Pre-AP World History II Unit 9: Turmoil Between The Wars & World War II

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Pre-AP World History II

Unit 9: Turmoil Between the Wars & World War II

1. Why was democracy facing collapse in the wake of the Great War? (​838​)

2. What is the difference between the Bolshevik policies of War Communism

and the New Economic Policy? (​838-842​)

3. Although the Stalinist revolution was intent on modernizing Russia, what

was the effect on society?? (​842-849​)

4. Who were the victims of the Great Terror and what was the effect on Russia?

5. Mussolini’s Fascist party offered an alternative to Italian voters disappointed

with their government in the aftermath of WWI. What was Fascism and how did
Mussolini come to power? (​849-851)

6. What role did the economy play in the collapse of the Weimar Republic?

7. Hitler came to power legally in 1933 through the German electoral system.
What did he stand for, and why did so many Germans support his cause? (​854-856)

8. How important was Anti-Semitism to Adolf Hitler’s political career? What do

events like Kristallnacht tell us about the depth of German Anti-Semitism?
9. What caused the Great Depression and how did it end? (​861-863)

10.​ ​In what ways did intellectuals, artists, and scientists challenge previous ways of
defining the world? (​863-865)

11. How was “mass culture” different from older forms of popular culture and
what factors contributed to its rise? (​865​)

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