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Leiann King, Brenda Wright, and Amanda Reynolds
My Essential Event LLC
P.O. Box 147
Elsinore, UT 84724

Copyright ©2015 by My Essential Event LLC.

All rights reserved. With exception, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any
way without the written consent of My Essential Event LLC.
Exception: Individual pages within PART 2: SINGLE ESSENTIAL OILS and PART 3:
ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS may be reproduced for personal, client, or workshop use.

Note to the Reader: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to
treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition, or prescribe in any way. The
data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do
not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... V
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................... VI
HOW THIS BOOK GOT STARTED .................................................................................... VII
LEIANN’S STORY AND YOURS ....................................................................................... VIII
BRENDA’S STORY ............................................................................................................XI
AMANDA’S STORY ....................................................................................................... XIV
PART 1: FOUNDATIONAL AROMATHERAPY .................................................................. XV
WHAT IS AROMATHERAPY? ...................................................................................................... 1
Where Do Essential Oils Come From? ............................................................................ 3
Essential Oil Production and Quality .............................................................................. 3
A Blast from the Past ..................................................................................................... 8
Basic Chemistry of Aromatherapy ................................................................................ 10
BASICS OF AROMATHERAPY..................................................................................................... 16
A Little Botany .............................................................................................................. 16
Mini Course in Anatomy—the Nose and Skin............................................................... 22
Physical and Emotional Connections ............................................................................ 33
Creating Synergies and Making Blends ........................................................................ 40
DILUTION CHART .................................................................................................................. 51
PART 2 SINGLE ESSENTIAL OILS ...................................................................................... 53
UNDERSTANDING OIL PROFILES ............................................................................................... 54
ANISE* ............................................................................................................................... 60
BASIL, SWEET* ..................................................................................................................... 62
BAY LAUREL* ....................................................................................................................... 64
BERGAMOT* ........................................................................................................................ 66
BIRCH, SWEET* .................................................................................................................... 68
BLACK PEPPER* .................................................................................................................... 70
BLACK SPRUCE*.................................................................................................................... 72
CAJEPUT* ............................................................................................................................ 74
CARDAMOM*....................................................................................................................... 76
CARROT SEED* ..................................................................................................................... 78
CEDARWOOD* ..................................................................................................................... 80
CHAMOMILE, GERMAN* ........................................................................................................ 82
CHAMOMILE, ROMAN* .......................................................................................................... 84
CILANTRO* .......................................................................................................................... 86

*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly
diluting the oil in an appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as
inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep
essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool,
dark place with lids tightly secured.
CINNAMON BARK* ................................................................................................................ 88
CLARY SAGE* ....................................................................................................................... 90
COPAIBA* ............................................................................................................................ 92
CLOVE BUD* ........................................................................................................................ 92
COCOA* .............................................................................................................................. 94
CORIANDER* ........................................................................................................................ 98
CUMIN* ............................................................................................................................ 100
CYPRESS* .......................................................................................................................... 102
EUCALYPTUS CITRIODORA* ................................................................................................... 104
EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS*...................................................................................................... 106
EUCALYPTUS RADIATA* ........................................................................................................ 108
FENNEL*............................................................................................................................ 110
FIR, BALSAM*..................................................................................................................... 112
FRANKINCENSE* .................................................................................................................. 114
GINGER* ........................................................................................................................... 116
GRAPEFRUIT, PINK* ............................................................................................................. 118
GREEN MANDARIN* ............................................................................................................ 120
HELICHRYSUM*................................................................................................................... 122
JASMINE* .......................................................................................................................... 124
JUNIPER BERRY* ................................................................................................................. 126
LAVENDER, MAILLETTE* ....................................................................................................... 128
LEMON* ............................................................................................................................ 130
LEMONGRASS* ................................................................................................................... 132
LIME* ............................................................................................................................... 134
MARJORAM, SWEET*........................................................................................................... 136
MYRRH*............................................................................................................................ 138
NEROLI 10%* .................................................................................................................... 140
NIAOULI* .......................................................................................................................... 142
NUTMEG*.......................................................................................................................... 144
ORANGE, SWEET* ............................................................................................................... 146
OREGANO* ........................................................................................................................ 148
PALMAROSA* ..................................................................................................................... 150
PATCHOULI*....................................................................................................................... 152
PEPPERMINT*..................................................................................................................... 154
PINYON PINE 75%*............................................................................................................. 156
RAVENSARA* ...................................................................................................................... 158
RED MANDARIN* ................................................................................................................ 160
ROSE 10%* ....................................................................................................................... 162
ROSE GERANIUM* ............................................................................................................... 164
ROSEMARY* ....................................................................................................................... 166
SANDALWOOD* .................................................................................................................. 168
SPEARMINT* ...................................................................................................................... 170
SPIKENARD* ....................................................................................................................... 172
TEA TREE* ......................................................................................................................... 174


*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly
diluting the oil in an appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as
inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep
essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool,
dark place with lids tightly secured.
THYME CT. LINALOOL* ......................................................................................................... 176
THYME CT. THYMOL* .......................................................................................................... 178
TURMERIC *....................................................................................................................... 180
VETIVER* .......................................................................................................................... 182
YLANG YLANG* .................................................................................................................. 184
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 186
PART 3 ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS..................................................................................... 187
1ST DEFENSE™* .................................................................................................................. 188
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 191
ALL HEART™* .................................................................................................................... 192
AWARENESS™* .................................................................................................................. 194
BALANCE OF LIFE ™* ........................................................................................................... 196
BREATH OF LIFE™* ............................................................................................................. 198
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 201
COMFORT TOUCH™* .......................................................................................................... 202
DEEP CLEANSER™* ............................................................................................................. 204
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 207
DILL BLEND™* ................................................................................................................... 208
DRAGON’S BREATH™* ........................................................................................................ 210
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 213
EARTH SCENT™* ................................................................................................................ 214
FRANKINCENSE & LAVENDER™* ............................................................................................ 216
GI PURIFY™* ..................................................................................................................... 218
HEAVEN SCENT™* .............................................................................................................. 224
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 227
KIDNEY HEALTH™* ............................................................................................................. 228
LAVENDER & CHAMOMILE™* ............................................................................................... 230
MAN UP™* ...................................................................................................................... 232
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 235
OREGANO & LAVENDER™*................................................................................................... 236
ORGAN MASTER™* ............................................................................................................ 237
PERFECT FIT™,™* .............................................................................................................. 240
PHYSICAL CARE™* .............................................................................................................. 242
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 244
PROSPERITY™*................................................................................................................... 246
RELIEF™* .......................................................................................................................... 248
SACRED PLACE™* ............................................................................................................... 250
SURRENDER™*................................................................................................................... 252
NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 255
SWEET SOOTHE™* .............................................................................................................. 256
TO BE AT PEACE™* ............................................................................................................ 258
TO BE HAPPY™* ................................................................................................................ 260
TO BE LOVED™* ................................................................................................................ 262


*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly
diluting the oil in an appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as
inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep
essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool,
dark place with lids tightly secured.
TO BE WELL™* .................................................................................................................. 264
TRAUMA™* ....................................................................................................................... 265
WILD FLOWER™* ............................................................................................................... 268
NOTES............................................................................................................................... 271
XY BLEND™* ..................................................................................................................... 272
Y23 IMMUNE™* ................................................................................................................ 274
PART 4 SUGGESTED USES .............................................................................................279
DILUTION CHART* ............................................................................................................... 281
OILS FOR MEN* .................................................................................................................. 283
AROMATIC IRIDOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 284
Eye Color: The Essential Answer ................................................................................. 284
Essential Oils for Eye Colors* ...................................................................................... 287
Practical Application ................................................................................................... 293
LIST OF SUGGESTED USES* .................................................................................................... 295
AROMATHERAPY FOR ANIMALS* ............................................................................................ 378
PART 5: RESOURCES .....................................................................................................385
GLOSSARY OF TERMS............................................................................................................ 387
BUSINESS BUILDING TIPS....................................................................................................... 393
“THE ESSENTIAL RESULTS NOW™” SONG ................................................................................ 394
▪ RELEASE FORM ........................................................................................................... 395
Responsible PrecautionsInformation .......................................................................... 396
Pain Assessment Chart ............................................................................................... 397
“GRAB THE BOTTLE” SONG ................................................................................................... 398
SAFETY AND ETHICS ............................................................................................................. 399
Safety First with Youngevity® Essential OilsTM ............................................................ 399
Essential Oils and Drug Interaction Safety ................................................................. 400
AIA Safety Statement.................................................................................................. 403
Code of Ethics ............................................................................................................. 405
NAHA Safety ............................................................................................................... 406
Code of Ethics of NAHA............................................................................................... 410
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 412
HELPFULINFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 414


*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly
diluting the oil in an appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as
inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep
essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool,
dark place with lids tightly secured.
From Leiann:
I dedicate this book to my family, especially Kent (my amazing husband who always believes
in me!) and my nine incredible children: Amanda, Kalista, Ammon, Peter, Katherine,
Elisabeth, Cyrus, Wyatt, and Rebekah. This book would not have been possible without your
help over the years: cleaning the house, making meals, being my constant “Guinea pigs” for
new recipes, setting up chairs at meetings, picking out clothes for me, recording videos,
finding lost keys, lost glasses, lost meeting rooms, encouraging me to believe I could do it,
and for putting up with a mom who had a dream and adopting it as one of your own. I can
never praise or adore you enough, for all you deserve, for what you have given me!
From Brenda:
When you start the journey called life, you never know where your path will go. The people
in your life definitely influence that path and help guide your choices as you grow. I have
been privileged to have an amazing family both in the past and now in the present and for
sure in the future of this path I am traveling. Patience is not one of my strong points, yet I
am blessed every day with people who are able to put me back on the ground so I can
achieve all of the many goals I want to accomplish while I am here. I am deeply grateful for
my amazing husband who is my rock. Even when I am not at my best, he loves me. I am also
thankful to have the chance to share my passion for health, nutrition, and essential oils with
the best people who are on the same wavelength. Without their guidance, I would have
missed so much, especially the most amazing grandchildren to ever be part of my journey—
they make the effort worth it.
From Amanda
I have to give credit, where credit is due. Without all of you I would not have the ability to be
part of writing this book. My mom has always been my biggest cheerleader and teacher.
My dad has always wanted me to understand things from different points of view. My
amazing husband Casey with all his love and kindness has supported all my adventures. My
children are my greatest blessing--those five little humans have taught me more than
anyone, given me more understanding and drive then I ever thought I possibly could have.
My siblings, all of you, have played a huge role in my believing in myself—thank you for
being the foundation to my support system. To Carole, you have been there for me
always—thank you for your unwavering support. And to my other friends and family, you
know who you are, thank you for loving me. To my God, I praise for the trials He has allowed
me the experience in my life, they too have helped make me who I am.
—Our Sincere Gratitude—
A hearty thank-you goes to our mentors in the aromatherapy and natural health world
as well as individuals in the business arena who led the way to our becoming more
sensitive to the people we want to serve and more effective in how we serve them. We
also appreciate the numerous authors and speakers who influenced us through their
books and recordings.
We also owe a debt of gratitude to the many people who have worked with us in
learning and teaching about health, nutrition, and essential oils. Special thanks goes to
my dear friend Carol Mangels, and Michelle Wallach for their unending enthusiasm and
support, and to my instructors Andrea Buje of Aromahead Institute, Kurt Schnaubelt
and Monika Hass of Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, and Jade Shutes of East West
Aroma School; also to Dr. Joel Wallach for inspiring us with his crusade to help people
help themselves.
We are thankful to Amy Walker who “upped the ante” with her insightful, big-picture
advice; to Amanda Reynolds, Carole Ludwig, Janet Phillips, Kalista Watson, Karen
Watson, Kent King, Marianne Watson, Rebekah King, Sheryllyn McClintock, Tresha King,
Larrkin and Les Allred for jumping in to assist where needed and for countless hours
and sleepless nights to fine-tune the book.
We appreciate and acknowledge the patience of all family members whose lives were
put on hold during the many hours of writing, proofreading, and editing this book.
We also want to thank all of our students and the thousands of people who have
walked a path of learning with us, sharing their stories along the way—stories that have
made us both laugh and cry! They have motivated us to keep going, learn more, and
share in return.
We want to thank you, the reader, for taking the time to invest in your health and to be
willing to share this message with others. THANK YOU!
Most importantly we are grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who helped us both
realize that we could use the gift of gab to help His Children, including our own. It is He
from whom all that is good in this world comes.

What are the unlimited possibilities?

How This Book Got Started

Not long ago, I talked with my co-author Brenda Wright about our essential oils classes
and our need for a manual that would give our attendees the pertinent materials and
information in an easy-to-find and simple-to-understand format. The book we were
using at the time was good, yet it lacked in certain respects. We talked about how we
could use a combination of other excellent books available; all were unsatisfactory on
one point or another. Finally, I declared, “We will just have to write our own book,
Brenda! We have no choice. We need something that follows the format of what and
how we teach.”
After spending many late nights outlining what we wanted, we started to work. Little
did we know how large this task would be! We are not thinned-skinned quitters, so we
moved forward, learning about editors, publishers, first runs, rewrites, and more. The
results are in your hands. We feel we have created something that will benefit all who
use it, which was our purpose. This is a book to be used, a guide and a reference to
your essential oils. This is a book you will want to keep with you and your oils at all
That is how this book started—with two determined women who wanted more for all
of you.

What dreams of yours are you putting off?

What can you do, see, and learn that you have not thought of before?

How can you make them a reality?

Leiann King
Leiann’s Story and Yours

Let me ask you a question. Have you always known about natural or alternative health?
Have you ever felt lost, not knowing what to do to help yourself or someone you care about?

I haven’t always been interested, or even aware of alternative solutions to health problems
other than going to doctors. When I was a child, I spent a lot of time in doctors’ offices, not
for anything very serious, but if something contagious was going around, it seemed as if I
always caught it. After many rounds of tetracycline (an antibiotic), my teeth turned dark
almost black; luckily those were my baby teeth, but when my adult teeth came in they were
still a dark grey. Shots, doctor visits, and many missed school days were my “normal.”
Fast forward several years. I married my husband Kent, a farmer and college student. Kent
milked cow’s morning and night and took college classes during the day, studying for his
double-major degree in agriculture and psychology.
We had two adorable little girls. Unfortunately, my daughters seemed to be following after
me when it came to health problems. The difference for us was that our cows did not
provide health insurance and my cow-milking/student husband did not have the income to
pay for children’s visits to a doctor. The over-the-counter-section of the grocery store
became my self-prescribed pharmacy. Some of these remedies seemed to help with
symptoms, but my girls always seemed to have something ailing them. Often, we all
suffered when side effects from meds made them groggy, whiney, or hyper—bouncing off
the walls, and began interfering with their digestion, causing tummy aches and constipation.
I did not know how to get off that constant merry-go-round!
One day in church, I struggled to keep my antsy, runny-nosed girls quiet. Afterward,
Barbara, an older woman new to our town, approached me. She sympathized with my
struggles and offered to help me with my girls—if I wanted it. I was desperate, so I
consented. She began telling me that for years she’d been the personal foot zone therapist
for the renowned herbalist Dr. Raymond Christopher (now deceased) and had also studied
under him. Well, I had no idea about foot zoning or what an herbalist was, but something
inside me whispered, “Listen. Barbara is an answer to your prayers.”
Right then and there, Barbara pulled a cut-off pencil about three inches long with an eraser
on its tip out of her purse. She then took my girls’ shoes off. I watched curiously as she
started gently pushing the eraser end of the pencil in little circles along the toes and bottom
of both my older daughter’s feet, and then did the same with the younger one. Barbara
explained how the body has nerve endings on the bottom of feet that correspond with each
part of the body, and by working on their feet, she was helping their bodies to clear their
stuffy noses. It all seemed a little strange—but somehow very right, like it was natural and
how things should be. Barbara asked if she could see us again the next day to tell me about
some herbs—teas for them (and me) to drink. I agreed.
Barbara came the next morning—and the next, and the next. She would take me around my
yard and teach me about the plants growing in it, which ones to use, and how to use them
an eager student, I couldn’t learn fast enough. She gave me my first herbal books, and I read
them like I was starving. The little health food store in the next town, ten miles away,
became my second home. The mountains, meadows, and my own yard transformed into my
personal university. Our family thrived as we began incorporating herbs in various ways.
Right away we noticed that we hardly got sick anymore.
Soon, without warning, other moms started calling ME for advice. I would get calls at all
hours of the day and night. After each call, I would often grab a few items from my
cupboard that was filled with bags and jars of this and that and drive to the family in need
and spend time teaching the mom and dad how to help themselves and their loved ones. A
true teacher, Barbara had not just given me “a fish to eat,” she had taught me “how to
fish”—she had shown me the “how to” of her art, which transformed my life. Which lead
me to become a certified Master Herbalist and Certified Iridologist (a professional in the
study and theory that one’s irises reflect various aspects of one’s health.)
As the years passed, our family grew to a dad and a mom with nine children. Growing and
preparing our own food and collecting our own herbs became our way of life—our “new
normal”—and we helped others do the same. About this time, my sister-in-law Debbie
introduced us to tiny little bottles filled with what she called “essential oils” which she
explained were “herbs distilled in concentrated amounts.” I was intrigued by what she had
to say, but I perceived them as a waste of money. Why would someone buy such tiny little
bottles when they could walk out their own back door and get whatever they needed in
their own yard, or the mountains, a short drive away? How could one little drop work as
well as the quarts of herbal teas we drank every day? Besides, my husband thought the oils
stunk and didn’t want them in our house “smelling up the place.”
Now, I look back on our perception with wry amusement; after all, we were a family of
eleven and farmers! Our house often smelled from any number of reasons—manure
covered boots piled in the mudroom and ailing farm livestock, dogs, cats, sick calves, or
lambs that frequently found a temporary home in our bathtub while we tended to them.
We had fragrant herbs tied up by strings hung everywhere to dry, and our ever-present
stash of onions and garlic—nature’s antibiotics—added to the “atmosphere.” All of this,
combined with the waft of unpleasant aroma whenever the lid of our diaper pail opened!
However, we were stuck in our perceptions; so, we thanked Debbie politely, said no, and
she went on her way—taking her little bottles with her.
Lucky for me (and I hope likewise for you), Debbie did not give up. She came over many
times, extolling the virtues of these little wonders. She pointed out the fact not everyone is
like me. They do not let “valuable weeds” grow in their yards instead of grass, and most
people don’t live only a mile from beautiful mountains where they can joyously wander
around, like Maria in the Sound of Music, picking whatever herb they needed. Soon I
realized she was right. So…slowly, I tried essential oil at a time. The first ones
were from herbs I couldn’t get locally. My very first oil was Frankincense, which remains a
favorite. I did not know much about essential oils then, except —if it burned, add olive oil to
it. I dabbled with oils for a few years for my own family but didn’t really share them with
others very much.
I found out that I loved helping people with the oils because they got results so much faster
than with the herbs alone. Although I still love and use herbs every day, oils are now my go-
to remedies.
Several years later, a friend invited me to a new oils company meeting. When I arrived, the
speaker had completely forgotten the meeting and was out of state. I stepped up to the
plate and gave my first class on essential oils. No one was the wiser, and they all signed up.
So began an eight-year adventure of learning, teaching and selling essential oils.
Other mentors came along who inspired me—in sales, public speaking, natural health, and
personal development. One of the most important was my six-year mentorship with a
traditional Native American teacher, Franzez (also known as Peyu Wisdom Keeper). My
children and I went to Franzez’ home several times a week for hours at time while she
taught us about our culture—we are Lenape (Delaware) and Cherokee. An important part of
Lenape culture focuses on health and well-being, especially the use of herbs and oils, as well
as fasting and sweats. She passed to me the responsibility of teaching our culture to others
and keeping alive the wisdom of our Old Ones. I found the Native American teachings
enhance and blend beautifully with my herbal and iridology studies. Truths from our Father
in heaven usually do blend well.
My husband Kent and I started studying essential oils together and eventually spent every
spare minute either studying or teaching about oils or helping others with them. As we grew
in our use and knowledge of essential oils we decided to make it official and became
Certified Aromatherapists. When Kent decided to blend his own oils, he would experiment
with five to ten versions of every oil blend he worked to develop. My job was to smell each
version, try it out, and give two thumbs up or my veto. He would test responses to his new
blends on practically everyone who came through the door. It became a problem for our
teenagers who didn’t want to have their friends “get hit by a drive-by of oils.” We had to put
dad under strict orders to “ask first, oil-ize later.” Joking aside, Kent developed most of our
blends for our own family and friends’ needs that we couldn’t fill with other oils. Soon other
people wanted our oil blends, too.
If someone had told me 30 years ago that I would teach thousands about health, essential
oils, write a book, and help provide financially for my family while doing what I love to do—
helping others—I would have said, “You’re crazy! I am just a mom who loves her kids and
also wants to help her neighbors. I will never do that!” Well, it happened. And if I can do
such things, it is possible for others, including you.
You are a wonderful creation of our Father in heaven; He knows you are amazing, and it is
time you found that out, too. Let this book be your teacher—and learn to help yourself,
your family, friends, even strangers. You can transform your life and theirs, both physically
and financially.

What if you could help others, have fun, make money, and
make a difference in the world?
How will you write your story?

Brenda’s Story

I am so grateful to be here putting my story into this amazing book. Health, or the lack
of it, has always been a central part of my life. My first memories are spotty, but
constant in them is the feeling of hurting all over. Additionally, I was always tired, very
tired, and always wanted just to sit and watch other people rather than to be up and
One of the reasons I hurt all over was because I was born with my hips and legs rotated
forward. My parents learned how to do physical therapy exercises to help me. I don’t
remember much of this except that it hurt, and I didn’t like my dad very much because
he was the one who did the exercises. I resented constantly being told to “stand up
straight” and, of course, I resented being told “it doesn’t hurt that bad.” I will admit
now that I am so grateful to my parents for the time they spent with the exercises. I’m
sure it was hard for them but, because of their hard work, I can walk. Running is still not
my strong point, but that’s something I don’t worry about because running has never
been a goal of mine.
I was lucky to be able to spend time with my great-grandparents. I loved going to their
home because it smelled so amazing and felt like a happy place. I have a distant
memory of great-grandma putting “something that smelled good” around my ears and
on my neck. I also remember that when I was with her I didn’t hurt as much. I learned
later, through diaries, that she knew how to use herbs to help others.
As a young child, I learned very early that no one wants to hear how bad you feel all the
time. And, the more you try to tell everyone how much you hurt, grownups are going to
tell you to “buck up” and just live with it, “no one can hurt as much as you say,” “stop
whining and just move, it will stop hurting as you exercise.” So, I learned to just ignore
the pain, to just get things done no matter how tired I was, and to just live with it.
Eventually, I didn’t even notice pain unless it was very intense or didn’t go away for a
week or so.
Because I was always sick with a sore throat and my ears were blocked or draining, it
was decided that I needed to have my tonsils taken out. When no one told me why I
was in the big building or why the lady in white was covering my nose and mouth with a
cloth and putting stinky drops on it, I was frightened, objected strongly, and struggled.
This caused me to receive much more ether and sleep much longer than I should have.
When my sore throats didn’t go away, I remember thinking that great-grandma could
have made it better. Unfortunately, she passed away when I was about 5 years old so
there were no more visits and no more “something that smelled good” rubbed around
my ears to help me feel better.
At the age of 6, I remember having the German measles and having to stay in bed for a
whole week. I didn’t mind that so much, but my Mom had to keep the windows blocked
and the room dark so my eyes weren’t damaged. Of course, I didn’t listen, and looked-
for light every chance I got. My thought was, light couldn’t be harmful, God made it and
he wouldn’t hurt me.
I was taken to the doctor at least once a year for annual check-ups before starting
school. I got all the required shots and remember feeling worse after the visits than I
did before I saw the doctor. It took days for the pain and swelling to go away and the
headaches seemed to last at least a week. And, I still felt tired and didn’t want to do
anything that required physical exertion or much movement. Ear infections and sore
throats continued along with the medicines, and I had to make sure my ears were
always covered. To this day I still don’t like hats or scarves or anything near my ears.
As I got older, and continued to suffer from a lack of energy and pain with any exercise,
I learned to escape into books. Through the stories, I could run and play and do things
with the characters. I was very good at “living” through books.
Over the years, going to doctor with the same concerns seemed to get the same
answers. My iron was a little low, so I should eat more liver and spinach and get some
vitamins. I found that eating lots of liver and spinach didn’t make me feel better, they
just added a stomach ache to everything I was already dealing with. This pattern went
on for years – same concerns, same answers, no relief; and I still don’t like liver and
When I got married in 1969 I expected to have children right away and life would
maybe get better. This is when I learned about natural supplements and decided to
stop the medical prescriptions (they weren’t helping any way), and started taking
herbal formulas. This started another pattern of taking supplements for 12-18 months.
They would seem to help and then stop, so I went to a different company and different
supplements that would help for a while and then I’d have to change again. After
following this pattern for several years, I found that I had run out of companies and
supplements to try, and was feeling worse than ever. I now had 5 children and I was
spending most of my time lying on the couch. If I needed to go somewhere or do
anything, I had to plan how much time and effort it would take so I would know how
many days it would take to recover. This was definitely not a good way to live and, for
sure, not a good way to raise a family.
I finally reached the point of knowing that I had to go to a doctor again to find out what
was going on. Funny thing was, my concerns were still the same – no energy, tired all
the time, hurt all over, but now food was upsetting me no matter what I ate or when I
ate it. The doctor’s response was – your iron count is too low; should be 14, yours is 2.
Because I had a negative reaction to the iron shot, for 6 months I received iron by IV
every Tuesday morning. Finally, I felt limited energy for 3-4 days a week! I still couldn’t
do anything that required a lot of energy, but I could do laundry and grocery shopping
on the same day. Unfortunately, the benefits of the iron IV came to an end when we
discovered my body wasn’t absorbing the iron correctly and my organs were beginning
to break down. The day my blood pressure measured 87/32 the doctor told me that I
probably only had 6 months of life left, to get my affairs in order, and prepare for the
inevitable. This is NOT what I wanted to hear at all.
At this time I had gotten my 3rd cassette of “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie.” I believed the
message I heard, found out how to contact Dr. Joel Wallach and followed his
suggestions for products that included minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential
fatty acids. In just 5 days I felt better than I had felt in years. When I returned for my
next IV treatment, test results showed that my iron level was 14 – right where it was
supposed to be. I totally believe that it was the addition of all the co-factors of minerals
and vitamins that made the difference.
I felt so much better in the weeks ahead that I went to work for the local office of
Dr. Wallach’s company. My education about what the body needs to support and
improve all of the systems of the body was amazing.
About this same time, in 2000, an essential oil company by the name of Ancient Legacy
joined Dr. Wallach’s company. I attended the first training meeting and was so amazed
to smell the scents that I had first been introduced to by my great-grandmother. I
finally had a name for the scent – Lavender – and with that came the comforting feeling
from my childhood memories that I was going to feel better again. I attended all of the
trainings that I possibly could and learned so much about the wonderful world of
Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. I was able to step in and continue the training of
these amazing oils for Youngevity® and have been sharing this amazing message of
health and wealth for almost 14 years.
There are still days when I don’t feel up to par, but my lowest days are so much better
than what used to be my best days. If I have a bad day now – it is totally my own fault
for not doing and taking the things that I know work for me. I am so grateful for
Dr. Wallach and Youngevity® for giving me an amazing life.
Amanda’s Story

Amanda Reynolds is the oldest child of Kent and Leiann King. Raised in the country as a
young girl, she developed many skills and a strong work ethic. She learned to sew, cook,
canning and even how to weld. She is a great organizer of both things and events. She
learned alongside her mother as her mother took her journey of discovery into the
natural health care industry. She has been involved in almost every aspect of essential
oils research, marketing, teaching, distilling, organizing events and production of videos
and photography. She has a strong desire and willingness to take care of often
overlooked and time-consuming details.

She has 5 wonderful children ranging from toddler to teenagers. She is married to a
great husband who is a Nurse and working towards becoming a Nurse Practitioner.
Together they hope to help many to achieve true and lasting health and healing. Her
husband is well researched and committed to learning all he can about nutrition and
gut health, and shares freely of his research and knowledge with Amanda.
As a mother, she often uses her oils and knowledge of them to treat colds and various
other illness including helping with her son's autism.

There is rarely a dull day at the Reynold’s house. Amanda is always active as she helps
others around her with various issues. She knows firsthand the challenges of many
difficult health problems of her own. Ranging from, Scoliosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Fibromyalgia, Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Chronic Fatigue, PTSD, and IBS. Because of her
health challenges, some of her children have their own range of issues. Setting her on
her own journey of discovery. Those experiences have taught her immense
compassion, fortitude and grace. She also stays busy with her talents of sewing,
cooking, event planning, decorating, photography, and directing plays. She has
produced a number of plays within her community. She never quits!

Along with being a huge blessing and support to family and friends she supplies the
strong “backbone” support for her mother's business.

She is a Certified Herbalist and Aromatherapist ready to share her knowledge with you.

What Is Aromatherapy?
How would you use a working knowledge of essential oils?

Welcome to the wonderful world of aromatherapy! This book is for beginners, as well
as the seasoned Aromatherapists, and I want your experience with the amazing gifts of
essential oils and blends to be a positive one. Naturally, I expect, you will soon enjoy
aromatherapy as much as my family and I do!
Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils. Volatile means the oils
evaporate into the air so we can smell them, not that they explode! These oils come
from various parts of the plants such as: leaves, roots, stems, wood, flowers, fruits,
resin or sap, seeds or pods, and the peelings from citrus fruits. Plant essences serve the
plant in many ways, including protection from insects or to attract insects for
pollination. Plants communicate with each other using their natural odors for their own
protection and for healing purposes. Essential oils are useful to us in many of the same
ways: for psychological and physical health, protection and comfort, and to attract
In aromatherapy, the use of other all-natural ingredients are sometimes used to obtain
a plant oil’s full effects, whether they are cold-pressed vegetable oils (such as
grapeseed, olive, Kukui or sunflower), jojoba (a
liquid wax extracted from the pods of the
plant), hydrosols (the water left over after the This is the ultimate attainable in
distillation process), herbs, sea salts, sugars, essential oils. Starting with the
clays, and muds. The most common way oils cultivation (or in the case of
are used is by inhalation, the act of smelling the wild plants), with the harvest,
aroma of the oil. everything is done with the
final goal in mind: to produce
There are three basic aromatherapy styles with the best possible essential oils.
essential oils: German, English, and French.
German style aromatherapy suggests that oils —Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D.
should only be smelled and never applied to
the body in any way.
English style includes both smelling and applying to the skin, but only when highly
diluted with a vegetable oil or other essential oil carrier, such as bath salts or clays.
The French, who have used essential oils for decades, take a more medicinal approach,
which includes internal use—both orally and internally as a suppository. Of course, they
also employ the two English methods of inhalation and diluted topical use. Although I
have been trained in all three methods, this book will focus mainly on the English style.
Essential oils can be blended together to create appealing aromas or to target specific
purposes, such as pain, colds, or flu prevention. An essential oil blend is considered to
work better than using each oil independently. Blends are also called synergies because
of their synergistic effect—the sum of the collective whole is greater than the sum of
2 Foundational Aromatherapy

the individual parts. Single essential oils are selected for blending by reviewing the
beneficial effects of their natural chemicals—by plant part, plant families, or by note.
Note means the evaporation rate of an oil. Does it evaporate quickly, like the citrus oils
that have a lighter scent? Or, does it evaporate more slowly, with the base notes that
usually come from the root? Blending by note is usually done to achieve a particular
aroma for a natural perfume or for psychological or emotional effects.
When used correctly, oils can have astronomical effects on the body; but if used
incorrectly, they can have consequences. A healthy sense of appropriate caution is
advised. Also, be aware that not all products labeled “aromatherapy” are pure and
natural. Some may contain artificial ingredients and do not provide the beneficial
properties that an all-natural product would supply. And, just because an oil label says
it is pure, and maybe it is, does not mean it is effective—because there are many
factors affecting it: where was it grown, how it was harvested or when, and the
temperature or pressure of the distillation process. A host of items must be addressed
to ensure the oils will provide the desired results. While I use the terms all natural and
pure, I prefer genuine and authentic. These were terms I learned while studying with
advanced Aromatherapists Kurt Schnaubelt Ph.D. who said:
“This is the ultimate attainable in essential oils. Starting with the cultivation (or in the
case of wild plants), with the harvest, everything is done with the final goal in mind: to
produce the best possible essential oils.”
Amazing things can happen to you when you learn about essential oils. Ask yourself:

What amazing changes are about to begin in my life?

What Is Aromatherapy? 3

Where Do Essential Oils Come From?

Essential oils are derived from many different plants and many different parts of plants.
Some plants carry their precious oils within their leaves or flowers, while others may
carry the beneficial oils within their rinds, seeds, or other parts. Certain plants cannot
produce enough essential oils to justify the commercial cost of oil extraction. Also,
some plants may produce essential oils that have no known beneficial value or can even
be harmful.
Lavender and chamomile come from a plant’s flowers, cedarwood comes from a wood,
vetiver comes from tiny roots, orange and lime come from a tree fruit rind, and
peppermint comes from plant leaves. Some essential oils can be extracted from
multiple parts of a plant; for example, cinnamon can be derived from the bark or leaves
of the cinnamon tree. There are many possibilities to all oils, and special care must be
exerted to extract each essential oil appropriately.
Aromatic plants come from all around the world. Plants naturally grow in areas where
the conditions are best for them. These conditions include climate, altitude, and soil
conditions. Lavender is an oil that can be found on many continents and is used by
many people. One fun thing I like to do is learn about the country where an essential oil
originates. Then, each time I use that oil, it’s like taking a vacation to a faraway land.

Essential Oil Production and Quality

Knowing is appreciating. What do you appreciate most in your life?
Knowing about production and
quality in the making of essential oils
is important. It helps you to realize Essential oils are created and stored in
specialized plant structures such as
and appreciate the vast amount of secretory cells, glands, glandular hairs,
work involved in order to obtain and oil or resin ducts. The secretory cells
genuine, high-quality essential oils. that produce the volatile oils trap the
Most of the work is still done by photo electromagnetic energy of the
hand in small batches by families sun, and with the help of glucose,
who have been doing it for convert it into biochemical energy in the
generations, like the making of fine form of aromatic molecules. In a process
similar to photosynthesis, plants create
wine. Learning this brings deeper essential oils by trapping and
appreciation and higher value for our transmuting light and energy.
little bottles filled with precious —Kathi Keville and Mindy Green,
essential oils. Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to
the Healing Art
Essential Oil Extraction
Essential oils are extracted by four
basic methods, each of them very different, yet necessary, depending on the plants.
Extraction means getting the oil out of the plant-from its flowers, roots, stems etc.—
and into that little bottle for you to use and enjoy.
Steam Distillation
First, the most common extraction method is steam distillation. This method reminds
me of bootleggers making moonshine during prohibition. A large metal container, made
of either stainless steel or copper, is filled with a rather large amount of plant material.
4 Foundational Aromatherapy

You can expect only a tiny amount of oil from such a quantity. For example, one drop
chamomile is the equivalent of 30 tea bags of chamomile tea. After the plant material is
put in the container, steam from boiling water is then funneled to flow through the
plant material, causing the little oil-containing sacs on the plant to open or burst and
release their tiny amounts of oil into the steam. Sometimes the water is directly under
the plant material, like when you use a steamer basket to steam vegetables. In other
cases, the material is covered completely in the water, like when you boil potatoes.
Currently, the most common steam distillation method is for the steam to be funneled
through a tube into the plant material. Steam distillers can be taken right into the fields
where the plants are harvested, and water heated using a wood fire. Alternately, plants
can be processed in a high-tech facility where distillers operate using a heating element
like a hot water heater. Next (this is where it reminds me of bootlegging), the steam
then rises and winds its way through a coiled tube where it is cooled, usually in another
container with cold water in it, and the steam turns back into a liquid. Oil and water
naturally separate, so when the oil rises to the top of the water, it is removed. (Clove oil
is the exception—it sinks.) Some distillers have two pipes—one for the water and one
for the oil, making separation easier.
It is important to note here that essential oils are not really oils in the same way we
think of traditional vegetable oils, like olive oil or grapeseed oil. But we call them oils
because during the distilling process they rise to the top and float on the water like
vegetable oils do. A better name for essential oils that is more descriptive and is now
coming into use is plant essence. We may soon refer to essential oils as plant essences.
Cold-Press Extraction
The second most common extraction method is cold pressing. It is used to get oils from
the rinds or peelings of citrus fruits, such as bergamot, lemon, orange, and grapefruit. It
is not always desirable to distill fruit rinds because their chemical constituents are very
delicate and the high temperatures used in steam distillation might damage or destroy
them—with one exception—lime rind is better distilled.
To cold press, the peelings of the fruit are simply ground up and pressed at about
120o F, then the mass is filtered and spun in a centrifuge to remove the oil. The process
sort of reminds me about being in elementary school, playing on the merry-go-round,
spinning and spinning—if you did not hold on tight, you went flying off. The same thing
happens in a centrifuge. The oil flies off into a container, nice and safe—safer than kids
thrown off a merry-go-round who are left scraped up and bleeding, needing some oils!
The cold-press citrus oil that is spun out is the same as if you squirted yourself in the
eye while peeling an orange for breakfast. The next time you have a citrus fruit in hand,
smell it with the peeling uncut; then cut it and take a whiff of the peeling—pretty
wonderful, yes! Citrus oils have a wonderfully light, fresh, and uplifting scent like that of
the fresh ripe fruit. Citrus oils have a shorter shelf life than other oils. Citrus oils also are
phototoxic, which means when you put them on your skin and go out in the sun, they
intensify the effect of the sun’s rays—which can cause a sunburn or even a permanent,
weird, blotchy tan. Ask me how I know—well, let’s just say it’s not a good idea to use
them on your neck as a perfume!

What Is Aromatherapy? 5

Solvent Extraction
The third method is solvent extraction. This is a very complicated process compared to
the previous two. It is used for plants that are too delicate to steam distill, usually
flowers such as jasmine. This process is very popular in the high-end perfume industry
as it leaves an aroma very similar to that of the actual flower before extraction. It first
requires a hydrocarbon extraction of the plant material that leaves a semi-solid blob of
50 percent wax and 50 percent essential oil. This blob is called a “concrete,” which is
then mixed with ethyl alcohol—the same alcohol found in wines and beer. The alcohol
causes the wax to separate from the oil, while the oil stays with the alcohol. The alcohol
is then evaporated from the oil. The remaining oil is then called an absolute.
Rose and Neroli oils are unique because they can either be extracted as an absolute or
can be distilled, a fact which is interesting to me. When they are distilled, it is done in
boiling water, like potatoes, so the petals can float in the water and not clump up. This
process leaves a very potent fragrance that can be overpowering. For this reason, these
oils are usually combined with other oils in blends. There is some controversy in the
aromatherapy world about whether solvent extracted oils are really true essential oils.
Some hardcore Aromatherapists, especially medical ones, say no. In spite of all that,
they do have a place in emotional based therapy and add a wonderfully complex aroma
to essential oil blends.
CO2 Extraction
Fourth and last, there is a new method called CO2 extraction or supercritical carbon
dioxide extraction, to be more precise. For this method, the entire plant pretty much
ends up in the final product. Carbon dioxide is put in a pressurized chamber with the
plant matter at low temperatures around 35 degrees Fahrenheit. This low temperature
and the fact that it is in a pressurized state turns it to liquid which “absorbs,” you might
say, the aromatic qualities of the plant. The liquid is then pumped into another
chamber where the carbon dioxide returns to a gas. What is left is a very pure extract of
the plant. The resulting oil smells like the whole plant, and the flavors are excellent for
This last method is a very high-tech and expensive procedure. At present, there are few
facilities equipped for the process. Experts believe this method will become the wave of
the future for aromatherapy because it’s low temperature which preserves many more
constituents than traditional distillation, which uses steam and high heat. While the
aromas of oils processed by this method are amazing, the process is expensive and still
in its infancy. Time will tell.
Quality, Quality—Wherefore Art Thou, Quality?
I have been involved with essential oils for years now, both as a professional
Aromatherapists and teacher, as well as being heavily involved in network marketing
distribution. This section about quality has been the most difficult for me to write.
Why? There is a great deal of misinformation about essential oils on bottle labels and in
marketing literature, some of which I unknowingly perpetuated. It’s time for true
confessions and to set the record straight.
First, I was incorrectly taught that “good” essential oils were labeled AFNOR and
“therapeutic grade.” First, the word therapeutic—what exactly does that mean?
According to Merriam Webster dictionary, it means producing good effects for the
6 Foundational Aromatherapy

body and mind. Therefore, I believed that the oils I used were therapeutic according to
that definition. Unfortunately, the term therapeutic was selected for marketing
purposes by companies trying to make us all believe their oils were the best and
somehow others were not therapeutic. Now, almost every company selling essential
oils uses that term, so it really has no significance. The real problem is not with the
word therapeutic but with the word grade. The crux of the matter is that true essential
oils grading criteria has never been created. There is no essential oils government
agency, or big brother in the sky who determines which are the best, average, or poor
quality. Labeling an essential oil as certified is not exactly conveying reality to the
consumer. Let’s wade through the labeling mythology first, and then I will tell you what
I look for in an oil or oil company.
AFNOR is short for a French standardization organization that was created for people
and companies that make products. It was developed only to ensure that when a
product is made, it is made the same each time. It does not tell you anything about the
quality of any particular product. When you see ANFOR on an essential oil label or in its
literature, it just means they make the oil the same way every time.
Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade
A Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade marking on an essential oil label can give the
impression that some qualified outside source (such as the FDA) has certified that the oil
was tested and proved it to be better than any others. However, the truth is that this
term is merely a marketing term created and trademarked (a coined term or phrase) by
the company. There is no certification or importance associated with the term.
ISO is an acronym for International Organization for Standardization. ISO, like AFNOR,
declares certain standards for many manufacturers and technologies. ISO has standards
for everything from crayons to credit cards, not just essential oils.
GRAS is short for “generally regarded as safe.” In the aromatherapy world, this means
that an oil with GRAS on its label has been approved by the FDA to be on its “safe list”
for use as flavoring or additives in foods. Some companies use this FDA approval to
promote their product as the only oils “safe to take internally.” This is not what it
means. Having a particular oil on the FDA “safe list” means the FDA has determined
that oil is “generally safe” to use in very small amounts to add flavor, and lacks any
indication of any particular dosage.
I hold the position that there is a safe way to take oils internally, for instance when
highly diluted. I use some essential oils in recipes for my family on a regular basis. I
disagree with large quantities of essential oils taken on a regular basis. Consuming
essential oils in this manner is unsafe, wasteful, and puts an unnecessary strain on the
liver. The same results can be achieved by using other methods.

What Is Aromatherapy? 7

EOBBD stands for Essential Oils Biologically and Biochemically Defined. This standard is
worthy of respect. It signifies that the plant from which the oil was extracted has been
properly and accurately identified with both its common name and its full Latin name—
Genus and species. Because there are several varieties of every herb, each having its
own particular therapeutic values, it is important that each plant is identified and
labeled correctly. Eucalyptus is a good example. Here are three types: Eucalyptus
radiata, Eucalyptus globulus, and Eucalyptus citriodora. Each one does something
different for the human body. If we buy Eucalyptus essential oil, what are we really
getting? In the case of Lavender, there are over 40 different species! If a bottle is
labeled only Lavender, how can you possibly know which species you are getting? Will it
help with sunburn, or is it the kind that helps relieve inflammation in the muscles?
The technical data of every oil sold should be readily available to consumers. We should
also be able to learn from the supplier or its literature from what country an oil
originates, the plant part from which it is derived, and how it was extracted. This is
what is meant by biologically defining an essential oil.
Chromatograph and Refractive Indexing
Oil test results, such as gas chromatograph and refractive indexing, tell us if there are
any adulterations due to pesticides or synthetics. For essential oil blend makers, these
tests indicate about the chemical constituents or the ingredients of each oil as created
by God, not man. Blend makers need to know the amounts of certain biochemical
properties—some properties need to be in a high percentage and some low. Much like
making a cake, you want the ingredients in the right proportions, (e.g., 2 cups of flour
and a teaspoon of salt, not the other way around). Biochemically defining an oil is
achieved through this testing.
Quality and Trust
What so what’s a person to do? How could you really know which oils are genuine? Do
you trust the company? Do they have a good record of providing high-quality products?
Do you know and trust the owners and founders of the company?
It all comes down to trust. For me, the most important proof is how the oils work for
my family, and if the company strives to meet the EOBBD standards. Price is a terrible
way to judge an oil, as there are many costs involved in the searching for, obtaining,
and testing of high-quality oils. An oil priced “too good to be true” probably lacks purity
and authenticity. High-quality oils cost more than the average oil on the market. The
good news: it requires only a tiny amount of a high-quality oil to create results—usually
1 or 2 drops is all you need.
8 Foundational Aromatherapy

A Blast from the Past

A Brief History of Aromatherapy
How can we benefit from the knowledge of the past to create our successful future?
I find that we can learn much about a person by knowing some of their past. Where did
they grow up? Who are their parents? What were their failures and successes? We can
learn about essential oils and aromatherapy in the same way. Where did these little
bottles come from? Who first started using them and why?
Essential oils have been around since the beginning of time in one form or another. The
word aromatherapy itself was not coined until the twentieth century. The Chinese and
Egyptians both practiced forms of aromatherapy and were some of the first cultures to
leave some written record about their usage. This knowledge eventually spread along
trade and travel routes to other cultures and regions, such as to the Greeks, Romans,
and Israelites, to India and all around the Mediterranean, and eventually to the entire
world. They used these oils for healing, religious ceremonies, and to improve the odor
on their bodies and in their environments.
Egypt is widely known as one of the originators of the essential oil distillation process,
though crude at first. The pharaohs and others of the elite class used essential oils not
only for healing and ceremonies but also as a way to seduce lovers. Marc Anthony
probably didn’t stand a chance but to fall for Cleopatra. Her beauty was renowned
throughout the world, and it is said that she possessed some of the rarest and most
expensive oils for her personal use. She likely used several essential oils for their skin-
enhancing properties, including bathing with essential oils and having her servants
massage oils onto her body. Some elite-class Egyptians placed solid cones of oils into
their headdresses that would melt in the warm Mediterranean climate so a lingering
aroma would stay with them throughout the day. Some oils were considered so
precious that they were used for trade in place of silver or gold currency. Essential oils
such as cedarwood, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, and myrrh were selected for embalming
and mummification. Egyptian high priests used scented oils in ceremonial rituals and
often spent months preparing the desired fragrances for each ritual.
India is one of the only places that has constantly continued the tradition of
aromatherapy. Veda Yajura or Yajurveda is a Hindu holy book or scripture in India.
Known in English as The Vedas, it contains instructions for a healthy life, which include
the use of over seven hundred products, including cinnamon, spikenard, coriander,
ginger, myrrh, and sandalwood. The book classifies the uses and therapeutic purposes
for each one. Ayurveda, a respected form of medicine or natural healing, comes from
these writings. It considers the individual as a whole and customizes protocols based on
the person’s body traits and personalities.
The Greeks learned most of their aromatherapy knowledge from the Egyptians,
although they gave the credit to their gods. They also recognized medicinal and
aromatic benefits of plants and their oils. A Greek perfumer named Megallus created a
perfume called Megaleion. It included myrrh, especially valued for its scent and other
properties such as anti-inflammatory effects on the skin and an ability to help heal

What Is Aromatherapy? 9

The Toltecs and Aztecs also practiced a form of aromatherapy in connection with their
rites and ceremonies. It was their custom to build a small stone or adobe room near the
entrance of a temple. The room housed a heated pool where fragrant flowers and
herbs were placed. Such rooms would be similar to modern-day steam rooms or
saunas. As water in the pool heated, steam passed through the herbs and flowers,
releasing their essential oils into the air. Inhaling the infused air had a stimulating effect
on the circulation and metabolism. The healing vapors also absorbed through the skin,
cleansing and softening the complexion.
Native Americans implemented their own style of aromatherapy in sweat lodges and in
other ceremonies where they burned or boiled herbs to release aromas believed to
heal the sick both physically and emotionally.
The invention of the coiled cooling pipe in the 11th century by the Persian Avicenna
changed the way people distilled essential oils. Its coiled pipe allowed plant vapor and
steam to cool down more effectively than previous distillers that had straight cooling
pipes. Avicenna’s discovery led to a wider interest in essential oils and their benefits.
Between the 12th and 19th century, many discoveries regarding aromatherapy were
made. Lavender was distilled for its medicinal properties. The pharmaceutical industry
was created, which encouraged and increased production and use of distilled essential
oils. It is believed many perfumers survived the Black Death because of their constant
contact with the natural oils. Perfume-making, was considered art, and became defined
as its own field. Through their efforts, major components of essential oils could be
isolated or separated from the whole.
Unfortunately, isolation of plant components led to diminishing use of essential oils,
which are holistic, in preference for developing medicines made with isolated
components with an intention of targeting specific ailments getting predictable results.
While there are benefits to this modern approach, medications made from isolated
components can also sensitize and create complications in the body—hence the long
lists of possible side effects of most drugs on the market today. By using a plant in its
wholesome state or by concentrating all of its properties into an essential oil, the
natural occurring elements balance each other, when used correctly, creates few, if
any, complications or side effects.
During the 20th century, the discovery of new and more efficient ways for separating
medicinal or other components of essential oils was used to create synthetic chemicals
and drugs that would be beneficial both therapeutically and economically. These
discoveries led to modern medicine and synthetic fragrances which lessened the use of
essential oils for medicinal and aromatic benefits. A French chemist named Rene-
Maurice Gattefosse, who first worked in perfumes, became interested in the medicinal
use of essential oils beyond their aromatic use. While working one day, he burned his
arm badly. Acting on reflex, he immersed his arm in the closest liquid available—a
container of lavender essential oil. To his surprise, he experienced quick relief and
especially noted that the burn healed quickly and left no scar. His observations led to a
more serious scientific consideration of utilizing plants holistically, especially in the form
of essential oils. Gattefosse is recognized as the “Father of Aromatherapy.”
During the last century continuing to the present, people have shown an ever-growing
personal interest in the use of natural products, which has rekindled focus on essential
oils for their therapeutic, cosmetic, and aromatic benefits. In 1977, Robert Tissurand
10 Foundational Aromatherapy

published the first aromatherapy book ever in English, titled The Art of Aromatherapy.
French Aromatherapists Jean Valnet was recognized for his essential oils work to help
World War II soldiers. His book, The Practice of Aromatherapy, originally in French is
now available in English.
Aromatherapy has been used by medical practitioners in Europe and India for
centuries. In other countries, the scientific revolution reduced its popularity for a long
period of time. Aromatherapy, as it is known today, has only been in the United States
for a few decades.
What does this history mean to us today? It gives us a deeper respect for the oils. It
helps us realize that this is not some passing fad but a genuine health aid.
Aromatherapy is not an alternative but a historical norm; western medicine, no matter
how great and advanced it is, is (in reality) the new alternative medicine.
What new respect do you now have for essential oils?

Basic Chemistry of Aromatherapy

Why do you need to know about the chemistry of essential oils if you just want to know
what oils to use for your runny nose?
When I was in high school I took chemistry after only two whole weeks. I dropped out
for three reasons. How many? Three. First, I could not see any value to it for my
everyday life. Second, I burned myself badly putting my finger in melted sulfur--I am
extremely curious (and we all know what curiosity did to the cat). Finally, and most
important for me at the time, there was only one cute boy in the class—but he already
had a girlfriend.
In preparing this section, I wanted to make sure I addressed at least the first two issues
for you. I want you to see the value these have for you and I don’t want you to get
burned! Though I cannot provide a cute boy, you could sit by your significant other or a
picture of Elvis or Marilyn Monroe while reading this. That will take care of number
How can learning chemistry apply to your everyday life? How can learning chemistry
keep you from being burned?
Here is a simple way to become familiar with the basics of essential oil chemistry.
Essential oils can be divided into 10 main groupings. Learning the main things that each
of these chemical families do in your body will help you when choosing which oil you
want to use. Also useful for answering the question, why did Leiann or someone else
put this oil in this particular blend, or how can I make my own blend to do what I want it
to do, and have it be both safe and effective.
Let’s learn the ten chemical families. We should have ten fingers or toes, so you should
be able to get this down with a few little tricks to help remember. In the table below
are the ten main chemical families in alphabetical order, each with a memory-key word
to go with it.

What Is Aromatherapy? 11

Ten Main Chemical Families Memory Key

1 Aldehydes Aunt
2 Esters Esther
3 Ethers excitedly
4 Ketones kept
6 Monoterpenes money
6 Monoterpenols medals
7 Oxides open
8 Phenols phones
9 Sesquiterpenes safely
10 Sesquiterpenols stored

Memorize: Aunt Esther excitedly kept money, medals, open phones safely stored!
Ten Main Chemical Families
Now we will go over what each chemical family generally does in or to the body, the
safety precautions associated with each one, and which oils are in each family. Then we
will put it all into a story so you can always remember.
1. Aldehydes
Properties: Sedative or calming to the nervous system, anti-inflammatory, cooling,
antifungal. Citrus, lemony smell. Middle note.
Oils: cinnamon bark, eucalyptus citriodora, lemongrass
Safety Notes: Aldehydes can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes, especially
if oxidized. Dilution is important. In fact, oils with aldehydes are considered more
effective when diluted, especially for their antispasmodic and sedative effects. You
might want to consider using them with skin-friendly oils.
Shelf Life: Aldehyde-rich essential oils is two to three years.
2. Esters
Properties: Sedative, balancing, and soothing to the sympathetic nervous system,
emotionally uplifting and stress relieving, antispasmodic (especially digestive cramping).
Anti-infectious, healing to the skin (especially for skin irritations). Esters are either floral
or fruity in aroma and are usually middle notes.
Oils: bergamot, birch, chamomile Roman, clary sage, fir (balsam), geranium,
helichrysum, jasmine, lavender, black spruce, ylang ylang
Safety Notes: There are generally no safety concerns for these oils when properly
diluted for the skin. Birch is the exception; it should not be used by pregnant or
breastfeeding women, or people with asthma, aspirin sensitivities, or clotting disorders.
Shelf Life: Ester-rich essential oils is three to five years.
3. Ethers
Properties: Antispasmodic, anti-infectious, carminative (reduces flatulence or intestinal
gas), pain relieving in the digestive system and genitourinary tract. Licorice-type aroma.
Middle notes mostly.
12 Foundational Aromatherapy

Oils: anise, fennel, dill seed, nutmeg

Safety Notes: Dilute these oils as they can burn the skin. Avoid use during pregnancy,
while breastfeeding, or in cases of endometriosis and estrogen-related cancers. Toxicity
concerns, in large doses. Check individual oil profiles for specific concerns.
Shelf Life: Ether-rich essential oils is three to five years.
4. Ketones
Properties: Carminative (reduce intestinal gas), pain relieving, expectorant (mucus
removing), and improves circulation. Middle notes except vetiver, which is a base note.
Different aromas.
Oils: peppermint, spearmint, vetiver
Safety Notes: Not all ketones have the same safety cautions. Peppermint should not be
used in high amounts with young children, those pregnant, or people taking high blood
pressure medications.
Shelf Life: Ketone-rich essential oils is three to five years.
5. Monoterpenes
Properties: Decongesting to muscular and respiratory systems, enhances skin
penetration, warming (helps with pain and stiffness), antiseptic, antiviral, and air
purifier. Citrus oils are top notes, others are middle notes. With a variety of aromas.
Oils: bay laurel, black pepper, bergamot, cypress, frankincense, fir (balsam), grapefruit,
juniper berry, lemon, marjoram, neroli, nutmeg, orange, rosemary, black spruce, tea
tree, thyme linalool, tanacetum annuum, cajeput, helichrysum, green mandarin,
Safety Notes: If they become oxidized from not keeping the lid on tight or stored in a
cool dark place, they can cause skin sensitization or irritation. Always use with bath salts
for a bath or with a carrier oil as they are lack water solubility.
Shelf Life: Monoterpene-rich essential oils are one to three years.
6. Monoterpenols
Properties: Emotionally balancing, immune stimulant, anti-infectious, healing for the
skin. Floral aroma and most are middle notes.
Oils: basil, clary sage, coriander, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, sweet marjoram,
neroli, palmarosa, peppermint, rose, rosewood, tea tree, thyme linalool, ylang ylang
Safety Notes: These are generally regarded as safe with no skin irritation. The only
exception is peppermint which should not be used on children under the age of five.
Shelf Life: Monoterpenol-rich essential oils is three to five years.
7. Oxides
Properties: Strong respiratory decongestant, mentally stimulating, antiviral, pain
relieving or numbing agent, and smells camphor-like.
Oils: bay laurel, chamomile German, eucalyptus globulus, eucalyptus radiata, spike
lavender, rosemary 1.8 cineole

What Is Aromatherapy? 13

Safety Notes: Care must be taken with cineole as it can trigger an attack with
asthmatics. Also care should be taken with children under 10. Do not use on infants.
Shelf Life: Oxide-rich essential oils is one to four years.
8. Phenols
Properties: Great immune stimulants, antibacterial and very anti-infectious, stimulates
body systems, very spicy, and pungent aroma. Usually a top/middle note.
Oils: clove bud, oregano
Safety Notes: Oils high in phenols are very hot oils and very irritating to the skin. They
must be diluted substantially before applying to the skin, usually only 5 to 6 drops per
ounce of carrier oil. They are never to be used on babies or young children. Avoid
applying to sensitive skin or damaged skin. Clove bud should be avoided by individuals
on blood thinners. Never use them in a bath.
Shelf Life: Phenol-rich essential oils is three to five years.
9. Sesquiterpenes
Properties: Anti-inflammatory, antihistamine (remove effects from allergies),
antibacterial, antiseptic (germ killing), antispasmodic. A base or middle note and tend
to be a heavier oil, making it more calming and centering. They have the longest shelf
life and the aroma is also longer lasting. These oils actually have a wide range of
properties and aromas, and so it is best to look at the profiles of each individual oil.
Oils: black pepper, cedar wood, ginger, helichrysum, myrrh, patchouli, ylang ylang
Safety Notes: These oils are considered skin safe and non-irritating.
Shelf Life: Sesquiterpene-rich essential oils is six to eight years (usually longer).
10. Sesquiterpenols
Properties: Anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the whole body,
enhancing the body systems and the mind. Like the sesquiterpenes, you do have to look
at each oil’s profile to see the specific properties and aromas. These oils are heavier, a
base note, and have a longer shelf life.
Oils: carrot seed, sandalwood, patchouli, cedarwood
Safety Notes: Considered generally safe.
Shelf life: Sesquiterepenol-rich essential oils is six to eight years (usually longer).
Aunt Esther—A Story to Help You Remember
Here’s a story to help you remember the phrase Aunt Esther excitedly kept money,
medals, open phones safely stored!
Aunt – Aldehydes
Aunts are like the aldehydes in that a little goes a long way; you need to dilute (limit)
your time with them otherwise they will be severely irritating or put you to sleep with
their gossip. In small doses, an aunt can be very pleasant to have around; she can calm
down inflammatory situations; for example, she can help cool everyone’s tempers.
Esther – Esters
This particular aunt’s name is Esther. She is everyone’s favorite. She is fun to be around
and smells floral and fruity. She always makes everyone feel better, physically or
14 Foundational Aromatherapy

emotionally, whether you have a tummy ache or are just feeling sad. If someone rubs
you (your skin) the wrong way or gets your dander up, “Ester” is the one to call.
Excitedly – Ethers
If Aunt Esther has spasms, digestive pain, urinary tract infections, or just plain old gas,
she gets pretty excited. She eats the wrong things all the time, so this happens to her a
lot. She is careful not to get too hot when she gets excited.
Kept – Ketones
If the Ether oils don’t help her tummy, the Ketones will help keep her happy. Ketones
also help her if she has a headache or a minor injury, like a smashed finger.
Money – Monoterpenes
Both words include an eee sound at the end, making them e-e-easy to remember. Aunt
Esther has a lot of money, and in this family, there are many oils. Just like money, these
oils need to be protected in a cool dark place like a bank vault. If we don’t keep our
money safe, it won’t last as long. Money can help get us out of trouble in many ways.
Medals – Monoterpenols
Both words end in the al or ol sound. Medals make us feel good, and most people get
one for protecting others. We don’t have to be quite as worried about protecting our
medals as we do our money.
Open – Oxides
These oils are all about getting or keeping things open—whether it is your lungs or your
mind. These are all about getting oxygen in.
Phones – Phenols
Phenols are like phones in many ways. They are very useful tools and can help you get
what you want or need. Phones can also be very irritating if you use them too much for
too long, the phone gets hot, you get a headache, etc. If an annoying person keeps
calling you, it is wise to take phone calls in small doses. In an emergency, you want a
phone and phenols to aid in the rescue.
Safely – Sesquiterpenes
Both words include with an eee sound at the end, making them also e-e-easy to
remember. These oils have no cautions. They are very safe to use and have a long shelf
life. Safely is the best word for them: you can safely store these oils in many different
ways, and these oils help us in many different ways.
Stored – Sesquiterpenols
Both words have an “o” in them. Aunt Esther stored these oils in the ground—because
they are grounding. It is cool in the ground and they are also cooling oils. They are
safely stored because they are very safe—like the previous Safely Stored Sesquiterpene
So, there you go! Learn the short sentence and the reminders. When you are looking at
the oil profiles and see the chemical families section, you will have a good idea of what
that oil can do for you as well as any safety precautions. This information will help you
create blends to target certain conditions. For example, to open things up, use oxides;
for anti-inflammatory results, use sesquiterpenes; maybe mix some skin friendly oils
with some hot ones.
What Is Aromatherapy? 15

Tada! You are on your way to being a master blender!

16 Foundational Aromatherapy

Basics of Aromatherapy

This book is for you, especially if you are new to essential oils and don’t know where
to begin. It is also for you if you have been around the aromatherapy world for years
and want a fast and easy reference guide. This book is for parents who want simple
natural solutions for their family’s health challenges. This book is for concerned
grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends, including busy individuals who want help
quickly and effectively. This book is for those who want to revitalize or to create
something different for themselves and the entire planet, who want to lead the way
in making small changes that will create big results!
How could using essential oils benefit your life?
Your family’s lives? And your friends’ lives?
What if using one little drop of essential oils could change your world?
Well it can!
Foundational Aromatherapy is about how essential oils can make a difference in your
life and affect everyone you influence. It is a guide not a directive. It is included to open
your mind to new possibilities for enhancing both health and vibrancy in your life. It
suggests questions to ask yourself, such as “How can my life get any better than this?”
Such questions can prompt ideas, tools, and processes that we hope will give you
another perspective about how you can create more abundantly the health and life you
Brenda and I are not doctors—we are mothers and grandmothers who care about the
health of our families. More than that, we care about your families as well. We offer
you the benefit of our years of experience in using essential oils and in training others
about this safe and effective method of utilizing God’s plants from around the world for
the benefit of men, women, and children. We invite you into this world of knowing, to
use the tools we have provided, and to try something new and different—and it may
forever change the way you see living healthfully.

A Little Botany
Names mean things about plants—what does your name say about you?
We won’t go crazy with this; I want to give you just enough to make you “dangerous.”
Common Plant Names
Common names for plants vary in different places in the world. However, common
names for plants can be misleading. Take the Morning Glory, for example. I grew up in
California and had Morning Glories growing in our yard. It is a beautiful flowering plant
that climbed our trellis with big blossoms that opened each morning. After I got
married and moved to Utah, I told my husband that I wanted to plant Morning Glories
and he had a fit because to him Morning Glory is a weed. I learned there are different
species of Morning Glory. In Utah, the species that grows almost everywhere is indeed
a very noxious weed that can take over your whole yard—and its flowers are small and
Basics of Aromatherapy 17

white, not the brightly colored blooms I had known. To make it more confusing, the
weed has another common name—it is called Bindweed by farmers. So, if it is growing
in your yard in Utah, the weed is called Morning Glory; the same plant on a farm is
called Bindweed. By either common name it is definitely not the same flowering plant I
loved. If we had understood the Latin names, I could have told Kent, “I want to plant
Ipomoea purpurea,” and he needn’t had fled in fear from the seed section in the
hardware store.
Latin Botanical Names
Why do we need to know Latin botanical names, and what value are they to me?
Plants have Latin names for scientific and international reasons. With Latin names, no
matter what country you are from or what language you speak, everyone can focus on
the same plant.
Latin names for plants have two parts: the Genus and the species. They are the
equivalent of a surname and a given name, with the surname always listed first (e.g.,
similar to listing your last name first on a form).
Think of Genus as a surname, which is always capitalized, and species as a given name,
which is all lowercase (i.e., Ipomoea purpurea, the Latin name for Morning Glory). Just
like a group of relatives with the same last name (the surname), plants that share a
Genus (e.g., Ipomoea, or the surname) are in a family, and each unique plant has a
species name (i.e., purpurea, the distinctive name), which describes its prominent
characteristics. Each unique plant also has a common name (i.e., Morning Glory).
I like to think of Latin plant names this way: Genus is general as in generality, and it is
always a noun; species is more specific, and it describes the plant and is usually an
You might say each lavender descended from a parent or ancestor Lavandula plant
going back thousands of years, and now they are separated as siblings, or as cousins.
Just like human families, children may have the same parents yet each child is different
in many ways. For example, Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula latifolia smell
different and have different beneficial properties. Lavandula angustifolia primarily
benefits the skin, and can relieve stress, while Lavandula latifolia relieves sore muscles
as it increases circulation and stimulates the nervous system.
Four Classifications of Plants
Plants can be classified in four different ways; sometimes by where they are located
and their chemical constituency; sometimes by the way they are bred, and sometimes
simply by the color of the flower or leaf. Let’s learn what this means to you and I, and
the oils, in a practical way.
Chemo Types
Related plants, some known by the same common name, are differentiated by chemo
types, or “ct.” This is when you have the exact same plant growing under different
conditions creating different qualities; in effect, making it a different oil. It’s one of
those amazing things that Mother Nature does. These plants look exactly the same but
smell different and have different chemical constituents. These plants have the same
Genus and species. They have individually changed their chemical composition by
adapting to one or more of the following: altitude, climate, disease or parasite
resistance, light, soil, and rainfall. Thyme, rosemary, and basil all have different chemo
18 Foundational Aromatherapy

types. Thyme has several chemo types: thymol, carvacrol, geraniol, thujanol, and
linalool. In this book, we will focus on thymol and linalool. Below are brief descriptions
of both so you can understand why it is important to pay attention to the differences.
Thyme Thymol’s Latin name is Thymus vulgaris ct. thymol. It is a “hot” oil. We need to
be careful with it around mucous membranes and we would not inhale it for long
periods of time, if at all. It also requires dilution with a carrier oil or combined in a blend
with more skin-friendly oils when applied to the skin. This oil should be used for only
short periods of time for acute conditions, not for long-term or everyday use. It is very
good for colds and flu and bacterial infections. Do not use on children under the age of
The Latin name for Thyme Linalool is Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool. This oil is antiseptic
and antimicrobial yet very gentle on skin and mucous membranes. It is known as a safe
children’s oil, stimulating the immune system and great for lung ailments such as
bronchitis or a bad cough.
So you can see especially where the two thymes are concerned, we do not want to tell
someone “Just use thyme for this or that because it helped me, and it should help you,
too.” It is important to distinguish between chemo types. Always ask, “Which thyme?”
Two other examples are Rosemary and Basil. Three chemo types of Rosemary are:
camphor, 1.8 cineol, and verbenone. The Rosemary used in this manual is Rosmarinus
officinalis ct. 1.8 cineole. Two of the chemo types of Basil are: linalool and methyl
A clone is a plant taken from a cutting rather than growing from seed. This is done for
consistency so that every plant has the exact same chemical profile. Lavender Maillette
is a cloned lavender, its aroma is sweet and floral. This scent is noticeably lacking in the
sharper fragrances found in other lavenders you may have tried. This particular clone is
unique among clones in that it can also reproduce from seeds.
A hybrid is produced when two plants are crossed to make a different plant. These
plants are usually unable to reproduce. It reminds me of a mule, which comes from a
cross between a horse and a donkey and cannot reproduce. Of course, cuttings cannot
be taken from a mule to grow mules, but this can be done with plants.
Variety means we have the same plant, same Genus and species, but with different
physical features such as color of flower. For example, Neroli essential oil comes from
the bitter orange tree, which has several varieties. Neroli essential oil, the kind
referenced in this book, comes from a variety that is identified in Latin as Citrus
auriantium var. amara. In Latin plant names, the variety name immediately follows
species, and is also written in all lower-case letters.
Plant Families
All the different Genus and species are further grouped into specific plant families, just
like people are grouped within larger groups in some other way, such as city or country,

Basics of Aromatherapy 19

ethnicity, religion, place of origin, etc. Learning about the different plant families, which
also have Latin names, helps us to further understand and classify our oils. Some of the
plant families have only one Genus, such as ylang ylang.
Plants are categorized into families according to physical features such as flower shape,
whether a tree or herb, and sometimes shape of leaves. They each have different
therapeutic effects and characteristics. Having a working knowledge of the general
therapeutic qualities can help us when choosing an oil or oils—whether a single oil, one
of our blends, or a blend of your own.
At our farm retreats, we take guests through meadows and woods to introduce them to
wonderful plant creations, where they can actually see, smell, and touch several kinds
of plants that will eventually find their way into essential oil bottles. We don’t distill oils
commercially there, but we do distill for demonstration purposes on a much smaller
scale. We encourage guests to just enjoy the plants that grow naturally or those we
have planted—the same species as some of our oils. This helps them become familiar
with these plants and their oils on a more intimate level.
For this same reason, to help familiarize you with the plants and oils, we have listed
below all the single essential oils discussed in this book according to their plant families.
(There are other oils in several families that are not included here.) For easy reference,
in the Single Oils chapter we have provided a profile of each single oil with its general
benefits for body and mind, plant family other technical data and properties, along with
suggestions for use.
Ylang Ylang is the only essential-oil-producing plant in this family. Plants in this family
are usually tropical shrubs, trees, or vines with fragrant flowers.
Properties: Calming to the adrenals and nerves, balancing, antidepressant, antiseptic,
assists the thymus, and is known for its aphrodisiac properties. I have had good results
when applied to the pulse points for lowering high blood pressure as well.
Asteraceae (Compositae)
All of the chamomiles, tansy, and helichrysum, are in this family. These flowers grow all
over the world and are the largest flowering family, each with different therapeutic
properties. The flowers look like a daisy made up of tiny little flowers instead of
individual petals and are usually yellow in color.
Properties: An aide to the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems—in turn benefit the
tissues and skin. They contribute to structural alignment—specifically the blue oils such
as tansy and the chamomiles—and are regenerative, soothing, and anti-inflammatory.
The birch tree is the only essential-oil-producer in this family. Some may assume that
wintergreen is in this family from its similar aroma and constituents, but it is not.
Properties: This is the go-to oil for joints and bone pain; it is also therapeutic to the
muscles, nerves, lymphatic, and urinary systems. It provides pain relief, is anti-
inflammatory, antiseptic, decongesting, and diuretic.
These desert resinous plants include frankinsence and myrrh.
20 Foundational Aromatherapy

Properties: These oils are cooling, drying, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, antiseptic,

and expectorant. They assist the respiratory system, help wounds to heal, and reduce
scar tissue. They act as a tonic to the whole body as well as for emotional balancing.
This conifer family includes cypress and juniper berry.
Properties: The endocrine, nervous, circulatory, and respiratory systems benefit from
these oils; they also help to balance the hormones. They are reviving, warming,
restorative, anti-arthritic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and diuretic; they remove mucus,
are tissue-firming, and reduce cellulite.
These herbs and shrubs give us geranium and rose geranium oils.
Properties: These oils benefit the digestive, endocrine, hormonal, nervous, and urinary
systems as well as the skin. They are cooling and soothing to the skin, anti-
inflammatory, tissue rebuilders, wound healers, antidepressant, diuretic, and
antispasmodic; they reduce bleeding of all sorts and repel insects.
Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
This is the largest of all the oil-producing families and includes certain herbs and low-
growing shrubs. The plants grown for essential oils are: basil, clary sage, lavender,
marjoram, oregano, patchouli, peppermint, spearmint, rosemary, and thyme.
Properties: An immune stimulant, these oils all have a variety of benefits, including
headache and muscle-pain relief and can serve as a nasal decongestant. They are
toning, strengthening, calming, cooling, fever reducing, great aides to the digestive
system, and diuretic. They can act either as a stimulant or a relaxant, depending on
This family includes some evergreen trees and shrubs. As the name implies, Laurel leaf
is also known as bay laurel (Laurus nobilis); it is not to be confused with bay leaf
(Pimenta racemosa), which is in the Myrtaceae family. Also in this family are cinnamon
and ravensara.
Properties: The oils in this family are tonics for the nervous and immune systems, the
cardiovascular, lymphatic, and hormonal systems, and the skin. They are warming and
stimulating, and help regulate blood sugar levels. They are also antifungal, antiviral,
pain killing, and antidepressant.
This family includes clove, eucalyptus, niaouli, and tea tree. All of these are very hardy
plants and trees with strong wood and aromatic flowers and leaves. The fruits are
sweet and pungent.
Properties: The oils provide antifungal, antiseptic, pain relieving, and antispasmodic
qualities. They are an expectorant to the respiratory system, a digestive aid, as well as
supporting the lymphatic, immune, and urinary systems.

Basics of Aromatherapy 21

Jasmine is the only oil-producing plant in this family. The olive tree is also in this family.
The flowers are known for their strong aromas. Where I live, there are many Russian
olive trees; when they blossom, the scent can be smelled all over town and is so strong
that to some it is almost nauseating. I personally enjoy it.
Properties: This oil is very soothing and uplifting emotionally, it has an affinity to the
respiratory and endocrine systems. It is antispasmodic, anti-depressant, and
This is another conifer family; in it we find black spruce, cedarwood, and balsam fir.
Properties: These oils are antiseptic, calming, and warming. They assist the nervous,
endocrine, and respiratory systems. They are hormone balancing and are used for
arthritis and for increasing oxygen absorption.
This family is comprised of small trees and shrubs and some vines. The only essential oil
from this family is black pepper.
Properties: As you may have guessed, this oil is warming, even to the point of heating. It
is also drying, stimulating, and pain relieving. It is an antiseptic, digestive aide
(particularly for constipation), muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, increases circulation,
and aids in eliminating fluid retention in the tissues.
Poaceae (Gramineae)
From this family, lemongrass and palmarosa are the two single oils this book addresses.
They are both grasses that are also used for foods as well as for their therapeutic
Properties: Both oils are hydrating and refreshing to the skin, calming to the
cardiovascular and digestive systems, and stimulating to the lymphatic and urinary
systems (acting as a diuretic). They aid connective tissues in the body, work as an
antiseptic, a nervine, and air purifier, and are helpful for pest and parasite control.
Rose is the only essential oil from this family. It includes other shrubs, herbs, and trees
such as almond.
Properties: An aphrodisiac, rose is also uplifting, toning to the skin, aides the urinary
tract and reproductive organs, and supports the nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive
systems. It is also antiseptic and promotes the healing of wounds, reducing scar tissue.
This family is citrus. All citrus oils come from citrus shrubs and trees, whether from the
peel, flowers, or leaves. In this book we include bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, green
mandarin, red mandarin, neroli, and orange.
Properties: Oils from citrus fruits give a cooling and refreshing feeling; oils from the
flowers are calming, sedating, and uplifting. Citrus oils are generally an aide to the
digestive, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, urinary, and muscular systems. They are
also a great benefit to the tissues and skin due to their anti-inflammatory, astringent or
skin-tightening, scar-reducing, and pain-relieving properties.
22 Foundational Aromatherapy

The only essential oil from this family is sandalwood. The plants in this family are herbs,
shrubs, or trees. Sandalwood oil comes from a tree.
Properties: Sandalwood essential oil is antidepressant, antiseptic, soothing to the skin,
astringent, diuretic, and a tonic for the digestive, genitourinary, respiratory, and
nervous systems.
Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
There are some cautions involved with some of these oils. Please check individual oil
profiles for safety tips. This family of plants has a group of flowers that resemble an
umbrella and include carrot, dill, fennel, and coriander.
Properties: These oils work as an aid to digestion as well as to the endocrine and
respiratory systems. They are diuretic, calming, and can serve as an expectorant or
From this family, we include only ginger oil. Plants in this family are herbs that have
rhizomes, a type of root that is actually an extension of the stem that grows
underground and from that grows the actual roots of the plant. The rhizome is where
the plant store proteins, starches, and other nutrients.
Properties: Warming to the body, it is a tonic for the entire digestive system, aiding in
cases of all kinds of nausea. It is pain relieving, antiviral, antioxidant, and a stimulant to
the endocrine, circulatory, and immune systems.

Mini Course in Anatomy—the Nose and Skin

How does a little drop of oil travel all through my body and make me feel so great?
Essential oils can enter our body three ways: through our noses, our skin, and
internally. For the purpose of this section we will focus on the two most common and
safest methods of “breathing in” oils—specifically through the nose and absorbing
through the skin.
Smelling Oils
It really has excited me to study more to prepare to write this book. It has required
major self-control to not overload you with all the great information about the simple
act of smelling an oil and what science has learned very recently about all the body
functions influenced by smell. I will keep explanations as simple as possible, yet do
justice to the amazing data about this interesting topic.
Aromatherapy was originally based on the act of smelling or olfaction, hence the name
AROMA•therapy or ‘therapy from a scent.’ We see, taste, feel, hear, and smell. If we
were to lose any one of those senses, it would be a real loss, yet the sense of smell
might be the first to go if compelled to make a choice.
Do we really appreciate and understand the importance of smelling and
how it affects our memories, our moods, and our health?

Basics of Aromatherapy 23

Please note here that we are talking about the “act of smelling” not inhalation—the
function of breathing in air. When we smell something, it has a direct effect on the
nervous system and the brain, more specifically the limbic and cerebral cortex parts of
the brain. When we inhale, it affects the respiratory system, an important route of
absorption into the body. Inhalation will be discussed later in this section.
So, what can we do with the sense of smell and essential oils? When you and I are
feeling well and don’t have stuffy noses, we have the ability to distinguish an average of
25,000 different scents or odors, some of which may be subliminal. When we smell
something, it sends an immediate message to the brain, which in turn affects the body,
mind, and emotions.
Did you know that your sense of smell can protect you?
We say dogs can smell danger—well, we can, too. The human body’s response to
danger is quicker than its reaction to pain. Emotions (such as fear, anger, and love)
cause our bodies to emit odors, and we can sense and smell it on a subliminal level
even before we might consciously know something is going on. We say things like,
“something about this stink,” or “this doesn't smell right to me.” Such expressions are
really true! —not just common ways of talking.
Let’s talk about the act of smelling bread baking in an oven. You can’t smell the actual
flour floating into your nose. What you CAN smell are chemicals or mists of aroma
molecules from the baking bread floating through the air. It is just like one of those
Saturday morning Bugs Bunny cartoons that “show” the enticing smells of breakfast
cooking wafting through the air, and against his own will, Bugs floats through the air
after it. Well this depiction was not too far from the truth. Odors, scents, smells—
whether good or bad—do affect our subconscious minds almost unknowingly and
“float” us to one reaction or another in our physical bodies and in our feelings or
This was proven in 2004 when two doctors, Dr. Linda Buck of the Basic Sciences Division
at Fred Hutchinson’s Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, and Dr. Richard
Axel of Columbia University in New York, won the Nobel Peace Prize for their research
on the odorant receptors in our sinuses and the function of the olfactory system.
Okay, let’s go back to the loaf of bread. The aroma floating through the air is made of
molecules, invisible to us. These molecules come in a variety of shapes and sizes as
different from each other like frozen crystals of water on a cold window pane. So how
do we smell these molecules?
It all starts, of course, with the nose, but it really is merely a pathway to something
more significant—the olfactory membrane or epithelium, which is about the size of a
postage stamp and has about 10 to 20 million different receptors. These membranes,
located at the top of the sinuses, are like a net ready to catch aroma molecules. Now,
imagine this net like a child’s toy, having different shaped holes into which only one of
the frozen-water molecules can fit. Each molecule must find its match (or fit)—each
piece goes into only one particular hole. In the nose, the places to match are not holes
but tiny hairs or cilia we call receptors. Just as letters of the alphabet in different
combinations can form thousands of words, these receptors can combine the
information of the molecules to “read” the odor and then send its message to two parts
of the brain—the limbic system and cerebral cortex.
24 Foundational Aromatherapy

The limbic region is a group of structures inside the brain (including the amygdala,
septum, hippocampus and cingulate gyrus) that is responsible for many reactions, such
as emotion, motivation, feelings, drive, learning and memory, and instinct behavior.
The cortex gives us discernment, conscious processing, recognition and memory.
What happens next from smelling that bread? First the limbic system elicits an
emotional response and perhaps triggers a memory—maybe happiness, remembering
from childhood when Grandma used to bake homemade bread, or sadness and longing
because she has since passed, or anger because a memory surfaces of having to wake
up at four in the morning to help make bread in a “mean” uncle’s bakery to earn money
to help pay the bills. All that will happen—the memory, the emotions, and actual
feeling—in an instant.
At the same time this is going on, simultaneously, the cerebral cortex is set into
motion—generating thinking processes in order to make sense of, learn, remember,
and create new ideas and make decisions from all of this. Maybe you decide to call
Grandma, or you vow never to eat bread again and start an anti-gluten campaign on
Facebook—all because you smelled a loaf of bread.
Limbic System
This part of the brain is responsible for automatic emotional responses such as anger,
affection, docility, fear, pain, pleasure, sexual feelings, and sorrow. We cannot control
these feelings consciously, but we can control how we respond. As stated earlier, the
limbic system is made up of several different structures. We will discuss some of the
main structures here.
The amygdala is where fear, fight, or flight activates the sympathetic nervous system.
Along with the hippocampus, it also holds the power to give our experiences emotion
and long-term memories. The amygdala sends its messages to the hypothalamus and
the brain stem which, in turn, affect our autonomic nervous and endocrine systems.
Market researchers now know that what we buy and when we buy is influenced by
smell. Large corporations and advertising agencies are aware of this and gear their
marketing campaigns accordingly. They inject scent in just about everything imaginable:
stores, magazines, toys, cleaning products, and personal care items—from shampoo to
toilet paper and trash bags—in order to elicit one exact response: for us to make
The hypothalamus is the control center for the autonomic nervous system. This system
regulates heartbeat, body temperature, sweating, sexual stimulation, eye blinking,
hunger, thirst, regulation of sleep patterns, and emotional responses to anger, pain,
pleasure, and fear. Along with the pituitary gland, it controls the entire endocrine
system, affecting our hormones, insulin production, caloric levels, digestion and stress
levels. So when a smell affects the hypothalamus, it influences a whole lot more. You
can start to see how impactful the aromas from essential oils can be on the entire body
merely by smelling the lid of a bottle containing an essential oil.

Basics of Aromatherapy 25

The hippocampus is mainly responsible for connecting short-term and long-term
memories. This is what happens when a memory from long ago is triggered, such as the
smell of your teenage-years boyfriend’s cologne when smelled again years later.
Memories and even emotions are rekindled, and your heart may start racing even
though you are happily married to someone else now. For this reason, Rosemary
essential oil has been a focus of much recent research to improve test scores for
students and memory improvement of Alzheimer’s patients.
Aromatherapists, reflexologists, and massage therapists can trigger a hippocampus
response of certain smells in order to aid their clients. For example, a professional can
choose a specific oil or blend for use during an appointment with a client. The trick is to
select an oil with a scent not connected to a memory of the client, and one the client
finds pleasant. For example, if the appointment is for a massage, and the client enjoys
the massage along with the feelings the oil or blend evokes both physically and
emotionally, then he or she will likely feel relaxed and unstressed. The massage
therapist may then provide a sample of that oil or suggest purchasing it to use several
times during the following week until the next appointment. Every time that particular
oil is smelled, the client will relive the comfortable, enjoyable moments of the massage
even on a physical level with muscles relaxing, thus forming a memory attachment to
the scent and to the “wonderful” massage therapist—and probably happily recommend
more clients.
However, certain aromas do not necessarily evoke specific responses when it comes to
emotions. This is something that happens over time and several factors influence it.
Our emotional state at the time a smell is introduced makes a difference whether we
personally judge the aroma as pleasant or foul. Of course, the power of suggestion,
such as “this oil will do such and such” as well as the environment in which the aroma
was introduced—pleasant, stressful, sad, etc.—will have an impact, too. I have a
daughter who can hardly stand the smell of lavender now because once we sprayed
lavender all over one of our dogs after bathing him when he’d been sprayed by a skunk.
Now, every time my daughter smells lavender, she associates the scent with wet skunk
dog odor. Smells, even pleasant ones, can attach negatively or positively with emotions
and memories.
Do you have any previous experience with memories triggered from a
particular aroma or scent that smells similar?
The cerebral cortex is still a mystery in many ways. Science is just now learning about its
many capabilities. What we do know is that all other senses—touch, sight, hearing,
taste—travel first though the thalamus, another part of the brain, before going to the
cerebral cortex. Smell or olfactory stimulation is the only message that goes directly to
the cerebral cortex. It then uses that information to affect how we learn, remember,
create, think, and react physically. It’s responsible for helping us to learn to speak not
just our own language, but others, and for higher-ordered thinking and creativity, such
as designing a new building or concocting a new recipe for your next dinner party. It is
mind-boggling to me to know that our sense of smell can have such a profound effect
on so many aspects of our lives.
26 Foundational Aromatherapy


To sum up all this smelly business, we can conclude that smell or olfaction has a huge
impact on our brains and our bodies during our entire lives. It can affect our sleep and
relax us. It can increase our awareness and brain performance, relieve stress, anxiety,
pain perception in the brain, be used for weight loss or nausea, ease physical ailments
that are directly affected by stress, and improve our moods and our impressions of
ourselves and others. The cortex gives us the ability to do things with our mind and
body, and the limbic system creates feelings about what we decide and whether to take
action or not.
How will relieving my stress through aromatherapy improve my health?
As discussed earlier, through olfaction, essential oils can help with one of the major
challenges of life—stress. Stress reaction seems to come from everywhere these days—
from minor things like nagging phone calls from bill collectors or a flat tire on the side
of the road. It can be long-term stress, such as a single mother raising a child on her
own or dealing with loneliness or a dead-end job. It can be short-term stress, lasting
only minutes, like spilling milk or stubbing a toe.
Stress can also come from internal factors such as being sick, having pain, fever, or
infections, or even worrying about something that may never happen. Some stress is
good for us, like the excitement of a first date or meeting a new client; without it, life
would be pretty boring. Stress alone is neither a friend nor an enemy- It is how we
respond to the stressors that affect us, our health, and even our relationships.
Short-term or acute stress may cause our palms to sweat and our hearts to race, or we
may get nauseous, have diarrhea, shortness of breath, headaches, or chest pains. Most
everyone has experienced this. We sometimes say he or she took our breath away, or I
was worried sick. Such reactions are short-lived and usually have no long-term effect on
our health.
Stress that may seem short-term but is constantly recurring is another type. This form
of stress is called episodic acute stress. We create it ourselves. We may be habitually
late, have too many irons in the fire, or always feel rushed and rush others, feeling that
we are somehow the victims of this on-going parade of mini-disasters when, in fact, we
are probably addicted to stress. This form of stress, though short-term, can and does
eventually affect us with migraines, tension headaches, high blood pressure, chest pain,
or heart disease.
Long-term or chronic stress is also very dangerous. We can end up with long term
fatigue, low energy, high blood pressure, increase in breathing and heart rates that lead
to heart disease, chronic indigestion, ulcers, low sex drive, irregular ovulation for
women or low sperm count for men, slow-healing wounds, loss of brain cells and
memory, depression, increased chance of infectious diseases because of inhibited
immunity, asthma, constipation, eating disorders, muscle tension or pain, PMS, hives,
eczema, rosacea, insomnia, or substance abuse.

Basics of Aromatherapy 27

The use of essential oils can have a backdoor effect on eliminating all of these simply by
reducing your stress levels- or at least enhancing your abilities to positively respond to
stress. Think about it.
We have gone through the back door with the oils, so let’s now talk about actual
application. The other function of the nose is inhalation. When we breathe in the
molecules of an essential oil, they not only have a scent but are chemical constituents
that create reactions throughout the body. After we inhale the aroma—whether using a
diffuser, or inhaling it directly from a bottle or from a drop on a tissue—the essential
oils are able to come in direct contact with the entire respiratory system, including the
nasal cavity (up your nostrils), into your sinuses, down your trachea, and into your
lungs. The oils also clear congestion in the sinus cavity as we inhale them, opening the
pathways for more of these tiny germ-fighting molecules to do their jobs.
Sometimes we don’t really think about the vast amount of square footage that comes
into contact with the oils just by inhaling them. Our lungs, if the tissue could be
unfolded, would cover about the size of a tennis court. In the lungs, essential oils pass
through the mucous membranes into the tiniest of all the blood vessels—the
capillaries. These are so small that blood cells travel through them single file. The oil
travels to the entire body through the circulatory system.
When we inhale oils, we can address several potential problems right where they start.
Colds and flu are transported through the air, and we breathe them in. Getting oils into
the respiratory system where many problems start is a good way to prevent something
from taking hold of us and making us ill.
There is a thin mucous membrane throughout the respiratory system, including the
inside of our mouth, and we inhale through it as well. Feel the inside of your mouth,
how soft and tender it is compared to the back of your hand. This is one reason we
need to dilute oils considerably if we are to apply them anywhere we might have
mucous membranes, including our stomach and intestines. For this reason, internal
consumption of essential oils is discouraged, except in a much-diluted form such as in a
full cup of tea or as a flavoring in a recipe. The mucous membrane is so thin in the
respiratory system that the oils can easily pass through right into the vast capillary bed
waiting beneath the surface.
There are some oils that are not wise to inhale directly, such as oils high in phenols or
aldehydes. Remember from our chemistry section, both “aunts” and “phones” can be
irritating at times—even worse is having your aunt get a little too nosy or getting a
phone shoved up your nose. The dosage, or how much we inhale, can make a
difference, too—don’t overdo it. With essential oils, less is more. We don’t want
anyone getting a headache, dizzy, or burning off the hairs inside their nose. For anyone
with asthma or serious allergies, be careful. It is always wise to start out with just a
small whiff from the lid, see how it goes, and move on from there. Everyone is
different, so take it slow and don’t go snorting an oil straight from the bottle!
What new essential oils will you smell today?
Skin wraps us up in nice, neat packages; we are covered in it. Chances are you will be
getting oils on your skin at one time or another. The fancy words for skin are dermis,
28 Foundational Aromatherapy

dermal tissue, or cutaneous tissue. An easy way to remember cutaneous tissue is that
babies look so cute in their birthday suits, “cute-neous” tissue. When we put oils on
skin, we are doing two things: first, we are potentially helping the skin itself, such as for
a rash or to improve the looks of our worn out birthday suit; and second, the oil goes
through the skin into the bloodstream, traveling through the pores, or down a hair
follicle. A few minutes later that oil is coursing through your body going to wherever it
is needed.
When I first started using essential oils some 19 years ago, we thought the only way to
get an oil into the bloodstream was to swallow it or breathe it in. We thought putting
oils on your skin was only a way to deal with skin issues or for a warming effect on
muscles when used for a massage. Now, however, it has been proven that pretty much
everything you put on your body ends up in your body (that is why there are medical
patches for practically everything). Knowing that, why would we want to risk irritating
or injuring the delicate mucous membranes of the throat and stomach by pouring oils
down our throats? It is simply not necessary. Yes, I make cough syrups and teas with a
drop or two of essential oil; however, there was a time when I practiced and taught
what I now consider unsafe internal use. Please don’t fall for that.
The skin is made up of layers, like lasagna with hair on it. It has three main layers, like
one layer of lasagna. The bottom layer is mostly made up of fat, so picture the cheese:
cottage cheese, mozzarella, and some eggs to hold it all together. This bottom layer is
called the subcutaneous layer. I remember it by saying it’s under, like a submarine. It
has some blood vessels, fat, and connective tissues; basically, it connects the skin to
what’s under it. Some of us have thicker layers than others and need to go on a diet. It
becomes thinner and thicker on different areas of our body. Like a shock absorber, its
job is to protect what’s underneath from bumps and bruises. Notice on the shins,
where bumps really hurt, there’s not much of a layer there; but on our bums—now
that’s another story. The subcutaneous layer also serves as an insulator to protect our
body from fluctuations in outside temperatures.
The middle layer of skin is the one with the most diversity. Like lasagna, there can be a
variety: tomato sauce with meat, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and maybe some
mushrooms and olives. This layer is called the dermis. I remember that it is detailed,
and detailed begins with de and so does dermis. This layer is practically an underground
city. We have an “electric company”—all the nerves that let us feel rough, smooth, hot,
cold, soothing, or irritating. The skin, has hundreds of nerve endings per square
centimeter and is the largest organ in the body, with 18 square feet on average and
weighing over seven pounds for an adult.
Also in the dermis, we have our sweat glands, our own “air conditioning system,” which
is like a swamp cooler. They listen to the nerves and turn on our sweat to cool us down
so we don’t overheat in the hot sun. There are one hundred sweat glands in each
square centimeter of skin.
This middle layer also contains the sebaceous glands that squirt out sebum, sort of like
the final wax on your car at the car wash. Sebum protects the skin from bacteria, makes
it softer, and as an added bonus, makes us smell nicer to the opposite sex, specifically
in the neck, face, scalp, upper back, and chest. (Maybe that is the cause of teenage
necking, too much sebum.)
Basics of Aromatherapy 29

Throughout this whole middle city, we have a system of pipes and tubes—the blood
vessels and lymphatic system. We have pipes, just like a city water system, that bring
good things to us, and a sewer system that carries the waste away. The blood system
carries the nutrients to the cells, including molecules from essential oils, and also
carries the waste away. There are twelve feet of blood vessels per centimeter of skin.
The lymphatic system acts as a relief pressure valve to remove excess water to prevent
swelling and also to remove waste.
In the dermis, or middle-skin layer, we have hair follicles; they are “deep basements” or
“foundations” for the millions of “buildings” or hairs all over this city. The follicle holds
the hairs in place; it also moves the hair to stand on end when you get goose bumps.
Just like in homes, these foundations also house a network of pipes and tubes that go in
and out; the hair follicles are a major pathway for oils to get into your bloodstream.
Holding everything together in the dermis is the connective tissue. Some of it is really
stretchy, like elastic, so we can move around without our skin tearing, and the other is
very tough and strong to protect us from the scary outside world getting in.
The top layer of your skin is called the epidermis. The epidermis is not the same
thickness all over your body—usually having four or five layers. Some areas are very
thin, like your genitals, and some very thick like the bottom of your feet. Each layer has
a special name. The very outer layer is called the stratum corneum that is tough like
lasagna noodles that get overcooked without tin foil over the pan. That layer also has
dead skin cells and keratin, a waxy substance like the cheese you sprinkled over the top
of that noodle. This is where you actually apply essential oils, on the stratum corneum.
Essential oil molecules are small and they soak through all the layers. They absorb
quickest wherever the skin is the thinnest. We call that permeability, or how fast it
permeates into the bloodstream. Remember, like the city with all its pipes, the oil
molecules hop right in and take a ride through your lymph and blood vessels to your
heart, liver, pancreas, muscles, tissues, joints, and other organs. Then, when they are
done visiting those places, they—most of them anyway—leave your body through your
kidneys and bladder. The rest you exhale through your lungs or sweat out through your
Why should we apply oils to our skin and
what safety precautions should we take when doing so?
As we said earlier, your skin is thinner in some places than others. The skin on your
genitals is the thinnest, then mucous membranes, then scalp, then your chest and
tummy, and then your arms and legs. The thickest skin is on the palms of your hands
and bottom of your feet. We need to think about this when applying oils—the thinner
the skin, the more sensitive it will possibly be when an oil is applied, and the more we
should dilute it with some sort of carrier oil. This is why we teach that applying oils to
the bottom of feet is the safest place. You are very unlikely to have any adverse
reaction, unless of course you are allergic to a particular plant. It does take longer to get
into your bloodstream from there, but it is still pretty fast compared to how long it
takes for an aspirin to work.
If you decide to put oils on your skin somewhere else other than the bottom of your
feet, what are the benefits? You could put them right where the problem is: on a
sprained ankle, wrinkles, acne, or mosquito bite. The oils are healing to the skin, and
they can be pain-relieving and reduce the swelling.
30 Foundational Aromatherapy

Possible Skin Reactions

We do have to be cautious about three possible issues when applying oils on the skin.
First, we could irritate the skin—resulting in red, itchy, overly dry, or even blistered skin.
This, of course, is dependent on how much, how often, and how diluted the essential
oil or oils are that you apply. We can avoid skin irritation by using less essential oil and
more carrier oil, especially on infants, children, and the elderly. Second, keep your oils
stored properly in dark cool places with the lids on tight so they don’t oxidize. Oxidized
oils are more likely to irritate your skin. Be careful to dilute oils with phenols and
aldehydes, and some monoterpenes, too. If you have any cause for concern, especially
for babies or the elderly, do a patch test on the skin inside the elbow. After applying,
wait at least ten minutes to make sure the skin is okay, without a reaction.
Sensitization Reaction
Sometimes the oil will cause a sensitization reaction. That is a type of allergic reaction.
Sometimes a sensitization reaction does not appear in the same place where you put
the oil, so you may not connect the two. Some symptoms are headache, rash, swelling,
hives, or itchy skin. Unfortunately, this is not always preventable with dilution of the
essential oil. People can become sensitized even to an oil they had used before with no
problem. Women are more prone to this. Some believe it is because of all the synthetic
chemicals we put on our skin, and after a while we can become sensitive even to oils as
gentle as lavender. That’s a good reason to smell your oils first, then see if you have a
Phototoxicity is a reaction of an oil on the skin that has been exposed to the sunlight.
This can result in the skin getting a burn like a bad sunburn. It can even blister. I
personally have experienced a phototoxic reaction; I did not get a burn, but instead my
skin turned brown and red in a blotchy pattern. These discolorations can be permanent
or fade over time.
The oils most commonly phototoxic are those that are cold-pressed in the extraction
process: bergamot, bitter orange, grapefruit, and lemon. There are some cold-pressed
oils that are not phototoxic: red mandarin, green mandarin, orange and tangerine. The
key to avoiding any adverse reaction is to dilute the oils when you use them and avoid
direct sunlight or tanning beds for 12 hours, or cover the area with clothing when going
outside for long periods of time.
Keeping our skin healthy is an important part of this whole equation. If we eat well—get
plenty of water and fresh air (so our skin can breathe), avoid skin care products with
toxic synthetic ingredients, wear natural-fibered clothing (again, so our skin can
breathe), consume healthy foods and supplements, exercise, and our skin and whole
bodies will be healthier and able to receive more benefit from the essential oils.
Remember: your skin is your largest organ, and whatever affects it has a large impact
on your other organs. Your skin is also a window to what is happening with other
organs. When our liver, kidneys, or intestines are NOT kept clean and healthy, it shows
up on our skin in the forms of liver spots, eczema, psoriasis, hair loss, brittle nails, or
Basics of Aromatherapy 31

How can you use essential oils to benefit your skin and body?
The Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system works together with the immune system. They are like two
sisters who walk hand in hand, helping each other. They remind me of my own
daughters. Each of them has unique qualities that balance each other when they are
working on a project together. For the lymphatic and immune systems, their mutual
“project” is your health.
The lymphatic system is considered part of the circulatory system, which is made up of
a network of tubes somewhat like our veins and arteries. The big difference here is that
the lymphatic system does not have a pump like the heart to move its amazing, nearly
clear liquid around the body; but it has its own various organs, all of which play a vital
role in the immune system for combating anything from cancer to colds.
One of the lymphatic system’s main jobs is to move water. This water is called blood
plasma when it’s in our veins; but when it moves out of our veins, we call it interstitial
fluid; and finally, when it moves into the lymphatic system we call it lymph. Think of it
as a continuous H2O shower for your cells. This fluid runs through tubes like parts of a
tree. It has trunks—the big tubes that dump all this wash water back into the
bloodstream to be filtered by the liver, kidneys, and spleen. You have branches or
lymphatic veins that move the fluid onward into the tiny stems or lymphatic capillaries.
Consider another analogy. Let’s think about the lymphatic system like a city's water
system. We turn on our water faucet to get clean water, we wash dishes or laundry,
and then the used water goes down the drain and through a series of smaller pipes
called capillaries, then through vessels, and finally to the main sewer pipes or lymphatic
trunks to the city’s water treatment plant (liver, kidneys, and spleen) where it can be
cleaned and then return to come out your faucet again (the heart).
Your lymphatic system has valves that keep everything flowing in one direction. To keep
the liquids moving, it needs physical movement—muscles contracting from activity,
exercise, massage, or skin brushing. Even simple breathing and gravity will move it. The
important thing is to keep it from backing up like a clogged toilet or kitchen sink. That’s
when things get ugly—swelling or edema, inflammation and illness. The tubes and
pipes of the lymphatic system also move the fatty acids into the bloodstream and
circulate the lymphocytes or “germ eaters” throughout the body—an important part of
the immune system.
Four Involved Structures or Organs
There are four organs or structures of the lymphatic system also involved with the
immune system. They are the lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, and thymus. Each plays a
vital role in the immune system.
Lymph Nodes
The lymph nodes are the glands under your jaw and along your neck that swell and hurt
whenever you have a cold or flu. They are an extra filtering system that the lymph fluid
passes through before reaching the main filtering or “water treatment” plants
mentioned before, the liver, kidney, and spleen. The lymph nodes filter out damaged
cells from our body: cancerous cells, cellular debris (floating garbage), and pathogens
such as bacteria, fungus and viruses. They kill these bad bugs with lymphocytes that
they produce right there on site. We have several areas on our body where these lymph
32 Foundational Aromatherapy

nodes are found—the groin area, under our armpits, and in our abdomen, are the main
Our tonsils are very important tool for the immune system, too. It’s too bad that many
near my age—in their 50s or older—had tonsils removed by doctors because they
became swollen each time we got sick; or as in my husband’s case, his tonsils were
removed when he was only age two just so they would never get swollen. Luckily for
my children and grandchildren, so much more is now known about the immune system.
Tonsils get swollen when they are doing their job, just like lymph nodes in the neck. It is
good thing lymph nodes are harder to remove, or a good many would have had their
lymphatic systems seriously compromised, too!
Tonsils are the guardians of the mouth, the main doorway into the body, from
everything that comes in, either from breathing or swallowing. They collect and kill the
pathogens as they enter the body. Now you know another reason why inhaling an
essential oil is such a great way to take in an oil. Essential oils assist the tonsils from not
getting too bogged down with all the bad bacteria coming their way. And what about
those of us without tonsils? —how much more do we need help from essential oils?
The spleen, located behind the stomach, is also an under-acknowledged organ with two
very important functions, not just for the lymphatic and immune, but also for the
circulatory system. It filters the blood, creates new blood, and stores it for an
emergency. Having a spleen is like having your own blood transfusion center, ready for
the next emergency. The spleen, like the lymph nodes, creates lymphocytes to kill the
pathogens as they are filtered out of the blood. In cases of injury or disease, a spleen
can be removed. A person can survive without a spleen but is left more prone to illness
and hemorrhage. Such a person can benefit from essential oils even more than those of
us who still have our spleens.
The thymus is located right above the heart in the center of the chest. It plays a very
important role in the immune system when we are infants and children. The thymus
creates special lymphocytes called T-cells. These special cells can attack and destroy
foreign invaders in our bodies. Unfortunately, our thymus gets smaller and smaller as
we get older. One of the things we can do to slow this process is to stimulate the
thymus by thumping on our chest like Tarzan does. Maybe that’s why he is so healthy—
all that thymus thumping he does.
The Immune System
The immune system is different than others in the body because it does not necessarily
have its own separate organs. It borrows organs from all the other systems to do its
work. We learned how the lymphatic system plays a large role in the immune system.
The skin also plays a role—it provides an actual barrier or wall to prevent invaders from
getting into the body. The tightly packed dead skin cells on the outer layer stop many of
these pathogens from getting through, and the pH of our skin can kill some bacteria just
on contact. Sweat also contains natural antibiotics to aid the body’s defenses. Adding

Basics of Aromatherapy 33

essential oils to a skin care regimen is one way to assist the skin in strengthening the
immune system.
The respiratory system also plays a role in the immune system with its mucous
membranes. The mucus engulfs the germs as they enter the body either through the
nose or mouth. Most of this mucus is swallowed where it goes down to the stomach
and the acids there kill the pathogens.
The skin, respiratory, lymphatic, and immune systems are the main avenues to bring
essential oils into the body. They really work together, one layering over the next. The
skin and respiratory system are part of the immune system. The circulatory and
lymphatic systems are symbiotic with the blood bringing the oxygen and inhaled
essential oils from the lungs into the blood plasma. The plasma and oils then seep into
the lymphatic system and around and around the oils go.
This is why I always say: take the lid off and take a sniff; put a little drop on the bottom
of your big toe—then you’ll be covering all your bases.
For some challenges, remedying it can be as simple as that. Why not try an essential oil
to see what it can do?

Physical and Emotional Connections

Seeds, Roots, and Flowers—Oh My!
Could it be that the part of the plant where the
oil comes from affects me physically and emotionally?
How can I use this knowledge of plant parts to
decide which oil to use for my family and friends?
The study of plant parts as they relate to human physical and emotional characteristics
is called the Doctrine of Signatures or Sign of Nature. It has probably been around as
long as plants and people have coexisted. Here’s what it means: how a plant looks—its
color, shape, and the part of the plant we harvest—tends to resemble the part of the
human body it is able to benefit or aid.
Let’s start out easy. What do you think kidney beans are good for? Take a prize!
Exactly—your kidneys. Slice a carrot in half and look at the cut end—it looks like an eye,
and the Vitamin A in carrots helps our eyes. Slice a tomato. It has four chambers just
like your heart, and tomatoes contain lycopene, which is good for heart health. A
walnut looks like your brain—a hard shell, like a skull, protecting the convoluted insides,
even with a dividing septum. Red grapes—red blood cells, white grapes—white blood
cells. You’ve got the idea!
Another way that simplifies learning about and choosing oils is to understand that
plants are divided into seven parts:
1. Seed
2. Root
3. Leaf, Needles and Grass
4. Wood
5. Resin or Sap
6. Fruit and Peel
34 Foundational Aromatherapy

7. Flower
We could delve deep into plant parts, going through each individual oil, yet that’s for
another book for those of you who want lots of details. For now, let’s just cover the
basics. What you are learning in this book is more than I ever knew for years—but I still
used essential oils successfully all that time without knowing much of this. Now you can
be ahead of the game.
Briefly, I have included a summary of each of the seven plant parts listed above with oils
that are harvested from those parts along with their characteristics. Included are
common physical and emotional issues for which that category of oils might address or
the benefits they may provide.
Seed Oils
 Carrot Seed  Dill Seed
 Coriander  Fennel
Characteristics: Seeds absorb, or digest nutrients from the soil. The seed coat or outer
shell protects, the inner part or growth area of the seed, like an embryo or baby plant,
growing inside it, much like a woman's womb. A seed is the new beginning of a plant; it
is the plant’s creative and reproductive life force. A seed may go through many “travels
or challenges” before sprouting and developing.
Common Issues that May Be Helped:
1. Reproductive problems such as conceiving
2. Development of positive attitudes towards sexuality
3. Digestive issues, nutrient absorption
4. Birthing new ideas or promoting growth in our lives or work
5. Realize potential; will help you see that in you is the full potential of an
amazing, fully developed human being
6. Strengthen you if you are delicate or sensitive to the world around you
7. Rise above feelings of despondency, depression, insecurity, worthlessness, or
being overwhelmed.
8. Overcome tendencies to not finish what you start
If any of these situations seem to describe you, realize that you, like a seed, may be
waiting for conditions suited for growing—becoming what you were destined to be and
to nourish yourself, both physically and emotionally. Like some seeds, you may have to
go through fire or through crap, like seeds that pass through an animal's digestive
system, or travel far like a coconut, before you begin to sprout. Be patient and be kind
to yourself. Enjoy the process. And use the seed oils to make your journey to your full
potential a little easier.
Root Oils
 Ginger 
 Turmeric
 Vetiver ( found in Earth Scent™) 
Basics of Aromatherapy 35

Characteristics: As with the seeds, the roots absorb nutrients from the soil. The roots
also produce hormones. They anchor the plant (even mighty trees) to the ground and
give them stability and a strong foundation. Before fall and winter, roots hold onto and
pull nourishment from the leaves and stems inward, which aid the plant when the cold
winter stresses the plant, providing energy or warmth.
Common Issues that May Be Helped:
1. Increase nutrient absorption
2. Strengthen and nourish the nervous system
3. Alleviate frazzled nerves, anxiety, irritability, panic attacks, and worry
4. Become more grounded within, increase inner strength, and trust own
5. Increase self-awareness, introspection, and self-reflection
6. Increase warmth both physically and emotionally
7. Increase stamina
8. Lessen tendencies to be disorganized or flighty, scattered
9. Lessen feelings of being confused, moody, or overly emotional
If you feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you or you have no solid
foundation, consider adding root oils to your daily regimen. Life sometimes can feel
heavy, like the whole world is piled on top. Root energy is strong and grounding and will
give the support you need during these times. It feeds the nervous system to enable
you to think things through. Instead of reacting with emotion and panic when faced
with a challenging situation, just get away to think, pull inward, and clarify what is really
going on.
Leaf, Needle, and Grass Oils
 Basil  Niaouli
 Bay Laurel  Palmarosa
 Black Spruce  Patchouli
 Cypress  Peppermint
 Eucalyptus Citriodora  Ravensara
 Eucalyptus Radiata  Rose Geranium
 Eucalyptus Globulus  Rosemary
 Fir, Balsam  Spearmint
 Lemongrass  Tea Tree
 Marjoram  Thyme Linalool
Characteristics: Leaves allow the plant to breathe—they are the lungs of the plant. They
protect the plant from insects, bacteria, fungi, and water loss. They carry out the
immune functions of the plant. Both Leaves and needles function in the process of
photosynthesis—an amazing process of transformation that takes energy from the sun
and turns it into chemical energy or sugars; in this way, leaves and needles help provide
nutrients for the plant itself as well as for insects like the butterfly and for us.
Common Issues that May Be Helped:
1. Lung or Respiratory Issues
36 Foundational Aromatherapy

2. Infections from Bacteria, Virus, or Fungus

3. Insect Repellent
4. Shallow Breathing
5. Immune Support
6. Lack of Confidence
7. Toning and Cleansing of Vital Organs
8. Inability to Take in New Ideas
9. Inability to See the Big Picture
10. Feelings of Paranoia, Hostility, Scorn, Cynicism, or Resentment
11. Exhaustion from Being Overwhelmed
If we use these oils, we will get the oxygen we need for our brains to be innovative
thinkers. We will find that we are not so easily drained by contention or conflict. We
will have better focus and energy to carry out our aspirations and goals. As the body is
able to absorb the nutrients from these plants, the mind becomes more open and free,
like leaves high on a tree budding out in the spring. Feelings of stagnation or inability to
shift or change will leave, and we will be able to have the vitality we desire.
Wood Oils
 Birch  Cinnamon
 Cedarwood  Sandalwood
Characteristics: The wood of a tree or trunk and its branches function to transport
nutrients and deliver water to the stems, leaves, and flowers. The trunk or center of the
tree also provides strength and support, like the spine. It is, in essence, the skeletal and
muscular system of the tree. It moves energy from the roots to the crown of the tree.
Common Issues that May Be Helped:
1. Bone Pain
2. Muscular Pain
3. Stress-Related Heart Issues
4. Glandular Issues
5. Need for Emotional Strength and Centeredness
6. Need for Strengthening the Bones
7. Feeling Stuck in Life, not Being Able to Move Forward
8. Poor Posture or Slouching
9. Feeling Weak
10. Tendency to Dominate or Be Dictatorial—A “My Way or The Highway” Attitude
People in need of wood oils usually have positive qualities—and their weakness can
become amazing strengths of independence, boldness, and being forthright. They will
stand strong for what is right and are the ones who stick it out and finish a job when
others may give up. They can be very warmhearted and can overlook the mistakes of
others. They are faithful and wise, steadfast, and perceptive. If this is how you would
describe yourself on a good day but the pains of your body are bringing you down and
Basics of Aromatherapy 37

negative traits are surfacing, use these wood oils or blends that contain them. The
wood oils will not only ease your physical pain but also your emotional challenges.
Resin or Sap Oils
 Copaiba (found in Comfort Touch™)
 Frankincense
 Myrrh
Characteristics: When certain trees are wounded, they seep out a type of sap called a
resin, which is thick and sticky like raw honey. The tree uses this sap to seal up the
wound and to help heal it. It is antibacterial so it also provides protection for the tree.
This fluid moves up and through the tree mostly in the summer when it is warmer.
Common Issues that May Be Helped:
1. Heals Wounds
2. Skin Care, Scars
3. Body Fluid Issues, Secretions, Puss’s
4. Ulcers
5. Inflammation
6. Emotional Wounds such as Grief, Trauma, Heartbreak or Separation, Post-
Traumatic Stress, Frustration, or Depression
7. Lack of Self-Esteem or Self-Love
8. Recovery from Addictions
9. Impatience, Tension, Bitterness, Anger, or Hysteria
Are you driven by your word and high ideals? Or are justice, morality, truth, and purity
of thought at the forefront of your ideals? Or do you feel out of sorts and unable to
forgive yourself because you cannot meet your own standards? Or do you feel that you
and you alone can fix not only your problems but the whole world’s problems? Such
constant worry can lead to more serious problems, such as ulcers and cancer. Try these
resin oils to help heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds.
Fruit and Peel Oils
 Bergamot  Juniper Berry
 Black Pepper  Lemon
 Grapefruit  Orange
 Green Mandarin  Red Mandarin
Characteristics: Fruits are full of water and moisture. They receive nourishment from
not only the tree’s roots and sap or resin but also from the light of the sun. Fruits
nurture and protect the seeds that are inside them. Fruits grow on the tree’s ends, the
upper parts of the branches, almost apart and free. Their colors and aroma attract birds
and some animals.
Common Issues that May Be Helped:
1. Lymphatic System Issues
2. Urinary Tract Issues
3. Nervous System Issues
38 Foundational Aromatherapy

4. Skin Issues: Cleansing

5. Circulation By Cleansing
6. Struggles with Finishing Projects
7. Need for Movement through Challenging Situations
8. Inability to Release Certain Thoughts or Emotions
9. Indecisiveness, Anxiousness, or Oversensitivity
10. Spite, Sarcasm, Grumpiness, Critical of Others
11. Self-Punishment, Despondency, Grief
12. Claustrophobia
Within the fruit is the future and ability for these trees to survive. We too can follow
through. Becoming more dependable and being diligent will give us the reward we are
after. The peeling of the fruit protects the fruit and seeds inside—it will also help you to
be more protective, kind-hearted, friendly, and supportive to not only those around
you, but also to yourself. The fruit will help your thoughts to be “juicy”—more focused,
with clarity and connections to what we want and need from life. Use the fruit oils to
bring you higher in your thoughts and to cleanse your body.
Flower Oils
 Chamomile (Roman)  Lavender
 Clary Sage  Neroli
 Clove Bud  Rose
 Helichrysum  Ylang Ylang
 Jasmine 
Characteristics: Flower petals are usually soft like the skin we wish we had. They are
abundant in the spring showing us their splendor of color and new growth. They are the
reproductive organ from the plant. Their beauty and aroma attract the insects to them.
These insects are thankful for what the flowers have to give them, and they accept the
gift gracefully. In a desert after a rainstorm the flowers appear like a carpet of new life
and energy.
Common Issues that May Be Helped:
1. Rejuvenation of Skin
2. Female Reproductive Organs and Cycles
3. Nervous Tension and Emotional Stress
4. Attract the Opposite Sex
5. Need for Love, Compassion, Forgiveness
6. Feelings of Exhaustion, Hopelessness, and Resentment
7. Lack of Confidence, Emptiness, Feelings of Guilt
8. Insecurity, Instability, Resignation, and Sadness
9. Lack of Sexual Desire or Frigidity
10. Envious, Manipulative, Power or Status Hungry

Basics of Aromatherapy 39

Bring back that confidence, energy, and enthusiasm you once had for life. You are full
of love and passion, soft heartedness, and are sensitive to the needs of others. You
need to seek balance by putting your own needs first. Be careful that meeting such
needs does not spiral into making yourself the center of attention or being superficial in
your desires. Love life to the fullest, love yourself by taking better care of your skin in
order to give you the confidence you desire.
Now, before you go thinking I've gone off my rocker with all this emotional stuff, go
back and read about olfaction and the limbic system of your brain. Our emotions and
our physical bodies are inseparably connected. This is no longer considered “foo-foo”
stuff. It has been proven with cold, hard science. Start looking at the foods you eat, the
herbs in your teas, the plants of the oils you have on your feet. Stop to smell the roses,
and the mints, and chew some pine gum. Experiencing and getting to know these plants
will enhance your appreciation for them. I believe you will actually receive more benefit
from them when you take the time to get to know them on an intimate level.
What can you learn about yourself as you learn about essential oils?
40 Foundational Aromatherapy

Creating Synergies and Making Blends

Synergy is when two or more things together are
greater than the sum of them separately.
For example, 1 plus 1 equals 2. But when we put 1 and 1 together synergistically, they
might become worth 3 or 6 or 10—maybe even a 100. For some people, when they
form a partnership, magnificent things happen—beyond anything either could
accomplish on their own. Brenda and I are a synergy.
Do you know people with synergy because they hooked up with
each other and made BIG things happen?
When you put essential oils into your body and mind,
what kind of amazing synergy could that produce?
Two Types of Combining
Many of us who grew up in the world of aromatherapy participating in multi-level
(MLM) or network marketing (NWM) have been under the false impression that we can
only get an essential oil blend (really a synergy) from a company that has equipment
and a staff who mixes two or more oils together for a specific purpose—then we get to
buy it ready-made, like a birthday cake from a bakery. However, professionals aren’t
the only ones who can mix essential oils.
These ready-made blends are really synergies. Yes, it is blending also, but what I want
to do here is explain that in professional aromatherapy we have synergies or recipes
and we have blending into another medium such as a carrier oil, cream, salt, etc.
In the aromatherapy world, there are really two kinds of blending. Let me explain. In
professional aromatherapy language, a blend or blending in aromatherapy usually
means mixing an essential oil into a different medium, such as a carrier oil, cream, or
salt. When we combine two or more essential oils together, they are called synergies
because they become more valuable than when the same oils are used separately.
The goal of blending is to balance the artistic
form of the oil with its designated function.
—John Steel
Aromatherapists prefer the word synergies for mixing two or more essential oils
together. Most people have never heard of synergies. Most synergies are commonly
called blends by essential oil businesses.
When we talk about blending in aromatherapy, it can mean two things: (1) we are
creating a synergy, sometimes called a blend; it can be diffused or later added to a
carrier oil or other medium. Or (2) a blend can mean a combination of oils, or a synergy,
that is already mixed with a carrier oil or another medium such as lotion, cream,
shampoo, facial cleanser, toner, or bath salts. With that said, let’s learn how to do
both—create essential oil synergies and make blends by mixing synergies with other

Basics of Aromatherapy 41

Before you begin, get out a notebook and a pen to write down your recipes. It is
imperative to properly label your bottles with the recipes on them so you know what is
in each one. Plus, you won’t have to rely on memory to make a recipe again.
Preparing to Create a Synergy
There are various approaches when selecting essential oils for a synergy. The first thing
to decide is what is the purpose? Do you want to create something to relax sore
muscles? Reduce anxiety? Or improve mental clarity?
You can’t arrive at a destination unless you know where you are going. So, decide
where you want to go. Then you have to decide which route to take—through the city,
over the mountain, or around the bend—it’s up to you. Next, make sure to take care of
the basics—do you have a car? With gas in it? And be sure to choose a beautiful day
when there is nice weather—you might as well enjoy yourself!
Now let’s relate those three things—a car, gas, and the weather—with making a simple
We will need three main components: the driving oil, the supporting oil, and the
enhancer oil. The “car” is the driving oil; it relates to the purpose, what we want to
accomplish—relaxation, pain relief, or whatever it is. We cannot even start a trip
without a car—which is a driving oil in creating synergies (aka blends). Next we need
some gas or supporting oil to ensure getting the car to our destination. The supporting
oil supports and strengthens the driving oil in its purpose.
Good weather on a trip enhances the enjoyment and makes getting to the destination
easier. Like weather for a trip, an enhancer oil is chosen for how it enhances or
improves the aroma or smell of an oil synergy (aka blend). It also enhances the abilities
of the first two oils, the driving oil and the supporting oil, to fulfill the purpose.
Just like planning a trip, there are a few things to consider before and during the
creation of a synergy (aka blend). First is safety. We need to be sure each of the oils we
choose and the amounts we use are safe for the person who will be using it. Who are
we making this synergy for? Is it a child, pregnant women, or frail elderly person? We
need to review information about the oil, especially checking the safety notes, as well
as reviewing safety information for any medicines being taken—we need to be sure
that neither will interfere with the other. The information necessary for safe use is
included in this book—in the single-oil profiles, the Dilution Chart at the end of this
section and in the Safety information in the Resources section.
Also, we need to ask when, what time of day or night, the custom synergy will likely be
used. Will the person it is intended for use it at night? If so, we want to make sure we
don’t use oils that are stimulating and keep them awake. Imagine this scenario:
“So, Harry, how is your back feeling since I gave you that synergy I made for you?”
“Oh, my back feels great! But now I have insomnia.”
Do you really want to make an insomnia synergy to counteract the side effects of the
back-ache synergy, or …? Oops, sorry—for a minute there I thought I was hearing one
of those drug commercials naming twenty or so side effects.
42 Foundational Aromatherapy

The great thing about creating our own essential oil synergies (aka blends) is that you
can create what is exactly perfect for you or your loved ones. You need to decide how
you want to apply it. Maybe you want to make a mister or fill a roller bottle. Or perhaps
you choose to create a soothing bath salt.
Selecting an Approach—Physical, Emotional, or Both?
Now we will decide what approach to take. Are we going to go only after the emotional
side of an issue? — “I am frustrated and sad because my back hurts.” Or do we only
approach a physical or health condition approach: “I want to get rid of this back ache,
the pain, and inflammation.” Or do we take a holistic approach and address both the
emotional and physical sides of the issue? Doing both is my preferred approach,
because we are whole beings and cannot be divided into little boxes. There are times
when we just want to be happy NOW! Or we want the pain gone NOW! We will address
that later.
As you can see, creating synergies is much like planning a vacation. You choose where
you want to go, who is going with you, what clothes to pack according to the weather,
and what time will you leave. Then decide if you’ll make stops along the way or just
drive straight to your destination. While the “vacation” is your main goal, there are
often many individual pieces and parts that need to be considered and handled to
reach your main goal.
Selecting a “Route” By Classifications
Now, which route will you take to get to your goal? You can choose from one or more
of the following “routes:” chemical family, properties, plant family, plant part, or note
of the oil.
How do you choose oils for a synergy or a blend?
I consider the purpose for the synergy and match it with the chemical family that most
closely resembles the goal. Or—sometimes I address different components of the same
Here’s an example I can use from my own family. My son Cyrus plays football. Some
days he really takes a beating on the field. His knees get bruised, scraped, and swollen.
My main goal is to help him feel better. His bruises, scrapes, and swelling are the
different components of that main goal. I want to make a synergy that will relieve pain,
help fight infection and the scrapes heal, reduce swelling and bruising, AND help mend
any damage to the bones and cartilage in his injured knee. I don’t care what it smells
like as long as it works and Cyrus will use it.
Several oils came to mind, but what if I didn’t own all of them? I could turn to the
Chemical Family pages in this book and see what each chemical family does and decide
which ones seem to match up the best for my purposes. I would look at the profiles of
the oils I have on hand in the Single Essential Oil section and find the chemical family
under Technical Data. Then, I could pick the oils in the chemical families that would
accomplish my goal. I could choose:

Basics of Aromatherapy 43

1. A sesquiterpenol for its anti-inflammatory properties and because it is skin friendly

2. A monoterpenol for anti-infectious properties and because it is soothing for the skin
3. And a monoterpene oil to aid in muscle pain, for skin enhancing, and to cheer him
Or, I could focus only on the swelling and choose three oils from the same family—
sesquiterpenol—because I really want to slam it with every bit of anti-inflammatory I
can find.
When considering creating a synergy by properties of oils, again I think of my purpose—
which for Cyrus was to reduce pain and swelling, fight infection, and help the bones and
cartilage. Then I select oils based on the properties (listed in the oil profiles in the Single
Essential Oil section). I look for:
• Anti-inflammatory • Cicatrisant (skin healing)
• Anti-infectious • Analgesic (pain relieving)

All of these terms are defined briefly under Properties and are also defined in the
Glossary located under Resources at the back of the book.
By using this method, I pick three oils with most of the beneficial properties needed for
my goal that still fit within an overall program of safety and how and when I want to use
the synergy I plan to make. I chose Black Spruce, Frankincense, and Sweet Birch for my
Again, I could focus only on reducing swelling and select three anti-inflammatory oils no
matter what family they are in—such as Juniper Berry, Lavender, and Ginger.
Choosing oils from the plant families is done the same way as choosing from the
chemical family. Look in the Plant Family section, learn what each family is known for,
and choose your oils. If you need to make a synergy immediately, search in the Single
Essential Oil section to find the profiles for the oils you currently own (or for the oils
you plan to get). Choose three oils, based on the specific need, taking all factors into
For my son Cyrus’ knee injury, I could choose oils from the Asteraceae plant family (for
their anti-inflammatory properties), the Burseraceae plant family (for their wound-
healing properties), or the Geraniaceae plant family (for their anti-inflammatory and
soothing-to-the-skin properties). Alternatively, I could select one oil from one family
and two from another, or three from the same family—as long as they all help achieve
my purpose.
Choosing by plant part is a way of adding an emotional support component to your
synergy (or blend). What kind of emotions are connected, in general or specifically, with
the current issue—whether it’s physical or emotional or both? Also look at the physical
characteristics of each plant part.
• I may choose a wood oil for Cyrus, in this case Sweet Birch, because he has
damaged a bone and limb—his kneecap and leg.
44 Foundational Aromatherapy

• I might want a fruit oil for the swelling water element and to lift his spirits, such
as Lemon or Juniper Berry.
• I may choose a root oil for its grounding effect of feeling settled or calm; for
example, Ginger.
• Another possibility would be to stay with one plant part, such as three wood
oils—Birch, Cedarwood, and Cinnamon Bark—that have beneficial properties
for the bones.
Notes of Essential Oils
Another helpful way to categorize essential oils is by note. Oils are divided into three
different notes: top, middle and base. A note is defined by how quickly the oil
evaporates and rises in a synergy in order for you to be able to smell it or be affected by
it. Creating a blend by note was and is still used in making perfumes. Using this method
in conjunction with other methods will help ensure a balanced and enjoyable aroma to
your synergies. Of course, sometimes we may not care how a synergy smells, we may
just want the problem gone, which was the case for Cyrus’ injured knee. But many
times, you can accomplish both—having the problem go away while the scent lifts and
carries you away.
Top notes evaporate the quickest and are the first aroma you experience in a synergy
(i.e., a blend). These oils stimulate the brain, adding a brightness that clears the mind,
giving us energy to move upwards. The aroma is fresh, light, airy, penetrating, and
Top note oils are:
 Basil  Eucalyptus Radiata  Lemon
 Bergamot  Grapefruit  Orange
 Birch  Green Mandarin  Red Mandarin
 Eucalyptus Citriodora

Middle-note oils soften the sharpness that top notes can sometimes give to a synergy.
Middle notes balance and harmonize a synergy both energetically and physically. They
are sometimes called the “heart” of a synergy or “heart note.” When going through the
single-oil profiles, you will notice that some oils are top-middle or middle-base. A
middle-note essential oil can have the attributes of both top-middle and middle-base,
that’s what gives a fullness to your synergies. There is another advantage for some oils
having two notes—sometimes when making a synergy, maybe you can't find just the
right top note; in that case, you can look at the oils that are top-middle or middle-top
notes and select one in place of the top note in your synergy. The same goes for base
note—you can also select an oil from the middle-base or base-middle oils to complete
your synergy.
Middle note oils include:

Basics of Aromatherapy 45

 Bay laurel  Fennel  Niaouli

 Black pepper  Fir, balsam  Palmarosa
 Black Spruce  Ginger  Ravensara
 Carrot Seed  Helichrysum  Rose Geranium
 Cinnamon  Juniper Berry  Rosemary
 Clary Sage  Lavender  Peppermint
 Clove Bud  Lemongrass  Spearmint
 Coriander  Marjoram  Tea Tree
 Cypress  Neroli  Thyme Linalool


Base-note essential oils evaporate slowly so are the last to be smelled, the last to your
nose—the opposite of tope note oils. They are known as “fixatives” because they hold
your synergy together, slowing down the evaporation rate of any top note in your
synergy. They are usually from roots, woods, or resins; although there are some
exceptions—jasmine, rose and ylang ylang, which are floral, and patchouli, which is a
leaf oil. Base notes are very grounding and soothing to our emotions, relieving
insomnia, anxiety and stress.
Base note are:
 Cedarwood  Myrrh  Sandalwood
 Frankincense  Patchouli  Ylang Ylang
 Jasmine  Rose 
Designing a Synergy by Note
Designing synergies by note is simple. Select one oil from each note according to your
goal. Back to my example with Cyrus, I chose Black Spruce (middle note) for
inflammation and his skinned knee, Frankincense (base note) for swelling, and Birch
(top note) for pain.
For this synergy, Sweet Birch is my driving oil because my main goal was pain relief and
inflammation. My supporting oil is Frankincense because it also is anti-inflammatory
and adds skin-healing qualities. Black Spruce is my enhancer because the aroma adds to
the synergy, bringing harmony among the oils, and it also is anti-inflammatory, removes
water from swelling, and is warming. Notice that we have a wood for bones, resins for
skin, and leaves to lighten his mood. Each single-oil profile also gives ideas for which
other oils tend to blend well with that particular oil.
Testing a Synergy by Smell
Pick three oils you think will work well together, a top, a middle, and a base note oil.
Remember the oils that have two notes can fit where you need them.
With the lids off, hold the three oil bottles in your hands, grouped closely together in a
sort of triangle, keeping the tops level with each other. Then pass them under your
nose to smell the combined aroma. See if you like it. If possible, have the person you
are blending for smell them. If you or that person doesn’t like the combined scent, try
replacing one of the oils for a different oil in the same category. In between smelling
sets of oils, smell some coffee beans—that will clear your nose “palate” of the previous
46 Foundational Aromatherapy

The 50/30/20 Ratio

When you have settled on the three oils you want to use, one from each note, there is
an easy way to decide how many drops of each to use. Just remember the ratio
50/30/20—50% for high note, 30% for middle note, and 20% for base note.
Using the oil properties to help me decide which oils to put in my synergy for Cyrus, I
picked Birch for a high note oil, Black Spruce for a middle note, and Frankincense for a
base note.
Using the 50/30/20 ratio, I can quickly think 50% Birch, 30% Black Spruce, and 20%
Frankincense, and can easily convert that into drops—5 drops Birch, 3 drops Black
Spruce, and 2 drops Frankincense—for a total of 10 drops. This is a simple way for
figuring a synergy by note.
Some of you may say, "Well, I buy blends with more than three oils in them." Yes, but
remember we want to keep this simple and fun. If you have more than three oils, try to
maintain your driving oil at 50% and make any adjustments with the enhancing and
supporting oils. If you have two enhancing oils, divide their percentages (divide 30% or
20% in half) according to the category of note they are in. For now, let’s just stick with
three oils.
Creating a Synergy
Whether you plan to create a synergy to use alone or expect to blend it with a carrier
oil or other medium, start small. Make a synergy test sample first.
How to Do a Synergy Test Sample
To do a synergy test sample, start with the simple amounts of 5, 3, and 2—putting 5
drops of your high note, 3 drops of your middle note, and 2 drops of your base note
into a bottle. Skake the bottle vigorously, pounding it against your hand 100 times, then
let it rest at least 3 minutes. Smell the synergy for a few seconds, and adjust if needed
by adding no more than 1 or 2 drops of any one oil.
Keeping an oil synergy journal is important. You want to write down exactly how many
drops of each oil you are adding. Nothing is more frustrating than making an amazing
synergy (aka blend) and then forgetting how you made it. Believe me!
When you are satisfied with the scent, you are ready to make your full bottle of your
synergy. Keep in mind, the directions below are for the original formula, without adding
any additional drops. If you adjusted your synergy, you would need to add some steps
described later in “How to Adjust a Synergy.”
How to Create a Synergy
There are a few ways to create a synergy. Here you will learn how to make what we call
a stock bottle or a full bottle of a synergy (aka blend) to have on hand like any ready-
made “blend” (aka synergy) you might buy. Just remember, making a cake doesn’t work
if you switch the amounts of flour and salt. So, follow the 50/30/20 ratio. It really is very
straight forward. To make a 100-drop (5 ml.) synergy, simply add 50 drops of the high
note oil, 24 drops of the middle note oil, and 20 drops of the base note oil. Or, just

Basics of Aromatherapy 47

double those amounts if you want a full 10 ml. bottle (which holds about 200 drops)
depending on how thick the oils are, which can vary.
Once your oils are in the bottle, you’ll need to shake the bottle vigorously to make sure
they are mixed well. I like to pound it against the palm of my hand 100 times, then let it
rest at least 3 minutes, an hour, or a full day, which isn’t too long (and is best). We want
the oils to have time to really “marry” or become one—a synergy, a new entity. Now
you’ve made your very own synergy (aka blend), you can use it as you would any other
purchased blend (aka synergy). You could make a mister, put it in a diffuser, add it to a
carrier oil, or add to bath salts for a soak in the tub, etc.
How to Adjust a Synergy
After the oils have rested, smell them again to determine if you like the synergy or if
one oil is overpowering the others. Adjust your synergy by adding just 1 drop of one of
the other less pungent oils. Shake, rest, then smell again. I don’t recommend wandering
far from the 50/30/20 ratio. Synergies sometimes need to rest for a full day before the
oils really “marry,” so I usually just stick to the formula and trust my instincts.
“Creating a Synergy Can Be Fun” Song
I feel a song coming on! I can almost hear Brenda declaring, “Oh no, you don’t!
Creating a Synergy Can Be Fun
Sing to the tune of “The Ants Go Marching”
Creating a synergy can be fun.
Hurrah, hurrah!
Three little oils is all you need.
Hurrah, hurrah!
Driving, supporting, enhancing.
50, 30, 20 percent
And they all go dripping down, into the jar
To create a synergy
Shake, rest, smell.

Creating a Synergy in Nine Easy Steps
Let’s sum up how to create a synergy—keeping it simple. There are just 9 steps I use:
1. Decide the purpose (or goal) of the synergy.
2. Ask if there are safety issues? —age, condition, or medications being taken?
3. Consider when to use the synergy: night, morning, or after a workout?
4. Choose which approach to take: emotional, physical, or both holistically.
5. Choose a route to follow to fulfill the purpose (or goal). Select oils using
information from one or more of the following:
a. Chemical Family
b. Properties
c. Note of the oil
d. Plant Family
48 Foundational Aromatherapy

e. Plant Part
6. Choose three oils: one each for top, middle, and base note.
7. Divide total drops into the 50/30/20 ratio.
8. Make the synergy: put the oils in a bottle, shake, rest, and smell. Adjust if
9. Use the synergy!
Nine steps may seem like a lot, but soon it will become second nature, like driving a car.
Remember when you first started to learn to drive? You had to think about every action
and take those actions nearly at the same time. After practicing for a while, driving
became automatic, and now you simply drive, like you’re on autopilot. In much the
same way, you will soon simply create synergies (i.e., blends). Please remember these
are guidelines not directives.
Making a Blend Using a Synergy
How do I determine the number of total oil drops to blend with the right amount of
carrier oil or another medium or base, such as a cream, a lotion, or shampoo? The key
is the Dilution Chart included at the end of this section (with a second copy just before
the table of Suggested Uses in Part 5).
With Cyrus, I anticipated he would probably get injured quite a bit while playing
football. I considered blending my synergy in a base of cream or with a carrier oil. In
either case, I would use the Dilution Chart to determine amounts. Here’s how that
process works:
Using the Dilution Chart, I find the condition, the dilution percentage, the amount of
carrier, and the number of drops of essential oils. Cyrus is a healthy, non-pregnant (of
course!) male adult, and he is not putting this blend on his face; his need is for short-
term muscle and bone pain. For that condition, I see the Dilution Chart indicates a 10%
dilution. I have a 1-ounce bottle, so I find 1-ounce carrier oil on the Dilution Chart. For
1-ounce carrier oil with 10% dilution, the chart shows I need 60 drops total essential
oils. Now I have the information I need to create my synergy in preparation for blending
with a carrier oil.
With this information from the Dilution Chart, I can make my synergy according to the
50/30/20 ratio. For Cyrus, that’s 50% Birch or 24 drops, 30% Black Spruce or 18 drops,
and 20% Frankincense or 12 drops, all totaling 60 drops. Before counting out the 60
drops and putting them together, I like to make a tiny amount for testing to make sure I
like it. I make it in the same ratio—so 3 drops of Birch, 2 drops of Black Spruce, and 1
drop of Frankincense.
Make Your First Blend
Here is an essential oil bath salt recipe for you to make right now. Just mix the following
5 drops Lavender, Maillette
3 drops Lemon
2 drops Clary Sage (or substitute Rose Geranium)
Blend into:
Basics of Aromatherapy 49

¼ cup of sea salt or Dead Sea salts

Now you have just made your first synergy of Lavender, Lemon and Clary Sage or Rose
Geranium and mixed it with a medium of salt. This recipe will relax your body and lift
your spirits.
Go ahead! Start running the water for a bath now; you can finish reading while you
soak. I will wait.
(If you hate taking baths, don’t make a bath-salt blend for yourself. Likewise, don’t
blend a massage oil if you can’t tolerate being touched. I do hope that by using oils, it
will help a person get over any phobias about being touched. Touch is an innate need
all humans have. In my experience with oils for that kind of problem, I would begin by
massaging myself—my shoulders, arms and hands, and feet and legs. Also, there is
nothing more soothing than a long hot bath. It cleanses, detoxifies, and relaxes. This is
when a bath salt blend with relaxing oils is perfect.)
How to Make a Blend Using a Carrier Oil
To make a blend with a carrier oil base: put half the carrier oil in a bottle, add your
previously mixed synergy, dropping your synergy mix straight into the bottle of carrier
oil. Shake the bottle 100 times (pounding it against your palm). Add the remaining half
of the carrier oil and shake it 100 times again. Finally, let it rest for a few minutes or
longer. Before using your blend, smell it once again and adjust by 1 drop (if needed)
before applying it.
Keeping in mind that (in a perfect world) you would follow the process of creating a
synergy first, before adding it to a carrier oil or other medium. But, more often than not
(because of an immediate need), you may want to make a blend all at once. When
necessary, you can: select three oils, determine the amounts, put half the carrier oil in a
bottle, add your essential oil drops, shake it a little, add the other half of the carrier oil,
shake again, let it rest just a minute, and then smell and use it.
For Cyrus’ injured knee, I picked a 1-ounce plastic bottle with a flip-top to make it easy
for him to squirt out—if it’s not simple, he won’t use it. I put in half (.5 ounce) of the
carrier oil, then counted the 30, 18, and 12 drops (60 total) of the three essential oils as
they dropped directly into the bottle with carrier oil. I shook the bottle 100 times
against my palm, then let it rest for 3 minutes. I added the remaining half (.5 ounce) of
the carrier oil, shook it up or pounded it as before. Then I gave it to Cyrus.
Dilution Guidelines
We are the only ones who really know our bodies. Always listen to your body, and not
just when it’s screaming at you. There are several factors to be considered when
deciding how much oil to use. Here are a few questions to ask:
• What is my condition? Is it a long-standing issue or something new?
• How am I going to use it? —a mister, massage oil, or face cream?
• Have I read the Safety notes on the oils I plan to use? Am I taking any
• Have I read the Safety information in the Resources section of this book?
• What is the condition of the skin where I plan to apply it? Is there a cut, an
open wound, a rash, or is the skin sensitive?
50 Foundational Aromatherapy

• How old am I? Am I pregnant? A baby? Or old and frail?

• What is my goal? How do I want to feel and look?
Think these things through, look at the chart, and blend away—have fun! Use this as an
opportunity to be creative. Make gifts for your friends and family members. Give your
significant other a massage, give your kids a massage. This is a tradition at our house.
My kids give each other and Kent and I massage—feet, hands, shoulders, and back
massages. All you need is a bathing suit or pair of shorts, some carrier oil and willing
hands. I have been amazed as we and our children have done this, the more caring and
connected we have all become with each other.
Creating synergies or making blends is an art form. Use your imagination for inspiration.
Keep it simple. Try something impossible.
What impossible thing will you do today?

Dilution Chart 51

Dilution Chart
.5 % 1% 2.5 % 3% 5% 10 %
infants children, air injury of wounds chest
frail baths misters muscle body congestion

elderly pregnancy body oils or tendons butter acute pain

compromis lotions bone salves serious
ed immune general injury
system care spasm
directly on bruising
1 tsp. touch 1 drop 2 drops 3 drops 5 drops 10 drops
with tooth
10 ml. 1 drop 2 drops 5 drops 6 drops 10 drops 20 drops

1 Tbs. 1-2 drops 3 drops 7-8 drops 9 drops 15 drops 24 drops

1 oz. 2-4 drops 6 drops 14-16 18 drops 24 drops 60 drops
2 oz. 4-8 drops 12 drops 28-32 36 drops 60 drops 120 drops
4 oz. 8-16 24 drops 56 drops 72 drops 120 drops 240 drops

The Dilution Chart was put together as a guide. Once again, go with your gut
feeling as the bottom line. Here’s how I use this chart:
1. Consider the condition of the person and find it under one of the dilution %
2. Select the amount or carrier oil (or other medium) desired from the left-hand
column. Sometimes a bottle or container size may help determine that decision.
3. Find the number of total drops of essential oils needed under the dilution %
column and across from amount of carrier oil selected.
4. Using the 50/30/20 ratio, figure how many drops to use for each. For example, for
60 drops total, 50% is 24 drops, 30% is 18 drops, and 20% is 12 drops.
5. Make a small test sample for testing using the same 50/30/20 ratio—3 drops, 2
drops, 1 drop; smell it.
6. Make the synergy.
a. Put all the drops in a bottle and shake them 100 times and let rest.
b. Smell, and adjust if needed. If adjusted, repeat shaking and resting.
7. Blend the synergy with the carrier oil.
a. Put half the carrier oil in the bottle.
b. Add all the drops of essential oils.
c. Shake it up, about 100 times, against palm.
d. Add remaining half of carrier oil, and shake again.
e. Let the oil rest, about 3 minutes.
f. Smell the blend; adjust as needed, and repeat shaking, resting, and
8. Use the blend.
54 Foundational Aromatherapy

Understanding Oil Profiles

Now that I’ve learned all about oils, what changes can I make in my life for the better?
The Single Essential Oil profiles are packed with information, fun and useful information.
They were designed to help make choosing and using an essential oil easy. Each profile
includes the following information sections: (1) The oil’s common name with a
description of some of its primary beneficial aspects; (2) Safety Notes in a small square
box; (3) Tried and True Uses; (4) A “How Do I Use It?” table with helpful methods of
application and list of complementary oils that blend well with the oil profiled; (5) A
bullet list of the oil’s Properties, the properties come from the individual constituents
and are the results of studies done not of the essential oil, but on the constituents,
whether found in an oil, herb, food or drug. Whether found naturally occurring or
synthetically created; (6) A table of Technical Data about the essential oil. These specific
topics and their purpose are discussed in more detail below. Each essential oil profile
also includes one or two brief success stories volunteered by someone who has used
the oil.
Be sure to smell each essential oil as you read its profile. If you don't have the oil yet,
read about it now. Later, when you have it, read the profile again while smelling the
oil. Please pay particular attention to the Safety Notes of each oil, as well as the
Disclaimer and Safety Warnings at the bottom of each page.
The Essential Oil Blend profiles are formatted a little differently with fewer sections, but
equally helpful and important information. Each blend profile includes; (1) the Blend
Name with a description of beneficial aspects; (2) Safety Notes; (3) Ingredients—a list of
all single oils included in the blend; (4) an Applications table telling ways how the blend
might be used along with the specific methods for application; and (5) Ingredient
Descriptions provide the detailed benefits and aspects of each single oil in the blend.
Again, in leaf-shaped boxes, personal stories are included, sharing good results people
have had from using the blend.
Important Note: If we included every single bit of information pertinent to every oil
blend, you’d never be able to carry the book! We decided to give you the “general”
information about the single oils contained in each blend so that you could consider the
many possibilities of the blend. If you read the section on Blending—as I know you
did—you already realize that each blend was created for a particular goal or purpose.
Take Trauma™ oil, for example. The name says it all, but if you look at the individual oils
it contains and what each can do, you will likely have many aha moments. Go through
the oil blend pages. It is good reading. You will not only learn about the blends, but also
about single oils—maybe some you haven’t tried yet.
Again, remember to smell each oil or oil blend as you read about it.
Now, let’s look at each of the topics in the oils profiles.
Understanding Oil Profiles 55

Safety Notes
Each Single Oil profile includes a Safety Notes section on the first page in a small box.
Safety is an important aspect in all areas of our lives, including aromatherapy. We want
you to have fun and positive experiences using essential oils. Keep these safety notes in
mind when deciding to use any oil. Safety can be controversial at times, with people
saying, “Well I used that oil for this or that, and I’m perfectly fine.” People also say that
to me when we discuss eating fast foods, but they won’t change my mind about not
eating those. Personally, I don’t want you to be afraid of oils. When used properly, they
are very safe—much safer than eating fast foods. These are my words to the wise.
Disclaimer and Safety Warning
This is our “enter at your own risk” notification. It’s the Disclaimer and Safety Warning
“small print” found at the bottom of every single page of essential oil singles and
blends—and it’s the small print you need to read! Read them!
Single Essential Oil Common Name and Description
At the beginning of each single oil profile, each oil is identified by its common name as
printed on the bottle. Following the oil name, we have included a brief description of
the oil and some of its properties, historical uses, or ways we have experienced using it.
Tried and True Uses
The Tried and True Uses section is a summarized list of the primary benefits Brenda and
I (and others) have seen, studied, or personally experienced with the oil. We cannot say
the effects will be the same for everyone, but this section is included to show an oil’s
good track record as used by others. Sometimes we mention research information,
historical facts, or folklore about that particular oil.
How Do I Use It?
I can just hear you asking, “I’ve read all of this and the Blending section four times, and
I’ve decided to use this particular oil. But HOW and WHAT are the different ways I can
use it?”
The Applications table is where the rubber hits the road—a “treasure box” of ideas.
This is where we share our experiences of exactly HOW we use an oil—with detailed
instructions! Simply choose the method you would enjoy the most. Do you love to soak
in the tub? Try our bath ideas. Want something quick and easy? Combine 1 drop with a
few drops of carrier oil on the bottom of your feet as you start your day. Want to be a
little sneaky with an ‘anti-oiler’ (someone who objects to the smell of essential oils)?
Run your diffuser with a refreshing aroma. They’ll benefit from the properties of your
oil, and never know—unless you give away the secret. It CAN be easy to get into an oil
rut, so try different oils, ideas and applications. Be creative!
DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition, or
prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not take internally unless
working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured.
56 Foundational Aromatherapy

Next to the Applications section, you’ll see a “Blends Well With” box. This is the perfect
starting place for considering oils for your own blends. This list of oils is not all-inclusive.
Feel free to try blending with other oils. Again, be creative!
The Properties section contains valuable information about what an oil can do. Most
likely there will be properties or effects on the list you’ve never thought of. Plants and
their oils are really quite amazing. Properties of oils can include some pretty weird
scientific words, such as carminative. What the heck does that mean? It always
annoyed me that most oil books listed properties of an oil but expected me to know the
definitions or look them up in the back of the book or in a dictionary! I was not about to
make you flip back and forth (maybe with a cholicy baby in your arms) trying to figure
out what carminative means (relieves intestinal gas pain and distention, and promotes
peristalsis). We believe you need to see the definition right away, without spending
precious time conducting research. For this reason, we included brief definitions right
next to each property. We’ve also included the definitions in the Glossary for reference.
Understanding each single oil’s properties will help you in making your blends and
concoctions. Yes, pretty please, read the Blending section again.
Success Stories
Success stories, highlighted in the boxes shaped like a leaf, give a few specific ways an
essential oil has worked for us or others. Read through these several times. Some of
these stories contain more insight than anything we could teach you.
Key Emotions
Key Emotions represent emotions or character traits that this particular oil can evoke,
strengthen or bring out in a person using it. Remember the olfaction section, and how
smelling an oil can bring on an emotional response? It wouldn't hurt to read that
section again.
Key Body Systems
Key Body Systems are the key or main, body systems that are possibly effected by the
properties of this essential oil.
Technical Data
Technical Data may sound pretty dry and unimportant. But, actually this is where a lot
of the fun begins.
I hope you’ve already read the first part of this book. If not, as you read this section,
jump back to each corresponding section or read it again. This is where it all comes
You may have been thinking, “Why the heck is Leiann telling us all this? I just want to
know what to do with the oils I got in the mail this month!” Well, hang in there with
me, and you’ll be glad you did.
Understanding Oil Profiles 57

Remember the Olfaction section? Go back and review that now. You’ll get more out of
this whole process if you do. Then, while you read through each oil profile, get out your
oils and smell each one while you learn about it. This will lock the information in your
brain so every time you smell an oil, all that information you read will come floating
back to you. That’s why, in our classes, we have students smell each oil on a Q-tip while
we teach about a particular oil. We want you to remember it.
For reference, here is the Technical Data chart for Sweet Basil. See the eight parts in the
Technical Data in bold below? Each of these provides you with valuable information you
will need and want to know.

BOTANICAL NAME Ocimum basilicum ct. methyl chavicol

WHERE GROWN Madagascar, Mediterranean, Europe, India
AROMA spicy, sweet
PRODUCING ORGAN flowering tops and leaves
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Main antiseptic, antispasmodic
Chemical ETHERS antispasmodic, anti-infectious, carminative, pain
Families relieving in the digestive system and genitourinary
Botanical LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE) relieves headaches and nasal congestion, energizes
Family body and mind

Let’s go through each part and see where the journey leads us.
Do you remember reading earlier about Latin names in the Botany section? This name
is so you know exactly what oil you are getting. For example, we have three different
types of eucalyptus. Which one do you want? To remember how to distinguish, review
the Botany section. A reputable company will provide you with this information and not
try to sell you just any old eucalyptus.
Plants for essential oils can be grown in different locations, at least most of them. It is
fun to look them up and learn about the countries, their climate and altitude; all of this
helps us to appreciate our oils more.
It’s good to smell our oils as we are learning about them. Get to know the “language” of
aroma. Using the words that describe the aromas of the oils helps anchor it in our
DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition, or
prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not take internally unless
working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured.
58 Foundational Aromatherapy

minds and give us clues about the properties of oils. If the aroma is listed as fruity, but
smells like VapoRub®, something is wrong. Here’s a helpful tip when smelling oils—it’s a
good idea to group them by aroma. Before and after smelling each one, smell coffee
beans to “clear” your nose. Something fun to do is blindfold yourself and try to
recognize an oil from its aroma. Learn the words describing its aroma to expand your
The producing organ tells you what part of the plant an essential oil comes from. Get to
know the plants and their parts. Cut open an orange, lemon, or grapefruit. Squeeze the
peel and watch the oil ooze out—taste it! Buy some fresh herbs at the grocery store;
rub them in your hands, smell them, and taste them! Buy a piece of ginger; grate some
of it up, taste it, and smell the pungent aroma! Compare these smells with the oils that
come from them. Take a walk in a forest or park and feel the bark of the trees. Take
time to “smell the roses”—literally—or geraniums—or orange blossoms! Plant an herb
garden or put some pots in your kitchen. Grow a miniature citrus tree in the sunniest
room in your home, and make fresh lemonade.
Extraction method tells you how we get this oil out of the plant. Was it distilled or cold-
pressed? How an oil is produced greatly affects the quality of the oil, and we want the
very best, genuine and authentic. Review the Production and Quality sections
A note of an essential oil describes its rate of evaporation. Top notes evaporate the
quickest; base notes the slowest. This means you will smell the high-note oils faster
than you smell the base-note oils. This form of classifying oils originates with the
perfume industry. It’s helpful information when making your own synergies or blends.
Check out the Blending section in this book.
Essential oils are made up of hundreds of different chemicals. Like people, it’s just
easier to say “the King family” than name all eleven of us one by one. In families, each
member is unique and different; yet have many attributes in common with others in
their family. Chemical families are much the same. This information is helpful whether
you’re choosing a single oil or exploring ideas for blending oils together. Like humans,
oils can actually belong to more than one family. For example, I’m a Bacon on my dad’s
side of the family; a Logsdon on my mom’s; and a King through marriage. Review the
Chemical Family section again. And—if you didn’t read the Blending section, do it now!
There are millions and millions of plants with more being discovered all the time.
Botanists, who are true plant lovers, work to name and categorize plants by how they
look. Then they take a big bunch with similar characteristics, group them together, and
call it a family. Interestingly enough, plants have similar properties to assist the body on
its way to health. Yes, I am going to ask you to please re-read the Botany and Blending
Understanding Oil Profiles 59

sections to understand why it’s important to know the Botanical family of each oil.
You’ll be glad you did, I promise.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition, or
prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not take internally unless
working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured.
60 Foundational Aromatherapy

Anise essential oil is sometimes called Anise Seed both are used interchangeably
to describe the same oil. Another oil out there is called Star Anise. Many times
people will get the two confused. They are only similar in name and a few of
their properties and should not be used as a substitute for each other. Anise oil
is somewhat similar to Fennel in taste and some other properties, such as
digestion. Anise seems to work really effectively in many situations for
applications in the more mature age group of people. This may be due to its
estrogen promoting properties.

Tried and True Uses Safety Notes

✓ Used as a hormone balancer/promoter ➢ Generally non-toxic
✓ In many applications, it is used as a ➢ Should not be used by pregnant or
sweetener as it is far sweeter than sugar. breast-feeding women
➢ Not appropriate for Children 5 years
✓ Used in many food products to add flavor and younger.
and body to the products.
➢ Avoid with estrogen dependent
✓ Works effectively in many insectides. cancers.
✓ Used in many respiratory treatment, such
as diffusing and inhalers.
✓ Great for stopping hiccups, apply diluted to chest.
✓ Apply to ankles to stimulate menstruation.

How Do I Use It?

For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon sweetener into BLENDS WELL
1 cup water. Sip slowly. WITH
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Black Pepper,
THE AIR hours throughout the day.  Ginger,
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Lavender,
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Orange,
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes  Pine,
when misting face.  Rose
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently
onto area of concern needing relief.
Use cotton swab to apply directly on minor insect bites.
ON Can be applied directly on painful joints. In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of
EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 61

• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and Anise oil is one that is not very
infections widely used in most aromatherapy
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms applications, but generally used in
• Anti-rheumatic – reduces the food related uses. It works well in
inflammation that causes rheumatism helping the more mature individual
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus to balance hormones and emotions.
production and swelling One might say that Anise is one of
• Carminative–relieves intestinal gas pain those oils that makes other oils shine
and distention, and promotes peristalsis on stage while it quietly directs the
• Digestive – aids and balances digestion show from back stage.
• Diuretic – promotes activity of kidneys
and bladder and increases urination, — Kent King
rids excess fluid
• Insecticidal – repels insects
• Stimulant – increases functional activity of specific organ or system
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of phlegm and mucus from the chest and lungs
• Sedative – calms and tranquilizes by lowering the functional activity of the organ or body
• Vermifuge – destroys worms

Key Emotions: Relieving, Good Natured, Glee, Good Will, Pleasantness

Key Body Systems: Circulatory, Skeletal, Respiratory Digestive, Muscular

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Pimpinella anisum L.
WHERE GROWN Egypt, Spain
AROMA Rich, sweet with mild licorice fragrance.
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
Chemical ETHERS antispasmodic, anti-infectious, carminative, pain
Families relieving in the digestive system and genitourinary tract

Botanical UMBELLIFERAE balances digestive system


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
62 Foundational Aromatherapy

Basil, Sweet*
This oil can help with digestive issues, circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, bladder
infections, lung congestion, muscle spasms, travel sickness and a wide range of
infections. Basil is effective in eliminating thread-worms (pinworms); repeling
flies and mosquitoes; and treating insect bites. Basil oil has been widely used to
help with many emotional struggles such as anxiety, insomnia and depression.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Place a couple of drops on a cotton ball Safety Notes
to inhale when there is a need to focus ➢ Generally non-toxic
or concentrate. ➢ Should not be used by pregnant or
breast-feeding women; in large
✓ When diffused there is a reduction in doses, it can stimulate a miscarriage.
stress related issues. May be applied the last two weeks of
✓ Rub 1-2 drops mixed with 3-4 drops pregnancy to encourage delivery
carrier on the chest, for the treatment of ➢ Not appropriate for Children 2 years
many respiratory illnesses. and younger.
✓ A massage of Basil and carrier oil gently ➢ Best when used for short periods
assists in relaxing muscles and relieving of time
✓ Inhale or diffuse for insomnia and migraine.
✓ Can be used in a mister as an insect repellant and to relieve itching and pain from bites and
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Lemongrass
THE AIR hours throughout the day.  Marjoram
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as  Lavender,
BREATHE needed. Maillette
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put  Ginger
BREATHE in pillow case.  Fennel
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Dill Blend™
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Lemon
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT Use cotton swab to apply directly on minor insect bites.
ON Can be applied directly on painful joints. With 2-3 drops of carrier in palm, add 1-2
drops then rub on bottom of each foot.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 63

• Analgesic – relieves pain
I was having some serious
• Antipyretic – dispels heat, fire, and hormonal issues, and I put Basil on
fever every couple of hours over the space
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs of two weeks and it balanced me out
and infections hormonally and saved the lives of
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms those who live with me!
• Cephalic – stimulates and clears the — Priscilla Wayman
mind, relieves headache
• Digestive – aids and balances My 5-year-old has constipation
digestion issues. If I rub Basil on his belly
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of before bed, he will go the next
mucus or phlegm from chest and morning.
lungs — Meredith Dangel
• Emmenagogue – helps stimulate
blood flow and menstrual discharge
• Restorative – corrective and restores • Tonifying – nourishing, supportive,

Key Emotions: Protected, Confident, Inspiring, Compassionate and Strengthen

Key Body Systems: Digestive, Muscular, Skeletal, and Circulatory

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Ocimum basilicum ct. methyl chavicol
WHERE GROWN Madagascar, Mediterranean, Europe, India
AROMA spicy, sweet
PRODUCING ORGAN flowering tops and leaves
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Main antiseptic, antispasmodic
Families ETHERS antispasmodic, anti-infectious, carminative, pain
relieving in the digestive system and genitourinary tract
Botanical LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE) relieves headaches and nasal congestion, energizes
Family body and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
64 Foundational Aromatherapy

Bay Laurel*
Sometimes Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) is confused with an oil called Bay
(Pimenta racemosa). These are completely different oils. Bay Laurel is an oil
that is widely used for skin issues, ranging from ulcerations, acne, dandruff,
hair loss, nerve related pain, to boils and even malaria. The first go-to oil for
lymphatic system stimulation. Some of the emotional struggles of everyday
life, such as a lack of self esteem and monthly female related needs are
addressed with this oil.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Stimulates and detoxifies the Safety Notes
lymphatic system. ➢ Relatively non-toxic and non-irritant
✓ Powerful infection fighter for recurrent ➢ Can cause dermatitis in some
or chronic conditions. individuals
➢ Do not use in pregnancy
✓ Highly antiseptic and pain relieving
properties make it a good choice to
inhale for tonsillitis.
✓ Use in food recipes to replace bay
leaves, use only 1 drop

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Rosemary
THE AIR during the day.  Bergamot
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Black Pepper
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Frankincense
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Ginger
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
& SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
RUB IT In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot. Add 5 drops to single application of shampoo to
PUT IT dry scalp, wait twenty-thirty minutes then shampoo as normal. To stimulate
ON lymphatic system, put 1 drop in hand, rub a natural-bristle brush in oil then use
upward strokes starting at toes until arriving at body trunk in the heart area. Repeat
from tips of fingers to heart and on back.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 65

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the
growth of destructive bacteria
Bay Laurel is a favorite of mine.
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of Every day I do dry skin brushing, and
fungi once a week or so I will take 1 drop
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism Bay Laurel and rub the bristles of the
• Diaphoretic – promotes or increases brush in it, and then do my skin
brushing—it feels so nice and tingly
perspiration and helps keep my lymphatic system
• Digestive – aids and balances digestion flowing, reducing swelling anywhere
• Diuretic – increases urine production, on my body. An Interesting note—
rids excess fluid since I started doing this my feet went
down a half shoe size.
• Emmenagogue – regulates —Leiann King
• Hypotensive – lowers high blood
• Lymphatic – aids in waste management • Sedative- tranquilizes activity of
and a decongestant for the lymph system body part

Key Emotions: Confidence, Protected, Freeing, Paternal Love, and Releasing

Key Body Systems: Respiratory, Lymphatic, Skeletal, Digestive, and Muscular,
integumentary, Immune

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Laurus nobilis
WHERE GROWN Morocco, France, Croatia
AROMA camphoraceous, fresh, sweet
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families OXIDES strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain reliever,
mental stimulant
Botanical LAURACEAE prevents viruses and bacteria, tonic for nervous and
Family immune system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
66 Foundational Aromatherapy

Bergamot oil carries a light citrus scent. Many times, this oil is used as a stand-
alone oil, or as an ingredient in various teas, for a wide range of digestive
issues, urinary tract related infections, cuts and scars, spasms, and for
stimulation of various internal organs. Many people consider this oil as one of
their favorite oils to use for emotional support in issues such as; anxiety,
depression, PMS and various female/male mental related needs.

Tried and True Uses

✓ When misted or diffused it is effective in Safety Notes
neutralizing the smell of smoke and ➢ Phototoxic—avoid direct exposure to
other odors. the sun or tanning booths for 12
✓ Placing 1 drop diluted with 2-3 drops of hours after use on skin
carrier oil on the front of the neck helps
ease thyroid symptoms.
✓ Inhale aroma from a drop in the palm of ✓ Adds delicious flavor to foods such as fruit
the hand to assist in emotional balance salad and lemonade. (use 1 drop)
and support a feeling of being grounded. ✓ Put 1 drop in a small glass of water for a
✓ When used in a tea especially green tea, it gargle and mouthwash.
is a highly effective anti-inflammatory.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. WITH
THE TUB per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Jasmine
THE AIR during the day.  Frankincense
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Ylang Ylang
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Cypress
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and  Bay Laurel
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB
SPRITZ of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
& SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when
misting face.
TEA 1 drop in a ½ tsp of sweetener, stir in to cup of warm water.
RUB IT In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to
IN 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 67

• Analgesic – relieves pain
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression My mom had SEVERE psoriasis her
• Antidiarrheal – counteracts diarrhea entire life, and the itching had driven
her crazy for years. We mixed Younge-
• Anti-inflammatory – relieves vity® Plant Derived Minerals™ with
inflammation Lavender, Ravensara, Bergamot and
• Antipyretic – dispels heat, fire, and fever Tea Tree oils in a mister for her. Today
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and when she started to feel itchy, she
infections grabbed it and sprayed and felt relief
within seconds—seconds I tell you!!!
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses —Joanne H.
• Antitussive – relieves coughing
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas • Sedative – (to the central nervous
pain system) tranquilizes activity of body part.
• Deodorant – prevents body odor • Toner – nourishing, supportive,
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids strengthening
excess fluid • Vermicide – destroys worms
• Vulnerary – heals wounds

Key Emotions: Rectifying, Integrity, Supportive, Protective, and Restorative

Key Body Systems: Nervous, Respiratory, Endocrine, Lymphatic, and Circulatory

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Citrus bergamia
WHERE GROWN Africa, Brazil, Southern Italy
AROMA citrus, floral, sweet
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Main MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Chemical balancer, healing to the skin
Families nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical RUTACEAE good for digestion and beneficial to skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
68 Foundational Aromatherapy

Birch, Sweet*
Many people use this oil to rebuild bone structure and in general all things
“bone.” Birch oil has some properties similar to aspirin such as having anti-
inflammatory, fever reducing, and/or pain relieving properties. Birch is
sometimes used for skin issues, such as dandruff and flaky skin. Many times, this
oil is indicated for detoxifying and weight loss, water retention, kidney and
urinary tract related needs.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Adding 1-2 drops to small amounts of Safety Notes
ointments and balms is a good choice ➢ Contains methyl salicylate, similar to
for muscle and joint relief following the active ingredient in aspirin
exercise. ➢ Use responsibly—do not over use,
✓ Supportive for bone issues; broken especially in topical applications
bones, bone pain, and to help rebuild ➢ Keep out of reach of children
bone matrix. ➢ When applied topically, it may
increase the anticoagulant effect of
✓ Apply to bottom of feet to aid the blood thinners
kidneys and urinary tract.
✓ 1 drop to 3-4 drops of carrier oil for an
effective skin toner; helps with cases of
eczema, acne, dandruff, dry and flaky ✓ Helps to detoxify, release cellulite, and
skin. balance water retention.

How Do I Use It?

IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two BLENDS WELL
THE AIR hours during the day. WITH
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Basil
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Eucalyptus
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over Radiata
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Peppermint
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Black Pepper
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
For aches, pains, and sore muscles, in a 1 oz. flip top EO safe
RUB IT IN bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of
concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil
ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck.
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1
oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 69

• Analgesic – relieves pain
Birch and Basil are my go-to oils for
• Anticoagulant – inhibits blood clot pain. I use each of them alternately on
formation my knees. I use both Birch and Basil to
• Antipyretic – dispels heat, fire, and fever relieve the pain.
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and
infections A woman I met camping was
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms experiencing extreme discomfort from
dealing with some broken ribs. After
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil doing an Essential Results Now™
or secretions assessment, she applied a dab of
• Diuretic – increases urine production, Youngevity® CM Cream™ with a drop
rids excess fluid each of Birch and Marjoram applied
directly to the site. As anticipated, she
• Rubefacient – numbing, increases local had a significant pain reduction which
blood circulation , may causes minor allowed her to relax and enjoy
skin irritation camping.
• Tonic – strengthens and fortifies —Devonna K.

Key Emotions: Wisdom, Sacrificing, Encouraging, Supportive, and Openness

Key Body Systems: Nervous, Skeletal, Muscular, Urinary, Circulatory

Technical Data
AROMA balsamic
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
ESTERS nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting,
Main stress relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic
Chemical (especially for digestive cramping), healing to the
Botanical BETULACEAE helpful to respiratory system, promotes wound
Family healing, reduces scar tissue

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
70 Foundational Aromatherapy

Black Pepper*
A favorite to lessen the withdrawal symptoms normally associated with smoking and
drugs. Black Pepper is widely used and effective for muscle pain, stiffness, toxin
removal, digestion, mental concentration and memory, and even arthritis and
rheumatism. This is a common oil that is indicated for use against several bacteria
and virus-related issues.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Inhaling from lid, or 1 drop on cotton ball, Safety Notes
or back of hand helps to enhance ➢ Non-toxic, non-sensitizing
concentration and memory. ➢ Irritant in high concentrations, use in
✓ The warming, pain relieving properties are moderation
soothing when a drop is added to a cream ➢ A kidney stimulant; avoid use in
for arthritis and rheumatic concerns, cases of kidney disease
soreness, pain and stiffness. ➢ Do not use within 2 hours of taking
✓ Stimulates the digestive system; relieves homeopathic remedies; it may
neutralize their effects
or reduces nausea, gas, and constipation.
➢ Not recommended for children under
✓ Encourages the immune system; helping age 8 unless diluted in carrier oil
fight bacteria and viruses.
✓ Add 1 drop to foods like pesto, hummus,
salsa and salad dressings to add a spicy
warmth. ✓ Supportive for breaking addictions to
✓ Best in small amounts. tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. Simply inhale
✓ Stimulating, so avoid at bedtime. for an increase in adrenaline levels in the

How Do I Use It?

IT’S IN Diffuse 4-6 drops for fifteen-minute intervals several times BLENDS WELL
THE AIR throughout the day. WITH
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Marjoram
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Ginger
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Lemongrass
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Cypress
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Lavender,
& SPRAY EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Maillette
Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
RUB IT In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
IN to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 71

• Analgesic – relieves pain Have you ever wanted heat on a sore
• Antiemetic – inhibits nausea or shoulder or joint? I did and when my
vomiting usual go-to blend was not available, I
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses had to do something fast. I added 1
growth of microbes drop Black Pepper to other oils and
immediately felt the kind of heat that
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms relaxes and warms my stressed-out
• Antitoxic – counteracts toxins shoulder muscles.
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas I also found out that one drop Black
pain Pepper in salsa can REALLY warm it
up. When I say one drop, I mean it!
• Diaphoretic – promotes or —Brenda Wright
increases perspiration
• Diuretic – increases urine
production, rids excess fluid • Rubefacient – numbing, increases
• Expectorant – promotes discharge local blood circulation , may cause
of mucus or phlegm from chest and minor skin irritation
lungs • Stimulant – increases functional
• Laxative – relieves constipation activity (circulatory, digestive,

Key Emotions: Guarding, Nurturing, Dependable, Assertiveness, Helpful and

Key Body Systems: Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive, and Muscular

Technical Data
WHERE GROWN India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar
AROMA spicy, warm, and radiant
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
Main MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Chemical warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
antiseptic, antispasmodic
Botanical PIPERACEAE warming, heating, drying, stimulating and pain
Family relieving

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
72 Foundational Aromatherapy

Black Spruce*
Black Spruce is very much like most of the evergreen oils in that it serves to work
effectively with the physical aspects of fatigue, pain in bones and muscles, and
most challenges to the respiratory system. Also, this oil is effective in giving a
person a fresh emotional uplift yet calming of the nerves. Black Spruce is
sometimes used in recipes for bug and mosquito repellents.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Popular for use in saunas, baths, and Safety Notes
massage spas. ➢ Non-toxic and non-sensitizing
✓ Ability to calm or lift, makes it a favorite ➢ Can be mildly irritating for those with
for meditation or yoga. very sensitive skin

✓ Use with carrier oil to help target sore
muscles, relieve arthritis, rheumatism, and
bone pain. ✓ Helps to relieve concerns such as can-
✓ Just taking a breath cleanses the dida, hyperthyroidism, and prostatitis.
respiratory system to support conditions ✓ Spraying into the room or space is
such as asthma. effective as an insect repellant, also
✓ Cleansing to the adrenals. effectively negates odors.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Sweet Birch
THE AIR hours during the day.  Eucalyptus
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. Radiata
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Frankincense
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Orange
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Ravensara
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Peppermint
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil
ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 73

• Analgesic – relieves pain When I first began my 90 for Life™
• Anti-infective – resists infective nutrition, I placed a pot of warm water
organisms in the shower with a few drops of
Black Spruce in a handful of Dead Sea
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces salts to create a “sauna.” I still
inflammation appreciate the cleansing feeling of
• Anti-parasitic – destroys or inhibits spending time in my “sauna” to help
parasites cleanse the cells in my body. It felt
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism good, and I loved feeling warm.
At Christmas time, I make a holiday
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and potpourri with 3 drops Black Spruce, 1
infections drop Cinnamon, 1 drop Clove and 2
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms drops each of Orange and Fran-
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil kincense. The cleansing, lifting aroma
enhances the holiday joy.
or secretions —Brenda Wright
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus
• Deodorant – prevents body odor • Nervine – strengthens or calms the
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids nervous system
excess fluid • Warming – raises body temperature by
• Immunostimulant – stimulates immune increasing circulation

Key Emotions: Positivity, Invigorating, Encouraging, Considerate, and Welcoming

Key Body Systems: Circulatory, Digestive, Immune, Muscular, Nervous, Skeletal,
Respiratory and Urinary

Technical Data
LATIN NAME Picea mariana
AROMA balsamic, piney, resinous, sweet, woody
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Chemical nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
Families ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical PINACEAE antiseptic, relieves respiratory congestion

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
74 Foundational Aromatherapy

An oil that seems to be a combination of tea tree and eucalyptus. Respiratory
system challenges can greatly benefit from its use. This oil is also effective for
sore muscles, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, and sports injuries. Cajeput also has an
affinity toward skin issues that tend to itch such as athlete's foot, eczema,
psoriasis, insect bites or allergic reactions. Also, great for cramping, such as
menstrual cramps, charlie horses and
muscle spasms.
Safety Notes
Tried and True Uses ➢ Mild skin irritation when used neat.
✓ Diffuse to help counter cold and flu like ➢ Use caution with children under 5,
symptoms. and pregnant women
➢ When used in moderate amounts in
✓ In a massage blend aids in relieving pain blends, no caution is listed
associated with rheumatism.
✓ Used to lift the mood in depressing
✓ A highly praised and used oil for skin
✓ Use neat, 1 drop, for stings and bites. conditions.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case. -Clary Sage
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over - Rose
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale. Geranium
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or -Lavender
SPRAY EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived -Marjoram
Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes -Peppermint
when misting face. -Pinion Pine
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, Ylang Ylang
or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage Frankincense
gently onto area of concern needing relief. -Vetiver
1-2 drops directly or in 3 drops of carrier, rub on bottom of
PUT IT For skin issues, 1-2 drops in 4-6 drops of carrier, rub gently on
ON affected area.
For thyroid, 1 drop directly, or in 1 drop of carrier, rub gently
on front of neck.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two
THE AIR hours during the day.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 75

• Analgesic – numbs pain
• Anti-infective– helps the body One of my favorites for a warm,
soothing soak in a bath
strengthen its own resistance to
infective organisms and rid the body of ---Kent K.
• Antiseptic – prevent the growth of
disease-causing microorganisms • Diuretic – promotes activity of kidneys
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant and bladder and increases urination, rids
excess fluid
• Anti Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus phlegm and mucus from the chest and
production and swelling lungs
• Immunostimulant – stimulates • Stimulant – increases functional activity
functioning of the immune system of specific organ or system
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion • Warming – produces the impression of
warmth; example: Ginger

Key Emotions: Keen, Nimble, Efficient, Spirited, Animation

Key Body Systems: Lungs, Integumentary, Muscular, Digestive. Immune System
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Melaleuca cajeputi
WHERE GROWN Austrailia
AROMA Fresh, Warm, Radiant with a Camphorous overtone
similar to Eucalyptus
PRODUCING ORGAN leaves and twigs
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families OXIDES strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain
reliever, mental stimulant
Botanical MYRTACEAE antiseptic, reduces respiratory infections, stimulates
Family immune system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
76 Foundational Aromatherapy

If worried, stressed, depressed, fatigued, or full of despair this oil will uplift and
energize you. Known for its great digestive properties, including maintaining a
healthy gut flora and improving appetite if sick. Use for opening up nasal and
lung congestion. May improve poor blood circulation.

Tried and True Uses Safety Notes

✓ Apply diluted to chest to ease congestion ➢ Keep Away from the face of infants
and tightness due to cold or flu. or young children under 5
✓ Powerful for relieving nausea, inhale, or
rub on tummy. .
✓ In a tea, or massaged on abdomen may ✓ Use on temples and back of neck to
aid digestive upset, heartburn, diarrhea, or improve mental concentration and clarity.
gas pain.
✓ Warming and soothing to achy muscles
and tendons

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. BLENDS WELL WITH
Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as Sandalwood,
IN, needed. Spikenard, Rose,
BREATHE Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow Orange,
OUT case. Bergamot,
Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands Cinnamon, Clove
over mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale. Bud,
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO Cedarwood, Pink
SPRAY or EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Grapefruit, Ylang
Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Ylang
Avoid eyes when misting face.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil,
lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB;
massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
1-2 drops directly or in 3 drops of carrier, rub on bottom of
PUT IT For skin issues, 1-2 drops in 4-6 drops of carrier, rub gently
ON on affected area.
For thyroid, 1 drop directly, or in 1 drop of carrier, rub
gently on front of neck.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two
THE AIR hours during the day.
For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon sweetener
into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 77

• Anti-inflammatory – reduces
inflammation One of my favorite ways to use
• Anti-infective– helps the body cardamom is mixed in honey and
strengthen its own resistance to drizzled over a bowl of grapefruit. The
aroma is so unique, sort of takes me
infective organisms and rid the body of away to a favorite Indian restaurant.
illness Also helps me if I over ate the night
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms of before.
voluntary and involuntary muscles —Leiann King
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses
viruses, and bacteria • Expectorant – promotes discharge of
• Carminative–relieves intestinal gas pain phlegm and mucus from the chest and
and distention, and promotes peristalsis lungs
• Cephalic – remedy for the head, clearing • Stimulant – increases functional activity
and stimulating, and relieves headaches of specific organ or system
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion • Warming – produces the impression of
• Diuretic – promotes activity of kidneys warmth; example: Ginger
and bladder and increases urination, rids
excess fluid

Key Emotions: Confident, Exploratory, Trust, Contentment, Keen

Key Body Systems: Digestive, Respiratory, Muscular, Circulatory
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Elettaria cardamomum
WHERE GROWN Sri Lanka, India, Guatemala
AROMA Sweet, spicy, warm, radiant, balsamic, mildly
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
Main ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
Chemical digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Families strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain
OXIDES reliever, mental stimulant
Botanical ZINGIBERACEAE digestive tonic, reduces mucus, warming to muscles

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
78 Foundational Aromatherapy

Carrot Seed*
Carrot Seed oil is commonly used for many skin care and skin regenerating
needs. However, it is also used effectively for glandular and internal organ
support and cleansing. Also, like its donor plant, the carrot, it is many times
indicated for support of the eyes, general overall stimulation for the body and an
energy boost.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Supports recovery from jaundice and Safety Notes
hepatitis. ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-
✓ A powerful and gentle support for kidneys, sensitizing
pancreas, liver and skin. ➢ Use in moderation, may become
✓ Assists in balancing menstrual cycles, and nauseating in larger amounts
reducing cramps. ➢ Avoid if pregnant
✓ Adding a small amount to a face cream ➢ Avoid eye contact
encourages cell renewal reducing signs of
aging. ✓ Highly antioxidant which make it an aid to
✓ Regulates cardiovascular functions when poor vision.
applied to bottom of feet.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or  Lemon
Youngevity® CM Cream™to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage  Peppermint
gently onto area of concern needing relief. May add 1-3 drops  Spearmint
RUB IT IN Carrot Seed to other skin oils; for example, 1 drop Carrot Seed,  Rosemary
5 drops Lavender, 2 drops Patchouli in 1 Tablespoon carrier oil  Frankincense
or cream.
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
For Liver Cleansing tea mix 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice, 1 drop Lemon oil, 1 drop
TEA TIME Peppermint oil, 2 drops of Carrot Seed oil, honey to taste, in cup of warm water;
sip slowly. Use daily for five days.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
SPRAY distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 79

• Anthelmintic – rids body of parasites One time when I was doing a self-
• Antifungal– prevents the growth of breast exam I felt a small lump. I had
fungus just learned of the value of using
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces Carrot Seed oil for such a purpose. I
inflammation put a drop on the area twice a day and
within a couple of weeks it appeared
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas to be gone. A month later I had a
pain doctor appointment and nothing was
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar found out of the ordinary.
healing —Brenda Wright
• Depurative – cleanses and purifies the
blood and intestinal organs • Hepatic – supportive to the liver
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies
excess fluid • Vasodilatory – dilates blood vessels
• Emmenagogue – regulates menstruation • Smooth muscle relaxant

Key Emotions: Confidence, Spunkiness, Potential, Radiating, and Hopefulness

Key Body Systems: Urinary, Digestive, Lymphatic, Muscular, and Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Daucus carota
AROMA earthy, herbaceous
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Main antiseptic, antispasmodic
Families SESQUITERPENOLS anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the
whole body, enhancing the body systems and the mind
Botanical UMBELLIFERAE balances digestive system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
80 Foundational Aromatherapy

Cedarwood oftentimes has references to a number of oils from various plants.
This one is the “atlantica” species, known to be mild, gentle, and calming to the
nerves. This is an oil for most issues related to the skin, including fungal
infections of the scalp and hair related needs. It is also effective for most
testosterone hormone related needs as well as masculine emotional challenges.

Tried and True Uses

✓ When inhaled or misted, it is helpful for Safety Notes
fighting infectious respiratory conditions ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-
such as congestion, bronchitis, and sensitizing
coughs. ➢ Not to be used by pregnant women,
✓ Included in your shampoo, it is very could cause miscarriage
beneficial for scalp health. (Which helps ➢ Not to be taken internally, could
the health of the hair). irritate stomach
✓ Excellent insect repellant for ants and
✓ Inhaled or placed on the bottom of the feet; it helps restore emotional balance,
and ease stress related conditions.
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Coriander
THE AIR hours during the day.  Grapefruit
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Juniper Berry
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Bay Laurel
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Orange
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Sandalwood
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10
mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot
PUT IT ON and/or back of neck. For scalp conditions, add 5 drops to 1
teaspoon of shampoo, rub on dry scalp, leave for thirty-sixty
minutes then shampoo as usual.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 81

• Antifungal – prevents the growth of I put Cedarwood around the window
fungi sills and door frame at my daughter’s
• Anti-putrescent – prevents or slows house for camel crickets and the slugs.
decay It works wonderfully.
• Anti-seborrheic – reduces oily —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil I have several uses for Cedarwood,
or secretions but my most favorite is for my
• Diuretic – increases urine production, grandchildren. I add a few drops in a
rids excess fluid mister bottles with water. With a little
direction on how to use the misters
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of properly, the kids then go outside to
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs find ants. Ants won’t cross the oil
• Hormone balancer (male) – “barrier,” so the kids love re-directing
harmonizes the hormones traffic. They mist a puddle of the
• Sedative – (nerves) tranquilizes activity mixture and then draw circles around
the ants or mist along ant trails to see
of body part. how long it takes the ants to find
• Stimulant – increases functional another way to go. The misting play
activity, (circulatory system) keeps the kids busy, out of the way,
• Toner (kidneys, spleen, pancreas) – and it’s totally safe.
nourishing, supportive, strengthening —Brenda Wright

Key Emotions: Centered, Regality, Endurance, Commitment, and Respectful

Key Body Systems: Reproductive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Urinary, Nervous,
and Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Cedrus atlantica
AROMA balsamic, sweet, woody
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antiseptic,
Main antispasmodic
Families SESQUITERPENOLS anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the
whole body, enhancing the body systems and the mind
Botanical PINACEAE antiseptic, relieves respiratory congestion

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
82 Foundational Aromatherapy

Chamomile, German*
Alleviates stress and frustration associated with anger and feeling out of control
in difficult situations. An aide to the skin for everything from boils, abscesses to
wounds. Balancing for women suffering from PMS or irregular periods. Effective
pain reliever for headaches, arthritis and sprains and strains. Relaxing to the
nervous system, aids insomnia or neuralgia. Calming to the digestive system, for
nausea, or gas. A lovely green blue in
color. Safety Notes
Tried and True Uses ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating unless
✓ Mix in a mister with plant derived ➢ May potentiate the actions of some
minerals for fungal infections, cuts, sores antidepressants such as fluoxetine,
and dermatitis. quinidine, and paroxetine.
✓ When added to Youngevity CM cream it ➢ May also have drug interaction with
provides relief for arthritis and codeine and tamoxifen.
rheumatism. ➢ Use caution for individuals with
✓ Useful when treating rashes, burns and ragweed allergies
bug bites
✓ With the amazing anti-inflammatory
properties, it make it excellent in a ✓ Unclutter your mind, allowing you to get
massage blend for sore muscles and organized and then unclutter your life
✓ Added to a bath salt it helps to relieve the
stress from a busy day.
How Do I Use It?
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two BLENDS WELL
THE AIR hours during the day. WITH
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Bergamot
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Lemon
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes  Lime
when misting face.  Neroli
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Clary Sage
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage  Frankincense
gently onto area of concern needing relief. Best when  Rose
blended with other oils for massage. Geranium
In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or  Jasmine
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using  Lavender M.
1 oz. per bath daily.  Neroli
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Patchouli
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Ylang Ylang,
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Cypress
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Black Spruce
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil  Pinyon Pine
PUT IT ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 83

• Analgesic – relieves pain The first time I smelled German
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the Chamomile I had started menopause
growth of destructive bacteria at the young age of 30 there ten
years later with just one sniff I started
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of my period! Just wish it wasn’t during
fungus an oil workshop!
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces
inflammation ------Susan P.
• Carminative–relieves intestinal gas
pain and distention, and promotes • Emmenagogue – helps promote and
peristalsis regulate menstruation
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms of • Sedative – calms and tranquilizes by
voluntary and involuntary muscles lowering the functional activity of the
organ or body part
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion
• Tonic – strengthens and restores
• Cicatrisant – cell regenerative for vitality
skin; promotes wound and scar

Key Emotions: Boon, Triumph, Support, Promotion, Facilitation

Key Body Systems: Integumentary, Nervous, Endocrine, Muscular
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Matricaria recutita
WHERE GROWN Austria, England, Hungary, Nepal
AROMA herbaceous, strong, sweet, warm, fruity
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distilled
OXIDES strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain
Main reliever, mental stimulant
Families SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
antiseptic, antispasmodic
Botanical ASTERACEAE anti-inflammatory for the digestive system and skin,
Family antiseptic, soothing

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
84 Foundational Aromatherapy

Chamomile, Roman*
A favorite for children's tummy problems, restless nights, colic, and teething.
Also, great for mom with PMS and mood swings. Everyone can benefit from its
antispasmodic properties for muscle pain, stomach cramps, and restless legs.
Can’t sleep? Stressed out? A worry wart? Roman Chamomile inhaled or on the
feet will calm you into dream land. A famous oil for the skin, from everything
from rashes to wrinkles.
Safety Notes
➢ Nontoxic, non- irritating
Tried and True Uses
✓ 1 drop in a 10ml roller bottle of jojba will
calm a colic tummy. ✓ A flip top bottle with carrier oil and
✓ For those feeling lost, over sensitive or chamomile rubbed on those restless legs
misunderstood diffuse or use an inhaler. will settle them down.
✓ Try a nice bath for hot flashes and PMS. ✓ Mix a few drops in your favorite
✓ Mix with marjoram in a jar of bath salts to unscented skin care line
get a good night sleep without snoring.

How Do I Use It?

IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two BLENDS WELL
AIR hours during the day. WITH
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Orange
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Marjoram
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes  Bergamot
when misting face.  Clary Sage
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Rose
or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage geranium
gently onto area of concern needing relief; best when  Grapefruit
blended with other oils for massage. Pink
In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or  Jasmine
SOAK IN  Lavender M.
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using
1 oz. per bath daily.  Lemon
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Neroli
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Palmarosa
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Rose
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Tea Tree
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil
PUT IT ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 85

• Analgesic – relieves pain Babies crying from teething can turn
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the anyone into a pile of frazzled nerves.
growth of destructive bacteria I've had many a baby myself and have
a quivver of grandkids. Roman
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of Chamomile diluted and rubbed on the
fungus jaw works everytime! Works for 12-
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces year molars and wisdom teeth too!
------Leiann King
• Antidepressant – alleviates
depression • Tonic – strengthens and restores
• Antiseptic – prevent the growth of vitality
disease-causing microorganisms • Febrifuge – reduces fever
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms of • Stomachic – promotes good stomach
voluntary and involuntary muscles function
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion • Vermifuge – destroys worms
• Emmenagogue – helps promote and
regulate menstruation
• Sedative – calms and tranquilizes by
lowering the functional activity of the
organ or body part
Key Emotions: Friendliness, Centered, Self-Control, Purposeful
Key Body Systems: Digestive, Nervous, Muscular, Endocrine
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Chamaemelum nobile
AROMA sweet, fruity, herbaceous, fresh
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distilled
MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Main balancer, healing to the skin
Families MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical ASTERACEAE anti-inflammatory for the digestive system and skin,
Family antiseptic, soothing

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
86 Foundational Aromatherapy

Cilantro essential oil is at time confused with Coriander essential oil. Coriander
essential oil comes from the seeds of the Coriander plant, whereas Cilantro
essential oil is from the leaf of the same plant. Although they share the same
plant source, the oils have some differences. A common use for Cilantro
essential oil is in Mexican Cuisine. A powerful detoxifier, it can aid skin issues and
digestion. Other properties are helping poor circulation, migraines, colds,
arthritis, neuralgia, and infections

Tried and True Uses Safety Notes

✓ Add a drop to all your Mexican dishes, ➢ There is no specific safety concerns
especially salsa. listed for Cilantro essential oil when
used according to accepted Aroma
✓ Mentally uplifting when sniffed from in therapeutic applications.
inhaler whenever suffering from fatigue.
✓ Apply to the bottom of feet or use in foot
bath to detoxify your body. ✓ For degenerative muscle and bone
✓ Rub a roller bottle on tummy for stomach challenges try a long bath using bath salts
upset. and Cilantro.

How Do I Use It?

BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case. BLENDS WELL
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over WITH
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Balsam Fir
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Bergamot
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes  Lime
when misting face.  Orange
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Rosemary
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage  Tea Tree
gently onto area of concern needing relief.  Basil
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Lemon
THE AIR hours during the day.  Clary Sage
In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or  Black Pepper
SOAK IN  Rose
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using
1 oz. per bath daily. Geranium
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil  Marjoram
PUT IT ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or  Cinnamon
back of neck. Bark

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 87

• Analgesic – relieves pain
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the I love using Cilantro EO in all of my
growth of destructive bacteria Mexican dishes that I prepare. It gives
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of a fresh zingy kick to the dish. My kids
fungus love the flavor.
• Antioxidant – protects cells from --------Amanda R.
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms of
voluntary and involuntary muscles • Stimulant – increases functional
activity (circulatory, cardio, and
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion respiratory systems)

Key Emotions: Authentic, True, Honoring, Supporting, Relieving

Key Body Systems: Digestive, Integumentary, Muscle, Mental

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Coriandrum sativum
WHERE GROWN Egypt, Russia, USA, Mexico
AROMA Fresh, Herbaceous, Citrus, Exotic, Clearing
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distilled
ALDEHYDES sedative or calming to the nervous system, anti-
Main inflammatory, cooling, antifungal
Families MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
Botanical APIACEAE balances digestive system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
88 Foundational Aromatherapy

Cinnamon Bark*
Cinnamon Bark oil is one of the most universal oils because of its wide range of
uses. This oil is one of the few oils indicated for circulation and heart stimulation.
Other uses: the flu in general, digestive issues, blood sugar issues, impotence in
men, childbirth in women and even tropical fevers and a wide range of
infections. When highly diluted, it has been used effectively as an anti-parasitic
oil against scabies.

Tried and True Uses

✓ This “hot” oil can irritate the skin, so best Safety Notes
if used diluted and only applied to the ➢ Best if applications are done with a
bottom of the feet. carrier oil
✓ Inhaling the aroma can be invigorating, ➢ Neat (undiluted) applications to
especially when mentally or emotionally areas of the body other than feet is
fatigued, tired and weak. not advised.
➢ Use in moderation
✓ Stimulating to the body organs, ➢ Avoid during pregnancy
especially the heart, so use wisely. ➢ Not recommended for children under
✓ Adds a “lift” to holiday events when a 12 unless diluted in carrier
drop is added to potpourri, artificial ➢ Not recommended for pets
greenery, pinecones, or just misted in
the air.
✓ Powerful bacteria / parasite fighter when a
drop is placed on the bottom of the feet,
especially placed toward the heel.

How Do I Use It?

In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil BLENDS WELL
PUT IT ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or WITH
back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Orange,
or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage Sweet
RUB IT IN gently onto area of concern needing relief. best when  Fir, Balsam
blended with other oils for massage  Black Spruce
 Clove Bud

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 89

• Analgesic – relieves pain Most everyone in my family has low
• Antidiarrheal – counteracts diarrhea blood sugar problems. One of our
• Antidote – counteracts poison favorite ways to handle it is with
Cinnamon oil. We put it in melted
• Anthelmintic – rids body of parasites butter poured over popcorn. We also
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses use it in the melted butter and honey
growth of microbes on winter squash. My kids love it!
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs —Amanda Reynolds
and infections
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms • Emmenagogue – helps promote and
• Anti-putrefy – prevents or slows regulate menstruation
decay • Rubefacient – increases local blood
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses circulation and local numbing effect
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces for pain; can cause minor skin
oil or secretions irritation
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas • Stimulant – increases functional
pain activity (circulatory, cardio, and
respiratory systems)
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion

Key Emotions: Determined, Defending, Encouraging, and Capability

Key Body Systems: Endocrine, Digestive, Immune, and Circulatory

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Cinnamomum zeylanicum
WHERE GROWN Madagascar
AROMA exotic, sensual, spicy, sweet, warm, radiant
EXTRACTION METHOD water or steam distillation
ALDEHYDES sedative or calming to the nervous system, anti-
Main inflammatory, cooling, antifungal
Families PHENOLS immune stimulant, antibacterial and very anti-
infectious, stimulates body systems, very hot
Botanical LAURACEAE prevents viruses and bacteria, tonic for the nervous
Family and immune systems

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
90 Foundational Aromatherapy

Clary Sage*
When you think of women’s issues – think of Clary Sage. Beneficial for women
from puberty through menopause. Concerns for both men and women such as
depression, anxiety, colic, abdominal cramps, indigestion, impotence and
frigidity are easily managed with this essential oil. The euphoric and uplifting
action make nervous tension, irritability, fatigue and migraines a thing of the
past. Used in some hair and skin care products for its toning properties, and can
help stop hair loss.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Add to carrier oil and apply on lower Safety notes
back and abdomen to ease digestive ➢ Unlike common Sage, Clary Sage is
complaints, ease menstrual cramps, and non-toxic and does not cause
aids childbirth. irritations or sensitivity
✓ Breathe as needed to reduce stress ➢ Use in moderation as it could have a
related conditions. mild psychotropic effect
➢ Should not be used during
✓ Helps balance hormones. pregnancy, only at delivery
✓ When misted or diffused creates an ➢ Should not be taken with
uplifting and lighthearted air. medications or substances that have
Add to Shampoo or minerals to an iron base
stimulate hair growth and tone scalp ➢ Should not be taken with alcohol, will
increase inebriation and cause bad
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Geranium
THE AIR during the day.  Sandalwood
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Lavender,
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case. Maillette
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Rose 10%
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Bergamot
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of
carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back
of neck.
PUT IT ON 5 drops in 1 teaspoon shampoo and rub on scalp, wait twenty-
thirty minutes, wash as usual making sure water runs down
back of head.
For heavy menstrual flow and cramps, rub clockwise on
abdomen as needed.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 91

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the
growth of destructive bacteria Clary Sage is God’s gift to women.
• Anticonvulsant – inhibits seizures I’ve had really intense cramps during
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression menstruation since I was a teenager.
Even though I have a high pain
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces threshold, yet my monthly period was
inflammation always a big problem. Being
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant introduced to Clary Sage was such a
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil blessing. All I do is rub a couple of
drops on my abdomen and lower back,
or secretions and within minutes my pain is better.
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas Within an hour, it is usually gone
pain entirely. I love this oil!
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar —Amy Walker
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion E • Hypotensive – lowers high blood pressure
• Emmenagogue – helps promote and • Toner – nourishing, supportive,
regulate menstruation strengthening
• Hormone balancer – harmonizes the

Key Emotions: Decisive, Maternal love, Inspired, Simplicity, and Acceptance

Key Body Systems: Reproductive, Endocrine, Nervous, Digestive, Circulatory,
and integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Salvia sclarea
WHERE GROWN India, Bulgaria, France
AROMA herbaceous, spicy, sweet, warm, radiant
PRODUCING ORGAN leaves and flower heads
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Main balancer, healing to the skin
Chemical nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
Families ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical LAMIACEAE reduces headache and nasal congestion, energizes
Family body, relieves muscle aches

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
92 Foundational Aromatherapy

Clove Bud*
Clove Bud oil is generally associated with mouth-related challenges, such as
toothaches and bad breath. However, Clove Bud is becoming more popular as it
is used for pain relief, against various infections and infectious diseases, and as a
stimulant for the heart/nervous system and the respiratory system. Clove Bud’s
warming abilities contribute to its aid to the digestive system.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Add to massage blend for relief of sore Safety Notes
muscles, torn ligaments, rheumatism, ➢ Always use minimal amounts
and arthritic pain. ➢ Can cause irritation to the skin and
✓ May be used for canker sores and mucous membranes; always use
toothache in adults, it is spicy so it will carrier oil with each application
feel very warm then numb, so be ➢ An effective blood thinner; it should
prepared. not be used if using thinners such as
✓ Inhale for relief of respiratory concerns. ➢ Do not use when pregnant
In small amounts it is an effective ➢ Do not use with children under 2
aphrodisiac. years of age, not a teething oil
✓ Proven helpful for food poisoning,
excessive vomiting and intestinal cramps
connected to digestion. last three weeks of pregnancy on the
✓ Although not recommended for lower abdomen, and lower back it will
pregnancy, when used with carrier oil the tone the uterus and help with easier birth.

How Do I Use It?

In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or BLENDS WELL
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage WITH
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
1 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier  Cinnamon
oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.  Orange
For canker sore or toothache, apply 1 drop with cotton swab.  Grapefruit
Not for children. Pink
To prepare for birth, once a day on bottom of each foot for last  Lemon
3 weeks of pregnancy.  Ginger

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 93

• Analgesic – relieves pain
• Anticoagulant – inhibits blood clot I had a temporary dental crown that
formation was giving me pain because the bite
was off. Clove Bud on a Q-tip around
• Antihistamine –reduces allergy the gum took the pain away.
symptoms —Lisa Iwata
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces
• Anti-neuralgic – relieves nerve pain
• Rubefacient – increases local blood
• Antioxidant – protects cells from damage circulation and local numbing effect; can
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism cause minor skin irritation
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and • Stimulant – increases functional activity
infections • Stomachic – promotes good stomach
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas pain function
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of • Vermifuge – destroys worms
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs

Key Emotions: Judicial, Buoyant, Consoling, and Confidence

Key Body Systems: Immune, Circulatory, Digestive, and Skeletal

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Caryophyllus aromaticus
WHERE GROWN Zanzibar, Madagascar
AROMA spicy, sweet, warm, radiant
PRODUCING ORGAN dried flower buds, usually called whole cloves
EXTRACTION METHOD water distillation, occasionally steam distilled
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antiseptic,
Main antispasmodic
Families PHENOLS immune stimulant, antibacterial and very anti-infectious,
stimulates body systems, very hot
Botanical MYRTACEAE antiseptic, reduces respiratory infections, stimulates
Family immune system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
94 Foundational Aromatherapy

Cocoa is one of the most sought-after product worldwide. Cocoa has been used
as currency in trade among vast periods of times and countries. Cocoa is one of
those oils desired on many levels to improve health with the emotional health
being first on the list. Cocoa has also been used to stimulate appetite. Overall,
Cocoa works to deepen the richness and enhance the aroma of many essential
oil blends. We see its use in blends or in various skin care products. In the
culinary side, we see more widespread use because of its deep rich chocolate
flavonoids. In some parts of the world Cocoa oil is referred to as Theobroma oil.

Safety Notes
Tried and True Uses ➢ Not safe for dogs
✓ Diffuse for Uplifting mood. ➢ Nontoxic for human use
➢ If applied undiluted may stain light
✓ Smoothing of creams, for skin care. skin
✓ Stimulates low libido. ➢
✓ Mix in sugar scrubs for smoother skin ✓ Reduces Inflammation.
✓ Immune booster. ✓ Slows the signs of the aging process.

How Do I Use It?

For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon sweetener BLENDS WELL
into 1 cup water. Sip slowly. WITH
IT’S IN Diffuse10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Bergamot
THE AIR hours during the day.  Carrot Seed
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Cinnamon
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Fennel
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Geranium
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Helichrysum
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO  Neroli
SPRITZ & or EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant  Nutmeg
SPRAY Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly.  Peppermint
Avoid eyes when misting face.  Rosemary
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil,
RUB IT IN lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB;
massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10
PUT IT ON mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot
and/or back of neck. on outer ankles, all over abdomen

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 95

• Antioxidant – protects cells from Cocoa is one of those oils desired on
damage many levels to improve health with the
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression emotional health being first on the list.
Cocoa has been reported to improve
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces the smoothness of many creams and
inflammation lotions. Cocoa has also been used to
• Anti-putrescent – prevents or slows stimulate appetite. Overall, Cocoa
decay works to deepen the richness and
enhance the aroma of many essential
• Astringent – firm’s tissues and organs oil blends
and reduces discharges and secretions —Kent King
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant
• Immunostimulant – stimulates This is an oil I begged my husband for,
functioning of the immune system I wanted it to add in recipes not
realizing that the amazing aroma
• Revitalizing (skin, hair) – strength would lift my spirits so much! They say
restoring eating chocolate increases happiness
• Stimulant – increases functional activity especially in women I say smell it too
(appetite before a meal and enjoy the joy!
----Leiann King

Key Emotions: Alluring, Captivating, Desire, Excitement

Key Body Systems: Nervous, Digestive, Muscular, Reproductive, integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Theobroma cacao
WHERE GROWN Ghana, Ivory Coast, Caribbean Islands, Amazon
AROMA Acidic, Earthy.
EXTRACTION METHOD Solvent Extracted- Alcohol
Chemical POLYPHENOLS antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,
Botanical MALVACEAE increase metabolism, activate the neuro-system
Family to clear thoughts, and also relaxes muscles

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
96 Foundational Aromatherapy

Copaiba essential oil is produced from the resin of Copaifera species of trees in
South America, primarily in Brazil. Copaiba is considered to be one of the most
anti-inflammatory substances on earth. Until recently this oil has been used
chiefly by the indigenous people of the area where it is produced. Today it is
used in aromatherapy for lung and sinus issues associated with allergies, also,
reducing pain and benefitting the skin.

Safety Notes
Tried and True Uses ➢ Generally considered safe.
✓ Helps to lift the mood by smelling and ➢ Not safe for large amounts internally.
topical application.
✓ Has been used effectively against nail
and foot fungus ✓ Resurch shows that it has been helpful in
✓ Helps with almost all skin issues to tighten cases of chronic nasal congestion and
skin and reduce skin aging. bronchitis
✓ Used to help reduce blood pressure and ✓ Is used to reduce pain and inflammation
improve heart health. when used on location.
✓ Has aided with irritable bladder disorders,
and chronic diarrhea
How Do I Use It?
IT’S IN Instead use a candle warmer add 3-5 drops with water, or on BLENDS WELL
unscented Dead Sea Salt, or potpourri. Keep out or reach of WITH
THE AIR children.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Frankincense
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Cardamom
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Orange
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Cedarwood
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Lemon
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Pink,
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes Grapefruit
when misting face. Great when added with other “Holiday”  Clary Sage
scent oils.  Jasmine
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or  Rose,
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage  Ylang Ylang
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil
PUT IT ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck.
For canker sore or toothache, apply 1 drop with cotton swab.
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1
oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 97

• Analgesic – relieves pain
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces I like to use Copaiba whenever I can
inflammation in blending anytime I need help to
reduce pain, working with skin issues
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of and help to clear up the mind. I have
fungus found that Copaiba works well in most
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism any blend and blends well with almost
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and every commonly used oil in
infections Aromatherapy. My first go to oil for
many uses and applications.
• Cicatrisant – cell regenerative for skin;
promotes wound and scar healing —Kent King
• Calmative – very calming
• Emollient – smooth’s, softens, and • Immunostimulant – stimulates
protects the skin functioning of the immune system
• Hypotensive – lowers high blood pressure • Tonic – strengthens and restores vitality

Key Emotions: Devotion, Complete, Reliable, Endearment,

Key Body Systems: Respiratory, Muscular, Emotional, integumentary, Circulatory

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Copaifera officinalis
AROMA A mild honey with a hint of wood
EXTRACTION METHOD Steam Distillation
Main anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antiseptic,
Chemical SESQUITERPENES antispasmodic
Botanical FABACEAE anti-inflammatory, supports healthy skin tissue

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
98 Foundational Aromatherapy

The uplifting, refreshing scent of Coriander has been used throughout history to
stimulate the appetite by creating a unique flavor in foods. This oil has been
known to help in circulation stimulation and lymphatic drainage. Coriander is
also used in balancing blood sugar, helping with digestive issues and relieving
muscular pains.

Tried and True Uses

✓ The fresh aroma assists in the treatment Safety Notes
of exhaustion or fatigue. ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-
✓ Adding to a face cream helps reduce sensitizing
signs of aging and reduces stretch marks ➢ Best used in moderation, can have a
and scarring. narcotic effect if used in high doses
➢ Do not use during pregnancy
✓ Stimulates low libido.
✓ Very beneficial to the digestive and
endocrine systems, assists blood sugar
balance. ✓ Used to detoxify, it is helpful for
✓ Helps in the recovery from childbirth or circulation, aches and pains, inflammatory
lengthy illness. conditions such as arthritis and gout.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. WITH
Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Dill Blend™
THE AIR hours during the day.  Fennel
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Cypress
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Cedarwood
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Grapefruit Pink
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Patchouli
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO
SPRITZ & or EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant
SPRAY Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly.
Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil,
RUB IT IN lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB;
massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10
PUT IT ON mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot
and/or back of neck, on outer ankles, all over abdomen

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 99

• Analgesic – relieves pain While away from home at a football
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the game, I fell very hard on cement,
growth of destructive bacteria scraping my forearm badly. It was very
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of painful. I had Coriander in my purse,
fungi and it took the pain right away. When
the pain came back a little while later,
• Antioxidant – protects cells from I used it again. I ended up using it 3 or
damage 4 times during the game. It kept me
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism pain free until I could get home and
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms put Tea Tree on the area.
—Rene Marker
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas
• Lipolytic – breaks down fat
• Depurative – cleanses and purifies the
blood and intestinal organs • Revitalizing (spleen and pancreas) –
strength restoring
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion
• Stimulant – increases functional activity
• Larvicide – kills insect larvae (appetite before a meal)

Key Emotions: Sweetness, Joyfulness, Practical, Productive, and Encouraged

Key Body Systems: Digestive, Endocrine, Circulatory, Nervous, Male reproductive,
and integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Coriandrum sativum
AROMA exotic, sensual, fresh, lemony
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
Main prevents infections, immune stimulant,
Chemical MONOTERPENOLS emotional balancer, healing to the skin
Botanical UMBELLIFERAE balances digestive system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
100 Foundational Aromatherapy

Cumin is best known and used as a spice. Cumin is widely used in many dishes
from countries worldwide. Cumin oil aids the digestive system such as for gas,
indigestion and bloating. Helpful for nervous exhaustion, migraines, headaches,
relieves muscular aches and pains and osteoarthritis.

Tried and True Uses

✓ When applied to location it helps with Safety Notes
emenagogue (female issues) struggles, ➢ Phototoxic
such as cramping. ➢ Avoid when pregnant
✓ Excellent for digestive issues and a ➢ Use lightly, because of strong aroma
preventive by using in food recipes, as an can cause headaches and nausea in
some people.
after the fact by applying topically to the
stomach area and by smelling.
✓ Helps to calm and relax emotions by ✓ Generally used as a supportive agent in
smelling the aroma. many detoxification programs.
✓ Can be used as a first aid antiseptic and an ✓ Rub on abdomen for relief of ovary or
antibacterial agent when used as a bladder pain.
support to other modalities.

How Do I Use It?

BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case. BLENDS WELL
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth WITH
OUT and nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Chamomile,
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; Roman
massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.  Coriander
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with  Cilantro
10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each  Clove bud
PUT IT ON foot and/or back of neck.  Coriander
 Frankincense
 Ravensara

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 101

• Anti-inflammatory – reduces
Cumin is a go to oil for many of my
• Anti-rheumatic- relieves rheumatism Mexican or East Indian dishes. A little
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and goes a long way! If I over eat it is
infections what brings relief every time.
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms ---Leiann King
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil
or secretions
• Deodorant – prevents body odor • Toner– nourishing, supportive,
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids strengthening (nervous and venous
excess fluid systems)
• Hemostatic – stops bleeding • Vasoconstrictor – narrows blood vessels

Key Emotions: Productive, Easing, Restraint, Refraining

Key Body Systems: Digestive, Nervous, Immune, Urinary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Cuminum cyminum
WHERE GROWN India, Turkey
AROMA strong, earthy, warm, spicy.
EXTRACTION METHODS steam distillation
Chemical MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Family warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
ALDEHYDE Anti-Viral, Nervous system.
MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
Botanical UMBELLIFERAE balances digestive system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
102 Foundational Aromatherapy

Cypress oil is used in improving circulation, respiratory related needs ranging
from asthma and whooping cough to bronchitis and general congestion. Cypress
oil is sometimes considered a "poor man’s Helichrysum oil" in that it serves many
similar needs. This oil also helps with issues related to perspiration.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Adding a drop to bottom of each foot is Safety Notes
very good for the circulatory system. ➢ Non-toxic, non-sensitizing, and non-
✓ Placed in lotion or carrier oil gently rub irritating
for poor circulation, varicose veins, and ➢ For overnight diffusing place diffuser
cellulite. across the room, away from the bed,
for best results
✓ Supports emotional balance in times of
grief, anger, or stress.
✓ Place drop on back of hand and rub on
back above the kidneys, will aid adrenals. ✓ Diffuse at bedtime for coughs, asthma,
✓ Rub on abdomen for relief of ovary or and bronchitis.
bladder pain. ✓ Helps to sooth anger and irritability, very
✓ Aids mental focus. calming during times of stress.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. WITH
THE TUB Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Bay Laurel
THE AIR hours during the day.  Clary Sage
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Rose Geranium
Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in  Fennel
IN,  Juniper Berry
BREATHE pillow case.
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth  Lemon
and nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO
SPRITZ & or EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant
SPRAY Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly.
Avoid eyes when misting face.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier
oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 103

• Anti-inflammatory – reduces
inflammation WOW! I am astounded! I put Cypress
essential oil on the varicose veins in my
• Anti-rheumatic- relieves rheumatism legs that were bulging and aching
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and after working 4- to 12-hour days this
infections week, and I am truly amazed at the
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms difference!
—Carolyn A.
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil
or secretions
• Deodorant – prevents body odor Thanks to Cypress oil I haven’t had to
use a rescue inhaler for my asthma!
• Diuretic – increases urine production, No more wheezing, and my severe
rids excess fluid morning cough from asthma is gone! I
• Hemostatic – stops bleeding am a believer! I use Birch on the soles
• Toner– nourishing, supportive, of my feet, and Marjoram, Cypress,
strengthening (nervous and venous and Lemongrass on the throat area.
systems) —Janet Dillender
• Vasoconstrictor – narrows blood vessels

Key Emotions: Restorative, Workable, Flexibility, Eases Transitions, and Relaxing

Key Body Systems: Circulatory, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Urinary,
and Reproductive

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Cupressus sempervirens
WHERE GROWN Spain, France, Italy, Morocco
AROMA balsamic, fresh, piney, sweet, woody
PRODUCING ORGAN cones, leaves, twigs
EXTRACTION METHODS steam distillation
Chemical MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Family warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Botanical CUPRESSACEAE reduce nervous tension, reduce stress-related conditions,
Family astringent

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
104 Foundational Aromatherapy

Eucalyptus Citriodora*
Eucalyptus Citriodora is also known as Lemon Eucalyptus. Generally, this oil is
used for a wide range of anti-parasitic related needs. It is widely used in the
areas of antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral related needs. It has been used as
a general use oil for calming and sedative needs.
Tried and True Uses
✓ When placed in a spray bottle or applied Safety Notes
with carrier oil it keeps bugs away. ➢ Not for internal use
✓ Added to a cotton ball, dead sea salt, or ➢ Safe for external use in moderation
potpourri sachet helps repel common ➢ Nontoxic, mild irritant; can cause
household pests. occasional sensitization
➢ Use with caution may triger asthma
✓ Alternative choice for fungal infections
such as athletes foot used in foot bath or
sprayed on. ✓ Gently rub on throat for loss of voice, and
✓ Dilute with carrier oil for cuts, scrapes, soreness in throat.
sores ect. As well as dandruff. ✓ Mist or diffuse to bless the respiratory
✓ Diffuse to help control mold. system in various infections.

How Do I Use It?

IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours BLENDS WELL
THE AIR during the day. WITH
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. -Tea Tree
BREATHE Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow -Basil
IN, case. -Lavender,
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and Maillette
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale. -Rose
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or Geranium
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived -Peppermint
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.Add 2 drops in
teaspoon of shampoo, rub on dry scalp, wait twenty-thirty minutes, shampoo as
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered
THE TUB milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 105

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the Eucalyptus citriodora, Lemongrass,
growth of destructive bacteria Rose Geranium, and Cedarwood have
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces been my go-to oils to blend for keeping
inflammation away insects, especially mosquitoes. I
included Tea Tree and Lavender with
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and the blend this summer and kept
infections spraying it on my grandchildren to
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses keep them mosquito free.
• Calmative – very calming —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Deodorant – prevents body odor
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of • Insecticidal – repels insects
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs • Vulnerary – heals wounds

Key Emotions: Nobility, Organizing, Directness, Charity, and Depth

Key Body Systems: Immune, Circulatory, Respiratory, and integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Eucalyptus Citriodora
WHERE GROWN South Africa
AROMA camphoraceous, fresh, lemony
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
Chemical ALDEHYDES sedative or calming to the nervous system, anti-inflammatory,
Family cooling, antifungal
Botanical MYRTACEAE antiseptic, relieves respiratory infections, immune system
Family tonic

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
106 Foundational Aromatherapy

Eucalyptus Globulus*
Eucalyptus Globulus is known for its effective antibacterial properties, making it a
strong respiratory aid beneficial for the lower respiratory tract involving the
bronchi and the lungs. It can reduce fevers as well as act as a pain reliever. As it
ages, its antiseptic properties strengthen.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Very useful for congestion when added Safety Notes
to a bath, misted or diffused. ➢ Not for internal use
✓ Add 1-2 drops to dishwasher, laundry ➢ Not for applications for the face
soap, or household cleaner for a ➢ Not recommended for babies or
powerful germ killer. young children under age 10
✓ Add to lotion or carrier oil to benefit ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
painful joints, muscles and increase women
✓ Misted or diffused helps negate smell of
smoke and other odors. ✓ Adding to a steam vaporizer placed
✓ Eliminates up to 70% of staph that may across the room, helps fight respiratory
be present in a room when diffused or issues.

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.  Lavender,
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two Maillette
THE AIR hours during the day.  Lemongrass
 Fir, Balsam
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Black Spruce
Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth  Juniper
and nose without touching face, and inhale.
Add 3 to 5 drops to water in reservoir of vaporizer before turning on.  Tea Tree
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity®
RUB IT IN CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern
needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier
PUT IT ON oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck and
apply to chest or back as needed.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 107

• Anti-neuralgic – relieves nerve pain Eucalyptus globulus is my favorite of
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism all the eucalyptus oils. I love how it
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs stays with me longer when I have lung
and infections congestion. I don’t have to repeat the
application as often. It loosens up the
• Deodorant – prevents body odor congestion in an easy way that I really
• Purifying – cleansing don’t even notice it is working—just all
• Diuretic – increases urine production, of a sudden I can breathe easier.
rids excess fluid —Kent King
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of
mucus or phlegm from chest and • Rubefacient – numbing, increases
lungs local blood circulation , may cause
minor skin irritation
• Febrifuge – reduces fever

Key Emotions: Focused, Expanding, Awakened, Productive, and Balancing

Key Body Systems: Respiratory, Skeletal, Endocrine, Urinary, Immune, and

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Eucalyptus globulus
WHERE GROWN Spain, China, Australia, Corsica, South Africa
AROMA camphoraceous, fresh
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families OXIDES strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain reliever,
mental stimulant
Botanical MYRTACEAE antiseptic, reduces respiratory infections, stimulates nervous
Family system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
108 Foundational Aromatherapy

Eucalyptus Radiata*
Eucalyptus Radiata, also known as narrow-leaf Peppermint, is a gentle but
powerful respiratory oil. Milder than other eucalyptus oils, it is an excellent
choice for use with children. It has exceptional anti-infectious abilities and is
particularly useful in clearing the upper lungs. It can be used to help reduce
fevers and alleviate chronic fatigue or immune deficiencies.

Tried and True Uses

✓ A good first choice for treating Safety Notes
conditions dealing with excess heat, such ➢ Non-toxic, non-sensitizing, non-
as fever or heat stroke. irritant
✓ Excellent choice for respiratory issues. ➢ Not for internal use
➢ May neutralize homeopathic
✓ Use in a bath for adults, for a child a remedies; do not use simultaneously
compress is better, monitor closely as it nor store together
works fast. ➢ When diffusing in a sickroom, place
✓ Complements tea tree when used diffuser across the room so that the
together in diffuser for a sick room. lungs are not overwhelmed with the
✓ Add to carrier oil and create a liniment to strength of the oil
use for painful conditions of the muscles
and joints.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
1 oz. per bath daily.  Tea Tree
Mix 5-6 drops in 1 quart very warm or cold water (depending  Lavender,
COMPRESS on purpose). Dampen cotton cloth in mixture, wipe over Maillette
affected area, repeat three-four times if needed.  Lemongrass
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen minutes intervals every two  Basil
THE AIR hours during the day.  Marjoram
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 109

• Analgesic – relieves pain I brought down my 5-year-old’s
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces serious fever in literally five minutes
inflammation with 1 drop Eucalyptus Radiata on the
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses growth soles of his feet and a cloth on his head
of microbes soaked in water with a couple more
drops of the same oil.
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and —Priscilla Wayman
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus I have chronic migraines. At the first
productions sign of pain, I roll on a mix of
Frankincense & Lavender™,
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of Eucalyptus Radiata, and Peppermint
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs in Grapeseed carrier oil my neck,
• Febrifuge – reduces fever behind my ears, on my temple, and on
• Mucolytic – breaks down mucus my wrists (for subtle inhalation). It
(pulmonary) reduces my migraines to a tolerable
level. That makes me very happy!
—Mary H.

Key Emotions: Youthfulness, Wonderment, Friendly, Outgoing, and Expressive

Key Body Systems: Respiratory, Immune, Nervous, Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Eucalyptus radiata
WHERE GROWN South Africa
AROMA camphoraceous, fresh
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
Chemical OXIDES strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain reliever ,
Family mental stimulant
Botanical MYRTACEAE antiseptic, relieves respiratory infections, immune system tonic

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
110 Foundational Aromatherapy

Fennel is beneficial for settling the stomach, cleansing the pancreas, and balancing
blood sugar levels. Fennel is generally used in various skin-strengthening formulas
and for general circulation. It is used to help balance hormones in older
adults. Fennel is used in specific anti-parasitic protocols and has a slight black licorice

Tried and True Uses

✓ Reduces edema, controls cellulite, aids Safety Notes
treatment of gout, arthritis, and ➢ Non-irritant, relatively non-toxic
rheumatism. ➢ Not for use during pregnancy
✓ Used for centuries to help draw out the ➢ Not for use by those with epilepsy
poison from insects and snake bites. ➢ Not recommended for internal use by
those with estrogenic cancers due to
With poisonous bites seek medical care. its estrogen-like properties
✓ Detoxifying action helps counteract
alcohol poisoning.
✓ Cleansing to the pancreas. Very
beneficial in balancing blood sugar. ✓ Helps regulate menstrual cycles and
✓ Fights infections in the bladder and ease menopause symptoms, benefits
urinary tract. breastfeeding mothers in milk
✓ Improves digestion and eases colic, gas, production, and promotes longevity due
hiccups, nausea, constipation, and to its estrogen-like qualities which helps
vomiting. to heighten low libido.
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN  Coriander
THE AIR Diffuse 10 to 12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals during the day.  Dill Blend™
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as  Clary Sage
BREATHE needed.  Rose
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in Geranium
BREATHE pillow case.  Juniper Berry
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Cypress
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Ylang Ylang
Mix 1 drop in 1 teaspoon of honey or desired sweetener, stir in  Lemon
warm water and sip.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently
onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 111

• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and My friend was stung by several bees.
infections Fennel combined with Tea Tree
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms relieved the sting and the itch. He was
thrilled with the quick result!
• Carminative – relieves flatulence —Katherine M.
• Circulatory stimulant – boosts
circulatory system
• Lymphatic – aids in waste management
• Depurative – cleanses and purifies the and a decongestant for the lymph system
blood and intestinal organs
• Laxative – relieves constipation
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids
• Stimulant – (increases functional activity)
excess fluid
(appetite before a meal)
• Emmenagogue – regulates menstruation
• Stomachic – promotes good stomach
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of function
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs
• Tonic – strengthens and fortifies
• Galactagogue – induces breast milk
• Vermifuge – destroys or expels worms

Key Emotions: Exactness, Promoting, Growth, and Confident Expression

Key Body Systems: Digestive, Circulatory, Endocrine, Reproductive, and Muscular

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Foeniculum vulgare
WHERE GROWN Mediterranean
AROMA exotic and sensual, herbaceous, sweet, warm, radiant
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Main reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant (mucus
Chemical KETONES removing), and improves circulation
ETHERS antispasmodic, anti-infectious, carminative, pain
relieving in the digestive system and genitourinary tract
Botanical UMBELLIFERAE balances digestive system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
112 Foundational Aromatherapy

Fir, Balsam*
Fir, Balsam has properties that promote the healing of injuries of various kinds,
both physical and emotional. Some of the more general uses of this oil are in
helping with most respiratory issues, various joint pain and muscle aches. As with
most evergreen oils, it also has a general ability to be uplifting to the mood.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Diffuse or inhale for psychological and Safety Notes
emotional healing for issues involving ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
grief, anger, and other buried emotions. sensitizing
✓ Diffuse or inhale in small amounts for
chronic sinus and respiratory issues.
✓ Make a massage blend by adding to a ✓ Is very effective when added to a carrier
carrier for painful joints and muscles. oil for massage encouraging the release
✓ Excellent choice for respiratory concerns of tension and stress.
like asthma.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 8-10 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Eucalyptus
THE AIR during the day. Radiata
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Tea Tree
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Lavender,
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth Maillette
OUT and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Frankincense
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Peppermint
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Ginger
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes  Grapefruit
when misting face. Pink
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of
PUT IT ON carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back
of neck. For congestion gently rub on chest and/or back.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 113

• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and My eyes began deteriorating
infections beginning about a year ago. I mixed up
• Antitussive – relieves coughing Brenda Wright’s recipe for eye floaters
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil and cataracts—half a roller bottle of
or secretions Grapeseed carrier oil, 4 drops Fir,
Balsam, 4 drops Frankincense, 1 drop
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar Lavender (added for cataracts). I roll a
healing single stroke under the ocular bone of
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of my eyes twice daily. I noted that after
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs about a month, the lights at night no
• Regulatory – automatic control longer appear as blurry as they had
been. I see almost perfectly clear. I
• Sedative – (nerve) tranquilizes activity only see a floater about every three or
of body part. four days now.
• Tonic – strengthens and fortifies —Tricia Carleton
• Vulnerary – heals wounds

Key Emotions: Stability, Ancestral love, Supports Transformation, and Protective

Key Body Systems: Skeletal, Muscular Urinary, Circulatory, Respiratory,
and Nervous

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Abies balsamea
AROMA balsamic, fresh, piney, woody
PRODUCING ORGAN needles, twigs
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Chemical nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical PINACEAE antiseptic, relieves respiratory congestion

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
114 Foundational Aromatherapy

Frankincense is highly desired by most people. Qualities of this oil are:
strengthening the respiratory system, rejuvenating the skin, and being
anti-tumoral. It has the unique ability to pass the blood-brain barrier, aiding both
physically and emotionally. Frankincense is hugely beneficial for strengthening
the immune system.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Inhale several times a day to heal and Safety Notes
balance emotions in times of ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
depression, anxiety, grief, stress, and sensitizing
✓ It can be very helpful to those with
autistic tendencies. ✓ Balances the cardio-respiratory system.
✓ Added to a chest rub it can help relieve ✓ Used in a face cream with Lavender it
asthma. reduces scarring and signs of aging.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 3-5 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Bergamot
THE AIR during the day.  Fir, Balsam
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Grapefruit Pink
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow
case.  Palmarosa
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth  Sandalwood
and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Ylang Ylang
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Rose 10%
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.

In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10

PUT IT mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot
ON and/or back of neck. Can apply directly on joints for relief of

In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or

EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRITZ & Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
SPRAY when misting face.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 115

• Antidepressant – alleviates depression
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces A friend started using Frankincense
inflammation regularly and found that she
responded well to it. Also, she is now
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and gaining weight (which for her is a good
infections thing)!
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms Also, my husband sustained an injury
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas a few years back and has noticed
pain improvement in scar tissue on his legs
from using Frankincense! I take pics
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar almost weekly of the progress on his
healing legs, so I will have before and after
• Diuretic – increases urine production, photos. The skin of the scar tissue
rids excess fluid sometimes breaks. Whenever that
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of happens, he has been applying
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs Trauma™ oil as well as a spray made
with Tea Tree and Lavender in liquid
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body Plant Derived Minerals. I really think
part. the oils have prevented serious
• Toner – nourishing, supportive, infections.
strengthening —Nancy P.

Key Emotions: Healing, Honoring, Introspective, Reflecting and Generous

Key Body Systems: Circulatory, Immune, Respiratory, Nervous, and Skeletal

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Boswellia carteri
AROMA balsamic, earthy, resinous, warm, radiant
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Main balancer, healing to the skin
Families SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antiseptic,
SESQUITERPENOLS anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the whole
body, enhancing the body systems and the mind
Botanical BURSERACEAE wound healer, reduces scar tissue, relieves respiratory
Family illnesses

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
116 Foundational Aromatherapy

Ginger is a widely-used oil for most challenges related to the stomach. Like its
donor plant, Ginger has proven to be an effective oil for most nutritional support
programs. Ginger tends to be warm and stimulating to the cardiovascular

Tried and True Uses

✓ Simply inhale for relief from nausea due Safety Notes
to motion sickness or morning sickness. ➢ Non-sensitizing, non-toxic, and non-
✓ Stimulates the digestive tract, easing irritating, except in high
many complaints. concentration
✓ Can help warm up cold hands and feet ➢ May cause sensitization in some
when added to carrier oil or lotion. individuals
✓ Inhale to help ease fatigue.
✓ Stimulates circulation and may assist in
cases of impotence when applied to ✓ May be used in massage with carrier oil to
bottom of feet. soothe upset stomach.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered BLENDS WELL
THE TUB milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath WITH
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Lemon
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow  Grapefruit
BREATHE case.  Frankincense
Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth  Juniper berry
and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Black Spruce
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB  Clove Bud
SPRITZ & of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when
misting face.
TEA Mix 1 drop in honey, or sweetener of choice, stir in cup of warm
water, and sip slowly.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently
onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of
ON carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 117

• Analgesic – relieves pain
A friend had an upset stomach all
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the day and was not wanting to eat. He
growth of destructive bacteria took 1 drop Ginger oil in 1 teaspoon of
• Antiemetic – inhibits vomiting and honey. Upset tummy—GONE. Thank
nausea You Youngevity®!
• Antioxidant – protects cells from —Kimberley R.
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms • Laxative – relieves constipation
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas pain • Rubefacient – numbing, increases local
• Cephalic – stimulates and clears the blood circulation , may cause minor skin
mind, relieves headache irritation
• Diaphoretic – promotes or increases • Stimulant – increases functional activity
perspiration (appetite before a meal)
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of • Stomachic – promotes good stomach
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs function
• Febrifuge – reduces fever • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies

Key Emotions: Willpower, Encouraged, Uniqueness, Motivated, and Stability

Key Body Systems: Digestive, Immune, Respiratory, Circulatory and Muscular

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Zingiber officinale
WHERE GROWN China, Madagascar, India
AROMA spicy, sweet, warm, radiant
PRODUCING ORGAN rhizome (root)
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
antiseptic, antispasmodic
Main prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Families balancer, healing to the skin
ALDEHYDES sedative or calming to the nervous system, anti-
inflammatory, cooling, antifungal
OXIDES strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain reliever,
mental stimulant
Botanical ZINGIBERACEAE digestive tonic, reduces mucus, warming to muscles

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
118 Foundational Aromatherapy

Grapefruit, Pink*
Grapefruit, Pink is an effective emotional oil for a wide range of needs, but it is an
equally effective physical needs oil as well. Grapefruit is often used for kidney
related needs, as well as a stimulant to the digestive and lymphatic systems and
various internal organs. This oil has also shown to be effective in balancing oily
skin and helping to clear up acne issues.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Add a drop to water or tea to cleanse Safety Notes
the kidneys, bladder, and liver. ➢ Phototoxic—avoid direct exposure to
the sun or tanning booths for 12
✓ Works alone or can be added to other hours after use on skin
oils for oily, acne prone skin. ➢ Should not be used with kidney or
✓ Added to a mister, either alone or with organ transplants receivers.
other oils, it helps clear the air of
unwanted scents and is uplifting.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Sandalwood
THE AIR during the day.  Cypress
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. Or put  Juniper Berry
IN, 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Lemon
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Fennel
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
SPRAY distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
Mix 1 drop in 1 teaspoon of honey or sweetener of choice; stir in warm water, sip.
TEA TIME In drinking water, add 1 drop in glass or bottle of water, stir or shake and drink
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
PUT IT ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 119

• Antidepressant– alleviates depression I use 1 drop Grapefruit, Pink in 1
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and teaspoon of honey and drink it with
infections warm water before breakfast to
• Antitoxic – counteracts toxins suppress my appetite. I also add it to
my Tea Tree oil to flavor it when
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil drinking for sore throat.
or secretions —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Diuretic – increases urine production,
rids excess fluids
Even though Grapefruit, Pink is the
• Depurative – cleanses and purifies the mildest of the citrus essential oils, I
blood and intestinal organs have found it to be very powerful. I put
• Hepatic – supportive to the liver 1 drop in a little honey and stir into
• Stimulant- increases functional activity warm water and sip for a refreshing,
lifting boost. I also like the gentle
(lymphatic, digestive) manner in which it “cleanses” my
• Tonic – strengthens and fortifies system.
(kidneys) —Brenda Wright

Key Emotions: Cleansing, Energizing, Engaging, Brightness, and Relieving

Key Body Systems: Urinary, Lymphatic, and Digestive

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Citrus paradisii
WHERE GROWN Spain, USA, Argentina
AROMA citrus, fresh, fruity
PRODUCING ORGAN rind or peel
Chemical decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Family MONOTERPENES warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Botanical RUTACEAE good for digestion, beneficial to skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
120 Foundational Aromatherapy

Green Mandarin*
Green Mandarin is a safe oil for adults and children. Generally, this oil is used for
issues such as constipation, cramps of the stomach and digestive tract. This oil is
also used for nervous tension and insomnia. Many times, it is effectively
administered in teas.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Use in a massage to stimulate the Safety Notes
lymphatic system, increasing circulation, ➢ Non-toxic and non-irritating
and helps the digestive system, reducing ➢ Mildly photo sensitizing
constipation, and, increases urine output
there by lessening edema.
✓ Safe for children, it is often used to sooth a ✓ During times of grief and chaos, inhale or
baby with colic. massage or soak in a calming bath to
✓ Added to a skin regime it helps improve restore the balance of the body.
the texture of the skin, minimizes scars, ✓ Nicknamed “Harmony” for its ability to
stretch marks and acne. balance the body and “convince other oils
✓ Inhale the mild sedative scent to help to get along” when creating a blend.
relieve insomnia, ease stress and anxiety.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Sandalwood
THE AIR hours during the day.  Grapefruit
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Cypress
BREATHE  Ginger
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in
pillow case.  Peppermint
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Bergamot
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
TEA TIME Mix 1 drop in ½ teaspoon of honey or sweetener of choice, stir in warm water,
and sip.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
PUT IT ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 121

• Antidepressant – alleviates
depression I love adding Green Mandarin to my
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and unscented sea salts for my bath along
infections with Lavender and Rose Geranium—
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms and I like to add 1 drop Jasmine for
extra fragrance.
• Calmative – very calming —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas
When I learned that the nickname
• Digestive – aids and balances digestion for Green Mandarin is Harmony, I
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of knew I needed this oil. I keep Green
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs Mandarin close so I can just take a
• Laxative (mild) – relieves constipation sniff from the lid and calm down. I also
put a drop on the back of my hands
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body and at the base of my throat so I can
part. benefit from its sweet scent.
• Tonic/Stimulant (digestive and —Brenda Wright
lymphatic systems) – strengthens,
fortifies, quickens functional activity

Key Emotions: Harmonizing, Abundant, Stimulating, Uplifted, and Refreshed

Key Body Systems: Nervous, Digestive, Lymphatic, Immune, Urinary and

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Citrus reticulata
AROMA citrus, fresh, fruity, sweet
PRODUCING ORGAN rind or peel
Main decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Chemical MONOTERPENES warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Botanical RUTACEAE good for digestion, beneficial for the skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
122 Foundational Aromatherapy

Helichrysum is a first-choice oil for nerve regeneration and circulation. Recent
studies show a possible link to heart attack prevention. Other virtues include:
reducing the effect of insect bites; the development and appearance of scars/
stretch marks. Many studies have shown it to be effective in treating emotional
issues such as stress and mental fatigue. Helichrysum is found in Trauma™ blend.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Best choice for relief from injuries to Safety Notes
the skin. ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating and non-
✓ Used in low doses, it helps with ➢ Blood thinner
rosacea, red blotchy skin, and blue ➢ Avoid after surgery
and purplish colored acne. Also adds
moisture to dry skin.
✓ Has the ability to reduce ✓ Assists vascular dilation.
inflammation, strengthen arteries, ✓ Relieves itching, reduces swelling,
and relieve hemorrhoids. disinfects, and promotes healing from
✓ More powerful then Lavender for insect bites.
burns. ✓ Able to calm nervous exhaustion and
✓ Relieves restless leg syndrome. stress-related disorders.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. WITH
THE TUB Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Rose Geranium
THE AIR hours during the day.  Lavender,
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. Maillette
BREATHE  Rose 10%
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in
pillow case.  Neroli
BREATHE  Sweet Orange
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Ylang Ylang
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil,  Bergamot
RUB IT IN lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB;  Black Pepper
massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.  Clary Sage
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO  Clove Bud
SPRITZ & or EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant  Cypress
SPRAY Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly.  Juniper Berry
Avoid eyes when misting face.  Palmarosa
 Rosemary
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10  Tea Tree
PUT IT ON mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot
and/or back of neck.  Thyme ct.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 123

• Analgesic – relieves pain
• Anti-hematoma – clear accumulation My husband is a mechanic and once
of blood or blood clots when a wrench slipped, he smashed
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs his knuckles into the metal frame of
and infections the car. His middle knuckle split deep
enough to require stitches. We applied
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms 1 drop Helichrysum. The bleeding
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces stopped immediately and we literally
oil or secretions watched the wound close up within
• Nervine – strengthening or calming minutes. It healed in a week, not even
leaving a scar.
to the nervous system —Brenda Wright
• Tonic – strengthens and fortifies
• Vulnerary – heals wounds (burns)
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation

Key Emotions: Healing, Restorative, Unifying, Empathetic, and Initiative

Key Body Systems: Nervous, Circulatory, and Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Helichrysum italicum
WHERE GROWN USA, Turkey, Corsica, Bosnia, Croatia
AROMA fresh, herbaceous, warm, radiant
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
Main digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Chemical KETONES reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant
Families (mucus removing), and improves circulation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
antiseptic, antispasmodic
Botanical ASTERACEAE anti-inflammatory for the digestive system and skin,
Family antiseptic, soothing

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
124 Foundational Aromatherapy

Jasmine is generally known first and foremost as an aphrodisiac oil. However, as
with most oils that have many uses, Jasmine is no different. Some of its known
uses have been for muscle spasms, easing the struggles of childbirth, apathy,
depression and as a general mood enhancer.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Inhaling is an excellent remedy for Safety Notes
severe depression, apathy and ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating and
exhaustion. generally non-sensitizing
✓ Diffuse to treat anxiety, fear, and ➢ May produce allergic reaction in
paranoia. some
➢ Not recommended for use during
✓ The more it is diluted, the gentler and pregnancy or while breast feeding
more effective the fragrance becomes, ➢ Due to solvent extraction, it should
increasing the attractiveness of anyone never be taken internally
who wears this oil.
✓ Helpful for impotence in men.
✓ Beneficial for women’s issues such as ✓ Use as a birthing oil to ease backache
PMS, cramps, menopause, post-partum and back labor.
depression, scarring and stretch marks.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Rose 10%
AIR during the day.  Grapefruit,
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as Pink
BREATHE needed.  Rose
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in Geranium
BREATHE pillow case.  Lavender,
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over Maillette
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Frankincense
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of
PUT IT ON carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back
of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 125
• Analgesic (mild) – relieves pain
• Antidepressant – alleviates I worked with a dear friend during
depression her pregnancy. She was very young
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and easily influenced by the
and infections conventional medical model. We were
able to naturally reverse her
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms gestational diabetes, thanks to
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant Youngevity® 90 for Life™ products. In
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas addition, Cypress was the only thing
pain that helped her feet fit in her shoes. On
the day her labor began, she was not
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and progressing. The doctor began
scar healing recommending a C-section for the
• Galactagogue – induces breast milk following morning. We started using
production Jasmine and Rose on her ankles, back,
and thighs. When she was admitted to
• Parturient – assisting in progressing the hospital, the nurse said she could
child birth not have any more oils. So, in the
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of privacy of the bathroom, she did get
body part. more oils. She delivered her mineral
• Tonic (uterine) – strengthens and baby vaginally the next morning.
fortifies —Shannon M.

Key Emotions: Courage, Regal, Potential, Empowered, Possibility and Optimism

Key Body Systems: Reproductive, Respiratory, Integumentary, and Nervous
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Jasminum officinale
WHERE GROWN India, Egypt, France, Italy
AROMA exotic, sensual, floral, sweet
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antiseptic,
MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional balancer,
Main healing to the skin
Chemical reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant (mucus
Families KETONES removing), and improves circulation
nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress relieving,
ESTERS anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for digestive
cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical OLEACEAE only plant in family is Jasmine absolute

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
126 Foundational Aromatherapy

Juniper Berry*
Juniper Berry is traditionally used for kidney and urinary tract related
issues. However, some of its other known benefits are purifying the blood,
lymphatic stimulation, and weight loss. On the emotional side, it is effective in
helping with stress, anxiety and various nervous disorders.

Tried and True Uses

✓ This oil is exceptional in strengthening, Safety Notes
and purifying the body of toxins, ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
strengthening the liver, kidneys and sensitizing, unlike other species
bladder. contain a caution for pregnancy and
✓ Beneficial for urinary tract infections. kidney disease.
✓ Helps with weight loss as a tea, misted, or ➢ Generally regarded as safe and does
massaged over specific areas. not cause sensitization
✓ Excellent for cystitis, kidney disease, ➢ May cause some irritation in
menstrual issues, varicose veins, and sensitive people—use in moderation
hemorrhoids (applied externally).
✓ Known since ancient times as a remedy
for poisonous insect and snake bites. Seek ✓ Good for nervous disorders, anxiety, stress
medical help. and emotion issues.
✓ Helps tone and balance oily skin.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Cypress
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow  Grapefruit
BREATHE case.  Rose Geranium
Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Fennel
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Ginger
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
Add 1 drop in teaspoon honey or desired sweetener, stir in cup of warm water, and
TEA TIME sip slowly. Follow with a glass of plain water.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
PUT IT well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck. For poisonous insect and
ON snake bites, apply 1 drop to bite.
Seek immediate medical care.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 127

• Analgesic – relieves pain After sitting for long hours, I asked
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces my husband to get some Cypress for
inflammation my circulation. Instead he handed me
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism the lid of another oil to smell, and
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs applied 1 drop to the sole of each foot
and infections without telling me what it was.
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms Instantly, my mind became more alert
• Antitoxic – counteracts toxins and focused and the feeling returned
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil to my legs. To my surprise, he told me
it was Juniper Berry, and now one of
or secretions my favorites.
• Diaphoretic – promotes or increases —Leiann King
• Diuretic – increases urine production,
rids excess fluids
• Lymphatic – aids in waste management • Sudorific – promotes sweating
and a decongestant for the lymph system • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies (vascular
• Rubefacient – increases local blood walls)
circulation and local numbing effect; can • Toner – nourishing, supportive,
cause minor skin irritation strengthening
• Stomachic – promotes good stomach • Vasodilator – dilates blood vessels
function • Vulnerary – heals wounds

Key Emotions: Cleansing, Unifying, Protecting, Camaraderie, Stability, and

Positive Thinking
Key Body Systems: Urinary, Lymphatic, Circulatory, Respiratory, and

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Juniperus communis fructus
WHERE GROWN Macedonia, Croatia, India, Napal
AROMA balsamic, piney, warm, radiant, woody
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
antiseptic, antispasmodic
Botanical CUPRESSACEAE reduces nervous tension, relieves stress-related
Family conditions, astringent

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
128 Foundational Aromatherapy

Lavender, Maillette*
Lavender, Maillette is a first choice for skin care due to its quick healing abilities and
powerful yet gentle action. It is one of the more effective oils for use on burns
and sunburns. It also works to prevent swelling and scarring from burns. Lavender is
among the most widely used essential oils for emotional support. Many people say
that if they were allowed to have only one oil, they would choose Lavender, Maillette.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Always a good choice for children, it is Safety Notes
non-toxic and can be used neat ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
(undiluted) even on young infants. sensitizing
✓ Famous for its ability to relieve minor
burns and sunburns, after they have
been cooled, and to speed the healing ✓ Relieves irritation from insect bites and
process. also helps protect pets from insects and
✓ Extremely beneficial for those suffering parasites.
with depression, headaches, migraines, ✓ Regenerating and restoring for facial
hypertension, insomnia, premenstrual concerns such as sores, acne, boils, and
tension, abdominal cramps; pretty much psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and
any stress-related condition. inflammations.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen minutes intervals every two hours during  Bergamot
THE AIR the day.  Tea Tree
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Palmarosa
BREATHE Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow  Red Mandarin
IN, case.  Green
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and Mandarin
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.  Rose Geranium

SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
Apply 1-2 drops in 2-3 drops of carrier on bottom of feet.
PUT IT For burns, cool first, then drop on the burn as often as needed.
ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 129
I am 8 years old. I am super allergic
• Analgesic – relieves pain to mosquitoes. I have been in the
• Antibacterial – destroys or hospital several times because of it.
inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria Last year, I went on a trip with my
• Anticonvulsive – inhibits seizures grandparents, and my grandma put
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression some Lavender on a bite. I didn't have
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces any swelling or itching. Now I have my
inflammation very own bottle of Lavender.
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism —Brycen U.
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and
• Antitoxic – counteracts toxins I burned my forearm, and the skin
• Deodorant – prevents body odor actually blackened. The pain was
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus severe. Lavender instantly soothed it.
production Within 2 hours the pain was comp-
• Hypotensive – lowers high blood pressure letely gone. I applied a drop at least
• Insecticide – destroys insects twice a day. Within a week the burn
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body part looked healed with no scarring or
• Toner – nourishing, supportive, ripple of the skin. It was amazing.
strengthening —Tannis H.
• Vulnerary – heals wounds

Key Emotions: Forthright, Soothed, Nurture, Sheltered, and Uniqueness

Key Body Systems: Integumentary, Circulatory, Nervous, Urinary, and Endocrine

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Lavandula officinalis maillette, clone for Lavandula angustifolia
WHERE GROWN Southern France, Italy, Bulgaria, India
AROMA floral, fresh, herbaceous, sweet
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
MONOTERPENOLS balancer, healing to the skin
Chemical nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
Families ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical helpful to headaches and nasal congestion, energizes body
Family LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE) and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
130 Foundational Aromatherapy

When thinking of Lemon simply think, cleanser, freshener, purifier, stimulant,
and disinfectant. Beneficial for infections, weight loss, mental clarity, breathing,
cleansing inside and outside of the body as well as the whole household.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Is useful for aiding digestion, and helpful Safety Note
for respiratory infections. ➢ Phototoxic—avoid direct exposure to
✓ When added to a tea or glass of water, it the sun or tanning booths for 12
purifies the water and aids liver and the hours after use on skin
✓ Misting or diffusing cleans the air, lifts the ✓ Use on a cotton ball, and place it near the
spirit, and helps with the ability to focus on student when studying to improve test
the tasks at hand. scores.
✓ Soak nails in a bowl of warm water with a ✓ Add to household cleansers to make the
drop of oil in order to strengthen nails and whole house “safe” for everyone
kill fungus. ✓ Use with water as a rinse to kill germs on
your produce and meat.

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Fennel
AIR hours during the day.  Spearmint
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Peppermint
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow  Rosemary
case.  Sandalwood
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Juniper Berry
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
TEA TIME 1 drop in honey or carrier of sweetener, stir in warm water, sip slowly
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 131

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the
growth of destructive bacteria After washing my cutting boards,
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of while they are still wet, I rub 1 or 2
drops of Lemon or Grapefruit, Pink to
fungus freshen and kill bacteria, then let them
• Antioxidant – protects cells from dry. It makes my kitchen smell
damage amazing.
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses —Leiann King
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and
infections • Hepatic – supportive to the liver
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil • Immunostimulant – stimulates immune
or secretions system
• Antitoxic – counteracts toxins • Insecticide – destroys insects
• Antianemic – prevents or reverses • Lymphatic – aids in waste management
anemia and a decongestant for the lymph system
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses viruses, • Purifying – cleansing
and bacteria
• Rubefacient – increases local blood
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism circulation and local numbing effect; can
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms cause minor skin irritation
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas pain • Toner – nourishing, supportive,
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids strengthening
excess fluids
• Hemostatic – stops bleeding

Key Emotions: Excitement, Revitalizing, Reliable, Cheerfulness, and Connective

Key Body Systems: Immune, Circulatory, Digestive, Nervous, Lymphatic and
Technical Data
WHERE GROWN Spain, Italy, France, South Africa
AROMA citrus, fresh, fruity, lemony, sweet
PRODUCING ORGAN rind or peel
EXTRACTION METHOD cold expression
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families ALDEHYDES sedative or calming to the nervous system, anti-
inflammatory, cooling, antifungal
Botanical RUTACEAE good for digestion, beneficial to skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
132 Foundational Aromatherapy

The light, fresh scent makes Lemongrass popular to diffuse and mist, and works
well in food recipes. The ability to clean oily skin, get rid of blackheads and
tighten pores are a few of its qualities. It appears to be effective with cellulite,
reducing wrinkles, fluid retention, sport injuries, and excessive perspiration.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Putting on bottom of feet helps the Safety Notes
immune system fight infectious disease, ➢ Non-toxic
and reduce fever. ➢ Possible dermal irritation for those
✓ Use alone or with other oils for a weight with hyper-sensitive skin
loss “wrap” or massage to breakdown ➢ Use with care
cellulite and fluid retention. ➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
✓ Cleanse oily skin, loosen blackheads, and children and the elderly.
tighten pores with a drop on a cotton
ball and gently wipe the face, avoid eyes. ✓ Diffuse or mist in the air to lessen anger
Add to shampoo for dry or oily scalp. and frustration, by acting on the limbic
✓ Great addition for steamed foods, add for system of the brain.
an amazing boost in taste. ✓ Strengthen tendons, cartilage, and
connective tissue

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 12 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. WITH
THE TUB per bath daily.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Palmarosa
AIR during the day.  Cypress
Add 1 to 2 drops with 1 teaspoon sweetener and stir into 1 cup  Black
TEA TIME warm water. Pepper
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB  Sweet
of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Basil
SPRITZ &  Sweet
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when
misting face. Birch
 Rosemary
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
PUT IT ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck. For scalp support, add 2-
4 drops in Tablespoon shampoo, rub on dry scalp, leave for thirty minutes, wash
as usual, and avoid getting in eyes.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 133

• Analgesic – relieves pain I add Lemongrass, Grapefruit, Sweet
Orange, and Lemon oils to teas for
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the digestion and weight management.
growth of destructive bacteria —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of I have suffered from heavy periods
fungi with intense cramping for over 16
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces years. The pain is so bad I often double
inflammation over in pain, and must stay near a
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses bathroom for several days. Leiann
growth of microbes grabbed my attention when she told
• Antioxidant – protects cells from me use Lemongrass. I put it directly on
damage the area, and Zing Pow! The pain is
• Connective tissue regenerator – gone in moments.
strengthens cartilage, tendons, and —Sheryllyn McClintock
• Deodorant – prevents body odor • Nervine – strengthening or calming to the
• Digestive tonic – tones digestive system nervous system
• Febrifuge – reduces fever • Stimulant– increases functional activity
• Immunostimulant – stimulates immune • Sedative – (nerve) tranquilizes activity of
system body part.
• Insecticidal – destroys insects • Vasodilator – dilates blood vessels

Key Emotions: Supportive, Inspiring, Purified, Connecting, Mobility, and Refreshed

Key Body Systems: Skeletal, Respiratory, Immune, Circulatory, Muscular, and
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Cymbopogon citratus
WHERE GROWN India, Nepal, South Africa
AROMA fresh, herbaceous, lemony
PRODUCING ORGAN leaves (grass)
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Main MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Chemical balancer, healing to the skin
ALDEHYDES sedative or calming to the nervous system, anti-
inflammatory, cooling, antifungal
Botanical POACEAE effective on acne, muscle aches and pains

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
134 Foundational Aromatherapy

Lime oil is full of antioxidants which lends to its many anti-aging properties. A
little goes a long way. It has a very strong aroma and flavor when used in recipes.
It’s antidepressant properties leave one feeling refreshed and lighter which may
help with fear or anxiety. Use in toner for oily, acne prone skin, but remember
only at night because it can cause burns if exposed to the sun or tanning bed

Tried and True Uses

✓ As a mister, it is effective with infections
on the skin such as, ulcers, sores, rashes, Safety Notes
or psoriasis. ➢ Phototoxic. Avoid sun exposure or
✓ Respiratory viral infections from colds, flu tanning beds for 12 hours.
or bronchitis will benefit from lime oil ➢ May cause skin irritation in those
diffused. people who have sensitive skin
✓ Use a cotton swab to apply to a tooth
ache or swollen gums. ✓ Great mixed in your favorite night cream
✓ Add a few drops to your shampoo to for wrinkles and age spots
create fuller hair.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered BLENDS WELL
milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute interval every two hours CLARY SAGE
AIR during the day. SPEARMINT
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB COPAIBA
SPRAY of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™.
Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face. BASIL
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or PINK GRAPEFRUIT
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently
onto area of concern needing relief. NEROLI
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. ROSEMARY
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case. YLANG YLANG
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth
OUT and nose without touching face, and inhale.
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
TEA TIME Add 1 to 2 drops with 1 teaspoon sweetener and stir into 1 cup warm water.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 135

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the Want an emotional lift? Lime oil is
growth of destructive bacteria the answer. Life can be over welming
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression with all I got going on all the time. I
• Anti-infective– helps the body love citrus oils in general but I think
strengthen its own resistance to Lime is my new favorite. I love to
infective organisms and rid the body of sprinkle it on my steam mop cloth and
diffuse and clean at the same time.
• Astringent – firms tissues and organs ----Leiann King
and reduces discharges and secretions
• Antioxidant – protects cells from
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses • Expectorant – promotes discharge of
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids
excess fluid • Stomachic – promotes good stomach
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion
• Tonic (nervous system) – strengthens and
• Immunostimulant – stimulates fortifies
functioning of the immune system
• Vasodilator – dilates blood vessels
• Lymphatic – aids in waste management; a
decongestant for the lymph system • Toning/ Toner – nourishing, supportive,

Key Emotions: Contentment, Heroism, Assurance, Security, Belief

Key Body Systems: Integumentary, Urinary, immune, Digestive, Nervous,

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Citrus aurantifolia
AROMA Astringent, Cool, Fresh, Fruity, sweet, citrus , mildly
PRODUCING ORGAN rind or peel
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
Botanical RUTACEAE good for digestion, beneficial to skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
136 Foundational Aromatherapy

Marjoram, Sweet*
Although Marjoram, Sweet is often overlooked, it has a wide spectrum of
qualities that range from use on sore muscles, joints, bones and respiratory
issues. Other general uses include depression, anxiety, general mood
enhancement and insomnia. Marjoram was known as the “herb of happiness” to
the Romans and the “joy of the mountains” to the Greeks.

Tried and True Uses

✓ When applied topically with a carrier or Safety Notes
cream it helps with sore, strained ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating and non-
muscles, rheumatic pain, and respiratory sensitizing
problems. ➢ Not for use during first trimester of
✓ Excellent choice for an after-sports rub – pregnancy
be careful, guys, it has been reported to ➢ Do not confuse with Spanish
lower libido. Marjoram or Oregano (Thymus
mastichina or Origanum
✓ Good for children’s growing pains, compactum).
muscle strains, stomach aches, anxiety,
and colic.
✓ Relaxes the muscles in the neck to help ✓ As a muscle relaxer, it helps in regulating
relieve snoring. menstrual cycles and relieve painful

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered
milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath BLENDS WELL
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute interval every two hours during  Dill Blend™
AIR the day.  Tea Tree
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Rosemary
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue inhale directly or put in pillow case.  Ravensara
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth  Peppermint
OUT and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Lemongrass
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
SPRITZ & distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use, or
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 137

• Analgesic – relieve pain Sweet Marjoram mixed with Dead
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of Sea salts in a jar has eliminated my
fungi snoring. I open the jar for 15 minutes
• Anaphrodisiac – suppresses sexual before going to bed then close it
desire before sleeping. Works great!
—Kathy R.
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the
growth of destructive bacteria
• Antioxidant – protects cells from damage
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses • Hypotensive – lowers high blood pressure
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas pain • Laxative – relieves constipation
• Cardiotonic- strengthens the heart • Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body
• Cephalic – stimulates and clears the part.
mind, relieves headache • Stomachic – promotes good stomach
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids function
excess fluid • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies
• Emmenagogue – regulates menstruation • Vasodilator – dilates blood vessels

Key Emotions: Introspective, Freeing, Brotherly Love, and Confident.

Key Body Systems: Muscular, Circulatory, Immune, Urinary, Nervous,
Respiratory, and Reproductive

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Origanum marjorana
WHERE GROWN France, Spain, South Africa
AROMA fresh, herbaceous, sweet, warm, radiant, woody
PRODUCING ORGAN flowers and leaves
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
Botanical relieves headache and nasal congestion, energizes
Family LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE) body and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
138 Foundational Aromatherapy

Myrrh has been well known since ancient times, like Frankincense, for its healing,
antiseptic properties. However, in modern times this oil is widely used in
mouthwash, toothpaste, skin ointments, and for thyroid issues. Emotional uses
indicate for strengthening the ability to deal with stress and worry in a fast-
paced world.

Tried and True Uses Safety Notes

✓ Adding a drop to cream or mist on skin to ➢ Non-toxic (in low doses), non-
prevent infections, clear toxins and irritating and non-sensitizing
promote tissue repair on cracked skin on ➢ Not recommended for use during
hands and feet – often used for slowly pregnancy
healing wounds.
✓ May be used in a mouthwash to help heal .
mouth sores, gum disease, or sore throats. ✓ Used historically to address the fears of
Also, good precursor to dental treatment death separation.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Lavender,
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in Maillette
BREATHE pillow case.  Frankincense
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Bay Laurel
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Fir, Balsam
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Eucalyptus
SPRAY EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Radiata
Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes  Eucalyptus
when misting face. Globulus
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Tea Tree
or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
1-2 drops directly or in 3 drops of carrier, rub on bottom of
PUT IT For skin issues, 1-2 drops in 4-6 drops of carrier, rub gently on
ON affected area.
For thyroid, 1 drop directly, or in 1 drop of carrier, rub gently
on front of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 139

• Anti-inflammatory – reduces I have always had problem with my
inflammation thyroid. Putting a drop of Myrrh on the
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the front of my throat helped me to stay
growth of destructive bacteria calm and control my emotions while I
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of used nutrition to help me with my
fungus thyroid.
—Brenda Wright
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses
viruses, and bacteria
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and The oils have been so amazing in my
infections life that I have plenty to say. One very
meaningful testimony was a time
• Astringent – tightens tissue, reduces oil when I had a visible lump in my breast
or secretions for which I went to a breast surgeon
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of for an opinion…he said it was of no
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs concern, just fatty tissue that needed
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body to be removed by a dermatologist.
However, thanks to Frankincense and
part. Myrrh, it disappeared.
• Tonic – strengthens and fortifies —Maria Isabel Travieso
• Vulnerary – heals wounds

Key Emotions: Humility, Tranquility, Stillness, Compassionate, and Watchfulness

Key Body Systems: Endocrine, Immune, Respiratory, Integumentary and Digestive

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Commiphora myrrha
WHERE GROWN Ethiopia, South Africa
AROMA balsamic, resinous, spicy, warm, radiant
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Main antiseptic, antispasmodic
Families KETONES reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant (mucus
removing), and improves circulation
Botanical BURSERACEAE aids respiratory system, wound healing, reduces scar
Family tissue

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
140 Foundational Aromatherapy

Neroli 10%*
Even though Neroli 10% is from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, there is
nothing bitter about this sweet and calming scent. Neroli 10% has a tendency to
help balance the emotions as well as the heart. Some of the other qualities of
Neroli 10% oil are that it helps balance the nervous system as well as to tone the

Tried and True Uses

✓ As a skin oil, suitable for every skin type, Safety Notes
especially aging skin, soothes sensitive or ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
inflamed skin, tones and repairs. sensitizing
✓ Promotes new cell growth when applied ➢ Non-phototoxic
daily either in a cream or a mist.
✓ Helps with nerves by helping with ✓ Considered an emotional aphrodisiac,
anxiety, shock, or anger. Useful as a sleep enhancing self-acceptance.
✓ Has a positive effect on moods affected by
✓ Beneficial as a psychological relief when PMS and or menopause.
inhaled, offering a sense of strength and
✓ Reduces palpitations by encouraging a
courage, restoring the inner sense of self.
natural heart rhythm.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Ylang Ylang
THE AIR hours during the day.  Palmarosa
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Frankincense
Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in  Lavender,
IN, Maillette
BREATHE pillow case.
Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Cedarwood
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
TEA TIME 1 drop in ½ teaspoon of honey, or desired sweetener, stir into warm water, and sip
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 141

• Analgesic – relieve pain As I have gotten older, I have noticed
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression a difference in skin tone on my face.
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and Since the nutrition I am taking makes
infections me feel younger, I didn’t see any
reason to not look younger as well. I
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms found that using essential oils tightens
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant and firms the skin on my face and the
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas muscles beneath too! I like to use
pain Neroli in a mister bottle with
Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™.
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar The combination of the two feels
healing great, especially in the summertime
• Deodorant – prevents body odor when I keep the mister bottle in the
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion fridge and mist it on my face to help
me cool off. So refreshing!
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body —Brenda Wright
• Tonic – strengthens and fortifies
(cardiac, circulation)

Key Emotions: Inspiring, Gifted, Lyrical, Creative, and Productive

Key Body Systems: Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive, and Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Citrus aurantium var. amara
WHERE GROWN Italy, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt
AROMA citrus, exotic and sensual, floral, sweet
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Main MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Chemical warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
MONOTERPENOLS balancer, healing to the skin
SESQUITERPENOLS anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the
whole body, enhancing the body systems and the mind
Botanical RUTACEAE good for digestion, beneficial to skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
142 Foundational Aromatherapy

Niaouli is similar to its cousin Tea Tree as antiseptic and antibacterial. Although
indicated for a wide range of uses, it’s mainly used to support the respiratory
system. Niaouli is also mentally stimulating and uplifting.

Tried and True Uses

✓ When diffused it helps with coughs, Safety Note
sinusitis, sore throat and whooping ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
cough. sensitizing
✓ Helps with mental focus and
concentration, especially when sleep
deprived. ✓ When inhaled in helps with allergies and
✓ Add to blends created for muscle aches asthma.
and pains, sports injuries, also arthritis, ✓ Use in a sitz bath with Dead Sea Salts for
and rheumatism. urinary infection or cystitis.
✓ Add to water to cleanse a cut or abrasion; ✓ A good addition in regime to support
helps with healing and formation of scar overcoming addiction to drugs, alcohol, or
tissue. smoking or addicting behaviors.

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.  Eucalyptus
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as Radiata
BREATHE needed.  Ravensara
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put  Spearmint
BREATHE in pillow case.  Lavender,
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over Maillette
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Tea Tree
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 143

• Analgesic – relieves pain Both my daughter and I were stuffed
• Anthelmintic – rids body of parasites up today. I was sneezing and couldn't
stop. We both applied Niaouli and got
• Anti-catarrhal – reduces mucus and immediate relief. This was my
inflammation of mucosa daughter’s first experience with oils.
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism She was astonished how quickly it
worked. She said "I applied it and
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs didn't even get out of the bedroom
and infections before it worked."
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms —Linda McCormick
• Diaphoretic – promotes or increases
perspiration This past summer I used Niaouli for
my youngest grandson who was
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of getting hives due to an allergic
mucus or phlegm from chest and reaction to pollen.
lungs —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Stimulant – increases functional
I mix a few drops Niaouli into some
activity white vinegar with Spearmint to spray
• Vulnerary – heals wounds on counters and clean the pet boxes to
• Vermifuge – destroys worms both disinfect and leave a fresh scent.
—Leslie Wallace

Key Emotions: Expansive, Authentic, Rhythmic, Creative, and Festive

Key Body Systems: Respiratory, Immune, Skeletal, and Muscular

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Melaleuca Quinquenervia b.s. viridiflora
WHERE GROWN Madagascar
AROMA camphoraceous, earthy, fruity, fresh
PRODUCING ORGAN leaves and twigs
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
decongestive to the muscular and respiratory
Main MONOTERPENES systems, warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic,
Chemical air purifier
Families strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain
OXIDES reliever, mental stimulant
Botanical MYRTACEAE antiseptic, relieves respiratory infections, immune
Family system tonic

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
144 Foundational Aromatherapy

Nutmeg is mainly thought of as a spice. However, the Nutmeg tree produces two
different oils, Nutmeg from the seed and Mace from the hull. The essential oil of
Nutmeg is almost the same flavoring as the dried herbal spice and is often used
in culinary recipes in place of the dried herb without the grit of the spice. For
more than culinary uses Nutmeg has strong pain relieving properties for joints
and muscles. May aid stress, indigestion, cough and bad breath. Blood pressure
and heart disorders may benefit from Nutmeg.

Tried and True Uses

Safety Notes
✓ In a tea or a drink of water it is very ➢ Use in small amounts
beneficial to the digestive system.
➢ Not safe for dogs
✓ An excellent flavoring for many dishes.
✓ Used in many applications of oral ➢ Avoid in Pregnancy
healthcare products.
✓ Many topical creams and lotions use ✓ Use roller bottle on bottom of feet to
Nutmeg as a pain reliever. regulate circulation
✓ Diffuse or use an inhaler to ease worry and
negativity and overwhelm

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 12 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Frankincense
THE AIR during the day.  Pinyon Pine
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as  Green
BREATHE needed. Mandarin
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in  Lavender
BREATHE pillow case.  Rosemary
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Orange
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Black Pepper
1 drop in 1 teaspoon honey or other sweetener, stir in warm water, and sip  Clary Sage
TEA TIME slowly.  Eucalyptus
1 drop in glass or bottle of water. If in plastic container plan on drinking quickly. Radiata
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Ginger
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Ylang-Ylang
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 145

• Antidepressant – alleviates
depression For me Nutmeg is very healing in
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs many forms. Not just physical, but
and infections emotional as well. I love the flavor! I
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms add it to any dish I feel I can squeeze it
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas into.
pain Amanda Reynolds
• Cholagogue – increases bile Many people have reported Nutmeg
production to be an oil that is used for a number
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion of various purposes. You might say
• Hepatic – supportive to the liver that, what Birch oil is to the regions of
• Hypotensive – lowers high blood the US (where it comes from), Nutmeg
pressure is it’s equivalent from the tropics.
Nutmeg is a useful alternative to Birch
• Sedative (nervous conditions) – in many applications.
tranquilizes activity of body part.
• Stimulant– increases functional ---Kent K.
activity (digestive and lymphatic
• Tonic-strengthens and fortifies (skin For
and digestion)

Key Emotions: Reassurance, Sureness, Yielding, Surrendering

Key Body Systems: Digestive, Immune, Circulatory, Urinary, Muscular,

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Myristica fragrans
AROMA Earthy, Exotic, Fresh, Rich, Spicy, Strong, Warm, Woody
PRODUCING ORGAN Seeds from the nut
EXTRACTION METHOD Steam Distillation
decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Chemical MONOTERPENES warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
ETHERS antispasmodic, anti-infectious, carminative, pain relieving
in the digestive system and genitourinary tract
The only oil from this family is nutmeg it has an affinity
Botanical MYRISTICACEAE towards digestive, nervous, endocrine, and immune
Family systems, joints, muscles

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
146 Foundational Aromatherapy

Orange, Sweet*
Orange helps balance the thyroid and lymphatic system, making it beneficial for
weight loss, treating water retention, and cellulite issues. Orange oil is an
effective emotional aid oil. More Orange oil is produced worldwide, volume wise,
than any other oil.

Tried and True Uses

✓ In a tea or a drink of water it is very Safety Notes
beneficial to the digestive system, easing ➢ Non-toxic and non-irritating
water retention, and cellulite issues. ➢ For those with sensitive skin, could
✓ Brings the lymphatic system into cause mild dermatitis
balance. ➢ Slightly phototoxic, avoid direct
✓ A powerful solvent, degreaser. sunlight or tanning bed exposure for
✓ In support of the digestive system it at least 12 hours
helps with reflux, gas, burping, and
✓ Very uplifting and anti-depressive;
stimulates creativity and right-brain ✓ Blends well with other oils to warm up a
thinking. holiday scent.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Clove Bud
THE AIR during the day.  Cinnamon
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Sandalwood
BREATHE Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow  Rose
IN, case.  Cypress
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Black Spruce
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Fir, Balsam
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Frankincense
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Rose
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes Geranium
when misting face.  Lavender
TEA TIME 1 drop in 1 teaspoon honey or other sweetener, stir in warm water, and sip slowly.
1 drop in glass or bottle of water. If in plastic container plan on drinking quickly.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 147

• Antidepressant – alleviates
depression I recently used Sweet Orange on my
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs Swiffer pad to refresh my kitchen and
and infections bath, and then I added it to unscented
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms salts to vacuum.
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Cholagogue – increases bile My daughter and I were pre-paring
production our kitchen cupboards for repainting.
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion The ones near the stove were
• Hepatic – supportive to the liver especially difficult due to built-up
• Hypotensive – lowers high blood grease. We didn’t want to use harsh
pressure cleaners but nothing worked. Finally,
we thought of Sweet Orange oil. We
• Sedative (nervous conditions) – put just a few drops Sweet Orange on
tranquilizes activity of body part. a wet rag and wiped down the cup-
• Stimulant– increases functional boards. The grease came right off!
activity (digestive and lymphatic —Leiann King
• Tonic-strengthens and fortifies (skin
and digestion)

Key Emotions: Creative, Patience, Hope, Gentleness, and Cheery

Key Body Systems: Lymphatic, Nervous, Circulatory, Urinary, and Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Citrus sinensis
WHERE GROWN Israel, Brazil, South Africa
AROMA citrus, fresh, fruity, sweet
Chemical decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Family MONOTERPENES warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Botanical RUTACEAE good for digestion, beneficial to skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
148 Foundational Aromatherapy

Oregano is a widely used spice in many culinary dishes. Oregano essential oil is
an equally popular and sought after essential oil for many uses. In the world,
outside of culinary and aromatherapy, Oregano is showing promise as a natural
antibiotic, also being used in many biological applications with remarkable
results. Also known for its strong antiviral effects, it is quickly becoming a very
high use and popular plant worldwide.

Tried and True Uses

✓ When used on a preventative level, it Safety Notes
helps to support the whole body overall. ➢ Use with caution
✓ It is very effective when used as a ➢ Skin irritant and a strong mucous
supportive agent in effective detox membrane irritant.
programs. ➢ Never use on the skin undiluted
✓ Helps with metabolism when used in ➢ Do not use on children under 2 years
weight loss programs. old
✓ Supports antibacterial measures to aid in ➢ Do not use on Hypersensitive,
keeping healthy. diseased or damaged skin.
✓ Adds a deep rich fresh flavor to most ➢ Do not use during pregnancy.

How Do I Use It?

PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of BLENDS WELL
ON carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back WITH
of neck.
 Green
 Black Spruce
 Lavender M.
 Rosemary
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or  Bergamot
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently  Chamomile,
onto area of concern needing relief. Roman
 Cypress
 Cedarwood
 Tea Tree
 Eucalyptus

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 149

• Analgesic – numbs pain
When I was 13 I got shingles, the
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the pain and the itching was horrible. My
growth of destructive bacteria mom made me some bath salts with a
• Anti-infective– helps the body few drops of oregano oil in it. I soaked
strengthen its own resistance to in this for hours, it felt so good. After
infective organisms and rid the body of that she made a mister, I used it for a
illness day or 2 and felt better right away. I
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs have not been bothered with them
and infections since.
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses -- Katherine Munns
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of In high school, I had horrible athlete's
phlegm and mucus from the chest and foot from the locker room floor, we
lungs figured. We tried everything and nothing
• Immunostimulant – stimulates worked. We eventually threw away a
functioning of the immune system pair of my shoes because it kept coming
• Rubefacient – an oil that increases local back. Finally, we decided to try Oregano.
blood circulation and local numbing I made a rub with some grapeseed and
affect; it can cause minor skin irritation put it on my feet several times a day. It
• Sedative– tranquilizes activity of burnt a little when I first put it on but
body part. then it would numb it. I put it on cotton
• Stomachic – promotes good stomach balls and put down in the toes of my new
function shoes. After a week it was all gone and
my feet felt great. I kept putting it in my
shoes to keep it from coming back.
Key Emotions: Rambunctious, Direct, --Peter King
Masterful, Hardy, Mediator
Key Body Systems: Circulatory, Digestive, Immune, Muscular, and Respiratory
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Origanum vulgare
WHERE GROWN Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria, India, Croatia
AROMA strong, spicy, camphoraceous, herbaceous, medicinal,
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
Chemical decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Family MONOTERPENES warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
PHENOLS immune stimulant, antibacterial and very anti-infectious,
stimulates body systems, very hot
Botanical LAMIACEAE relieves headaches and nasal congestion, energizing to
Family (LABIATAE) the body and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
150 Foundational Aromatherapy

Palmarosa has a slight rose aroma. One of the outstanding qualities of this oil is its
use for most skin care needs. Palmarosa has many properties that are similar to
Tea Tree, yet tends to be gentler on the skin.

Tried and True Uses

✓ When added to a face cream or lotion it Safety Notes
makes an awesome moisturizer for skin ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
as well as helping with concerns like acne, sensitizing
eczema, and scarring.
✓ Encourages cell renewal, balances
hydration levels, encourages production of
sebum, and increases skin elasticity. ✓ Support anorexia recovery.
Inhaling helps support the mind and ✓ Great for carrying with you when
emotions, both calming and lifting, and traveling; to disinfect and to kill bacteria
helps clear muddled thinking. from dysentery and intestinal infections.
✓ Helpful for the heart; it helps with
✓ Has shown to help with hormone-
balancing effects on women. circulation, and reduces cardiac fatigue.

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
 Red
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute interval every two hours Mandarin
AIR during the day.  Rosemary
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Clary Sage
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow  Patchouli
BREATHE case.  Fennel
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth  Bergamot
and nose without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief
or on abdomen and lower back.
1-2 drops direct or in 3 drops carrier, rub on bottom of feet.
1 drop on cotton swab, apply directly on area of concern.
PUT IT Add 2-3 drops alone or with other skin oils in a skin cream or lotion, use morning
ON and night.
Mix 5 drops in teaspoon shampoo, rub on dry scalp, wait thirty minutes,
shampoo as usual, avoiding eyes.
1-2 drops on pulse points for nerves or stress relief.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 151

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the Palmarosa is a great skin toner and
growth of destructive bacteria astringent. My once ruddy and often
• Antibiotic – kills bacteria blemished skin is now clear and
glowing. I frequently get compliments
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression for my shining face and smile. Thank
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of you Palmarosa!
fungus —Carol Mangles
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces
• Anti-infective – resists infective organisms • Febrifuge – reduces fever
• Cardio tonic – strengthens the heart • Hydrating – moisturizes the skin
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar • Nervine – strengthening or calming to the
healing nervous system
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion • Stimulant – increases functional activity
• Emollient – having the quality of (immune)
softening or soothing the skin • Vermifuge – destroys worms

Key Emotions: Stabilizes, Structured, Adaptable, and Reflective, Reminiscent

Key Body Systems: Integumentary, Circulatory, Digestive, Nervous, Immune,
and Respiratory

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Cymbopogon martini var. motia
WHERE GROWN India, Seychelles Islands
AROMA citrus, floral, fresh, rosy, sweet
PRODUCING ORGAN fragrant leaves of grass
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Main ALDEHYDES sedative or calming to the nervous system, anti-
Chemical inflammatory, cooling, antifungal
Families nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical POACEAE effective for acne and muscle aches and pains

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
152 Foundational Aromatherapy

Patchouli has a varied range of uses. A favorite choice as an aphrodisiac, yet it is also used
for fungal infections, skin issues, weight control, some types of acne, and tissue
regeneration. Patchouli is effective against poisonous plants, relief from bee stings and
insect bites, and as an anti-parasite treatment against certain classes of parasites.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Added to a mister it eases cracked and Safety Notes
chapped skin, dermatitis, acne, eczema ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-
(weeping) and allergic and inflamed skin. sensitizing
✓ Use in a foot bath for fungal infections ➢ Tends to suppress the appetite, so
such as athlete’s foot, and in a mister for not recommended for use by those
skin candida. struggling with anorexia
✓ Good addition in skin formulas, ➢ Minimal amounts are sedative but
especially to help with wrinkles and large amounts may be stimulating,
cellulite. so do not recommend use at
✓ Used often as an insect repellent, bedtime
especially for moths.
✓ Historically used as an anti-poison oil for
snake bites, insect stings, and poison ivy ✓ Relieves constipation.
and poison oak. Seek medical care. ✓ Helps to reduce appetite, and water
Adding to shampoo helps with dry, flaky retention.

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.  Neroli 10%
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Frankincense
THE AIR during the day.  Lavender,
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. Maillette
Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in  Bergamot
pillow case.  Ginger
BREATHE  Sandalwood
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 153

• Antidepressant – alleviates depression
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces I added Patchouli to my Youngevity®
inflammation Hydrowash laundry soap when I
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms laundered my linen and bath towels
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and last Friday, and they still have the
infections fragrance.
• Antitoxic – counteracts toxins —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant
• Astringent – tightens tissue, reduces oil
or secretions Twice in the last month, one of my
sons was stung by wasps. Each time, I
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar put one drop each of Tea Tree, Thyme
healing Linalool, and Patchouli oil on the
• Cytophylactic – protects cells stings. All swelling and pain were gone
• Deodorant – prevents body odor within 30 minutes, and within a few
• Diuretic – increases urine production, hours, he couldn't even tell he'd been
rids excess fluid stung.
• Febrifuge – reduces fever —Sarah N.
• Insecticide – destroys insects
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body
• Stimulant – increases functional activity • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies

Key Emotions: Peaceful, Reflective, Grounding, Balanced, Protecting, and Stability

Key Body Systems: Nervous, Urinary, Integumentary, Circulatory, Immune and
Men’s Reproduction

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Pogostemon cablin
AROMA earthy, exotic, resinous, sweet, warm, radiant, woody
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Main antiseptic, antispasmodic
Chemical anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the
Families SESQUITERPENOLS whole body, enhancing the body systems and the
Botanical LAMIACEAE relieves headaches and nasal congestion, energizing
Family (LABIATAE) to the body and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
154 Foundational Aromatherapy

Peppermint is best known for aiding digestion. It generally helps to reduce gas,
bloating, and relieve an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and
stress. A mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long
working hours or while driving. It can help reduce a fever, and give immediate
relief for minor injuries, such as a smashed finger.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Adding a drop to a cup of water and Safety Notes
sipping slowly helps the digestive system; ➢ Not recommended for children under
by relieving stomachaches, reflux, gas, 2.
bloating, and flatulence. ➢ Used in moderation, it is non-toxic,
✓ Oxygenates the blood making it able to and non-irritating
combat headaches, stress, depression ➢ Not recommended for those who
and migraines. Use a drop at the back of suffer from atrial fibrillation
neck (base of skull) temples and ➢ Not recommended for use in
forehead. conjunction with homeopathic
✓ Inhale often or add a drop in a glass of remedies as it may neutralize the
water for use as a mental and physical
➢ Use cautiously with high blood
stimulant for students, night-shift pressure.
workers, and long-distance drivers.
✓ Diffusing in the air helps with colds, stuffy
nose, coughing, and asthma
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 12 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Eucalyptus
THE AIR during the day. Radiata
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Black Pepper
BREATHE Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in  Rosemary
IN, pillow case.  Ravensara
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Cypress
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Lemon
 Carrot Seed
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
SPRAY distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
TEA TIME 1 drop in honey or sweetener of choice, stir in warm water, and sip slowly.
1 drop in 6-8 ounces of water to settle upset stomach, sip.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM Cream™
to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 155

• Analgesic – relieves pain Peppermint has provided fast relief
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the for migraines, and helped me to relax
growth of destructive bacteria and sleep. It has also helped keep my
• Antiemetic – inhibits nausea or vomiting lungs clear when I had a cold.
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces —Cynthia S.
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses • Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil productions
or secretions • Expectorant – promotes discharge of
• Cephalic – stimulates and clears the mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs
mind, relieves headache • Febrifuge – reduces fever
• Cholagogue – increases bile production • Hepatic – supportive to the liver
• Circulatory Stimulant – temporarily • Insecticide – destroys insects
quickens a vital process or functional • Nervine – strengthening or calming to the
activity nervous system
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion • Vasoconstrictor – narrows blood vessels

Key Emotions: Self-confidence, Fortifying, Intuitive, Conscientiousness,

Clarifying, Potential, Awareness, and Intelligence
Key Body Systems: Nervous, Digestive, Respiratory, Muscular, Immune,
Circulatory, and Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Mentha piperita
WHERE GROWN France, USA, Australia, India
AROMA fresh, minty
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional balancer,
healing to the skin
reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant (mucus
Chemical removing), and improves circulation
Families nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain reliever,
mental stimulant
Botanical LAMIACEAE relieves headaches and nasal congestion, energizing to the
Family (LABIATAE) body and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
156 Foundational Aromatherapy

Pinyon Pine 75%*

Pinyon Pine, or (Tree of Life), by the Native Americans, has been used for cuts,
wounds, and respiratory issues, and sore or achy muscles and joints. Our oil is
wild crafted and slow distilled by an Artisan distiller at a high elevation allowing
for lower temperatures. This makes it superior to most other Pine oils on the
market and a longer shelf life. It is also fantastic to add in cleaning products to
replace so-called (pine) cleaners because of its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and
antiviral properties
Tried and True Uses Safety Notes
➢ Use with caution if asthmatic
✓ Remedy for various infections (UTI). ➢ Dilute with children and Elderly
✓ Ease, joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism ➢ Avoid with Kidney disorders
✓ Used in sports injuries, and Athletes’ Foot. ➢ Can cause irritation on sensitive skin
✓ Wonderful for the skin.
✓ Great for household products –soaps,
lotions, cleaners, and room sprays. ✓ Has been known to improving eye health
(never put oils in the eyes)
✓ Creates an energized feeling, refreshing
your spirits, and mood elevator. ✓ Creates a desire for physical activity
✓ Known for helping repel moths, fleas, lice, ✓ Helpful with anxiety, nervous tension,
mosquitoes and other insects. mental stress, and adrenal fatigue.
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two -Bergamo
THE AIR hours during the day. -Grapefruit
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as -Neroli
BREATHE needed. Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale -Tea tree
IN, directly or put in pillow case. -Lavender M
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over -Cedarwood
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale. -Eucalyptus R
-Eucalyptus G
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, -Eucalyptus C
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage -Rosemary
gently onto area of concern needing relief. -Lemon
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or -Thyme linalool
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck during cold and flu season.
IN THE For laundry mix 3 drops in one Tbsp. HydroWash or HydroKlean (do not put
HOME directly in water) general cleaning

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 157

Properties Pinion Pine is among my favorite

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the essential oils. For me it has a wide
growth of destructive bacteria range of uses, among them are
respiratory needs such as when I
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression am congested or have a cold. But
• Analgesic – relieves pain one of my favorite uses is to use it
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of for anything that I might want to
use Frankincense for, such as
fungus emotional stress and insomnia. If
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces feel like I can say that this is truly a
inflammation North American continent offering
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms of a Frankincense type of oil.
Another thing I love about this oil
• Cicatrisant – cell regenerative for skin; is that I am friends with the
promotes wound and scar healing distiller and can participate with
• Diuretic – increases urine production, him in the distilling and
rids excess fluids preparation of this oil for
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus everyone's use. I can verify every
production and swelling step of the process so I can know
with 100% assurance of its quality
• Expectorant – promotes discharge of and purity. I am very excited to
mucus or phlegm from chest and lungs have this oil in the offerings of
• Insecticidal – repels insects essential oils in Youngevity – Kent
• Mucolytic – breaks down mucus King
• Sedative – calms and tranquilizes by • Rubefacient – an oil that increases local
lowering the functional activity of the blood circulation and local numbing
organ or body part affect; it can cause minor skin irritation
• Toning/ Toner – nourishing, supportive,
Key Emotions: Energizing, Uplifting, Restorative, Realistically Minded
Key Body Systems: Integumentary, Respiratory, Muscular, Nervous
Technical Data
WHERE GROWN United States
AROMA balsamic, coniferous, earthy, fresh, piney, rich, woody
PRODUCING ORGAN needles, twigs and branches
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
ETHERS antispasmodic, anti-infectious, carminative, pain
Main relieving in the digestive system and genitourinary trac
Families MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
Botanical PINACEAE antiseptic and effective for respiratory concerns
Family involving congestion

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
158 Foundational Aromatherapy

Ravensara is wonderful as a tonic for the nervous system, and effective for
physical fatigue. It is anti-infectious, antiviral, and antibacterial; making it good
for the respiratory system. It is particularly beneficial for combating flu, colds,
and even pneumonia by reducing fevers and increasing oxygen absorption. It is
safe for use by anyone—from the newborn to the elderly. Ravensara is referred
to as the “oil that heals.”

Tried and True Uses

✓ An incredibly useful oil, strong and Safety Notes
nontoxic making it safe, and effective for ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
all ages. sensitizing
✓ Applied neat (undiluted) to feet, it fights ➢ Suitable for everyone including
infection and opens airways making it children, the elderly, and the infirm
especially effective for pneumonia.
✓ Particularly active even in low doses, an
effective fever reducer in small children; ✓ Increases the body’s ability to use oxygen.
apply to temples and forehead. ✓ Inhale to rejuvenate when suffering from
✓ As a leading nerve tonic, when misted it is physical and nervous fatigue.
very effective in cases of shingles.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Spearmint
IT’S IN hours during the day.  Bay Laurel
 Grapefruit,
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. Pink
BREATHE Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put  Lavender &
IN, in pillow case. Chamomile™
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Frankincense
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Clove Bud
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Lemon
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Palmarosa
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck during cold and flu season.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 159

• Analgesic– relieves pain I got over shingles in 8 days with no
• Anti-inflammatory– reduces prescriptions! I mixed Raven-sara
with Plant Derived Minerals® and
inflammation misted it on the sores. It took away
• Antimicrobial– kills or suppresses the pain for 4 hours. Along with
growth of microbes Youngevity® 90 for Life™ nutrition
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms products, I misted every 4 hours or
whenever the pain would come back.
• Diuretic – increases urine production, The time between the need to mist
rids excess fluid lengthened as the pain diminished.
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus Without the Youngevity® I would live
production in pain.
—Donna H.
• Febrifuge – reduces fever
• Tonic/stimulant (nervous system) –
I use Ravensara on all three of my
strengthens, fortifies, increases grandkids whenever they have
functional activity of some organ or symptoms of a cold along with To Be
part Well™.
• Vermifuge – destroys worms —Josephine C. Hopkins

Key Emotions: Sisterly Love, Compassionate, Innovative, and Proper

Key Body Systems: Respiratory, Immune, Lymphatic, Digestive, and Nervous

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Ravensara aromatica sonn
WHERE GROWN Madagascar
AROMA camphoraceous, fresh
PRODUCING ORGAN leaves and twigs
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Main prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Chemical MONOTERPENOLS balancer, healing to the skin
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
antiseptic, antispasmodic
Botanical LAURACEAE prevents viruses and bacteria, tonic to the immune and
Family nervous system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
160 Foundational Aromatherapy

Red Mandarin*
Red Mandarin is very similar to Tangerine oil. The thing that makes the
difference is where each is grown. Most everyone likes the sweet aroma of this
oil. Generally, this oil is a favorite among parents of young children as it tends to
have a calming effect on the children. Teenagers like to use this oil on their
skin related issues such as acne.

Tried and True Uses

✓ A child’s (mom’s) best friend in a bath or Safety Notes
diffused in the air, helps relax all ages, ➢ Non-toxic and non-irritating
particularly at bedtime for children and ➢ Mildly photo-toxic for those with very
pregnant women. pale or sensitive skin
✓ Excellent for the relief of mild muscle
spasms in the back and legs for all ages.
✓ Rubbing on stomach helps relieve ✓ Gentle on skin, a good remedy for acne
indigestion, flatulence, constipation and and skin blemishes for sensitive skin.
stomach aches; especially for children. ✓ Safe to diffuse during pregnancy to reduce
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Bay Laurel
THE AIR hours during the day.  Lavender,
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. Maillette
BREATHE  Cypress
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put
in pillow case.  Juniper Berry
BREATHE  Lavender &
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale. Chamomile™
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Grapefruit,
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Pink
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil
ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck can apply to acne or blemish.
1 drop in honey or sweetener of choice, stir in warm water,
TEA TIME and sip slowly.
1 drop in 6-8 ounces of water to settle upset stomach, sip.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 161

• Analgesic – relieves pain As a grandmother of several young
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression grandchildren, I am always excited to
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces use oils that “calm” them down
inflammation without squelching their energy or
enthusiasm for life. I have found that
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and diffusing or misting Red Mandarin,
infections and then scrunching together to read a
• Antioxidant – protects cells from book, really creates an amazing
damage experience. They are calm enough to
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms sit still but excited enough to read and
discuss the book.
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas —Brenda Wright
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion
• Laxative (mild) – relieves constipation
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body • Toner – nourishing, supportive,
part. strengthening (skin and digestion)

Key Emotions: Purifying, Joyous, Giving, and Enlightened

Key Body Systems: Muscular, Digestive, Lymphatic, Nervous, and Urinary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Citrus nobilis
WHERE GROWN Italy, Spain, Brazil, USA, South Africa
AROMA sweet, citrusy, fruity
PRODUCING ORGAN rind or peel
Main decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Chemical MONOTERPENES warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Botanical good for digestion, beneficial for the skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
162 Foundational Aromatherapy

Rose 10%*
Rose is said to be the ultimate oil because of its ability to encourage the
production and release of dopamine. Rose and Geranium should not be
confused, they are not related. Rose has been used in perfumes for its lovely
scent for hundreds of years. (Note: Pure Rose essential oil is extremely rare and
valuable; for Rose 10%, pure rose oil has been added to a base of jojoba at a 10%
dilution in keeping with the industry standard to make it more affordable.)

Safety Notes
Tried and True Uses ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
✓ Inhale to receive relief from depression, sensitizing
balancing the mind, easing stress, calming the ➢ Non-phototoxic
nerves, and comforting grief and sorrow. ➢ Gentle enough for newborns
✓ An excellent women’s oil when used in a
massage or inhaled due to its calming and
regulating effect on hormones; regulating ✓ Remarkable for all skin types to
menstruation, relieves PMS, and reducing moisturize, hydrate and rejuvenate.
side effects of menopause, strengthens ✓ Its fragrance can be overwhelming if
the uterus. undiluted or if you use more than a drop
✓ Often used in the delivery room, apply a for most applications.
drop to lower abdomen, inner thighs, and ✓ Helpful for both men and women to
lower back to provide a safe space for the overcome impotence or frigidity.
new delivery.

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 3-5 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Bergamot
THE AIR during the day.  Patchouli
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Sandalwood
BREATHE  Clary Sage
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in
pillow case.  Lavender,
BREATHE Maillette,
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Myrrh
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Lavender &
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Chamomile™
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently
onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 163

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the When I felt like my life was upside
growth of destructive bacteria down, a good friend of mine, Teresa,
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression gave me a bottle of Rose 10% oil as a
gift. I would open the bottle and smell
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of it just for a minute or two, and
fungus instantly I felt like I could go on. When
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces things got really bad, I would put a
inflammation drop on each of my wrists on my pulse
points. I really love Rose 10% oil and
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms how it uplifts and seems to carry me
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses through the hard times. It is also a
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant favorite in childbirth, which is both
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil hard and happy.
—Leiann King
or secretions
• Cephalic – stimulates and clears the
mind, relieves headache
• Hepatic – supportive to the liver
• Choleretic – stimulates bile production
• Laxative – relieves constipation
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar
healing • Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body
• Depurative – cleanses and purifies the
blood and intestinal organs • Tonic (heart, stomach, liver, uterus) –
strengthens and fortifies
• Emmenagogue – regulates menstruation

Key Emotions: Unconditional Love, Treasured, Forgiveness, Embraced,

and Inspired
Key Body Systems: Nervous, Circulatory, Reproductive, Digestive, Immune,
and Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Rose damascene
WHERE GROWN Bulgaria, Turkey, India
AROMA exotic, sensual, floral, fresh, rosy, sweet
EXTRACTION METHOD solvent extraction
MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Main balancer, healing to the skin
Families PHENOLS immune stimulant, antibacterial and very anti-
infectious, stimulates body systems, very hot
Botanical ROSACEAE only plant in this family is Rose
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
164 Foundational Aromatherapy

Rose Geranium*
Rose Geranium is a great oil for easing anxiety and depression. Balancing and
uplifting, its sweet rosy smell makes it useful in perfumes and provides an
energizing effect to the mind. Women use it as a balancing oil to help with
infertility, PMS, hot flashes, and to balance adrenals. In a misting spray, it can be
used for a highly effective insect repellent; including head lice.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Breathe in for rapid relief from hot Safety Notes
flashes. ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
✓ Helps balance adrenal function. sensitizing
✓ Especially good for depression associated ➢ Those with particularly sensitive skin
with nervous exhaustion. may experience contact dermatitis.
✓ Helpful for oily skin, and acne. ➢ Patch test before application to large
✓ Helps stop bleeding both from the nose area of body.
and from wounds.
✓ Wonderful when used in a compress to
aid with bruises and other circulation
issues. ✓ Good deterrent for animals and insects.
✓ Great for treating head lice. Can keep pets off furniture

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
THE TUB oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Juniper Berry
THE AIR hours during the day.  Tea Tree
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Frankincense
BREATHE  Eucalyptus
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put
in pillow case. Citriodora
BREATHE  Clary Sage
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Palmarosa
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 165

• Analgesic – relieves pain I suffered from hot flashes for several
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression years. I used Rose Geranium every
• Antidiarrheal – counteracts diarrhea day, and after about two weeks, they
stopped almost completely.
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of fungus —Pam G.
• Antihemorrhagic – slows/stops bleeding
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation
• Anti-neuralgic – relieves nerve pain Rose Geranium and Bergamot are
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and two oils that I use for those with
infections severe anxiety. I recommend this
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil or combination to many young mothers
secretions with high-stress, anxiety, and
emotional challenges. It has worked
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar well, and they continue to use it.
healing —Josephine C. Hopkins
• Deodorant –prevents body odor
• Diuretic – increases urine production
• Hemostatic – stops bleeding • Stimulant – increases functional activity
• Repellent – dissuades particular insects or
other pests from approaching or settling • Tonifying – nourishing, supportive,
• Sedative – tranquilizes activity of body part. strengthening (skin)
• Vulnerary – heals wounds

Key Emotions: Peaceful, Curious, Fulfilled, Generosity, and Soothing

Key Body Systems: Circulatory, Reproductive, Endocrine, Nervous, Urinary, and

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Pelargonium roseum
WHERE GROWN Egypt, China
AROMA citrus, floral, fresh, herbaceous, rosy, woody
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antiseptic,
anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the whole
body, enhancing the body systems and the mind
Main MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
Chemical balancer, healing to the skin
Families reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant (mucus
removing), and improves circulation
nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting, stress
ESTERS relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for
digestive cramping), healing to the skin
Botanical GERANIACEAE prevents inflammation, soothing to skin, balances nervous
Family system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
166 Foundational Aromatherapy

Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of
remembrance” because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial
for respiratory ailments such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a
good pain reliever for the joints. It strengthens the immune system as well as the
liver and gall bladder. It helps balance the endocrine system and supports adrenal
function. It is a tonic for the heart and varicose veins.

Tried and True Uses

✓ When inhaled, good for lung and
Safety Notes
respiratory ailments, bronchitis, asthma ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-
and sinusitis. sensitizing
✓ As an expectorant is helpful for coughing ➢ Stimulant, not for use with high blood
fits. pressure
✓ Also a tonic for venous circulation, works ➢ Use with caution when pregnant
especially well with Cypress.
✓ Rubbed around the outside of the ear, and
down the neck it relieves earache. Never ✓ Supports and strengthens natural
use in the ear. immunity.
✓ A good painkiller, especially pain in joints. ✓ Known to strengthen the liver, gallbladder,
✓ Improves mental clarity. and heart.
✓ Supports adrenal function. ✓ Helps balance the endocrine system.
How Do I Use It?
In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.  Lemon
SOAK IN Foot/ hand bath Mix 1-3 drops in ¼ cup unscented Dead Sea  Sweet Basil
THE TUB Salts, milk, powdered milk, or coconut milk. Swish in warm or  Cypress
cold water, (depending on purpose), soak for ten-fifteen  Niaouli
minutes  Cedarwood
 Juniper Berry
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen minutes intervals every two hours during the day.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
SPRAY distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 167

• Analgesic – relieves pain All my life I have been terrible with
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces names—horrible! When I started a
inflammation new job, I put a drop of Rosemary on
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses growth both big toes before work. I
of microbes remembered just about everyone’s
• Antioxidant – protects cells from damage name after being introduced and can
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism see their faces in my head. It is
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and amazing!
infections —Vicki M.
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms
Astringent – tightens tissue, reduces oil • Diuretic – increases urine production, rids
or secretions excess fluid
• Carminative – relieves intestinal gas pain • Emmenagogue – regulates menstruation
• Cephalic– stimulates and clears the mind, Febrifuge – reduces fever
relieves headache • Hypertensive – increase blood pressure
• Cicatrisant – promotes wound and scar • Parasiticide – kills parasites
healing • Stomachic – promotes good stomach
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus function
productions • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies
• Diaphoretic – promotes or increases (circulatory system)
perspiration • Vasodilator – dilates blood vessels

Key Emotions: Humble, Aware, Radiant, and Strengthened

Key Body Systems: Immune, Respiratory, Nervous, Digestive, Reproductive,
Circulatory, Urinary, Integumentary, Muscular, and Skeletal

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Rosmarinus officinalis ct.1.8 cineole
WHERE GROWN Spain, France, South Africa
AROMA camphoraceous, fresh, herbaceous
PRODUCING ORGAN leaves, twigs
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antiseptic,
antispasmodic, cooling, grounding
Main prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant (mucus
removing), and improves circulation
strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain reliever,
mental stimulant
Family LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE) Relieves headache and nasal congestion, energizing to the
body and mind
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
168 Foundational Aromatherapy

Sandalwood is a true masculine oil; highly effective as an aphrodisiac oil for men.
Sandalwood is an effective oil for short term mental stress, as well as an oil used
in many skin care related products.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Considered to be very grounding, when Safety Note
added to other oils it helps to hold the ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
scent of the other oil longer. sensitizing
✓ Used in the cosmetic industry due to its
ability to balance dry or oily skin,
moisturizing and hydrating dry or chapped ✓ Helpful in a sitz bath for relief with cystitis
skin, and relief for inflammation and and prostatitis.

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.  Jasmine
IT’S IN Diffuse 5-6 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Neroli 10%
THE AIR during the day.  Myrrh
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Eucalyptus
Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put
in pillow case.  Cypress
BREATHE  Ylang Ylang
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Red Mandarin
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil
ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 169

• Analgesic – relieves pain
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression Working in a field of chaos and trauma
with child victims, I love Sandalwood.
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of It is one of my top ten. When I have
fungus had or am going into a particularly
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces traumatic day, I put a drop of
inflammation Sandalwood on the back of my hands.
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and It grounds me in the middle of
infections (urinary and pulmonary) scenarios that I cannot control or fix
for the child victims of crime.
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms —Shannon Carrico May
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil
or secretions
• Nervine – strengthening or calming to the
• Decongestant – relieves nasal congestion nervous system
• Diuretic – increases urine production, rids • Sedative – (central nervous system)
excess fluid tranquilizes activity of body part.
• Emollient – having the quality of • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies (central
softening or soothing the skin nervous system)
• Insecticidal – destroys insects • Vulnerary – heals wounds (burns)

Key Emotions: Inspiring Beauty, Courage, Confidant, Hopeful, and Sympathetic

Key Body Systems: Respiratory, Nervous, Urinary, Integumentary, and Circulatory

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Santalum album
WHERE GROWN Hawaii, India, Indonesia, Australia
AROMA balsamic, earthy, sweet, warm, radiant, woody
PRODUCING ORGAN mature heartwood or trunk
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Main antiseptic, antispasmodic
Chemical anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the
Families SESQUITERPENOLS whole body, enhancing the body systems and the
Botanical SANTALACEAE only plant in the family is Sandalwood

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
170 Foundational Aromatherapy

Spearmint is a very popular oil in food products. While Spearmint and Peppermint
are often used for similar purposes, Spearmint is far gentler, cooling, and sweeter,
and is a favorite among children. It helps to lower blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea,
muscle cramps, and headaches. It keeps away moths, ants, flies, and mosquitoes.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Using a toothpick that is rubbed around Safety Note
the lid of the bottle and stirred into ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
water, ideal for children’s digestive sensitizing
issues such as nausea, motion sickness, ➢ Not recommended for use when
hiccups, flatulence, constipation, and taking homeopathic remedies.
✓ This is a teething oil, put a drop on pinky ✓ Relaxing to the muscles and nerves,
finger, and shake it to give the proper helping with abdominal aches and muscle
amount then quickly rub on the gums. Will cramps.
burn a little, but the deadening affect will ✓ Uplifting properties help with mental
make the discomfort worth it. fatigue, depression, and tension
✓ A mild diuretic. headache.
✓ Inhaling helps open and refresh ✓ Effective for skin infections, cleansing the
respiratory pathways. pores and refreshing the skin.
How Do I Use It?
In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 WITH
oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Neroli 10%
AIR during the day.  Ginger
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Ravensara
Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in  Sweet Basil
BREATHE pillow case.  Lavender,
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over Maillette
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Rosemary
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
TEA TIME 1 drop in honey or sweetener of choice, stir in warm water, and sip slowly.
1 drop in 6-8 ounces of water to settle upset stomach, sip.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 171

• Analgesic – relieves pain Spearmint is my “happy” oil. I use it in so
• Antiemetic – inhibits nausea or vomiting many ways. When my day started at 5:30
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces a.m. and ended around midnight, including
inflammation a two-and-a-half-hour drive both ways, I
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs and would put 1 drop Spearmint in my water
infections and sometimes 1 drop Sweet Orange for
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms my drive home. If I have a headache, it
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil goes on my temples and at the base of my
or secretions skull.
• Carminative– relieves intestinal gas pain Recently, I was out to dinner with a
• Cephalic – stimulates and clears the friend who complained of an upset
mind, relieves headache stomach. I put a drop Spearmint in his
• Cholagogue – increases bile production water. By the time the appetizers arrived,
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus his stomach was completely better. He
productions enjoyed appetizers, drinks, a full-course
meal, AND dessert. His wife later called me
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion to ask how to get "that stuff that made his
• Diuretic – increases urine production, stomach feel better!"
rids excess fluid —Shannon Carrico May
• Febrifuge – reduces fever
• Hepatic – supportive to the liver • Nervine – strengthening or calming to the
• Insecticide – destroys insects nervous system

Key Emotions: Childlike, Soothing, Awakening, and Happiness

Key Body Systems: Digestion, Nervous, Urinary, Respiratory, Immune
and Muscular

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Metha spicata
AROMA fresh, herbaceous, minty
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Chemical reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant (mucus
Families KETONES removing), and improves circulation
Botanical LAMIACEAE relieves headaches and nasal congestion, energizes the
Family body and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
172 Foundational Aromatherapy

Spikenard is sometimes called Nard. Spikenard is a familiar oil to people who study the
Bible. It is used in herbal medicines for minor health issues such as inflammation, muscle
spasms, and heavy menstrual bleeding. The oil is also used in religious ceremonies. It's a
great emotional oil, calming the mind, centers one's thoughts and brings peace to
anxiety. To add to the list it is also an anti fungal, it aids difficult issues that other oils may
not work on.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Add to a diffuser or on a tissue, placed in Safety notes
pillow case for Insomnia ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritant
✓ Blend with Rose Geranium and Lavender
for insect repellent
✓ To reduce inflammation, use in a massage ✓ Add 2 drops to lavender & chamomile
oil blend for abdominal cramping.
✓ Anxiety challenges? Try an inhaler.

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN THE powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. WITH
per bath daily.  Black Pepper
 Clary Sage
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Clove Bud
AIR during the day.  Cypress
 Frankincense
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB  Rose
SPRITZ & of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Geranium
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes  Juniper Berry
when misting face.  Lavender
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or  Lemon
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently  Myrrh
onto area of concern needing relief.  Neroli
 Palmarosa
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Patchouli
BREATHE Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in
IN,  Pinyon Pine
BREATHE pillow case.  Rose
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Vetiver
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
 Ylang Ylang
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 173

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the I like to use this oil for minor aches
growth of destructive bacteria and pains. The aroma also helps to
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces calm me.
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression ----Melissa G
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of .
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms of
voluntary and involuntary muscles
• Calmative – very calming
• Insecticidal – repels insects
• Tonic (Central Nervous System) – strengthens and restores vitality
• Sedative – calms and tranquilizes by lowering the functional activity of the organ or body

Key Emotions: Over Joyed, Visionary, Introspective, Certainty

Key Body Systems: Integumentary, Muscular, Nervous

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Nardostachys jatamansi/grandiflora
WHERE GROWN Nepal, India
AROMA Earthy, Fresh, Sweet, Woody
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENOLS anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to the
whole body, enhancing the body systems and the mind
Main anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Chemical SESQUITERPENES antiseptic, antispasmodic
KETONES reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant (mucus
removing), and improves circulation
calming and strengthening to the nervous and Immune
Botanical VALERIANACEAE systems.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
174 Foundational Aromatherapy

Tea Tree*
Tea Tree is sometimes called a “Medicine Chest in a Bottle.” It has been proven to be a
powerful immune stimulant and effective in defending against all three infection types—
bacterial, viral, and fungal. Tea Tree is safe for all ages. Most people are familiar with this
oil and many times it is the only oil they have ever used.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Very effective in fighting all types of Safety notes
microbes— viral, fungal, and bacterial. ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritant, possibly
✓ Very powerful immune stimulant. sensitizing in some people in very
large doses
✓ Helps the body utilize the additional
oxygen created in the cells by the use of
essential oils.
✓ Kills destructive bacteria while leaving ✓ Highly effective for sore throats and upper
friendly bacteria needed to stay healthy; respiratory problems.
disinfects the digestive system. ✓ Perfectly safe for both children and adults
✓ Useful for chronic conditions, including in fighting infections.
respiratory, urinary, digestive, hormonal, ✓ A powerful aid for healing skin wounds or
skin, joints, and psychological. infections.

How Do I Use It?

For a sitz bath to relieve rashes and infections in the genital area. BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or WITH
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz.  Rosemary
per bath daily.  Ravensara
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours  Lavender,
AIR during the day. Maillette
 Cypress
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Eucalyptus
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in Radiata
BREATHE pillow case.  Black Pepper
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Lemongrass
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Bergamot
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB
SPRITZ & distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each of filtered or
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

RUB IT IN In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 175

• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the My favorite essential oil is Tea Tree.
growth of destructive bacteria I brush my teeth with it at night.
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces Sometimes I brush with Spearmint
inflammation when I am going out. I love the aroma.
• Antimicrobial – kills or suppresses growth —Carol C. Salter
of microbes
• Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus I had the beginnings of a sore throat
productions and remembered that Tea Tree was
• Immunostimulant – stimulates immune good for this. I put a drop on my finger
system and took two licks. My sore throat was
• Parasiticide – kills parasites gone immediately.
• Vasodilator – dilates blood vessels —Kim A.
• Vulnerary – heals wounds

Key Emotions: Empowered, Intelligent, Promising, Loving, and Gentle

Key Body Systems: Immune, Respiratory, and Integumentary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Melaleuca alternifolia
WHERE GROWN Australia, South Africa
AROMA camphoraceous, fresh, herbaceous
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Main antiseptic, antispasmodic
Families MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
OXIDES strong respiratory decongestant, antiviral, pain reliever,
mental stimulant
Botanical MYRTACEAE antiseptic, reduces respiratory infections, tonic for
Family immune system

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
176 Foundational Aromatherapy

Thyme ct. Linalool*

Thyme ct. Linalool may suppress coughing fits caused by bronchitis or whooping
cough. Good for cold, flu, and bronco-pulmonary infections. Being mild and
delicate, it is very beneficial for children and the elderly. This particular type of
Thyme has a wide range of uses when working with emotional issues typically
associated with children.

Tried and True Uses Safety Notes

✓ Highly effective against infection it helps ➢ Non-toxic, non-irritating
with childhood illnesses; cold, flu, bronco- ➢ Safe for children and the elderly
pulmonary, spasmodic coughing, and
whooping cough.
✓ Massage on heel of foot to fight
✓ A good pain killer and local infection
tapeworms, intestinal worms, and
fighting agent for acute rheumatoid
amoeba in the gut. arthritis.
✓ Effective renal drainer by detoxing the ✓ Balances the appetite when used to treat
urinary system, especially for children eating disorders.
worn out by long courses of antibiotics.
✓ A mental stimulant; eases mental
✓ Helps ease temper tendencies, violent deficiency and fatigue, helpful for nervous
acting out and unfounded fears. depression, and claustrophobia.

How Do I Use It?

In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
SOAK IN powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen minutes intervals every two  Marjoram,
THE AIR hours during the day. Sweet
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Tea Tree
BREATHE  Rosemary
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put
in pillow case.  Ravensara
BREATHE  Grapefruit, Pink
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Red Mandarin
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes
when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage
gently onto area of concern needing relief.

PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil

ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 177

• Analgesic – relieves pain
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the
growth of destructive bacteria Thyme ct. Linalool is now my
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces favorite oil for my kids. I love it
inflammation because it’s not hot but can do most of
the things Thyme Thymol can.
• Antioxidant – protects cells from Whenever my kids get sick, especially
damage with lung issues or a cough, it’s what I
• Anti-rheumatic – relieves rheumatism reach for every time.
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms —Amanda Reynolds
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses
• Astringent – tightens tissue; reduces oil • Parasiticide – kills parasites
or secretions • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies (central
• Immunostimulant – stimulates immune nervous system)
system • Sedative – (central nervous system)
tranquilizes activity of body part.

Key Emotions: Gentleness, Protecting, Cordial, Purity and Honoring

Key Body Systems: Immune, Respiratory, and Urinary

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool
WHERE GROWN Spain, France, South Africa
AROMA fresh, herbaceous, warm, radiant
PRODUCING ORGAN flowers and leaves
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
Botanical LAMIACEAE relieves headache and nasal congestion, energizes
Family (LABIATAE) body and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
178 Foundational Aromatherapy

Thyme ct. Thymol*

A strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Very effective against colds, flus
and other respiratory issues that have lingered on. Stimulating for the circulatory
system. Pain relieving to aches and pains of the muscles and joints. A strong
germ fighter it may strengthen the immune system. This chemotype of Thyme is
very hot, as such it should be used with caution.

Tried and True Uses Safety Notes

✓ Use of this oil is believed to help with ➢ Irritating to sensitive skin.
improved vision. (apply only to the ➢ Always use a carrier oil when
bottom of the feet) Essential oils should applying this oil.
never be applied in or near the eyes.
✓ A drop of this oil on an insect bite will help ✓ Immune system builder.
in neutralizing the pain and infection of ✓ A strong first line oil to help in relieving
the bite. stress by helping us to think clearly under
✓ Improve blood circulation by applying to duress

How Do I Use It?

In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, BLENDS WELL
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage WITH
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
 Marjoram
 Tea Tree
 Rosemary
 Clary Sage
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil  Eucalyptus R
of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
ON back of neck.  Rose Geranium
 Lavender M
 Lemon
 Pinyon Pine
 Grapefruit, Pink

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 179

• Analgesic – relieves pain I have found Thyme ct. Thymol to be
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the an extremely effective oil when dealing
growth of destructive bacteria with the serious seasonal colds and flu
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression challenges. Overall this oil is among
my favorite oils for most every
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces application.
• Antioxidant – protects cells from -------Kent K
• Antispasmodic – relieves spasms • Cardiotonic – strengthens the heart
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses • Calmative – very calming
• Immunostimulant – stimulates immune • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies

Key Emotions: Promptness, Foresight, Composure, Mature

Key Body Systems: Nervous, Muscles, Skeletal, Immune.

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Thymus vulgaris ct. Thymol
WHERE GROWN Morocco, Hungary, Turkey, Spain, USA
AROMA A medium to strong fresh, medicinal and herbaceous
PRODUCING ORGAN Leaves, buds, flowers
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
MONOTERPENES decongestive to the muscular and respiratory systems,
Main warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, air purifier
Families MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant, emotional
balancer, healing to the skin
PHENOLS immune stimulant, antibacterial and very anti-
infectious, stimulates body systems, very hot
Botanical LAMIACEAE relieves headache and nasal congestion, energizes
Family (LABIATAE) body and mind

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
180 Foundational Aromatherapy

Turmeric *
A strong antioxidant which may protect the body from free radical damage.
Studies show it may help increase the production of natural cortisone by the
adrenal glands. Turmeric has been shown to help reduce platelets from clumping
together and clogging the arteries. Shown to be effective against bacterial and
fungal challenges. Turmeric is actively being studied for diabetes and alzheimer’s
cases with remarkable results being reported. Turmeric is most commonly
associated with Indian dishes and Ayurvedic practices. Many times, Turmeric is
used to complement Ginger and is used in similar applications for indigestion and
other digestive disorders.
Tried and True Uses Safety Notes
➢ Drug interactions in some diabetic
✓ Valuable as an antiseptic for cuts and and cardiovascular medications.
scrapes, use in a mister Check with your healthcare provider
✓ A In a tea or rubbed on the abdomen for before using
digestive disorders ➢ Avoid in pregnancy,
✓ Emotional Balancing. In Association with ➢ Always dilute, may cause skin
money and material goods, or love and irritation and discolor the skin or
gratitude in our lives. clothing
✓ Use as an inhaler to aid eating disorders ➢ Use with caution, will stain clothes
or a victim/servant mentality and skin if used undiluted
✓ Flavoring of East Indian food dishes, a little ✓ Use in a massage oil to help with arthritis
goes a long way, use a toothpick. and fibromyalgia

How Do I Use It?

In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, BLENDS WELL
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage WITH
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
BREATHE  Orange
IN, Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as  Copaiba
BREATHE needed.  Ginger
OUT  Sandalwood
1 drop in honey or sweetener of choice, stir in warm water,  Clary Sage
TEA TIME and sip slowly.  Ylang Ylang
1 drop in 6-8 ounces of water to settle upset stomach, sip.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil
ON of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 181

• Analgesic – relieves pain I love the warm rich flavor in many of
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the my dishes that I love to cook with.
growth of destructive bacteria Kim K.
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression I like using Turmeric on sore and
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces achy muscles after working out and for
inflammation my weak stomach after eating meals. J
• Anti-rheumatic – reduces the
inflammation that causes rheumatism ------John H.
• Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses
• Carminative–relieves intestinal gas pain
• Immunostimulant – stimulates immune and distention, and promotes peristalsis
• Digestive – aids or balances digestion
• Antiseptic – prevent the growth of
disease-causing microorganisms • Emollient – smooth’s, softens, and
protects the skin
• Antioxidant – protects cells from
damage • Galactagogue – induces breast milk
• Anticoagulant – inhibits blood clot
formation • Hypotensive – lowers high blood
• Anthelmintic – rids body of parasites
• Rubefacient – an oil that increases local
• Calmative – very calming blood circulation and local numbing
• Cephalic – remedy for the head, clearing affect; it can cause minor skin irritation
and stimulating, and relieves headaches • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies
• Cardiotonic – strengthens the heart • Stimulant – increases functional activity
of specific organ or system

Key Emotions: Distinction, Competence, Dignity, Merit

Key Body Systems: Immune, Nervous, Circulatory, Digestive, Muscular, Skeletal.
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Curcuma longa
WHERE GROWN India, Nepal, USA, Australia, Southeast Asia
AROMA Warm, Earthy, Spicey
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
Main antiseptic, antispasmodic
Families KETONES reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant
(mucus removing), and improves circulation
Botanical ZINGIBERACEAE digestive tonic, reduces mucus, warming to muscles

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
182 Foundational Aromatherapy

Vetiver is one of the more popular and widely used root oils in aromatherapy. An
overall perspective with the Vetiver plant, one will find that it has many uses, in
reality too many to list. However, with regard to aromatherapy, perfume and
medicinal use, one will find that many perfumes used for men will have Vetiver
in them. Vetiver is a very complex essential oil. When an analysis is run on a
sample of Vetiver essential oil it is not uncommon to find well over 100 different
chemical constituents present.
Tried and True Uses
✓ Speeds up scar removal and healing. So Safety Notes
adding this to your other scar oils would ➢ There are not any cautions listed for
work great. this oil when used in normal
✓ An aphrodisiac oil used as a sexual tonic aromatherapy applications.
helps to Increases libido function.
✓ Promotes growth of new tissue. ✓ Provides relief from emotional trauma.
✓ Excellent for promoting good nerve
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
THE TUB 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Bergamot
THE AIR hours during the day.  Black pepper
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Cedarwood
BREATHE  Clary Sage
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put
in pillow case.  Rose Geranium
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Ginger
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Grapefruit
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Jasmine
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage  Lavender
gently onto area of concern needing relief.  Lemon
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or  Lemongrass
SPRITZ & EOB of filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived  Red Mandarin
SPRAY Minerals™. Shake before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes  Orange
when misting face.  Patchouli
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil  Rose
of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or  Sandalwood
back of neck.  Ylang ylang

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 183

Vetiver is an oil that one will
• Analgesic – relieves pain continually find uses, as one explores
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression the vast array of chemical properties
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant found in this oil. Overall I like to use
Vetiver essential oil in blends dealing
• Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the with almost anything emotional
growth of destructive bacteria where calmness and balancing is
• Antifungal – prevents the growth of needed. It is also a very good oil to
fungus use in skin care formulations. I can’t
say enough about this oil as to all the
• Anti-inflammatory – reduces uses it will allow. However, it doesn’t
inflammation work well in blends when you want
• Anti-seborrheic – reduces oily floral aromas to dominate as it will
skin/scalp tend to dominate. So it does have
• Deodorant – prevents body odor that one drawback. Otherwise, a
wonderful oil for many uses.
• Immunostimulant – stimulates —Kent K.
functioning of the immune system
• Hypotensive – lowers high blood • Sedative (nervous) – tranquilizes
pressure activity of body part.
• Nervine – strengthens the functional • Stimulant– increases functional activity
activity of the nervous system; may be (circulatory)
used either as a nerve stimulant or • Tonic – strengthens and fortifies (heart)

Key Emotions: Solidity, Unhesitating, Assurance, Meditative

Key Body Systems: Integumentary, Nervous, Circulatory, Reproductive
Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Vetivera zizanioides
WHERE GROWN Indonesia, Haiti
AROMA Herbaceous, Earthy, Smoky, Balsamic, Exotic,
Musky, Rich, Sensual, Warm, Woody
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
antiseptic, antispasmodic
Main KETONES reduces intestinal gas, relieves pain, expectorant
Chemical (mucus removing), and improves circulation
Families anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to
SESQUITERPENOLS the whole body, enhancing the body systems
and the mind
Botanical POACEAE (GRAMINEAE) effective for acne and muscle aches and pains

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
184 Foundational Aromatherapy

Ylang Ylang*
Ylang Ylang is normally considered to primarily be an aphrodisiac oil. However, it
has a wide range of properties that help with heart related challenges, relaxing
of muscles, and working to encourage the body to produce pain reducing
hormones. This oil generally promotes a state of happiness and wellbeing.

Tried and True Uses

✓ Often used for irritated or oily skin, Safety Notes
restoring the skin and natural contours ➢ Non-toxic and non-irritating
of the face, and relaxing facial muscles ➢ Use in moderation; too much can
from harboring hatred, rage, and cause headache or nausea
frustration that result in grinding teeth.
✓ A stimulant for hair growth when used ✓ Very beneficial with high blood pressure,
with shampoo or Jojoba oil. releasing tension headaches, blesses the
✓ An aphrodisiac oil used as a sexual tonic, circulatory system.
especially for impotency and frigidity. ✓ Soothes and inhibits anger borne of

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or BLENDS WELL
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using WITH
1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two  Bergamot
THE AIR hours during the day.  Clary Sage
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.  Jasmine
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put
in pillow case.  Red Mandarin
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over  Green Mandarin
mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.  Palmarosa
 Neroli 10%
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion,  Lavender &
RUB IT IN or Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage Chamomile™
gently onto area of concern needing relief.
 Sandalwood
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
PUT IT well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
SPRITZ & distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Single Essential Oils 185

• Analgesic – relieves pain
One day my husband was having
• Antidepressant – alleviates depression an extreme headache associated
• Anti-seborrheic – reduces oily with high blood pressure. I rubbed
skin/scalp Ylang Ylang along with Sweet
• Antiseptic – assists in fighting germs Marjoram on his feet and back of his
head, and immediately the headache
and infections went away.
• Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant Now I keep a jar with Ylang Ylang
• Hypotensive – lowers high blood and Sweet Marjoram mixed in
pressure unscented Dead Sea salts by our bed
and open it prior to retiring at night.
• Sedative (nervous) – tranquilizes It helps reduce my husband’s
activity of body part. snoring. Plus, I have made a
• Stimulant– increases functional massage oil for him, blending both
activity (circulatory) oils with Cedarwood.
—Josephine C. Hopkins.
• Tonic – strengthens and fortifies

Key Emotions: Passion, Fortifying, Giving, Gratitude, Pleasing, Serenity,

and Rejoicing
Key Body Systems: Nervous, Circulatory, and Reproductive

Technical Data
BOTANICAL NAME Cananga odorata
WHERE GROWN Madagascar, Reunion, Comoro
AROMA balsam, exotic, sensual, floral, sweet
EXTRACTION METHOD steam distillation
SESQUITERPENES anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial,
antiseptic, antispasmodic
MONOTERPENOLS prevents infections, immune stimulant,
emotional balancer, healing to the skin
Main anti-inflammatory, grounding, cooling, a tonic to
Chemical SESQUITERPENOLS the whole body, enhancing the body systems
Families and the mind
nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting,
ESTERS stress relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic
(especially for digestive cramping), healing to the
Botanical ANNONACEAE only species in family is Ylang Ylang

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
188 Foundational Aromatherapy

1st Defense™*
As the name implies, 1st Defense™ is a “first line of defense” against colds, flu,
and other infectious diseases—to block them as well as address any initial
symptoms. It is safe (non-toxic) and gentle, yet effective. It aids, supports,
stimulates, and strengthens the immune system and also kills harmful micro-
organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. For adults and children over age
ten, it can be used every day as a preventative or for an all-day protocol
whenever first symptoms appear.

Key Emotions: Hope, Courage,

Accountability, Forthright Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Immune, ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Respiratory, Digestive women
➢ Use caution with high blood pressure.
Ingredients: Cinnamon Bark, Clove ➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
Bud, Eucalyptus Radiata, Niaouli, Children under 10 years.
Oregano, Palmarosa, Peppermint,
Ravensara, Tea Tree, Thyme ct Linalool

How Do I Use It?

To boost immunity at first sign of irritated throat or cold, mix 12 drops each of
SOAK IN 1st Defense™ and Lavender in a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar with 4 oz. of Dead Sea
THE TUB salts or powdered milk. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.For footbath, to
boost immunity, soak feet for at least ten minutes.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity®
RUB IT IN CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern
needing relief.

Ingredient Descriptions
Cinnamon Bark is one of the most universal oils because of its wide range of uses. It is
one of the few oils indicated for circulation and heart stimulation. Other uses: the flu,
digestive issues, blood sugar issues, impotence in men, childbirth in women and even
tropical fevers and a wide range of infections. When highly diluted, it has been used

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 189

effectively as an anti-parasitic oil, and with scabies. Safety Note: Avoid when pregnant.
Don’t use undiluted on children under 12. Not for pets.
Clove Bud is generally associated with mouth-related challenges, such as toothaches
and bad breath. However, Clove Bud is becoming more popular when used for pain
relief, against various infections and infectious diseases, and as a stimulant for the
heart/nervous system, and respiratory system. Clove Bud’s warming abilities contribute
to its aid to the digestive system. Safety Note: Do not use when pregnant, or on a blood
thinner, or under two. NOT A TEETHING OIL
Eucalyptus Radiata, also known as the
narrow-leaved Peppermint, is a gentle
but powerful respiratory oil. Milder than 1st Defense™ was the very first oil I
other eucalyptus oils, it is an excellent ordered when I started with
choice for use with children. It has Youngevity®. I wanted something to
exceptional anti-infectious abilities and boost my immune system so I wouldn't
is particularly useful in clearing the get sick. I've always used different
upper lungs. It can be used to help natural remedies, but 1st Defense™
has kept me from even feeling like I'm
reduce fevers and alleviate chronic coming down with something. I use a
fatigue or immune deficiencies. drop on the soles of my feet when I am
Niaouli is related to Tea Tree and is travelling or extra busy or not getting
as much sleep as I usually do. Also, I
therefore similar to its cousin, being shared it with my daughter when she
antiseptic and antibacterial. However, started getting a sore throat during
the main uses of this oil are generally for her move. It kept her healthy and
all things related to respiratory system. working harder than I thought was
Although it is indicated for a wide and possible.
—Suzanne F.
varied range of uses. It is mentally
stimulating and uplifting. 1st Defense™ is my daily oil. It was
one of the first oils I started using.
Oregano is listed as safe for internal use, Every morning I apply it to the
despite its potency, by the Food and reflexology points on my feet to
Drug Administration and is used for support my immune system and make
flavoring. It is considered a lethal sure I don’t get any infections or colds.
weapon against bacterial infections. —Josephine C. Hopkins
Many studies have confirmed it as an
antibiotic, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and antiviral. It is unmatched by any
other oil to kill a wide variety of pathogenic bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, bacteria does
not develop a resistance to Oregano. Be advised that even though Oregano is a
remarkable natural antiseptic, it has high levels of phenols which gives it the potential
to burn skin and mucous membranes if used undiluted. When applied topically mixed
with carrier oil.
Palmarosa has a slight rose aroma. One of the outstanding qualities of this oil is its use
for most skin care needs. Palmarosa has many properties that are similar to Tea Tree in
its use, yet tends to be gentler on the skin than Tea Tree.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
190 Foundational Aromatherapy

Peppermint is best known for aiding digestion. It generally helps to reduce gas, bloating,
and relieve an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and stress. As a
mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working hours or
while driving. It can help reduce fevers, and give immediate relief for minor injuries,
such as a smashed finger. Avoid with high blood pressure. Not for children 2 and under.
Avoid if a sufferer of atrial fibrillation.
Ravensara is wonderful as a tonic for the nervous system and effective for physical
fatigue. It is anti-infectious, antiviral, and antibacterial; making it good for the
respiratory system. It is particularly beneficial for combating flu, colds, and even
pneumonia by reducing fevers and increasing oxygen absorption. It is safe for use by
anyone—from the newborn to the elderly. Ravensara is referred to as the “oil that
Tea Tree is sometimes called a “Medicine Chest in a Bottle.” It has been proven to be a
powerful immune stimulant and is effective in defending against all three infection
types—bacterial, viral, and fungal. Tea Tree is safe for all ages. Most people are familiar
with this oil, and many times it is the only oil they have ever used.
Thyme Linalool ct may suppress coughing fits caused by bronchitis or whooping
cough. Good for cold, flu, and bronco-pulmonary infections. Being mild and delicate, it
is very beneficial for children and the elderly. This particular type of Thyme has a wide
range of uses in working with emotional issues typically associated with children.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 191


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
192 Foundational Aromatherapy

All Heart™*
Our heart is a muscle that works nonstop. The oils in All Heart are known to give
strength to muscle tissue, giving it more vitality. Many of them may help with
blood pressure and arterial elasticity. The main body systems effected by this oil
are the circulatory and muscular.
Key Emotions: Meek, Valorous, Safety Note
➢ Avoid in pregnancy because of basil.
Key Body Systems: Circulatory,
Digestive, Muscular, and Nervous ➢ Use diluted on children under 10
Ingredients: Basil-Sweet,
Cypress, Frankincense, Ginger, Lavender, Marjoram-Sweet and Ylang Ylang
How Do I Use It?
In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
SOAK IN drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
THE TUB For footbath, mix 3 to 4 drops into ¼ cup Dead Sea salts and dissolve into a basin
warm water. Let feet soak till water cools.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
IT’S IN Diffuse 8 to 10 drops ten to fifteen-minute intervals, every two hours as needed,
THE AIR especially at night to relieve coughing and aid sleep.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing

Ingredient Descriptions
Basil, Sweet can help with digestive issues, circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, bladder
infections, lung congestion, muscle spasms, travel sickness and a wide range of
infections. Basil is effective in eliminating thread-worms (pinworms); repelling flies and
mosquitoes; and treating insect bites. Basil oil has been widely used to help with many
emotional struggles such as anxiety, insomnia and depression.
Cypress is used in improving circulation, respiratory related needs ranging from asthma,
whooping cough, bronchitis and congestion. Cypress oil is sometimes considered a "poor
man’s Helichrysum oil" in that it serves many similar needs. This oil also helps with issues
related to perspiration. Safety Notes: Non-toxic, non-sensitizing, and non-irritating, For
overnight diffusing place diffuser across the room, away from the bed, for best results.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 193

Frankincense is highly desired by most people. A few of the many benifits of this oil are:
strengthening the respiratory system, rejuvenating the skin, and being anti-tumoral. It
has the unique ability to pass the blood brain barrier, aiding the in both physical and
emotional properties. Frankincense is
hugely beneficial for strengthening the I used this oil blend for a
immune system. while before it was released so I would
know how it actually performed. I
Ginger is a widely-used oil for most found that it tended to have a calming
challenges related to the stomach. Like effect and with boarder line blood
its donor plant, Ginger has proven to be pressure concerns I wanted to see how
an effective oil for most nutritional it might help me. I honestly felt better
support programs. Ginger tends to be when I used this oil. I felt like it helped
to make the old ticker work easier and
warm and stimulating to the I noticed that I didn't have the
cardiovascular system. negative effects when using this oil
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for that most people observe when their
skin care due to its quick healing abilities blood pressure begins to climb above
their normal range.
and powerful yet gentle action. It is one
of the more effective oils for burns -K.M.K
and sunburns. It also works to prevent
swelling and scarring from burns. Lavender is among the most widely used essential oils
for emotional support. Many people say that if they were allowed to have only one oil,
they would choose Lavender Maillette.
Marjoram, Sweet is often overlooked, however it does have a wide spectrum of
qualities that range from use on sore muscles, joints, bones and respiratory issues.
Other general uses include depression, anxiety, general mood enhancement and
insomnia. Marjoram was known as the “herb of happiness” to the Romans and the “joy
of the mountains” to the Greeks. Avoid during first trimester (first three months of
Ylang Ylang is normally considered to primarily be an aphrodisiac oil. However, it has a wide
range of properties that help with heart related challenges, relaxing muscles, and working
to encourage the body to produce pain reducing hormones. This oil generally promotes a
state of happiness and well-being.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
194 Foundational Aromatherapy

Awareness™ supports brain function, mental acuity, memory, and alertness. It is
great for use when driving, studying, writing, taking tests, and reading retention
as well as preventing mental fatigue. It stimulates logical left-brain function and
boosts mental focus and concentration. It is beneficial for whole-brain function,
by allowing right brain creativity while aiding left-brain logic in order to perform
needed tasks. It may be beneficial in cases of learning challenges.

Key Emotions: Awareness, Focus,

Credibility, Empathetic, Hope in the Safety Note
future ➢ Not recommended for pregnant women
➢ Use caution with high blood pressure.
Key Body Systems: Endocrine and
Nervous ➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
children under 10 years.

Ingredients: Basil Sweet, Rose

Geranium, Lemon, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary 1.8 cineol

How Do I Use It?

Mix 3-4 drops in ¼ cup unscented Dead Sea Salts, milk, powdered milk, or coconut
SOAK IN milk. Swish in warm water; soak for twenty minutes.
THE TUB For footbath, mix 3 to 4 drops into ¼ cup Dead Sea salts and dissolve into a basin
warm water. Let feet soak till water cools.
BREATHE For quick relief of coughing. Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff
IN, as needed.
Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing

Ingredient Descriptions
Basil, Sweet can help with digestive issues, circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, bladder
infections, lung congestion, muscle spasms, travel sickness and a wide range of
infections. Basil is effective in eliminating thread-worms (pinworms); repelling flies and

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 195

mosquitoes; and treating insect bites. Basil oil has been widely used to help with many
emotional struggles such as anxiety, insomnia and depression.
Lemon should simply bring to your mind, cleanser, freshener, purifier, stimulant,
disinfectant. Beneficial for infections, weight loss, mental clarity, breathing, cleansing
inside and outside of the body as well as the whole house. Safety Note: Phototoxic.
Peppermint is best known for aiding digestion. It generally helps to reduce gas, bloating,
and relieve an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and stress. As a
mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working hours or
while driving. It can help reduce a fever and give immediate relief for minor injuries
such as a smashed finger. Safety Note: Avoid with high blood pressure. Not for children
2 and under. Avoid if a sufferer of atrial fibrillation.
Rose is said to be the ultimate oil because of its ability to encourage the production and
release of dopamine. Rose and Rose Geranium should not be confused, they are not
related at all. Rose has been used in perfumes for its lovely scent for hundreds of years.
Safety Notes: Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-sensitizing, Non-phototoxic, Gentle
enough for newborns
Rose Geranium is a great oil for easing anxiety and depression. Balancing and uplifting,
its sweet rosy smell makes it useful in perfumes and provides an energizing effect to
the mind. Women use it as a balancing oil to help with infertility, PMS, hot flashes, and
to balance adrenals. In a misting spray, it can be used for a highly effective insect
repellent including head lice. Safety Notes: Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-
sensitizing, those with particularly sensitive skin may experience contact dermatitis.,
atch test before application to large area of body.
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of
remembrance” because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial for
respiratory ailments such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a good pain
reliever for joints. It strengthens the immune system as well as the liver and gall
bladder. It helps balance the endocrine system and supports adrenal function. It is a
tonic for the heart and varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution when pregnant.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
196 Foundational Aromatherapy

Balance of Life ™*
The three oils in this blend have a long-standing history in the Native American
culture for physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It balances the adrenal
cortex. It can cleanse and detoxify the blood which may aid in the adrenals,
kidneys, lungs, lymphatic, and male reproductive organs. It brings a peaceful and
a balanced feeling to your life. It’s very beneficial in relieving mental stress as
well. Use it to relieve aches and pains as well as give relief to the urinary tract
and respiratory system
Key Emotions: Peaceful, Free,
Balanced Safety Note
➢ Not for pregnant or nursing women
Key Body Systems: Muscular,
Reproductive, Nervous, Respiratory, ➢ Dilute when used on children under 8 or
the elderly
Lymphatic, and Digestive
➢ Avoid if suffering from serious kidney
Ingredients: Pinyon Pine, Juniper,
Great Western Sage
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 8 to 10 drops ten to fifteen-minute intervals, every two hours as
AIR needed, especially at night to relieve coughing and aid sleep.
BREATHE For quick relief of coughing, Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area
of concern needing relief.

Ingredients Descriptions
Pinyon Pine- or (Tree of Life), by the Native Americans, has been used for respiratory
issues, cuts and wounds, and sore or achy muscles and joints. Our oil is wild crafted and
slow distilled by an Artisan distiller at a high elevation allowing for lower temperatures.
This makes it superior to most other Pine oils on the market and a longer shelf life. It is
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 197

fantastic to add in cleaning products to replace so-called (pine) cleaners because of its
anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
Juniper- A great aid in ridding the body of toxins and a purifying tonic. It can tone the liver
and kidneys and enhance kidney function such as aiding the relief of kidney stones, UTI’s,
and cystitis. Being a powerful purifier, it
can help those with problems such as
hemorrhoids, menstrual issues, cellulite, I started using Balance of
lymphatic drainage, and fluid retention. Life the end of November for several
Juniper is also a circulatory stimulant and reasons, one of which is seasonal
blood purifier aiding those with skin and depression I always get during the
month of December. I still use it daily
blood disorders. in the mornings just to even out the
Great Western Sage- This plant is known emotions. This past Monday, I forgot. I
by a number of different names, Sage then attended my uncle's funeral, and
being in all of them. This is not to be the emotions started raging. When I
got home, I put the Balance of Life on
confused with Sage the plant that is my foot and my emotions immediately
used as a food seasoning. Great Western calmed down, – Rene Marker
Sage is found throughout the western
United States, it can found as far north One of the most widely
as Canada and as far south as Mexico. used applications for Balance of Life,
(and this has to be my favorite
The plant adapts well to its setting. The application) is with people with PSTD
mature Sage Brush can be found only a and Autism. I run across people almost
few feet tall, or growing to heights of 10 on a daily basis with these issues and it
feet. This plant is normally found as part is very nice to be able to share with
of the ongoing process of nature bring them one oil that will work wonders
balance and fertility to abused land. This for them and this oil is that one oil.
This oil also helps with a wide range of
oil can be a very overpowering oil so is physical applications. I use this oil on a
used in small amount in blends. People regular basis to unwind from a hard
suffering from extremely difficult day and to relax enough to rest.
emotional struggles find this oil to be -Kent King
helpful in the recovery process. The
traditional physical uses of this oil fulfill
most needs related to inflammation and sore muscles.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
198 Foundational Aromatherapy

Breath of Life™*
Breath of Life™ is particularly helpful in treating colds, flu, respiratory illness,
sinus problems, congestion, asthma, and pulmonary problems. It’s carefully
selected oils blended together assist in opening the respiratory system, calming
coughs, improving circulation, and aids in thinning thick mucus and releasing it
from the body.
Key Emotions: Openness, Uninhibited,
Security, Calm Safety Note
➢ Not recommended for pregnant women
Key Body Systems: Respiratory,
Circulatory, and Muscular ➢ Use caution with high blood pressure.
➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
Ingredients: Fir, Balsam, Cypress, children under 10 years.
Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus
Radiata, Lavender Maillette, Marjoram
Sweet, Niaouli, Peppermint, Pine, Ravensara, Rosemary 1.8 cineol

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 8 to 10 drops ten to fifteen-minute intervals, every two hours as
AIR needed, especially at night to relieve coughing and aid sleep.
BREATHE For quick relief of coughing, Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area
of concern needing relief.

Ingredients Descriptions
Fir, Balsam has properties that promote the healing of injuries of various kinds, healing
of both physical and emotional injuries. Some of the more general uses of this oil are
helping with most respiratory issues, various joint pain and muscle aches. As with most
evergreen oils, it also has a general ability to be uplifting to the mood.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 199

Cypress is used in improving circulation, respiratory related needs ranging from asthma,
whooping cough, bronchitis and congestion. Cypress oil is sometimes considered a "poor
man’s Helichrysum oil" in that it serves many similar needs. This oil also helps with issues
related to perspiration. Safety Notes: Non-toxic, non-sensitizing, and non-irritating, For
overnight diffusing place diffuser across
the room, away from the bed, for best
results. My story is that my asthma is much,
Eucalyptus Globulus is known for its much improved. I am a marathon
effective antibacterial properties, runner and developed exercise induced
making it a strong respiratory aid asthma three-and-a-half years ago. I
am on a rescue inhaler (when running
beneficial for the lower respiratory tract sometimes) and a preventative inhaler
involving the bronchi and the lungs. It twice daily. Also, was on Singulair.
can reduce fevers as well as act as a pain Since starting a Youngevity® nutrition
reliever. As it ages, its antiseptic pack and using Breath of Life™, I am
properties strengthen. Not doing so much better! I haven't had to
use my rescue inhaler since last
recommended for internal use, for December and I'm off Singulair. I
children under the age of ten, or for haven't needed any breathing
pregnant women. treatments since last December either!
Eucalyptus Radiata, also known as —Janet Dillender
narrow-leaf Peppermint, is a gentle but
powerful respiratory oil. Milder than I am 66 years old and did not know
other eucalyptus oils, it is an excellent about essential oils until March 2014
choice for use with children. It has when I was introduced to Breath of
Life™. I've had asthma since I was a
exceptional anti-infectious abilities and baby and my scrapbooking friends
is particularly useful in clearing the know when I set up my table, one of
upper lungs. It can be used to help the first things I place on the table is
reduce fevers and alleviate chronic my inhaler. I was just about ready to
fatigue or immune deficiencies pop out of the room that day because
my chest was getting tight. But my
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for friend Helen held up a bottle of Breath
skin care due to its quick healing abilities of Life™ and said “this can help with
and powerful yet gentle action. It is one breathing.” I placed a drop of Breath
of the more effective oils for burns of Life™ on my finger and took a
whiff—BAM! —I could breath. It took
and sunburns. It also works to prevent a SECOND! I was hooked. It soon
swelling and scarring from burns. replaced my asthma inhaler. I will
Lavender is among the most widely used never be without essential oils and am
essential oils for emotional support. forever grateful to Youngevity® for
Many people say that if they were these amazing products.
allowed to have only one oil, they would —Carol Craven
choose Lavender Maillette.
Marjoram, Sweet is often overlooked, however it does have a wide spectrum of
qualities that range to use on sore muscles, joints, bones and respiratory issues. Other
general uses include depression, anxiety, general mood enhancement and insomnia.
Marjoram was known as the “herb of happiness” to the Romans and the “joy of the
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
200 Foundational Aromatherapy

mountains” to the Greeks. Avoid during first trimester (first three months of
Niaouli is related to Tea Tree and is therefore similar to its cousin, being antiseptic and
antibacterial. However, the main uses of this oil are generally for all things related to
respiratory system. Although it is indicated for a wide and varied range of uses. It is
mentally stimulating and uplifting.
Peppermint is best known for aiding On January 2, 2014, I arrived at my
digestion. It generally helps to reduce workplace (built in 1928), to find
construction work going on and debris
gas, bloating, and relieve an upset being discarded via the public elevator.
stomach. It is excellent for relieving As a result, I inhaled what now is
headaches and stress. As a mental and diagnosed as black mold and possibly
physical stimulant, it can help you asbestos fibers. Within one week, by,
stay alert during long working hours or my right lung was inflamed and the
pleura was separating within my lung.
while driving. It can help reduce a fever It felt like I wore a tightly-pulled corset
and give immediate relief for minor while a hot curling iron was being
injuries such as a smashed finger. Safety rubbed back and forth on my rib cage.
Note: Avoid with high blood pressure. I coughed a deep croup-like cough yet
Not for children 2 and under. Avoid if a with no production of mucus. My
sufferer of atrial fibrillation. doctor prescribed steroids for 10 days,
and a friend recommended some
Pine is an adrenal tonic and antiseptic. Youngevity® products, including
Many with respiratory complaints use it Breath of Life™. It took 8 weeks for the
to relieve symptoms of asthma, coughing and pain to ease up, which I
contribute mostly to the steroids. I am
bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, and colds. still in recovery mode after 8 months,
Scandinavians used it in their saunas for but Breath of Life™, To Be Well™, and
its refreshing and antiseptic properties. 1st Defense™ are the oils I use
whenever the cough returns. Any one
Ravensara is wonderful as a tonic for the of these three oils immediately opens
nervous system and effective for physical up my air passages, soothes my throat,
fatigue. It is anti-infectious, antiviral, and and allows me to breathe naturally
antibacterial; making it good for the without the side effects of the “shakes
respiratory system. It is particularly and jitters” caused by inhalers.
beneficial for combating flu, colds, and —Carroll Hill
even pneumonia by reducing fevers and
increasing oxygen absorption. It is safe for use by anyone—from the newborn to the
elderly. Ravensara is referred to as the “oil that heals.”
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of
remembrance” because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial for
respiratory ailments such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a good pain
reliever for joints. It strengthens the immune system as well as the liver and gall
bladder. It helps balance the endocrine system and supports adrenal function. It is a
tonic for the heart and varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution when pregnant.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 201


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
202 Foundational Aromatherapy

Comfort Touch™*
This blend was formulated primarily as a first aid blend for children and their
particular needs, especially for small scratches and bruises. After testing, it was
observed that adults benefit equally as well. Traditionally, when single oils are
combined in a blend, they become one entity used for targeting one specific
goal. The oils for this blend were chosen because they can stand alone in a blend,
each benefiting the body in its own distinct way, allowing this blend to
accomplish multiple functions.

Key Emotions: Kindness,

Compassion, Gratitude, Hopefulness Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Integumentary, ➢ Recommend dilution for children under
Nervous, and Immune 3 years
➢ Recommend dilution for pregnant
Ingredients: Copaiba, Fennel, women.
Geranium, Lavender M, Palmarosa,
Rosemary 1.8 cineol

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with
THE TUB 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the
THE AIR day.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
& SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity®
IN CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern
needing relief.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 203

Ingredient Descriptions
Copaiba is an excellent pain reliever and anti-inflammatory oil. Research shows that it
has been helpful in cases of chronic nasal congestion, bronchitis, irritable bladder
disorders, skin conditions, and chronic diarrhea. Copaiba has been used for fungal
infections. Safety Notes: Generally considered safe. Not safe for large amounts
Fennel is beneficial for settling the
stomach, cleansing the pancreas, and
balancing blood sugar levels. Fennel is I lead a very active lifestyle and get
scrapes and cuts quite often. The first
generally used in various skin- time I used the essential oil blend Comfort
strengthening formulas, and for Touch on a pretty severe knee scrape, I
circulation. It is used to help balance was amazed that it healed in a matter of
hormones in older adults. Fennel is days, not weeks. No scarring and no other
used in specific anti-parasitic protocols salves or bandages needed. For life's little
and has a slight black licorice scent. "boo-boo's,” keep Comfort Touch handy.
Safety Note: Avoid with epilepsy, —Kathy Jones
pregnancy, or estrogenic cancers.
Geranium, like its cousin Rose Geranium, has the ability to aid in the healing of wounds and
scar prevention and removal; however, it has a heavier earth scent, making it preferable in
many blends for its healing qualities without an overpowering rosy aroma. Geranium slows
down bleeding in serious wounds and in menstruating women. It is also an antidepressant,
may aid in dealing with anxiety, and is a powerful insecticide. Other unique qualities include
alleviating water retention and diabetes. It is a middle note (refer to page 44) and found in
Egypt, Spain, France and Italy.
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for skin care due to its quick healing abilities and
powerful yet gentle action. It is one of the more effective oils for burns and sunburns. It also
works to prevent swelling and scarring from burns. Lavender is among the most widely used
essential oils for emotional support. Many people say that if they were allowed to have only
one oil, they would choose Lavender.
Palmarosa has a slight rose aroma. One of the outstanding qualities of this oil is its use
for most skin care needs. Palmarosa has many properties that are similar to Tea Tree in
its use, yet tends to be gentler on the skin.
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of
remembrance” because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial for
respiratory ailments such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a good pain
reliever for joints. It strengthens the immune system as well as the liver and gall
bladder. It helps balance the endocrine system and supports adrenal function. It is a
tonic for the heart and varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution when pregnant.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
204 Foundational Aromatherapy

Deep Cleanser™*
Deep Cleanser™ was created to provide a strong antiseptic and disinfectant for a
variety of uses, especially preventing the spread of germs and illnesses. It can
quickly eliminate or prevent mold and fungus and their smells. Besides
disinfecting, it is non-toxic, mood elevating, and deodorizing, adding a fresh,
clean aroma to any environment.

Key Emotions: Compatibility,

Safety, Friendly, Serendipitous Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Immune and ➢ Possible dermal irritation for those with
hyper-sensitive skin. Use with care.
➢ Due to the ingredient Sage, it is not
recommended for use for
Ingredients: Black Spruce, Cypress, • individuals with a history of epilepsy
Eucalyptus Citriodora, Eucalyptus • high blood pressure
Globulus, Frankincense, Juniper Berry, • use with caution if pregnant
Lemon, Lemongrass, Pine, Sage, Tea
Tree, Thyme Thymol

How Do I Use It?

IT’S IN THE To clear bacteria and mold from air. Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-
AIR minute intervals every two hours during the day.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
As an antibacterial for cleaning or for washing dishes or clothes, add 3 to
HOUSEHOLD 5 drops to soap first, then add to cleaning water, dishwater, or washing
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto
area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier
oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 205

Ingredient Descriptions
Black Spruce is very much like most of the evergreen oils. It works effectively with the
physical aspects of fatigue, pain in bones and muscles. It also works great with most
challenges to the respiratory system. This oil is effective in giving a person a fresh emotional
uplift, yet calming of the nerves. Works great in recipes for bug and mosquito repellents.
Safety Notes: Non-toxic and non-sensitizing, Can be mildly irritating for those with very
sensitive skin
Cypress is used in improving circulation, respiratory related needs ranging from asthma,
whooping cough, bronchitis and
congestion. Cypress oil is sometimes
considered a "poor man’s Helichrysum I use Deep Cleanser™ mixed with
oil" in that it serves many similar needs. distilled water to eliminate pet odors on
This oil also helps with issues related to over-stuffed furniture couch and futon!
perspiration. Safety Notes: Non-toxic, —Carolyn A.
non-sensitizing, and non-irritating, For
overnight diffusing place diffuser across I love the fresh, clean scent of Deep
the room, away from the bed, for best Cleanser™—and it safely kills bacteria,
results. mold, and mildew. I use just a few
drops in each load of laundry of my
Eucalyptus Citriodora is also known as son’s stinky sportswear and in cleaning
Lemon Eucalyptus. Generally, his oil is solutions for eliminating odors. It works
used for a wide range of anti-parasitic great for sanitizing and deodorizing
related needs. It is widely used in the garbage cans, cleaning out
areas of antibacterial, antifungal and refrigerators and freezers.
I also use 15 drops Deep Cleanser™
antiviral related needs. It has been used mixed with 1 oz Youngevity® Plant
as a general use oil for calming and Derived Minerals™. in a spray bottle for
sedative needs. Safety Notes: Not for an effective deodorant. My 16-year-old
internal use, Nontoxic, mild irritant,Use son also uses the spray to help prevent
with caution may triger asthma and treat acne outbreaks on his back.
—M. Watson
Eucalyptus Globulus is known for its
effective antibacterial properties,
making it a strong respratory aid beneficial for the lower respiratory tract involving the
bronchi and the lungs. It can reduce fevers as well as act as a pain reliever. As it ages, its
antiseptic properties strengthen. Safety Note: Not recommended for internal use, for
children under the age of ten, or for pregnant women.
Frankincense is highly desired by most people. A few of the many benifits of this oil are:
strengthening the respiratory system, rejuvenating the skin, and being anti-tumoral. It
has the unique ability to pass the blood brain barrier, aiding the in both physical and
emotional properties. Frankincense is hugely beneficial for strengthening the immune
Juniper Berry is traditionally used for kidney and urinary tract related issues. However,
some of its other known benefits are purifying the blood, lymphatic stimulation, and
weight loss. On the emotional side, it is effective in helping with stress, anxiety and

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
206 Foundational Aromatherapy

various nervous disorders. Safety Notes: May cause some irritation in sensitive
people, caution for pregnancy and kidney disease.
Lemon should simply bring to your mind, cleanser, freshener, purifier, stimulant,
disinfectant. Beneficial for infections, weight loss, mental clarity, breathing, cleansing
inside and outside of the body as well as the whole house. Safety Note: Phototoxic.
Lemongrass The light, fresh scent makes Lemongrass popular to diffuse and mist, works
well in food recipes. The ability to clean oily skin, get rid of blackheads and tightening
pores are a few of its many qualities. It is known to be effective with cellulite, reducing
wrinkles, fluid retention, sport injuries, and excessive perspiration. Safety Notes: Non-
toxic, Possible dermal irritation for those with hyper-sensitive skin, use with care,
Undiluted use not recommended for children and the elderly.
Pine is an adrenal tonic and antiseptic. Many with respiratory complaints use it to
relieve symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, and colds. Scandinavians
used it in their saunas for its refreshing and antiseptic properties.
Sage represses fungal infections such as dysentery, thrush, athlete’s foot, and
dermatitis. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can aid in beautification of
the skin as an anti-aging and anti-scarring treatment. Sage can regulate sweating, aid
digestion, improve blood circulation, and help with low blood pressure. It can mimic the
hormone estrogen to encourage regular menstruation and aid in relieving hormonal
headaches, cramps, nausea, weakness, and depression. Safety Notes: Sage is a nerve
stimulant, so it is not recommended for those with a history of epilepsy or high blood
Tea Tree is sometimes called a “Medicine Chest in a Bottle.” It has been proven to be a
powerful immune stimulant and is effective in defending against all three infection
types—bacterial, viral, and fungal. Tea Tree is safe for all ages. Most people are familiar
with this oil, and many times it is the only oil they have ever used.
Thyme Thymol is a very useful essential oil. It aids in the relief of insomnia, depression,
indigestion, headaches, obesity, skin conditions, and as an antiseptic for treating viral
infections, and known to be a great lung strengthener and a remedy for shortness of
breath. It can also be used to relieve fatigue and anxiety, rheumatic aches, asthma,
pertussis, psoriasis, vaginal yeast infections, and bronchitis. Safety Notes: Irritating to
sensitive skin. Always use a carrier oil when applying this oil.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 207


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
208 Foundational Aromatherapy

Dill Blend™*
Dill Blend™ is a combination of both Dill Seed and Dill Weed and is non-toxic, non-
sensitizing, and non-irritating. One of the gentlest oil blends, it is beneficial for the
digestive, respiratory, and renal systems. Gently rubbing on a child’s tummy or
bottom of feet helps relieve vomiting and stomach cramps. If you don’t like the
“pickle” scent, add a drop of Ginger. It works well with Coriander for balancing
blood sugar.

Key Emotions: Versatility, Trust,

Sensible, Credible, Reminiscent Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Nervous, ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Endocrine, Circulatory, and Digestive women.
➢ Recommend dilution for children under
3 years.
Ingredients: Dill Seed and Dill Weed

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.
BREATHE To calm nausea, Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
For relief from hiccups, cramping, gas and upset stomach, add 3 to 5 drops in 1
teaspoon carrier oil, and gently massage clockwise on abdomen. If you don’t like the
“pickle” scent, add a drop or 2 of Ginger.
RUB IT IN To help balance and metabolize blood sugar, rub 1 drop each of Dill Blend™,
Coriander, and Fennel with 3 drops carrier oil on bottom of feet morning and night.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing relief.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

Ingredient Descriptions
Dill Seed has been known to aid digestive problems in adults. Many have found it useful
to reduce oral inflammation. Dill Seed has been used to fight off urinary infections and
relieve painful urination. It can also relieve hiccups and constipation problems as well as
colds, fever, coughs, nerve pain, bronchitis, and spasms. It is antifungal, especially for
environmental black mold.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 209

Dill Weed can relieve flatulence, colic, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, and hiccups.
It benefits the digestive, respiratory, and
endocrine systems and is excellent for
balancing blood sugar. It has a calming
The first time I used Coriander,
effect on the autonomic nervous Fennel, and Dill Blend™, my blood
system, making it a useful aid for sugar numbers dropped several points,
hyperactivity in children. It promotes so now I keep Coriander, Fennel, and
lactation for breastfeeding mothers. Dill Blend™ in roller bottles to use
Teens in puberty can use it to balance several times a day for sugar levels.
hormones and clear acne breakouts. Dill —Carol C. Salter
Weed is among the earliest and well-
known medicinal herbs. Dill Weed
contains antispasmodic, decongestive, and diuretic properties. It is antifungal and helps
eliminate parasites.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
210 Foundational Aromatherapy

Dragon’s Breath™*
Dragon’s Breath™ helps with the stresses of life, including grief and trauma. The
oils in this blend all have properties that help to strengthen the nervous and
limbic systems, especially when dealing with stressful, fatiguing situations. Give
the body what it needs, and it will handle what is thrown at it. Don’t let the
name Dragon’s Breath™ scare you. The inspiration for its name comes from one
of the oils it contains—Dragon’s Blood, a plant found in the marshy regions of
Southwest Asia.
Key Emotions: Inner Strength,
Courage, Faith, Serenity Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Endocrine and Due to the ingredient Sage
Nervous ➢ Not recommended for children under 3
Ingredients: Cedarwood, Cypress, ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Dragon’s Blood, Frankincense, Juniper women
Berry, Patchouli, Pine, Sage, Spikenard, ➢ Not recommended for individuals with
Thyme Thymol a history of epilepsy or high blood
How Do I Use It?
To help release negative emotions and trauma stored in the body, in a 4 oz.
SOAK IN EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily. Swish in warm
water; soak for twenty minutes.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball, inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the
THE AIR day.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area
of concern needing relief.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 211

Ingredient Descriptions
Cedarwood oftentimes has references to a number of oils from various plants. This one is
the “atlantica” species, known to be mild, gentle, and calming to the nerves. This is an oil for
most issues related to the skin, including fungal infections of the scalp and hair related
needs. It is also effective for testosterone hormone related needs, as well as masculine
emotional challenges. Safety Note: Do not use if pregnant.
Cypress is used in improving circulation,
respiratory related needs ranging from
asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and I have to say, Dragon’s Breath™ has
cleared the negative energy at our
congestion. Cypress oil is sometimes cabin big time. It was a place where
considered a "poor man’s Helichrysum scenes of a tumultuous relationships
oil" in that it serves many similar needs. had been manifest, and moving in felt
This oil also helps with issues related to upsetting. I bought Dragon’s Breath™
perspiration. Safety Notes: Non-toxic, and diffused it without telling anyone
what I was using—my family is used to
non-sensitizing, and non-irritating, For my using all kinds of “natural”
overnight diffusing place diffuser across remedies. Dragon’s Breath™ has
the room, away from the bed, for best essentially changed how we all feel in
results. this place. We are more settled,
Dragon’s Blood can relieve diarrhea and kinder, more loving. I just keep using it
with the diffuser—who needs to know
digestive problems. It can be used for this secret? I don't think they would
wounds as a wash to clean, stop believe this one.
bleeding, and promote healing. Natives —Lauretta J.
of Southwest Asia have used it as an
antioxidant for centuries.
Frankincense is highly desired by most people. A few of the many benifits of this oil are:
strengthening the respiratory system, rejuvenating the skin, and being anti-tumoral. It
has the unique ability to pass the blood brain barrier, aiding the in both physical and
emotional properties. Frankincense is hugely beneficial for strengthening the immune
Juniper Berry is traditionally used for kidney and urinary tract related issues. However,
some of its other known benefits are purifying the blood, lymphatic stimulation, and
weight loss. On the emotional side, it is effective in helping with stress, anxiety and
various nervous disorders. Safety Notes: May cause some irritation in sensitive
people, caution for pregnancy and kidney disease.
Patchouli has a varied range of uses. A favorite choice as an aphrodisiac, yet it is also
used for fungal infections, skin issues, weight control, some types of acne, and tissue
regeneration. Patchouli is effective against poisonous plants, relief from bee stings and
insect bites, and as an anti-parasite treatment against certain classes of parasites.
Pine is an adrenal tonic and antiseptic. Many with respiratory complaints use it to
relieve symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, and colds. Scandinavians
used it in their saunas for its refreshing and antiseptic properties.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
212 Foundational Aromatherapy

Sage represses fungal infections such as dysentery, thrush, athlete’s foot, and
dermatitis. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can aid in beautification of
the skin as an anti-aging and anti-scarring treatment. Sage can regulate sweating, aid
digestion, improve blood circulation, and help with low blood pressure. It can mimic the
hormone estrogen to encourage regular menstruation and aid in relieving hormonal
headaches, cramps, nausea, weakness, and depression. Saftey notes: Sage is a nerve
stimulant, so it is not recommended for those with a history of epilepsy or high blood
Spikenard is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, a deodorant, a relaxant, and a
skin tonic. It is native to Nepal and India, but is well known in biblical history and was
used by many Romans as a perfume. Spikenard can create a profound sense of peace
and is regarded as a calming, sedative, stabilizing oil. It can aid in the relief of rashes,
allergic skin reactions, and can soothe and regenerate mature skin. It can regulate the
nervous system and the heart and calm forms of anxiety, nervous indigestion, stress,
and overall tension.
Thyme Thymol is a very useful essential oil. It aids in the relief of insomnia, depression,
indigestion, headaches, obesity, skin conditions, and as an antiseptic for treating viral
infections, and known to be a great lung strengthener and a remedy for shortness of
breath. It can also be used to relieve fatigue and anxiety, rheumatic aches, asthma,
pertussis, psoriasis, vaginal yeast infections, and bronchitis. Safety Notes: Irritating to
sensitive skin. Always use a carrier oil when applying this oil.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 213


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
214 Foundational Aromatherapy

Earth Scent™*
Earth Scent™ is used to balance brain function and give mental support in cases
of aging or slowing down of the mind. It helps the brain organize thoughts, have
a clearer focus, and reduces overall stress levels. Earth Scent™ works best at the
end of the day when it helps reduce mental chatter and supports a good night’s
rest. It works well as a companion with the Heaven Scent™ blend, which is best
used during morning hours.

Key Emotions: Centered, Rooted,

Constructive, Connective, Focus, Stable Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Nervous, ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
circulatory, and urinary women.
➢ Recommend dilution for children
under 3 years.
Ingredients: Amyris, Cedarwood,
Clary Sage, Ginger, Juniper Berry,
Juniper Leaf, Patchouli, Vetiver

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRITZ & filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
SPRAY before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area
of concern needing relief.
PUT IT Apply 1 to 2 drops with 2 to 3 drops carrier oil on bottom of feet, or on
ON temples and back of neck.
For face moisturizer, put 2 to 3 drops with ¼ teaspoon carrier oil.
Ingredient Descriptions
Amyris was historically used to clean wounds as well as assisting in recovery after giving
birth. It is commonly used for the healing of ailments such as the flu, diarrhea, stress,
anxiety, and sleep disorders. Amyris is used in soap and other cosmetics. Its anti-aging
properties make it popular in lotions and creams because when used on the skin over time,
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 215

it reduces the appearance of lines and leaves the skin looking renewed. Amyris is also used
as a perfume, sometimes called a "mood" perfume, giving a feeling of well-being and
reducing anxiety. It has a woodsy aroma, making it a favorite in masculine fragrances. It is
also said to be an aphrodisiac.
Cedarwood oftentimes has references to a number of oils from various plants. This one is
the “atlantica” species, known to be mild, gentle, and calming to the nerves. This is an oil for
most issues related to the skin, including fungal infections of the scalp and hair related
needs. It is also effective for testosterone hormone related needs, as well as masculine
emotional challenges. Safety Note: Do not use if pregnant.
Clary Sage is beneficial for women from puberty through menopause. Concerns for both
men and women, such as depression, anxiety, colic, abdominal cramps, indigestion,
impotence and frigidity are easily
managed with this essential oil. The
euphoric and uplifting action make Calming and balancing—two words I
nervous tension, irritability, fatigue and use to describe Earth Scent™. This is a
migraines a thing of the past. Used in good oil blend for migraine, emotional
some hair and skin care products for its upset, relaxation, and tension. My
toning properties, and can help stop hair personal favorite is using it for a
loss. Avoid when pregnant. relaxing bath at the end of a long day.
I also use Earth Scent™ daily, diluted in
Ginger is a widely used oil for most coconut oil as a face moisturizer and
challenges related to the stomach. Like its deodorant.
donor plant, Ginger has proven to be an —M. Field
effective oil for most nutritional support
programs. Ginger tends to be warm and
stimulating to the cardiovascular system.
Juniper Berry is traditionally used for kidney and urinary tract related issues. However, some
of its other known benefits are purifying the blood, lymphatic stimulation, and weight loss.
On the emotional side, it is effective in helping with stress, anxiety and various nervous
disorders. Safety Notes: May cause some irritation in sensitive people, caution for
pregnancy and kidney disease.
Juniper Leaf has been used effectively with pain associated with joints and muscles along
with cough suppression and respiratory issues. A great analgesic and anti-inflammatory with
calming properties. Juniper leaf is great to add to blends for arthritis, joints and sinus
headaches caused from sinus congestion.
Patchouli has a varied range of uses. A favorite choice as an aphrodisiac, yet it is also used
for fungal infections, skin issues, weight control, some types of acne, and tissue
regeneration. Patchouli is effective against poisonous plants, relief from bee stings and
insect bites, and as an anti-parasite treatment against certain classes of parasites.
Vetiver is frequently used as a fixative in oriental-type perfumes for its grounding, earthy
aroma. To many, it is known as the oil of tranquility for its calming, tonic effect on the
nervous system. Vetiver can be used in baths and massages to relieve issues from nervous
tension, debility, insomnia, and depression. For the skin it can aid to eliminate acne,
eczema, oily skin, stretch marks, and quicken the process of healing wounds. Vetiver has the
ability to strengthen connective tissues and is widely used to ease weak joints, aches, and
muscle pains. Some may use it to stimulate appetite or enhance the libido by mixing it with
a beverage. Sun stroke, dehydration, and fevers can also be relieved by its cooling effect.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
216 Foundational Aromatherapy

Frankincense & Lavender™*

This blend stimulates healing, lessens scar tissue formation, and is excellent for
emotional support when dealing with anxiety, trauma, depression, and grief. It is
also used it for its anti-aging properties.

Key Emotions: Confident, Comforting,

Strength, Hopeful, Supportive Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Nervous and ➢ Non-toxic and non-irritating; safe for all
Integumentary ages.
Ingredients: Frankincense, French Lavender Vera

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN For depression, anxiety, and grief; diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute
THE AIR intervals every two hours during the day.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area
of concern needing relief.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRITZ & filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
SPRAY before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 217

Ingredient Definitions
Frankincense is highly desired by most
people. A few of the many benifits of I was diagnosed with skin cancer on
my face. My doctor said for me to
this oil are: strengthening the anticipate bruising, and I was
respiratory system, rejuvenating the concerned about the scars that would
skin, and being anti-tumoral. It has the remain after the surgeon removed the
unique ability to pass the blood brain cancer. Leiann King suggested that I
barrier, aiding the in both physical and apply Frankincense & Lavender™ both
emotional properties. Frankincense is before and after the surgery, which I
did. It took my doctor three surgeries
hugely beneficial for strengthening the before the cancer was completely
immune system removed. Three weeks after the last
French Lavender Vera is grown at higher surgery, there was no bruising, and no
evidence of swelling or SCARRING! The
altitudes and distilled at lower nurse, who examined me, could not
temperatures than other lavenders. It is even determine which side of my face
also called True or Fine Lavender. It has the doctor performed the surgery on. I
a slightly higher ester content, making it was so happy that Frankincense &
an excellent choice for skin and hair Lavender Blend™ enabled me to be
scar free.
care. Of all Lavender species, Lavender —Liz U.
Vera has the highest linalool content.
Linalool provides its sweet, fresh aroma We used Frankincense & Lavender
and stress reducing effect. A recent Blend™ on my daughter’s scars after
study in Japan noted that there were she fell 35 feet and required several
changes in expression of over 100 genes surgeries. We also used it on her face,
arms, and hands that were scraped up
related to stress response after pretty badly. The scars faded quickly.
inhalation of this oil. It has also been the She has only one tiny scar left on one
subject of anti-cancer studies. finger.
—Valerie N.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
218 Foundational Aromatherapy

GI Purify™*
This blend is used to purify, detoxify, and strengthen the digestive system. For
sufferers from digestive issues, GI Purify™ can be used without risks and side
effects, especially respiratory complications, which result from the use of
antacids or other gastrointestinal medications. It both relieves discomfort and
eliminates root problems relating to digestion while helping stimulate healing
and long-term wellness. It can quickly ease symptoms of stomach cramps,
nausea, and the effects of food poisoning. It can also aid in the absorption of
essential nutrients by slowing down the digestive process.

Key Emotions: Fortified, Willpower,

Protective, Patriarchal, Sensitivity Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Digestive, ➢ Not recommended for children under 3
Immune, and Urinary years
➢ Not recommended for individuals with
Ingredients: Cinnamon Bark, high blood pressure.
Cypress, Ginger, Peppermint,
Rosemary 1.8 cineol, Tea Tree, Thyme Linalool

How Do I Use It?

For general nausea or to alleviating air sickness:
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
BREATHE Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
OUT Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area
of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or clockwise on the abdomen.

Ingredient Descriptions
Cinnamon Bark is one of the most universal oils because of its wide range of uses. It is one
of the few oils indicated for circulation and heart stimulation. Other uses: the flu, digestive
issues, blood sugar issues, impotence in men, childbirth in women and even tropical fevers
and a wide range of infections. When highly diluted, it has been used effectively as an anti-
parasitic oil, and with scabies. Safety Note: Avoid when pregnant. Don’t use undiluted on
children under 12. Not for pets.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 219

Cypress is used in improving circulation, respiratory related needs ranging from asthma,
whooping cough, bronchitis and congestion. Cypress oil is sometimes considered a "poor
man’s Helichrysum oil" in that it serves many similar needs. This oil also helps with issues
related to perspiration. Safety Notes: Non-toxic, non-sensitizing, and non-irritating, For
overnight diffusing place diffuser across the room, away from the bed, for best results.
Ginger is a widely used oil for most challenges related to the stomach. Like its donor plant,
Ginger has proven to be an effective oil for most nutritional support programs. Ginger tends
to be warm and stimulating to the cardiovascular system.
Peppermint is best known for aiding digestion. It generally helps to reduce gas,
bloating, and relieve an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and
stress. As a mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working
hours or while driving. It can help reduce a fever and give immediate relief for minor
injuries such as a smashed finger. Safety
Note: Avoid with high blood pressure.
Not for children 2 and under. Avoid if a I have used GI Purify™ with good
sufferer of atrial fibrillation. results for my husband’s upset
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of stomach after straying from good
brain issues. Known as “the oil of foods list. Just 4 or 5 drops on the
lower abdomen and the upset feeling
remembrance” because it can improve dissipated in about 10 minutes.
mental clarity. When inhaled, it is —Lauretta J
beneficial for respiratory ailments such as
coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis.
It is a good pain reliever for joints. It Through testing, the doctors
strengthens the immune system as well as eliminated liver and kidney failure as a
the liver and gall bladder. It helps balance possible explanation for my illness and
are now attributing my symptoms to
the endocrine system and supports small intestines. Using GI Purify™
adrenal function. It is a tonic for the heart morning and night has helped me so
and varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution much.
when pregnant. —Don Verba
Tea Tree is sometimes called a
“Medicine Chest in a Bottle.” It has been
proven to be a powerful immune stimulant and is effective in defending against all
three infection types—bacterial, viral, and fungal. Tea Tree is safe for all ages. Most
people are familiar with this oil, and many times it is the only oil they have ever used.
Thyme Linalool ct may suppress coughing fits caused by bronchitis or whooping
cough. Good for cold, flu, and bronco-pulmonary infections. Being mild and delicate, it
is very beneficial for children and the elderly. This particular type of Thyme has a wide
range of uses in working with emotional issues typically associated with children.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
220 Foundational Aromatherapy

Good Night™*
Sleep oil blend has been formulated to help a person to relax enough to help
them drift off to sleep when the desired time of that activity is to take place. This
essential oil blend is formulated around Youngevity's Earth Scent essential oil
blend. That blend provides for the base for this formulation. In addition to the
Earth Scent aroma you have a mixture of a faint rose aroma with the distinct
aromas of the other oils. The formulation of these oils makes for oil blend that is
driven toward relaxing for sleep and to balance the sleep cycle for a through
fulfilling sleep cycle.

Key Emotions: Rejuvenate, Calm, Safety Note

Protected, Tranquility, Peaceful ➢ Not recommended for pregnant or
Key Body Systems: Nervous, nursing women.
Endocrine ➢ Recommend dilution for children
Ingredients: Amyris, Cedarwood, under 10 years.
Clary Sage, Ginger, Juniper Berry,
Juniper Leaf, Patchouli, Vetiver, Geranium, Palmarosa, Thyme- Thymol, Western Red
Cedar, Catnip, Calamus Root

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
& SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
Rub It Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto
In area of concern needing relief.

Ingredient Descriptions
Amyris was historically used to clean wounds as well as assisting with recovery after giving
birth. It is commonly used for the healing of ailments such as the flu, diarrhea, stress,
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 221

anxiety, and sleep disorders. Amyris is used in soap and other cosmetics. Its anti-aging
properties make it popular in lotions and creams because when used on the skin over time,
it reduces the appearance of lines and leaves the skin looking renewed. Amyris is also used
as a perfume, sometimes called a "mood" perfume, giving a feeling of well-being and
reducing anxiety. It has a woodsy aroma, making it a favorite in masculine fragrances. It is
also said to be an aphrodisiac.
Cedarwood oftentimes has references to a number of oils from various plants. This one is
the “atlantica” species, known to be mild, gentle, and calming to the nerves. This is an oil for
most issues related to the skin, including fungal infections of the scalp and hair related
needs. It is also effective for testosterone hormone related needs, as well as masculine
emotional challenges. Safety Note: Do not use if pregnant.
Clary Sage is beneficial for women from puberty through menopause. Concerns for both
men and women, such as depression, anxiety, colic, abdominal cramps, indigestion,
impotence and frigidity are easily managed with this essential oil. The euphoric and uplifting
action make nervous tension, irritability, fatigue and migraines a thing of the past. Used in
some hair and skin care products for its toning properties, and can help stop hair loss. Avoid
when pregnant.
Ginger is a widely used oil for most challenges related to the stomach. Like its donor plant,
Ginger has proven to be an effective oil for most nutritional support programs. Ginger tends
to be warm and stimulating to the cardiovascular system.
Juniper Berry is traditionally used for kidney and urinary tract related issues. However, some
of its other known benefits are purifying the blood, lymphatic stimulation, and weight loss.
On the emotional side, it is effective in helping with stress, anxiety and various nervous
disorders. Safety Notes: May cause some irritation in sensitive people, caution for
pregnancy and kidney disease.
Juniper Leaf has been used effectively with pain associated with joints and muscles along
with cough suppression and respiratory issues. A great analgesic and anti-inflammatory with
calming properties. Juniper leaf is great to add to blends for arthritis, joints and sinus
headaches caused from sinus congestion.
Patchouli has a varied range of uses. A favorite choice as an aphrodisiac, yet it is also used
for fungal infections, skin issues, weight control, some types of acne, and tissue
regeneration. Patchouli is effective against poisonous plants, relief from bee stings and
insect bites, and as an anti-parasite treatment against certain classes of parasites.
Vetiver is frequently used as a fixative in oriental-type perfumes for its grounding, earthy
aroma. To many, it is known as the oil of tranquility for its calming, tonic effect on the
nervous system. Vetiver can be used in baths and massages to relieve issues from nervous
tension, debility, insomnia, and depression. For the skin it can aid to eliminate acne,
eczema, oily skin, stretch marks, and quicken the process of healing wounds. Vetiver has the
ability to strengthen connective tissues and is widely used to ease weak joints, aches, and
muscle pains. Some may use it to stimulate appetite or enhance the libido by mixing it with
a beverage. Sun stroke, dehydration, and fevers can also be relieved by its cooling effect.
Geranium, like its cousin Rose Geranium, has the ability to aid in the healing of wounds and
scar prevention and removal; however, it has a heavier earth scent, making it preferable in
many blends for its healing qualities without an overpowering rosy aroma. Geranium slows
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
222 Foundational Aromatherapy

down bleeding in serious wounds and in menstruating women. It is also an antidepressant,

may aid in dealing with anxiety, and is a powerful insecticide. Other unique qualities include
alleviating water retention and diabetes. It is a middle note (refer to page 44) and found in
Egypt, Spain, France and Italy.
Palmarosa has a slight rose aroma. One of the outstanding qualities of this oil is its use for
most skin care needs. Palmarosa has many properties that are similar to Tea Tree in its use,
yet tends to be gentler on the skin than Tea Tree.
Thyme thymol is a very useful essential oil. It aids in the relief of insomnia, depression,
indigestion, headaches, obesity, skin conditions, and as an antiseptic for treating viral
infections, and known to be a great lung strengthener and a remedy for shortness of breath.
It can also be used to relieve fatigue and anxiety, rheumatic aches, asthma, pertussis,
psoriasis, vaginal yeast infections, and bronchitis. Safety Notes: Irritating to sensitive skin.
Always use a carrier oil when applying this oil.
Western Red Cedar –is a tree that grows is a very narrow range of the Pacific
Northwest. Western Red Cedar is one of the tallest growing cedar type trees among the
Cedars. This oil tends to work well in blends to give the blend that edge that most
people prefers for serious issues. This oil is one of those oils that using just a little bit
works wonders where as use of a large amount is not the best way to gain the most
benefit from this particular oil. Among the many uses for this oil is for cleansing the
organism of unwanted "friends" and for the general uplifting mood effect.
Catnip essential oil is derived from a plant in the mint family and is commonly referred to as
a plant for cats and will send them into a euphoric state. While this is not totally true, cats
do generally like it, it is not some strange and exotic plant. Catnip essential oil is used in the
Good Night essential oil blend. Its main constituent, Nepetalactone, which is a terpenoid, is
widely used as an insect repellent. However, when used as part of this blend, which is a very
small amount, it tends to have a mild relaxing effect. This helps a person to relax and
promotes a drowsy effect on the user. It is observed to have a mind clearing and calming
effect on the user, which helps in promoting a good night’s sleep.
Calamus Root sometimes is referred to as Sweet Flag, is a widely used plant in many forms
of traditional herbal treatments and forms of natural medicines. The plant itself is found all
over the world and generally grows in wet areas and resembles the Cattail plant. Although
the leaves and rhizomes are far more scented, producing a strong earthy aroma. In modern
times, this plant and its components are used to treat several issues of the brain, such as
stroke and Alzheimer's. In the past, the plant received some erroneous reviews, but recent
scientific studies of the plant and the components; Alpha-Asarone and Beta-Asarone, have
been found to be safe and effective when used rationally and responsibly. This oil is used in
the Good Night blend for the purpose of clearing and relaxing the mind to enable a good
tract issues.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 223


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
224 Foundational Aromatherapy

Heaven Scent™*
This blend supports overall body balancing, both physically and emotionally.
Heaven Scent™ will generally promote an uplifting mood and support the mental
energy, as well as brain function needed for a positive and appreciative attitude.
It has proven beneficial in cases of brain injury. It is best to use Heaven Scent™ at
the beginning of the day. It works well as a companion with the Earth Scent™
blend, which is best used at night.

Key Emotions: Intuitive, Thankful, Safety Note

Uplifting, Humbleness, Welcoming ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Key Body Systems: Total body women.
Balancer ➢ Recommend dilution for children
Ingredients: Amyris, Bergamot, under 5 years.
Black Spruce, Cedarwood,
Clementine, Geranium, White Grapefruit, Lavender, Neroli, Orange Sweet,
Osmanthus, Rosewood, Scotch Pine, Ylang Ylang
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the
THE AIR day, or as needed.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
& SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area
IN of concern needing relief.

Ingredient Descriptions
Amyris was historically used to clean wounds as well as assisting with recovery after giving
birth. It is commonly used for the healing of ailments such as the flu, diarrhea, stress,
anxiety, and sleep disorders. Amyris is used in soap and other cosmetics. Its anti-aging
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 225

properties make it popular in lotions and creams because when used on the skin over time,
it reduces the appearance of lines and leaves the skin looking renewed. Amyris is also used
as a perfume, sometimes called a "mood" perfume, giving a feeling of well-being and
reducing anxiety. It has a woodsy aroma, making it a favorite in masculine fragrances. It is
also said to be an aphrodisiac.
Bergamot carries a light citrus scent. Many times, this oil is used as a stand-alone oil, or as
an ingredient in various teas, because of is wide range of support for digestive issues,
urinary tract related infections, cuts and scars, spasms, and for stimulation of various
internal organs. Many people consider it a favorite oil for emotional support in issues such
as; anxiety, depression, PMS and various female/male mental related needs. Safety Note:
Black Spruce is very much like most of the evergreen oils. It works effectively with the
physical aspects of fatigue, pain in bones and muscles. It also works great with most
challenges to the respiratory system. This
oil is effective in giving a person a fresh
emotional uplift, yet calming of the Heaven Scent™ is probably one of the
nerves. Works great in recipes for bug and best smelling oil blends I have ever
mosquito repellents. come in contact with! Just breathing it
Cedarwood oftentimes has references to a lifts my spirits. This oil has been
particularly effective for me when
number of oils from various plants. This things feel dark and sad.
one is the “atlantica” species, known to be —M. Field
mild, gentle, and calming to the nerves.
This is an oil for most issues related to the
skin, including fungal infections of the Love the new Heaven Scent™ for
scalp and hair related needs. It is also morning and Earth Scent™ for at
effective for testosterone hormone night.
—Kimberly Armatys
related needs, as well as masculine
emotional challenges. Safety Note: Do not I had a serious bicycle accident that
use if pregnant. resulted in a brain injury. I was
Clementine is known for its ability to unconscious for 3 days. Leiann sent me
relieve fatigue and insomnia. It is also some of the Heaven Scent™ essential
oil blend, and I began using it every
valued for its antioxidant properties. It is day. It helps me feel so much better
antifungal, which makes it beneficial as an mentally. It also makes me happier
air freshener for spaces that need and puts me in a good mood every
revitalizing. It is extracted from the peel by day. I will not stop using this essential
being cold compressed. oil blend for the rest of my life!
—Harvey Wehde
Geranium, like its cousin Rose Geranium,
has the ability to aid in the healing of
wounds and scar prevention and removal; however, it has a heavier earth scent, making it
preferable in many blends for its healing qualities without an overpowering rosy aroma.
Geranium slows down bleeding in serious wounds and in menstruating women. It is also an
antidepressant, may aid in dealing with anxiety, and is a powerful insecticide. Other unique
qualities include alleviating water retention and diabetes. It is a middle note (refer to page
44) and found in Egypt, Spain, France and Italy.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
226 Foundational Aromatherapy

White Grapefruit is great for relieving muscle aches, fatigue, and stiffness. It purifies
congested skin and is more of an astringent than Pink Grapefruit, making it excellent for
cellulite reduction. Its bitterness lends itself for emotional balancing and a grounding effect.
It can aid in cases of nervous exhaustion. Like Pink Grapefruit, it assists the kidneys by
cleansing, detoxifying, and removing blockages. It also benefits the liver and stimulates the
digestive and lymphatic systems. It can detoxify many systems of the body and has gentle
toning and astringent qualities and can help clear acne and balance oily skin.
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for skin care due to its quick healing abilities and
powerful yet gentle action. It is one of the more effective oils for burns and sunburns. It also
works to prevent swelling and scarring from burns. Lavender is among the most widely used
essential oils for emotional support. Many people say that if they were allowed to have only
one oil, they would choose Lavender.
Neroli is from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, there is nothing bitter about this
sweet and calming scent. Neroli has a tendency to help balance the emotions as well as the
heart. Some of the other qualities of Neroli oil are, helping balance the nervous system as
well as to tone the skin.
Orange, Sweet helps balance the thyroid and lymphatic system, making it beneficial for
weight loss, treating water retention, and cellulite issues. Orange oil is an effective
emotional aid oil. More Orange oil is produced worldwide, volume wise, than any other oil.
Safety Note: Slightly phototoxic.
Osmanthus can be used for its hormone balancing properties. It also is an aphrodisiac,
antidepressant, and stimulant. The aroma is said to bring an enlightened feeling. It may also
improve digestion or increase appetite after illness. It is also used to improve the clarity and
beauty of the skin.
Rosewood is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, and
antiviral properties that can aid with various issues in the body and many illnesses. It also
has a calming effect on the nervous system, can lower anxiety levels, soothe inflammation
and spasms, and boost the immune system. Rosewood can relieve mild depression and help
strengthen focus.
Scotch Pine can be used to stay mentally alert as its effects to the brain are similar to
Peppermint. Scotch pine has a warming effect in the body; it can warm cold hands and feet
and ease the pain of sore or strained muscles after participating in exercise or sports. Native
Americans used it to avert scurvy and keep fleas and ticks away. It has proven to be
especially useful to the pulmonary and respiratory systems. Its expectorant qualities provide
fast relief from bronchitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and flu symptoms.
Ylang Ylang is normally considered to primarily be an aphrodisiac oil. However, it has a wide
range of properties that help with heart related challenges, relaxing muscles, and working
to encourage the body to produce pain reducing hormones. This oil generally promotes a
state of happiness and wellbeing.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 227


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
228 Foundational Aromatherapy

Kidney Health™*
This blend is designed to aid the body in strengthening and cleansing the urinary
tract system. Waking up multiple times a night to visit the restroom? This blend
may help with that. Each oil in Kidney Health was chosen specifically because of
its long history as being beneficial to the kidneys, bladder, and in men, the
Key Emotions: Friendly, Purity, Lively Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Urinary, ➢ Use diluted on children under
Reproductive (male) 10
Ingredients: Cypress, Rose Geranium ➢ Use with caution if pregnant or
Frankincense, Grapefruit White, Juniper
Berry, Lavender, Patchouli, Western Red

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT For digestive upsets, In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10
mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
ON For hair and scalp care, add 2 to 3 drops per single application of shampoo.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day,
THE AIR or as needed.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
Ingredient Definitions
Cypress is used in improving circulation, respiratory related needs ranging from asthma,
whooping cough, bronchitis and congestion. Cypress oil is sometimes considered a
"poor man’s Helichrysum oil" in that it serves many similar needs. This oil also helps
with issues related to perspiration. Safety Notes: Non-toxic, non-sensitizing, and non-
irritating, For overnight diffusing place diffuser across the room, away from the bed, for
best results.
Frankincense is highly desired by most people. A few of the many benifits of this oil are:
strengthening the respiratory system, rejuvenating the skin, and being anti-tumoral. It
has the unique ability to pass the blood brain barrier, aiding the in both physical and
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 229

emotional properties. Frankincense is hugely beneficial for strengthening the immune

Rose Geranium is a great oil for easing anxiety and depression. Balancing and uplifting,
its sweet rosy smell makes it useful in perfumes and provides an energizing effect to
the mind. Women use it as a balancing oil to help with infertility, PMS, hot flashes, and
to balance adrenals. In a misting spray, it can be used for a highly effective insect
repellent; including head lice.
White Grapefruit is great for relieving muscle aches, fatigue, and stiffness. It purifies
congested skin and is more of an astringent than Pink Grapefruit, making it excellent for
cellulite reduction. Its bitterness lends itself for emotional balancing and a grounding
effect. It can aid in cases of nervous exhaustion. Like Pink Grapefruit, it assists the
kidneys by cleansing, detoxifying, and removing blockages. It also benefits the liver and
stimulates the digestive and lymphatic systems. It can detoxify many systems of the
body and has gentle toning and astringent qualities and can help clear acne and balance
oily skin.
I didn't know if this oil would help me
Juniper Berry is traditionally used for much, but decided to try as I
kidney and urinary tract related sometimes have problems associated
issues. However, some of its other known with my Kidneys. I have noticed that
benefits are purifying the blood, everything works better in that area,
lymphatic stimulation, and weight loss. On any time I use this oil.
the emotional side, it is effective in
-A. K.
helping with stress, anxiety and various
nervous disorders. Safety Notes: May
cause some irritation in sensitive people, caution for pregnancy and kidney disease.
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for skin care due to its quick healing abilities and
powerful yet gentle action. It is one of the more effective oils for burns and sunburns. It
also works to prevent swelling and scarring from burns. Lavender is among the most
widely used essential oils for emotional support. Many people say that if they were
allowed to have only one oil, they would choose Lavender.
Patchouli has a varied range of uses. A favorite choice as an aphrodisiac, yet it is also
used for fungal infections, skin issues, weight control, some types of acne, and tissue
regeneration. Patchouli is effective against poisonous plants, relief from bee stings and
insect bites, as an anti-parasite treatment against certain classes of parasites.
Western Red Cedar –is a tree that grows is a very narrow range of the Pacific
Northwest. Western Red Cedar is one of the tallest growing cedar type trees among the
Cedars. This oil tends to work well in blends to give the blend that edge that most
people prefers for serious issues. This oil is one of those oils that using just a little bit
works wonders where as use of a large amount is not the best way to gain the most
benefit from this particular oil. Among the many uses for this oil is for cleansing the
organism of unwanted "friends" and for the general uplifting mood effect.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
230 Foundational Aromatherapy

Lavender & Chamomile™*

This blend is used with scarring and restoration of tissue. It is soothing and anti-
inflammatory. For children and adults alike, it is sweet, nurturing, and calming
for stress, tension, and insomnia. Relieves spasms, cramps, muscular pain,
migraines, and teething pain. Excellent for hair and skin care, including cradle
cap, burns, dermatitis, ulcers, and wounds. It relieves digestive upsets and colic.

Key Emotions: Soothing, Capable,

Determined, Faithful, Wonderment Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Nervous, Endocrine ➢ Do not use if pregnant.
and Integumentary ➢ Use caution for individuals with
Ingredients: Roman Chamomile, French ragweed allergies
Lavender Vera

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every hour during the day.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck. For hair and scalp care,
ON add 2 to 3 drops per single application of shampoo.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

Ingredient Definitions
French Lavender Vera is grown at higher altitudes and distilled at lower temperatures
than other lavenders. It is also called True or Fine Lavender. It has a slightly higher ester
content, making it an excellent choice for skin and hair care. Of all Lavender species,
Lavender Vera has the highest linalool content Linalool provides its sweet, fresh aroma
and stress reducing effect. A recent study in Japan noted that there were changes in
expression of over 100 genes related to stress response after inhalation of this oil. It has
also been the subject of anti-cancer studies.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 231

Chamomile, Roman is a digestive stimulant, eases stomach pains and intestinal spasms,
popular in teas. Reduces fevers, with
teething babies and young children. It
aids gingivitis, and abscesses. It aids in Whenever my grandbabies are
teething, the first thing I say is “We
healing the muscular, skin, digestive, need Lavender & Chamomile™.” It
hormonal, and emotional systems. Can works like a charm.
relieve the symptoms of arthritis, —Leiann King
inflamed muscles and joints, sprains,
rheumatism, and gout. It is beneficial for migraine, low backache, muscular spasms, or
menstrual cramps. Helps to ease frustration or anger. It relieves anxiety and

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
232 Foundational Aromatherapy

Man UP™*
Man Up is an essential oil blend that is formulated for the specific needs of the
mature man. This is not a hormone type of oil to encourage that aspect but
rather a blend of oils to work on targeting brain activity and the physical
challenges that are somewhat normal in the mature male. Each one of these oils
carries their own weight as it comes to the service they provide, yet they work
together remarkably well in targeting much more than the oils can do as singles.
If someone were to ask what essential oil is the best oil for the typical man, this
oil blend would likely be that one oil.

Key Emotions: Proficient, Protecting,

Gentle, Successful, Tenacity, Certainty Safety Note
➢ Avoid with children under 10
Key Body Systems: Reproductive
➢ Avoid if pregnant or nursing
(male), Urinary, Nervous, Endocrine

Ingredients: Thyme thymol, Calamus Root, Oregano, Spearmint, Rosemary, Rabbit

Brush, Clove Bud, Great Western Sage, Juniper, Pinyon Pine

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT For digestive upsets, In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10
mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
ON For hair and scalp care, add 2 to 3 drops per single application of shampoo.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
Ingredient Definitions
Thyme Thymol is a very useful essential oil. It aids in the relief of insomnia, depression,
indigestion, headaches, obesity, skin conditions, and as an antiseptic for treating viral
infections, and known to be a great lung strengthener and a remedy for shortness of breath.
It can also be used to relieve fatigue and anxiety, rheumatic aches, asthma, pertussis,
psoriasis, vaginal yeast infections, and bronchitis. Safety Notes: Irritating to sensitive skin.
Always use a carrier oil when applying this oil.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 233

Calamus Root sometimes is referred to as Sweet Flag, is a widely used plant in many forms
of traditional herbal treatments and forms of natural medicines. The plant itself is found all
over the world and generally grows in wet areas and resembles the Cattail plant. Although
the leaves and rhizomes are far more scented, producing a strong earthy aroma. In modern
times, this plant and its components are used to treat several issues of the brain, such as
stroke and Alzheimer's. In the past, the plant received some erroneous reviews, but recent
scientific studies of the plant and the components; Alpha-Asarone and Beta-Asarone, have
been found to be safe and effective when used rationally and responsibly. This oil is used in
the Good Night blend for the purpose of clearing and relaxing the mind to enable a good
night’s sleep. This oil will be used in some upcoming blends targeting the brain and digestive
tract issues.
Oregano is listed as safe for internal use, despite its potency, by the Food and Drug
Administration and is used for flavoring. It is considered a lethal weapon against
bacterial infections. Many studies have confirmed it as an antibiotic, antifungal,
antiseptic, antispasmodic, and antiviral. It
is unmatched by any other oil to kill a
wide variety of pathogenic bacteria. I love using the Man Up Blend. What
I like about it is that I don’t have to
Unlike antibiotics, bacteria does not figure out what I need. Man Up tends
develop a resistance to Oregano. Be to help me with just the everyday
advised that even though Oregano is a challenges of life and being a man and
remarkable natural antiseptic, it has high my specific needs. I just use it, I feel
better when I do. The aroma is mild
levels of phenols which gives it the and not overpowering. Of all of the
potential to burn skin and mucous oils and blends, this is one that I can
membranes if used undiluted. When use and be on the move, in no time.
applied topically mixed with carrier oil. Kent King.
Spearmint is a very popular oil in food
products. While Spearmint and Peppermint are often used for similar purposes,
Spearmint is far gentler, cooling, and sweeter, and is a favorite among children. It helps
to lower blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and headaches. It keeps
away moths, ants, flies, and mosquitoes.
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of remembrance”
because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial for respiratory
ailments such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a good pain reliever for
joints. It strengthens the immune system as well as the liver and gall bladder. It helps
balance the endocrine system and supports adrenal function. It is a tonic for the heart and
varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution when pregnant.
Rabbit Brush The main purpose of this oil being used in the Man Up blend is to deal with a
certain grouping of parasites and to help eliminate their host environment. Other uses
that are taken into consideration for use in this blend is to help clear the mind and
respiratory system. Other uses for this oil is for skin issues and as an immune builder. The
oil is a very powerful immune system builder and its unique grouping of constituents
make for an effective oil to this blend in an overall purpose setting.
Cove Bud is generally associated with mouth-related challenges, such as toothaches and
bad breath. However, Clove Bud is becoming more popular when used for pain relief,
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
234 Foundational Aromatherapy

against various infections and infectious diseases, and as a stimulant for the
heart/nervous system, and respiratory system. Clove Bud’s warming abilities contribute
to its aid to the digestive system. Safety Note: Do not use when pregnant, or on a blood
thinner, or under two. NOT A TEETHING OIL
Great Wester Sage- This is a plant that is known by a number of different names with
the name of Sage being in all of them. This is not to be confused with the plant that is
widely used as a food seasoning by the name of Sage. Great Western Sage is found
throughout the western United States and can be found as far north as into Canada and
as far south as into Mexico. However, this particular variety is from the American
Southwest. The plant itself is a plant that adapts to its setting. One may find the
mature Sage Brush being only a few feet tall while a short distance away, you will many
times, find it growing to heights of 10 feet. This plant is normally found as part of the
ongoing process of nature bring balance and fertility to abused land. This oil can be a
very over powering oil and as such it is used in a small amounts in blends. Many times
people suffering with extremely difficult emotional struggles find this oil to be helpful in
the recovery process. The traditional uses of this oil has its history in many physical uses
like most essential oils do, fulfilling most needs related to inflammation and sore
Pinyon Pine- or (Tree of Life), by the Native Americans, has been used for respiratory
issues, cuts and wounds, and sore or achy muscles and joints. Our oil is wild crafted and
slow distilled by an Artisan distiller at a high elevation allowing for lower temperatures.
This makes it superior to most other Pine oils on the market and a longer shelf life. It is
fantastic to add in cleaning products to replace so-called (pine) cleaners because of its
anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
Juniper- A great aid in ridding the body of toxins and a purifying tonic. It can tone the liver
and kidneys and enhance kidney function such as aiding the relief of kidney stones, UTI’s,
and cystitis. Being a powerful purifier, it can help those with problems such as hemorrhoids,
menstrual issues, cellulite, lymphatic drainage, and fluid retention. Juniper is also a
circulatory stimulate and blood purifier aiding those with skin and blood disorders.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 235


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
236 Foundational Aromatherapy

Oregano & Lavender™*

This blend provides the benefits of Oregano without the concerns of irritation or
burning of tissues normally associated with it. This blend can aid in respiratory
problems and strengthen the immune system. It can also be used to ease aching
or sore muscles. It is antibiotic, antispasmodic, and antiviral. It can also be used
for boils, sores, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. This blend is useful in treating
antibiotic-resistant fungus and nail fungus. It is antiseptic and can be used for
animal and insect bites, and scratches.
Key Emotions: Strength, Gentleness,
Simplicity, Humor Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Immune ➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
children under the age of 10, very
Ingredients: French Lavender Vera, elderly, pregnant or nursing women, or
Wild Turkish Oregano. those with liver disease.
➢ Avoid contact with mucous
How Do I Use It? membranes and eyes.

In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
PUT IT ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck or on sore or
painful areas, or on nail beds to kill fungus, or on shallow cuts and scratches.
In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
Ingredient Descriptions
French Lavender Vera is grown at higher altitudes and distilled at lower temperatures
than other lavenders. It is also called True or Fine Lavender. It has a slightly higher ester
content, making it an excellent choice for skin and hair care. Of all Lavender species,
Lavender Vera has the highest linalool content Linalool provides its sweet, fresh aroma
and stress reducing effect. A recent study in Japan noted that there were changes in
expression of over 100 genes related to
stress response after inhalation of this
I was in the hospital because of a
oil. It has also been the subject of anti- staph infection on my leg from a
cancer studies. scratch. It spread so quickly the
Wild Turkish Oregano has a long history doctors talked about amputation.
Someone suggested Oregano &
of being used to control infections. Lavender™. When alone, I applied it as
Some may consider it one of the often as I could. Within two days, the
strongest oils to fight bacterial and infection was gone, and I was able go
fungal infections. It has antihistamine home, leg intact!
and decongestant qualities that make it —P. S.
useful to the respiratory system to clear
out colds and other ailments. Its anti-inflammatory properties can aid rheumatism and
muscle aches and pains. It is also considered an antispasmodic and can aid in
strengthening the immune system.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 237

Organ Master™*
Organ Master™ is a blend specifically designed to provide complete overall organ
support and help with organ regeneration. It also assists with weight loss and
helps lessen food cravings. This blend offers an added bonus—it benefits the
respiratory system for issues such as asthma and bronchitis.
Key Emotions: Capability, Passionate,
Courageous, Analytical Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Endocrine and ➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
Digestive children under age 5.
➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Ingredients: Basil Sweet, Geranium, women
White Grapefruit, Lemon, Marjoram ➢ in cases of high blood pressure, use
Sweet, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rosemary with caution
1.8 cineol, Spearmint

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with
THE TUB 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE For lung issues, Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as
IN, needed. Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow
BREATHE case. Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity®
RUB IT CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern
IN needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
& filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
SPRAY before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every hour during the day.

Ingredient Descriptions
Basil, Sweet can help with digestive issues, circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, bladder
infections, lung congestion, muscle spasms, travel sickness and a wide range of
infections. Basil is effective in eliminating thread-worms (pinworms); repelling flies and
mosquitoes; and treating insect bites. Basil oil has been widely used to help with many
emotional struggles such as anxiety, insomnia and depression.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
238 Foundational Aromatherapy

Geranium, like its cousin Rose Geranium, has the ability to aid in the healing of wounds and
scar prevention and removal; however, it has a heavier earth scent, making it preferable in
many blends for its healing qualities without an overpowering rosy aroma. Geranium slows
down bleeding in serious wounds and in menstruating women. It is also an antidepressant,
may aid in dealing with anxiety, and is a powerful insecticide. Other unique qualities include
alleviating water retention and diabetes. It is a middle note (refer to page 44) and found in
Egypt, Spain, France and Italy.
White Grapefruit is great for relieving
I had problems with my gallbladder
muscle aches, fatigue, and stiffness. It a couple of years ago and I felt some pain
purifies congested skin and is more of an in that area. I decided to try the oil, Organ
astringent than Pink Grapefruit, making it Master™. I found that after a few days of
excellent for cellulite reduction. Its using it I felt much better. I stayed with it
bitterness lends itself for emotional for a few weeks and then because I felt
balancing and a grounding effect. It can better I forgot to keep using it. I began
aid in cases of nervous exhaustion. Like having problems again. I remembered the
Pink Grapefruit, it assists the kidneys by oil blend and started using it again. I am
doing better. I put it on my feet each
cleansing, detoxifying, and removing morning as I get ready for the day.
blockages. It also benefits the liver and Sometimes I even smell it 3 or 4 times,
stimulates the digestive and lymphatic each time taking a deep breath, and that
systems. It can detoxify many systems of helps too. These oils are such a blessing for
the body and has gentle toning and us to be able to use.
astringent qualities and can help clear —Karen H.
acne and balance oily skin.
Lemon should simply bring to your I love Organ Master™. I use it first thing
mind, cleanser, freshener, purifier, in the morning with lemon juice to help
stimulant, disinfectant. Beneficial for keep my liver and other organs working
well and to clean out toxins. When I start
infections, weight loss, mental clarity, feeling allergies coming on or some other
breathing, cleansing inside and outside ailment, I ramp it up and take it during the
of the body as well as the whole house. day also and before I go to bed. It really
Safety Note: Phototoxic. helps keep me well.
—Marie C.
Marjoram, Sweet is often overlooked,
however it does have a wide spectrum
of qualities that range from use on sore muscles, joints, bones and respiratory issues.
Other general uses include depression, anxiety, general mood enhancement and
insomnia. Marjoram was known as the “herb of happiness” to the Romans and the “joy
of the mountains” to the Greeks.
Safety Note: Avoid during first trimester (first 3 months of pregnancy).
Nutmeg is not only used as a spice, but is useful medically and emotionally as well. It is
used for stimulating digestion and fighting infections in the digestive tract and has been
widely known for its ability to ease diarrhea, vomiting, and increase appetite. It has
anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, and anticoagulant properties.
Peppermint is best known for aiding digestion. It generally helps to reduce gas, bloating,
and relieve an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and stress. As a
mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working hours or
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 239

while driving. It can help reduce a fever and give immediate relief for minor injuries
such as a smashed finger. Safety Note: Avoid with high blood pressure. Not for children
2 and under. Avoid if a sufferer of atrial fibrillation.
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of
remembrance” because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial for
respiratory ailments such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a good pain
reliever for joints. It strengthens the immune system as well as the liver and gall
bladder. It helps balance the endocrine system and supports adrenal function. It is a
tonic for the heart and varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution when pregnant.
Spearmint is a very popular oil in food products. While Spearmint and Peppermint are
often used for similar purposes, Spearmint is far gentler, cooling, and sweeter, and is a
favorite among children. It helps to lower blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, muscle
cramps, and headaches. It keeps away moths, ants, flies, and mosquitoes.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
240 Foundational Aromatherapy

Perfect Fit™*
Liver and digestive health go hand in hand with weight loss, and Perfect Fit™,
targets these two systems. Metabolizing fat and nutrient absorption are
important to a healthy body weight. The oils combined to create Perfect Fit™,
may be the best mix to give the body the
extra boost in needs to support the liver Safety Note
and digestive systems to do their jobs ➢ Use diluted on children under 10
more effectively.
Key Emotions: Triumphant, Empowered,
Key Body Systems: Urinary, Digestive
Ingredients: Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, Grapefruit Pink, Lemon, Spearmint, Rosemary
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE For lung issues, Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as
IN, needed. Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow
BREATHE case. Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each
SPRAY use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every hour during the day.
For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip

Ingredient Descriptions
Cinnamon Bark- This uplifting oil is known for its strengthening and revitalizing abilities.
Cinnamon has been used since ancient times due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic skills,
and has shown it is capable of quickly killing many types of bacteria’s. It may be helpful in
easing mental or emotional fatigue, fighting weakness, and improving concentration. Before
using be sure to dilute with massage oil as it can cause skin irritation. Preferably, it should
be applied to the soles of the feet. Safety Note: Avoid during pregnancy.
Ginger is a widely used oil for most challenges related to the stomach. Like its donor
plant, Ginger has proven to be an effective oil for most nutritional support programs.
Ginger tends to be warm and stimulating to the cardiovascular system.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 241

Grapefruit, Pink is an effective emotional oil for a wide range of needs, but it is an equally
effective for physical needs as well. Grapefruit, pink is often used for kidney related needs,
and stimulant, to the digestive and
lymphatic systems, and various internal I love this oil. I feel like it helps me to
organs. This oil has also shown to be better digest food and helps to cut
effective in balancing oily skin, to clear up down on that bloating that sometimes
happens when you don't eat the right
acne issues. Safety Note: Is phototoxic. food. I also noticed movement
Lemon should simply bring to your downward on my weight anytime I use
mind, cleanser, freshener, purifier, this oil.
stimulant, disinfectant. Beneficial for - L. Ritter
infections, weight loss, mental clarity,
breathing, cleansing inside and outside
of the body as well as the whole house. Safety Note: Phototoxic.
Spearmint is a very popular oil in food products. While Spearmint and Peppermint are
often used for similar purposes, Spearmint is far gentler, cooling, and sweeter, and is a
favorite among children. It helps to lower blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, muscle
cramps, and headaches. It keeps away moths, ants, flies, and mosquitoes.
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of remembrance”
because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial for respiratory ailments
such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a good pain reliever for joints. It
strengthens the immune system as well as the liver and gall bladder. It helps balance the
endocrine system and supports adrenal function. It is a tonic for the heart and varicose
veins. Safety Note: Caution when pregnant.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
242 Foundational Aromatherapy

Physical Care™*
Physical Care™ blend is targeted toward supporting bone and joint health and
alleviating physical aches and pains associated with everyday living or chronic/
nagging pain due to old conditions or
Key Emotions: Uplifting, Bravery, Safety Note Not recommended for
Reliability, Steadfastness, Tenacity ➢ Undiluted use Children under age 5
➢ Pregnant women
Key Body Systems: Skeletal, Muscular ➢ Individuals taking blood thinners
Ingredients: Basil Sweet, Birch Sweet, ➢ In cases of high blood pressure
Black Pepper, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, use with caution.
Cajeput, Clove Bud, Cypress, Fennel,
Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender,
Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rosemary 1.8 cineol, Rosewood, Scotch Pine,
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN Mix 2-4 drops in ¼ cup unscented Dead Sea Salts, milk, powdered milk, or
THE TUB coconut milk. Swish in warm footbath. Soak feet for fifteen minutes or until
water cools.
BREATHE For pain relief, Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
SPRAY or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each
use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

Ingredient Descriptions
Basil, Sweet can help with digestive issues, circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, bladder infections,
lung congestion, muscle spasms, travel sickness and a wide range of infections. Basil is effective
in eliminating thread-worms (pinworms); repelling flies and mosquitoes; and treating insect
bites. Basil oil has been widely used to help with many emotional struggles such as anxiety,
insomnia and depression.
Birch, Sweet People like to use birch rebuild bone structure and in general all things “bone.”
Birch oil has some properties similar to aspirin such as anti-inflammatory, fever reducing, and/or
pain relieving properties. Birch is sometimes used for skin issues, such as dandruff and flaky skin.
Many times, this oil is indicated for detoxifying and weight loss, water retention, kidney and
urinary tract related needs.
Black Pepper a favorite to lessen the withdrawal symptoms normally associated with smoking
and drugs. Black Pepper is widely used and effective for muscle pain, stiffness, toxin removal,

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 243

digestion, mental concentration and memory, arthritis and rheumatism. This is a common oil for
use against several bacteria and virus-related issues.
Blue Tansy is a natural antihistamine, relieves pain, itching, and allergy symptoms. It can be used
to reduce inflammation as well as act as an analgesic, anesthetic, and a relaxant. It can also
relieve pain from radiation burns on cancer patients.
Cajeput can be used to relieve asthma, bronchitis, coughs, muscle aches, rheumatism, and sore
throat. Cajeput is used to help with concentration as it can stimulate the mind, helping with
clarity, and organization of thoughts. It is a mood elevator, giving a sense of well-being. It can
also help those suffering from anxiety and stress.
Clove Bud is generally associated with mouth-
related challenges, such as toothaches and I have used essential oils for several
bad breath. However, Clove Bud is becoming years and love them. The blend I use
more popular when used for pain relief, most and can't live without is Physical
against various infections and infectious Care™. When I started using Physical
diseases, and as a stimulant for the Care™ for arthritis in my knees, hands,
heart/nervous system, and respiratory hips and back, it amazed me how it
system. Clove Bud’s warming abilities helped with pain. After using it, my pain
contribute to its aid to the digestive system. lessens to the point that I hardly notice
Safety Note: Do not use when pregnant, or on and can get around without any
a blood thinner, or under two. NOT A problem at all. When I get ready for the
TEETHING OIL day, I apply a drop or two on the soles
of my feet, and that is usually all I need.
Cypress is used in improving circulation, If I keep having pain or stiffness, I then
respiratory related needs ranging from put a drop on the area that is giving me
asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and problems. Smelling the oil by taking
congestion. Cypress oil is sometimes deep breaths also helps. I have a 6-
considered a "poor man’s Helichrysum oil" in year-old granddaughter who has
that it serves many similar needs. This oil also growing pains in her legs. We just rub a
helps with issues related to perspiration. drop or two on each leg, and she feels
Safety Notes: diffusing place diffuser across better quickly. I am so thankful for this
the room oil and hope never to be without it.
—Karen H.
Fennel is beneficial for settling the
stomach, cleansing the pancreas, and
balancing blood sugar levels. Fennel is generally used in various skin-strengthening
formulas, and for circulation. It is used to help balance hormones in older adults. Fennel is
used in specific anti-parasitic protocols and has a slight black licorice scent. Safety Note:
Avoid with epilepsy, pregnancy, or estrogenic cancers.
Frankincense is highly desired by most people. A few of the many benifits of this oil are:
strengthening the respiratory system, rejuvenating the skin, and being anti-tumoral. It has the
unique ability to pass the blood brain barrier, aiding the in both physical and emotional
properties. Frankincense is hugely beneficial for strengthening the immune system.
Geranium, like its cousin Rose Geranium, has the ability to aid in the healing of wounds and
scar prevention and removal; however, it has a heavier earth scent, making it preferable in
many blends for its healing qualities without an overpowering rosy aroma. Geranium slows
down bleeding in serious wounds and in menstruating women. It is also an antidepressant,
may aid in dealing with anxiety, and is a powerful insecticide. Other unique qualities include

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
244 Foundational Aromatherapy

alleviating water retention and diabetes. It is a middle note (refer to page 44) and found in
Egypt, Spain, France and Italy.
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for skin care due to its quick healing abilities and powerful yet
gentle action. It is one of the more effective oils for burns and sunburns. It also works to prevent
swelling and scarring from burns. Lavender is among the most widely used essential oils for
emotional support. Many people say that if they were allowed to have only one oil, they would
choose Lavender.
Lemongrass The light, fresh scent makes Lemongrass popular to diffuse and mist, works well in
food recipes. The ability to clean oily skin, get rid of blackheads and tightening pores are a few of
its many qualities. It is known to be effective with cellulite, reducing wrinkles, fluid
retention, sport injuries, and excessive perspiration. Safety Notes: Possible dermal irritation, use
with care, Undiluted use not recommended for children and the elderly.
Peppermint is best known for aiding digestion. It generally helps to reduce gas, bloating, and
relieve an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and stress. As a mental and
physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working hours or while driving. It
can help reduce a fever and give immediate relief for minor injuries such as a smashed
finger. Safety Note: Avoid with high blood
pressure. Not for children 2 and under. Avoid if
a sufferer of atrial fibrillation. I am in my sixties, and I am retired.
I am constantly doing yard work
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain every day. Last week, I was outside
issues. Known as “the oil of remembrance” and pulled a muscle in my lower
because it can improve mental clarity. When back. The injury was quite painful.
inhaled, it is beneficial for respiratory ailments My wife gave me a blend of Physical
such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It Care™ and carrier oil, which I rubbed
is a good pain reliever for joints. It strengthens the on my sore muscles. Within three
immune system as well as the liver and gall days, the pain was completely gone
bladder. It helps balance the endocrine system and I was
and supports adrenal function. It is a tonic for the back outside working again."
—Gary U.
heart and varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution
when pregnant.
Rosewood is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, and antiviral
properties that can aid with various issues in the body and many illnesses. It also has a calming
effect on the nervous system, can lower anxiety levels, soothe inflammation and spasms, and
boost the immune system. Rosewood can relieve mild depression and help strengthen focus.
Scotch Pine can be used to stay mentally alert, as its mental effects are similar to Peppermint.
Scotch Pine has a warming effect in the body. Native Americans used it to avert scurvy and keep
fleas and ticks away. It has proven to be especially useful to the pulmonary and respiratory
system. Its expectorant qualities provide fast relief from bronchitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and flu
Black Spruce is very much like most of the evergreen oils. It works effectively with the physical
aspects of fatigue, pain in bones and muscles. It also works great with most challenges to the
respiratory system. This oil is effective in giving a person a fresh emotional uplift, yet calming of
the nerves. Works great in recipes for bug and mosquito repellents

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 245


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
246 Foundational Aromatherapy

Prosperity™ energizes the mind and enhances overall health and well-being.
When diffused, or sprayed in a mist, it can help clear the mind, heighten focus,
and augment easier generation of positive thoughts.

Key Emotions: Abundance, Credibility,

Successful, Satisfying, Clarity Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Endocrine, Digestive ➢ Undiluted use not
recommended for children under
age 5
Ingredients: Black Spruce, Cinnamon ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Bark, Ginger, Nutmeg, Orange, Sweet, women.

How Do I Use It?

IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every hour during the day.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
& SPRAY or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
PUT IT well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
ON To strengthen the mind and prepare for creativity, apply to bottoms of each big
toe, the reflex point for the brain.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern

Ingredient Descriptions
Cinnamon Bark is one of the most universal oils because of its wide range of uses. It is
one of the few oils indicated for circulation and heart stimulation. Other uses: the flu,
digestive issues, blood sugar issues, impotence in men, childbirth in women and even
tropical fevers and a wide range of infections. When highly diluted, it has been used
effectively as an anti-parasitic oil, and with scabies. Safety Note: Avoid when pregnant.
Don’t use undiluted on children under 12. Not for pets.
Ginger is a widely used oil for most challenges related to the stomach. Like its donor
plant, Ginger has proven to be an effective oil for most nutritional support programs.
Ginger tends to be warm and stimulating to the cardiovascular system.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 247

Nutmeg is not only used as a spice, but is

useful medically and emotionally as well.
It is used for stimulating digestion and I diffuse Prosperity™ almost daily in
fighting infections in the digestive tract my home and sometimes use it in a
and has been widely known for its ability mister or as a perfume. My mom
sprayed a shirt that smelled musty;
to ease diarrhea, vomiting, and increase that same day she found a $10 bill in
appetite. It has anti-inflammatory, anti- her drive way—a real surprise because
parasitic, antiseptic, and anticoagulant she had only ever found coins before.
properties. Two months ago my husband, who
had been with the same company for
Orange, Sweet helps balance the thyroid over 11 years with no raise, began
and lymphatic system, making it looking for a new job. He started
beneficial for weight loss, treating water applying online. Within a week, he had
retention, and cellulite issues. Orange oil three job interviews, and days later he
is an effective emotional aid oil. More got two job offers, one that was $4
more an hour than he was currently
Orange oil is produced worldwide, making. With his new job, he is much
volume wise, than any other oil. Safety happier now and not stressed out,
Note: Slightly phototoxic. which has helped relieve some health
issues. I truly believe this oil works
Patchouli has a varied range of uses. A wonders!
favorite choice as an aphrodisiac, yet it —V. Dunfee
is also used for fungal infections, skin
issues, weight control, some types of I use Prosperity™ before every event,
acne, and tissue regeneration. Patchouli business opportunity, and
is effective against poisonous plants, relief from bee stings and insect bites, as an anti-
parasite treatment against certain classes of parasites. —Jenni Smith
Black Spruce is very much like most of the evergreen oils. It works effectively with the
physical aspects of fatigue, pain in bones and muscles. It also works great with most
challenges to the respiratory system. This oil is effective in giving a person a fresh emotional
uplift, yet calming of the nerves. Works great in recipes for bug and mosquito repellents

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
248 Foundational Aromatherapy

Relief™ was formulated specifically to relieve aches and pains associated with
sports or heavy work activity. Relief also works well to avert aches and pains
when applied just before warm-up activities as well as after workouts or other
physical activity.
Key Emotions: Determination,
Relieved, Encouraged, Follow through, Safety Note
Toughness ➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
Key Body Systems: Muscular, and children under age 5
Skeletal, Circulatory ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Ingredients: Basil Sweet, Black Pine, ➢ Not recommended for individuals
Clove Bud, Corn Mint, Cypress, Fir taking blood thinners.
Needle, Scotch Pine, Spike Lavender
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily. Swish into warm
THE TUB footbath water. Soak feet for fifteen minutes or until water cools.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball, inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each
SPRAY use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT ON In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.

Ingredient Descriptions
This is my go-to oil for pain and
Basil, Sweet can help with digestive inflammation. I gave Relief™ to my
issues, circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, girls for monthly pain, and it worked
bladder infections, lung congestion, like a charm. When I sustained knee
muscle spasms, travel sickness and a injury, Relief™ helped with pain and
wide range of infections. Basil is inflammation. Our young adult boys
effective in eliminating thread-worms have lots of aches, pains, bumps, and
(pinworms); repelling flies and bruises. Relief™ never lets us down!
mosquitoes; and treating insect bites. —M. Field
Basil oil has been widely used to help
with many emotional struggles such as anxiety, insomnia and depression.
Clove Bud is generally associated with mouth-related challenges, such as toothaches
and bad breath. However, Clove Bud is becoming more popular when used for pain
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 249

relief, against various infections and infectious diseases, and as a stimulant for the
heart/nervous system, and respiratory
system. Clove Bud’s warming abilities
contribute to its aid to the digestive I have been using Relief™ for several
system. Safety Note: Do not use when weeks now. I am a female 67 years old
pregnant, or on a blood thinner, or and have been helping to finish a new
under two. NOT A TEETHING OIL garage apartment. Installing
insulation, hanging dry wall, and
Corn Mint is great for reducing painful painting entire rooms from ceiling to
itching and beneficial for spasms, floor made my joints and muscles
especially in the intestines and Irritable complain—and complain loudly. I
began to apply a couple drops of
Bowel Syndrome. It has been useful for Relief™ at the first sign of stiffness or
the immune systems and used in the soreness, especially on my knees and
treatment of colds, flu, and infections. shoulders. I felt almost instant relief
Corn mint is a type of peppermint. that lasted for several hours. I now
keep my bottle in my pocket and
Cypress is used in improving circulation, reapply as needed. At the end of the
respiratory related needs ranging from day, I am still flexible and pain free.
asthma whooping cough to bronchitis The scent is another nice thing about
and general congestion. Cypress oil is Relief™. It has a fresh smell that is not
sometimes considered a "poor man’s offensive. I will definitely keep this oil
on hand.
Helichrysum oil" in that it serves many —Aletha Dennis
similar needs. This oil also helps with
issues related to perspiration. Safety
Notes: diffusing place diffuser across the The doctor told me, “You are going
room. to need ankle surgery…and there will
be a six-week recovery time.” And, oh
Fir Needle It can aid in relieving arthritis, yeah, they were going to use a cadaver
bronchitis, colds, coughs, flu, muscle ligament to repair mine. I was scared
aches, rheumatism, and sinusitis. Fir to have surgery, and I couldn’t afford
Needle has antiseptic, astringent, and to take six weeks off work. I used
Relief™ topically on the injury
pain-relieving properties. Some have whenever it started to hurt. It took less
used it as a natural deodorant. than 6 weeks to heal! Relief™ and
Scotch Pine can be used to stay mentally nutrition handled the pain. I had a full
alert, as its mental effects are similar to recovery with NO drugs and NO
surgery! I love essential oils!! ☺
Peppermint. Scotch pine has a warming —Kim Witt
effect in the body; it can warm cold
hands and feet and ease the pain of sore
or strained muscles after participating in exercise or sports. Native Americans used it to
avert scurvy and keep fleas and ticks away. It has proven to be especially useful to the
pulmonary and respiratory system. Its expectorant qualities provide fast relief from
bronchitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and flu symptoms.
Spike Lavender is great for muscles, pain, inflammation, headaches, and the respiratory
system. Spike Lavender offers great circulatory and mucolytic properties.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
250 Foundational Aromatherapy

Sacred Place™*
Formulated with high-frequency/energy oils and designed to generate similar
high frequencies in any environment. It can be diffused, misted, or used for a
refreshing scent to aid and uplift in times of stress, emotional sadness, or grief.
Key Emotions: Tranquility,
Peacefulness, Solitude, Contemplative Safety note
Key Body Systems: Endocrine, ➢ Undiluted use not recommended
Nervous, and Urinary for children under age 5
➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Ingredients: Sweet Birch, Cedarwood, women,
Clove Bud, Fennel, Grapefruit Pink, ➢ Not recommended for individuals
Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Myrrh, Neroli, taking blood thinners.
Palmarosa, Rose, Rosewood
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN For soothing and nurturing soak, in a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea
THE TUB salts or powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per
bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. Or put 1-2
IN, drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case. Or 1-2 drops in
BREATHE palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose without touching
OUT face, and inhale.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
SPRAY or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT Apply 1 to 2 drops with 2 to 3 drops carrier oil on bottom of feet.
ON For perfume, apply 1 to 2 drops to pulse points as needed.

Ingredient Descriptions
Birch, Sweet People like to use this oil to rebuild bone structure and in general all things
“bone.” Birch oil has some properties similar to aspirin such as having anti-inflammatory,
fever reducing, and/or pain relieving properties. Birch is sometimes used for skin issues,
such as dandruff and flaky skin. Many times, this oil is indicated for detoxifying and weight
loss, water retention, kidney and urinary tract related needs.
Cedarwood oftentimes has references to a number of oils from various plants. This one is
the “atlantica” species, known to be mild, gentle, and calming to the nerves. This is an oil for
most issues related to the skin, including fungal infections of the scalp and hair related
needs. It is also effective for testosterone hormone related needs, as well as masculine
emotional challenges. Safety Note: Do not use if pregnant.
Clove Bud is generally associated with mouth-related challenges, such as toothaches and
bad breath. However, Clove Bud is becoming more popular when used for pain relief,
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 251

against various infections and infectious diseases, and as a stimulant for the heart/nervous
system, and respiratory system. Clove Bud’s warming abilities contribute to its aid to the
digestive system. Safety Note: Do not use when pregnant, or on a blood thinner, or under
Fennel is beneficial for settling the stomach, cleansing the pancreas, and balancing blood
sugar levels. Fennel is generally used in various skin-strengthening formulas, and for
circulation. It is used to help balance hormones in older adults. Fennel is used in specific
anti-parasitic protocols and has a slight black licorice scent. Safety Note: Avoid with
epilepsy, pregnancy, or estrogenic cancers.
Grapefruit, Pink is an effective emotional oil for a wide range of needs, but it is an equally
effective for physical needs as well. Grapefruit, pink is often used for kidney related needs,
and stimulant, to the digestive and lymphatic systems, and various internal organs. This oil
has also shown to be effective in balancing oily skin, to clear up acne issues. Safety Note: Is
Jasmine is generally known first and foremost as an aphrodisiac oil. However, as with most
oils, they have many uses and Jasmine is no different. Some of its known uses have been for
muscle spasms, easing the struggles of childbirth, apathy, depression and as a general mood
enhancer. Not recommended for pregnancy and breast feeding. Never take internally.
Juniper Berry is traditionally used for kidney and urinary tract related issues. However, some
of its other known benefits are purifying the blood, lymphatic stimulation, and weight loss.
On the emotional side, it is effective in helping with stress, anxiety and various nervous
disorders. Safety Notes: May cause some irritation in sensitive people, caution for
pregnancy and kidney disease.
Myrrh has been well known since ancient times, like Frankincense, for its healing, antiseptic
properties. However, in modern times this oil is widely used in mouth washes, toothpastes,
skin ointments, and for thyroid issues. Emotional uses indicate for strengthening the ability
to deal with stress and worry in a fast paced world. Not recommended during pregnancy.
Neroli is from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, there is nothing bitter about this
sweet and calming scent. Neroli has a tendency to help balance the emotions as well as the
heart. Some of the other qualities of Neroli oil are, helping balance the nervous system as
well as to tone the skin.
Palmarosa has a slight rose aroma. One of the outstanding qualities of this oil is its use for
most skin care needs. Palmarosa has many properties that are similar to Tea Tree in its use,
yet tends to be gentler on the skin than Tea Tree.
Rose is said to be the ultimate oil because of its ability to encourage the production and
release of dopamine. Rose and Rose Geranium should not be confused, they are not related
at all. Rose has been used in perfumes for its lovely scent for hundreds of years.
Rosewood is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, and
antiviral properties that can aid with various issues in the body and many illnesses. It also
has a calming effect on the nervous system, can lower anxiety levels, soothe inflammation
and spasms, and boost the immune system. Rosewood can relieve mild depression and help
strengthen focus.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
252 Foundational Aromatherapy

Surrender essential oil blend is a unique blend of essential oils that draws from
several sources to produce a relaxing and escaping from the normal emotional
trials that seem to come around on a regular basis for most people. The aroma is
one of a slight pine and rose aroma with several flower oils and some citrus
scents to make an emotional soothing effect when experiencing or facing
emotionally stressful situations. Surrender might be considered as a companion
oil to the Wild Flower essential oil blend. Most of the time one would find using
Surrender helpful in getting through stressful situations when the desire is to
escape harsh, negative environments. Then Wildflower will assist you in getting
back up and running with a clear mind and positive attitude. Surrender is
considered to be an upper middle note oil.
Key Emotions: Reassured, Victory.
Acceptance, Composure, Serene, Safety note
Key Body Systems: Nervous, ➢ Dilute with the young, elderly,
Endocrine, and Reproductive sensitive skin,
➢ sun sensitivity, avoid direct
Ingredients: Amyris, Black Spruce, sunlight after applying
Bergamot, Clementine, Cocoa, Lavender,
Jojoba, Neroli, Osmanthus, Pine Needle,
Rosewood, White grapefruit, Ylang Ylang,
How Do I Use It?
SOAK IN For soothing and nurturing soak, in a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
THE TUB Sea salts or powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz.
per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed. Or put 1-2
IN, drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case. Or 1-2 drops in
BREATHE palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose without touching
OUT face, and inhale.
IT’S IN THE Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
SPRAY or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each
use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT Apply 1 to 2 drops with 2 to 3 drops carrier oil on bottom of feet.
ON For perfume, apply 1 to 2 drops to pulse points as needed.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 253

Ingredient Descriptions When I am over worked and

Osmanthus can be used for its hormone everything at home is crazy. The kids
balancing properties. It also is an are fighting. The house is a bomb!
aphrodisiac, antidepressant, and stimulant. Dishes to the ceiling with no end in
The aroma is said to bring an enlightened sight. Surrender is the oil I turn to. It
feeling. It may also improve digestion or makes mountains into mole hills and
gives me the frame of mind to keep
increase appetite after illness. It is also used going and not personally injure anyone
to improve the clarity and beauty of the skin. who may live with me LOL. I love it and
Black Spruce is very much like most of the so do the people I live with!
evergreen oils. It works effectively with the
- Leiann King
physical aspects of fatigue, pain in bones
and muscles. It also works great with most
challenges to the respiratory system. This oil
is effective in giving a person a fresh emotional uplift, yet calming of the nerves. Works
great in recipes for bug and mosquito repellents
Clementine is known for its ability to relieve fatigue and insomnia. It is also valued for its
antioxidant properties. It is antifungal, which makes it beneficial as an air freshener for
spaces that need revitalizing. It is extracted from the peel by being cold compressed.
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for skin care due to its quick healing abilities and powerful
yet gentle action. It is one of the more effective oils for burns and sunburns. It also works to
prevent swelling and scarring from burns. Lavender is among the most widely used essential
oils for emotional support. Many people say that if they were allowed to have only one oil,
they would choose Lavender.
White Grapefruit is great for relieving muscle aches, fatigue, and stiffness. It purifies
congested skin and is more of an astringent than Pink Grapefruit, making it excellent for
cellulite reduction. Its bitterness lends itself for emotional balancing and a grounding effect.
It can aid in cases of nervous exhaustion. Like Pink Grapefruit, it assists the kidneys by
cleansing, detoxifying, and removing blockages. It also benefits the liver and stimulates the
digestive and lymphatic systems. It can detoxify many systems of the body and has gentle
toning and astringent qualities and can help clear acne and balance oily skin.
Ylang Ylang is normally considered to primarily be an aphrodisiac oil. However, it has a wide
range of properties that help with heart related challenges, relaxing muscles, and working
to encourage the body to produce pain reducing hormones. This oil generally promotes a
state of happiness and wellbeing.
Rosewood is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, and
antiviral properties that can aid with various issues in the body and many illnesses. It also
has a calming effect on the nervous system, can lower anxiety levels, soothe inflammation
and spasms, and boost the immune system. Rosewood can relieve mild depression and help
strengthen focus.
Jojoba is a carrier oil that is used with essential oils and blends for safety and to cover
large areas of skin. It easily penetrates the skin and closely resembles the skin’s sebum.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
254 Foundational Aromatherapy

Bergamot carries a light citrus scent. Many times, this oil is used as a stand-alone oil, or as
an ingredient in various teas, because of is wide range of support for digestive issues,
urinary tract related infections, cuts and scars, spasms, and for stimulation of various
internal organs. Many people consider it a favorite oil for emotional support in issues such
as; anxiety, depression, PMS and various female/male mental related needs. Safety Note:
Neroli is from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, there is nothing bitter about this
sweet and calming scent. Neroli has a tendency to help balance the emotions as well as the
heart. Some of the other qualities of Neroli oil are, helping balance the nervous system as
well as to tone the skin.
Cocoa is one of the most sought-after products worldwide. Cocoa has been used as
currency in trade among vast periods of times and countries. Cocoa is one of those oils
desired on many levels to improve health with the emotional health being first on the
list. Cocoa has also been used to stimulate appetite. Overall, Cocoa works to deepen
the richness and enhance the aroma of many essential oil blends. We see its use in
blends or in various skin care products. In the culinary side, we see more widespread
use because of its deep rich chocolate flavonoids. In some parts of the world Cocoa oil
is referred to as Theobroma oil.
Amyris was historically used to clean wounds as well as assisting with recovery after
giving birth. It is commonly used for the healing of ailments such as the flu, diarrhea,
stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Amyris is used in soap and other cosmetics. Its anti-
aging properties make it popular in lotions and creams because when used on the skin
over time, it reduces the appearance of lines and leaves the skin looking renewed.
Amyris is also used as a perfume, sometimes called a "mood" perfume, giving a feeling
of well-being and reducing anxiety. It has a woodsy aroma, making it a favorite in
masculine fragrances. It is also said to be an aphrodisiac.
Pine Needle penetrates the skin quickly. Which makes it a great choice for all kinds of aches
and pains, including chronic rheumatism and arthritis. Highly anti-inflammatory, it helps
open up the circulatory system. For the respiratory system, try adding a few drop in the
bottom of your shower or in an inhaler for convenient all day use.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 255


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
256 Foundational Aromatherapy

Sweet Soothe™*
Sweet Soothe™ is generally used for support with blood sugar challenges and
has been reported to help lessen sugar cravings. It also is used to assist with
digestion-related issues.
Key Emotions: Directness, Clearing,
Ability, Enabling, Assertiveness Safety note
➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
Key Body Systems: Endocrine, and children under age 5
Digestive ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Ingredients: Anise, Cinnamon Bark, women
Coriander, Dill Seed, Dill Weed, Fennel
How Do I Use It?
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
& SPRAY or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.

Ingredient Descriptions
Anise is known to promote digestion and have an antispasmodic effect, including for
digestive pains. A combination of Anise and Peppermint may aid in reducing nausea but
is not recommended for pregnant women. Found to be highly useful for the digestive
and respiratory systems, Anise can help relieve a spasmodic cough due to a cold or the
flu. Safety Note: Avoid when pregnant.
Cinnamon Bark one of the most universal oils because of its wide range of uses. This oil
is one of the few oils indicated for circulation and heart stimulation. Other uses: the flu,
digestive issues, blood sugar issues, impotence in men, childbirth in women and even
tropical fevers and a wide range of infections. When highly diluted, it has been used
effectively as an anti-parasitic oil against scabies. Safety Note: Avoid when pregnant.
Don’t use undiluted on children under 12. Not for pets.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 257

Coriander The uplifting, refreshing scent

of Coriander has been used throughout
history to stimulate the appetite by Sweet Soothe™ has been perfectly
creating a unique flavor in foods. This oil crafted to deal with all things
digestive. For our large family of
has been known to help in circulation mostly young adults, who love to eat
stimulation and lymphatic drainage. things that aren’t the best for them, it
Coriander is also used in balancing blood has proven invaluable. This oil blend
sugar, helping with digestive issues and has relieved issues from gas, bloating,
relieving muscular pains. Avoid during stomach cramping, constipation, and
diarrhea. I always keep some in my
pregnancy. purse, and if we end up eating at a
Dill Seed has been known to aid place that seems questionable, we
digestive problems in adults. Many have know what to use to head off any
found it useful to reduce oral unwanted stomach visitors!
inflammation. Dill Seed has been used to —M. Field
fight off urinary infections and relieve
painful urination. It can also relieve I have spent a lot of time traveling
hiccups and constipation problems as and currently live in Panama. My
well as colds, fever, coughs, nerve pain, digestive system is constantly
bronchitis, and spasms. It is antifungal, challenged with all the different foods
especially for environmental black mold. and stresses of travel. Whenever I feel
indigestion or discomfort, I rub a little
Dill Weed can relieve flatulence, colic, of the essential oil blend Sweet
vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, and Soothe™ on my stomach and take a
hiccups. It benefits the digestive, small lick of it, and all discomfort
respiratory, and endocrine systems and disappears. This is a "never leave
home without it" oil.
is excellent for balancing blood sugar. It —Kathy Jones
has a calming effect on the autonomic
nervous system, making it a useful aid
for hyperactivity in children. It promotes lactation for breastfeeding mothers. Teens in
puberty can use it to balance hormones and clear acne breakouts. Dill Weed is among
the earliest and well-known medicinal herbs. Dill Weed contains antispasmodic,
decongestive, and diuretic properties. It is antifungal and helps eliminate parasites.
Fennel is beneficial for settling the stomach, cleansing the pancreas, and balancing blood
sugar levels. Fennel is generally used in various skin-strengthening formulas, and for
circulation. It is used to help balance hormones in older adults. Fennel is used in specific
anti-parasitic protocols and has a slight black licorice scent. Safety Note: Avoid with
epilepsy, pregnancy, or estrogenic cancers.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
258 Foundational Aromatherapy

To Be At Peace™*
To Be At Peace™ supports the nervous system, promotes restful sleep, and helps
reduce or eliminate addictions. It promotes calm and peace for both children and
pets. The aroma alone can aid in soothing the nerves, provide emotional
support, and strengthen the ability to stay focused. With massage, it can ease
aching, over-used muscles, relieve the over-stimulated mind, and make falling
asleep easier. The anti-inflammatory properties of this blend relax the muscles
around the spine to allow it to realign itself. A nickname for this oil is
“Chiropractor in a Bottle.”

Key Emotions: Serenity, Balanced,

Structured, Organized, Directed Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Nervous, ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Muscular, Skeletal, and Endocrine

Ingredients: Blue Tansy (Tanacetum annum), Grapefruit Pink, Orange Sweet, Rose,
Rosewood, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN For a relaxing soak, in a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or
THE TUB powdered milk with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN To create a calm, peaceful environment, Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute
THE AIR intervals every two hours during the day.
BREATHE To relieve anxiety and overstimulation; Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
IN, inhaler. Sniff as needed. Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or
BREATHE put in pillow case. Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over
OUT mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
& SPRAY distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck and around the hairline.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
IN relief.

Ingredient Descriptions
Blue Tansy is a natural antihistamine and relieves pain, itching, and allergy symptoms. It
can be used to reduce inflammation as well as act as an analgesic, anesthetic, and a
relaxant. It can also relieve pain from radiation burns on cancer patients.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 259

Grapefruit, Pink is an effective emotional oil for a wide range of needs, but it is an
equally effective physical needs oil as well. Grapefruit is often used for kidney related
needs, as well as a stimulant to the digestive and lymphatic systems and various
internal organs. This oil has also shown
to be effective in balancing oily skin and
helping to clear up acne issues. Safety I've been using the To Be at Peace™
Note: Is phototoxic. since the beginning of June. Have not
had to take 1 sleeping pill since (I used
Orange, Sweet helps balance the thyroid to take them every night)!
and lymphatic system, making it —Beth T.
beneficial for weight loss, treating water
retention, and cellulite issues. Orange oil Our 5-year-old was very hyper at
is an effective emotional aid oil. More night and didn't fall asleep very easily.
Orange oil is produced worldwide, I put 1 drop To Be at Peace™ on a
volume wise, than any other oil. Slightly tissue placed in his pillowcase and he
phototoxic. began falling asleep in minutes and
now asks for it every night.
Rose is said to be the ultimate oil —Priscilla Wayman
because of its ability to encourage the
production and release of dopamine.
Rose and Rose Geranium should not be I have been putting Lavender on my
4-year-old son, and a mister of To Be
confused, they are not related at all. at Peace™. I’ve noticed his behavior
Rose has been used in perfumes for its has been calmer, and he’s been
lovely scent for hundreds of years. settling down easier. Now, when I pull
Rosewood is known for its antibacterial, out my mister, he asks me if I am
putting To Be at Peace™ on him!!
antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, —Suzette E.
and antiviral properties that can aid with
various issues in the body and many
illnesses. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system, can lower anxiety levels, soothe
inflammation and spasms, and boost the immune system. Rosewood can relieve mild
depression and help strengthen focus.
Tangerine can ease tension, fear, sadness, irritability, and even insomnia. Its hypnotic
aroma can be used before bed time to aid in relaxation and calming nervous tension. It
is well known for being one of the safest oils to use on children, pregnant women, and
the elderly. It can help skin issues by increasing capillary actions and promoting the
growth of new skin. Tangerine can aid in digestive support as well as gall bladder, liver,
and lymph functions. It is widely used in cooking to add delicious flavors to food and
Ylang Ylang is normally considered to primarily be an aphrodisiac oil. However, it has a wide
range of properties that help with heart related challenges, relaxing muscles, and working
to encourage the body to produce pain reducing hormones. This oil generally promotes a
state of happiness and wellbeing.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
260 Foundational Aromatherapy

To Be Happy™*
To Be Happy™ blend promotes a happy state of mind, especially for children. It
is useful to create a light mood and can help generate fun and joy in daily living.
To access its qualities, use it as a personal fragrance, diffuse it, or spray as a mist.
Use it any time of day to bring out the “child” in everyone.

Key Emotions: Joy, Carefree,

Happiness, Relief, Contemplative, Safety Note
Encouraged ➢ Safe for all ages
Key Body Systems: Nervous, ➢ Phototoxic—avoid direct exposure to
Endocrine the sun or tanning booths for 12 hours
after use on skin.

Ingredients: Grapefruit Pink, Green

Mandarin, Orange Sweet, Rose, Spearmint, Tangerine

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
& SPRAY distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
IN relief.

Ingredient Descriptions
Grapefruit, Pink is an effective emotional oil for a wide range of needs, but it is an equally
effective for physical needs as well. Grapefruit, pink is often used for kidney related needs,
and stimulant, to the digestive and lymphatic systems, and various internal organs. This oil
has also shown to be effective in balancing oily skin, to clear up acne issues. Safety Note: Is

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 261

Green Mandarin is a safe oil for adults and children. Generally, this oil is used for issues
such as constipation, cramps of the stomach and digestive tract. This oil is also used for
nervous tension and insomnia. Many times, it is effectively administered in teas.
Orange, Sweet helps balance the thyroid and lymphatic system, making it beneficial for
weight loss, treating water retention, and cellulite issues. Orange oil is an effective
emotional aid oil. More Orange oil is produced worldwide, volume wise, than any other
oil. Slightly phototoxic.
Rose is said to be the ultimate
oil because of its ability to encourage the
production and release of dopamine. I diffuse To Be Happy™ in my Dad's
Rose and Rose Geranium should not be assisted living apartment, and he finds
confused, they are not related at all. it energizing and it seems to elevate
Rose has been used in perfumes for its his scary low blood pressure!
—Katherine M.
lovely scent for hundreds of years.
Spearmint is a very popular oil in food
products. While Spearmint and Peppermint are often used for similar purposes,
Spearmint is far gentler, cooling, and sweeter, and is a favorite among children. It helps
to lower blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and headaches. It keeps
away moths, ants, flies, and mosquitoes.
Tangerine can ease tension, fear, sadness, irritability, and even insomnia. Its hypnotic
aroma can be used before bed time to aid in relaxation and calming nervous tension. It
is well known for being one of the safest oils to use on children, pregnant women, and
the elderly. It can help skin issues by increasing capillary actions and promoting the
growth of new skin. Tangerine can aid in digestive support as well as gall bladder, liver,
and lymph functions. It is widely used in cooking to add delicious flavors to food and

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
262 Foundational Aromatherapy

To Be Loved™*
To Be Loved™ blend helps promote and strengthen emotional balance and being
emotionally open with others. Adults and children of any age can benefit from its
use. By using it during pregnancy, an unborn baby can become familiar with this
oil and associate its scent with the mother; after birth, the scent will calm the
newborn, especially at times of separation from the mother, such as when
leaving the child with a sitter.

Key Emotions: Cherished, Devoted,

Accountability, Refreshed, Nurtured Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Nervous, ➢ Use only as a mister for pregnant
Endocrine women or infants.

Ingredients: Rose Geranium, Monoi,

Patchouli, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
& SPRAY distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
IN relief.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.

Ingredient Descriptions
Rose Geranium is a great oil for easing anxiety and depression. Balancing and uplifting,
its sweet rosy smell makes it useful in perfumes and provides an energizing effect to
the mind. Women use it as a balancing oil to help with infertility, PMS, hot flashes, and
to balance adrenals. In a misting spray, it can be used for a highly effective insect
repellent; including head lice.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 263

Monoi is used to rehydrate and soften

the skin and provide protection from the
sun, wind, sea, and pool water. Monoi We diffuse To Be Loved™ in my 11-
can encourage relaxation and energize a year-old son's room. He loves the
scent, and it makes him feel safe at
weak body by being used in a massage. night. It's definitely a night-time
It relieves the pain of sunburn and can routine for him. The diffuser I got for
be used in a tanning oil. my birthday seems to be his now!
Patchouli has a varied range of uses. A —Kathy Van Winkle
favorite choice as an aphrodisiac, yet it
is also used for fungal infections, skin
issues, weight control, some types of I had a friend in the end stages of
acne, and tissue regeneration. Patchouli brain cancer. To Be Loved™ was one of
the only things that allowed her to
is effective against poisonous plants, cope with the horrors of her last few
relief from bee stings and insect bites, weeks. She diffused it in her room as
and as an anti-parasite well as put it all over her body. She
treatment against certain classes of also held the bottle in her hand and
parasites. smelled it all day long. She said it
made her feel like she still mattered
Rosewood is known for its antibacterial, and gave her a lot of comfort.
antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, —Priscilla Wayman
and antiviral properties that can aid with
various issues in the body and many
illnesses. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system, can lower anxiety levels, soothe
inflammation and spasms, and boost the immune system. Rosewood can relieve mild
depression and help strengthen focus.
Sandalwood is a true masculine oil; highly effective as an aphrodisiac oil for men.
Sandalwood is an effective oil for short term mental stress, as well as an oil used in
many skin care related products.
Ylang Ylang is normally considered to primarily be an aphrodisiac oil. However, it has a wide
range of properties that help with heart related challenges, relaxing muscles, and working
to encourage the body to produce pain reducing hormones. This oil generally promotes a
state of happiness and wellbeing.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
264 Foundational Aromatherapy

To Be Well™*
To Be Well™ blend is specifically designed to support the immune system and kill
bacteria and viruses. Many find it one of the best blends to use on children and
use it instead of 1st Defense™, which is only for adults. During cold and flu
season it gives the body added immune support to defend against sickness.
Besides just being preventative, it is highly effective if illness has already set in.
With antiviral and antibacterial oils it targets all sorts of bacterial, viral, or
respiratory illness. It helps with spasmodic cough, congestion, sore throat, fever,
and fatigue.

Key Emotions: Uplifted, Encouraged,

At Ease, Hopeful, Unrestrained Safety note
Key Body Systems: Immune, ➢ Safe for all ages.

Ingredients: Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Ravensara, Tea Tree, Thyme Linalool

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
PUT IT well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
ON For fighting an infection, rub on bottom of feet once every hour for three to five
hours, then once every four hours while awake.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
IN relief.
SPRITZ In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered or
& distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
SPRAY misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

Ingredient Descriptions
Eucalyptus Radiata, also known as narrow-leaf Peppermint, is a gentle but powerful
respiratory oil. Milder than other eucalyptus oils, it is an excellent choice for use with
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 265

children. It has exceptional anti-infectious abilities and is particularly useful in clearing

the upper lungs. It can be used to help reduce fevers and alleviate chronic fatigue or
immune deficiencies.
Lemon should simply bring to your mind, cleanser, freshener, purifier, stimulant,
disinfectant. Beneficial for infections, weight loss, mental clarity, breathing, cleansing
inside and outside of the body as well as the whole house. Safety Note: Phototoxic.
Ravensara is wonderful as a tonic for
the nervous system and effective for
physical fatigue. It is anti-infectious, To Be Well™ is not just for kids! After
antiviral, and antibacterial; making it many late nights and getting up early
good for the respiratory system. It is to work on a project, I wore my body
particularly beneficial for combating flu, down until finally it gave way to a
colds, and even pneumonia by reducing virus. A bad cold I did not have time
for! I was all out of 1st Defense™, so I
fevers and increasing oxygen absorption. used my To Be Well™, putting a drop
It is safe for use by anyone—from the on my feet every hour or so and
newborn to the elderly. Ravensara is breathing it in from the oil left on my
referred to as the “oil that heals.” hands. The next day, I felt great!
—Leiann King
Tea Tree is sometimes called a
“Medicine Chest in a Bottle.” It has been
proven to be a powerful immune stimulant and is effective in defending against all
three infection types—bacterial, viral, and fungal. Tea Tree is safe for all ages. Most
people are familiar with this oil, and many times it is the only oil they have ever used.
Thyme Linalool ct may suppress coughing fits caused by bronchitis or whooping
cough. Good for cold, flu, and bronco-pulmonary infections. Being mild and delicate, it
is very beneficial for children and the elderly. This particular type of Thyme has a wide
range of uses in working with emotional issues typically associated with children.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
266 Foundational Aromatherapy

A blend considered to be a great healing balm, Trauma™ soothes, stabilizes,
supports, and revives the muscles and bones. It can provide relief for common
minor injuries, such as a finger slammed in the door or a bump on the head. Even
for severe injuries, it has been known to inhibit bruising, reduce swelling, and
relieve pain. Some users have said Trauma™ enables a wider range of motion or
that with its use they no longer need other pain medications.

Key Emotions: Released, Forgiven,

Healed, Supported Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Muscular, ➢ Undiluted use not recommended for
Skeletal, and Nervous children under age 5
➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Ingredients: Birch Sweet, women,
Calophilium, Clove Bud, Helichrysum, ➢ Not recommended for individuals
taking blood thinners
Marjoram Sweet, Rosemary 1.8 cineol

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk with 24
THE TUB drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose
OUT without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or Youngevity® CM
RUB IT IN Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto area of concern needing
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
ON well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during the day.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of filtered
SPRAY or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake before each use,
misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

Ingredient Descriptions
Birch, Sweet People like to use this oil to rebuild bone structure and in general all things
“bone.” Birch oil has some properties similar to aspirin such as having anti-
inflammatory, fever reducing, and/or pain relieving properties. Birch is sometimes used
for skin issues, such as dandruff and flaky skin. Many times this oil is indicated for
detoxifying and weight loss, water retention, kidney and urinary tract related needs.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 267

Calophilium can be used for many skin ailments such as acne, eczema, boils, cuts, burns
and insect bites. It can also be used to ease muscle and joint pain and the effects of
scarring on the body. Cold sores, herpes, and shingles have also been known to be
relieved by this oil. It has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-aging, antiviral, and
antimicrobial properties. It can also be used as a deodorant as well.
Clove Bud is generally associated with mouth-related challenges, such as toothaches
and bad breath. However, Clove Bud is becoming more popular when used for pain
relief, against various infections and infectious diseases, and as a stimulant for the
heart/nervous system, and respiratory system. Clove Bud’s warming abilities contribute
to its aid to the digestive system. Safety Note: Do not use when pregnant, or on a blood
thinner, or under two. NOT A TEETHING OIL
Helichrysum is a first-choice oil for nerve
regeneration and circulation. Recent
studies show a possible link to heart My son’s girlfriend brought her son
attack prevention. Other virtues include: over to have me look at some injuries
reducing the effect of insect bites; he got after taking a fall during
football practice—he was very badly
the development and appearance of scraped, and some deeper cuts were
scars/ stretch marks. Many studies have stinging. I used Trauma™ oil on him,
shown it to be effective in treating and the pain was relieved after just a
emotional issues such as stress and few minutes. By the next morning, the
mental fatigue. Helichrysum is found cuts were healing and the scrapes
in Trauma™ blend. Safety Note: Avoid were gone! Now, just a couple of days
later, no pain and healing nicely—with
after surgery. only 1 drop of Trauma™!
Marjoram, Sweet is often overlooked, —Deb J.
however it does have a wide spectrum
of qualities that range from use on sore
muscles, joints, bones and respiratory issues. Other general uses include depression,
anxiety, general mood enhancement and insomnia. Marjoram was known as the “herb
of happiness” to the Romans and the “joy of the mountains” to the Greeks. Avoid
during first trimester.
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of
remembrance” because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial for
respiratory ailments such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a good pain
reliever for joints. It strengthens the immune system as well as the liver and gall
bladder. It helps balance the endocrine system and supports adrenal function. It is a
tonic for the heart and varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution when pregnant.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
268 Foundational Aromatherapy

Wild Flower™*
With this blend, we find an oil that both men and women love. You will notice
the various flower aromas with citrus overtones all over the place. Many people,
both female and male alike will use this oil as a personal scent. It is a companion
oil to the Surrender blend. Surrender will help you come down to where things
make sense, ie; slow down the whorl wind of the chaotic mind of the everyday
environment. Then Wild flower will assist you in getting back up and running
with a clear mind and positive attitude.
Key Emotions: Enthusiastic, Enliven,
Spirited, A New, Elation Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Reproductive, ➢ Not recommended for children under
Nervous, Endocrine age 5
➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Ingredients: Amyris, Black Spruce, women.
Bergamot, Clementine, Cocoa, Orange,
Jojoba, Jasmine, Lavender, Mandarin-
Green, Neroli, Osmanthus, Rosewood, Tangerine, White Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during
THE AIR the day.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto
area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck or insides of
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 269

Ingredient Descriptions
Bergamot carries a light citrus scent. Many times, this oil is used as a stand-alone oil, or as
an ingredient in various teas, because of is wide range of support for digestive issues,
urinary tract related infections, cuts and scars, spasms, and for stimulation of various
internal organs. Many people consider it a favorite oil for emotional support in issues such
as; anxiety, depression, PMS and various female/male mental related needs. Safety Note:
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for
skin care due to its quick healing abilities
and powerful yet gentle action. It is one of This is by far the best smelling blend I
the more effective oils for burns have ever smelled! The aroma is
flowery and exotic! It cheers me up
and sunburns. It also works to prevent and makes me feel fun and
swelling and scarring from burns. adventurous! It makes the best
Lavender is among the most widely used perfume!
essential oils for emotional support. Many -Leiann King
people say that if they were allowed to
have only one oil, they would choose I am in love with Wild Flower! This is
Lavender. one of my most favorite blends ever. I
love to use this in my homemade
Orange, Sweet helps balance the thyroid deodorant. I feel it gives it a “non-oil”
and lymphatic system, making it beneficial smell to the deodorant. I also find it
for weight loss, treating water retention, helps me sleep and helps with my
and cellulite issues. Orange oil is an Restless legs and Fibromyalgia. Every
effective emotional aid oil. More Orange Girl should have this oil in her make-up
oil is produced worldwide, volume wise, bag.
-Amanda Reynolds
than any other oil. Slightly phototoxic.
Osmanthus can be used for its hormone
balancing properties. It also is an aphrodisiac, antidepressant, and stimulant. The aroma is
said to bring an enlightened feeling. It may also improve digestion or increase appetite after
illness. It is also used to improve the clarity and beauty of the skin.
Rosewood is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, and
antiviral properties that can aid with various issues in the body and many illnesses. It also
has a calming effect on the nervous system, can lower anxiety levels, soothe inflammation
and spasms, and boost the immune system. Rosewood can relieve mild depression and help
strengthen focus.
Black Spruce is very much like most of the evergreen oils. It works effectively with the
physical aspects of fatigue, pain in bones and muscles. It also works great with most
challenges to the respiratory system. This oil is effective in giving a person a fresh emotional
uplift, yet calming of the nerves. Works great in recipes for bug and mosquito repellents
Grapefruit, White is great for relieving muscle aches, fatigue, and stiffness. It purifies
congested skin and is more of an astringent than Pink Grapefruit, making it excellent for
cellulite reduction. Its bitterness lends itself for emotional balancing and a grounding effect.
It can aid in cases of nervous exhaustion. Like Pink Grapefruit, it assists the kidneys by
cleansing, detoxifying, and removing blockages. It also benefits the liver and stimulates the
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
270 Foundational Aromatherapy

digestive and lymphatic systems. It can detoxify many systems of the body and has gentle
toning and astringent qualities and can help clear acne and balance oily skin.
Green Mandarin is a safe oil for adults and children. Generally, this oil is used for issues
such as constipation, cramps of the stomach and digestive tract. This oil is also used for
nervous tension and insomnia. Many times, it is effectively administered in teas.
Ylang Ylang is normally considered to primarily be an aphrodisiac oil. However, it has a wide
range of properties that help with heart related challenges, relaxing muscles, and working
to encourage the body to produce pain reducing hormones. This oil generally promotes a
state of happiness and wellbeing.
Tangerine can ease tension, fear, sadness, irritability, and even insomnia. Its hypnotic
aroma can be used before bed time to aid in relaxation and calming nervous tension. It
is well known for being one of the safest oils to use on children, pregnant women, and
the elderly. It can help skin issues by increasing capillary actions and promoting the
growth of new skin. Tangerine can aid in digestive support as well as gall bladder, liver,
and lymph functions. It is widely used in cooking to add delicious flavors to food and
Clementine is known for its ability to relieve fatigue and insomnia. It is also valued for its
antioxidant properties. It is antifungal, which makes it beneficial as an air freshener for
spaces that need revitalizing. It is extracted from the peel by being cold compressed.
Neroli is from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, there is nothing bitter about this
sweet and calming scent. Neroli has a tendency to help balance the emotions as well as the
heart. Some of the other qualities of Neroli oil are, helping balance the nervous system as
well as to tone the skin.
Cocoa is one of the most sought-after products worldwide. Cocoa has been used as
currency in trade among vast periods of times and countries. Cocoa is one of those oils
desired on many levels to improve health with the emotional health being first on the
list. Cocoa has also been used to stimulate appetite. Overall, Cocoa works to deepen
the richness and enhance the aroma of many essential oil blends. We see its use in
blends or in various skin care products. In the culinary side, we see more widespread
use because of its deep rich chocolate flavonoids. In some parts of the world Cocoa oil
is referred to as Theobroma oil.
Amyris was historically used to clean wounds as well as assisting with recovery after
giving birth. It is commonly used for the healing of ailments such as the flu, diarrhea,
stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Amyris is used in soap and other cosmetics. Its anti-
aging properties make it popular in lotions and creams because when used on the skin
over time, it reduces the appearance of lines and leaves the skin looking renewed.
Amyris is also used as a perfume, sometimes called a "mood" perfume, giving a feeling
of well-being and reducing anxiety. It has a woodsy aroma, making it a favorite in
masculine fragrances. It is also said to be an aphrodisiac.
Jojoba is a carrier oil that is used with essential oils and blends for safety and to cover
large areas of skin. It easily penetrates the skin and closely resembles the skin’s sebum.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 271


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
272 Foundational Aromatherapy

XY Blend™*
The primary use of XY Blend™ is to promote hormonal balance in both genders.
Many individuals struggle with hormone challenges in one form or another, and
studies have shown that in many cases, hormone balance is very delicate. Due to
this constant need for balancing, the XY Blend™ contains essential oils historically
used to assist with maintaining that balance.
Key Emotions: Defectiveness,
Balanced, Clarity, Faithful, Safety Note
Key Body Systems: Nervous, ➢ Not recommended for children under
age 5
Endocrine, and Reproductive ➢ Not recommended for pregnant
Ingredients: Bergamot, Cedarwood,
Clary Sage, Lavender, Orange Sweet,
Patchouli, Petitgrain

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during
THE AIR the day.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto
area of concern needing relief.
In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck or insides of

Ingredient Descriptions
Bergamot carries a light citrus scent. Many times, this oil is used as a stand-alone oil, or as
an ingredient in various teas, because of is wide range of support for digestive issues,
urinary tract related infections, cuts and scars, spasms, and for stimulation of various
internal organs. Many people consider it a favorite oil for emotional support in issues such

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 273

as; anxiety, depression, PMS and various

female/male mental related needs. Safety
Note: phototoxic One of my favorite essential oil
blends is XY Blend™. It is amazing for
Cedarwood oftentimes has references to balancing out hormones. I have a 14-
a number of oils from various plants. This year-old daughter who has been using
one is the “atlantica” species, known to be the XY Blend™ for around a year and it
mild, gentle, and calming to the nerves. definitely helps to level out her
This is an oil for most issues related to the emotional teen-age roller coaster. We
skin, including fungal infections of the have also used XY Blend™ successfully
scalp and hair related needs. It is also for my 9-year-old son, who is sensitive
to environmental toxins, which affect
effective for testosterone hormone his moods and behavior. Without XY
related needs, as well as masculine Blend™, I think we would be living in
emotional challenges. Safety Note: Do not an emotional war-zone all the time!!
use if pregnant. We are all exposed hormone
Clary Sage is beneficial for women from disruptors that, everyone could benefit
from using XY Blend™!
puberty through menopause. Concerns —Kim Witt
for both men and women, such as
depression, anxiety, colic, abdominal
cramps, indigestion, impotence and frigidity are easily managed with this essential oil.
The euphoric and uplifting action make nervous tension, irritability, fatigue and
migraines a thing of the past. Used in some hair and skin care products for its toning
properties, and can help stop hair loss. Avoid when pregnant.
Lavender Maillette is a first choice for skin care due to its quick healing abilities and powerful
yet gentle action. It is one of the more effective oils for burns and sunburns. It also works to
prevent swelling and scarring from burns. Lavender is among the most widely used essential
oils for emotional support. Many people say that if they were allowed to have only one oil,
they would choose Lavender.
Orange, Sweet helps balance the thyroid and lymphatic system, making it beneficial for
weight loss, treating water retention, and cellulite issues. Orange oil is an effective
emotional aid oil. More Orange oil is produced worldwide, volume wise, than any other
oil. Slightly phototoxic.
Patchouli has a varied range of uses. A favorite choice as an aphrodisiac, yet it is also
used for fungal infections, skin issues, weight control, some types of acne, and tissue
regeneration. Patchouli is effective against poisonous plants, relief from bee stings and
insect bites, and as an anti-parasite treatment against certain classes of parasites.
Petitgrain is a nervine with the ability to soothe panic attacks, anxiety, and depression.
Many find it useful in relieving insomnia and slowing a rapid heartbeat, as well as for
strengthening in recovery from an illness. Its antispasmodic properties are used to calm
excessive coughing, cramping, and spasms. It also can aid the respiratory and digestive
systems. It is strongly effective for oily skin and hair. It is also used in fragrances in
soaps, cosmetics, and detergents. It is one of three oils produced from the bitter
orange tree, distilled from its leaves and twigs.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
274 Foundational Aromatherapy

Y23 Immune™*
Our immune system is the key to our overall health, linked to many systems in
the body. This blend supports many systems such as our skin, which protects us
from outside invaders, the respiratory systems, that filters our air and the
lymphatic system which kills unwanted intruders. The oils in this blend are also
known to help relax and soothe sore, tired muscles
Key Emotions: Clarity, Uplifting, Safety Note
Decisiveness, Outrageousness ➢ Avoid use if pregnant or nursing
Key Body Systems: Immune,
Respiratory, Muscular, Integumentary ➢ Dilute for children or elderly.
and Circulatory ➢ Not for use on children under the age
of 5.

Ingredients: Rosemary, Scotch Pine,

Pine Needle, Lime, Lavender, Spearmint, Peppermint, Orange, Eucalyptus Globulus,
Nutmeg, Cedar Leaf, Grapefruit-White, Cajeput, Ginger, Oregano, Copaiba, Meadow
Foam, Tangerine, Corn mint, and Birch

How Do I Use It?

SOAK IN In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts or powdered milk
THE TUB with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
IT’S IN Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen-minute intervals every two hours during
THE AIR the day.
BREATHE Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
IN, Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case.
BREATHE Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and
OUT nose without touching face, and inhale.
In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle, mix 1 oz. of carrier oil, lotion, or
RUB IT IN Youngevity® CM Cream™ to 16 drops EO or EOB; massage gently onto
area of concern needing relief.
PUT IT In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil.
ON Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or back of neck.
SPRITZ & In a 1 oz. Mister top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of to 14 drops EO or EOB of
SPRAY filtered or distilled water or Youngevity® Plant Derived Minerals™. Shake
before each use, misting lightly. Avoid eyes when misting face.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 275

Ingredient Descriptions
Birch, Sweet People like to use this oil to rebuild bone structure and in general all things
“bone.” Birch oil has some properties similar to aspirin such as having anti-inflammatory,
fever reducing, and/or pain relieving properties. Birch is sometimes used for skin issues,
such as dandruff and flaky skin. Many times, this oil is indicated for detoxifying and weight
loss, water retention, kidney and urinary tract related needs.
Cajeput can be used to relieve asthma, bronchitis, coughs, muscle aches, rheumatism, and
sore throat. Cajeput is used to help with concentration as it can stimulate the mind, helping
with clarity, and organization of thoughts.
It is a mood elevator, giving a sense of
well-being. It can also help those suffering
When that hacking cough that would
from anxiety and stress. never go away was going around and
Cedar leaf essential oil is claimed to first around and around Y-23 Immune was
be used by the American Indians for the only oil that got rid of it, I used it
insomnia, gout, cold, dandruff, cystitis, each time I did an oils call. It seemed
fever, eczema, congestion, intestinal like I got it back every wed so on it
went so I could do the call. One of my
parasites, and headache and stomach new favorite oils. My husband says our
pain. Today you will see this oil mostly family will never be without 5 bottles
used for skin, respiratory issues, arthritic, on hand.
and muscle pain and for balancing
emotions. Best if used in blends with small ---Leiann King
amounts for too much use of it becomes
neuro toxic. Safety Note: Avoid in
Copaiba is an excellent pain reliever and anti-inflammatory oil. Research shows that it has
been helpful in cases of chronic nasal congestion, bronchitis, irritable bladder disorders, skin
conditions, and chronic diarrhea. Copaiba has been used for fungal infections. Safety Notes:
Generally considered safe. Not safe for large amounts internally.
Corn Mint is great for reducing painful itching and beneficial for spasms, especially in the
intestines and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It has been useful for the immune systems and
used in the treatment of colds, flu, and infections. Corn mint is a type of peppermint
Eucalyptus Globulus is known for its effective antibacterial properties, making it a strong
respiratory aid beneficial for the lower respiratory tract involving the bronchi and the lungs.
It can reduce fevers as well as act as a pain reliever. As it ages, its antiseptic properties
strengthen. Safety Note: Not recommended for internal use, for children under the age of
ten, or for pregnant women.
Ginger is a widely used oil for most challenges related to the stomach. Like its donor plant,
Ginger has proven to be an effective oil for most nutritional support programs. Ginger tends
to be warm and stimulating to the cardiovascular system.
Grapefruit, White is great for relieving muscle aches, fatigue, and stiffness. It purifies
congested skin and is more of an astringent than Pink Grapefruit, making it excellent for
cellulite reduction. Its bitterness lends itself for emotional balancing and a grounding effect.
It can aid in cases of nervous exhaustion. Like Pink Grapefruit, it assists the kidneys by
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
276 Foundational Aromatherapy

cleansing, detoxifying, and removing blockages. It also benefits the liver and stimulates the
digestive and lymphatic systems. It can detoxify many systems of the body and has gentle
toning and astringent qualities and can help clear acne and balance oily skin.
French Lavender Vera is grown at higher altitudes and distilled at lower temperatures than
other lavenders. It is also called True or Fine Lavender. It has a slightly higher ester content,
making it an excellent choice for skin and hair care. Of all Lavender species, Lavender Vera
has the highest linalool content. Linalool provides its sweet, fresh aroma and stress reducing
effect. A recent study in Japan noted that there were changes in expression of over 100
genes related to stress response after inhalation of this oil. It has also been the subject of
anti-cancer studies.
Lime oil is full of antioxidants which lends to its many anti-aging properties. A little goes
a long way. It has a very strong aroma and flavor when used in recipes. Its
antidepressant properties leave one feeling refreshed and lighter which may help with
fear or anxiety. Use in toner for oily, acne prone skin, but remember only at night
because it can cause burns if exposed to the sun or tanning bed lights
Meadow foam is a grass land type of wildflower and it is a small white flower in a field it
makes the field resemble a foam filled blanket. Most of the time it is found in a wild
crafted setting and harvested as such. However, at times it can be found being
ecologically cultivated on small scale operations. This oil is harvested in the Northern
California and Oregon State areas of the USA. It has special properties to help in the
recovery of disturbed and substandard soils. The performance of this oil on humans
appear to be consistent with what we find in its service to the recovery of disturbed
Nutmeg is not only used as a spice, but is useful medically and emotionally as well. It is
used for stimulating digestion and fighting infections in the digestive tract and has been
widely known for its ability to ease diarrhea, vomiting, and increase appetite. It has
anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, and anticoagulant properties.
Oregano is listed as safe for internal use, despite its potency, by the Food and Drug
Administration and is used for flavoring. It is considered a lethal weapon against
bacterial infections. Many studies have confirmed it as an antibiotic, antifungal,
antiseptic, antispasmodic, and antiviral. It is unmatched by any other oil to kill a wide
variety of pathogenic bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, bacterias do not develop a resistance
to Oregano. Be advised that even though Oregano is a remarkable natural antiseptic, it
has high levels of phenols which gives it the potential to burn skin and mucous
membranes if used undiluted. When applied topically, mix with carrier oil.
Orange, Sweet helps balance the thyroid and lymphatic system, making it beneficial for
weight loss, treating water retention, and cellulite issues. Orange oil is an effective
emotional aid oil. More Orange oil is produced worldwide, volume wise, than any other
oil. Slightly phototoxic.
Peppermint is best known for aiding digestion. It generally helps to reduce gas, bloating,
and relieve an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and stress. As a
mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working hours or
while driving. It can help reduce a fever and give immediate relief for minor injuries
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 277

such as a smashed finger. Safety Note: Avoid with high blood pressure. Not for children
2 and under. Avoid if a sufferer of atrial fibrillation.
Rosemary is indicated for a wide range of brain issues. Known as “the oil of
remembrance” because it can improve mental clarity. When inhaled, it is beneficial for
respiratory ailments such as coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It is a good pain
reliever for joints. It strengthens the immune system as well as the liver and gall
bladder. It helps balance the endocrine system and supports adrenal function. It is a
tonic for the heart and varicose veins. Safety Note: Caution when pregnant.
Scotch Pine can be used to stay mentally alert, as its mental effects are similar to
Peppermint. Scotch pine has a warming effect in the body; it can warm cold hands and
feet and ease the pain of sore or strained muscles after participating in exercise or
sports. Native Americans used it to avert scurvy and keep fleas and ticks away. It has
proven to be especially useful to the pulmonary and respiratory system. Its expectorant
qualities provide fast relief from bronchitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and flu symptoms.
Spearmint is a very popular oil in food products. While Spearmint and Peppermint are
often used for similar purposes, Spearmint is far gentler, cooling, and sweeter, and is a
favorite among children. It helps to lower blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, muscle
cramps, and headaches. It keeps away moths, ants, flies, and mosquitoes.
Tangerine can ease tension, fear, sadness, irritability, and even insomnia. Its hypnotic
aroma can be used before bed time to aid in relaxation and calming nervous tension. It
is well known for being one of the safest oils to use on children, pregnant women, and
the elderly. It can help skin issues by increasing capillary actions and promoting the
growth of new skin. Tangerine can aid in digestive support as well as gall bladder, liver,
and lymph functions. It is widely used in cooking to add delicious flavors to food and
Pine Needle penetrates the skin quickly. Which makes it a great choice for all kinds of
aches and pains, including chronic rheumatism and arthritis. Highly anti-inflammatory,
it helps open up the circulatory system. For the respiratory system, try adding a few
drop in the bottom of your shower or in an inhaler for convenient all day use.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 281

Dilution Chart*
.5 % 1% 2.5 % 3% 5% 10 %
infants children, air injury of wounds chest
frail baths misters muscle body congestion

elderly pregnancy body oils or tendons butter acute pain

compromis lotions bone salves serious
ed immune general injury
system care spasm
directly on bruising
1 tsp. touch 1 drop 2 drops 3 drops 5 drops 10 drops
with tooth
10 ml. 1 drop 2 drops 5 drops 6 drops 10 drops 20 drops

1 Tbs. 1-2 drops 3 drops 7-8 drops 9 drops 15 drops 24 drops

1 oz. 2-4 drops 6 drops 14-16 18 drops 24 drops 60 drops
2 oz. 4-8 drops 12 drops 28-32 36 drops 60 drops 120 drops
4 oz. 8-16 24 drops 56 drops 72 drops 120 drops 240 drops

The Dilution Chart was put together as a guide. Once again, go with your gut
feeling as the bottom line. Here’s how I use this chart:
9. Consider the condition of the person and find it under one of the dilution %
10. Select the amount or carrier oil (or other medium) desired from the left-hand
column. Sometimes a bottle or container size may help determine that decision.
11. Find the amount of total drops of essential oils needed under the dilution %
column and across from amount of carrier oil selected.
12. Using the 50/30/20 ratio, figure how many drops to use for each. For example, for
60 drops total, 50% is 24 drops, 30% is 18 drops, and 20% is 12 drops.
13. Make a small test sample for testing using the same 50/30/20 ratio—3 drops, 2
drops, 1 drop; smell it.
14. Make the synergy.
a. Put all the drops in a bottle and shake them 100 times and let rest.
b. Smell, and adjust if needed. If adjusted, repeat shaking and resting.
15. Blend the synergy with the carrier oil.
g. Put half the carrier oil in the bottle.
h. Add all the drops of essential oils.
i. Shake it up, about 100 times, against palm.
j. Add remaining half of carrier oil, and shake again.
k. Let the oil rest, about 3 minutes.
l. Smell the blend; adjust as needed, and repeat shaking, resting, and
16. Use the blend.
282 Foundational Aromatherapy

Essential Oils Safe for Children*

Refer to dilution chart before applying essential oils.
NEW BORN Lavender & Chamomile™, Red Mandarin, Rose 10%
Lavender Maillette, Neroli 10%, Frankincense & Lavender™
2 TO 6 Lavender & Chamomile™, Lavender Maillette, Red Mandarin,
MONTHS Eucalyptus Radiata, Neroli, Tea Tree, Rose Geranium, Rose 10%,
Comfort Touch™ Thyme ct. Linalool, Frankincense & Lavender™
7 MONTHS Lavender & Chamomile™, Lavender Maillette, Red Mandarin,
TO Comfort Touch™, Dill Blend™, Eucalyptus Radiata, Neroli, Tea
Tree, Rose Geranium, Rose 10%, Palmarosa, To Be At Peace™, To
Be Well™, To Be Happy™, To Be Loved™, Thyme linalool,
Frankincense & Lavender™, Ravensara, Marjoram
3 TO 5 Lavender & Chamomile™, Lavender Maillette, Green Mandarin,
YEARS Dill Blend™, Eucalyptus Radiata, Neroli, Tea Tree, Rose 10%,
Lemon, Rose Geranium, Palmarosa, Niaouli, Thyme ct. Linalool,
Ginger, Grapefruit, Ravensara, Coriander, Comfort Touch™, To
Be At Peace™, To Be Well™, To Be Happy™, To Be Loved™,
Frankincense & Lavender™, Marjoram, Spearmint, Sweet Orange,
Heaven Scent™, Earth Scent™, Patchouli, Bergamot
6 TO 8 Lavender & Chamomile™, Lavender Maillette, Green Mandarin,
YEARS Dill Blend™, Eucalyptus Radiata, Neroli, Tea Tree, Bergamot,
Comfort Touch™, Rose Geranium, Rose 10%, Palmarosa, Organ
Master™, Niaouli, Thyme ct. Linalool, Ginger, Lemon, Grapefruit,
Ravensara, Coriander, Marjoram, Myrrh, Sweet Orange, To Be At
Peace™, To Be Well™, To Be Happy™, To Be Loved™, Relief™,
Sweet Soothe™, Spearmint, Frankincense & Lavender™, Heaven
Scent™, Earth Scent™, Black Spruce
9 TO 11 Lavender & Chamomile™, Lavender Maillette, Green Mandarin,
YEARS Dill Blend™, Eucalyptus Radiata, Comfort Touch™, Neroli, Tea
Tree, Rose Geranium, Rose 10%, Palmarosa, Organ Master™,
Niaouli, Thyme ct. Linalool, Ginger, Lemon, Grapefruit, Myrrh,
Ravensara, Coriander, Bergamot, Marjoram, Sweet Orange, To
Be Well™, Frankincense, Cypress, Ylang Ylang, To Be At Peace™,
To Be Happy™, To Be Loved™, Heaven Scent™, Earth Scent™,
XY Blend™, Trauma™, Sweet Soothe™, Relief™, Spearmint,
Frankincense & Lavender™, Breath of Life™, Physical Care™,
Rosemary, Black Spruce, Patchouli, Juniper Berry, Fir Balsam,
Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Sandalwood, 1st Defense™, GI Purify™

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 283

Oils for Men*

Does the man in your life resist trying essential oils?

Use some of these to win him over. These oils are also beneficial for many men’s health


OILS THAT Earthy, Spicy, Woody
TOP 6 OILS Black Pepper Ginger
FOR MEN: Cypress Sandalwood
Earth Scent™ Thyme ct. Linalool
OTHER OILS Basil, Sweet Juniper Berry
GENERALLY Bay Laurel Red Mandarin
EFFECTIVE Bergamot Marjoram, Sweet
FOR MEN: Carrot Seed Myrrh
Cedarwood Neroli
Cinnamon Bark Orange, Sweet
Clary Sage Patchouli
Coriander Physical Care™
Fennel Relief™
Fir, Balsam Rosemary
Frankincense Spearmint
Green Mandarin XY Blend™
Grapefruit, Pink

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
284 Foundational Aromatherapy

Aromatic Iridology
Can the color of your eyes help determine which essential oils
would be most effective for your particular health issue?
Iridology has been around for hundreds of years. It is a well-respected science, and the
art of analyzing what the color and structure of the eye reveals to a trained
Aromatherapists. It has been found to provide valuable health information about an
individual; information that can guide us towards an individual’s strengths and
weaknesses. Iridology cannot name what diseases may be in the body; it is not used for
diagnoses. It is a tool for assessing conditions and levels of health on a physical and
mental level, as well as for emotional aspects.
Iridology can be approached in a very complex manner, or (as presented in this book) a
very simple, user-friendly, tool that can guide even the beginner Aromatherapists
towards the essential oils that will give the quickest and most long-term results. The
method presented here combines the basics of both iridology and aromatherapy. It is
just one more method that can help you decide which essential oils might benefit you
or others.

Eye Color: The Essential Answer

The method presented here revolves around the three main eye colors: blue, brown,
and mixed. According to iridology studies, each eye-type has physical, mental, and
emotional strengths. Each eye-type also has specific tendencies toward weakness in
these same categories. The weaknesses of one eye color are another eye color’s
strengths; happily, we each get the strengths of both “other” eye colors not our own.
Here, only weaknesses are discussed because knowing the general weaknesses of each
eye color can be the key to understanding how to target and strengthen underlying
health issues—this can help us decide which essential oils might be best.
Blue Eye: Lymphatic Genotype
The blue eye appears in several shades; blue-white, blue-grey, white-blue, blue-black,
greenish-blue, or grey. According to iridology, the main areas of weakness for a blue-
eyed person (on a physical level) are found in the lymphatic system, which is why “the
blue eye” group is called the Lymphatic Genotype. Blue-eyed people also have inherent
weaknesses in the skin, respiratory system, urinary system, mucous membranes,
kidneys, and adrenals. These areas of weakness may manifest themselves in a variety of
symptoms or afflictions, such as over-stressed kidneys, adrenal weakness, thyroid
issues, acne, dandruff, dry skin, eczema, allergies, swollen glands, arthritis, rheumatism,
sinus issues and nasal congestion, coughing, sneezing, stiffness, aching muscles, vaginal
discharge, water retention, infection of the mucous membranes, or an overactive
immune system. Common reaction sites include adenoids, tonsils, upper respiratory,
lungs, genitourinary tract, lining of stomach, and intestines. Their mental and emotional
weakness is restlessness. A social and emotional weakness is an inability to give and
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 285

receive. Blue-eyed people may also find it difficult to deal with emotional pain or
forgiveness, may experience diminishing flexibility, and have a tendency toward limiting
Brown Eye: Hematogenic Genotype
The brown eye does not come in as many shades as the blue eye. Colors range from
light-brown to dark-brown to black-brown. The major areas of potential physical
challenges for brown-eyed people are mostly blood-related, which is why this group is
called the hematogenic genotype. They tend to have blood imbalances, circulatory
disorders, mineral deficiencies, liver and gall bladder issues, imbalances in the
hormonal system, and weakness in the gastrointestinal tract. The main body systems
that need focus are the digestive and circulatory systems. Weaknesses in these systems
show up in many different ways. The list includes anemia, thick blood, and blood
diseases resulting from the body’s inability to maintain proper levels of minerals such as
iodine, copper, arsenic, zinc, and iron. These weaknesses may result in circulatory
insufficiency, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis, liver congestion, gallbladder congestion,
spleen insufficiency, and also glandular system weaknesses such as in the pineal,
pituitary, thymus, or gonads. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract may appear as
constipation, digestive pains and problems, toxicity, spasmodic aches and pains leading
to severe illness. Emotional symptoms common for the brown eye are: anger and
resentment, repression of expression, and emotional fluctuations. Although brown-
eyed people are good at giving, they have difficulty receiving. They can become
obsessive, allowing their desires and emotions to rule them. It is important to notice
that most of these physical and emotional weaknesses are often called “silent killers”
because issues in the circulatory system or gastrointestinal tract often go undetected
until suddenly manifested in an emergency situation such as heart attack or colon
Mixed Eye: Biliary Genotype
The colors of the mixed-eye genotype are just that—mixed! Mixed eyes are generally
very beautiful. Not only are they diverse colors, they also vary in pattern: blue-brown,
light-brown, green with brown centers, amber, green with an amber center, or blue
with a brown center. The mixed eye is a modern-day phenomenon. Hundreds of years
ago there were only two eye colors—blue and brown. As people migrated from
continent to continent and inter-married, a new eye type emerged. Mixed-eyed people
can have both the strengths and weaknesses of the blue- and brown-eyed people.
One distinct weakness for the mixed-eye type is pancreatic function and all organs that
produce bile; that is why this group is called the biliary genotype. Disease pathways of
the biliary eye include gastrointestinal and digestive issues such as constipation,
diarrhea, and flatulence. Mixed-eyed people are also prone to liver and gallbladder
insufficiencies, which may lead to blood toxicities. On an emotional level, mixed-eye
persons may struggle receiving (due to the blue in their eyes); or they may experience
anger and resentment (due to the brown in their eyes). Grief, sadness, and feeling
vulnerable are often seen in mixed-eyed people. Due to having both blue and brown in
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
286 Foundational Aromatherapy

their eyes, people with mixed eyes sometimes experience confusion and frustration in
Making Use of Eye Colors for Aromatherapy
So how do we use information on each eye type to
choose which essential oil or blend to use?
The answer lies in the core systems of weakness for each eye color. For example, all
three eye types may have stomach complaints, and we could choose oils traditionally
known to help ease stomach pain. While we may select an oil that works for one
person, that same oil may not work for another. A blue-eyed person's stomach issues
may be the result of an under-active lymphatic system, while the brown-eyed
individual’s stomach issues will most likely be the result of poor circulation. The
stomach issues of someone with mixed eyes may be a result of a poorly functioning
liver or gall bladder that may be putting strain on the stomach for digestion.
As an iridologist in a clinical setting, I would select essential oils according to eye color
in order to strengthen areas known to be inherently weak for that genotype. For a
digestion issue in a brown-eyed client, I may choose Orange (Citrus sinensis) because it
is not only good for digestive disorders, it is also a hepatic stimulant that supports the
liver to produce bile. For someone with blue eyes, Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) has the
perfect therapeutic properties for stomach issues because it is a stomachic as well as an
expectorant to address the excess mucus that a blue-eyed person would most likely
have. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is a balancing digestive aid and a general tonic
for the pancreas—exactly what a mixed-eyed client needs.
With this in mind, begin by listing the therapeutic properties you would want for a
particular eye color when creating synergistic blends. Choose oils that have the most
therapeutic properties in common with your list, and voila! You should be able to
create a blend tailor-made to work almost every time for an individual with that eye
color. Even someone with the most basic knowledge of the most commonly used
essential oils, and their main therapeutic qualities, can easily determine which essential
oil or oils would be best.
Sometimes a condition, disease, or illness will occur that is not consistent with an eye
color. For example, a blue-eyed person getting diabetes or heart disease, neither of
which are inherent weaknesses of the blue eye. On the contrary, pancreatic and heart
function should be a blue-eyed person’s strengths. Whenever I am asked about this
phenomenon, I tell the story of the Titanic.
The Titanic was built to never sink. It was built with ten holding tanks purposely so that
if one tank filled with water, the others would keep it afloat. Unfortunately, when the
Titanic hit the iceberg, water overflowed from one tank to the next until the Titanic
sank to the bottom of the sea. Our bodies are similar. We have ten major body systems,
and were born with weak systems and strong systems. When a weak system becomes
overburdened from genetics, the environment, or poor health habits, the “water”
overflows from one tank to another, so to speak, and we develop symptoms and
diseases that should not be—they should be our strengths.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 287

We need to continually strengthen our weak systems so that they can support the
“water” (vitality) in our body, and not overburden our strengths. We need to keep our
bodies balanced, healthy, and “afloat.” Using essential oils with a focus on turning our
weaknesses into strengths, along with developing good health habits, can create the
kind of vitality we desire. Knowing eye color provides a key to determining the essential
oils and health habits needed to help accomplish your health goals.
Several years ago, I found myself continually asking: “Why does one oil work for one
person but not for another for the exact same issue?” I began researching to see if this
method of using eye color to strengthen weak systems of the body could answer this
question. By combining the understanding of iridology with aromatherapy, this
frustration was finally resolved and led to what seemed a natural conclusion—always
look at the core body systems and focus on strengthening the weak systems based on
eye color.
My daughter, a foot zone therapist, has applied this method for her clients. No matter
what symptoms her clients are manifesting, she can generally provide quick and long-
lasting results just by her observing their eye color and determining which essential oils
might be best to use on their feet.
After discovering this connection between eye color and essential oils, I researched
hundreds of essential oils and categorized them into the three eye types. I picked my
“top ten” for each eye type. This method has proven to be highly effective.

Essential Oils for Eye Colors *

If you are a brown-eyed person with a skin issue, I would recommend Neroli because its
main components address the heart and veins (the main weakness for a brown-eye),
and the skin as secondary. Even though Lavender components are the best for skin
issues, heart and circulation support is secondary. I want to find the best oil to support
the main weakness of my brown-eye FIRST, and their skin issue second. My best choice
for this is Neroli. Lavender would be a better choice for a blue-eyed person who has an
inherently weak skin system and possibly dealing with heart issues.
Are you starting to get the hang of it?
“Which oil do I pick? Do I use all of them, or one or two?” The following list of Top Ten
Oils for each eye color is a tool to help you decide. Pick the oil or oils that match the eye
color. This list of 30 oils will give you a great starting place.
My Top Ten Oils for Blue Eyes
1. Lavender, Maillette (Lavandula angustifolia clone Maillette)
Indications and Uses: Relieves arthritis, rheumatism, eczema, sinusitis, and acne;
reduces bronchial secretions; balances nervous system; promotes healing of burns,
wounds, and scars.
Secondary Uses: Lowers blood pressure; heart tonic; relieves headaches, migraines,
anxiety, cramps, muscle aches, earache, phlebitis, and insect bites; alleviates insomnia
at low doses but prevents sleep at high doses.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
288 Foundational Aromatherapy

2. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

Indications and Uses: Relieves pain and coughing; diuretic–increases urine production
rids excess fluid; promotes healing of burns, wounds, and psoriasis.
Secondary Uses: Alleviates flatulence, insomnia, and depression; digestive aid; destroys
or inhibits parasites and microbes; promotes healing of vitiligo; deodorant.
3. Grapefruit (Citrus paradise)
Indications and Uses: Cleanses kidneys, reduces cellulite.
Secondary Uses: Anti-infectious for colds and flu; antiseptic; liver and blood cleanser;
relieves depression, headaches, and exhaustion.
4. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Indications and Uses: Promotes healing of skin infections, skin irritations, rashes,
eczema; relieves colic, gastric spasm, gas, indigestion, nausea, irritable bowel, bronchial
asthma, bronchitis, and urinary tract infections.
Secondary Uses: Relieves migraine, neuralgia, palpitations, ringworm, hepatitis,
laryngitis, fever, cirrhosis, hot flashes, irregular periods, and apathy; helps overcome
impotence; helps normalize low blood pressure.
5. Eucalyptus Radiata (Eucalyptus radiata)
Indications and Uses: Expectorant; promotes healing for acute and chronic respiratory
infections, rhinitis, bronchitis, coughs, and acne.
Secondary Uses: Antiseptic; alleviates earache, vaginitis, conjunctivitis, chronic fatigue,
immune deficiency, and flu.
6. Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)
Indications and Uses: Expectorant; relieves asthma, bronchitis, respiratory tract
infections, rheumatism, scars, wounds, and ulcers.
Secondary Uses: Energizing; immune stimulant; stimulates menstruation; helps heal
sports injuries; alleviates depression, anxiety, and grief.
7. Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis)
Indications and Uses: Relieves swollen lymph glands, arthritis, rheumatism, mouth
ulcers, boils, skin infections, stomach ache, acne, slow digestion, bloating, oily skin,
stuffy head, nasal mucus, and stomach gas.
Secondary Uses: Anti-septic; antiviral; diuretic; stimulates menstrual flow; uplifts the
mind, helps mind focus attention and concentration.
8. Sandalwood (Santalum paniculatum)
Indications and Uses: Relieves pulmonary infections, chronic bronchitis, urinary tract
infections, gonorrhea, pelvic congestion, acne, restricted bronchitis, dry skin, lumbago,
neuralgia, sciatica, skin cancer, and nasal mucus; stimulates ability for meditation.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 289

Secondary Uses: Soothing to hormonal system; immune stimulant; antifungal; anti-

inflammatory; antiseptic; antiviral; grounding; quiets mental activity; reduces irritation
and aggressive behavior.
9. Fir, Balsam (Abies balsamea)
Indications and Uses: Relieves bronchitis, chest infection, and lung congestion of all
Secondary Uses: Helps with nasal catarrh and chronic sinusitis when diffused; works
deeply, yet gently when applied to joints and muscles; helps to tone and strengthen the
10. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
Indications and Uses: Promotes healing of acne, allergies, inflamed skin, eczema,
cracked skin, and scar tissue; nervous system sedative; wound healer.
Secondary Uses: Anti-depressant; antifungal; anti-inflammatory; anti-septic; anti-
bacterial; balances an overactive mind.
My Top Ten Oils for Brown Eyes
1. Neroli (Citrus aurantium var. amara)
Indications and Uses: Reduces palpitations by regulating heart rhythm; has a calming
effect on anxiety, shock, and stress as it helps diffuse anger.
Secondary Uses: Beneficial for the skin, particularly aging skin.
Suitable for every type of skin; balances new cell growth; tones the complexion; fights
scar tissue, stretch marks, and especially thread veins.
It is a remarkable tonic for the nervous system.
2. Carrot Seed (Daucus carota)
Indications and Uses: It is toning and rejuvenating to the liver, and it releases blocked
Secondary Uses: Alleviates eczema and psoriasis; helps control cholesterol; regulates
the thyroid, skin ulcers, and wrinkles; lifts in cases of exhaustion; and is a diuretic aid for
reduction of fluids.
3. Green Mandarin (Citrus reticulate)
Indications and Uses: Liver protective, aids digestion, prevents gas, and stimulates the
Secondary Uses: Antibacterial; antiviral; expectorant; relieves anxiety and stress;
soothes sore muscles; clears the chest, and sinuses; beneficial for acne, dull skin, oily
skin, scars, wrinkles; can inhibit or alleviate depression; relieves spasms, cramps, and
4. Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
Indications and Uses: Reduces swelling and pain of varicose veins and circulatory
stagnation; tonifies the liver.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
290 Foundational Aromatherapy

Secondary Uses: Anti-infectious; helps with oily hair and skin, sweaty feet, spasmodic
cough, restless leg syndrome, menstrual cramps, lymph stagnation, Helps overcomes
grief, irritability, apathy, inflexibility, excessive thinking and talking. Stimulates
pancreas, reduces cellulite, and alleviates rheumatism, colitis, asthma, and bronchitis.
5. Orange (Citrus sinensis)
Indications and Uses: A stimulant for the liver, supporting it to produce bile, which also
supports digestion. Reduces constipation, gas, nausea, and abdominal pain.
Secondary Uses: Averts and alleviates depression; relieves spasms and cramps;
antiseptic; antibacterial. May aid insomnia.
6. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Indications and Uses: Ginger stimulates circulation. It relieves nausea caused by
traveling (motion sickness), chemotherapy, and pregnancy. Relieves angina pain caused
by poor blood flow through the heart. Aids constipation, sluggish digestion, and
Secondary Uses: Relieves chronic bronchitis, toothache, and rheumatism pain; helps
overcome impotence.
7. Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
Indications and Uses: Stimulates sluggish liver and circulation; warms the body,
especially for arthritis and rheumatism. Supports digestion, eases gas and constipation.
Secondary Uses: Anti-inflammatory; relieves sore muscle pain and stiffness. Some
studies show that smelling black pepper can help people quit smoking. May aid chronic
bronchitis, laryngitis, colds; helps overcome frigidity.
8. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ct.1.8 cineole)
Indications and Uses: Improves circulation, specifically in the brain, memory, and
alertness. Addresses weak heart, palpitations, and arteriosclerosis. Supports the liver
and helps with jaundice, cirrhosis, gall bladder malfunction, and sluggish digestion.
Alleviates vertigo.
Secondary Uses: Relieves gout, cystitis, rheumatism, coughing, bronchitis, sinusitis,
neuralgia, and fatigue; helps stop bedwetting; promotes healing of bruises, burns, and
wounds; assists in overcoming impotence.
9. Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica)
Indications and Uses: Heart tonic.
Secondary Uses: Anti-fungal; antiviral; antibacterial; anti-infectious; anti-inflammatory;
anti-microbial; anti-spasmodic; stimulates the immune system; uterine tonic; nerve
tonic; promotes healing of urinary tract infections, vaginitis, staph infections, viruses in
the blood, acne, and eczema; relieves pain.
10. Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)
Indications and Uses: Improves circulation; alleviates inflamed coronary artery and liver
congestion. (Vetiver is in Earth Scent™.)
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 291

Secondary Uses: Anti-fungal; antiseptic; immune system booster; supports the nervous
system; insect repellant; grounding; relieves arthritis and insomnia; regulates menstrual
cycle; increases pancreatic secretion; promotes healing of skin rashes.
My Top Ten Oils for Mixed Eyes
1. Lemon (Citrus limon)
Indications and Uses: Protects and nourishes the liver.
Secondary Uses: Antibacterial; antiviral; antifungal; antiseptic; antispasmodic; diuretic;
immune stimulant; relieves rheumatic pain; opens up blood circulation; promotes
healing of varicose veins; cell decongestant; contracts and tightens tissue; reduces
tension and depression.
2. Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens roseum)
Indications and Uses: Anti-diabetic; a mild pancreas stimulant; astringent—strengthens
blood vessels, helps with hemorrhoids.
Secondary Uses: Mild antibacterial; mild antifungal; anti-depressant; anti-inflammatory;
antispasmodic; relaxant; antiseptic to urinary system; supports female reproductive
system—finfertility, PMS, mood swings, hot flashes, and balancing of menstrual cycle;
relieves anxiety, agitation, and nervous fatigue; stimulates the lymphatic system; very
good tonic for the skin—balances sebum, cell regenerative, healing for scars, and good
for oily or dry skin/hair; increases imagination and intuition; supports one's ability to
receive; numbs pain both physically and emotionally.
3. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Indications and Uses: Cardio tonic; alleviates heart palpitations, indigestion, and
stomach issues; blood sugar balancer.
Secondary Uses: Alleviates constipation, gas, urinary tract infections and stones,
backache, and gout; reduces cellulite; addresses women’s issues, such as lack of milk in
breastfeeding mothers, breast engorgement, ovary problems, PMS, painful
menstruation, and symptoms of menopause.
4. Niaouli (Melaleuca viridiflora)
Indications and Uses: Promotes healing of respiratory infections, skin infections, insect
bites, boils, sinusitis, bronchitis, prostatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, coughs, colds, fevers,
and psoriasis; reduces wrinkles.
Secondary Uses: Anti-tumoral; relieves pain in labor; reduces coronary artery
inflammation and high blood pressure; promotes healing for viral hepatitis, genital
herpes, gallstones, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins; helps regulate menstruation.
5. Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)
Indications and Uses: Anti-diabetic, calms the heart rate, and lowers blood pressure.
Secondary Uses: Cardio tonic; nerve tonic; aphrodisiac; anti-parasitic; fights intestinal
infections; relieves stomach cramps, colic, and insomnia; helps heal skin conditions

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
292 Foundational Aromatherapy

including itches, scabies, and mange; scalp tonic that stimulates hair growth; helps
overcome frigidity and impotence; eases depression; soothes anger.
6. Eucalyptus Citriodora (Eucalyptus citriodora)
Indication and uses Anti-diabetic, lowers blood pressure, calming, and is a sedative.
Secondary Uses: Pain relieving especially for chest pain, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
and shingles; antibacterial; antiseptic; antifungal; bug repellent. Relieves bladder
infections and vaginitis.
7. Dill (Anethum graveolens)
Indications and Uses: Reduces high blood pressure; balances blood sugar issues;
increases low bile production; relieves gastric upsets, constipation, and hiccups. (Dill is
in Dill Blend™.)
Secondary Uses: Removes respiratory mucus; relieves bronchitis; promotes sleep; anti-
spasmodic for smooth muscles.
8. Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)
Indication and uses: Anti-diabetic; pancreatic stimulant; stimulates circulation,
especially for varicose veins.
Secondary Uses: Anti-rheumatic; antiseptic; diuretic; tonic to the nervous system;
detoxifying; relieves joint pain, bloating, urinary tract infections, bladder and kidney
stones, bronchitis, and lymph congestion; helps overcome insomnia, loss of appetite;
reduces cellulite; promotes healing of skin conditions and infections, including acne,
oily skin, dandruff, and eczema; drives out negative energy when feeling burdened or
overwhelmed; releases worry and negative thinking.
9. Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Indications and Uses: Anti-diabetic; blood sugar balancing; cardio stimulant.
Secondary Uses: Anti-fungal; aids digestion; balances menstrual flow; relieves
rheumatism, flu, coughs, colds, bronchitis, typhoid fever, viral infections, urinary
infections, colic, tooth-socket, pyorrhea, dysentery, flatulence, fatigue, and depression;
helps overcome impotence; helps eliminate warts and scabies; an antidote for snake
bites (seek immediate medical care); uplifting, grounding, and helps with courage.
10. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
Indications and Uses: Balances glucose levels and supports pancreatic function.
Secondary Uses: Improves circulation; aids digestive; gives energy yet can also calm
stress; relieves nervous exhaustion, nausea, and stomach cramps; regulates

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 293

Practical Application
Below is the practical application of the iridology method:
First, look into eyes of the person you are working with and determine their eye color.
Second, ask about their general lifetime health tendencies and/or health challenges.
Using the Genotype information from the “Eye Color: The Essential Answer” section,
ask about any weaknesses or symptoms within their eye-color category. You will both
be amazing at how accurate it is.
Using the information above, you can create a survey form, listing all the weaknesses
and strengths possible. If you are unsure of a person’s eye color, the survey (written or
verbal) will quickly tell you the right eye color genotype they were born with. This
survey form can also be used for the person to complete every thirty days to keep track
of their progress.
Now comes the fun part! Browse through your essential oils and oil profile sheets, and
divide them in the three eye categories. You will find that many essential oils fall into all
three categories; but usually a majority of therapeutic qualities generally fall into one
eye category or another. This is where science with art and intuition come into play.
Myrrh is a good example. At first glance, I would put it in the brown-eyed category
because it is a cardio tonic, but after looking at the properties more closely, I see a
broad range of respiratory and skin benefits. Clearly, it belongs in the blue-eyed
category. It takes time to divide all these oils into the three categories. I did thirty oils,
and it took quite a while. But you will find the time worthwhile, just as classifying your
essential oils by chemical families or plant groups; it gives you valuable information to
create synergies to serve your needs. Once you have this done, it’s done! You won't
have to do it again. From now on, you will have confidence knowing that the oils you
choose will usually give immediate results. Results that will address, not only their
weaknesses and current symptoms, but their overall health and vitality, which should
provide long-term results.
What have I learned? Studying essential oils’ properties and categorizing them showed
me how incredibly multifaceted each of these plants are. I thought it would be a simple
endeavor to divide the oils into three categories. At first it was very difficult, with so
much material to review on each oil, but eventually I started seeing patterns in their
chemical families and the plant part they came from. Using this information has
become second-nature for aromatherapy now. After an interview, I can easily select the
perfect oil for them.
Let’s pretend Susie asks you for suggestions for oils that will help support her pancreas,
because she is diabetic. She has blue eyes, so you think, “Hmm, her pancreas should be
her strength, not her weakness.” This is a clue that she has not been taking care of or
neglecting her respiratory, lymphatic, urinary tract, and nervous systems as well as her
skin. You interview her, asking questions specific to those systems. She may wonder
why you are asking her about those issues because she only told you she had diabetes.
When you explain the eye-color theory, she will find it fascinating.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
294 Foundational Aromatherapy

You can approach this in one of two ways. Look at the properties of the oils that you
put into the blue-eyed category, pick those that address the pancreas and also
strengthen her traditional weak areas. Maybe you’re just learning about iridology and
haven’t categorized hundreds of essential oils. Simply search out several oils that
support the pancreas; study the profiles of each, looking for those that also support the
traditionally weak systems of the blue-eye. These are the oils you would choose.
The point of this method is that she may not have the diabetes in the first place if she
had concentrated on maintaining and strengthening the systems of the body that are
inherently weak in those with blue eyes. This method focuses on the deep core issues
of a person’s health, not just the symptoms or diseases that are yelling the loudest. I
hope my research will benefit you. I am confident you will have positive results for
yourself and others.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 295

List of Suggested Uses*

Note: Always dilute and store Essential oils in PET (essential oil safe) plastic or Glass. My
favorite place to purchase my essential oil tools is For
further details about the use of a particular single oil or blend, be sure to check its
profile page.
Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Basil, Clary Sage, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Marjoram, Relief™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
ABDOMINAL XY Blend™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
CRAMPS Physical Care™, apply on abdomen in clockwise motion.
The Essential Results  In a 10 mil. roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Now Kit™ EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot.
Tea Tree, Rosemary,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Relief™, Trauma™, Birch, carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Pinyon Pine, Balance of apply to outside area 3 times a day.
ABSCESS Life™, Lime, Cajeput,
Chamomile Roman  Put 1 to 2 drops of above diluted oil on Q-tip
Physical Care™ and apply directly to affected tooth.
Clove Bud*, Oregano *Clove Bud not for children under age 10.

Trauma™, Birch,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

Marjoram, Fir Balsam, carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Peppermint, Y-23 apply where needed.
Immune™, Man Up,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
ACHES Turmeric, Copaiba Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Physical Care™, Relief™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
The Essential Results  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Now Kit™, Thyme ct EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Thymol to bottom of each foot and on location.

Lemon, Peppermint,
ACID Ginger, Organ Master™  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
REFLUX Frankincense, All Heart™, carrier oil to 14 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Perfect Fit™, Lime, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area
Turmeric, Cilantro, and on abdomen rubbing clockwise.
Anise, Chamomile  Tea, 1-2 drops EO or EOB mixed with 1 Tbsp.
German, Chamomile of Honey and ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and
Roman, Sweet Soothe™, 1 cup of warm water. Sip on.
Marjoram, GI Purify™

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
296 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Tea Tree, Palmarosa,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Rosemary, Patchouli, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Y-23 Immune™, Niaouli, in an EO safe mister, shake well. On skin
Copaiba, Pinyon Pine, avoiding eyes.
ACNE Cilantro, Sandalwood,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Chamomile German, carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Spikenard, Vetiver, apply to skin
Chamomile Roman,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Lavender M., Comfort EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Touch™, XY Blend™ minerals.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

To Be Loved, To Be At carrier oil to 14 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Peace, To Be Happy, apply to bottom of feet morning and night.
Lavender M.,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Surrender™, minutes per hour.
Balance of Life™,  Add 14 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
ADD AND ADHD Wild Flower, Basil, distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake
Chamomile Roman, well. Mist around room and in hair.
Vetiver, Rosemary,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Lavender & Chamomile, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Earth Scent™, to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Heaven Scent™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Frankincense inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
with 10 mils. of liquid plant derived minerals.
Mist in hair or on face avoiding eyes.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
Black Pepper,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
To Be At Peace™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Coriander,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
ADDICTIONS Sweet Soothe™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Rosemary, Spearmint, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Balance of Life™, Man  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Up, All Heart™, Nutmeg EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals. Spritz
on face and in hair avoiding eyes.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 297


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Cypress, Rose Geranium,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Organ Master™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ADRENALS Coriander, Rosemary, apply to bottom of feet and lower back area.
Man Up, Perfect Fit™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Good Night, Nutmeg Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

Niaouli, Breath of Life™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Peppermint, All Heart™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Helichrysum, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area.
Organ Master™, Lemon,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
Orange, Grapefruit Pink, teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
ALLERGIES any Eucalyptus, Liver slowly.
Cleanse, Perfect Fit™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Kidney Health™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Chamomile German,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Nutmeg, Spikenard, minutes per hour.
Chamomile Roman  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

 Add 10 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or

distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake
Peppermint, well. Mist around room.
Awareness™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Black Spruce, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Lemon, All Heart™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
ALERTNESS Pinyon Pine, Balance of EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to
Life™, Wildflower™, bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Y-23 Immune™,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
Heaven Scent™, with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals. Shake
Rosemary, well. Mist where needed. Avoiding eyes.
Organ Master™ Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

Rosemary,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

Clary Sage, carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Cedarwood, massage directly on scalp.
ALOPECIA Juniper Berry,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Balance of Life™, shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Surrender™, rub on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
Y-23 Immune™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. liquid plant
Ylang Ylang, Comfort derived minerals in an EO safe mister, shake
Touch™ well. Mist on wet hair.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
298 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Lemon, Peppermint,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
ALTITUDE Ginger, Clove Bud, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
SICKNESS Cyprus, Fennel, Kidney apply to bottom of feet or on abdomen.
Health™, All Heart™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Pinyon Pine inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Geranium, Lavender, carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ANAL ITCH Tea Tree, Copaiba, apply on location.
Cajeput, Spikenard,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Comfort Touch™ Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Frankincense, Rosemary, Add 14 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Bergamot, Man Up, distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Good Night, Mist around room.
Surrender™, Wild In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
ALZHEIMERS/ Flower, Balance of Life™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
DEMENTIA Pinyon Pine. to bottom of each foot and temples.
Frankincense &  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lavender™, Ginger, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Ylang Ylang, Lemon, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Orange, Awareness™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Earth Scent™ minutes per hour.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Rosemary, Peppermint, minutes per hour.
AMNESIA Frankincense, Juniper  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Berry, Earth Scent™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Ravensara, Patchouli,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Fennel EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to temples, back of neck, forehead, and
 Seek medical attention
Lemon,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Lemongrass, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Dill Blend™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
ANEMIA Grapefruit Pink, carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Helichrysum, apply to bottom of feet.
Organ Master™,  For tea, stir 1 drop Lemon or Lemongrass
Cypress, Balance of with ½ to 1 teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup
Life™, Y-23 Immune™, warm water.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 299


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Frankincense,  Seek medical attention immediately.
Helichrysum, Cypress,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 16 drops of EO or
Sandalwood, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
ANEURYSM Awareness™, Earth to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Scent™, Rosemary, Man  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops on and off for 10- to 15-
Up, Balance of Life™, minute intervals.
Pinyon Pine

 For acute situation, apply 1 to 2 drops neat

Ylang Ylang, Neroli, (undiluted) on center bottom of feet.
Marjoram, Tea Tree,  For chronic or occasional situations, in a 1 oz.
ANGINA Heaven Scent™, flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier oil to
XY Blend™, Spearmint, 14 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply upper
Sandalwood, Basil, chest area over heart.
Orange, All Heart™,
Balance of Life™, Pinyon  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Pine, Copaiba, Spikenard EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot.

 Add 16 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or

distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Mist around room.
Cypress, XY Blend™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Neroli, Jasmine, Rose, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Lavender & Chamomile to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
blend™, Green  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Mandarin, Man Up, minutes per hour.
ANGER Good Night, All Heart™,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Wild Flower, Cocoa, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Copaiba, Vetiver, Ylang minerals. Spritz on face and hair avoiding eyes.
Ylang, To Be Happy™, To  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
be Loved™, To Be At Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Peace™, Heaven Scent™ well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
receive a massage.
Helichrysum, Rose,
Tea Tree, Palmarosa,
Fir Balsam, Geranium,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Oregano & Lavender™, carrier oil to 24 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Rosemary, Trauma™, apply to bottom of and lightly to affected
ANIMAL BITES To Be Well™, Oregano, areas at regular intervals as needed.
1st Defense™,  Add 24 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Black Pepper, Ginger, distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Frankincense, Niaouli, Mist on bite.
Comfort Touch™, Thyme
ct Thymol

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
300 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Coriander, Dill  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Blend™, Thyme ct. carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
linalool, Palmarosa, apply to bottom of feet abdomen.
ANOREXIA Perfect Fit™, Balance  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
of Life™, Wild inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Flower. Carrot Seed,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Cinnamon Bark, minutes per hour.
Heaven Scent™  Using Heaven Scent in a 4 oz. EO safe plastic
jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of
EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath

ANTS Peppermint,  Add a few drops of EO to a cotton ball and

Cedarwood, place in areas where they are a problem.
Y-23 Immune™,  Add 24 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Pinyon Pine distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake
well. Mist along the ant trails.

Bergamot, Coriander,
Dill Blend™,  For tea, add 1 drop Bergamot to 1 teaspoon
Lavender M., Neroli, sweetener and stir into 1 cup warm water.
Basil, Jasmine, Vetiver  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Heaven Scent™, Orange, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Patchouli, Sandalwood, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples
Black Spruce, at short intervals, gradually increasing
Prosperity™, Rose intervals as improvement is observed.
ANXIETY Geranium,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Ylang Ylang, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Wildflower™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Surrender™, Spikenard, minutes per hour.
Balance of Life™, Man  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Up, All Heart™, Lime, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Copaiba, Chamomile well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

Organ Master™, Relief™,  Seek medical attention immediately.

Trauma™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
APPEDICITIS GI purify™, Perfect Fit™, carrier oil to 60 drops EO or EOB. Shake
1st Defense™, and apply to bottom of feet and gently
Kidney Health clockwise on abdomen.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 301


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 For short-term need, tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB
Coriander, Dill Blend™, with 1 teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Fennel, Thyme ct. slowly. Stir 1 drop EO or EOB with1 teaspoon
Linalool, Grapefruit Pink, sweetener into 1 cup of water and drink.
APPETITE Orange, Cinnamon,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
SUPPRESSANT Ginger, Lemon, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Sweet Soothe™, Perfect  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Fit™, Kidney Health™, carrier oil to 14 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Oregano, apply to bottom of feet and abdomen.
Trauma™, Birch, Basil,
Coriander, Peppermint,
Black Pepper, Fennel,
Physical Care™, Relief™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Marjoram, Thyme ct. carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Linalool, Balance of apply to bottom of feet and on location.
ARTHRITIC PAIN Life™, All Heart™, Man  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Up, Turmeric, Copaiba, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Nutmeg, Vetiver, The well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Essential Results Now
Kit™, Oregano, Thyme ct
Marjoram, Frankincense
& Lavender™, Tea Tree,
Lavender, Helichrysum,
Clary Sage, Myrrh,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Ylang Ylang, Lavender EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
ARTERIOLO- M., Basil, Spearmint, to bottom of each foot and pulse points such
SCLEROSIS Lemon, Vetiver, as the temples, wrist, and neck.
Eucalyptus Citriodora,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Heaven Scent™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
To Be At Peace™,
Chamomile Roman,
To Be Loved™,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
To Be At Peace™, with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals.
To Be Happy™, Spritz on face and hair avoiding eyes.
Lavender M., Surrender  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Lavender & Chamomile, minutes per hour.
ASPERGER’S Earth Scent™,
SYNDROME Heaven Scent™, Vetiver,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Helichrysum,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Frankincense, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Balance of Life™, to bottom of each foot, temples and back of
Pinyon Pine, neck.
Wild Flower

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
302 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend

 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15

minutes per hour.
Breath of Life™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Peppermint, Rosemary, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Lavender M., Lemon,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
Marjoram, Cypress,
ASTHMA Organ with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals.
Master™, Man Spritz on face and hair avoiding eyes.
Up, Perfect Fit™, Y-23  For lung spasms, apply 10 drop Marjoram, 10
Immune™, Copaiba, drop Cypress in a 10 mil. Roller with 10 mil of
Cajeput, Anise carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each
foot and on chest.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Tea Tree, Lemongrass, well. Using 1 oz. per foot bath daily.
Palmarosa, Oregano,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 10 drops of EO or
1st Defense™, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
ATHLETE'S FOOT Dill Blend™, Fir Balsam, minerals. Spritzing on feet and in shoes.
Pinyon Pine, Kidney  In a 4oz EO safe plastic jar mix 2 TBL of melted
Health™, Copaiba, coconut oil, ¼ cup of corn starch or arrow root
Cajeput, Spikenard, powder, ¼ cup baking soda and 56 drops of EO
or OEB. Apply to feet 3 times a day.

To Be Loved™,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB

To Be At Peace™, with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals.
To Be Happy™, Spritz on face and hair avoiding eyes.
Lavender M.,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Lavender & Chamomile, minutes per hour.
Earth Scent™,
AUTISM Heaven  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Scent™, Balance inhaler. Sniff as needed.
of Life™, Pinyon Pine,
Surrender™, Wild  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Flower, Vetive EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Helichrysum, to bottom of each foot, temples and back of
Frankincense neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 303


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Green Mandarin, minutes per hour.
Frankincense,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Sandalwood, Bergamot, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Rose, To Be Happy,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Neroli, XY Blend™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Myrrh, Cedarwood, receive a massage.
BABY BLUES Dragon’s Breath™, Earth  For tea, stir 1 drop Bergamot, 1 tsp of sweetener
Scent™, Heaven Scent™, into 1 cup warm water; sip as needed.
To Be Loved™, Sacred  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
place, Surrender™, Wild EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Flower, Lime, Cocoa, to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Chamomile German,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Vetiver Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Marjoram, Trauma™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Sweet Soothe™, Physical apply directly on affected back area.
Care™, Man Up,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
BACK PAIN Turmeric, Copaiba, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Spikenard, Fennel, Basil, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Relief™, The Essential  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Results Now Kit™ EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Tea Tree, carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Rosemary, apply to bottom of feet at regular intervals,
Palmarosa, decreasing the interval rate as improvement
1st Defense™, progresses.
BACTERIAL Grapefruit Pink,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
INFECTION Lemon, Basil, with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals.
Man Up, Spritz on affected area.
Balance of Life™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Y-23 Immune™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Oregano, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 Add 1 drop EO to ¼ teaspoon salt, mix into 1
Lemon, cup water, swish water mixture around mouth
Peppermint, 1 or 2 minutes before spitting out; swallowing
Rosemary, a little bit is safe—Lemon, Peppermint and
Bergamot, Myrrh, Spearmint are preferred if water is swallowed.
BAD BREATH Spearmint, Coriander,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
(HALITOSIS) Organ Master™, with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals.
Clove Bud, Spritz in mouth as needed.
GI Purify™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar, mix 6 Tbsp. of
Perfect Fit™, Coconut oil and 6 Tbsp. of backing powder
with 8 drops of EO or EOB. Brush daily.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
304 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Deep Cleanser™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Lemon, Peppermint, distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake well.
BED BUGS Patchouli, Fennel, Mist on any affected area.
Balance of Life™, Pinyon  For laundry, add 25 drops of EO or EOB to
Pine, Y-23 Immune laundry soap. Wash as usual.
Lavender, Palmarosa,  Mix 2 to 3 drops EO in 1 tablespoon of Dead Sea
Rose Geranium, Myrrh, salts; stir in 1/4 cup water. With wash cloth, soak
Sandalwood, Niaouli, up water solution and gently wash sores. Then
BEDSORES Comfort Touch™, mist.
Frankincense & Lavender™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Lavender & Chamomile™, distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Pinyon Pine Mist on sores.
Tea Tree, Patchouli,  Apply 1 drop EO or EOB neat (undiluted) one or
Palmarosa, Copaiba two times; after that, apply 1 drop EO or EOB
BEE STING Helichrysum, Fennel, mixed with 3 drops carrier oil. Apply as needed
Comfort Touch™, directly on the area, gradually diminishing
Balance of Life™, frequency until symptoms cease.
Marjoram, Basil, sweet,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier
Lemon, Peppermint, oil to 14 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply to
Lime, Ginger, Cilantro bottom of feet or on upper chest area and on
Organ Master™ abdomen rubbing clockwise.
BELCHING Frankincense,  Tea, 1-2 drops EO or EOB mixed with 1 Tbsp. of
Sweet Soothe™, Honey and ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of
GI Purify™, Perfect Fit™, warm water. Sip on.
Cardamom, Turmeric
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier
oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply to
Basil, bottom of feet.
Trauma™,  Diffuse8 to10 drops EO or EOB for 15minutes perhour.
BELL'S PALSY Helichrysum, Rosemary,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe inhaler.
Balance of Life™, Sniff as needed.
Pinyon Pine  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB
with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to
temples, back of neck, forehead, and temples.
To Be Happy™,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
To Be At Peace™, with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals.
Frankincense & Spritz on face and hair avoiding eyes.
Lavender™, Rose 10%,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
BIPOLAR Frankincense, per hour.
DISORDER Wildflower™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Surrender™, Balance of inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Life™, Cocoa, Earth  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Scent™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Heaven Scent™, to bottom of each foot, temples and back of
XY Blend™ neck.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 305


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Basil, Bergamot,
Trauma™, Eucalyptus
Cit., Eucalyptus Glob.,
Juniper Berry,
Eucalyptus Rad.,
Helichrysum, Cajeput,
Comfort Touch™,  Apply 1 drop EO or EOB neat (undiluted) one or
Lavender, Peppermint, two times; after that, apply 1 drop EO or EOB
BITES & STINGS Patchouli, Pinyon Pine, mixed with 3 drops carrier oil. Apply as needed
Rose Geranium, directly on the area, gradually diminishing
Tea Tree, Lemongrass, frequency until symptoms cease.
Oregano & Lavender™,
Y-23 Immune™,
Chamomile German,
Chamomile Roman,
Thyme ct Thymol
Helichrysum, Tea Tree,
Niaouli, Fir Balsam, Rose
Geranium, Oregano &  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Lavender™, Rosemary, To carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
BITE (ANIMAL) Be Well™, Black Pepper, lightly apply to bite and bottom of feet.
Ginger, 1st Defense™,
Trauma™, Frankincense,
Balance of Life™,
Trauma™, Helichrysum,  For emergency, apply 1 to 2 drops neat
Rose Geranium, Lavender (undiluted) on affected area. Seek Medical
M. attention.
BLEEDING Comfort Touch™, Fir  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Balsam, Pinyon Pine, Y-23 carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Immune apply to wound and bottom of feet.

BLEEDING Tea Tree, Myrrh,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Sweet Soothe™, Perfect carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake before
GUMS Fit™, All Heart each use. Use as tooth paste.

 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB

with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals.
Tea Tree, Niaouli, Spritz on blister.
Rosemary, 
BLISTERS Comfort Touch™, Pinyon In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Pine gently apply to blisters.
 Do not puncture blisters.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
306 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Ginger, GI Purify™, Sweet  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Soothe™, Lime, carrier oil to 14 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Peppermint, Spearmint, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area
BLOATING Organ Master™, and on abdomen rubbing clockwise.
Perfect Fit™, Cardamom,  Tea, 1-2 drops EO or EOB mixed with 1 Tbsp.
Turmeric, Cilantro, of Honey and ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and
Chamomile German, 1 cup of warm water. Sip on.
Lavender™, Tea Tree,
Helichrysum, Clary Sage,
Myrrh, Ylang Ylang,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
BLOOD Lavender M., Basil, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
PRESURE Spearmint, Lemon, to bottom of each foot and pulse points such
(HIGH) Eucalyptus Citriodora, as the temples, wrist, and neck.
Heaven Scent™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
To Be At Peace™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Bay Laurel, Man Up,
Kidney Health™, Copaiba
Chamomile Roman
All Heart™, Cocoa

Rosemary, Coriander, Dill  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or

Blend™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
BLOOD Peppermint, Basil, to bottom of each foot and pulse points such
PRESSURE Frankincense, Cypress, as the temples, wrist, and neck.
(LOW) Organ Master™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Man Up, All Heart inhaler. Sniff as needed.

Peppermint, Lime,  Add 1 drop Peppermint to warm to hot water

Lavender M., Rosemary, and soak boil(s) until they are open.
BOILS Fennel, Pinyon Pine,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Copaiba, Oregano, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Chamomile German, apply to bottom of feet and on open boils.

Birch, Fennel,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

Fir Balsam, carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Physical Care™, apply to bottom of feet and on location.
Y-23 Immune™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
BONE PAIN Turmeric, Copaiba, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Chamomile Roman, to bottom of each foot.
The Essential Results Now  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Kit™ Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 307


 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Trauma™, Birch, apply to bottom of feet and on location.
Relief™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
BONE SPURS Physical Care™, Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Lemongrass, Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Y-23 Immune™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Kidney Health or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Ravensara, Breath of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Life™, Coriander, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Frankincense, Fennel, area Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO
Eucalyptus Citriodora, safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
BRONCHITIS Thyme ct. Linalool,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Marjoram, Basil, Y-23 minutes per hour.
Immune™, Copaiba, Anise,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Thyme ct Thymol Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
BREAST  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
FEEDING Dill Blend™, Coriander, or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
(INCREASE Fennel, Sweet Soothe™, Apply to bottom of each foot and breast
LACTATION) Anise avoiding the nipples. Wait until the smell is
gone before breast feeding to make sure oil
does not get in baby’s eyes.
Trauma™, Helichrysum,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Lavender M., Peppermint, or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bruises.
BRUISES Ginger, Marjoram, Vetiver
Comfort Touch™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Pinyon Pine, Copaiba, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Chamomile Roman apply to bruises.
 For tea, add 1 drop Bergamot to 1 teaspoon
sweetener and stir into 1 cup warm water.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB
Coriander, Dill Blend™, with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom
Fennel, Thyme ct. Linalool, of each foot and/or temples at short intervals,
Grapefruit Pink, Orange, gradually increasing intervals as improvement is
Cinnamon, Ginger, Lemon,
BULIMIA Sweet Soothe™, observed.
Perfect  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Fit™, Kidney Health™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Earth Scent, Heaven Scent,  Diffuse8to10dropsEOorEOBfor15minutesperhour.
Balance Of Life
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
308 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Apply 1 drop neat (undiluted) several times
a day, until improvement is observed. Then
Trauma™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Lavender M., carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
BUNIONS Rosemary, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Physical Care™, area.
Perfect Fit™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply on bunions.
Lavender M. Vetiver  For emergencies apply EO or EOB neat
Helichrysum (undiluted) as needed.
BURNS Comfort Touch™, Pinyon  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Pine, Copaiba, distilled water, or liquid plant derived minerals in
Chamomile Roman, an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on burn.

Marjoram, Basil,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

Lavender M, Fir Balsam, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Birch, Black Spruce, apply to bottom of feet and problem area
Lemongrass, Trauma™, gently as needed.
BURSITIS Relief™, Physical Care™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Comfort Touch™, Organ inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Master™, Balance of  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Life™, Turmeric, Copaiba, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Chamomile German Apply to bottom of each and on location.

 For footbath, in a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix

4 oz. of Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or
EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Peppermint  After soaking, use pumice stone to gently rub
CALLUSES Lavender M. off calluses.
Lemongrass, Orange  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
massage in to calluses.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Lavender M., Tea Tree, apply to bottom of feet and near location of
Dill Blend™, Oregano & observed symptoms 3 times per day for 3
Lavender Blend™, weeks, stop for 1 week, and repeat
Eucalyptus Rad. Myrrh, applications for another 3 weeks.
CANDIDA Ginger, 1st Defense,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Rosemary, Ravensara, Y- Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
23 Immune™, Balance of well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Life™, Pinyon Pine,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Kidney Health™, Perfect distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Fit™, Copaiba, Spikenard in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 309


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Helichrysum, Tea Tree,
Dill Blend™, Bergamot,
1st Defense™, Organ  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Master™, Palmarosa, carrier oil to 20 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
CANKER SORES Thyme ct. Linalool, apply to bottom of feet and with Q-tip to
To Be Well™, affected area as needed.
Comfort Touch™,
Myrrh, Perfect Fit™,
Kidney Health™,
Helichrysum, Birch, In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 10 drops of EO or
Lemongrass, Trauma™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Physical Care™, to bottom of each foot and/or on both sides of
CARPAL Balance of Life™, wrists several times a day. Massage gently.
TUNNEL Turmeric, Copaiba,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Chamomile German, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Chamomile Roman, The apply to bottom of feet and on location.
Essential Results Now Massage gently.
Frankincense,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Lavender M, Black EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
CATARACTS Spruce, Juniper Berry, daily on skin under eyes. Be careful to not get
Rosemary, Pinyon Pine oils into the eyes.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier oil
to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply enough to
Sweet Soothe™, cover the desired area and lightly applied.
Grapefruit Pink,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Organ Master™, distilled water or Plant Derived Minerals™ in an
Orange, Cypress, EO safe mister, Shake well. Then mist on
CELLULITE Lemongrass, Juniper affected areas after showers.
Berry, Bay Laurel,  Before showering. Apply 1-2 drops on a natural
Perfect Fit™, All Heart™, fiber skin brush, brush daily.
Kidney Health  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Helichrysum,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Frankincense, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Marjoram, Basil, apply to bottom of feet.
CEREBRAL Comfort Touch™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
PALSY lemongrass, Trauma™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Physical Care™, Relief™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Balance of Life™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Pinyon Pine EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
310 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Rosemary, Sandalwood, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Myrrh, Patchouli,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Palmarosa, Jasmine, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
CHAPPED SKIN Comfort Touch™, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area.
Cocoa, Vetiver  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Chamomile German, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 20 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Ravensara, Bergamot, apply to bottom of feet and on pox applying with
Trauma™, Tea Tree, a Q-tip. Ravensara is the first oil of choice.
Lavender M., Rosemary,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 10 drops of EO or
Dill Blend™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
CHICKENPOX Helichrysum, to bottom of each foot and on pox’s. This is a
Comfort Touch™, great choice because children can apply easily
Cocoa, Chamomile themselves.
German, Vetiver  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath as needed.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

CHILLBLAINSMarjoram, Cypress, All carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake well.
Heart Apply to area.
Lavender, To Be At
Peace™, Myrrh,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
CHOLESTEROL Lemongrass, Marjoram, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
(LOWERING) Rosemary, All Heart™, apply to bottom of feet daily.
Perfect Fit™, Man Up
Clove, Ravensara,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Rosemary, Thyme ct. carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
linalool, 1st Defense™, apply to bottom of bottom of feet.
GI Purify™, Organ  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
CHOLERA Master™, Y-23 Immune sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
Balance of Life™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Oregano Thyme ct Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Thymol, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 311


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Trauma™, Rosemary, minutes per hour.
Tea Tree, Coriander,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Eucalyptus Radiata, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Frankincense,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
CHRONIC Peppermint, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
FATIGUE Sweet Soothe™, to bottom of each foot and/or temples back of
Organ Master™, neck as needed.
XY Blend™, Good Night,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lime, Turmeric, Cumin Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15

Trauma™, Birch, minutes per hour.
Peppermint,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Helichrysum, Marjoram, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Basil, Physical Care™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
CHRONIC PAIN Turmeric, Copaiba, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Chamomile German, to bottom of each foot and/or temples back of
Nutmeg, The Essential neck as needed.
Results Now Kit™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Oregano, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

Cypress, Coriander,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Bay Laurel, Fennel, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Rosemary, Rose well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Geranium, All Heart™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
CIRCULATION Perfect Fit™, Kidney EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Health™, Cocoa, to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Copaiba, Nutmeg,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Vetiver, The Essential carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Results Now Kit™, apply to bottom of feet.
Thyme ct Thymol
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier
oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply to
Tea Tree, Palmarosa, bottom of feet or on upper chest area.
CLOGGED Rosemary, Cypress,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
PORES Rose Geranium, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Y-23 Immune™, Lime in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on face
avoiding getting in eyes.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
312 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
1st Defense™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
To Be Well™, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest.
Eucalyptus Radiata,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Coriander, Spikenard, minutes per hour.
Dill Blend™, Tea Tree,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Thyme ct. Linalool, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
COLDS Oregano & Lavender™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Organ Master™  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Y-23 Immune™, Man inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Up, Perfect Fit™, Lime,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Cardamom, Cajeput, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
Oregano,  Use 1st Defense™ only for adults; the other
Thyme ct Thymol listed oils may be use for children.

Tea Tree, Niaouli,

Eucalyptus Radiata,
Helichrysum, Oregano  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
& Lavender Blend, carrier oil to 20 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
COLD SORES Peppermint, Comfort apply to bottom of feet and with Q-tip to
Touch™, Ravensara, affected area as needed.
Rose Geranium,
Perfect Fit™, Copaiba
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 4 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Lavender M., Lavender apply to bottom of feet and tummy gently
& Chamomile massaging clockwise.
COLIC Blend™,Geranium,
Rose XY  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Red Mandarin, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Neroli, Chamomile to bottom of each foot and tummy gently
Roman, massaging clockwise.

Basil, Lavender M.,

Peppermint, Rose
Geranium, Rosemary,
Thyme ct. Linalool,
Ginger, Cumin,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
COLITIS Organ Master™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Sweet Soothe™, GI apply to bottom of feet and sides of spine, or
Purify™, Perfect Fit™, on bottom of feet.
Kidney Health™, Anise,
Cardamom, Turmeric,
Chamomile German,
Chamomile Roman

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 313


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Sandalwood, Ylang  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Ylang, Cypress, Black carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Pepper, Peppermint, apply to bottom of feet, back of neck and
COMA Awareness™, Earth temples.
Scent™, Heaven  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Scent™, Trauma™, minutes per hour.
Balance of Life™, Man
Up, All Heart™, Vetiver
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
Awareness™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Frankincense, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Rosemary, lemon,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
CONCENTRATION Thyme ct Linalool, Fir EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
(LACK OF) Balsam, Earth Scent™, minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
Good Night, All Heart™, on face and hair avoiding eyes.
Balance of Life of Life,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Cardamom EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples.

 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe

Peppermint, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Frankincense,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Trauma™, Comfort EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
CONCUSSION Touch™, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Heaven Scent™, Pinyon  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Pine, Balance of Life™, minutes per hour. Monitor for any negative
Vetiver reaction; if observed, remove the aroma.
Ensure access to fresh airflow at all times.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Rosemary, To Be Well™ apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Eucalyptus Radiata, area Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO
Eucalyptus Citriodora, safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Organ Master™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
CONGESTION Peppermint, 1st minutes per hour.
Defense™Y-23  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Immune™, Cardamom, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Copaiba, Anise, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Chamomile German,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Oregano, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 Use 1st Defense™ only for adults; the other
listed oils may be use for children.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
314 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Mix one drop EO or EOB in ¼ teaspoon natural
CONJUNCTIVITIS Tea Tree, Niaouli, salt (no additives), add that mix to a cup warm
(PINK EYE) Fennel, water. Soak compress or wash cloth with
mixture and apply around the eye.
Fennel, Cypress,
Coriander, Dill Blend™,
Organ Master™, Anise,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Ginger, Spikenard carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Sweet Soothe™, , apply to bottom of feet and on stomach area,
CONSTIPATION Rosemary, Good Night, gently rubbing in a right to left circular motion.
Balance of Life™, OR, rub mix on bottom of feet, or along the
Cumin, lower leg bone area from ankle to knee.
Perfect Fit™, GI Purify™
Kidney Health™,
 For emergency situations, smell EO or EOB
from lid; also apply 1 to 2 drops neat
To Be At Peace™, (undiluted) on bottom of feet.
Ylang Ylang,  After emergency, in a 1 oz. flip top EO safe
Trauma™, bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or
CONVULSIONS Heaven Scent™, EOB. Shake and apply to bottom of feet or on
Frankincense, upper chest area.
Balance of Life™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Wild Flower distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around
room and on person.
 Apply 1 drop neat (undiluted) several times a
day, until improvement is observed. Then
Lemon, Grapefruit  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier
CORNS Pink, Lemongrass, oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply to
Comfort Touch™, bottom of feet or on upper chest area.
Rosemary, Tea Tree,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with
10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply on corns.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Eucalyptus Radiata, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
Cinnamon Bark, Myrrh,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
To Be Well™, Niaouli, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Bergamot, Tea Tree, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area
Organ Master™, and neck.
COUGH Lemon, Marjoram,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
1st Defense™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Bay Laurel, Oregano,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Thyme ct linalool minutes per hour.
Y-23 Immune™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Thyme ct Thymol Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 315


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Sandalwood, Myrrh,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Patchouli, Rose, Neroli, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Palmarosa, Jasmine, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Frankincense &  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
CRACKED SKIN Lavender, Niaouli, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Comfort Touch™, apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
Cocoa, Copaiba,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Spikenard, Chamomile distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
German, Chamomile in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Roman, Vetiver
Lavender & Chamomile
Blend, Neroli,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
CRACKED Sandalwood, Rose, carrier oil, Lanolin cream to 6 drops EO or EOB.
BREAST/NIPPLES Copaiba, Chamomile Apply to breast after each feeding.
German, Chamomile
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
CRACKED Lavender M., carrier oil, Lanolin cream to 6 drops EO or EOB.
BREAST/NIPPLES Frankincense, Apply to breast daily. First rub with a skin brush
(PREVENTION) Sandalwood, to toughen up the skin.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

Clary Sage, Marjoram, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Coriander, Dill Blend™, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Bay Laurel, Relief™, clockwise motion.
Organ Master™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
CRAMPS Rose Geranium, Basil, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Balance of Life™, Man well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Up, Y-23 Immune™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Cajeput, Anise, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Spikenard, Vetiver to bottom of each foot and abdomen in a
clockwise motion.

Ravensara, To Be  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

Well™, Thyme ct carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Linalool, Niaouli, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area,
CROUP Bergamot, Comfort throat, and sinus areas as needed, alternating
Touch™, Frankincense the oils and fresh cool air.
& Lavender Blend,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Lavender M. minutes per hour.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
316 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 For emergencies, apply 1 drop neat
Trauma™, Tea Tree, (undiluted).
Rose Geranium,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Comfort Touch™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Palmarosa, Fir Balsam, and affected area; OR put on pad of
CUTS Niaouli, Lavender, bandage before applying bandage to cut.
Helichrysum, Lavender  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
& Frankincense™, distilled water or liquid plant derived
Pinyon Pine, Y-23 minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Immune™, Vetiver Mist on affected area; OR put on pad of
Chamomile Roman, bandage before applying bandage to cut.
Lemongrass,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
CYST Dill Blend™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Comfort Touch™, apply.
Pinyon Pine
 Make a compress with 1 to 2 drops EO or
Lemongrass, Lemon, EOB mixed with 1 to 2 drops carrier oil, apply
Grapefruit Pink, on kidney area.
CYSTITIS Dill Blend™, Copaiba  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
(URINARY Sweet Soothe™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Rosemary, Basil, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
DISORDER) Spearmint, Coriander,
Eucalyptus Globulus,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Kidney Health apply on feet, lower back and low abdomen.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

Tea Tree, Rosemary, carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Thyme ct linalool, massage directly on scalp.
Oregano & Lavender  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
DANDRUFF Blend, Peppermint, shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and rub
Comfort Touch™, on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
Chamomile German,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. liquid plant
Pinyon Pine derived minerals in an EO safe mister, shake
well. Mist on wet hair.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Grapefruit Pink, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Peppermint, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Spearmint, Orange,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
DEHYDRATED Lemon, Marjoram, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
SKIN Comfort Touch™ apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
Chamomile German,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Chamomile Roman, distilled water or liquid plant derived
Vetiver minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Mist on skin.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 317


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Orange, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Grapefruit Pink, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
DEHYDRATION Spearmint, Peppermint, clockwise motion.
Red Mandarin, Perfect  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Fit™, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.

 Add 14 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or

Frankincense, distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake
Green Mandarin, Earth well. Mist around room.
Scent™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Heaven Scent™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
DEMENTIA Awareness™, to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Frankincense &  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Lavender Blend™, Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
XY Blend™, Prosperity™, Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Balance of Life™, Wild  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Flower, Surrender minutes per hour.
Tea Tree, Lavender,
Lemon, Clary Sage,
Red Mandarin,  2 Tbsp. coconut oil, 1/4 cup arrowroot, 3
Green Mandarin, TBS of Baking soda, 20-25 drops of EO and
EOB. Warm on stove top to melt coconut oil
DEODORANT Grapefruit Pink, Cypress,
1st Defense™, Cedar mix all together well. Keep in small EO safe
Wood, plastic container. Use daily. Works great for
Lemongrass, stinky feet.
Wild Flower,
Surrender™, Spikenard
 Add 14 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake
Bergamot, Frankincense, well. Mist around room.
Rosemary, Heaven  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Scent™, Earth Scent™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
To Be At Peace™, to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Orange, Balance of  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
DEPRESSION Life™, Wild Flower, Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Surrender™, All Heart™, Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Cocoa, Cumin,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops into 1 cup warm
Chamomile Roman, water; sip as needed.
Spikenard, Vetiver,  For tea, stir 1 drop Bergamot with 1 teaspoon
Thyme ct Thymol sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
318 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Coriander, Spikenard  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Dill Blend™, Good Night carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
DIABETES Sweet Soothe™, Fennel, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Cypress, Perfect Fit™, clockwise motion twice daily.
 Mix 2 to 3 drops Tea Tree in 1 tablespoon
of Dead Sea salts; stir in 1/4 cup water. With
Tea Tree, wash cloth, soak up water solution and
DIABETIC Lavender M., gently wash sores; then mist sores with mist
SORES Comfot Touch™, recipe.
Chamomile Roman  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals in
an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Lavender M., distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals in
Lavender & an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist.
DIAPER RASH Chamomile™, Tea Tree,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Comfort Touch™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Copaiba If yeast is present use Tea Tree.
Ginger, GI Purify™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Peppermint, Spearmint, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Coriander, Dill Blend™, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Sweet Soothe™, Black clockwise motion
DIGESTIVE Pepper, Palmarosa,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
PROBLEMS Bergamot, Bay Laurel, teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Fennel, Perfect Fit™, slowly. Adults can drink up to the 1 cup of
Lime, Cardamom, tea. Children should only drink 1/4 cup of this
Turmeric, Cilantro, Anise, tea.
Basil, Coriander, Cumin,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Dill Blend™, Marjoram, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Rosemary, Spikenard apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Sweet Soothe™, clockwise motion
DIARRHEA Organ Master™,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Bergamot, Anise, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly. Adults
Cinnamon Bark, can drink up to the 1 cup of tea. Children should
Cardamom, Turmeric, only drink 1/4 cup of this tea.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Trauma™, Comfort carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Touch™, Basil, Birch, apply to bottom of feet and on location.
Lemongrass,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
DISLOCATION Helichrysum, Physical Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Care™, Turmeric, The well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Essential Results Now  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Kit™ EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and on location.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 319


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Peppermint, Tea Tree,
Organ Master™, Physical
Care™, Relief™,
Palmarosa, Comfort  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Touch™, Patchouli, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
DIVERTICULOSIS Rosemary, Fennel, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Oregano & Lavender™, clockwise motion.
Balance of Life™, Pinyon
Pine, Cilantro, Perfect
Fit™, Anise, Chamomile
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 Put 1 drop EO or EOB in palm, rub hands
quickly together, cup hand over mouth and
Ginger, Cypress, nose without touching face, and inhale
Peppermint, deeply 3 times; then massage the head with
Awareness™, Rosemary, same hand, rubbing remaining oil through
DIZZINESS Earth Scent™, Basil, the hair.
Marjoram,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Clary Sage, All Heart™, or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Balance of Life™, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
Cardamom temples.
 Caution: Ensure access to fresh air. Do not
use Clary Sage if pregnant or known to have
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
DRY MOUTH Orange, Peppermint, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Spearmint, minerals. Spritz in mouth
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of or filtered or distilled
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Palmarosa, Lavender M., Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Frankincense & Lavender,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Comfort Touch™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
DRY SKIN Copaiba, Chamomile apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
German, Cocoa,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Spikenard, Vetiver distilled water or liquid plant derived
minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Mist on skin.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
320 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Add a few drops of EO to a cotton ball and
place in areas where they are a problem.
Rosemary, Dill Blend,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
DUST MITES Peppermint, Juniper minutes per hour.
Berry,  For mist, add 2 drops EO or EOB with 1 oz.
water in a mister; shake before misting.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Palmarosa, Cinnamon, and apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in
Clove Bud, Myrrh, a clockwise motion
DYSENTERY Cypress, Black Pepper,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
Sweet Soothe™, teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Organ Master™, 1st slowly. Adults can drink up to the 1 cup of
Defense™, Oregano, tea. Children should only drink 1/4 cup of
this tea.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Marjoram, Basil,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Helichrysum, Cypress, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Birch, To Be At Peace™, and apply to bottom of feet.
DYSTONIA Comfort Touch™, The  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Essential Results Now Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Kit™, Oregano & Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Lavender Blend™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Oregano, or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
Tea Tree, Rosemary,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Eucalyptus Radiata, or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
EARACHE Lavender M., Pinyon Apply to bottom of each foot and/or gently
Pine, Copaiba, massage around OUTSIDES of ears and
Chamomile Roman down sides of neck.
Fennel, Relief™,
Palmarosa, Tea Tree,  Mix 1 drop EO or EOB with 3 drops carrier
Rosemary, Eucalyptus oil and gently massage around OUTSIDES of
Radiata, Lavender M., ears and down sides of neck.
EAR INFECTIONS Fennel, Relief™,  Apply 2 drops EO or EOB mixed with 5
Ravensara, Thyme ct drops carrier oil on bottom of feet.
linalool, To Be Well™,
Chamomile Roman

EATING See Anorexia, Bulimia


*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 321


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Palmarosa, Cinnamon
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Bark, Clove Bud,
apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Myrrh, Cypress, Black
clockwise motion
1st Defense™,
E. COLI Pepper,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
To Be Well™, Organ
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly. Adults
Master™, Oregano,
can drink up to the 1 cup of tea. Children should
Ginger, Coriander, GI
only drink 1/4 cup of this tea.
Purify™, Pinyon Pine
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lavender M.,
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Lavender & Chamomile,
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Tea Tree, Palmarosa, ,
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Comfort Touch™,
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ECZEMA XY Blend™, Jasmine,
apply to affected area.
Rose Geranium,
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or distilled
Patchouli, Cajeput,
water or liquid plant derived minerals in an EO safe
German Chamomile,
mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Chamomile Roman
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Juniper Berry,
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Grapefruit Pink,
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Coriander, Spearmint,
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Bay Laurel, Relief™,
EDEMA carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Organ Master™,
apply to bottom of feet.
Cypress, Cedarwood,
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or distilled
Green Mandarin,
water or liquid plant derived minerals in an EO
Balance of Life™,
safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Pinyon Pine, Nutmeg
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
XY Blend™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Frankincense, Cypress, apply to bottom of feet, ankles and lower
Lavender, Rose abdomen in a clockwise motion.
ENDOMETRIOSIS Geranium, Rose,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Helichrysum, Clary Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Sage, Fennel, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 For emergency situations, smell EO or EOB
from lid; also apply 1 to 2 drops neat
(undiluted) on bottom of feet.
 After emergency, in a 1 oz. flip top EO safe
Basil, Frankincense, bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or
Clary Sage, Heaven EOB. Shake and apply to bottom of feet or on
EPILEPSY Jasmine,Marjoram,
Scent™, upper chest area.
Balance of  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Life™, Pinyon Pine, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Nutmeg in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around
room and on person.
Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
322 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Trauma™, Rosemary, minutes per hour.
Tea Tree, Coriander,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Eucalyptus Radiata, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Frankincense,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Peppermint, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Sweet Soothe™, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples
EPSTEIN BARR Organ Master™, back of neck as needed.
XY Blend™, Oregano &  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lavender blend, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Thyme ct linalool, Y-23 well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Immune™, Pinyon  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Pine, Oregano, Thyme carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ct Thymol apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
clockwise motion.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Peppermint, minutes per hour.
Black Spruce,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Black Pepper, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Rosemary, Coriander,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EXHAUSTION XY Blend™, Orange, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Organ Master™, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples
Grapefruit Pink, back of neck as needed.
Lemon, Good Night,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Nutmeg, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Fir Balsam ,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Frankincense, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
EYE Black Spruce, Apply daily on skin under eyes. Be careful to
FLOATERS Spearmint, Pinyon not get oils into the eyes. If oil gets in the eyes,
Pine “wash” the eye with a carrier oil, not water.
Liver Cleanse,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Peppermint, Lavender, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Rose Geranium, Apply daily on skin. Be careful to not get oils
Frankincense & into the eyes. If oil gets in the eyes, “wash” the
FACIAL SPOTS lavender Blend™, eye with a carrier oil, not water.
Comfort Touch™,
Perfect Fit™, Kidney

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 323


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 For emergency situations, smell EO or EOB
from lid; also apply 1 to 2 drops neat
(undiluted) on bottom of feet.
 After emergency, in a 1 oz. flip top EO safe
Peppermint, bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or
Awareness™, EOB. Shake and apply to bottom of feet or on
FAINTING Heaven Scent™, upper chest area.
Prosperity™, Pinyon  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Pine, All Heart, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around
room and on person.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Cypress, XY Blend™,
Rose Geranium,
Helichrysum,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Frankincense & EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
FATTY TUMOR Lavender™, Perfect Apply to bottom of each foot and on tumor.
Fit™, Lemongrass,
Bay Laurel, Fennel.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
Black Spruce,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Peppermint, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Prosperity™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Thyme ct. Linalool,
FATIGUE Ginger, Grapefruit EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples back of
Pink, neck as needed.
Organ Master™, Good  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Night, Lime, Nutmeg Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe

Bay Laurel, Ylang inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Ylang, Heaven  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Scent™, Earth Scent™, minutes per hour.
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
FEAR Sandalwood, Orange,
Grapefruit Pink, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Lemon, Balance of in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around
Life™, Wild Flower, room.
Surrender In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
324 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Eucalyptus Radiata, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily. Do not use
Thyme ct. Linalool, Peppermint or Spearmint for bath.
Tea Tree, Peppermint,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
FEVER Spearmint, Ginger,
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
Chamomile Roman,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Vetiver EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples.

 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or

Cypress, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Frankincense, over fibroid area and on bottom of feet.
FIBROIDS Helichrysum,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lavender M., Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15

minutes per hour.
Liver Cleanse, Physical  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Care™, Trauma™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Relief™, Rosemary,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Peppermint, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Helichrysum, Balance to bottom of each foot and/or temples back of
FIBROMYALGIA of Life™, Pinyon Pine, neck as needed.
Man Up, Wild Flower  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Oregano & Lavender Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Blend™, The Essential well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Results Now Kit™  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply where needed.
Thyme ct. Linalool,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Dill Blend™, Fennel, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Sweet Soothe™, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
FLATULENCE GI Purify™, Coriander, clockwise motion
(INTESTINAL GAS) Oregano & Lavender  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Blend, Perfect Fit™, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly. Adults
Lime, Cardamom, can drink up to the 1 cup of tea. Children
Turmeric, Anise, should only drink 1/4 cup of this tea.
Chamomile German

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 325


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Add a few drops of EO to a cotton ball and place
in areas where they are a problem.
FLIES Peppermint, Y-23  Diffuse8to10dropsEOorEOBfor15minutesperhour.
Immune  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or distilled
water or liquid plant derived minerals in an EO safe
mister, shake well. Mist around room.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Ravensara, Lemon, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Peppermint, Spikeard  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
Eucalyptus Radiata, per hour.
Eucalyptus Citriodora,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
1st Defense™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well.
FLU Basil, Ginger, Y-23 Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Immune™, Pinyon  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Pine, Lime, Cajeput, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Oregano,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Thyme ct Thymol, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
 Use 1st Defense™ only for adults; the other
listed oils may be use for children.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or on abdomen in a
GI Purify™, Organ clockwise motion.
Master™, Lemon,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
Grapefruit Pink, per hour.
FOOD Rosemary, Oregano &  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
POISONING Lavender Blend ™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well.
Y-23 Immune™, Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Perfect Fit™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Oregano inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 Use 1st Defense™ only for adults; the other
listed oils may be use for children.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply
Tea Tree, Patchouli, to bottom of feet and near location of observed
Palmarosa, Dill symptoms 3 times per day for 3 weeks, stop for 1
Blend™, Comfort week, and repeat applications for another 3
FUNGAL SKIN Touch™, Niaouli, weeks.
INFECTION Lemongrass,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea
Oregano & Lavender salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well.
Blend™, Pinyon Pine, Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Copaiba, Cajeput, Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or distilled
Spikenard, Oregano, water or liquid plant derived minerals in an EO safe
mister, shake well. Mist on location.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
326 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Deep Cleanser™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or distilled
Dill Blend™, Lemon, water or liquid plant derived minerals in an EO
FUNGUS Lemongrass, Y-23 safe mister, shake well. Mist around room and
OR MOLD Immune™, Balance affected area.
of Life™, Copaiba,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
Spikenard, Oregano, per hour.
Rosemary, Organ
Master™, Marjoram,
Peppermint, Lemon,
Carrot Seed, Cypress,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Juniper Berry, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply
GALLBLADDER Grapefruit Pink, to bottom of feet over the gallbladder, using each
INFECTION Rosemary, Oregano, time 1 drop EO with 3 drops carrier oil. Use 3 EOs
Rose Geranium, at a time, rotating oils daily.
Perfect Fit™, Kidney
Health™, All Heart™,
Chamomile German
Gallbladder stones are usually worked with best
Juniper Berry, by using oils in a tea form.
Grapefruit Pink,  For tea, use 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Orange, Red sweetener in 1 cup warm water. Drink tea several
GALLBLADDER Mandarin, times a day for several days.
STONES Dill Blend™ Nutmeg,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Organ Master™, carrier oil to 24 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply
Chamomile German, to bottom of feet or abdomen in a clockwise

 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or distilled

Tea Tree, Lavender water or liquid plant derived minerals in an EO
M., Rosemary, Basil, safe mister, shake well. Apply to affected area
Palmarosa, several times per day.
1st Defense™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
GANGRENE Deep Cleanser™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply
Comfort Touch™, to bottom of feet and affected areas.
Balance of Life™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea
Cajeput, Oregano, salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well.
Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

GANGLION Lemongrass,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB
CYST/BIBLE Frankincense, Anise
erfect with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to
BUMP/ Fit, Cardamom, bottom of each foot and on tumor
SYNOVIAL CYST Turmeric, Cilantro,

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 327


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Bergamot, Orange,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Lemon, GI Purify™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply
Ravensara, Tea Tree, to bottom of feet or abdomen in a clockwise
Sweet Soothe™, motion
GASTRITIS Organ Master™,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Fennel, Marjoram, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly. Adults can
Peppermint, Basil, drink up to the 1 cup of tea. Children should only
Rosemary, drink 1/4 cup of this tea.
Rose Geranium
Sandalwood,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Niaouli, Lemon, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply
GENITAL Lemongrass, to bottom of feet and with a cotton ball or cotton
WARTS Comfort Touch™, swab apply to the warts at regular intervals until
Pinyon Pine the warts have detached.
Lemon, Oregano,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Carrot Seed, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
1st Defense™, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Organ Master™, clockwise motion
GIARDIA Tea Tree,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
To Be Well™, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly. Adults
GI Purify™, Perfect can drink up to the 1 cup of tea. Children should
Fit™, Kidney only drink 1/4 cup of this tea.
Tea Tree, Myrrh,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Lemon, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake before
Grapefruit Pink, each use. Use as tooth paste. Brush teeth
GINGIVITIS Basil, Fennel, 1st thoroughly and the gums gently 1 to 2 times per
Defense™, Perfect day for several days, then reduce to 1 time per
Fit™, Thyme ct. day for 1 week, then use periodically as needed.

Juniper Berry, Basil,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Coriander, Birch, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Fennel, Cypress, apply to bottom of feet and on area in pain.
Trauma™, Relief™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea
GOUT Carrot Seed, salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well.
Frankincense, Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Rosemary, Rose  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Geranium, Ginger, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Pinyon Pine, to bottom of each foot and on area in pain.
Cajeput, Nutmeg 

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
328 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake before
each use. Use as tooth paste. Brush teeth
thoroughly and the gums gently 1 to 2 times
Tea Tree, Myrrh, per day for several days, then reduce to 1 time
Rosemary, Niaouli, per day for 1 week, then use periodically as
GUM DISEASE Basil, Rosemary, needed. If symptoms do not appear to improve
Ginger, Pinyon Pine, after a week to 10 days, consider consulting a
Nutmeg, Oregano, health care provider.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Cedarwood, massage directly on scalp.
Rosemary, Clary  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
HAIR LOSS Sage, Ylang Ylang, shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and rub
Thyme ct. Linalool, on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
Birch, Patchouli,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. liquid plant
Lemon, Spikenard derived minerals in an EO safe mister, shake
well. Mist on wet hair.
 Add 1 drop EO to ¼ teaspoon salt, mix into 1
Lemon, cup water, swish water mixture around mouth
Peppermint, Tea 1 or 2 minutes before spitting out; swallowing a
Tree, Bergamot, little bit is safe—Lemon, Peppermint and
Myrrh, Spearmint, Spearmint are preferred if water is swallowed.
HALITOSIS Coriander, Organ  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
(BAD BREATH) Master™, Clove with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals.
Bud, GI Purify™, Spritz in mouth as needed.
Spearmint, Perfect  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar, mix 6 Tbsp. of
Fit™, Nutmeg, Coconut oil and 6 Tbsp. of backing powder with
8 drops of EO or EOB. Brush daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Niaouli, Organ sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
Master™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
HAY FEVER Chamomile inhaler. Sniff as needed.
German  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
per hour.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 329


 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
massage directly on scalp.
Tea Tree, Lavender&  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Chamomile, Eucalyptus shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Radiata, Thyme ct. rub on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
Linalool, Fennel,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. liquid plant
HEAD LICE Patchouli, Lemon, derived minerals in an EO safe mister, shake
Lemongrass, well. Mist on wet hair. CAUTION: Avoid getting
Cedarwood, Ginger, in the eyes. If it gets in eyes, use a carrier oil to
Pinyon Pine, Balance of rinse eyes; rinse several times, then dry the
Life eyes with a clean wash cloth. DO NOT USE
WATER to rinse eyes.

 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or

Peppermint, Lavender EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
M., Marjoram, Basil, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Earth Scent™,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Heaven Scent™, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Orange, Awareness™, minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
Rosemary, face and hair avoiding eyes.
HEADACHE Frankincense &  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Lavender, Niaouli, Clary shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Sage, Ylang Ylang, rub on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
Spearmint, Rose, Good  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Night, All Heart™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Cardamom, Copaiba,
Cumin  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of

Lemon, Peppermint, carrier oil to 14 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Dill Blend™, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area
HEARTBURN Sweet Soothe™, Perfect and on abdomen rubbing clockwise.
Fit™, Lime, Cardamom,  Tea, 1-2 drops EO or EOB mixed with 1 Tbsp.
Cumin, Chamomile of Honey and ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and
German, Spikenard 1 cup of warm water. Sip on.

 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or

Helichrysum, Rose EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
HEARING Geranium, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or gently
DISORDERS Frankincense, Juniper massage around OUTSIDES of ears and down
Berry, sides of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
330 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Singles or Blends
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
HEAT STROKE Peppermint, Orange,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Eucalyptus radiate, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and on location.
Physical Care™, Birch,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
HEEL SPURS Lemongrass, Relief™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Trauma™ well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Cypress, Helichrysum, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
HEMATOMA Lemon, Grapefruit Pink, Apply to bruises.
Clove Bud  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of carrier
oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply.
Rose Geranium,
Lavender M., Coriander,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Myrrh, Comfort carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
HEMORRHOIDS Touch™, Fir Balsam, apply to bottom of feet and on cotton ball,
Juniper Berry, Pinyon apply to the area.
Pine, Spikenard
Rosemary, Cinnamon,
Clove Bud, Thyme ct.  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Linalool, Ravensara, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Peppermint, Perfect apply to bottom of feet and over the liver
HEPATITIS Fit™, area, massaging gently. Alternate oils over a
Organ Master™, several-day period. Generally best when used
Chamomile German, before meals.
Chamomile Roman,
Thyme ct Thymol
Rosemary, Rose
Geranium, Cypress,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
HERNIA Basil, Coriander, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Dill Blend™, Relief™, apply to bottom of feet and on affected area.
Lavender M., All Heart
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 331


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Ravensara, Niaouli,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Organ Master™, Lemon, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
HERPES Oregano & Lavender, apply to bottom of feet and on cotton ball,
Helichrysum, Pinyon apply to the area
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Basil, Marjoram, GI apply to bottom of feet and on affected area.
HIATAL HERNIA Purify™, Organ  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
Master™, Cardamom, teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Chamomile German slowly. Adults can drink up to the 1 cup of tea.
Children should only drink 1/4 cup of this tea.
Basil, Peppermint,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Sweet Soothe™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
HICCUPS Coriander, Dill Blend,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Marjoram, Fennel, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
Marjoram, Frankincense
& Lavender™, Tea Tree,
Lavender, Helichrysum,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Clary Sage, Myrrh, Ylang EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
HIGH BLOOD Ylang, Lavender M., to bottom of each foot and pulse points such as
PRESSURE Basil, Lemon, Eucalyptus the temples, wrist, and neck.
Citriodora, Vetiver,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Heaven Scent™, Man Up inhaler. Sniff as needed.
To Be At Peace™, All
Heart™, Balance of Life™,
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Ravensara, Tea Tree, in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist several
Lavender M., Comfort times a day.
Touch™, Relief™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
HIVES Palmarosa, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Rose Geranium, Cajeput, apply to bottom of feet and on location.
Spikenard, Chamomile  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Roman Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of

Frankincense & carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
HORMONAL Lavender, Cypress, apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
IMBALANCE Fennel, XY Blend™, Man temples, and ear lobes.
Up, Wildflower™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Vetiver, Spikenard Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
332 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Rose Geranium, inhaler. Sniff as needed
Sandalwood, Clary Sage,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
HOT FLASHES Peppermint, Spearmint, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
XY Blend™, Surrender™, apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
Cocoa temples, and ear lobes.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mils of liquid plant derived mine-
rals. Spritz on face and hair avoiding eyes.
Lavender M.,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
To Be At Peace™, minutes per hour.
HYPER-ACTIVITY Earth Scent™, Balance  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
of Life™, Man Up, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Surrender™, Vetiver  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to
bottom of each foot, temples and back of neck.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Fennel, Sweet Soothe™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Marjoram, Helichrysum, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
HYPO-GLYCEMIA Basil, Perfect Fit™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Kidney Health™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Spikenard apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
clockwise motion.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
XY Blend™, Clary Sage, to bottom of each foot, ankles, lower abdomen.
HYSTERECTOMY Ylang Ylang, Jasmin,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Wild Flower Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
To Be Well™, Tea Tree,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
1st Defense™, Palmarosa, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Organ Master™, Oregano apply to bottom of feet.
& Lavender, Thyme ct,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Linalool, Ravensara, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Rosemary, Ginger,  Diffuse8to10dropsEOorEOBfor15minutesperhour.
Cinnamon bark, Clove  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
IMMUNE SYSTEM Bud, Coriander, Black Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
BOOSTER Pepper, Frankincense, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Helichrysum, Eucalyptus  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or distilled
Radiata, Juniper berry, water or liquid plant derived minerals in an EO safe
Lemongrass, Bay Laurel, mister, shake well. Mist around room.
Y-23 Immune™, Balance  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
of Life™, Pinyon Pine, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Spikenard, Oregano, minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
Thyme ct Thymol on face and hair avoiding eyes.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 333


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lavender& Chamomile, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Rose Geranium, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Tea Tree,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Comfort Touch™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
IMPETIGO Rose Geranium, apply to affected area.
To Be Well™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Physical Care™, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Cajeput in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Clary Sage, Neroli, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
XY Blend™, apply to bottom of feet
Peppermint, Cypress,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
IMPOTENCE Rosemary, Marjoram, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Ylang Ylang, Man Up, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples
Balance of Life Cocoa, and lower back area and gently massage.
Nutmeg  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Marjoram, Lemongrass,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Lavender M., Perfect EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
INCONTINENCE Fit™, Kidney Health™, Apply to bottom of each foot and lower
Copaiba abdomen.
Peppermint, Spearmint,
Coriander, Dill Blend™,
Fennel, GI Purify™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Sweet Soothe™, carrier oil to 14 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
INDIGESTION Organ Master™, Anise, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Marjoram, Perfect Fit™, area and on abdomen rubbing clockwise.
Cardamom, Turmeric,  Tea, 1-2 drops EO or EOB mixed with 1 Tbsp.
Cilantro, Chamomile of Honey and ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar
German, Spikenard, and 1 cup of warm water. Sip on.
Chamomile Roman
Tea Tree, Fir Balsam,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Trauma™, Rosemary, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Comfort Touch™, apply to bottom of feet and gently on location.
Black Spruce, 1st  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Defense™, To Be Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Well™, Thyme ct. well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
INFECTION Linalool, Ravensara, Y-  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
23 Immune™, Man Up, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Balance of Life™, in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist where
Copaiba, Vetiver, needed.
Oregano, Thyme ct  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Thymol inhaler. Sniff as needed.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
334 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Basil, Birch, Myrrh, minutes per hour.
Peppermint, Trauma™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Relief™, Cypress, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Physical Care™, Fir  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Balsam, Lavender M., EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Lavender & Chamomile, to bottom of each foot and/or temples back of
INFLAMMATION Frankincense, Man Up, neck as needed.
Balance of Life™, All  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Heart™, Spikenard, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Chamomile German, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Vetiver Rose,
The Essential Results  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Now Kit™ carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply where needed.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Spikenard, Frankincense apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
INFERTILITY & Lavender, Cypress, temples, and ear lobes.
Fennel, XY Blend™  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Tea Tree, Oregano & carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
INGROWN Lavender, Thyme ct apply to bottom of feet and on toe.
TOENAIL linalool, Relief™, Clove  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Bud, Pinyon Pine Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Tea Tree, XY Blend™
INSECT Lavender M., Patchouli,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Fennel, Cajeput, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ALLERGIES Chamomile German, apply to bottom of feet.
Comfort Touch™, Basil
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around as
needed, avoiding eyes.
Eucalyptus citriodora,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Rose Geranium, minutes per hour.
INSECT Peppermint, Patchouli,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
REPELLENT Lemon, Spearmint, with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals or
Basil, Dill Blend, Y-23 filtered or distilled water. Spritz on face and
Immune™, Cajeput hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to wrist, temples, neck and ankles.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 335


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 At bedtime.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Coriander, Marjoram,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
To Be At Peace™, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals in
Neroli, an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around room.
Earth Scent™, Basil,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sandalwood, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
INSOMNIA Lavender M., well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Thyme ct. Linalool,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Comfort Touch™, Good minutes per hour.
Night, Spikenard,
Chamomile Roman,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Vetiver inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.
Peppermint, XY Blend,  Apply 1 drop EO or EOB mixed with 2 drops
INDUCING LABOR Fennel, Thyme ct. carrier oil on bottom of feet and around ankles.
(AT FULL TURM) linalool, Clary Sage,  Seek medical attention first.
 Add 16 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Earth Scent™, Heaven distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Scent™, Sandalwood, Mist around room. In a 10 mil. Roller bottle
Peppermint, Lavender, add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier
Coriander, Comfort oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each foot
Touch™, To Be and/or temples. -Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or
Happy™, Ylang Ylang, EOB for 15 minutes per hour.
Orange, Bergamot,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
IRRITABILITY Green Mandarin, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Neroli, Rose, Jasmine, minerals. Spritz on face and hair avoiding eyes.
XY Blend™ Thyme ct  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Linalool, Balance of Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Life™, Pinyon Pine, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Good Night, Spikenard,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Vetive carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
receive a massage.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Ravensara, Lavender apply to bottom of feet and on location.
M., Tea Tree,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or distilled
ITCHING Palmarosa, Comfort water or liquid plant derived minerals in an EO safe
Touch™, Cajeput, mister, shake well. Mist on affected area.
Chamomile German  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
336 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Marjoram, GI Purify™,
Organ Master™, Basil,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
IRRITABLE Lavender, Bergamot, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
BOWEL Earth Scent™, 1st apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
SYNDROME (IBS) Defense™, Perfect Fit™, clockwise motion.
Cardamom, Cilantro
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Rose Geranium, carrier oil to 4 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Lemon, Rosemary, apply to bottom of feet.
JAUNDICE Clary Sage, Perfect  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 2 drops of EO or
Fit™, Chamomile EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
German, Vetiver Apply to bottom of each foot.

 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or

EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Peppermint, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Rosemary, Juniper  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
JET LAG Berry, Lemon, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Lemongrass, Good minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
Night. face and hair avoiding eyes.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Cypress, Tea Tree, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Lavender M., well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
JOCK ITCH Comfort Touch™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Pinyon Pine, Copaiba, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Cajeput, Spikenard in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on
Basil, Marjoram,
Thyme Linalool, Birch,
Fennel, Trauma™, Fir
Balsam, Coriander,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Black Pepper, Clove carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and on location.
JOINT PAIN Bud, Physical Care™,
Pinyon Pine, Y-23  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Immune™, Turmeric, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Copaiba, Cajeput, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Vetiver The Essential
Results Now Kit™,
Thyme ct Thymol

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 337


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Juniper Berry, Fennel,
Grapefruit Pink, Basil,
Black Pepper,
KIDNEY Organ Master™, Dill  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
INFECTION Blend, Cedarwood, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Palmarosa, Tea Tree, apply to bottom of feet over the kidneys.
Kidney Health™, All
Heart™, Perfect Fit™,
 1qt sauerkraut juice, 1qt tomato juice, 3
drops Peppermint, 3 drops Lemon. Mix drink 1
Lemon, Peppermint, qt first thing in morning for 2 days.
KIDNEY STONES Sweet Soothe™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Fennel, Kidney Health carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
clockwise motion
Lemongrass, Birch,
Rosemary, Coriander,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Relief™, Physical carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
KNEE PAIN Care™, Basil, Y-23 apply to bottom of feet to the knees, as
Immune™, Balance of needed.
Life™, Man Up,
Turmeric, Copaiba
The Essential Results
Now Kit™
Frankincense,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Coriander, Earth carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Scent™, Ginger, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Peppermint, clockwise motion.
LABOR & Spearmint, Lavender,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
DELIVERY Helichrysum, Basil, minutes per hour.
Birch, Dill Blend™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Coriander, Jasmine, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Black Pepper, Neroli, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Rose, Ylang Ylang,
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Peppermint, XY clockwise motion.
LABOR - Blend, Fennel, Clary  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
INTRODUCING Sage, minutes per hour.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
338 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
LABOR- Marjoram, Lavender, clockwise motion. -Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or
PREMATURE Green Mandarin, EOB for 15 minutes per hour.
(STOPPING) Chamomile Roman  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and around breasts
and under arms on lymph area twice daily
after nursing. Wait to nurse until all smell is
Fennel, Rose gone to make sure to not get in baby’s eye.
LACTATION Geranium, Dill  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
PROBLEMS Blend™ Anise EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and around
breasts and under arms on lymph area twice
daily after nursing.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
 Put 2 drops EO in ½ cup water and gargle. For
tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Gargle.
Tea Tree, Cinnamon,  Put 1 drop Tea Tree on finger and lick; repeat
Peppermint, every 15 minutes or as needed.
LARYNGITIS Spearmint,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Sandalwood, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Eucalyptus Radiata, apply to bottom of feet and neck area.
Cajeput  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Marjoram, Basil,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Trauma™, Birch, carrier oil to 18 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Physical Care™, apply to bottom of feet and on location.
LEG CRAMPS Lemongrass, Copaiba,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Relief™, The Essential Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Results Now Kit™ well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and on location.
LIPOMA Tea Tree,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Frankincense, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot carrier oil on
bottom of feet and location.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 339


Lemon, Peppermint,  For tea, stir 1 drop each Lemon and
Carrot Seed, Peppermint, 2 drops other EO or EOB, and 1
Organ Master™, Tablespoon lemon juice into 1 cup warm
LIVER CLEANSE water. Sip slowly.
Rosemary, Perfect Fit™,
Kidney Health™, Adjust amounts per personal preference.
Chamomile Roman Drink 1 cup per day for 1 week only.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Ginger, Orange, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
LOSS OF Lavender M.,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
APPETITE Organ Master™, Kidney minutes per hour.
Health™, Cardamom  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
clockwise motion.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet.
Frankincense, Lavender,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Sandalwood, Bergamot, minutes per hour.
LOU GEHRIG’S Rose, Surrender™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
DISEASE Wildflower™, Balance of Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Life well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Rosemary, Coriander, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
LOW BLOOD Dill Blend™, Apply to bottom of each foot and pulse points
PRESSURE Peppermint, Basil, such as the temples, wrist, and neck.
Man Up  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and pulse points
Fennel, Cypress, such as the temples, wrist, and neck.
LOW BLOOD Coriander, Dill Blend™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
SUGAR Sweet Soothe™, Cumin, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Spikenard  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
340 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Trauma™, Basil, apply to bottom of feet and lower back;
Marjoram, Nutmeg repeat when needed.
LUMBAGO Relief™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
The Essential Results EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Now Kit™ Apply to bottom of each foot and lower back;
repeat when needed.

 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe

inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Lemon, Peppermint,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Eucalyptus Radiata, minutes per hour.
Breath of Life™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Ravensara, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
LUNG ILLNESSES Organ Master™, Y-23 apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Immune™, Balance of area.
Life™, Pinyon Pine,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Copaiba, Anise EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.

 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15

minutes per hour.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Basil, Lavender M, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples
Peppermint, back of neck as needed.
LUPUS Rose Geranium,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Heaven Scent™, Pinyon Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Pine well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply where needed.
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 341


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Cinnamon, Clove Bud, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Thyme ct. Linalool, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples
Rosemary, Fennel, back of neck as needed.
LYME’S DISEASE Organ Master™, 1st  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Defense™, Disease Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Balance of Life™, Y-23 well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Immune™, Oregano,
Thyme ct Thymol  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply where needed.
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals in
an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around room.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Peppermint, Cypress, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Bay Laurel, Juniper well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Berry, Frankincense,  Skin brush daily. Add 1-2 drops of oil on brush
Cedarwood, Liver then brush body in light strokes going towards
LYMPHEDEMA Cleanse, Lemon, the heart.
Sandalwood,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Helichrysum, Carrot carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Seed, Copaiba apply to bottom of feet and on location.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Lemon, Cypress, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Red Mandarin,  Skin brush daily. Add 1-2 drops of oil on brush
LYMPHOMA Juniper Berry, then brush body in light strokes going towards
Bay Laurel, Cedarwood, the heart.
Pinyon Pine, Copaiba  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and on location.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Frankincense, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Fir Balsam, daily on skin under eyes. Be careful to not get
MACULAR Black Spruce, Fennel, oils into the eyes. If oil gets in the eyes, “wash”
DEGENERATION Rosemary, All Heart™, the eye with a carrier oil, not water.
Pinyon Pine, Balance of  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Life™, Man Up carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
342 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
1st Defense™, To Be per hour.
Well™, Rosemary,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
MALARIA Balance of Life™, Man Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Up well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Organ Master™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Fennel, Oregano, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
 Use 1st Defense™ only for adults; the other
listed oils may be use for children.

 Add 14 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or

distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake well.
To Be Happy™, To Be Mist around room.
At Peace™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Frankincense & EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Lavender™, Rose 10% to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Frankincense,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
MANIC Bergamot, Earth Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
DEPRESSION Scent™, Heaven well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Scent™ XY Blend™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops into 1 cup warm water;
Wildflower™, sip as needed.
Surrender™, Balance of  For tea, stir 1 drop Bergamot with 1 teaspoon
Life™, Cocoa sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and around breasts and
Tea Tree, Bay Laurel, under arms on lymph area twice daily after
Cypress, Dill Blend™, nursing. Wait to nurse until all smell is gone to
Lavender M, make sure to not get in baby’s eye.
MASTITIS Comfort Touch™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Copaiba, Chamomile EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Roman to bottom of each foot and around breasts and
under arms on lymph area twice daily after
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 343


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Rosemary, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Lemongrass, apply to bottom of feet.
Marjoram.  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
M.C.T (MIXED Peppermint, Basil, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
CONNECTIVE Birch, Cypress, To Be well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
TISSUE DISEASE) Happy™, Relief™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Helichrysum, Earth EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Scent™, Nutmeg to bottom of each foot and/or temples.

 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or

distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well Mist as needed.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Lavender & carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Chamomile, Tea Tree, apply to bottom of feet, on cotton ball and
MEASLES Coriander, apply on affected areas. To avoid spreading
Comfort Touch™, infection, do not rub or massage.
Palmarosa, Cajeput,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Oregano Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
per hour.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Frankincense, Cypress, apply to bottom of feet. This application is for
Myrrh, Rosemary, long-term use. Consult a health professional for
Lavender M., specific needs.
Fir Balsam,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
Black Spruce, per hour.
MELANOMA Grapefruit Pink,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lemon, Basil, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Thyme ct. Linalool, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Pinyon Pine, Balance of
Life™, Thyme ct  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Thymol distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on
Lemon, Rosemary,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Coriander, Orange, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Awareness™, Heaven  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
MEMORY Scent™, Basil, All per hour.
Heart™, Frankincense ,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Peppermint, Balance carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
of Life™, Spikenard, apply to bottom of feet.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
344 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Clary Sage, Lavender carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
M, Rose Geranium, apply to bottom of feet and around ankles.
Fennel, Marjoram,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
MENOPAUSE XY Blend™, Wild inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Flower, Anise,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Spikenard, Chamomile EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Roman minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Lavender M. & EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to
Chamomile, Clary bottom of each foot and temples and on
Sage, Fennel, Relief™, abdomen, lightly massaging in clockwise motion.
MENSTRUAL Basil, Marjoram,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
PAIN Surrender™, Cajeput, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Anise, Spikenard, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily. In a 1 oz. flip
Chamomile Roman top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of carrier oil to 16
Pain drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply to bottom
of feet or abdomen in a clockwise motion.
 Add 14 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water in an EO safe mister, shake
well. Mist around room.
Awareness™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Rosemary, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Lemon, to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
MENTAL FATIGUE Lemongrass,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Earth Scent™, Good Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Night, Balance of Life™, Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Chamomile Roman,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops into 1 cup warm
Vetiver water; sip as needed.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Peppermint, Marjoram, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Lavender M, minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
Helichrysum, on face and hair avoiding eyes
Organ Master™, Relief™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
MIGRAINE Rosemary, Earth Scent™, inhaler. Sniff as needed. -In a 10 mil. Roller
Heaven Scent™, All bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of
Heart™, Perfect Fit™, carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each
Balance of Life™, Good foot and/or temples
Night, Copaiba, Cumin,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Spikenard Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 345


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Lemongrass,  Put 1 drop EO or EOB neat (undiluted) on
MOLES, BLACK Oregano & Lavender, cotton swab and apply on mole, being
Balance of Life™, Pinyon careful to avoid surrounding tissue.
 Put 1 drop EO neat (undiluted) on cotton
MOLES, NON- Cypress, Frankincense swab and apply on mole, being careful to
Pinyon Pine, Balance of avoid surrounding tissue. If desired, use both
CANCEROUS Life™, oils, applying first Cypress then Frankincense
Frankincense,  Layer (apply sequentially one oil after
Lavender M., another) 1 drop neat (undiluted) each EOs
MOLES, Rosemary, and EOB on mole with cotton swab, starting
CANCEROUS Comfort Touch™, Pinyon with Frankincense. Avoid getting oils on
Pine, Balance of Life surrounding tissue.
1st Defense™, Tea Tree,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Rose Geranium, minutes per hour.
MOLD Oregano & Lavender,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
(ENVIROMENTAL) Thyme ct Linalool, Dill distilled water or liquid plant derived
Blend™, Y-23 Immune™, minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Oregano, Thyme ct Mist around room.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 1 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Clary Sage, Lavender M., minutes per hour.
Heaven Scent™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
XY Blend™ Sandalwood, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Coriander, Rose apply to bottom of feet and around ankles.
MOOD SWINGS Geranium, Frankincense.  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Rose, Surrender™, Wild or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Flower, Man Up, Cocoa, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
Cumin, Spikenard, temples
Vetiver  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe

inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
MORNING Spearmint, Ginger,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
SICKNESS Lemon, Orange, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
346 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Tea Tree, Myrrh,  For mouthwash or gargle, add 1 to 2 drops
Sweet Soothe™, EO or EOB to ½ teaspoon salt; stir mixture
MOUTH ULCERS Spearmint, Perfect Fit™, into 1 cup water. Swish in mouth or gargle as
Pinyon Pine, Y-23 needed.
 10 drops Tea Tree, 5 drops Peppermint1 gal
MOSS Tea Tree, Peppermint, of beer and a gallon of dark corn syrup.
Cedarwood, Spray on moss.

 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe

inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Peppermint, Fennel,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Rose Geranium, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
MOTION Lavender M., Ginger,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
SICKNESS Sweet Soothe™, Dill EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Blend, Cilantro, to bottom of each foot and/or temples
Chamomile Roman  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

Lavender M., Tea Tree,

Rosemary,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Sandalwood, Lemon, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
METHICILLIN Comfort Touch™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
RESISTANT Orange, Oregano & carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
STAPHYLOCOCCUS Lavender, 1st apply to bottom of feet and on location.
AUREUS (MRSA) Defense™, Balance of  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Life™, Pinyon Pine, minutes per hour.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Breath of Life™, apply to bottom of feet and on upper chest
Ravensara, Eucalyptus area
MUCOUS Radiata, Spearmint,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Peppermint, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
CONGESTION Organ Master™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Perfect Fit™, Cajeput, minutes per hour.
Oregano,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 347


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Clove Bud, Rosemary,
Comfort Touch™, Basil,
Marjoram, Fir Balsam,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Black Spruce, Clove Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Bud, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Thyme ct. Linalool,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Physical Care™,
MULTIPLE Frankincense, minutes per hour.
SCLEROSIS (MS) Heaven  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Scent™, Balance of inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Life™, Wild Flower,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Good Night, Man Up, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Copaiba, Nutmeg, apply to bottom of feet
Earth Scent™, The
Essential Results Now
 For compress, mix 4 drops EO or EOB in ¼ cup
of Dead Sea salts or a natural cured salt. Stir
into 1 cup warm water and soak compress in
Tea Tree, Myrrh, water mixture. Apply compress to affected
Cypress, Relief™, area.
MUMPS Palmarosa, Bay Laurel,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Y-23 Immune™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Oregano, apply to bottom of feet
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
Trauma™, Marjoram,
Basil, Birch, Comfort  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Touch™, Relief™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
XY Blend™, Marjoram, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Lemongrass, Pinyon  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
MUSCLE PAIN Pine, Copaiba, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Chamomile German, apply to bottom of feet and affected area.
Nutmeg, Chamomile  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Roman, Vetiver, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
The Essential Results to bottom of each foot and on location.
Now Kit™

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
348 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Birch, Marjoram, Basil,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Relief™, Coriander, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Trauma™, Pinyon Pine, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Copaiba, Cumin,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
MUSCLE Nutmeg, Chamomile carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
SPASMS Roman, Vetiver, Clary apply to bottom of feet and affected area.
Sage,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
The Essential Results EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Now Kit™ to bottom of each foot and on location.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea

Peppermint, salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake well.
Lavender M., Marjoram, Using 1 oz. per bath daily and affected area.
Basil, urmeric, Copaiba,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
MUSCLE Chamomile German, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
STIFFNESS Nutmeg, Relief™, apply to bottom of feet
The Essential Results  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Now Kit™ EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and on location.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Rosemary, Basil, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Helichrysum, Coriander, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Dill Blend™, Fennel,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
MUSCLE Marjoram, Turmeric, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
STRAIN Copaiba, Nutmeg, apply to bottom of feet and affected area.
Chamomile Roman,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
The Essential Results EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Now Kit™ to bottom of each foot and on location.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Lavender, Lemongrass, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Marjoram, Relief™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
MUSCULAR Comfort Touch™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Physical Care™, Pinyon apply to bottom of feet and on location.
DYSTROPHY Pine, Balance of Life™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Man Up, Y-23 EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Immune™, Vetiver to bottom of each foot and on location.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
per hour.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 349


Symptoms  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Singles or Blends
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Liver Cleanse,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
MYSTHENIA Helichrysum, Marjoram, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
GRAVIS basil, Geranium, apply to bottom of feet and affected area.
Frankincense, Pinyon  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Pine, Copaiba EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and on location.

Tea Tree, Dill Blend™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Organ Master™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Rose Geranium, apply to bottom of feet on cotton ball and
NAIL Fir Balsam, Niaouli, apply to affected area.
FUNGUS Oregano & Lavender,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Rosemary, Ravensara, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Pinyon Pine, Copaiba. well. Using 1 oz. per footbath daily.

 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe

GI Purify™, Ginger, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Peppermint, Coriander,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Dill Blend™, Sweet sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
Soothe™, Spearmint,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
NAUSEA Perfect Fit™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Cardamom, Turmeric, to bottom of each foot, temples and abdomen
Cilantro, Nutmeg, in a clockwise motion.
Spikenard  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15 minutes
per hour.
Tea Tree, Niaouli,
Eucalyptus Radiata,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
NASAL Helichrysum, Oregano & carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
POLYPS Lavender Blend, apply to a Q-tip. Swab in nose.
Peppermint ,
Trauma™, Marjoram,
Basil, Relief™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Lemongrass, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Physical Care™, Balance apply to bottom of feet and on neck.
NECK PAIN of Life™, Man Up,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Nutmeg EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
The Essential Results to bottom of each foot and on neck.
Now Kit™

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
350 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Frankincense,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Jasmine, Orange, minutes per hour.
Red Mandarin,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Green Mandarin, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Palmarosa, Rose,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
NERVOUS Coriander, Neroli, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
FATIGUE Heaven Scent™, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples
Earth Scent™, back of neck as needed.
XY Blend™, Black Spruce,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Niaouli, Surrender™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Balance of Life™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Nutmeg, Chamomile
Roman, Vetiver

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of

Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Ravensara, Helichrysum, apply to bottom of feet and affected area.
Thyme ct. Linalool,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Spearmint, Rosemary, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
NEURALGIA Balance of Life™, Copaiba, to bottom of each foot and on location.
Nutmeg, The Essential  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Results Now Kit™ EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
on face and hair avoiding eyes.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of

Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Marjoram, apply to bottom of feet and affected area.
Helichrysum,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
NEURITIS Juniper Berry, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Lavender M., to bottom of each foot and on location.
Bay Laurel, Relief™  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
on face and hair avoiding eyes.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 351


Symptoms  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Singles or Blends
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
and apply to bottom of feet and affected
Helichrysum, Myrrh, area.
Cypress, Relief™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Organ Master™, or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Physical Care™, Apply to bottom of each foot and on
NEUROPATHY Black Spruce, location.
The Essential Results Now  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Kit™, Ravensara, Man Up, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Balance of Life™, Copaiba, minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
Nutmeg on face and hair avoiding eyes.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived
minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Mist where needed.
Rose Geranium,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
Thyme ct. Linalool, of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
NOSE BLEEDS Peppermint, Helichrysum, and apply to bottom of feet and on nose
Trauma™ avoiding the eyes.
Comfort Touch™,
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived
minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Mist around room.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Frankincense, Helichrysum, minutes per hour.
Lavender, Earth Scent™,
OCD Heaven  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
(OBSESSICE Scent™, To Be At inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Peace™, XY Blend™,
COMPULSIVE Prosperity™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Balance of or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
DISORDER) Life™, Man Up, Chamomile
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
Roman temples.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
on face and hair avoiding eyes.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
352 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Fennel, Myrrh,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
Juniper Berry, Grapefruit of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Pink, and apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in
Oragan Master™, a clockwise motion.
OBESITY Sweet Soothe™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Heaven Scent™, Perfect or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Fit™, Good Night, Man Up, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
Kidney Health™, Cumin, temples.
Spikenard  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Liver Cleanse, Tea Tree,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Bergamot, Cedarwood, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Clary Sage, Cypress, and apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
Helichrysum, Neroli,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
OILY SKIN Rosemary, Palmarosa, distilled water or liquid plant derived
Ravensara, Niaouli, minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Sandalwood, XY Blend™, Mist on skin.
Lavender M., Lime,
Spikenard, Vetiver  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
on face and hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
massage directly on scalp.
Rosemary, Clary Sage,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Birch, Patchouli, shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and rub
OILY HAIR Ylang Ylang, Lime, on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
Spikenard  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. liquid plant
derived minerals in an EO safe mister,
shake well. Mist on wet hair.
Trauma™, Marjoram, Basil,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Physical Care™, Rose or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Geranium, Black Spruce, Apply to bottom of each foot and on joints
Coriander, Relief™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
OSTEOARTHRITIS Balance of Life™, Pinyon of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Pine, Copaiba, Nutmeg, and apply to bottom of feet and on joints.
Vetiver,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
The Essential Results Now Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Kit™ Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 353


 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Birch, Trauma™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
OSTEOPOROSIS Balance of Life™, Pinyon well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Pine , Relief™, Physical  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Care™ carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and on abdomen,
lightly rubbing in clockwise motion.
Frankincense, Rose  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Geranium, Tea Tree, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
OVARIAN CYST Cypress, Relief™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Lemongrass, Clary Sage,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
XY Blend™, Spikenard EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and on
abdomen, lightly rubbing in clockwise motion.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Trauma™, Basil, Birch, apply to bottom of feet and on location of pain.
Marjoram, Lavender M.,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Myrrh, Physical Care™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
PAIN Comfort Touch™, Man well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Up, Copaiba , Relief™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
The Essential Results EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Now Kit™ Apply to bottom of each foot and on and on
location of pain.
 For emergency, apply 1 drop EO or EOB neat
(undiluted) over heart.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Ylang Ylang, Neroli, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Marjoram, Organ apply to bottom of feet and on heart area.
PALPITATIONS Master™, Spearmint,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Rosemary, All Heart™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Cumin well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and on heart area.
Fennel, Cedarwood,  Seek medical attention.
Organ Master™,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Grapefruit Pink, Juniper sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
PANCREATITIS Berry, Black Pepper,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Sweet Soothe™, Pinyon carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Pine, Perfect Fit™, apply to bottom of feet and on abdomen,
Kidney Health™, Vetiver lightly rubbing in clockwise motion.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
354 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Singles or Blends
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Neroli, Lavender, Rose Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples
Geranium, Coriander, at short intervals, gradually increasing
Bergamot, Lemongrass, intervals as improvement is observed.
PANIC Dill Blend™, Basil,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
ATTACKS Balance of Life™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Surrender™, Wild  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Flower Jasmine, Earth minutes per hour.
Scent™  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

Peppermint,  For footbath, in a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix

Lemongrass, Rose 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or
Geranium, Physical EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Care™, Relief™, Black Dissolve salt/oil mixture into water. Discard
Pepper, Dill Blend™, Bay footbath water after use; do not reuse.
PARALYSIS Laurel, Cypress, Clove  Apply 1 drop EO or EOB mixed with 2 drops
Bud, The Essential carrier oil on bottom of feet.
Results Now Kit™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Helichrysum , Balance carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
of Life apply to bottom of feet.

Bergamot, Ginger,
Clove, Bud, Thyme ct.
Linalool, Fennel,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
Organ Master™, teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Cinnamon, Lemon slowly.
Sweet Soothe™, ,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
PARASITES Grapefruit Pink, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Patchouli, Balance of well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Life™, Perfect Fit™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Kidney Health™, Anise, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Cumin, Chamomile apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Roman, Spikenard, clockwise motion.
Thyme ct Thymol

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 355


Frankincense,  Over time, the needs of individuals with
Peppermint, Lavender Parkinson's tend to vary; determine oils based
M., Organ Master™, on needs.
Relief™, Physical Care™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Comfort Touch™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
PARKINSON'S Black Pepper, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
DISEASE Rosemary, XY Blend™, clockwise motion and on affected area or site
Rose Geranium, of soreness as needed.
Black Spruce,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Heaven Scent™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Balance of Life™, Man well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily
GI Purify™, Dill Blend,
Look up  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Immune system, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
PARVO VIRUS Vomiting, Diarrhea, apply to bottom of paws.
Dehydration, Fever,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

 Mix one drop EO or EOB in ¼ teaspoon

PINK EYE / Tea Tree, Niaouli, natural salt (no additives), add that mix to a
CONJUNCTIVITIS Fennel cup warm water. Soak compress or wash
cloth with mixture and apply around the eye.
Liver Cleanse, XY  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Blend™, Surrender™, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
PITUITARY Vetiver Apply to bottom of each.
GLAND  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet.
Breath of Life™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Ravensara, Eucalyptus EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Radiata, Spearmint, Apply to bottom of each and upper chest.
PHLEGM Peppermint,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Organ Master™, Y-23 carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Immune™, Copaiba apply to bottom of feet and upper chest.
Physical Care™,  For foots bath. In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar
Chamomile & Lavender, mix 4 oz. of Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of
Lemongrass, Birch, EO or EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath
PLANTER Black Spruce, Pinyon daily.
FASCIITIS Pine, Copaiba  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
356 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 Apply 1 drop neat (undiluted) EO or EOB to
Lemongrass, Tea Tree, wart 2 to 3 times daily. Use Lavender or Comfort
PLANTAR Lavender M., Touch™ for first few applications. Then apply 1
WARTS Comfort Touch™, drop EO or EOB mixed with 3 drops carrier oil 2
Pinyon Pine, Balance of to 3 times daily, starting with Lemongrass then
Life other oils to determine which works best.

 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15

minutes per hour.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Breath of Life™, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Eucalyptus Radiata, minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
PLEURISY Thyme ct. Linalool, All face and hair avoiding eyes.
Heart™, Spikenard  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and upper chest.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Rose Geranium, apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
Marjoram, Lavender M, temples, and ear lobes.
Fennel, Clary Sage,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
XY Blend™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
PREMENSTRUAL Earth Scent™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
SYNDROME Heaven Scent™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
(PMS) To Be At Peace™, minutes per hour.
Sacred Place™, Balance  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
of Life™, Anise, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Spikenard Chamomile  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Roman EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of

carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
PREMATURE Marjoram, Lavender clockwise motion.
LABOR M., Chamomile Roman  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
(STOPPING) minutes per hour.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 357


Symptoms  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Singles or Blends
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Ravensara, Basil, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Breath of Life™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Eucalyptus Radiata, minutes per hour.
Peppermint, Spearmint,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lemon, Rosemary, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
PNEUMONIA Organ Master™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Thyme ct. Linalool ,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Oregano & Lavender, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Dill Blend™,
Palmarosa, Tea Tree, Y-  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
23 Immune™, Oregano, teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Thyme ct Thymol slowly.
 Use 1st Defense™ only for adults; the other
listed oils may be use for children.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Lavender M., Tea Tree, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Comfort Touch™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
POISON Peppermint, Basil, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
IVY/OAK Patchouli, Chamomile in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Roman, Vetiver  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of

POLYPS Peppermint, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Spearmint apply to a Q-tip. Swab in nose.

 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of

POLYCYSTIC Spikenard, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
OVARY Frankincense & apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
SYNDROME Lavender, Cypress, temples, and ear lobes.
(PCOS) Fennel, XY Blend™  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
358 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
Frankincense, Neroli, temples, and ear lobes.
Red Mandarin,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Green Mandarin, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Sacred Place™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
POSTPARTUM Heaven Scent™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
DEPRESSION XY Blend™, Balance of minutes per hour.
Life™, Wild Flower,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Surrender™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Spikenard, Vetiver  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
temples, and ear lobes.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
POST – well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
TRAUATIC Balance of Life™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
STRESS Pinyon Pine, minutes per hour.
DISORDER  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Cypress, Lavender M., Apply to bottom of each foot and pulse points
PREECLAMPSIA Lavender & such as the temples, wrist, and neck.
Chamomile,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Eucalyptus Radiata,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Cypress, Lavender M., carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Thyme ct Linalool, apply to bottom of feet and lower abdomen in
Juniper Berry, a clockwise motion, lower back, and around
PROSTATITIS Grapefruit Pink, scrotum. Do 3 times daily.
Patchouli, XY Blend™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Kidney Health™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Copaiba, Anise, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 359


Symptoms  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Singles or Blends
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Lavender M.,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Bergamot, Carrot Seed, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Tea Tree, Thyme ct. apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
PSORIASIS Linalool, Spearmint,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Fennel, Rosemary, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Palmarosa, Copaiba, in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Chamomile German,
Chamomile Roman EOB In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Lavender M., Tea Tree, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Ravensara, Palmarosa, apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
PSORIASIS RASH Comfort Touch™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
ajeput, Chamomile distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
German, Chamomile in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Roman, Spikenard  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.

 Add 1 drop EO to ¼ teaspoon salt, mix into 1

cup water, swish water mixture around mouth
1 or 2 minutes before spitting out; swallowing
Tea Tree, Myrrh, Birch, a little bit is safe—Lemon, Peppermint and
Clove Bud, Lemon, Spearmint are preferred if water is swallowed.
PYORRHEA Grapefruit Pink,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Orange, Spearmint, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Cinnamon, Palmarosa minerals. Spritz in mouth as needed.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar, mix 6 Tbsp. of
Coconut oil and 6 Tbsp. of backing powder
with 8 drops of EO or EOB. Brush daily.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
360 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Lavender M., well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Frankincense,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Helichrysum, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
RADIATION Organ Master™, Y-23 apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
DAMAGE Immune™, Balance of  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Life™, Pinyon Pine, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Man Up, in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Comfort Touch™  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Orange, Lavender M, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Tea Tree, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Comfort Touch™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Bergamot, Carrot Seed, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
sandalwood, apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
RASHES Chamomile & Lavender  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Blend, Cypress, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Ravensara, Cajeput, in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Chamomile German,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Spikenard, Chamomile EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Roman minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Breath of Life™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
To Be Well™, minutes per hour.
Ravensara,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
RESPIRATORY Peppermint, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ILLNESS Organ Master™, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Lemon, Eucalyptus area.
Radiata , Y-23
Immune™, Oregano,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Lavender M, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
To Be At Peace™, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Earth Scent™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
RESTLESS LEG Ravensara, Thyme ct. minutes per hour.
SYNDROME (RLS) linalool, Helichrysum,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Oregano & lavender inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Blend, Basil, Cypress,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Good Night,
Chamomile Roman carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and legs.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 361


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Lavender M.,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Lavender & minutes per hour.
Chamomile, To Be At  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
RESTLESSNESS Peace™, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Earth Scent™, Good  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Night, Man Up, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Chamomile Roman, apply to bottom of feet, neck, temples.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Frankincense& EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
RETINA DETACHED Lavender Blend™ Apply daily on skin under eyes. Be careful to
not get oils into the eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Liver Cleanse,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Rosemary, Lavender, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
REYNAUD’S Earth Scent™, apply to bottom of feet.
PHENOMENON Cypress,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Frankincense, minutes per hour.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Thyme ct. Linalool, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Spearmint, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
Peppermint, area.
RHEUMATIC FEVER Organ Master™,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Relief™, Oregano, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Physical Care™, minerals or filtered or distilled. Spritz.
Thyme ct Thymol  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
362 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Rosemary, Trauma™  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Frankincense, Fennel, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Coriander, Vetiver, apply to joints and muscles, massaging lightly,
Dill Blend™, Basil, or on bottom of feet.
RHEUMATISM Black Pepper, Relief™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Physical Care™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Balance of Life™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Pinyon Pine, Good
Night, Turmeric,
Chamomile Roman
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB
RINGING IN THE Helichrysum, Rose with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to
EARS (TINNITUS) Geranium, bottom of each foot and/or gently massage around
Frankincense, OUTSIDES of ears and down sides of neck.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Thyme ct. Linalool, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Tea Tree, Myrrh, apply to bottom of feet and on cotton swab
RINGWORM Patchouli, or cotton ball and apply to affected area.
Comfort Touch™,  For mist, Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz.
Clove Bud, Ginger, filtered or distilled water or liquid plant derived
minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
 Add a few drops of EO to a cotton ball and
RODENT Lemon. Peppermint, place in areas where they are a problem.
Cedarwood, Y-23  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
REPELLENT Immune distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals in
an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around area.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Trauma™, Physical carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ROTATOR CUFF Care™, Birch, Relief™, apply to bottom of feet and on location.
INJURY Peppermint, Man Up,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Turmeric, Copaiba EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and on location.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 10
minutes per hour.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Ravensara, To Be carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
RESPIRATORY Well™, Spearmint, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest area.
SYNCYTIAL VIRUS Tea Tree, Lemon,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 3 drops of EO or
(RSV) Organ Master™, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Thyme ct. Linalool, Y- minerals or filtered or distilled. Spritz.
23 Immune  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 8 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 *Follow dilution chart for young children and infants.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 363


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
XY Blend™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Helichrysum, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Cypress, Oregano & apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
ROSACEA lavender Blend,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Copaiba , Liver distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Cleanse in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals or
filtered or distilled water. Spritz on location.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Lavender M, Tea  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Tree, Rosemary, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Sandalwood, Lemon, apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
SCABIES Comfort Touch™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Copaiba, Cajeput distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals or
filtered or distilled water. Spritz on location.
Frankincense &  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Lavender, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Helichrysum, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Coriander,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Palmarosa, Neroli, Fir carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Balsam, Comfort apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
SCAR TISSUE Touch™, Black  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Spruce, Juniper Berry, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Niaouli, sandalwood, in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Ylang Ylang, Copaiba,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
Cumin, Chamomile with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals or
German filtered or distilled water. Spritz on location.
Trauma™, Marjoram,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Birch, Lemongrass, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Black Pepper, apply to bottom of feet and on sciatic.
Relief™,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
SCIATICA Physical Care™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Turmeric, Nutmeg, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Peppermint, Basil,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
The Essential Results EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Now Kit™, Apply to bottom of each foot and on sciatic.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
364 Foundational Aromatherapy


 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Frankincense &  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Lavender M, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Lavender & Chamomile, apply to bottom of feet and on skin.
SCLERODERMA Comfort Touch™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Palmarosa, Patchouli, distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Fennel in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Marjoram, Trauma™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Fir Balsam, Black apply directly on affected back area.
Spruce, Comfort  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
SCOLIOSIS Touch™, Physical Care™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Basil, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
The Essential Results  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Now Kit™ EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
AVOID FENNEL! and on sides of spine, back of neck, temples
Basil, Lavender, and on bottom of feet.
Rosemary, Helichrysum,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Frankincense, Ylang distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
SEIZURES Ylang, Pinyon Pine, in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist around
Balance of Life™, Man room.
Up, All Heart  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Ravensara, Bergamot,
Eucalyptus Globules,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Rosemary, Physical carrier oil to 20 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Care™, Birch, Lavender, apply to bottom of feet and on sores with a Q-
Tea Tree, Rose, Myrrh, tip. Ravensara is the first oil of choice.
SHINGLES Thyme ct linalool,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Chamomile & Lavender, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Earth Scent™, Y-23 well. Using 1 oz. per bath as needed.
Immune™, Pinyon Pine,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Oregano, Thyme ct distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
Thymol in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 365


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Coriander, Lavender M,
Rose Geranium, Neroli,
Frankincense, All
Heart™, Rosemary,
Spearmint, Organ  Apply 1 drop neat (undiluted) EO or EOB on
SHOCK Master™, Thyme ct. sternum and center of balls of feet.
Linalool, Grapefruit Pink,
Y-23 Immune™, Vetiver,
Surrender™, Balance of
Life™, Thyme ct Thymol
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Peppermint, minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
SINUS Lavender M, Rosemary, face and hair avoiding eyes.
HEADACHE Eucalyptus Radiata, Y-  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
23 Immune™, Copaiba shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
rub on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or

EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Peppermint, Spearmint, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Tea Tree, Eucalyptus minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
Radiata, Rosemary, face and hair avoiding eyes.
SINUSITIS Organ Master™, fir  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Balsam, Y-23 Immune™, shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Copaiba rub on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
 Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.

Lemongrass, Oregano &  Apply directly on skin tags using a Q-tip

SKIN TAGS lavender Blend

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
366 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 20 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Lavender M, Lavender & apply to bottom of feet and on sores with a Q-
Chamomile, tip. Ravensara is the first oil of choice.
Helichrysum,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
SKIN ULCERS Comfort Touch™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Copaiba, Chamomile well. Using 1 oz. per bath as needed.
German, Chamomile  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Roman distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist.
Lavender, Earth Scent™,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Rose Geranium, minutes per hour.
SLEEP APNEA Frankincense, XY  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Blend™, Liver Cleans, All EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Heart™, Good Night, Y- to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
23 Immune
Earth Scent™, XY  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Blend™, Lavender, minutes per hour.
SMELL, LOSS Eucalyptus Radiata,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
OF Helichrysum, Perfect EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Fit™, to bottom of each foot, temples and on Q-tip
and apply carefully up nose daily.
 Seek immediate medical care.
Helichrysum, Cypress,  Apply 1 to 2 drops neat (undiluted) EO or EOB
Patchouli, Lavender M, on bite.
SNAKE BITES Comfort Touch™, Y-23  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Immune™, Balance of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Life apply to bottom of feet
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Marjoram, Basil, minutes per hour.
Spearmint, Ylang Ylang,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
SNORING Eucalyptus Globulus, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Organ Master™, Good to bottom of each foot, temples, forehead,
Night, Man Up chest, throat, or palm of the hand.
 Put 2 drops EO in ½ cup water and gargle. For
Tea Tree, Cinnamon, tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Lemon, Lemongrass, sweetener into 1 cup water. Gargle.
Peppermint, Spearmint,  Put 1 drop Tea Tree on finger and lick; repeat
Sweet Soothe™, every 15 minutes or as needed.
SORE THROAT Organ Master™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Rosemary, Niaouli, Dill carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Blend™, Thyme ct apply to bottom of feet and neck area.
Linalool, Y-23  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Immune™, Cajeput distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 367


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and around the
Cypress, Helichrysum, affected areas several times per day.
SPIDER VEINS Rose Geranium, All  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Heart™, Spikenard EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot around the affected
areas several times per day.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Tea Tree, Eucalyptus apply to bottom of feet and around the
Radiata, Marjoram, affected areas several times per day.
Relief™, Physical Care™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
SPRAINS Basil, Pinyon Pine, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Turmeric, Chamomile to bottom of each foot around the affected
German, The Essential areas several times per day.
Results Now Kit™  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Cinnamon, Clove Bud,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Black Pepper, Oregano Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
STAPH & Lavender, Lemon, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
INFECTION Organ Master™, Pinyon  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of carrier
Pine, All Heart™, Man oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply to
Up, Oregano, bottom of feet and on location, 3 times a day.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Peppermint, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Spearmint, Ginger, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
GI Purify™, clockwise motion
STOMACH Sweet Soothe™,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
ACHE Dill Blend™, Perfect Fit™, sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly. Adults
Kidney Health™, can drink up to the 1 cup of tea. Children
Cilantro, Chamomile should only drink 1/4 cup of this tea.
Roman  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 Put 2 drops EO in ½ cup water and gargle. For
Trauma™, Rosemary, tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Tea Tree, Palmarosa, sweetener into 1 cup water. Gargle.
STREP Sweet Soothe™, 1st  Put 1 drop Tea Tree on finger and lick; repeat
THROAT Defense, Y-23 every 15 minutes or as needed.
Immune™, Cajeput,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Nutmeg, Oregano, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and neck area.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
368 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Bergamot,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Red Mandarin, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Green Mandarin, apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
Palmarosa, temples, and ear lobes.
Coriander,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Dragon’s Breath™, Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Earth Scent™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
STRESS Heaven Scent™, Fennel,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Cinnamon Bark, To Be At minutes per hour.
Peace™ Ylang Ylong,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Lemongrass, Orange, inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Balance of Life™, Good  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or EOB
Night, Man Up, Wild with 10 mil of liquid plant derived minerals or
Flower, Surrender™, filtered or distilled water. Spritz on face and hair
Nutmeg, Spikenard, avoiding eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
Frankincense & to stretch marks.
STRETCH Lavender, Palmarosa,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
MARKS Cypress, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Comfort Touch™, apply to stretch marks.
Rose Geranium, Cocoa  Before showering. Apply 1-2 drops on a
natural fiber skin brush, brush daily.
Helichrysum,  At onset, apply 1 drop neat (undiluted) EO or EOB
Cypress, on base of neck, temples, thumbs, bottom of feet,
Lavender M, and big toes until condition is no longer acute.
STROKE Frankincense,  Over the following week, in a 10 mil. Roller
Heaven Scent™, bottle add 5 drops of EO or EOB with 10 mil of
Rosemary, Basil, Balance carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to bottom of each
of Life™, All Heart foot, temples, thumbs, and big toes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Earth Scent™, Heaven EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
STUTTERING Scent™, Lavender, Good to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Night, Wild Flower,  Lavender roller bottle on the throat between
Surrender the chin and collarbone.
 Mix one drop EO or EOB in ¼ teaspoon natural
salt (no additives), add that mix to a cup warm
water. Soak compress or wash cloth with
Lavender, Tea Tree, mixture and apply around the eye and on feet.
STYE IN EYE Comfort Touch™,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
daily on skin under eyes. Be careful to not get
oils into the eyes.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 369


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 For emergencies apply EO or EOB neat
Lavender M, Spearmint, (undiluted) as needed.
Trauma™,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
SUNBURN Comfort Touch™, distilled water, or liquid plant derived minerals
Helichrysum in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on burn.
 Keep sunburn shaded and cool.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
XY Blend™, Lemongrass, to bottom of each foot.
Frankincense, Organ  Make deodorant and use daily. 2 Tbsp.
SWEATING Master™, Cypress, coconut oil, 1/4 cup arrowroot, 3 TBS of Baking
(EXCESSIVE) Rosemary, Basil, Rose soda, 20-25 drops of EO and EOB. Warm on
Geranium, Man Up, stove top to melt coconut oil mix all together
Cumin, Nutmeg well. Keep in small EO safe plastic container.
Use daily. Works great for stinky feet.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Lavender & Chamomile, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Trauma™, Cypress,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
SWELLING Physical Care™, Juniper carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ANKLES, FEET Berry, Bay Laurel, Feet apply to bottom of feet.
All Heart™, Y-23  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Immune™, Copaiba distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals in
an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin.
Oregano & lavender,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Fennel, GI Purify™, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Organ Master™, Rose apply to bottom of feet and on locations before
TAPEWORMS Geranium, Balance of bed and in morning for 1 month.
Life™, Perfect Fit™,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
Kidney Health sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake before
each use. Use as tooth paste. Brush teeth
thoroughly and the gums gently 1 to 2 times
per day for several days, then reduce to 1 time
Tea Tree, Myrrh, Clove per day for 1 week, then use periodically as
Bud, Lemon, Grapefruit
TEETH AND Pink, Orange, needed. If symptoms do not appear to improve
GUMS Spearmint, after a week to 10 days, consider consulting a
Cinnamon, Birch, health care provider.
(INTERNAL) Palmarosa, Y-23  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Immune EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply
to bottom of each foot.
 Generally not for children, especially when
using Clove Bud, which is not for children under
age 10.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
370 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
TEETH AND Trauma™, Rosemary, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
GUMS Physical Care™, Y-23 apply to bottom of feet and on lower jaw or
(EXTERNAL) Immune™, Nutmeg upper jaw area.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
TEETHING Spearmint, Ginger, carrier oil to 8 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Lavender & Chamomile, apply to bottom of feet and gently apply on
PAIN Chamomile Roman gum area with a toothbrush or clean finger.
Lavender & Chamomile,
Myrrh, Lemongrass,  To reduce inflammation, gently massageIn a 1
Relief™, The Essential oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of carrier
TENDONITIS Results Now Kit™ oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply to
Trauma™, Pinyon Pine, bottom of feet and to affected areas as
Copaiba, Chamomile needed.
Lemongrass, Birch,  To reduce inflammation, gently massageIn a 1
Physical Care™, Relief™, oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of carrier
TENNIS Trauma™, The Essential oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and apply to
ELBOW Results Now™, bottom of feet and to affected areas as
Turmeric, Copaiba, needed.
Chamomile German
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Lavender M, Relief™,  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
Peppermint, Spearmint, EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
Dragon’s Breath™, minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
TENSION Physical Care™, face and hair avoiding eyes.
HEADACHE XY Blend™, Balance of  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Life™, Copaiba, German shampoo to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Chamomile, Chamomile rub on dry scalp; wash after 10 to 30 minutes.
Roman, Spikenard  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
Lemon, Fennel,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
TESTICULAR Helichrysum, Liver carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ISSUES Cleanse, Lavender, Man apply to bottom of feet and lower abdomen
Up and back.
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
THRIPS (ON 1st Defense™ Deep distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
PLANTS) Cleanser™, in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist as
needed on plants.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 371


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Palmarosa, Tea Tree,  Put 2 drops EO in ½ cup water and gargle. For
Niaouli, Myrrh, Lavender tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
& Chamomile Blend™, sweetener into 1 cup water. Gargle.
THRUSH Comfort Touch™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Helichrysum, Perfect carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Fit™, Kidney Health apply to bottom feet.
Bergamot, Myrrh,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Frankincense, Clove Bud, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
THYROID XY Blend™, Black Spruce, Apply to bottom of each foot and around
Fir Balsam, Carrot Seed, thyroid area and on bottom of feet. Avoid sun
Palmarosa, Cumin for at least 10 hours after applying Bergamot.
 Apply 1 drop neat (undiluted) EO or EOB on
Tea Tree, Marjoram, the tick and repeat several times, even after
Rosemary, Palmarosa, tick is removed to pull out toxin. Apply 1 drop
Comfort Touch™, EO or EOB mixed with 1 drop carrier oil until
TICK BITES Relief™, Balance of Life™, the area is normalized.
Pinyon Pine, Y-23  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Immune™, Cajeput, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Oregano, Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Earth Scent™, Lavender,
Rose Geranium, Physical
TMJ Care™, Marjoram, Basil,
Helichrysum, Cypress,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
(TEMPOROM- Birch, Heaven Scent™, To carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
ANDIBULAR Be At Peace™, Lavender apply to bottom of feet and on lower jaw or
JOINT & Chamomile, The upper jaw area.
SYNDROME) Essential Results Now
Kit™, Trauma™,
Turmeric, Copaiba
 Put 2 drops EO in ½ cup water and gargle. For
tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
sweetener into 1 cup water. Gargle.
Thyme ct. Linalool,  Put 1 drop Tea Tree on finger and lick; repeat
Rosemary, Tea Tree, every 15 minutes or as needed.
Rose Geranium,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
TONSILITIS Sweet Soothe™, * carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Clove Bud, Y-23 apply to bottom of feet and neck area.
Immune™, Cajeput  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well.
 *Clove Bud not for children under 10 years of age.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
372 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Tea Tree, Myrrh,
Coriander, Clove Bud,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Birch, Marjoram, Basil, carrier oil to 6 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Ginger, Spearmint, apply to outside area 3 times a day.
TOOTHACHE Sweet Soothe™,  Put 1 to 2 drops of above diluted oil on Q-tip
Cinnamon, Y-23 and apply directly to affected tooth.
Immune™, Pinyon  *Clove Bud not for children under age 10.
Pine,Chamomile Roman
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
temples, and ear lobes.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Helichrysum, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Frankincense &  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
TOURETTE’S Lavender™, Marjoram, minutes per hour.
SYNDROME Cypress, Earth Scent™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Heaven Scent™, To Be At inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Peace ™, Sacred Place™,
Balance of Life  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz on
face and hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.

 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead

Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Lavender M, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Juniper Berry,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
TOXEMIA Comfort Touch™, Perfect carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
Fit™, Kidney Health apply to bottom of feet.
 Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived minerals
in an EO safe mister, shake well. Mist on skin

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 373


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
temples, and ear lobes.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Trauma™, Helichrysum,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Marjoram, Lavender M., minutes per hour.
TRAUMA Cypress, Peppermint,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Earth Scent™, Balance of inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Life™, Vetiver  In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
on face and hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply on bottom of feet, insides of ankles,
temples, and ear lobes.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Frankincense, minutes per hour.
TREMORS Helichrysum, Balance of  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Life™, Cumin inhaler. Sniff as needed.
 In a 10 mil. Atomizer add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of liquid plant derived
minerals or filtered or distilled water. Spritz
on face and hair avoiding eyes.
 In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well.
Apply to bottom of each foot and/or temples.
Ravensara, Rosemary,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
Sandalwood, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
1st Defense™, apply to bottom of feet or on upper chest
To Be Well™, Thyme ct.  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Linalool, Fir Balsam, minutes per hour.
TUBERCULOSIS Black Spruce, Orange,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of Dead
Organ Master™, Pinyon Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB. Shake
Pine, Balance of Life™, well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
Oregano, Thyme ct  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO safe
Thymol, Lavender M inhaler. Sniff as needed.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
374 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
Rosemary, Oregano &  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
Lavender, Relief™, XY carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
TUMOR Blend™, apply to bottom of feet and affected area
Basil, Fennel, several times per day.
Lemon, Balance of Life
Tea Tree, Lemon,  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
Lavender M., Basil, teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Peppermint, Bergamot, slowly.
ULCERS, Organ Master™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
INTERNAL Palmarosa, Vetiver of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Sweet Soothe™, and apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in
Internal, Cardamom, a clockwise motion.
Copaiba, Cumin
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz. of
carrier oil to 20 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
apply to bottom of feet and on sores with a
Q-tip. Ravensara is the first oil of choice.
Lavender M., Tea Tree,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
ULCERATED Cypress, Helichrysum, Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
SORES Comfort Touch™, Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath as needed.
Copaiba  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
distilled water or liquid plant derived
minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
UMBILICAL Myrrh, Tea Tree,  Apply to umbilical cord with a Q-Tip every
CORD CARE Lavender, Palmarosa time you change the diaper.
Juniper Berry, Grapefruit  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
URINARY Pink, Spearmint, Sweet carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
DISORDERS Soothe™, Lemon, Fennel, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
Kidney Health™, Copaiba clockwise motion.
Cedarwood, 1st
Defense™, Thyme ct  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz. of
linalool, Fennel, carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake and
UTI (URINARY Bergamot, Sandalwood, apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in a
TRACT Juniper Berry, Niaouli, clockwise motion several times a day for 10
INFECTION) Oregano & lavender days.
Blend, To Be Well™,
Kidney Health™, Copaiba,
Cumin, Spikenard

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 375


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Thyme ct. Linalool, , and apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in
Palmarosa, Rosemary, a clockwise motion several times a day for
VAGINAL YEAST Lavender & Chamomile 10 days. Also, can use on location
INFECTION Blend ™, Tea Tree,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
Infection, Spikenard of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
and soak a tampon in it then use oil
saturated tampon as normal.
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
and apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in
Tea Tree, Palmarosa, a clockwise motion several times a day for
VAGINITIS Rosemary, 10 days. Also, can use on location
Comfort Touch™, Y- 23  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
Immune, Spikenard of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
and soak a tampon in it then use oil
saturated tampon as normal.
Cypress, Helichrysum,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
Rosemary, Lemon, or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
Relief™, Dill Blend, well. Apply to bottom of each foot and
VARICOSE VEINS Pinyon Pine, All Heart™, around the affected areas several times
Copaiba, Chamomile per day.
Roman, Vetiver
VERTIGO  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO or
Cypress, Rosemary, EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake well. Apply to
Eucalyptus Radiata, bottom of each foot, temples and back of neck.
Organ Master™,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO
Frankincense, Balance of safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Life™, Y-23 Immune  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
minutes per hour.
VITILIGO  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
Sandalwood, of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Myrrh, Bergamot, and apply to affected area. (This issue is
1st Defense,™ thought to be related to an immune
Rosemary, Vetiver disorder, so oils that benefit the immune
system may help).
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB.
VOMITING Peppermint, Spearmint, Shake and apply to bottom of feet or
Organ Master™, abdomen in a clockwise motion
(NOT FROM Sweet Soothe™, Perfect  For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1 teaspoon
PREGNANCY) Fit™, Nutmeg, Vetiver sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip slowly. Adults
can drink up to the 1 cup of tea. Children
should only drink 1/4 cup of this tea.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
376 Foundational Aromatherapy


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 For first application, apply 1 drop Tea Tree
mixed with 1 drop carrier oil with cotton
Tea Tree, swab, taking care to apply only on wart,
Oregano & Lavender, two times per day until wart detaches.
WARTS Lemon, Niaouli,  For subsequent applications, alternate
Lemongrass, Thyme ct oils, using only 1 EO or EOB per application
Linalool,  Apply neat (undiluted) if necessary.
Use Oregano Lavender only if needed.
 Apply 1 drop EO or EOB neat (undiluted)
Helichrysum, Patchouli, one or two times; after that, apply 1 drop
Lavender M, Tea Tree, EO or EOB mixed with 3 drops carrier oil.
WASP STING Comfort Touch™, Apply as needed directly on the area,
Copaiba, Cajeput gradually diminishing frequency until
Physical Care™, symptoms cease.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Juniper Berry, Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or
Grapefruit Pink, EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath
Coriander, Spearmint, daily.
Bay Laurel, Relief™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz.
WATER Organ Master™, Cypress, of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB.
RETENTION Cedar Wood, Green Shake and apply to bottom of feet.
Mandarin, Copaiba,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Nutmeg distilled water or liquid plant derived
minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Mist on skin.
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
Juniper Berry, Lemon teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
Grapefruit Pink, Orange, slowly.
Spearmint, Peppermint,  In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Organ Master™, Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or
WEIGHT LOSS Sweet Soothe™, EOB. Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath
Cinnamon Bark, Red daily.
Mandarin, Dill Blend,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of
Perfect Fit™, Man Up, EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
Vetiver, Spikenard well. Apply to bottom of each foot and/or
Peppermint, Spearmint,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of
Marjoram, Relief™, EO or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
WHIPLASH Physical Care™, well. Apply to bottom of each foot and
Trauma™, Pinyon Pine, back of neck.

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 377


Symptoms Singles or Blends  EO = Single Essential Oil EOB = Essential Oil Blend
 For tea, stir 1 drop EO or EOB with 1
teaspoon sweetener into 1 cup water. Sip
st  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz.
Thyme ct. linalool, 1 of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Defense™, Rosemary, and apply to bottom of feet or on upper
Ravensara, To Be Well™, chest area and neck.
WHOOPING Basil, Eucalyptus Rad.,  Add 10 drops of EO or EO blend to EO
COUGH Breath Of Life™, Dragon’s safe inhaler. Sniff as needed.
Breath™, Nutmeg ,  Diffuse 8 to 10 drops EO or EOB for 15
Bergamot, Lavender & minutes per hour.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
 In a 4 oz. EO safe plastic jar mix 4 oz. of
Fennel, Dead Sea salts with 24 drops of EO or EOB.
Oregano & Lavender, Shake well. Using 1 oz. per bath daily.
WORMS Organ Master™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
Sweet Soothe™, of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Dill Blend™, Anise, Cumin and apply to bottom of feet or abdomen in
a clockwise motion.
 For emergencies, apply 1 drop neat
Trauma™, Tea Tree,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle mix 1 oz.
Lavender M, of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Comfort Touch™, and affected area; OR put on pad of
WOUNDS Rose Geranium, bandage before applying bandage to cut.
Rosemary, Palmarosa,  Add 6 drops EO or EOB to 1 oz. filtered or
Cumin, Chamomile distilled water or liquid plant derived
Roman, Spikenard minerals in an EO safe mister, shake well.
Mist on affected area; OR put on pad of
bandage before applying bandage to cut.
Fennel, Frankincense,
Palmarosa, Patchouli,  In a 10 mil. Roller bottle add 5 drops of EO
WRINKLES Rose, Jasmine, Coriander, or EOB with 10 mil of carrier oil. Shake
Neroli, Comfort Touch™, well. Apply on location 2 times a day.
Chamomile Roman,
Spikenard, Vetiver
 In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Lavender M., Tea Tree, and apply to bottom of feet and on
Dill Blend™, Oregano & location for 10 days.
YEAST Lavender Blend™,  In a 1 oz. flip top EO safe bottle. Mix 1 oz.
INFECTION Eucalyptus Rad. Myrrh, of carrier oil to 16 drops EO or EOB. Shake
Ginger, 1 Defense, and apply where needed. For vaginal yeast
Spikenard soak a tampon in it then use oil saturated
tampon as normal.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
378 Foundational Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy for Animals*

Kent M. King, BPsych, BAgrSYSTTech, International Certificate in Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a lot like the English language in that there are rules set down that are
carved in stone with almost divine characteristics. Then you have a list of exceptions to
the rules. In aromatherapy, almost all of its rules and exceptions have solid merit to one
degree or another. Aromatherapy has its foundation in natural products, and
interestingly, nature has a unique way of adjusting along the way. The most essential
key in aromatherapy and the use of essential oils is stay within your personal skill and
knowledge level. That rule applies very explicitly when dealing with animals.
Aromatherapy in most of North America is a relatively new approach to life's choices.
The key to making aromatherapy effective for your life is to increase your knowledge
and use of essential oils slowly. By following this guideline, you will do well as you
carefully and thoughtfully expand your understanding and experience.
In this section we will discuss how you can use aromatherapy to help your animals, with
a focus on companion animals. We will discuss rules that apply generally across the
various species, and look at a few species-specific areas as well. All of this will be done
on a foundational level within the spirit of the book. In veterinary medicine it is known
that around 80% of an animal’s health problems can be traced back to the gut and that
is where the issue must be solved. Many of the various issues animals suffer from will
need the services of a qualified veterinarian. However, in this discussion we will be
looking at what you could do at home, much as you might do for yourself on a self-help
basis. Our focus will be on the 20% area that includes emotions and first aid type issues,
and a 10% area of issues that might be considered a cross-over. Above all else, it is very
important to be aware of when it is time to seek qualified help, such as a veterinarian,
for issues you are unsure of. Be especially careful to not project some human biases
that are not part of a given animal's construct onto your companion animals.
Animals are not a whole lot different than humans in many respects. Most of their
biological functions are very similar to humans. So similar, in fact, that many times
animal parts can be transplanted into humans and will function as though they were
there by design. Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend presenting itself of many
companion animals developing the same health issues found in humans. Since animals
are essentially much the same as us, biologically speaking, and consuming much the
same diet, it would stand to reason that similar solutions to their ailments might be
effectively considered.
One trait animals do not have in common with us is their sense of smell, which is far
more sensitive than ours. Strong smelling oils can be very overpowering for them.
When applying oils to an animal, the strong scent alone will cause less than positive
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 379

results. One must try to select oils that are more subdued in aroma. Diluting the oils,
which is absolutely necessary for animals anyway, will take care of the overwhelming
aroma aspect.
When working with animals it is helpful to select oils that are similar to the natural
habitat of that specific animal. Earthy aroma oils are especially helpful for rodents,
dogs, cats; (i.e., the animals that live in or close to the earth.) Light, flowery scents
might work better for some species of birds, especially those originating in the tropics.
Many times familiar smells from their natural environment can positively or negatively
effect an animal’s emotional state, which is no different than a human.
Emotions in animals? Yes! Most animals have emotions and are subject to the good and
the bad of this whole area much like humans. Their emotional constructs are not as
complex as with humans, but they are there. Many animals will display more of a base,
simple stimulus-response appearance. However, in most of the species it is far more
complex. So we need to seriously consider this aspect for our loveable companion
Let’s discuss cats specifically. In many aromatherapy circles, it is believed that essential
oils and cats don’t mix, and people will have a come apart if used in the same sentence.
I have researched this in great detail. Yes, there are some minor concerns, very minor
when the proper dilution and dose are used. Here is what happens most of the time
with cats: People try to put a drop of an essential oil directly on their little Sylvester
(cat). As they are doing so, maybe two or three drops come out. Those one or two (or
more) drops go on Sylvester and he runs off. You might think, “Hey, if a few extra drops
once in a while does me good, it should be great for him, too!” Later you find him and
he is showing every sign in the book that he is not doing well. Then he kicks the bird
cage, you are upset that Sylvester died, and the essential oils are blamed, rightly so.
Well, sort of.
What went wrong? At this point you need to go back and really understand the section
on dose amount and diluting to see the picture more clearly. However, I will offer a
comment. I have learned over the years that if you use the general use application ratio
of one drop of essential oil for every 70 pounds of body weight on a human, you are
going to be both safe and still introduce enough essential oil to produce a positive
result. I have found that same rule of thumb applies to animals.
So, how do you calculate 1/70th of a drop, assuming that Sylvester weighs about one
pound. Or, if Sylvester is two pounds, 1/35th of a drop? You have to dilute the essential
oil into a carrier oil, then apply roughly one or two drops of that essential oil/carrier mix
on him. That is why you need to go to the Dilution Chart and really understand it
completely. If you use two or three drops of essential oil (full strength) on a one or two-
pound animal, that would be comparable to over-using an essential oil to the same

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
380 Foundational Aromatherapy

degree on yourself, and you, too, would have a very negative experience. One can only
imagine the nightmare if you used 2 or 3 drops on little 1 ounce hamster. Here is
another perspective to drive home the point. Most will agree that one or two aspirin
will not do the average person any real harm. But if that same person swallowed a
whole bottle of aspirin at once, it might turn out less than pretty for that person. Same
concept here. Simple rule: follow the essential oils Dilution Chart.
Are you still with me? Let’s review. We know that animals have physical and emotional
needs much like those found in humans. We have learned that it is crucial to use the
proper amount of essential oil based on body weight. We can, and for the most part
will, use similar oils on animals as we would on ourselves for similar issues. There are
some species-specific exceptions for which the oils will work better or not as well when
compared to another species, but I think you should have the idea by now. Concerned
about not knowing which oil to use? This book was designed to help you learn about
each individual oil as well as groups of selected oils. Then you can take responsibility
and decide which oil to use for a given situation. If you are unsure about a concern or
an oil, don't try to treat that concern or use that oil until you have sought out more
knowledge and gained the confidence you need to use this information responsibly.
Now we will discuss more specific applications for animals. One of the best ways to
apply essential oils to many animals is through a form of atomizing or diffusing. These
methods work well overall because the animal can self-medicate and self-determine
when enough is enough. Therefore, you must allow the animal to leave the room if it
needs to and/or provide fresh air and access to water at all times. This method works
well for almost everything from “normal” breathers such as mammals to species such
as snakes, that somewhat smell by “tasting” the air. That, by the way, is how one would
administer essential oils to snakes. The need for that particular application is likely to be
done only in a clinical setting. Overall, atomizing or diffusing is one of the more
effective application methods for animals and humans. So I list this first to illustrate the
preferred method of application for animals.
At this point I would like to offer a couple of effective methods of application to a
number of these species. The first method is the application of the Essential Oil/Carrier
Oil mix to an animal’s paws/feet. This method works as well on animals as it does on
humans. The second method is oral administration. In species that have a tendency to
wolf down their food, such as dogs, large cats, and many rodents, you can place the
essential oil, mixed with a carrier oil, into the center of a bite-sized ball of meat or other
food medium. Then give it to the animal. Sometimes you have to be creative with picky
eaters such as small cats, skunks, rabbits, etc. Understanding their individual
personalities will help you meet their needs more effectively.
Another method of applying essential oils to animals is to mix the essential oil into a
carrier oil (using the correct dilution), then apply that mix to the belly of the animal. It
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 381

will absorb through the skin and, because the animal is likely to lick it a little bit,
absorption will also be taken internally. Most animals will respond favorably to an
application of essential oils in the form of “through the hair” absorption. For this
method, mix the appropriate ratio of essential oils and carrier oil in a container. Then
drop the desired amount of the oil blend into the palm of your hand and pet the
animal. You will want to “pet” or apply the oil behind the head or on the tail. This is to
eliminate the chances of getting into the eyes or other orifices such as the ear canal,
nose, etc. This method works well when both the "servant" and the "master" are
struggling with the same issue, such as in the emotional area.
Many animals that have a close bond with their masters will sometimes display similar
emotional struggles that their master is experiencing. This is typically limited to higher-
order animals such as dogs, cats, horses, etc. If you are working with emotional
challenges in animals, you will want to identify the issue and use the oils that would be
appropriate for humans suffering from the same condition.
One of the most common emotional issues is separation anxiety. Dogs and horses will
display this to a large extent unless they have accustomed themselves to a state of
Learned Helplessness. Another issue found in companion animals is Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD. Some of the effects of this disorder are actually
caused by people not allowing the animal to function naturally, rather than physical
abuse. Some cats are just fine staying in the house all the time. Other cats need to go
outside and “cat” around. Some dogs need to go out and “dog” a cat up and down the
street (chase, but never catch). Most animals are a lot like people; sometimes they just
need to get out of the house or pen, run and kick up their heels. Not allowing them to
do so can create emotional-based issues. Emotional issues will also be seen in an animal
who has suffered physical abuse. While both of these situations are emotional-based,
much like with humans, they will require different approaches. As animals will react as
humans do in similar situations, you would likely be safe to approach those individual
issues as you would with humans.
The treatment protocol for animals with emotional issues is generally the same as
humans. I just can't stress that enough. To be specific, you need to select oils as
mentioned before that will solicit positive reactions. Most animals will respond
positively to earthy oils such as patchouli, rosemary, various pine oils, root, resin oils,
etc. It is important to remember that even though some oils such as jasmine, ylang
ylang, peppermint, and some citrus oils are fantastic for the emotional needs of
humans, they might be better avoided with animals, due to their overpowering aroma
and the animal's high sensitivity to scents.
Many people have fish as pets. The whole fish/aquarium relationship is a delicate
balance. Many oils can or will interfere with the flora of the aquarium. In the best
interest of using oils with fish, it’s best to go easy to avoid wiping out the eco-system.
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
382 Foundational Aromatherapy

For general use, Tea Tree essential oil works well to help clean up an aquarium and
seems to be safe for most fish. What has been reported, and I have used successfully in
my own aquarium, is Tea Tree. If the aquarium is not very clean, use a double dose. To
effectively use an essential oil in an aquarium, you need to mix the oil in a salt, much
like you would do for your own bath. A natural-cured salt such as mineral salt, various
sea salts are the better choices to use. Avoid the chemical-cured salts, if possible. Some
of the chemicals can/might interfere with the flora of the aquarium. Here is a general
use formula for aquariums:
Messy Aquariums: 1 teaspoon of salt + 2 drops of Tea Tree for every 10 gallons of
water. Mix the oil into the salt; sprinkle the salt/oil mixture over the surface of the
water. One treatment will usually clean things up quickly as long as filters are properly
working. One treatment of this ratio is usually enough.
General maintenance: 1 teaspoon of salt + 1 drop of Tea Tree for every ten gallons of
water; following the same salt/oil mixing directions for cleaning; one treatment per
month is sufficient.
It is important to remember the human/animal age progression relationship when
working with your animals. You need to educate yourself on this concept related to
your particular companion animal. For example, dogs generally age at the conversion
rate of seven of our years to one of theirs. For smaller breeds it is more like a 5:1, and
with larger breeds it is more like a 10:1 rate. We have a small Shih Tzu/Maltese dog
named Peaches. She is ten years old, but when dealing with her specific needs, I think
of her in terms of working with a 50ish-year-old female. This applies to both the
physical area as well as the emotional. Yes she is just finishing her menopause transition
and we are caring for her as such.
One of the ideas that will be of more benefit to you than anything else when it comes
to aromatherapy is to not use it as a “one pill/one approach” route to fix a broken-
down biological system, but to use aromatherapy as a lifestyle. Below are a couple of
examples of how this can be accomplished with your pets. Since animals suffer from
age-related conditions like humans, let’s discuss this concept.
One of the common issues with aging in humans is calcium uptake. This is of equal
concern with animals. How do we address this situation using aromatherapy with our
little critters? We know that estrogen is absolutely necessary for calcium to be
assimilated. The typical first go-to essential oil in dealing with estrogen-related issues is
clary sage. Clary sage does not provide estrogen, but it helps the body promote the
production of the proper estrogen necessary for calcium absorption. So, a little clary
sage as part of an aromatherapy lifestyle program should, in theory, help older animals
of both genders with estrogen/calcium needs. This should, without question, be done
responsibly, based on the same guidelines for humans; the dose amount being based

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 383

on body weight. There is an exception. It is not wise to use clary sage in a household
where there are any pregnant females, animal or human. If the animal’s needs are
acute, other options will need to be explored.
Another common issue is Iodine. There is no substitute for Iodine in a sound nutritional
program. But, as commonly found with humans, even when the appropriate quantities
of iodine are provided, we often see signs that it is not being absorbed and testing
revealed deficient iodine. We discovered that if orange essential oil was presented, the
iodine deficiency diminished. For years I tried to figure out how the orange oil was
providing the iodine, as it seemed logical. However, after a number of years we
discovered the relationship had to do with water and not directly with iodine. So the
conclusion was this: the orange oil was acting as a surfactant with the water (the
orange oil had been being added to the drinking water at a rate of about one drop per
liter of water). We learned that was key to the iodine being absorbed. Although not
through a proper study, I observed that several of the other citrus rind oils displayed
signs of acting much like the orange oil did for this condition. What is interesting is that
this was almost taken for granted by the people who were in an area known to be
subject to high levels of past radiation due to fallout (known as the Down Winders
Coverage area). But the reality of life is that we are all subjected to some levels of
radiation no matter where we live. So a little orange oil in your pet's drinking water
might, in theory, be helpful.
In Europe, a wide range of studies have been and are currently being carried out on the
use of essential oils with animals. Many of these studies have shown that they function
very much the same in animals as humans. Oils such as cinnamon bark are being
studied in animal diets. Based on early results, cinnamon bark seems to help with
diabetics, both animal and human. It might be interesting or comical at best, to watch
someone try to do an oral administration of cinnamon bark on your dog or cat. So some
ideas have to be explored before being widely recommended. The use of oregano oil to
replace antibiotics in feeding rations is showing promising results as well. These types
of studies are in the early stages but illustrate that active, serious research is being
In closing I would like to reiterate a few basic points. First off, I have presented this
topic in this setting so as not to just have it be a simple stimulus-response episode that
you would likely forget within a short time. I have presented it in such a way as to
present ideas for you to consider and to encourage you to study more in-depth. I have
not presented a long list of quotes from this or that journal or from this or that person.
This work has run the whole gambit from being totally pharmaceutical to the natural, to
sometimes just leaving it up to nature. Since I have worked with animals my whole life
and now qualify for Senior Citizen discounts, I believe that should lend creditability to
knowing something about this topic, at least in theory anyway. Aside from that, the
*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
384 Foundational Aromatherapy

information I have presented is also supported in current scientific literature, even

though it is not in total harmony with most other aromatherapy/animal authors.
Working with animals is subject to the same laws and principles as with humans. If you
dabble beyond your knowledge and skill level, you will likely create more problems than
you will solve. Ideas have been presented to show that you can work responsibly with
your companion animals as long as you stay within your abilities. Ask a professional if
something is beyond your understanding. Please consult with a veterinarian or qualified
animal health care provider for your pet, much as you would a health care professional
for yourself or a loved one.
With the ideas presented here, you are likely to be able to formulate a reasonable
aromatherapy lifestyle program for your companion animal that will bring balance to
both you and your loveable little (or perhaps large) friend. I wish you well. Above all
else, you will enjoy a rewarding experience as you move forward in creating an
aromatherapy lifestyle program for yourself and your animals

*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or
condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not
take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
*SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate
carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils
causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark
place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Dogs and Small Farm Animals Dilution Chart

.20 % dilution .5 % dilution 1 % dilution 2.5 % dilution 3 % dilution

Dogs weighing 1-3 Dogs weighing Dogs weighing Dogs weighing Dogs weighing
pounds 5-10 pounds 10-25 pounds 25-50 pounds 50-100 plus

Carrier Oil, Water Essential Oil - Drops

10 ml. touch with 1 drop 2 drops 5 drops 6 drops
1 oz. 1-2 drops 2-4 drops 6 drops 14-16 drops 18 drops

2 oz. 2-4 drops 4-8 drops 12 drops 28-32 drops 36 drops

4 oz. 4-8 drops 8-16 drops 24 drops 56 drops 72 drops

Information was taken from the book Foundational Aromatherapy.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. this product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an
appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to
remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and
protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.
Essential Oil Blends 387

Glossary of Terms
Adulterant – a substance, artificial or natural, added to an essential oil, which
was not originally present in the oil at the time of distillation
Aldehydes – a chemical family that is sedative or calming to the nervous system,
anti-inflammatory, cooling, and antifungal
Alterative – tending to restore normal health, cleans and purifies the blood,
alters existing nutritive and excretory processes.
Analgesic – numbs pain
Anaphrodisiac – suppresses sexual desire
Annonaceae – a plant family that has only one oil producing species, Ylang Ylang
Anthelmintic – rids body of parasites
Antianemic – prevents or reverses anemia
Antibacterial – destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria
Anticoagulant – inhibits blood clot formation
Anticonvulsant – inhibits seizures
Antidepressant – alleviates depression
Antidiarrheal – counteracts diarrhea
Antiemetic – inhibits nausea or vomiting
Antifungal – prevents the growth of fungus
Antihistamine – reduces histamine production, reduces allergy symptoms
Antihemorrhagic – slows/stops bleeding
Anti-infective– helps the body strengthen its own resistance to infective
organisms and rid the body of illness
Anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation
Anti-neuralgic – relieves nerve pain
Anti-putrescent – prevents or slows decay
Antioxidant – protects cells from damage
Antipyretic – dispels heat, fire, and fever
Anti-rheumatic – reduces the inflammation that causes rheumatism
Anti-seborrheic – reduces oily skin/scalp
Antiseptic – prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms
Antispasmodic – relieves spasms of voluntary and involuntary muscles
Antitoxic – counteracts toxins
Anti-tumoral–preventing the initiation, promotion, or growth of tumors
Antitussive – relieves coughing
388 Foundational Aromatherapy

Antiviral – inhibits or destroys viruses

Aphrodisiac – sexual stimulant
Asteraceae – daisy-like flowers; each flower head has several small flowers
instead of petals; the general therapeutic properties of this plant family are
antiseptic, soothing, and anti-inflammatory for the skin and digestive
Astringent – firms tissues and organs and reduces discharges and secretions
Balanced – none of the components overwhelm the others in the aroma
Balsamic – an oily or resinous material; sweet, warm, soft aromas like vanilla;
usually base notes; examples: Sandalwood and Vetiver
Base Note – evaporates at a slow rate
Base Oil – see Carrier oil
Burseraceae – oils in this plant family are helpful to the respiratory system,
acting as an expectorant, and are also known for wound healing, promoting,
and reducing scar tissue
Calmative – very calming
Camphoraceous – clean, fresh, medicinal; smells like camphor; examples:
Rosemary ct. camphor and Eucalyptus globulus
Cardiotonic – strengthens the heart
Carrier Oil (or Base Oil) – cold-pressed vegetable or nut oils, such as sweet
almond, grapeseed, jojoba, sesame, etc.
Carminative–relieves intestinal gas pain and distention, and promotes peristalsis
Cephalic – remedy for the head, clearing and stimulating, and relieves
Cicatrisant – cell regenerative for skin; promotes wound and scar healing
Citrus – smells like citrus fruit—uplifting, fresh, cool, vibrant, and brisk;
examples: lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit
Cholagogue – increases bile production
Cupressaceae –oils in this plant family reduce nervous tension, help with stress-
related conditions, and reduce cellulite; anti-rheumatic and astringent for
the skin
Decongestant – reduces nasal mucus production and swelling
Deodorant – prevents body odor
Depurative – cleanses and purifies the blood and intestinal organs
Diaphoretic – causes perspiration and increased elimination through the skin
Diffuser – a device that disperses essential oils into an area; the three basic
types are clay, candle, and electric
Diffusive – when exposed to the air, this aroma permeates the surrounding
atmosphere; examples: ylang ylang, geranium
Essential Oil Blends 389

Digestive – aids or balances digestion

Dilute – adding a small amount of essential oil to a larger amount of carrier or
base oil to make it safe for use on the skin
Distillation – method used to extract essential oil from the plant; steam
distillation is the most common form of distillation
Diuretic – promotes activity of kidneys and bladder and increases urination, rids
excess fluid
Dry – powdery; example: patchouli
Earthy – deep aroma that smells like damp earth or wet soil; examples: vetiver
and patchouli
Emetic – induces vomiting
Emmenagogue – helps promote and regulate menstruation
Emollient – smoothes, softens, and protects the skin
Essential Oil – a highly aromatic substance found in specialized cells of certain
plants; technically, when this substance is in the plant, it is called an
“essence;” after distillation of a single type of plant, the aromatic substance
is referred to as an essential oil; essential oils may be used by plants for
protection from predators, to attract pollinators, or for other unknown uses
Esters – chemical family that is a nervous system sedative, emotionally uplifting,
stress relieving, anti-infectious, antispasmodic (especially for digestive
cramping), healing to the skin
Ethers – chemical family that antispasmodic, anti-infectious, carminative
(relieves flatulence or gas in the intestines), pain relieving in the digestive
system and genitourinary tract
Expectorant – promotes discharge of phlegm and mucus from the chest and
Febrifuge – reduces fever
Floral – fragrance of a flower that is sweet, heady, fresh, and rich; examples:
Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, and Rose
Fresh – stimulating and enlivening; example: citrus oils
Galactagogue – induces breast milk production
Geraniaceae – plant family known for being anti-inflammatory, soothing and
cooling to the skin, and balancing to nervous system
GC/MS (Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer) – a device used by analytic
chemists to determine the precise make up of a given substance; used in
aromatherapy to determine the precise chemical constituents of an
essential oil, and whether it is pure or adulterated with synthetic chemicals
or other products
Hemostatic– stops the flow of blood; an astringent that stops internal bleeding
or hemorrhaging
390 Foundational Aromatherapy

Heavy – saturates the air with a heavy aroma often considered overbearing;
example: Ylang Ylang
Hepatic – supportive to the liver
Herbaceous – pungent, slightly woody; examples: Lavender, Rosemary, and
Sweet Marjoram
Herbal infused oil – these are oils that carry the medicinal properties of certain
herbs; a carrier oil is infused with the medical herb, the plant is strained off,
and the remaining oil can be used directly on the skin
Top note – evaporates quickly
Hypotensive – lowers high blood pressure
Immunostimulant – stimulates functioning of the immune system
Insecticidal – repels insects
Ketones – chemical family known to reduce intestinal gas, relieve pain,
expectorant (mucus removing), and improve circulation
Lamiaceae – largest of all plant families; generally, essential oils from this family
are helpful for headaches, nasal congestion, various muscles problems, and
especially for the respiratory system, energizing both the body and mind.
Larvicide – kills insect larvae
Lauraceae – essential oils from this plant family are antiviral, antibacterial, and
tone the nervous and immune systems
Laxative – promotes bowel movements
Light – delicate, high volatility; examples: Neroli and high-quality Lavender.
Lipolytic – breaks down fat
Lymphatic – aids in waste management; a decongestant for the lymph system
Middle note – evaporates at a medium rate
Minty – menthol aroma; example: peppermint
Monoterpenes – chemical family known to be decongestive to the muscular and
respiratory systems, warming, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, and an air
Monoterpenols – chemical family that prevents infections, immune stimulant,
emotional balancer, and healing to the skin
Mucolytic – breaks down mucus
Musty – dry smell of old books and paper; examples: patchouli and vetiver
Myrtaceae – oils in this plant family are highly antiseptic, used for infection,
support the respiratory system, and a tonic for the immune system
Neat – use of an undiluted essential oil on the skin
Nervine – strengthens the functional activity of the nervous system; may be
used either as a nerve stimulant or sedative.
Essential Oil Blends 391

Notes – as in top, middle, and base notes. A type of classification system based
on aroma. Generally, essential oils from citrus peels are top notes, essential
oils from flowers, leaves, and stems are middle notes, and essential oils
from roots are base notes.
Oleaceae – a plant family with only one oil producing plant: Jasmine absolute
Orifice Reducer – a device used to reduce the size of the opening of a bottle,
making dispensing easier and more accurate
Oxidation – a chemical process that occurs when oxygen, light, or heat interacts
with essential oils, causing them to deteriorate over time and possibly
become irritating to the skin; it happens over the period of 1 to 3 years with
oils high in monoterpenes, phenols, and oxides and more slowly with other
chemical families
Oxides – chemical family that is known as a strong respiratory decongestant,
antiviral, pain reliever or numbing agent, and mental stimulant
Parturient – assisting in progressing child birth
Peppery – warm, dry, and spicy aroma; fresh with a tingle or an “edge;”
examples: black pepper and elemi
Phenols – a chemical family that is antibacterial and very anti-infectious,
immune stimulants, stimulates body systems, and very hot
Phototoxic – the use of the oil makes skin more prone to damage from the sun’s
UV rays; examples: primarily citrus oils, especially lemon and bergamot, and
Pinaceae – a plant family; essential oils from these plants are highly antiseptic
and effective for respiratory concerns involving congestion
Piney – smells like pine trees; dry and invigorating; examples: pine and cypress
Piperaceae – the only plant in this family is black pepper
Poaceae – a plant family, usually distilled from grasses, vetiver from the root,
Palmarosa and lemongrass from the grass; generally effective for acne, and
muscle aches and pains
Pulmonary – relating to or affecting the lungs
Purifying – cleansing
Resinous – buttery, soft, and deep; examples: frankincense and myrrh
Rich – floods the mind with sensation beyond endurance; high concentration of
aroma; examples: rose and clove bud
Rosaceae – the only oil producing plant in this family is rose
Regulatory – automatic control
Rubefacient – an oil that increases local blood circulation and local numbing
affect; it can cause minor skin irritation
Rutaceae – the citrus peel oils are in this family, along with other oils from the
flowers or leaves of the citrus trees; generally good for digestion and
beneficial for the skin
392 Foundational Aromatherapy

Santalaceae – the only plant in this family is sandalwood

Sedative – calms and tranquilizes by lowering the functional activity of the organ
or body part
Sesquiterpenes – a chemical family that is anti-inflammatory, antihistamine,
antibacterial, antiseptic, and antispasmodic
Sesquiterpenols – a chemical family that is anti-inflammatory, grounding,
cooling, a tonic to the whole body, enhancing the body systems and mind
Sharp – penetrating; example: lemon
Smooth – soft, sweet, balsamic; examples: wood oils, such as sandalwood and
Spicy – warm, hot, sharp, sweet, and pungent; examples: clove bud and ginger
Stimulant – increases functional activity of specific organ or system
Stomachic – promotes good stomach function
Sudorific – promotes sweating
Sweet – pleasurable, soft, delicate, fragrant; example: Neroli
Tonic – strengthens and restores vitality
Toning/ Toner – nourishing, supportive, strengthening
Umbelliferae – oils in this plant family are balancing to digestive system; some
safety concerns with this family due to the presence of ketones, phenols,
and ethers
Valerianaceae – oils in this plant family are deeply calming on the nervous
system. Used for all conditions related to stress
Vasoconstrictor – narrows blood vessels
Vasodilatory – dilate blood vessels
Vermifuge – destroys worms
Volatile – describes how quickly a substance disperses itself into the air
Vulnerary – heals wounds
Warming – produces the impression of warmth; example: Ginger
Woody – smells of the woods; long lasting, deep aroma; examples: sandalwood
and cedarwood
Zingiberaceae – the oils in this plant family are digestive tonics, warming to the
muscles, beneficial for rheumatism, and reduce mucus in the digestive and
respiratory systems
Essential Oil Blends 393

Business Building Tips

Are you an essential oil newbie or a seasoned professional and want to begin sharing?
Do you want to jump in with both feet?

 Order your Youngevity® Essential Oils CEO Pak™ to receive a variety of oils and qualify
for a higher income based on the bonuses in the Youngevity® compensation plan.
 Begin using essential oils in your daily life so you can share your own
success stories. Remember, you are your own best advertisement.
 Always keep a bottle or two of essential oils available, in your purse or
briefcase or at your desks, for chance opportunities to share.
 Sign up for the Aroma Share Club autoship and begin building your
collection and knowledge of essential oils.
 Make and share each month’s Aroma Share Club new and fun recipes. This
makes learning and using essential oils easy and simple.
 Start your own Aroma Share Club for a fun and effective way to share and
grow your Youngevity® Essential Oils business. Gather a group of friends
and learn together.
 Hear the latest up-to-date information by joining our weekly Essential Oils
Training calls.
The Essential Oils Call with Brenda Wright
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Mountain Time
Call-in Number: 712-832-8341
PIN: 4374940#
Essential Oils, Body and Business Call with Kent and Leiann King
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Mountain Time
Call-in Number: 712-832-8341
PIN: 4374940#
 Attend and/or host an Essential Oils event or workshop with Leiann or Brenda, or
with another one of our amazing trainers. Better yet, become a trainer yourself.
 Use The Essential Results Now Kit™ and protocol to introduce the effectiveness of
Youngevity® Essential Oils to your family and friends who are experiencing pain.
Simply follow along with The Essential Results Now Kit™ Program booklet or DVD.
 Take your Essential Oils learning to the next level by enrolling in an upcoming
Aromatherapy Certification program, and/or become a trainer. To find training near
you, visit to see Upcoming Events, under Team Member
 Watch all videos in Youtube channels- Aroma Share with Leiann King or 90 for Life
videos, play list Youngevity oils.
 Down load eBook to use for sharing individual oil information.
394 Foundational Aromatherapy

“The Essential Results Now™” Song

The Essential Results Now™ Song
Sung to the tune of “The Hokey Pokey”
You smell the Peace cap, you put Peace on.
You help your spine while you walk all around.
You lift your arms and turn your head and write your numbers down.
Essential Results Now!
You smell the Birch cap, you put Birch on.
You help your bones while you walk all around.
You lift your arms and turn your head and write your numbers down.
Essential Results Now!
You smell the Ravensara cap, you put Ravensara on.
You help your nerves while you walk all around.
You lift your arms and turn your head and write your numbers down.
Essential Results Now!
We want the pain gone.
We want the pain gone.
We want the pain gone.
Essential Results Now! Woo!
You smell the Marjoram cap, you put Marjoram on.
You help your muscles while you walk all around.
You lift your arms and turn your head and write your numbers down.
Essential Results Now!
You smell the Lemongrass cap, you put Lemongrass on.
You help your tendons while you walk all around.
You lift your arms and turn your head and write your numbers down.
Essential Results Now!
You smell the Cypress cap, you put Cypress on.
You help your circulation while you walk all around.
You lift your arms and turn your head and write your numbers down.
Essential Results Now!
You smell the Geranium cap, you put Geranium on.
You help your emotions while you walk all around.
You lift your arms and turn your head and write your numbers down.
Essential Results Now!
We want the pain gone.
We want the pain gone.
We want the pain gone.
Essential Results Now! Woo!
Essential Oil Blends 395

Release Form

I understand that the Youngevity® Essential Oils consultant does not diagnose, prevent or treat any illness,
disease, or other physical or mental condition.

I understand that the use of essential oils does not substitute for medical treatments and/or diagnosis, and it
is recommended that I see a qualified professional for any physical or mental condition that I may have.

I understand this treatment is not a substitute for medical care.

I have read the “Responsible Precautions Document” and agree to follow these guidelines.

I understand the following:

• Essential oils are renowned for their immune supporting and emotion balancing qualities. When
used safely, aromatherapy is a simple and pleasant way to support optimal health.
• Oils should be stored in a cool, dark place.
• Essential oils may irritate the skin if not stored or used properly. If an essential oil or blend causes
irritation on your skin, immediately apply Carrier Oil to the affected area, then lather with liquid
SOAP, and then wash with water.
• Recommended doses and uses should be followed exactly.
• Essential oils should be kept out of the eyes, ears, and other openings. If essential oil does contact
these areas, immediately flush with colloidal silver or Carrier Oil and wipe off excess. DO NOT
• Replacing the cap as soon as you finish with the bottle will help to extend the life of your oils.
Unnecessary exposure to air may cause the oils to oxidize.
• Be sure to drink plenty of filtered water when you are using essential oils.
• Essential oils should always be kept out of reach of children and pets, with the orifice reducer in
place and the lid tightly closed.

I DO NOT hold my essential oil consultant, (name of consultant) ________________________ liable for any injuries
or negative effects I may experience as a result of using the products I received from this consultation.

I DO NOT hold Youngevity® liable for any injuries or negative effects I may experience as a result of using any
product I received from this consultation.

Client Name __________________________ Consultant Name _______________________

Signature_____________________________ Signature _____________________________

Date ________________________________ Date __________________________________

396 Foundational Aromatherapy

Responsible Precautions Information

Essential oils are renowned for their immune supporting and emotion balancing qualities. When used safely,
aromatherapy is a great way to support your health. In order to ensure safe use of essential oils, please take note of
the following precautions:

1. Some oils should not be used on individuals who have a history of epileptic seizures. These oils include:
Birch and Rosemary.
2. Essential oils should be used with caution during pregnancy and while breast-feeding. There are several
essential oils that should not be used during pregnancy, while many others are restricted. When used, they should be
used at a 1% dilution and only under strict guidance of a medical or Aromatherapist professional.
3. Overall, it is recommended that you dilute essential oils in Carrier Oils before applying them to the skin for
general use, 5 to 10 drops of essential oil in 1 ounce of Carrier Oil is recommended. If an oil or blend causes irritation
to the skin, you should immediately apply Carrier Oil to the affected area. Then wash it off with soap and water.
4. For children, elderly individuals, pregnant women, and those with serious health conditions, essential oils
should be diluted to a maximum of 1%; a total of six drops of essential oils to 1 ounce of Carrier Oil.
5. Children of five years or less should never directly inhale any essential oil. However, ambient inhalation is
generally considered safe (oil that have been diffused in the air” parentheses. Birch should not be used or given to
children in any amount.
6. We do not recommend the use of essential oils directly on the fur or skin of animals as small animals can
have toxic reactions to essential oils that are applied to there for or skin. You can, put the oil on your hand, rub
together, and then rub on fur.
7. Some oils may be phototoxic and sunlight or exposure to UV light (especially from tanning beds) should
be avoided for at least 12 to 18 hours after application. The application of the following oils, in any dilution, will likely
increase the chance of severe burns from ultraviolet light: Bergamot, Lemon, Grapefruit and Orange.
8. Do not put essential oils in or around the eyes, ears, or other openings on the body. If essential oil comes
in contact with any of these areas, immediately flush with Carrier Oil and wipe off excess. If irritation persists, seek
medical attention.
9. Individuals with asthma and allergies should use essential oils cautiously.
10. Individuals who have sensitivities to perfumes or other chemicals should use essential oils cautiously.
11. Always keep essential oils out of the reach of children as they can be poisonous if swallowed.
12. When using essential oils internally, always seek guidance from a medical or Aromatherapist
professional who understands pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, appropriate formulation techniques and the
safety issues related to each route of applications.

If you have any other questions on the safe use of essential oils, please contact your Aromatherapy
398 Foundational Aromatherapy

“Grab the Bottle” Song

Grab the Bottle

Sing to the tune of “Oh My Darling Clementine”

Grab the bottle, grab the bottle,

Grab the bottle real quick.
Take the lid off, take the lid off,
Take the lid off and take a sniff.
Just a little drop, just a little drop
And your symptoms won’t show.
Just a little drop, just a little drop
And put it on your big toe.
Essential Oil Blends 399

Safety and Ethics

Safety First with Youngevity® Essential Oils TM
Treat the essential oils with respect, and they (and YOU) will be there when you need
• Keep oils out of direct sunlight.
• Avoid high heat, especially for extended periods of time.
• Since essential oils can oxidize, do not keep the lids off for periods of time
longer than 15 to 20 minutes.
• Youngevity® Essential OilsTM are very powerful, pure, and highly
concentrated so always use in small amounts.
• Never take Youngevity® Essential OilsTM by mouth unless directed by a
qualified practitioner.
• Do not replace medications except under the guidance of medical
• Aromatherapy is not to be used to replace proper medical care.
• Under no circumstances are Youngevity® Essential OilsTM to be placed in the
eyes or ears of any person or pet.
• When misting with Youngevity® Essential OilsTM, hold the bottle over your
head, close your eyes, and mist all around you. With children and pets you
may want to cover their eyes. When diffusing, make sure the mist does not
flow in the eyes of those in the room.
• Keep all Youngevity® Essential OilsTM out of reach of children. Always make
sure the lids are securely tightened. In case of ingestion, have them drink
milk and call your local poison control or health care center.
• When applying Youngevity® essential oils, especially any of the “hot” oils,
remember that you will also have oils on your hands. Do not use water to
clean them; pour liquid dish soap, Grapeseed blending oil, or Youngevity®
Pureworks™ Antibacterial Foam on your hands first to “lift” the oil then wash
your hands.
• When blending your own, or a classroom blend, always make sure to label
the new bottle. Include the oils used as well as the number of drops; in case
you want to do it again.
• Keeping a file of favorite oils, why you like them, what you used them for, as
they pertain to you and your family is a good idea.
• Youngevity® is known for high quality making it safe to purchase oils from
them. Always make sure to buy from reputable sources to ensure they are
not cut or thinned with substances that could be harmful.
400 Foundational Aromatherapy

Essential Oils and Drug Interaction Safety

Recognizing basic information about drugs.
Drugs cannot alter the natural functions of the body. They only heighten, quicken,
block, or decrease physiological activities that the body is already capable of doing on
its own. The same principle is applied to any type of healing mediations we offer to the
body—whether it be herbs, essential oils, massage, etc. Our bodies are highly
intelligent systems that gravitate towards balance or homeostasis. When a physical
system gets out of sync, symptoms usually arise. The symptoms then are identified as
different ailments or disorders depending on the method being used to diagnose them.
Regardless of the type of treatment received, oils can only assist the system to return
to balance, as they only support functions the body is already capable of performing.
DrugInteractions and Essential Oils
There is very little research on drug interactions with essential oils. But, we do have
some knowledge on how single chemical components of essential oils can affect
physiological processes in the body. From the results of testing done with individual
components and the knowledge of drug reactions, we can only theorize what the
outcomes may be. Common sense recommends using essential oils usually on the
exterior of the body, and in small amounts for some people, such as those who are
taking several medications, have weakened liver function, compromised kidney
function, or who are suffering from chronic diseases. This includes the elderly or very
Pharmaceutical drugs frequently hold highly concentrated single components.
As you may know, essential oils and the plants they are derived from are made up of
many different chemical components. Researchers often search to discover a single
active component in the plant, with the view that the one active component is
responsible for a whole function. Once a component is discovered, researchers or
scientists look for methods to produce that single element artificially, so they do not
have to depend on the plant as the only supply. By manufacturing an element
artificially, a single different atom is often added to the molecule, creating a new
molecule with a specific function. It is then considered a new molecule and can be
patented and sold for profit. With some slight alteration, they copy something created
by nature and consider it an invention of their own.
An essential oil is a more specific creation than the complete plant, but it is still a group
of several constituents. Specialists who study plants realize that all of the parts of a
plant work as a unit to perform its desired function. It is then assumed that the stability
of the components produced by the plant matches the human body’s capability to
digest them.
The measure of a combination of components found in a whole plant is less than a
single highly concentrated measure found in pharmaceuticals. This creates a safer
mediation, but may take longer to act than a synthetic drug. The reason there are side
effects in pharmaceuticals is the fact that the amount of the dose and the molecular
structure of the component is not known by the body, and our bodies are not complex
enough to handle large amounts of one component. The product of a whole plant is
familiar and processed by the body in an easier manner.
Essential Oil Blends 401

Absorption or Cleansing
Any material that goes into the body must be metabolized, or broken down, into
smaller particles. An individual cell cannot possibly consume a whole product. Visualize
the tiny size it must be reduced to for a cell in your toes to consume. Your body also has
a way of filtering out the bad parts of any material and preparing them for elimination.
The combined process of breaking down material, and filtering out the contaminated
from the useful is metabolism and detoxification.
All pharmaceutical drugs, herbs and essential oils must be absorbed and detoxified.
Detoxification primarily takes place in the liver. The liver takes the harmful materials
out of the blood, breaks it down into safe parcels and directs the toxins to the kidneys
or intestines to be emitted. As the liver takes the toxin out of the blood, the effects of
the drug or essential oil is lessened. The purpose of taking an ibuprofen every eight
hours is mainly because after that amount of time, your liver has cleared the dosage
out of your system.
Contact Between Drugs and Essential Oils
There are three main types of interactions:
1. An ingredient can disturb the rate of detoxification of a drug. If this happens there are two
possibilities: The first is if the rate of detoxification is increased, and the drug will be
removed from the body more quickly than the usual eight hour time period between each
dose. The second possible outcome is if the rate of detoxification is decreased, and the
drug will stay in the blood stream for a longer period than the usual eight hour period.
When this occurs taking a medication every eight hours will cause an increase of drugs into
their system and they will start to feel the side effects of the overdose of medication.
2. An ingredient can support a physiological action that is conflicting to the drug. The
essential oil may delay a function while a drug is speeding up the same function. This
cancels out the drug's original purpose and basically creates a reduced dose of the drug.
The outcome could be a quicker return of symptoms that the drug was originally created
to decrease.
3. Essential oils can create the same physiological function of the drug. If the essential oil
supports the same effect as the drug, then an increased amount is applied to that process.
This will act as a double dose and the feeling of an overdose.
Cautions to Consider
1. Oils Unsafe Any Route – Antidepressants
The essential oils Lemongrass, May Chang, Lemon Myrtle, and Honey Myrtle should not
be used in any form with antidepressants (specifically Buprion) that inhibit CYP2BC.
These oils may potentate or make the drugs actions stronger. The risk of this—based on
research—is theoretical according to Robert Tisserand in his book Essential Oil Safety.
2. Oils Unsafe Orally – Diabetic Medications
The same essential oils—Lemongrass, May Chang, Lemon Myrtle, Honey Myrtle—
should not be taken orally when taking anti-diabetic medications. The reason for this is
because these oils contain the constituent citral. Personally, (other than a yummy fish
dish which contains a very minute amount of citral) I would not take any of these oils
402 Foundational Aromatherapy

3. Oils Unsafe Any Route – Other Drugs

The essential oils Balsam Poplar, Chamomile German , Blue Tansy, and Yarrow should
not be used while taking Codeine or Tamoxifen. Also, they may increase the effects of
the antidepressants quinidine, fluoxetine, and paroxetine. This also is considered
4. Oils Unsafe Any Route – Renal Drugs
The essential oils Clove, Thyme Thymol, and WestIndian Bay should not be used when
taking drug treatments that increase renal (kidney) blood flow or for severe renal
(kidney) disease.
5. Oils Unsafe Any Route – Severe Liver or Kidney Issues
Individuals with severe liver or kidney issues will need to be careful to not over use
essential oils, to avoid internal use, and to follow dilution recommendations. Because
the liver functions to metabolize and detoxify the chemical constituents of essential oils
and the kidneys excrete what the body does not use, it is important not to overtax the
liver or kidneys. For compromised immune systems, it is important to use essential oils
in moderation and always follow the Dilution Chart.
6. Oils Unsafe Topically – Medical Patches
If using a medical patch to transmit drugs into the body, avoid using essential oils at the
site or near the area where the patch will be. Essential oils could possibly interact with
the absorption of the drug, either by speeding up or slowing down the rate of
absorption changing the dosage of the drug.
7. Oils Unsafe Orally – Antidepressants or Ephedrine
Clove or Nutmeg, if used with antidepressants or ephedrine, could cause dangerous
blood pressure changes resulting in tremors or confusion or other serious
cardiovascular symptoms.
8. Oils Unsafe Orally – Bleeding Disorders
Clove, Thyme Thymol, Oregano, Birch, and Wintergreen tend to thin the blood and
should not be used orally by individuals with clotting or bleeding disorders, peptic
ulcers, during childbirth, major surgery, or by anyone on blood thinners. These oils
could cause internal bleeding.
9. Oils Unsafe Any Route – Aspirin Sensitivity
Aspirin-sensitive people should not use Birch or Wintergreen. Both have a component
(methyl salicylate) that acts like aspirin in the body.
10. Oils Unsafe Any Route – Anesthetic Drugs
Barbiturates, benzodiazepines or anesthetics may have possible interaction when used
with any oil that is considered a sedative. Be sure to check the properties on the Single
Essential Oil profiles for the term sedative.
11. Oils Unsafe Orally – High Blood Pressure Medications
Peppermint should not be used by individuals taking high blood pressure medications
or calcium channel blockers; it may alter the effects of the drugs. Peppermint should
also be avoided by individuals taking medication for gastro esophageal reflux disease
A Special thank you to Andrea Butje and AromaheadInstitute.
Essential Oil Blends 403

AIA Safety Statement

(Used with permission of Alliance ofInternational Aromatherapists)
Internal Use Statement
AIA does not endorse internal therapeutic use (oral, vaginal or rectal) of essential oils unless
recommended by a health care practitioner trained at an appropriate clinical level. An
appropriate level of training must include chemistry, anatomy, diagnostics, physiology,
formulation guidelines and safety issues regarding each specific internal route (oral, vaginal
or rectal). Please refer to the AIA Safety Guidelines for essential oil use.
Use of Essential Oils in Pregnancy
There are differing opinions regarding the use of essential oils during pregnancy, labor and
delivery. AIA recommends that schools of aromatherapy include an educational component
regarding the appropriate and safe uses of essential oils during pregnancy including patho-
physiology, risks and benefits. This will include, but is not limited to, emmenagogue and
abortifacient essential oils.
Including a safety-based educational component relating to pregnancy will prepare the
qualified aromatherapy practitioner to determine safe oils for each trimester, appropriate
dilution and a variety of uses of essential oils to complement routine maternity care.
Aromatherapy practitioners will avoid using any essential oil when safety issues are
Is it safe to use essential oil “neat” (undiluted) on the skin?
Essential oils are concentrated substances, and because of this we do not recommend using
them without diluting them first. Add essential oils to a carrier oil such as jojoba, coconut,
almond, or others, before using. Diluting them in this way provides a measure of protection
from skin irritation, allergic reactions, and even sensitization.
A general rule of thumb for diluting is to use a 1% dilution for children (aged 6 years and
older); pregnant women; elderly adults; those with compromised immune systems,
sensitive skin, or other serious health issues. A 2% dilution is acceptable for the average
adult with no health issues. Higher dilutions can be used, depending on the situation and
the health of the person they will be applied on. We recommend that you use the lowest
dilution possible that provides effective results.
Note: A 1% dilution would be adding 3 drops of essential oil per tablespoon carrier.
Statement on Raindrop Technique
Raindrop Technique (RDT), Aroma Touch and similar techniques do not meet the criteria for
safe practice, as defined by the AIA Standards of Practice. There have been reported
adverse effects regarding RDT, in particular. These techniques are typically practiced as a
one-size-fits-all technique, and may not be suitable for people with compromised liver or
kidney function, those with heart disease, those on blood thinning medication, those with
allergies to aspirin, and other disorders. Janice Gagnon-Warr has given AIA permission to
reprint the paper on RDT.
Safety and Ethics of Undiluted Oils
This is a special paper written by Tony Burfield and Sylla Sheppar-Hanger in 2005. Sylla
Sheppard-Hanger has given AIA permission to reprint this article.
General Safety Guidelines (Storage, Dilutions, How Used)
Essential oils are highly concentrated substances and should always be diluted before
applying to skin. It is important to be aware of the chemistry and the quality of the oils
being used. Use only high quality oils from reputable sources. Store oils in a cool, dark place.
404 Foundational Aromatherapy

Dosage is another important factor in aromatherapy. Too much of certain oils can irritate
skin or cause other side effects. Essential oils are always applied to the skin in combination
with vegetable and nuts oils, gels, lotions, butters, salts or other herbal ingredients. Always
lower the dosage for children, elderly, pregnant women or anyone with serious health
Essential Oil Blends 405

Code of Ethics
(Used with permission of Alliance ofInternational Aromatherapists®)
As a member of the Alliance ofInternational Aromatherapists, I shall:
1. Conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner in relation to my clients,
health professionals, and the general public.
2. Recognize that the public has the right to share in decisions pertaining to
their health care. I shall educate and guide clients toward this goal and
actively encourage them to take responsibility for their care and well-being.
3. Represent my education and qualifications honestly in advertising and
practice and acknowledge the limitations of my skills, as indicated.
4. Provide the highest quality of aromatherapy products available.
5. Provide services within the scope and the limits of my training and to refer to
appropriate qualified professionals as indicated.
6. Maintain professional confidentiality except when failure to take action
could constitute a danger to others.
7. Refrain from guaranteeing a specific wellness outcome, acknowledging that
aromatic extracts support self-healing and that holistic health outcomes are
influenced by many factors.
8. Visibly display a copy of the AIA code of ethics for the benefit of employees
and the public.
9. Avoid discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, creed, religion,
gender, age and national origin.
10. Appreciate the importance of thoroughness in the performance of duty,
compassion with clients, and the significance of the tasks I perform.
11. Respect the law and avoid dishonest, unethical, or illegal practices.
12. Refuse primary responsibility for health care for any client. Individuals who
are licensed or otherwise authorized to provide primary health care are
406 Foundational Aromatherapy

NAHA Safety
National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy
(Used with permission from
For NAHA's safety page, please visit:
NAHA is frequently asked about techniques such as "drop therapies" which commonly
use undiluted, dermal sensitizing essential oils, internal use, undiluted application as
well as questions about companies who recommend the indiscriminate use of essential
oils. Here are our safety statements regarding each of these modalities.
1. Certain essential oils are unsuitable for internal use and application on the skin, or
contain constituents which may irritate or sensitize the skin if applied without first
being properly diluted in a carrier. NAHA does not condone the indiscriminate use of
such essential oils.
2. Internal Use
Do not take essential oils internally without appropriate advanced aromatherapy
education and understanding of the safety issues involved in doing so. To learn more,
we recommend you receive education from a NAHA approved school. Many individuals
throughout the United States and the world are utilizing essential oils internally. Most
are doing so without appropriate knowledge or understanding of how, when, how
much, what essential oils, for what purpose, safety concerns, etc. Whilst NAHA does
not support the uneducated use of essential oils internally, we are dedicated to
providing education in this area so that internal use is better understood and if done, is
performed safely and effectively.
3. Undiluted Application
Certain essential oils are unsuitable for undiluted application on the skin, or contain
constituents which may irritate or sensitize the skin if applied without first being
properly diluted in a carrier. NAHA does not support the use or application of undiluted
dermal sensitizing essential oils. NAHA recommends diluting essential oils down in a
suitable carrier (e.g. vegetable oils, full fat milk, etc.). To learn more, we recommend
you receive education from a NAHA approved school.
General Safety Precautions
1. Keep all essential oils out of reach of children and pets.
2. Do not use or recommend the use of photosensitizing essential oils prior to going
into a sun tanning booth or the sun. Recommend that the client stay out of the sun or
sun tanning booth for at least twenty-four hours after treatment if photosensitizing
essential oils were applied to the skin.
3. Avoid prolonged use of the same essential oils.
4. Avoid the use of essential oils you know nothing about on your clients. Research and
get to know the oil prior to using it on others.
5. Avoid the use of undiluted essential oils on the skin, unless otherwise indicated.
6. If you suspect your client may be sensitive to specific essential oils or if your client
has known allergies or sensitivities, it may be wise to perform a skin patch test.
Essential Oil Blends 407

7. Know the safety data on each essential oil and place into context of use and
8. Use caution when treating a female client who suspects she is pregnant or has been
trying to become pregnant.
9. Keep essential oils away from the eyes.
10. Essential oils are highly flammable substances and should be kept away from direct
contact with flames, such as candles, fire, matches, cigarettes, and gas cookers.17
11. Make sure your treatment room has good ventilation.
12. Do not use essential oils internally unless properly trained in the safety issues of
doing so. Please visit NAHA's approved schools to explore education in aromatherapy.
Safety Measures
1. If an essential oil accidentally enters the eye, apply a vegetable oil (e.g., olive or
sunflower, et al) or milk to a cotton cloth or similar material, and carefully swipe over
the closed lid.
2. If an essential oil causes dermal irritation, apply a small amount of vegetable oil or
cream to the area affected and discontinue use of essential oil or product that has
caused dermal irritation.
3. If a child appears to have drunk several spoonfuls of essential oil, contact the nearest
poison control unit (often listed in the front of a telephone directory). Keep the bottle
for identification and encourage the child to drink whole or 2% milk. Do not try to
induce vomiting.
Safety Information
Safety involves a state of being free from risk or occurrence of injury, harm, or danger.
Individuals who practice aromatherapy need to be aware of the safety issues involved
with using essential oils in order to avoid potential adverse effects. According to
Burfield, “Although many essential oils are potentially hazardous materials, if handled in
the appropriate manner, the risks involved in their use can be very small. So therefore,
most commercially offered essential oils are safe to use for the purpose intended in a
domestic/ professional or clinical environment.”1 The informed use of essential oils
may create occasional irritation or minor discomfort, but it is extremely unlikely to
create serious injury or lasting physical problems, particularly when basic guidelines are
Factors thatInfluence the Safety of Essential OilsInclude
1. Quality of essential oil being utilized: Adulterated essential oils increase the likelihood
of an adverse response and hence the need for pure, authentic, and genuine essential
oils is of the utmost importance.
2. Chemical composition of the oil: Essential oils rich in aldehydes (e.g., citronellal,
citral) and phenols (e.g., cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol) may cause skin reactions.
Essential oils rich in these constituents should always be diluted prior to application to
the skin. According to Schnaubelt, “diluting such oils so that the resulting solution
becomes non-irritant, may require diluting them to concentrations much lower than in
normal circumstances. Another option is to blend such irritant oils asymmetrically with
other essential oils, which mitigate their irritant effects.”
408 Foundational Aromatherapy

3. Method of application: Essential oils may be applied on the skin (dermal application),
inhaled, diffused or taken internally. Each of these methods have safety issues which
need to be considered. The potential safety concerns with dermal application will be
discussed below. With regard to inhalation, inhalation, from a safety standpoint,
presents a very low level of risk to most people. Even in a relatively small closed room,
and assuming 100% evaporation, the concentration of any essential oil (or component
thereof) is unlikely to reach a dangerous level, either from aromatherapy massage, or
from essential oil vaporization.
Tisserand and Balacs further point out that “the only likely risk would be from
prolonged exposure (perhaps 1 hour or more) to relatively high levels of essential oil
vapor which could lead to headaches, vertigo, nausea and lethargy”. With regard to
internal use, the safety concerns of this method of application will be explored in more
depth by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy over the next two years.
4. Dosage/dilution to be applied: Most aromatherapy oil based blends will be between
1 and 5 percent dilutions, which typically does not represent a safety concern. As one
increases dilution, potential dermal (skin) reactions may take place depending on the
individual essential oil, the area in which the oil is applied, and other factors related to
the client’s own sensitivity levels. Any excessive usage of essential oils may cause
irritation or other undesired effects due to their lipophilic nature.
5. Integrity of skin: Damaged, diseased, or inflamed skin is often more permeable to
essential oils and may be more sensitive to dermal reactions. It is potentially dangerous
to put undiluted essential oils on to damaged, diseased or inflamed skin. Under these
circumstances the skin condition may be worsened, and larger amounts of oil than
normal will be absorbed. Sensitization reactions are also more likely to occur.
6. Age of client: Infants, toddlers, and young children are more sensitive to the potency
of essential oils and safe dilutions include .5 – 2.5% depending on condition. Also, some
essential oils should simply be avoided for this population, e.g., Sweet Birch or
Wintergreen, which are both rich in methyl salicylate and Peppermint. Elderly clients
may have more skin sensitivities so a reduced concentration/dilution may be indicated.
Pregnancy Safety
(Used by permission of
The use of essential oils during pregnancy is a controversial topic and one that is yet to
be fully understood. The main concern during pregnancy appears to be the risk of
essential oil constituent’s crossing over into the placenta. According to Tisserand and
Balacs, crossing the placenta does not necessarily mean that there is a risk of toxicity to
the fetus; this will depend on the toxicity and the plasma concentration of the
compound.9 It is probable that essential oil metabolites cross the placenta due to the
intimate (but not direct) contact between maternal and embryonic or fetal blood. Tony
Burfield goes on to say, “to my thinking the responsible attitude is to discourage the
use of essential oils completely during the first few months of pregnancy”.
Jane Buckle comments “the use of essential oils in pregnancy is a contentious subject,
especially during the vital first 3-month period. It is extremely unlikely that a nightly
bath containing a few drops of essential oils will cause any problems for the unborn
child” and later states “there are no records of abnormal fetuses or aborted fetuses
due to the ‘normal’ use of essential oils, either by inhalation or topical application.”
Essential Oil Blends 409

According to Wildwood, “A common myth in aromatherapy is that massage oils

containing essential oils such as Clary sage, rose or even rosemary can cause a
miscarriage and hence should be avoided throughout pregnancy. Authors such as Ron
Guba, Kurt Schnaubelt, and Chrissie Wildwood have all pointed out that there have
been ‘no recorded cases of miscarriage or birth defect resulting from aromatherapy
massage using therapeutic applications of any essential oil.”
Ron Guba points out that toxicity during pregnancy is almost exclusively due to
pregnant women taking large, toxic doses of essential oils, notably pennyroyal (rich in
the ketone, pulegone, which is metabolized to the highly toxic furan epoxide,
menthofuron) and parsley seed (rich in the dimethyl ether, apiol) in an attempt to abort
the fetus. And Battaglia shares this insight: “the judicious use of essential oils together
with appropriate forms of massage by a skilled therapist can help ease the discomforts
of pregnancy and provide a sense of nurturing that will comfort the mother at times
she is likely to be feeling rather fragile.”
Due to the lack of clear information regarding the toxicity of essential oils during
pregnancy, it would be best to adhere to general safety guidelines. According to
Tisserand and Balacs, the following essential oils should not be used during pregnancy:
wormwood, rue, oak moss, Lavandula stoechas, camphor, parsley seed, sage, and
Essential oils that appear to be safe include cardamon, chamomile German and Roman ,
frankincense, geranium, ginger, neroli, patchouli, petitgrain, rosewood, rose,
sandalwood, and other nontoxic essential oils. It would also be prudent to avoid the
internal or undiluted application of essential oils throughout pregnancy.

Essential Oils to Avoid throughout Pregnancy, Labor, and While Breastfeeding


Aniseed Pimpinella anisum
Basil ct. estragole Ocimum basilicum
Sweet Birch Betula lenta
Camphor Cinnamomum camphora
Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris
Parsley seed or leaf Petroselinum sativum
Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium
Sage Salvia officinalis
Tansy Tanacetum vulgare
Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus
Thuja Thuja occidentalis
Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens
Wormwood Artemisia absinthium
410 Foundational Aromatherapy

Code of Ethics of NAHA

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy
NAHA is a recognized leader in the field of aromatherapy.
(Used by permission from
Professional, Business and Donor members shall:
1.1 Demonstrate commitment to provide the highest quality aromatherapy service to
those who seek their professional service
1.2 Conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner in relation to my clients,
fellow Aromatherapists & colleagues and the general public so as to comply with
the highest standards of moral behavior & integrity and to uphold the dignity and
status of my profession under all circumstances.
1.3 Share professional knowledge, research, and experiences with fellow
Aromatherapists and colleagues to support the advancement of aromatherapy.
1.4 Treat clients in accordance with holistic principles (Recommend treatment based
upon the specific needs of the client.) and render professional services for no
other purposes than the total wellbeing of my clients.
1.5 Educate clients in the quality and availability of true aromatherapy products and
1.6 Refrain from engaging in any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving clients.
1.7 Recognize that my primary obligation is always to the client and agree to practice
Aromatherapy to the best of my ability for my client's benefit. My client's comfort,
welfare and health must always have priority.
1.8 Provide clients with informed consent/disclosure statement and information that
includes training, certification, and scope of practice, payment structure, benefits,
limitations and expectations of both the practitioner and client.
1.9 Endeavor to serve the best interests of my clients at all times by providing the
highest quality of service and I shall undertake continuing education and improve
upon my Aromatherapy skills and professional standards whenever possible.
1.10 Provide services within the scope and the limits of my training. I will not employ
techniques for which I have not had adequate training and shall represent my
education, training, qualifications and abilities honestly. I shall acknowledge the
limitations of my skills and when necessary, refer clients to the appropriate
qualified professionals.
1.11 Not diagnose, prescribe or provide any service, which requires a license to practice
unless specifically licensed to do.
1.12 Maintain client confidentiality and not divulge to anyone the findings I acquire
during consultation, or in the course of professional recommendations, without
my clients consent except when required by law.
1.13 Support other Consultants at all time and shall never criticize, condemn or
otherwise denigrate other Consultants in the presence of a client or other lay
Essential Oil Blends 411

1.14 Respect the rights of other healthcare professionals and Aromatherapists and will
cooperate with all health care professionals in a friendly and professional manner.
1.15 Where another Consultant refers a client to me, I shall return such clients to the
original Consultant when the specified recommendation is completed. I will not
denigrate another Consultants recommendation.
1.16 Not make false claims regarding the potential benefits of Aromatherapy and shall
actively participate in educating the public regarding the actual benefits of True
1.17 Not give guarantees regarding the results of any recommendations, nor exploit a
client for financial gain through inferences or misrepresentation of any sort.
1.18 Practice honesty in advertising, promote my services ethically and in good taste,
and practice and or advertise only those skills for which I have received adequate
training or certification.
1.19 Maintain my premises in a hygienic condition, and ensure that my premises offer
my Clients sufficient privacy.
1.20 Maintain complete records of each Client, including specific details of my
1.21 Refrain from the use of any mind-altering drugs, alcohol, or intoxicants prior to or
during a professional Aromatherapy consultation or while representing the
National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.
1.22 Dress in a professional manner, proper dress being defined as the attire suitable
and consistent with accepted professional practice.
1.23 Represent a united front to the public and refrain from criticism of colleagues
either in writing or verbally before clients or the general public.
1.24 Shall, upon being found to have transgressed any of the By-laws of the National
Association for Holistic Aromatherapy and/or this Code of Ethics voluntarily
surrender and return my membership certificate to the Association.
Albrecht, William A., Soil Fertility and Human and Animal Health, Acres, USA
AromaheadInstitute of Aromatherapy, Certification course
Bell, Kristen Leigh, Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals, Findhorn Press, UK
Brighton, Alexandria, From the Stillroom: A collection of Aromatherapy Recipes,
Alexandria Brighton, USA
Duke, James A., Herbs of the Bible, Interweave Press, USA
Garrett, T. J., Michael Tlanusta Garrett, The Cherokee Full Circle, Bear & Company, USA
Goodall, Dr. Jane, The sacred Tree, Lotus Press, USA
Haas, Monika and Kurt Schnaubelt, Antiviral Agents, Aromatherapy conference, Terra
Linda Scent and Image, USA
Haas, Monika, Quick Reference Guide for 114 Important Essential Oils, Terra Linda Scent
and Image, USA
Haas, Monika and Kurt Schnaubelt, Antiviral Agents, Aromatherapy conference, Terra
Linda Scent and Image, USA
Hall, Dorothy, Iridology: How the eyes reveal your health and personality, Keats
Publishing, Australia
Jensen, Dr. Bernard and Dr. Donald V. Bodeen, Understanding Iridology, B. Jain
Publishers USA
Jensen, Bernard, Iridology Simplified, Bernard JensenInternational USA
Jensen, Bernard, Iridology Volume 2, Whitman Publications, USA
Kavasch, E. Barrie and Karen Baar, AmericanIndian Healing Arts, Bantam Books, USA
Nielsen, Valerie, Gluten-Free and Loving it, Elite Media Solutions, USA
Price, Shirley and Len Price, Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, Third Edition,
Churchill Livingstone UK
Rose, Jeanne, The Aromatherapy Book, North Atlantic Books, USA
Rose, Jeanne, 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols, Frog Ltd, USA
Rubin, Jordan S., The Makers Diet, Siloam a strange company, USA\
Schnaubelt, Dr. Kurt, Advanced Aromatherapy, Healing Arts Press, USA
Schnaubelt, Dr. Kurt, Aromatherapy Course, Third Edition, Healing Art Press, USA
Schnaubelt, Dr. Kurt, Medical Aromatherapy, Frog, Ltd, USA
Schnaubelt, Dr. Kurt, Part 3 Aromatherapy Lifestyles, Terra Linda Scent and Image, USA
Schnaubelt, Dr. Kurt , Part 2 Biology, Terra Linda Scent and Image, USA
Schnaubelt, Dr. Kurt , Wholistic Aromatherapy, Terra Linda Scent and Image, USA
Sharan Farida Sharan, Herbs of Grace, Wisdom Press USA
Essential Oil Blends 413

Sharan Farida, MDMA, MH, ND, FBRI, Iridology: A complete guide to diagnosing through
forms of treatment, Harper Collins Publishers, London
Shealy, C. Norman Shealy, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies, Shaftesbury,
The East-West School for Herbal & Aromatic Studies, Foundational Course
Tisserand Robert, and Rodney Young, Essential Oil Safety, Churchill Livingstone, USA
Wallach, Dr. Joel and Dr. Ma Lan, Passport to Aromatherapy, Select Books USA
Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, New
world Library, USA
Worwood, Valerie Ann, Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child, New World Library, USA
414 Foundational Aromatherapy

Helpful Information
Professional Aromatherapy Associations:
National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)
Alliance ofInternational Aromatherapists (AIA)

Aromatherapy Publications:
NAHA Aromatherapy Journal – USA
International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy (IJCA) – France
Aromatherapy Today – Australia
International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy – USA


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