Pila Activity Ii B

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Raw Score: ______________

Course/Section: NURSING II-B Date: ___________________
Activity: Ecological Footprint
Directions: An ecological footprint is defined as the measure of human demand on
nature and compares human consumption of natural resources with earth’s capacity
to regenerate them. Check on Yes column if you and your family practicing the
actions to reduce resource consumption, and check on No column if not. Answer the
follow up questions.
1. Are you completely turning off equipment like televisions and
stereos when you are not using them?

2. Are you taking the simple steps in order to save water like
turning off the faucet when not in use?

3. Are you letting the washed clothes dried naturally instead of
using a dryer?

4. Are you just throwing away products like paper plates and
napkins, or plastic knives, forks and cups?

5. Are you just sending electronic greetings over email, instead
of paper cards?

6. Are you collecting rainwater to water your garden or some
other purposes?

7. Are you maintaining a little space in your garden, for a
compost pit to turn organic waste from the kitchen and

garden to soil enriching manure?
8. Are you planting local species of trees, flowers and

9. Are you using organic and environmentally friendly fertilizers
and pesticide in your garden?

10. Are you bringing your own bags to the grocery to reduce the
use of plastics?

11. Are you buying products with less packaging? ✓
12. Are you using both sides of the paper for school activities? ✓
13. Are you using the back of a draft or unwanted printout instead
of notebooks?

14. Are you switching off computer monitors, printers and other
equipment when not in use?

15. Are you disposing your waste properly? ✓
16. Are you walking or using bicycles in a short distance travel? ✓
17. Are you storing food and other products in containers rather
than foil and plastic wrap?

18. Are you giving unwanted clothes, toys and books to charities
and orphanages?

19. Are you using recyclable paper to make invitation cards,
envelops, letter pads, etc.?

20. Are you sharing magazines with friends and pass them on to
the doctor, dentist or local hospital for their waiting rooms?

Follow up questions (10 pts each):
1. What realizations have you generalized upon answering the checklist?

Upon answering the checklist I’ve realized that our lifestyle really has a
huge impact in our nature. Our food, energy, transportation and services
contribute to our ecological footprint. By not doing these simple acts can
contribute to a more serious problem. Many people don’t really practice these
simple acts and this somehow saddens me knowing that we use our natural
resources several times as fast as the earth can regenerate it and it gives our
planet too much pressure. I’ve also realized that there are still a lot of things
that I’m not aware of that contributes in the reduction of our natural resources
like using the dryer rather than letting the clothes dry naturally. Knowing how
ecological footprint works make me want to continue saving the earth by my
simple little ways.

2. Can these acts contribute in the reduction of natural resource utilization?

Explain your answer.

Yes, these simple acts are all part of our lifestyle and we all know that
people are the cell of the society. If everyone doesn’t know the importance of
this simple acts then this will make a huge impact in the reduction of natural

3. What actions can you suggest to encourage other members of society to

minimize natural resource utilization?

We should reduce the consumption of natural resources. It is

everyone’s responsibility to take care of the environment to make this planet a
wonderful place to live. We don’t need to put a lot of money to go green
but simple changes in our daily lifestyle is all what is required to reduce our
ecological footprint in the environment. We should try and lessen the usage of
plastics and start using reusable ones as we all know plastic bags’ pollution
has a lasting effect on the environment. These little ways like saving energy,
planting, using organic or eco-friendly products can contribute a little bit to the
planet and imagine if single one of us practice these acts, it could turn into a
huge step in sustaining the environment. We have to be mindful in using our
nature by making the most of the resources available to us in order to have a
sustainable life. We should try to learn and live on less resources because we
already have traveled a far distance towards exploitation of nature, we need
to wake up until it's become too late.

4. What will be your assumptions if we are not going to conserve our resources
50 years from now?
If human beings won’t still appreciate how special and important the
world is, I think 50 years from now, the future generation won’t able to
experience the life the current generation have now. If we don’t conserve,
natural resources will be exhausted. There will be no forests that will provide
for a variety of species. There will no clean air to breathe as there will be no
forest trees to act as a natural filter to remove the harmful particles. There will
also be immeasurable loss of human life, plant and animal species. In short,
our future generation will suffer in result of our doings. All the damage we do
to earth creates an environmental change that will make future generation

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