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HLTWS004 Manage Work Health and Safety 1


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HLTWHS004 Manage Work Health and Safety 2


This unit, HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety, describes the knowledge and

skills that are essential to establishing, maintaining, and evaluating work health and safety

WHS policies, programs, and procedures in the appropriate work area as in accordance to

WHS legislative requirements (Anon, 2018). This unit applied to employees who, as part of

their role, are responsible for WHS, including workers with responsible under WHS

legislation, persons undertaking a business or conducting (PCBUs), or their officers (as

specified by relevant legislation). It involves information on how to:

 Maintain and evaluate WHS

 Facilitate cooperation, consultation, and communication

 Establish work safety and health practices

 Monitor compliance with risk control processes

Access and interpret legislation, regulation, code of conduct and

workplace policies and procedures for WHS

Work health and safety legislation (WHS) is one of Australia’s most important pieces of

legislation dealing with the workplace environment. It discusses the fundamental rights to a

healthy and safe working environment for all workers.

(a) WHS legislation and regulation

The WHS legislation consists of the WHS Act model, regulations, codes of practice and

enforcement and compliance and policy at the national level. The Australian government

created this template legislation to harmonize occupational health and safety laws across

Australia. The legislation must be passed by Parliament in each state and territory in order to

be legally binding. The purpose of harmonizing legislation and regulation is to:

 Protect employees’ health and safety

 Enhance workplace safety results

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 Decrease company compliance costs

 Strengthen the performance of regulatory agencies

(b) Code of conduct

A code of conduct is a set of principles, norms, values, or behavioral rules that govern

a workplace's decisions, practices, and work processes. Through protecting their rights and

ensuring that fair standards are observed, the code of conduct must facilitate the protection of

the individual. The code of conduct may differ between the departments of community

services; however, most community services have a code of conduct that encourages

transparency, ethical conduct, dignity open information sharing, and respect, and privacy.

(c) Workplace policies and procedures

The number and type of processes, policies, and procedures will vary depending on

the hazards and nature of the work in the particular environment of community services in

which you work. A WHS rule is a written statement of the dedication of your employer to a

healthy and safe workplace. In consultation with staff, these policies should be formulated,

and the roles and responsibilities of management and employees should be clearly outlined in

order to achieve compliance with WHS legislation. The guidelines for community services

are reports that provide specific instructions on how to meet the WHS policy specifications.

Some of the procedures and policies that may be used are:

 Manual handling of objects and people

 Infection control

 Incident investigation and reporting

 Hazardous management

Develop a procedure for ongoing hazard identification, assessment

and control of associated risk

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Risk assessment and control requires a consistent team approach concerning all

individuals affected by the threat. People working in the area where the threat is present will

often have useful knowledge and insight that will lead to a more thorough evaluation and

implementation of the best control measures (Long et al., 2012). Using a risk assessment and

control protocol allows individuals to conduct the risk management process at the same high

standard at all times. Some of risk control procedure and workplace assessment should


 Threats assessment and priorities

 Individual duties and roles

 The methods for assessing the threat

 Required consultation, interaction, documentation and reporting

 Implementation of the hierarchy control

 Recommendations about how and when to review the outcomes of the risk

management threats.

Ensure risk control and hazard-specific procedures are consistence with the

hierarchy of control and are monitored to support compliance with

legislative and regulatory requirements

Daily access to WHS data is necessary for compliance with regulatory requirements

for policies, processes, and work practices. Territory or state regulators provide valuable

resources to help you comply with the laws of the WHS. Duty of care defines the legal

obligation that organizations and individuals have to foresee and act on potential causes of

illness or injury that may occur in or as a result of their actions in their work environment. A

person or organization should make every effort to eliminate or mitigate the potential cause

of damage.

Identify requirements for expert WHS advice, and

HLTWHS004 Manage Work Health and Safety 5

request this advice as required

To the development of control is considered for listing in three levels of control which


(i) Choosing the best control measure; do not put the risk in the workplace. At the planning

stage of service, system, or position used, try to achieve this. In the early stages, when you

model the hazard, you will find that the price will be lower.

(ii) Substitute the hazard; a time you have to apply a particular process to complete a task,

like risk isolation and change equipment at the workplace and work process.

(iii) Administration controls; administrative restrictions apply to procedures that change. For

example, if you don't have any other chemicals that can perform a processing task. If you

don't have the funds to isolate the risk or use another product to perform the process,

changing procedures sometimes is the only option you have to control the risk.

Develop and provide consultative WHS activities to provide

advice in relation to work health and safety issues

One of the goals of the WHS Act is to promote a working environment where there

can be collaborative and consultative partnerships between PCBUs and staff on aspects of

occupational health and safety. These relationships allow essential information to flow

through all areas of the workplace. Under WHS law, the design and provision of procedures,

processes, and activities for transmitting and receiving WHS data is required. The activity

must allow the sharing of information as well as an avenue for participation and feedback

when developing activities to provide advice to WHS. The establishment in your workplace

of the correct consultation framework ensures that the distribution of information is

systematic and not person-dependent. In reliably remembering and communicating vital

information, this method recognizes people's limitations. High quality, accurate, and reliable
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data is delivered each time by getting systems in place, such as meeting minutes and

reporting lines.

Monitor processes for ensuring that workers have an opportunity to

contribute feedback on health and safety issues

In order to provide get the best outcomes from workers, WHS highlights that to

operate effectively, you should;

Develop work procedures. Control measures require protocols to ensure consistent work for

all employees. Create appropriate steps, including security issues, and create improvements

according to the policies and procedures of your organizations.

Provide the team with appropriate instruction, information, and training. Bridge the gap

between the understanding of the manager and what they should learn — providing the

necessary level of training, guidance, and knowledge to support the teams and workers. Be

transparent, honest, and free.

Provide supervision. A higher level of supervision is expected when employees are

inexperienced. If not, you may just need to direct them and provide them with the tools and

guidance to be able to perform their tasks.

Document outcomes of consultation and communication to workers

Workplace communication is the exchange of verbal and nonverbal information from one

person to another. Effective communication is a significant aspect of health and safety at

work. Effective communication improves a workplace's efficiency and profitability and is

also an important aspect of reducing and settling disputes. The organization management

could hire a worker who will arrange for information sessions, equipment demonstrations,

and invite all the workers that are affected by the change that is to be applied. The primary

duty of the hired worker is to provide updates and information that is accessible and of ease
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to use to all workers. It also carries out the storage and provides a summary of the feedback.

The hired worker is to hand out feedback data and make requests for the data to be returned

within a certain period of time.

Develop and interpret processes to ensure that responsibilities and duties are

documented and accountability processes are in place

To measure these control areas, you can take the following measures to ensure that

they remain effective and include:

 Make team leaders responsible for health and safety – It means ensuring that the

workers have the appropriate resources to keep their work area safe,

 Regular review of work procedures and internal and external consultation with other

team members,

 Having effective interaction and communication by ensuring that all parties receive

and promote regular feedback through open communication,

 Keeping up to date information, including information on hazards, risk assessments,

training, and skills.

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Anon, 2018. European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2018: manage dangerous

substances. European Union News, pp.European Union News, Oct 25, 2018.

Long, J. et al., 2012. How do Australian optometrists manage work‐related physical

discomfort? Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 95(6), pp.606–614.

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