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Region Focus Summer 04.

ps - 7/12/2004 3:52 PM


Baseball Science
MONEYBALL: THE ART OF alent. For some people it’s a little to recommend him other than raw
N E W YO R K : W.W. N O RTO N ,
T blessing. For others, such as Billy
Beane, it can seem like a curse.
There are few things as sad as
talent and gaudy high-school statistics.
He had never proven himself against
top-notch competition before the Mets
2 0 0 3 , 2 8 8 PAG E S promise gone unfulfilled, and by all spent a first-round pick on him.
measures Beane was one of the most Unlike another talented young
promising baseball talents of his gen- slugger from the San Diego area, Mark
REVIEWED BY eration. Standing 6 feet 4 inches, with McGwire, Beane hadn’t played college
AARON STEELMAN blazing speed and a quick bat, Beane baseball. McGwire, in contrast, already
was labeled a “can’t-miss” prospect. The had three years at the University of South-
New York Mets selected the 18-year-old ern California and a trip to the 1984
in the first round Olympic Games
of the 1980 ama- under his belt
teur draft, along when he was
with another high
Bill James’ approach, drafted. In other
school phenom, words, McGwire
Darryl Strawber-
called “Sabermetrics,” had more than
ry. The two were just talent, he had
supposed to be
employs statistical a track record.
the pillars around One could use a
which a cham-
and mathematical wide range of
pionship team objective meas-
would be built.
techniques to analyze ures to evaluate
Strawberry lived McGwire, while
up to this role —
baseball records. with Beane one
at least for a had to rely on
while. He was a subjective meas-
star on the 1986 team that won the ures. McGwire, of course, would go on
World Series, and had several more to become one of the most prolific
good seasons for the Mets before per- home-run hitters in baseball history,
sonal problems and injuries cut short while Beane knocked only three
his career. pitches out of the park during his
Billy Beane’s career, on the other entire career.
hand, never really got off the ground. To longtime baseball scouts, though,
He played six mediocre seasons in the subjective measures were paramount.
Editor’s Note: Beginning with this Major Leagues, mostly as a backup, They believed they could spot a future
issue, we introduce a book review compiling a career batting average of star just by looking at him. As long as
department to Region Focus. First just .219. a player was fast, strong, and had a
up: Michael Lewis’ Moneyball, The can’t-miss prospect proved to be good arm, he could be turned into a
which discusses the economics a bust. Why? Nobody really knew at the big-leaguer. Billy Beane fit this profile
of Major League baseball, an time, including Billy Beane. Maybe he perfectly. He benefited from the way
especially appropriate topic for lacked dedication. Maybe he lacked con- scouts judged players. But after his
the summer issue. fidence. Or maybe he just wasn’t as good playing days were over, Beane would
as people thought. After all, Beane had devote his efforts to proving these

32 Region Focus • Summer 2004

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“baseball minds” wrong. He would for the Cy Young Award, given annu- number of runs scored by a team dif-
strive to make baseball a science — one ally to the league’s top pitcher. fered dramatically from his predicted
where quantifiable, testable measures The A’s also have been able to find number, his model was clearly wrong.
prevailed over subjective evaluations. bargains in the free-agent market, “As it turns out, James was onto some-
Moneyball is the story of Beane’s including many players that teams were thing,” writes Lewis. “His model came
efforts to implement his theories as anxious to discard. These players did far closer, year in and year out, to
general manager of the Oakland Ath- not perform well on certain measures describing the run totals of every big
letics, more commonly known as the A’s. usually given great weight by baseball league baseball team than anything the
Written by Michael Lewis, the book insiders, such as batting average and teams themselves had come up with.”
follows the team during the 2002 stolen bases. But to the A’s, these were According to the Runs Created
season, a year in which Oakland won not particularly important statistics. formula, the two conventional meas-
the American League West champi- Beane and DePodesta were follow- ures that contributed most to a team’s
onship despite having one of the lowest ers of baseball writer Bill James, who offensive success were on-base per-
payrolls in all of baseball. Beane and published his own Baseball Abstract centage and slugging percentage. If a
his staff, especially his assistant Paul guy could get on base (it didn’t
DePodesta, were able to build a matter how — getting a hit or
club that could compete with much taking a walk both counted) or hit
richer opponents, even the hated for power, he could help his team
New York Yankees, a team that score runs. So James combined the
many fans believed were destroying two statistics to create a new one:
the game by buying up the game’s On Base Plus Slugging, known
best players. How did Beane and simply as OPS. Beane and
his staff do it? Through careful DePodesta searched for players
scouting of amateur players and with high OPS scores, and found
shrewd free-agent acquisitions. one in Scott Hatteberg.
Consider the way they Hatteberg, in the view of most
approached the draft. As Beane Major League executives, was just an
could personally attest, many scouts average player. In a single season,
favored talented high-school he had never hit above .277 or driven
players — young studs, as it were in more than 43 runs for his former
— over older college players. And team, the Boston Red Sox. Still,
while some of these high-school Beane and DePodesta noticed that
players would have fantastic major he consistently had an OPS score
league careers — for instance, high around .800, thanks in large measure
schooler Alex Rodriguez was to a good eye at the plate. Hatteberg
selected first overall in the 1993 was no star. But he was a solid player
draft and is now arguably the who fit into the Oakland system.
game’s best player — many more And that was exactly what Oakland
would simply fade from the spot- was developing — a system.
light. College players were much Before the 2002 season, the A’s
safer, if less spectacular, bets. Beane and from 1977 to 1988. James’ data-heavy had lost their best player, Jason Giambi,
his staff toured the country in search books were the products of intense to the New York Yankees, who signed
of college players who many teams research and some controversy. His him as a free agent. Beane and
simply ignored. approach, called “Sabermetrics,” DePodesta knew that they could not
For instance, in 1997 the A’s drafted employed statistical and mathematical replace Jason Giambi. There were few
right-handed pitcher Tim Hudson. techniques to analyze baseball records. players in the league as good — and
Although Hudson was the Southeastern Early on, James created his own those who were carried too high a price
Conference player of the year his senior formula called “Runs Created.” The tag. But they could try to replace Jason
season, posting a 15-2 record with the idea was to develop a testable hypoth- Giambi’s numbers by acquiring over-
Auburn Tigers, few teams were inter- esis about what accounted for a team’s looked journeymen who would play
ested in him. The A’s were able to snap offensive output. The formula went as their roles as Beane and DePodesta saw
him up in the sixth round. Hudson follows: Runs Created = (Hits + Walks) them. Hatteberg was the prototypical
became a regular member of Oakland’s x Total Bases/(At Bats + Walks). cog in the Oakland machine. The plan
starting rotation in 1999, and since then James tested his formula using worked perfectly: Even without their
has three times finished in the top 10 Major League data. If the actual star, the A’s still won 103 games in 2002

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and drew more than 2 million fans. consultant. J. P. Ricciardi, who worked — such as free-throw and field-goal
It’s hard to argue with Beane’s ap- closely with Beane in Oakland, was shooting percentages — that could be
proach. The A’s have performed impres- hired by the Toronto Blue Jays in used to construct formulas similar to the
sively under his guidance. Since 2000, November 2001 to run that team’s front ones employed by Beane and his staff.
they have compiled a win-loss record of office. The Toronto management was It’s not clear why this hasn’t been done.
392-255, and have gone to the playoffs impressed by what the cash-strapped A’s Whatever shortcomings there may
every year. But some questions remain. were able to accomplish and hoped that be with Beane’s approach to running a
First, why do the A’s seem unable to Ricciardi could bring similar success Major League baseball team — and the
win the big game? The A’s make it to north of the border. And before the questions above suggest there are some,
the playoffs year after year but fail to 2004 season DePodesta was lured away arguably minor, issues to be resolved
advance to the World Series. Could from Oakland to become the general — there is no doubt that his methods
there, in fact, be some “intangibles” manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers. are interesting. Likewise, Moneyball is a
necessary to get a team over the hump? Third, why haven’t Beane’s methods fascinating read. Lewis has taken a good
For instance, are there, in fact, “clutch been applied to other sports? The pres- story and produced a great book that
players,” guys who have an uncanny sure to win in professional basketball, will appeal to a broad audience.
ability to deliver when the stakes are for instance, is equally intense. If a For instance, the person who first
high? If so, Beane and his staff would more scientific approach would help a recommended Moneyball to me has
not be well prepared to identify such team win games, one would think that only a passing interest in America’s
players since their contribu- national pastime. A few years
tions are, by definition, ago, I took him to a Chicago
erratic and hard to predict. Cubs game. He enjoyed
Also, might the proverbial himself. After all, the
“character guys” — players Oakland was able to build a bratwursts were tasty and the
who lead the team in the weather was good. But the
clubhouse instead of on the club that could compete with actions on the field seemed
field — be a key ingredient nonsensical, even chaotic to
for a championship team? much richer opponents, even him. Why, for example, did
Again, if this is true, the A’s the grounds crew sweep the
would be likely to overlook the hated New York Yankees. infield every three innings? It
them since their real value would be more reasonable, he
doesn’t show up in a statisti- argued, to send them out
cal formula. there as needed — for
Second, if Beane’s approach instance, after an especially
is so good, why haven’t other teams coaches and general managers would long inning in which a lot of runners
adopted it? Part of the explanation may move — however gradually — to adopt reached base. Or why did the manager
be simple inertia. Baseball, more than it. Yet, if anything, we are seeing the have to wear a uniform like the players,
any other sport, is tradition-bound. Old opposite occur. Teams are increasingly since there was no chance he was going
habits — and prejudices — die hard. basing their draft selections on talent to enter the game? NBA, NFL, and
Other general managers may look at the and less on measurable performance. NHL coaches didn’t suit up, and he saw
A’s and simply think that their recent For instance, the number of high- no good reason why baseball managers
success has been a fluke. In their minds, school players being picked has sky- should be any different. To my friend,
the traditional way of running a baseball rocketed, while it has become fairly baseball relied too much on ritual and
team — from judging talent to managing rare to see a college senior chosen with convention — and I think that’s one of
a budget — has worked for generations a high pick. the reasons he liked Moneyball. To him,
(even if it really hasn’t) and with time Perhaps this has to do with the dif- it was the story of science and order
will be proven superior to Beane’s fering nature of the two games. In being applied to a game that, in his
unorthodox methods. baseball there is a lot of one-on-one view, was unscientific and disorderly.
To some extent, other teams are action. In a battle between pitcher and Of course, to many fans, that’s the
adopting Beane’s approach. For instance, hitter, for instance, it’s pretty easy to beauty of baseball. It’s a simple game
at the end of the 2002 season the isolate how each player performed. But whose quirks are to be appreciated, not
Boston Red Sox named 28-year-old in basketball, it’s not so easy. A guy could scorned, a game with an internal logic
Theo Epstein as the team’s general be a 30-point scorer because the offense all its own. I suspect that those people
manager. Epstein first discovered Bill is geared to feature him. On another will get as much enjoyment from
James’ writings in the fourth grade and team he may not look like such a star. reading Moneyball as my friend did,
hired the Sabermetrics guru as a team Still, there are some objective measures even if for very different reasons. RF

34 Region Focus • Summer 2004

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