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CHCGRP002 Plan and Conduct Group Activities 1


By (Name)

The Name of the Course

Instructor’s Name

Institution Affiliation

CHCGRP002 Plan and Conduct Group Activities 2


To grow and survive appropriately, activities are required, and the needs for planning

a good group activity need to be emphasized. In this course, the CHCGRP002 plan and

conduct group activities will develop skills that one requires to plan significant events taking

the issue into account during planning(Firm). The unit, plan, and conduct group activities,

describes the skills and knowledge that are needed to lead, establish, and participate in a

group using the element of a collaborative, strength-based approach.

Designing and Planning group activities

To facilitate an event well, understanding the group's desired outcome, the group, and

context of the event is essential. Working with a diverse group that consists of five

participants, the first participant having a mild intellectual disability. The second having

hearing impairment in both ears and feels socially isolated. The third participant having early

onset dementia and enjoys quizzes. The fourth participant having diversity down syndrome

and enjoys board games, and the fifth participant is having bipolar and would like to attend a

therapeutic activity. In our case of five participants with diverse conditions, we need to first

take an excellent review of the state of each participant and identify their individual needs.

Then generate ideas for activities that would make each participant contribute regardless of

his/her status. The next step is to identify the resources that may be necessary to perform the

task or activity.

Collaborating with group to plan activities

When starting the activities, the group it is essential to have an ice-breaking period;

these are exercises that are intended to help the group begin the process of forming and

working with a team. Ice breakers are commonly used at the beginning of an activity to warm

up the group and help them get to know each other. The activities that are to be involved are

games, art and craft, group exercises, and also incorporate events and social responsibilities.
CHCGRP002 Plan and Conduct Group Activities 3

Some of the games to associate would be Campfire Stories, Memory Wall, and Changes. The

three resources require to carry out the activities are

i. Human resource - This would include individual mind evaluation, paying attention,

being attentive, and focusing on winning, and having a positive mentality during


ii. Physical resource – Is the availability of the participant to take part in playing or

getting associated with the outlined activities, participant desire to take part in

activities with full heart desire, and getting physically composed up for the event.

iii. Financial resource – Having simple tools like a clip, pen or pencil, and a piece of

paper or book/foolscap.

Group sessions using communication and interpersonal skills

To make sure that each participant has taken part in the overall activities, it is crucial

as well to bring them under a group session. The group session would help me to evaluate

each participant, using my interpersonal and communication skills. The three necessary

sessions I would deploy are active listening, use of verbal and non-verbal messages, and


1. Active listening session – It means using a set of skills to encourage the participant and

giving them chances in listening to talk, intending to make them feel heard and understood. I

would involve conversations or dialogue between the participants and me or among the

participants. I would employ this session with the aim of getting some communication skills

out of the participants. Active listening would also associate paraphrasing, repeating back

some of the speaker's words or phrases, questioning skills, and summarizing.

2. Verbal and non-verbal messages session – This is teaching participants how to

communicate and have a flow of language. I would speak to participants a certain that my

message is conveyed respectfully. Using language that participants can interpret easily means
CHCGRP002 Plan and Conduct Group Activities 4

it is more likely the message is well understood. The language should be both culturally

appropriate and age-appropriate. To the case of the second participant with the hearing

impairment in both ears, sign language should be another form of verbal communication. The

non-verbal language includes gestures, body language, facial expression, and postures, or any

other communication that is not spoken. The use of verbal and non-verbal will depict the use

of empathetic responding, help use conflict resolution. It will enable the group to stays in

cohesion as well since each participant is well sorted despite the conditions they face.

3. Attending session – It is the way in which I will be with the participants, both

psychologically and physically. It includes paying attention to everything the participant

does or says. It involves taking note of anybody's language and taking into consideration all

the pauses and silences in the conversation. This session will prove its worth since it will

emphasis on empathetic responding after one has fully understood and analyzed what the

other group member is intending to communicate,

CHCGRP002 Plan and Conduct Group Activities 5


(Firm)S. A. CHCGRP002 -Plan and conduct group activities: participant guide. Print book:

English ed. Australia: smallPRINT. 2015

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