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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología

Licenciatura en Biología
Leider David Garnica Vargas
Grupo 2

The kite
1. The Book Details
the name of the book is “the kite”, i chosed this history because the title made me remember about my
childhood, when I went out with my parents and my siblings to the park, its name was “La Colina” in
Guateque, Boyacá.
2. The Setting
This history is in a house with a family composed for the mom, dad and a child, also, it also takes place on
the hill of a park with trees, this parck is big because many people went to the park for fly kite.
3. The Characters
Main characer
Herbert Sunbury: Is the Mr. Sunbury´s son, since that Herbet was a child, he liked to fly kite with his
mother, he leaved the school when he was 14 years oldand started to work, he felt confort living with his
parents, when he grow up, he was enjoyed flying kite with his family, when he got married, his wife
controled him until he decided to rebel and made that he liked to do, he didn´t forgived easy.
Secondary character:
Mrs Sunbury: Is the main character´s father, always is in contact with his son and is a calm, prudent and
responsible person. He liked is with his family, he go out with his wife and his son to the park for fly kite.
Mr Sunbury: Is the main chacater´s mother, she is a overprotective person with her son, also is a dractic
person, this we can show it when she doesn´t talk to his son because he wants to be with Betty, this
women doesn´t liked. Every weekend she goes to fly kite wuth her husband. Is a proud person.
Betty Bevan: Is the Herbert´s wife, she is a mature e impoting person that doesn´t enyoy the hibbies of her
husbund, she isn´t a nice person, is a impulsive person and is an agressive and interested person.
4. The Story
The history started when the Herbert`s parents give a present to he, is a kite, for his birthday 21st, since
there started the passion for the kites for Herbert, because wuth this he can be near to his mom. He lived
with his parents until that one day he met to Betty, she doesn´t liked to the Herbert´s mom, actally, the
Herbert´s mom boned to Herbert that was with Betty, he didn`t did and then 6 months later he go married
with Betty, that didn`t liked to the Mrs Sunbury and she didn´t talk more to Herbert. Then, a time later,
Herbert find to his father and talked about kites, the father told him that they went every weeked to fly kite;
One day Herbert went to the park and he saw that his parents bought a kite so beautiful, the best kite that
he had saw before, but this kite was too big and Herbert helped to his parents for that the kite flyed, but
one day Betty saw this and this situation generated a confrotation between they; Herbert and Betty, and
they broke up, Herbert went to house`s parents and continued lived there with them, this will be the end of
the history, but, Betty was too forious with Herbert so she broke the kite, Herbert was too forious for that
and didn´t send more money to Betty for that reason the judge called him for that responded for that, he
declared to the judge that he won`t forgive to Betty for that she made, she broke his kite, he would prefer
to go to the pision.
5. Your Thoughts
This history is so interesting because has a reflection about that we can`t take desicions hurriedly, also,
we must meet so good to the people before to take a decisión like go to live with somenone, finally, I
recomed this book to the people for that have a principiant level in english for that can practice.

Milne, J. Somerset, W. (1992). "The Verger" and Other Stories. Paperback. United States.

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