Tom Sawyer Notes

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Chapter 1-

Tom hides from Aunt Polly in a closet whilst eating jelly. After long lengths of searching for him,
she finally finds him and threatens to beat him. Tom plays a clever trick on her and runs away
laughing. Aunt Polly laments Tom’s actions resulting in punishing him, but ultimately she feels
sorry for him.

Chapter 11-
Tom is upset the day after witnessing the murder of Dr. Robinson. The townspeople find his
body and Potter’s knife. Injun Joe betrays Potter and lies, telling the crowd about how he
witnessed Potter stab Dr. Robinson. The people and the sheriff believe Injun Joe and Potter is
arrested. Tom’s conscience kicks in and begins to keep him up at night. He suddenly has the
urge to tell someone, but Aunt Polly thinks nothing of his inability to sleep. She assumes he’s
just scarred from hearing the story. Tom feels sorry for Potter and visits him at his jail cell,
bringing him gifts.

Chapter 12-
Tom gets even more upset when he realizes Becky is sick and isn’t coming to school for a while.
Aunt Polly begins to worry that his depression is serious and she gives him various treatments.
None of these treatments seem to work on Tom, so she tries this medicine on him called
Pain-Killer. Tom thinks it tastes too horrible and is unbearable, so he feeds it to the cat. The cat
becomes crazy and wild and sick. Aunt Polly finds out that Tom had done this and she does not
punish him because she agrees that such horrible things that happened with the cat might
happen to Tom.

Chapter 13-
Still upset, Tom decides to try becoming a pirate again. Joe and Huck join with him and the
three set sail down a river on a raft to Jackson’s island. Later that night the boys argue with
each other before arriving on the island. When they get there, they build a fire and eat stolen
bacon. They discuss the conduct of this and resolve that stealing is bad and against the Bible.

Chapter 14-
The boys wake up in the morning and realize their boat is gone. The boys don’t mind and are
almost glad to be disconnected from their town. After much exploring and pirate role-play, the
boys begin to feel the pain of homesickness. Later in the day, the boys discover a few boats on
the river. They realize that these boats are people searching for them and think they have
drowned. This actually makes them feel like heroes. But later, around dinnertime, Tom and Joe
discuss the people who might be missing them terribly. Joe suggests that they return home, but
Tom immediately dismisses the idea. But later, Tom sneaks away back to their town; leaving a
note for the other two boys.

Chapter 15-
Tom swims and catches a ferry back home. He sneaks around town, finally finding Aunt Polly,
Mary, and Joe’s Mom talking about how they miss the boys so much. Sid was there, but he
didn’t say anything of the sort. Tom witnessed this conversation whilst hiding under a bed.
During this time he also learns that the search crew found their raft and assumed they had
drowned in the river. Soon, everyone went to bed and Tom nearly placed a note to Aunt Polly by
her bedside, but decided not to. Tom soon returns to the island to tell Joe and Huck of his grand

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