zero locations of this
transfer function using the MATLAB functions "step" and "pzmap," respectively. To
get help on how to use these functions, at the MATLAB command window you can
type "doc step" or "doc pzmap".  
Q4 -- Repeat the above problem Q3 but change the viscous drag coefficient, b,
from 9800 N sec/m to 2800 N sec/m. For both cases (b=9800 N sec/m and 2800 N
sec/m) find the settling time (seconds) and where the peak response is located
(peak value and time). This can be found in the step response plot by "right-clicking"
within the figure, then selecting Characteristics. Then answer, what is the effect of
a smaller viscous drag coefficient?

HW 1

HW 1

Criteria Ratings Pts

criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts
linked to a s 10.0 pt
Learning Mostly Minor Attempted, but Did not s
Correct correct errors incorrect attempt

criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts
linked to a s 10.0 pt
Learning Mostly Minor Attempted, but Did not s
Correct correct errors incorrect attempt

criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts
linked to a s 10.0 pt
Learning Mostly Minor Attempted, but Did not s
Correct correct errors incorrect attempt
HW 1

Criteria Ratings Pts

criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts
linked to a s 10.0 pt
Learning Mostly Minor Attempted, but Did not s
Correct correct errors incorrect attempt

Total Points: 40.0
HW 2
 Due Feb 7 by 11:59pm

 Points 100

 Submitting a file upload

 File Types pdf

Q1 (10 pts) -- Derive the Transfer Function Vout/Vin for Example 2.9 in the text
and as shown in the Lecture 3 slides page 5. Show all your work.
Q2 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.7(c) in the textbook. In MATLAB, plot f(t) until the
steady-state condition is reached.
Q3 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.7(f) in the textbook. In MATLAB, plot f(t) until the
steady-state condition is reached.
Q4 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.9(a) in the textbook. In MATLAB, plot y(t) until the
steady-state condition is reached.
Q5 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.9(c) in the textbook. In MATLAB, plot y(t) until the
steady-state condition is reached.
Q6 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.16 in the textbook as stated. Then re-work problem
3.16 when a(s)=s^2 + s + 2.
Q7 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.18 in the textbook.
Q8 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.19(a) in the textbook.
Q9 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.19(b) in the textbook.
Q10 (10 pts) -- Work problem 3.19(c) in the textbook.

HW 2

HW 2

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts 10.0 pt

linked to a s s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not
OutcomeProble minor
HW 2

Criteria Ratings Pts

m5 Correct errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s
m 10

Total Points: 100.0
HW 3
 Due Feb 21 by 11:59pm

 Points 80

 Submitting a file upload

 File Types pdf

In this assignment, you will study the correlation between the pole locations of the
transfer function in the s-plane with the time-domain (step) response. All work will
be done in MATLAB. To ease the creation of the needed transfer functions that
map onto the s-plane, you will use the "zpk" zero-pole-gain model. To get more
information on this function, at the MATLAB command line issue
>> doc zpk
For example, if our system has no zeros and two poles located at s=-1 and -3, with a
gain of 5, the zpk model would be defined as:
(Try it, cut and paste into MATLAB:)
sys=zpk( [], [-1 -3], 5);step(sys)
Note if we wanted the step response for the above system: step(sys), the steady-
state amplitude is 5/3. (You can use the Final Value Theorem to verify.) 
In order to make comparisons between different systems, we need to normalize the
gain to a common amplitude, say 1.
Thus, we can normalize the above system by its original steady-state gain (5)x(3/5)
(Try again, cut and paste into MATLAB:)
sys=zpk( [], [-1 -3], 3);step(sys)
Now when step(sys) is run, the steady-state amplitude is equal to one.
In the below problems, when each system is created, normalize each gain value so
that each systems' step response will have a steady-state amplitude of one.
In this assignment, as before, PUBLISH your results to a PDF file and submit it for
Refer to FIGURE 3.18 in the textbook for guidance of these symbols/terms.
Q1 (20 pts, 5pts/subpart)-- Constant damped frequency (omega-d constant)
between systems
(a) Create three 2nd-order systems (sys1, sys2, sys3) that have no zeros, each with
omega-d constant = +/-1j, and the real part of the poles (sigma) located -0.1, -0.2,
and -0.3, respectively for each system. For example, sys1 has poles located at s=-
0.1+/-1j; sys2 has poles located at s=-0.2+/-1j; and sys3 has poles located at s=-
0.3+/-1j. Echo out each system so the transfer function can be observed (that is,
just remove the semi-colon at the end of the zpk() function). Ensure the system gain
is normalized to one.
(b) Create the pzmap for the above three systems using subplot(1,2,1). Add a grid,
legend, title, and scale the x-axis from (-1 to 0) and the y-axis from (-2 to 2).
(c) Show the step response for the above three system using subplot(1,2,2). Add a
grid, legend, title, and scale the y-axis from (0 to 2). Note, if modeled correctly, the
steady-state value for each system's step response will be one.
(d) What conclusions/tends can you make between these systems when the poles
move, keeping the damped-frequency constant?
Q2 (20 pts, 5pts/subpart) -- Constant sigma between systems
(a) Create three 2nd-order systems (sys4, sys5, sys6) that have no zeros, each with
the real part of the poles (sigma) = -0.2, and imaginary part of the poles (omega-d)
located +/-1j, +/-2j, and +/-3j respectively for each system. Echo out each system
so the transfer function can be observed (that is, just remove the semi-colon at the
end of the zpk() function). Ensure the system gain is normalized to one.
(b) Create the pzmap for the above three systems using subplot(1,2,1). Add a grid,
legend, title, and scale the x-axis from (-1 to 0) and the y-axis from (-4 to 4).
(c) Show the step response for the above three system using subplot(1,2,2). Add a
grid, legend, title, and scale the y-axis from (0 to 2). Note, if modeled correctly, the
steady-state value for each system's step response will be one.
(d) What conclusions/tends can you make between these systems when the poles
move, keeping sigma constant?
Q3 (20 pts, 5pts/subpart) -- Constant zeta between systems
(a) Create three 2nd-order systems (sys7, sys8, sys9) that have no zeros, each with
zeta=0.150, and the real part of the poles (sigma) = -0.2, -0.4, and -0.6, respectively
for each system. Echo out each system so the transfer function can be observed
(that is, just remove the semi-colon at the end of the zpk() function). Ensure the
system gain is normalized to one.
(b) Create the pzmap for the above three systems using subplot(1,2,1). Add a grid,
legend, title, and scale the x-axis from (-1 to 0) and the y-axis from (-4 to 4).
(c) Show the step response for the above three system using subplot(1,2,2). Add a
grid, legend, title, and scale the y-axis from (0 to 2). Note, if modeled correctly, the
steady-state value for each system's step response will be one.
(d) What conclusions/tends can you make between these systems when the poles
move, keeping zeta constant?
Q4 (20 pts, 5pts/subpart) -- Constant natural frequency (omega-n constant)
between systems
(a) Create three 2nd-order systems (sys10, sys11, sys12) that have no zeros, each
with a constant natural frequency of 1.25 rad/sec, omega-n=1.25, and the real part
of the poles (sigma) = -0.2, -0.6, and -1.1, respectively for each system. Echo out
each system so the transfer function can be observed (that is, just remove the semi-
colon at the end of the zpk() function). Ensure the system gain is normalized to one.
(b) Create the pzmap for the above three systems using subplot(1,2,1). Add a grid,
legend, title, and scale the x-axis from (-2 to 0) and the y-axis from (-1.5 to 1.5).
(c) Show the step response for the above three system using subplot(1,2,2). Add a
grid, legend, title, and scale the y-axis from (0 to 2). Note, if modeled correctly, the
steady-state value for each system's step response will be one.
(d) What conclusions/tends can you make between these systems when the poles
move, keeping the natural frequency constant?
Some Rubric

Some Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ1(a t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ1( t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ1(c t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ1( t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ2(a t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts 5.0 pt

is linked to a s
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not
OutcomeQ2( t errors errors several errors attempt
Some Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts


This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ2(c t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ2( t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ3(a t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ3( t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ3(c t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ3( t errors errors several errors attempt
Some Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ4(a t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ4( t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ4(c t errors errors several errors attempt

This criterion
is linked to a 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
5.0 pt
Learning Correc Very minor Minor Attempted, but Did not s
OutcomeQ4( t errors errors several errors attempt

Total Points: 80.0
HW 4
 Due Feb 27 by 11:59pm

 Points 90

 Submitting a file upload

 File Types pdf

These problems are all from Section 3.6. There is one problem in which you will
need to handle as a special case. See the text on page 161 when this special case
occurs. Then, refer to the Web Appendix W. to determine how to handle this
special case. For convenience, that appendix can be found in the Homework
folder: Z07_FRAN5717_08_SE_W3.6.3.1.pdf  
In addition to what the problem asks in the textbook by applying Routh's stability
criterion, check your answers in MATLAB using the "roots()" function on each of the
polynomials. Provide the roots for each polynomial below.
Problem 3.52 (a), (b), and (c) -- 10 pts/each
Problem 3.53 (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) [special case] -- 10 pts/each
Problem 3.54 -- 10 pts

Some Rubric (1)
Some Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts 10.0 pt

linked to a
Some Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Learning s Attempted, but

OutcomeProble several errors
m7 Correct Very Minor Did not s
minor errors attempt

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

Total Points: 90.0
HW 5
 Due Mar 6 by 11:59pm

 Points 100

 Submitting a file upload

 File Types pdf

These problems are from the example at the end of Section 4.1.1 and as I discussed
in class.
Given a plant with G(s)=1/(s^2-1), we want to design five controllers and compare
their behaviors. The controller has a transfer function of the form
Dc(s)=K(s+z)/(s+p). That is, the controller has a gain K, a zero located at s=-z, and a
pole located at s=-p.
We note that G(s) is unstable. We will use unity-feedback with the controller Dc(s)
to make the plant stable by using pole-cancellation on the STABLE pole of G(s).
That is, G(s)=1/( (s+1)(s-1) ). So here, Dc(s) will be of the form: Dc(s)=K(s+1)/(s+p).
(10 pts) Find the characteristic equation of the unity-feedback system in terms of
the unknown Controller parameters, K and p. Compare the coefficients of the
characteristic equation with the canonical form of the second-order differential
equation. From this, find the equation for the pole, p, in terms of sigma. Then find
the equation for the controller gain, K, in terms of p and w_n (natural undamped
(50 pts/10 pts each), Find Dc1, Dc2, Dc3, Dc4, Dc5 such that the poles of the
unity-feedback system, H, where H=DcG/(1+DcG) are located at
(a) s=-1+/-j5 (poles of H1 with the original pole at s=-1 shown but cancelled by the
zero of Dc1)
(b) s=-2+/-j5 (poles of H2 with the original pole at s=-1 shown but cancelled by the
zero of Dc2)
(c) s=-3+/-j5 (poles of H3 with the original pole at s=-1 shown but cancelled by the
zero of Dc3)
(d) s=-4+/-j5 (poles of H4 with the original pole at s=-1 shown but cancelled by the
zero of Dc4)
(e) s=-5+/-j5 (poles of H5 with the original pole at s=-1 shown but cancelled by the
zero of Dc5)
(10 pts) In MATLAB, compute H1 using the function: H1=feedback(Dc1*G,1). Do
the same for the other four systems. Then on ONE plot, show the pzmap of G, H1,
H2, H3, H4, and H5 to verify you have computed (p,K) for each controller correctly
resulting in the above pole locations. Add a legend to easily identify each systems.
Each system should have one zero and three poles.
(10 pts) In MATLAB, compute the first 10 seconds of the step response of H1 using
the function step(H1,10). Do the same for the other four systems. Then on ONE
plot, show the comparison of G, H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5. Here the time axis should
be limited to 10 seconds. You will need to change the y-axis since G is unstable.
Limit the y-limits from 0 to 2 units. Add a legend to easily identify the systems.
Note that each system does not have the same final value.
(10 pts) In MATLAB, modify your system transfer functions such that each system
now has a final value of 1 when subjected to a unit step input. Again on ONE plot,
show the comparisons as above with the same (x,y) limits. Add a legend to easily
identify the systems.
(10 pts) Finally,  create a table to show the % overshoot, rise time, and settling time
as given from the MATLAB function stepinfo() for each of the five systems. One
option to do this is to assign a structure from the stepinfo() function, e.g.
S1=stepinfo(H1). Then, one can create a 2-D numerical array using the elements of
these structures to end up with a 5x3 numerical array. 

Some Rubric (2)
Some Rubric (2)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts 10.0 pt

linked to a
Some Rubric (2)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Learning s Attempted, but

OutcomeProble several errors
m7 Correct Very Minor Did not s
minor errors attempt

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s

This criterion is 10.0 pt 9.0 pts 8.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a s
Learning Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 10.0 pt
OutcomeProble Correct minor errors several errors attempt s
m 10

Total Points: 100.0
HW 6
 Due Apr 8 by 11:59pm

 Points 115

 Submitting a file upload

 File Types pdf

These problems are from the textbook but they may be modified slightly so please
pay attention to my notes below:
(25 pts) Problem 4.7 -- Before doing anything, redraw the system into a unity-
feedback topology. That is, move the constant blocks into the Controller transfer
function using the hint in Fig 3.10c. Work parts (a) and (b) as stated in the text. For
part (c), you must first determine K1 to give a 17% overshoot in the STEP response.
The easiest way to do this is in MATLAB create a loop over K1 from, say, from
400<K1<2000 and use the stepinfo() function to find the Overshoot. Once the
overshoot is met, use that K1 in part (c) to find the RAMP response. The RAMP
response can be found using the step() function by replacing the transfer function
'sys' with '5*sys/s' to give the response due to the ramp input with an amplitude of
5. Run the analysis out to 3 seconds. Then ADD part (d) to provide the plot of the
input ramp vs. the response. then ADD part (e) to provide the error signal as a
function of time out to 3 seconds. The error is the ramp input minus the output
response. As always, annotate your plots fully. Does the steady-state error match
your calculations with R(s)=5/s^2?
(25 pts) Problem 4.8 -- Work all parts. For parts (c) through (e) use Equation (4.40)
for your development. Refer to Example 4.3 as I worked out during  class as
(15 pts) Problem 4.9 -- Work all parts. Hint for part (b), let G(s)=(1/s)*G1(s), then
consider what conditions are required by the transfer function's numerator for the
system to remain Type 1.
(20 pts) Problem 4.24 -- Work parts (a) through (d) only. Hint on part (c), refer to Fig
3.28. Hint on part (d), use the Inverse Laplace of E(s) to get e(t).
(10 pts) Problem 4.29 -- Work all parts.
(20 pts) Problem 4.36 -- Work all parts analytically plus the additional work I'm
asking here. Verify your results in MATLAB using the stepinfo() function so that
your work can be graded.  On part (a), specify your value of Kp to 4-decimal places.
On part (b), approach the problem such that Dc(s) can be design to cancel one of
the poles of G(s). Work out both cases for pole-cancellation, (s+1) or (s+7). Then
compare which method can meet the settling time give by Eqn (3.73). Verify both
controllers using stepinfo(). On part (c), again consider both cases for pole-
cancellation, (s+1) or (s+7). Note here the system reduces to a first-order system
and the rise time can be computed as given in the text near Eqn (3.77). Compare
with what MATLAB reports using stepinfo() on both your controllers. On part (d),
design the PID-controller to cancel out both of the original G(s) poles. This also
reduces the system to a first-order system. The resulting transfer function is now
only in terms of Kd which you can select to meet the settling time requirements
based on Eqn (3.73). Then you can compute Kp and Ki to finish designing the
controller. Does the completed system match your computations? Again, show
what MATLAB reports from stepinfo().
Since there is more than one answer, provide your final controller design and the
results from MATLAB so your work can be graded easily.

Some Rubric (3)
Some Rubric (3)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.7 (a)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.7 (b)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.7 (c)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.7 (d)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.7 (e)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.8 (a)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts 5.0 pt

linked to a
Some Rubric (3)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Learning Attempted, but

OutcomeProble several errors
m 4.8 (b) Correc Very Minor Did not s
t minor errors attempt

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.8 (c)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.8 (d)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.8 (e)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.9 (a)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.9 (b)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts 5.0 pt

linked to a
Some Rubric (3)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Learning Attempted, but

OutcomeProble several errors
m 4.9 (c) Correc Very Minor Did not s
t minor errors attempt

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.24 (a)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.24 (b)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.24 (c)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.24 (d)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.29 (a)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts 5.0 pt

linked to a
Some Rubric (3)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Learning Attempted, but

OutcomeProble several errors
m 4.29 (b) Correc Very Minor Did not s
t minor errors attempt

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.36 (a)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.36 (b)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.36 (c)

This criterion is 5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts

linked to a
Correc Very Minor Attempted, but Did not 5.0 pt
t minor errors several errors attempt s
m 4.36 (d)
HW 7
 Due Apr 15 by 11:59pm

 Points 165

 Submitting a file upload

 File Types pdf

These problems are from the textbook but they may be modified slightly so please
pay attention to my notes below:
(20 pts) Problem 4.38
(20 pts) Problem 4.45. Part (d) hint: there are many solutions. Think about where
the poles are located and where they need to move. Note that the negative sign in
G(s) needs to be accounted. That is, the movement may be different than the cases
we've been working in class. Use MATLAB to verify.
(25 pts) Problem 5.1 Parts (a) through (c) only. Each part is 5 pts. Part (c) had 3
(30 pts) Problem 5.2. Each part is 5 pts.
(20 pts) Problem 5.3. Each part is 5 pts.
(20 pts) Problem 5.4. Each part is 5 pts. Pay attention to where the zeros are being
(30 pts) Problem 5.5. Each part is 5 pts. Pay attention to where the zeros are being

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