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Love and Communication in Intimate Relationships


Institution Affiliation

Love and Communication in Intimate Relationships

Prompt 1

(a) Family, Peers, or Culture

Peers: Friends, Peer Groups, Significant Other etc.


My Fiancé James

(c) Using YOUR OWN narrative describe an event, experience, or situation that

conveyed a message about Love and Communications in Intimate Relationships.

Friendships and romantic relationships makes our lives go around well. Without

them our lives would be dull and lonely. Unlike family members, we are allowed to choose

our lovers and friends. There are various levels of friendship and diverse forms of romantic

relationships, and they all lead to being intimate, close, and loving. Both friendships and

romances considerably enrich the well-being of our mental and physical states. It requires

each individual to portrays a positive attitude and also provide an environment that is

conducive for other partner to feel appreciated and happy.

Once partner start to change in behaviour, and starts a negative attitudes towards the

other friend, the change affects the progress of the good friendship witnessed before. In my

case, I experience negligence from my close friend James. I had known James for close to 3

years and we had a good intimate relationship as lovers. We used to visit each other regularly

and spend our leisure time having fun, all along, we had lived so well in harmony. Our plans

later on were to organise on how we could settle down and start our own family. James

dramatically started to change in the way he could respond to conversation, and I was finding

it unbearable on the way he responded to questions I asked. He seemed to careless and did

not mind of my feeling.

I started to find his attitude towards me so abusive; at times he would annoy

intentionally and put the blame on me. Out of nothing, he would start to claims I am always

self-centered and that I was always selfish. He would at times he would use abusive and

mocking language and try to compare me with other girls, saying that I could not manage

simple mental task because am a fool. In other cases, when enquiring of something or

information from him, he would avoid talking and would be quiet and give me a slight glance

while still rolling his eyes. He would barely call me sweet names; instead, he called by name

and even gets to an extent of giving me a nickname.

(d) What message does your narrative convey about Love and Communications in

Intimate Relationships?

The relationship I had with James, initially it was a health relationship and each of us

felt comfortable in it. Suddenly, the conversations and attitudes James had, made me feel

uncomfortable and it was volatile. In our relationship, it did not convey a positive attribute

about love and communication in intimate relationship. There were negative communication

patterns that could lead to the end of our relationship. He used to criticise and attack me with

abusive words. He felt contempt as he expressed that he was superior and that he was the

head of relation, and he could have any decision he wants. He could despise me with his eye

rolling. He also expressed stonewalling; he would be silent and never want to discuss any

issues that have risen.

(e) Critical Analysis of the message using a SOCIAL framework

The narrative shows that there were the four horsemen of the apocalypse as dictated

by Dr. John Gottmann, conveyed in love and communication in intimate relationship, in


respond to the attribute of the partner. Ability is the major social aspect displayed in the

above narration. He felt am incapable of performing several task that are coordinate between


Prompt 2:

(a) Type of Media

A video

(b) Source of Media

(c) What message do the media convey about Love and Communications in Intimate


Mark and Sam have lost the ability to communicate with each other- struggling with

money, jealousy and lack of trust. Over the course of the night, their relationship is tested as

secrets emerge that can no longer be suppressed. The relationship at first looked to work so

well when they met, but due to secrets and lying the relationship ends in tumultuous states

(d) Critical Analysis of the message using a SOCIAL framework.

Mark is accused to have lied when he was meeting Sam. He is accused not to have

known who to choose for marrying between Sam and another gal. Sam argues that after going

to the mall every time Mark hits on the cashier, which makes Sam feel invisible and

unwanted. She complains that he withdraws all attention and energy in that cashier. The short

clip ends in tumultuous state Sam accuses

Mark of having too much concentration on the cashier on several times, annoyingly

Mark says Sam is boring, he also comments that he will pack leave the house to go leave with

the cashier.

The four horsemen behaviour dispayed in the short film are criticism and

defensiveness where. Criticism is shown when Sam uses harsh language after being asked his

intention towards another gal. Defensiveness behaviour is also displayed, as Mark tries to

defend his actions when asked concerning his behaviour towards cashier. It is evident as

revealed in the short firm that most couple are facing a lot of problems as most of the couple

lack intimate communication skills. Keeping secrets may also contribute to the four horsemen


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