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Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173–186 / locate / jconrel

Making microencapsulation work: conformal coating,

immobilization gels and in vivo performance q
a, a a b
M.V. Sefton *, M.H. May , S. Lahooti , J.E. Babensee
Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5 S 3 E5, Canada
Cox Laboratory, Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Rice University, 6100 South Main, Houston, TX 77005, USA

Received 17 March 1999; accepted 29 August 1999


Microencapsulation of cells as a means of insulin or other protein delivery (for example, for gene therapy) has not yet
realized its potential. Three aspects of this problem are illustrated with reference to the use of poly(hydroxyethyl
methacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) (HEMA–MMA). Conformal coating was used to coat cell aggregates with a very thin
layer of a water-insoluble HEMA–MMA membrane that conforms to the shape of the aggregate, and minimizes the
polymer’s contribution to the total transplant volume. Cell aggregates were coated at a liquid–liquid interface of a
discontinuous density gradient composed of both aqueous and organic liquids. Aggregates of HepG2 cells were coated and
remained viable. Immobilization matrices were co-encapsulated in order to control cell phenotype. Ultralow gelling
temperature agarose promoted the proliferation of HEK293 cells, while the viability of transfected C2C12 cells was
improved in microcapsules that contained Matrigel  . Rat or human hepatoma cells in HEMA–MMA microcapsules lost
viability within a week after implantation into an omental pouch in Wistar rats. The loss of viability was attributed to the
tissue reaction, although it is not clear if the cells lost their viability in vivo leading to the aggressive tissue reaction or if the
latter caused the cells to starve or otherwise die. On the other hand, intraperitoneal implantation of microcapsules containing
L929 cells in ‘syngeneic’ C3H mice in a high-strength agarose gel resulted in maintenance of viability of |50% of the
encapsulated cells. While progress is being made on several fronts, this type of tissue engineering construct is still several
years away from routine use in humans.  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microencapsulation; Conformal coating; Immobilization gels; Agarose

1. Introduction

But for one clinical report [1], microencapsulation

of islets has not been implemented clinically, despite
Presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Recent almost 20 years since the first report [2]. While
Advances in Drug Delivery Systems, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, reliable and reproducible isolation of pig islets
22–25 February 1999.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-416-978-3088; fax: 11-416- continues to be a technical challenge, microencapsu-
978-4317. lation of cells has not been as ‘simple’ as originally
E-mail address: (M.V. Sefton) anticipated. The difficulties that have been overcome

0168-3659 / 00 / $ – see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0168-3659( 99 )00234-5
174 M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186

are similar to those that are to be seen in other tissue Table 1

Requirements of a successful tissue engineering construct such as
engineering constructs, of which microencapsulation
microencapsulated cells
is but one example.
Microencapsulation in a polymer membrane is a To be successful, the tissue To meet the need,
engineering construct needs must control
means of isolating cells from the immune system,
thereby enabling the transplantation of mammalian Adequate cell mass Diffusion limitations
Nutrient supply
cells without immunosuppression and the use of
Appropriate cell function Extracellular matrix
xenogeneic or genetically engineered cells. The cells (phenotype) Cytokines
are transplanted to correct a disease state by the Sufficient duration Biocompatibility
delivery of a cell product, typically a protein. Insulin Inflammation / immune system
from pancreatic islets is an example of this mode of
therapy. Unlike conventional drug delivery devices,
the cells have an inexhaustible supply of the protein metabolite efflux and product delivery. The cell
(pending cell viability) in an intrinsically stable form behavior must be controlled through the use of
and without the problem and expense of protein appropriate extracellular matrices and by understand-
purification. Furthermore, the protein is delivered at ing the effect of in situ generated cytokines. Finally,
a rate determined by the normal physiology of the the cell behavior must be sustained for several weeks
cells which might involve regulation by glucose level or months and this requires control of the host
(islets) or potassium concentration (dopamine secret- response: even if the encapsulating membrane pre-
ing cells) or cytokine levels (antitrypsin). vents IgG from coming in contact with the cells, the
Because microencapsulated cells are physically antigens shed by the cells can influence (adversely)
isolated from the host, a degree of flexibility is the system performance. These features of encapsu-
attained in the choice of cells that may be used for lated cells are illustrated in this review of recent
implantation. For example, standard laboratory cell work with the use of hydroxyethyl methacrylate–
lines that have been genetically engineered to secrete methyl methacrylate copolymer (HEMA–MMA). All
a specific protein may be used to ameliorate a topics are described in greater detail elsewhere:
disease state [3,4]. This approach offers an alter- conformal coating [7], immobilization gels [8] and in
native to autologous somatic gene therapy where the vivo behavior [9,10]. The use of HEMA–MMA to
patient’s own cells are harvested, modified ex vivo, microencapsulate cells and the in vitro performance
and subsequently implanted [5,6]. Cell lines offer a of the microencapsulated cells is reviewed elsewhere
larger source of implantation tissue and as a result [11].
increase the potential number of patients that may be While the problems of cell encapsulation are
treated, and also facilitate the fulfilment of regulatory illustrated here with respect to HEMA–MMA only,
and safety standards. In several experiments reported these difficulties are generally applicable to other
here we used transfected cells as part of a larger microencapsulation systems, such as the more com-
program exploring microencapsulated cells as a monly used alginate–polylysine, or other immuno-
platform for gene therapy. isolation systems such as hollow-fibre-based mac-
Like other tissue engineering constructs, cell en- roencapsulation systems. For example, the latter are
capsulation depends on using polymers to control the limited by the inability to scale up, except by using
behavior of cells both before and after implantation. inordinately long fibres to get the desired cell mass
Successful microencapsulation requires (1) high cell into an implantable volume. Alginate–polylysine
number and viability, (2) control of cell function capsules appear to fail in vivo because of instability
(through the extracellular matrix, for example) and after a few months in vivo, presumably due to loss of
(3) maintenance of function for extended duration calcium. The question of antigen shedding and
(Table 1). An adequate cell mass must be trans- indirect antigen presentation (see Discussion) to
planted in a suitably small, appropriately shaped ultimately limit in vivo viability, without immune
volume. Diffusion limitations must be minimized to modulation, is a general problem that applies to all
ensure adequate nutrient (glucose / oxygen) supply, immunoisolation systems. However, the significance
M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186 175

may vary depending on the cell type, cell source or drainage of the thin film between the particles and
implant site. the interface. If the aggregate plus entrained polymer
solution reached the non-solvent layer [phosphate-
1.1. Conformal coating buffered saline (PBS) in our case] before the
HEMA–MMA solution drained from around the
Conformal coating is a means of making very particle, then a membrane precipitated around the
small microcapsules that maximize the amount of particle in the non-solvent layer. Interface deforma-
cells that can be delivered while minimizing the tion by small particles with specific gravity near
device volume. In our hands, conformal coating unity required that the interfacial tensions throughout
refers to a method that adds a 10–25 mm thick the apparatus [12], and especially at the coating
coating of swollen polymer to a |150 mm cell interface [13], were extremely low (,10 22 –10 23
aggregate. Conformal coating also ensures that cells dynes / cm), and that the gradient was centrifuged at
are supplied with the maximum amount of nutrients. greater than 100 g. The former was achieved by
Conformal coating has been implemented with rat using the same solvent, polyethylene glycol 200
islets and human hepatoma cell aggregates [7]. (PEG200), for all three organic layers; PEG200 is a
Conformal coating involves the entrainment of poly- solvent for HEMA–MMA that can be tolerated by
mer solution around cell aggregates which occurs as cells, at least to a limited extent, despite its non-
they approach (while being centrifuged) the interface aqueous nature [14].
between the HEMA–MMA solution and the inter-
mediate layer (Fig. 1). Entrainment of HEMA– 1.2. Immobilization matrices
MMA solution depended on the balance between two
processes: large deformation of the liquid–liquid The physical isolation of microencapsulated cells
interface by the approaching aggregates, and slow from the host allows modulation of the behavior of

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the conformal coating discontinuous density gradient. Representative specific gravities are shown for the upper
and lower layers, which are aqueous solutions of glycerol in PBS. The middle layer is a solution of 5–20% (w / w) HEMA–MMA in
PEG200. The other two intermediate layers are solutions of water-soluble polymers in PEG200.
176 M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186

the cells through alteration of their microenviron- phosphate precipitated pNMG encoding the human
ment by inclusion of appropriate extracellular ma- growth hormone (hGH, M.W. 27,100) gene (from
trices such as collagen or Matrigel in the core of the Prof. P.L. Chang, Department of Pediatrics, McMas-
capsule [15]. This matrix may provide physical ter University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada). The
support and uniform distribution of the immobilized HEK293 cells were transfected to produce human
cells such that local transport gradients of nutrients is hepatic lipase with the pRc / CMV plasmid (Invit-
improved, buildup of metabolic waste products is rogen, San Diego, CA, USA) by the calcium phos-
reduced, and necrosis is prevented. In addition, the phate precipitation protocol (from the Lipid Research
matrix may interact biochemically with receptors on Laboratory, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario,
the surface of the encapsulated cells to induce Canada). The L929 cells were transfected with
phenotypical changes in the cells. The effect of secretable alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) using the
inclusion of a matrix in the core of the capsules on MSEAPINV retrovirus (from Dr. Robert Hawley,
the behavior of two different transfected cell lines, Toronto Hospital).
namely human embryonal kidney (HEK293) and
mouse C2C12 myoblasts, was investigated in vitro. 2.2. Cell encapsulation

1.3. In vivo performance All cells were encapsulated at a concentration of

5310 6 cells / ml. HEK cells were suspended in
The success of cell transplantation is determined medium that contained either 15% (w / v) Ficoll-400
by the prolonged maintenance of cell viability and (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) or 1% (v / v) ultralow
expression of differentiated functions within the gelling temperature SeaPrep  (FMC) agarose (2%
implanted capsule. This functional success is depen- w / v agarose solution in phosphate-buffered saline
dent, in part, on the minimization of tissue reaction was mixed with complete tissue culture medium at a
and fibrous capsule formation upon implantation. ratio of 1:1). The myoblasts were suspended in
Various mammalian cells have been implanted in medium that contained 15% (w / v) Ficoll-400 or 1–2
various sites in rats: subcutaneously, intramuscularly mg / ml Vitrogen 100, or 50% (v / v) Matrigel. The
(i.m.), free-floating within the peritoneal cavity, L929 cells were suspended in 15% Ficoll, only.
within the omentum or an omental / i.m. pouch and in Except for conformal coating (see below), encapsu-
the striatum. The nature of the tissue reaction lated hepatoma cells were intended for in vivo
depended on the implant site, duration of implanta- studies. Thus to minimize serum transfer with the
tion, the presence or absence of xenogeneic proteins cells, after trypsinization (and before encapsulation),
or other components (from the tissue culture serum, the washed cell pellet was suspended in Hormonally
the extracellular matrix or the cells themselves) and Defined Medium [HDM: PC-1E Low Protein
the mode of implantation — as free-floating capsules Serum-Free Liquid base medium containing PC-1E
suspended in PBS or as capsules embedded in an Sterile Supplement (Hycor Biomedical Inc., Irvine,
agarose disk. Here we summarize two studies, one CA, USA), 2 mM L-glutamine (Gibco), 100 U / ml
without agarose in an omental pouch and one with penicillin and 100 ng / ml streptomycin (Gibco)]
intraperitoneal implantation of agarose disks. before being suspended in 10% w / v Ficoll 400
(Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) in HDM. A similar
protocol was used with one series of experiments
2. Methods and materials with L929 cells, but with protein-free medium
2.1. Cells HEMA–MMA microcapsules, |400 mm in diam-
eter (e.g., 370617 mm by SEM), were prepared by
All cells were routinely maintained in antibiotic the submerged nozzle–liquid jet extrusion process as
(penicillin / streptomycin) and serum supplemented described elsewhere [16,29]. Temperature control
medium as specified by ATCC for each cell type. measures were required for inclusion of collagen or
The mouse myoblasts were transfected with calcium Matrigel in the capsule core. In order to prevent
M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186 177

gelation of the core solution prior to droplet forma- phosphate buffer (P-buffer)]. Non-encapsulated cells
tion, it was necessary to cool the syringe delivering were not tested, since the absence of a capsule
the cell suspension to the needle assembly. These precludes finding the cells for histological evalua-
measures were not needed for agarose. After wash- tion. Further details of the implantation and recovery
ing, capsules were maintained in HDM at 378C in a protocols are presented elsewhere [9].
humidified atmosphere of 5% CO 2 / 95% air for 8 Microcapsules containing transfected L929-SEAP
days before implantation. The cell counts were cells were also implanted 8 days post-encapsulation
performed with samples of |40 microcapsules; cap- intraperitoneally in male 5–6 week old ‘syngeneic’
sules were broken, the cells separated from the C3H mice (20–24 g, Charles River) through a 1–2
debris and the cells counted by hemocytometer. cm abdominal mid-line incision. The capsules were
separated into aliquots of 200 capsules, washed and
2.3. Conformal coating then embedded in a 3 mm thick agarose disk
consisting of either 5% (w / v) SeaPrep  (ultralow
HepG2 cells were cultured in suspension in 10 cm gelling, 400 g / cm 2 gel strength, 15 mm diameter
polystyrene petri dishes for 3–5 days and sponta- disk) or 4% (w / v) SeaPlaque  (low gelling, 1250
neously formed 50–400 mm spheroids. Liquids were g / cm 2 gel strength, 7 mm diameter disk); both
layered carefully in a 1.0 Ml tuberculin syringe products from FMC. Explantations were typically
(Becton Dickinson, NJ, USA) with a plunger, but performed on days 3, 10, and 21 post-implantation.
with the stem removed. With cell aggregates in the The agarose disk was transferred to fresh PBS and
top layer, the gradient was centrifuged at 100–500 g the capsules were released from the gel by cutting
for 5 to 10 min. Cell aggregates were removed from the gel apart with a surgical blade. The released
the gradient with a pasteur pipette into PBS or cell microcapsules were separated from the sliced aga-
medium for further curing and subsequent analysis. rose gel pieces and host tissue with a 70 mm nylon
The syringe was capped and then cut with centrifuge cell strainer and were transferred to the appropriate
tube cutters to expose the bottom layer so that the medium.
coated cell aggregates could be removed. For cell
aggregate coating, the gradient consisted of (from 2.5. Microscopy
bottom to top): 0.3 ml of an aqueous solution
consisting of 60% (w / w) glycerol, 0.05 ml 35% Tissue samples containing capsules and capsules
(w / w) polyvinyl pyrrolidone (M.W. 2.5 kD), 0.05 ml maintained in vitro were prepared for light micro-
10% (w / w) HEMA–MMA in PEG200, 0.05 ml pure scopy as previously described [9,28]. Serial cryostat
PEG200, 0.2 ml a-MEM1antibiotics110% fetal sections (5–8 mm in thickness) were stained with
bovine serum and 200–300 HepG2 cell aggregates. either aqueous toluidine blue [0.1% (w / v) in distilled
After coating, cells were fixed as below, gold coated water, BDH Chemicals, Toronto, Ontario, Canada],
and examined by SEM. Masson trichrome (Sigma Chemical Company) or
Harris haemotoxylin and alcoholic eosin (Sigma
2.4. Microcapsule implantation and recovery Chemical Company). Morphometric analysis of the
tissue reaction to capsules and the encapsulated cell
For omental pouch implants, an aliquot of 200 morphology was performed with Image 1 image
hepatoma cell capsules (8 days post-encapsulation) analysis software (Version 4.0, Universal Imaging
were washed with PBS and implanted into Wistar Corporation, West Chester, PA, USA) connected to a
rats (175–200 g, Charles River) in omental pouches Zeiss Axiovert microscope via a 3CCD Video Ca-
(200 capsules / pouch / rat) for 1, 4, 7, and 14 days. mera (Model DXC-930, Sony). The quantification
The capsules were recovered within the omental scheme is described elsewhere [9].
tissue into which they had been placed, washed with Confocal scanning laser images were obtained by
PBS and then fixed [3.5% (v / v) glutaraldehyde, EM staining conformally coated cells with 0.05 mg / ml
grade (Polysciences, Warrington, PA, USA), con- ethidium homodimer and 0.25 mg / ml of calcein AM
taining 2% (w / v) tannic acid in 0.1 M Sorenson’s (both from Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA) for
178 M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186

30 min in cell medium and then rinsing twice with conformally coated in a single HEMA–MMA mem-
PBS. Images represent an optical cross-section brane. Individual cells of the aggregates are visible
through the center of the coated cell aggregates and through a defect in the coating. Fig. 3 shows the
were obtained using an MRC-600 confocal scanning presence of a thin HEMA–MMA coating around
laser microscope. viable HepG2 cell aggregates shortly after passage
through the density gradient and exposure to the
organic components.
3. Results and discussion The gradient was modified to coat cells because
their specific gravity increased (to .1.18 g / ml) from
3.1. Conformal coating exposure to PEG200. Consequently, cell aggregates
were coated as they passed from the top of the
Fig. 2 shows two spherical HepG2 cell aggregates gradient to the bottom, and the coating interface

Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscope image of a thin conformal coating around HepG2 cell aggregates.
M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186 179

Fig. 3. Confocal scanning laser microscope images of conformally coated HepG2 cell aggregate indicating that the cell aggregates are viable
after being coated. Original colored image was digitized and converted to a grey-scale to permit publication.

became the interface between HEMA–MMA solu- 3.2. Effect of immobilization /attachment matrices
tion and the lower intermediate layer. The increase in
cell aggregate specific gravity indicated that the Cell growth in the presence and absence of a
PEG200 solvent dehydrated the cell aggregates. The matrix is shown in Fig. 4 for both HEK and C2C12
long-term effects on viability and function of this cells. Agarose immobilization was beneficial for
dehydration, as well as the rehydration that occurs in transfected HEK cells, while collagen or Matrigel
the precipitation layer, are being investigated. HepG2 were unable to preserve completely the viability of
spheroids cultured for coating were relatively dense encapsulated transfected C2C12 cells. Matrigel was
and tightly packed. The coating process, however, better than collagen, presumably, in part, because the
did not appear limited by minor differences in size, latter did not undergo contraction. In the absence of
shape, or packing of the HepG2 cell aggregates; the agarose, there was little change in cell number (per
process depended fundamentally on the presence of a capsule) for untransfected HEK cells, while the cell
‘particle’ to deform the coating interface. numbers for transfected ones decreased steadily. The
Conformal coating at a liquid–liquid interface number of live 293pHL9 cells decreased from |100
shows promise as a method to produce ultra-thin cells / capsule on day 1 to #20 cells / capsule 10 days
conformal coatings of synthetic polymers around post-encapsulation. Transfection had altered cell
small particles and cell aggregates. Whether the behavior so that viability could not even be main-
membrane has the necessary permselectivity to iso- tained. Within a day after encapsulation without
late cells from the immune system or whether the agarose, the free-floating individual cells had formed
coated cells maintain their functional attributes in a single aggregate within the core of the capsule. It
vivo are under investigation. appears that because poly(HEMA–MMA) does not
180 M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186

plateau value below 500 cells / capsule at the end of

the 28 day observation period.
The lack of cell adhesion to HEMA surfaces has
been well established. The formation of aggregates
by anchorage-dependent cells in a non-adhesive
environment has also been well documented and
described for tumour spheroids [17,18]. As tumour
spheroids grow in size, the presence of gradients of
critical nutrients and metabolic wastes cause de-
velopment of central necrosis while the cells on the
periphery consist of both proliferating and quiescent
cells. Within an aggregate, the core cells suffer from
a more limited access to the supply of nutrients
compared to the cells on the periphery. Thus, the
formation of a single aggregate in the capsule core
limited the number of cells that were able to thrive
within the poly(HEMA–MMA) microenvironment.
As a result, all the cell types (except the untransfect-
ed HEK) suffered a drastic loss in viability with the
passage of time and were not able to thrive based on
the cell–cell contacts that were established within the
Co-encapsulation with agarose not only main-
tained the viability of the encapsulated 293pHL9
cells, but also allowed for their proliferation. Im-
mobilization of the cells in agarose provided a
uniform distribution of the cells throughout the
capsule core. As a result, the diffusion of nutrients to
the cells was improved and remained unhindered by
the presence of any neighboring cells. Scanning
Fig. 4. Effect of co-encapsulated immobilization matrices on electron micrographs (not shown) suggested that the
encapsulated cell number in vitro. (a) HEK293 cells with (h) or proliferating aggregates existed within a milieu of an
without (d, j) 1% SeaPrep agarose. (b) C2C12 cells without a extracellular matrix. Thus, the agarose gel allowed
matrix (d) or with 1.5 mg / ml collagen (n) or 50% Matrigel (s).
the encapsulated cells to modulate their microen-
293, untransfected HEK cells; 293pHL9, transfected HEK293
cells; C2C12-hGH, transfected C2C12 cells. vironment by acting as a substrate for deposition of
extracellular proteins.
In the absence of a matrix, the encapsulated
support the adhesion of cells, the anchorage-depen- C2C12-hGH cells (and untransfected cells) also
dent HEK cells established cell–cell contacts in formed a single aggregate in the core of the capsule.
order to maintain viability. However, this was in- Here, however, the size of the aggregate (and the cell
sufficient to promote the proliferation of the untrans- count per capsule) decreased, indicating a progres-
fected HEK cells or, in the case of the transfected sive decline in the number of viable cells. Although
cells, to prevent cell death. In the presence of 1% collagen was a good substrate for the cells in
(w / v) ultralow gelling temperature SeaPrep agarose, conventional tissue culture, only |20% of the cells
however, the transfected HEK cells gave rise to a remained viable after 14 days. On the other hand,
multitude of aggregates within the gel through co-encapsulation with 50% (v / v) Matrigel at a cell
proliferation. The initial |200 cells / capsule doubled density of 5310 6 cells / ml improved the percentage
within 14 days after encapsulation and reached a of viable C2C12-hGH cells to |50% 21 days post-
M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186 181

encapsulation. While the collagen gels underwent onitrile–sodium methallylsulfonate)] fibres [25] and
significant contraction, the 50% (v / v) Matrigel ma- rat pheochromocytoma PC-12 cells have been used
trix did not. with precipitated chitosan in PAN–PVC fibres
It was expected that co-encapsulation of myoblasts [26,27]. Although agarose does not provide specific
with a collagen matrix, which supported the cultiva- sites for the adhesion of cells, it distributes the cells
tion of the cells in culture, would improve the more uniformly within the capsule core to reduce
viability of the encapsulated myoblasts by providing nutrient diffusion limitations.
specific sites of adhesion for the cells. However, the
collagen capsules were unsuccessful. The collagen 3.3. Microencapsulated hepatoma cells in vivo —
gel in the core of the capsules underwent contraction, omental pouch
and the majority of the live encapsulated cells
existed on the outer surface of the gel rather than Implanted into an omental pouch without an
within the core of the gel. The compaction of the agarose disk, microencapsulated rat hepatoma cells
encapsulated cells in a smaller volume within the (H4IIEC3) remained viable longer than did human
core decreases the local availability of nutrients and hepatoma cells (hepG2), although microencapsulated
increases the competition for the available nutrient cell viability was limited in both cases. Based on
supply. Thus, the improvement in local transport morphological characteristics, 25–50% of the mi-
kinetics of nutrients that is gained from a uniform croencapsulated rat hepatoma cells were viable at 7
distribution of the cells throughout the core of the days, while 25–50% viability was seen only up to
capsule by co-encapsulation with a matrix is negated. day 4 for the microencapsulated human hepatoma
Evidence from the preparation of hybrid muscular cells. As early as 4 days after implantation, both
tissues, where C2C12 cells were incorporated within types of microencapsulated cells showed signs of cell
collagen matrices, indicates that the contraction of degeneration.
the collagen matrix and geometrical considerations Human hepatoma cell viability and morphology in
that dictate the transport kinetics of nutrients com- microcapsules, 4 days in vivo, appeared to correlate
bine to determine the viability of the cells within the with the degree of vascularization of the tissue
matrix [19]. reaction in omental tissue. Microcapsules, within
On the other hand, the Matrigel matrices were not omental tissue, with a well vascularized tissue re-
contracted by the myoblasts. The preferential growth action (Fig. 5a), contained viable human hepatoma
(or rather reduced loss of viability) of the C2C12 cells (Fig. 5b), while those with poorly vascularized
cells in Matrigel may also be explained by the tissue reactions did not (Fig. 5c). This accelerated
presence of other extracellular matrix proteins in loss of viability (relative to what was seen in vitro) is
addition to collagen [20]. Unfortunately, the presence likely the consequence of the tissue reaction: the
of a mixture of mouse proteins limits the applicabili- additional diffusion limitations, the consumption of
ty of this matrix for in vivo implantations. nutrients by the granulation tissue or its production
There are several examples of inclusion of ex- of cytokines, reactive oxygen intermediates or pro-
tracellular or immobilization matrices in encapsula- teases. The critical feature is not known. The detailed
tion devices. These include co-encapsulation of characteristics of the host reaction are reported
transfected baby hamster kidney cells (BHK) secret- elsewhere [9].
ing human nerve growth factor (hNGF) with col- Despite the overall similarities, there were several
lagen in poly(acrylonitrile–vinyl chloride) (PAN– distinguishing characteristics of the tissue reactions
PVC) hollow fibre macrocapsules [21] and transfect- to microcapsules containing the two types of cells.
ed mouse Ltk – fibroblasts secreting human growth With human hepatoma cells tissue reaction thick-
hormone (hGH) with collagen in alginate–poly-L- nesses shifted to higher values than with the rat
lysine–alginate spherical microcapsule [22]. The use hepatoma cells. For example, at day 7 the median
of Matrigel in HEMA–MMA microcapsules is dis- thickness was 119 mm for HepG2 cell implants and
cussed in detail elsewhere [23,24]. Rat islets have 55 mm for the rat cells. Furthermore, there appeared
been encapsulated with agarose in AN69 [poly(acryl- to be more eosinophils associated with microcapsules
182 M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186

HepG2 cells survived entrapment within large [28]

and small diameter [30] HEMA–MMA capsules, and
were viable for up to 3 weeks when coencapsulated
with the cell attachment substrate Matrigel. Here,
they were implanted without Matrigel. H4IIEC3 cells
are a well differentiated rat hepatoma cell line [31–
33] derived from ACI rats [34,35]; they were used as
a model for allograft transplantation. Because of
differences in the rejection mechanism of allogeneic
and xenogeneic cells, it was expected that donor
differences would be apparent in the tissue reaction
to these microcapsules; such differences are detailed
elsewhere [9].
The tissue reaction that was seen was substantially
greater than that expected based on implants of
polymer alone (i.e., without cells) [36]. Care was
taken here to avoid the coencapsulated extracellular
matrix or the incubation with bovine serum proteins
which were thought to be important mediators of an
enhanced tissue response that was seen when these
(e.g., Matrigel) were used [25]. Nevertheless, avoid-
ing these xenogeneic proteins was not sufficient to
render the tissue reaction similar to that seen by the
polymer alone. We presume that the encapsulated
cells contributed to the tissue response through an
antigen shedding mechanism.
The original premise of immunoisolation was to
physically separate allogeneic or xenogeneic tissue
from the host immune system by preventing contact
with the host immune system. However, capsules
such as HEMA–MMA, which have a molecular
weight cut-off sufficient to exclude antibodies, do
not appear to prevent an immune response towards
antigens shed by the encapsulated cells. These
antigens may be foreign proteins secreted by the
cells including the therapeutic agent, cell surface
molecules (e.g., MHC molecules) shed as part of
Fig. 5. HEMA–MMA microcapsules, within omental tissue in normal behavior or cell components released upon
Wistar rats, with many vascular structures in the tissue reactions cell death. An immunological reaction against these
(a) at day 4, contained viable HepG2 cells, while those with
antigens may be produced via indirect antigen pre-
poorly vascularized tissue reactions contained necrotic cells.
Magnification: bar, 50 mm. Staining: Masson trichrome (a) and sentation (by host cells) [37] as the antigens per-
(b); hemotoxylin and eosin (c). meate through the polymer capsule wall. Antigen
shedding from microcapsules would sensitize the
host to the transplanted cells and initiate a cytotoxic
containing human cells as compared to microcap- tissue response to the implant, which would directly
sules containing rat cells. The human HepG2 cells compromise encapsulated cell viability and function.
were used here as the model cell for xenogeneic Such a reaction would be expected to be stronger the
transplantation. They have been used to show that greater the degree of discordance between the donor
M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186 183

and host, so that xenogeneic tissue would be more absence of an extracellular matrix) were implanted
likely to be destroyed than allogeneic tissue. intraperitoneally in C3H mice. Since the C3H mice
On the other hand, the tissue reaction may follow are syngeneic for L929 cells, the main reason for the
the loss of viability. In vitro, the nutrient levels and death of the encapsulated cells is the diffusion
pO 2 are high, while in vivo the capsules are packed limitations that arise upon implantation. The capsules
relatively closely together. The combination of lower were implanted as a suspension in PBS, but the
concentrations and effectively higher cell densities recovery was poor and most of the capsules were
exacerbates the competition for nutrients. Then the found deformed in shape and in larger agglomerates.
progressive loss of viability, due to starvation, may Cell viability was low. Implantations were then
result in the initiation of a stronger immune / in- performed by using agarose disks. The cell counts
flammatory response. Dispersing capsules in agarose per capsule at different explantation times are shown
may be a means of circumventing this problem. in Fig. 6 for both the low-strength, SeaPrep, and
higher-strength, SeaPlaque, disks. For the former
disks, the capsules were incubated in protein-free
3.4. Intraperitoneal implantation — use of agarose medium prior to implantation to reduce the potential
disks sources of an immune response against the implant.
Further details are provided elsewhere [38].
While the omental pouch facilitated the recovery One day prior to the implantations, i.e. day 7
of the capsules, the close proximity of the capsules post-encapsulation, there were 484633 live cells /
to each other led to capsule agglomeration. This in capsule. Within 3 days of implantation, the recovered
turn exacerbated the diffusion limitations that ulti- cell number had decreased to 378662 with the
mately led to premature cell death. In a subsequent lower-strength agarose and by 21 days there were
study, microencapsulated L929-SEAP cells (more virtually ,30 viable cells per capsule (in the few
robust than the hepatoma cells, especially in the capsules that could be recovered). Within 3 days, the

Fig. 6. Comparison of the effect of lower-strength SeaPrep agarose (5%) and higher-strength SeaPlaque agarose (4% ck percentages) on the
preservation of encapsulated L929-SEAP cell viability for 3 weeks of implantation in C3H mice. For the SeaPrep study, capsules were
maintained in protein-free and serum-free medium. For SeaPlaque, capsules were maintained in medium with serum.
184 M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186

lower-strength agarose gel (5% w / v SeaPrep) had sules were not completely enclosed since there was
physically disintegrated under the internal stresses of direct exposure of the microcapsule membranes with
the peritoneal cavity into pieces that were 100–200 their adsorbed serum proteins to the peritoneal fluid.
mm in size. By 21 days the agarose had completely One disadvantage of immobilization of the mi-
disappeared, and very few capsules were recovered. crocapsules in agarose is the introduction of a barrier
Those that were, were in the form of aggregates in addition to the poly(HEMA–MMA) membrane for
containing 15–90 microcapsules. Presumably be- diffusion of nutrients from the peritoneal fluid to the
cause the capsules were exposed directly to the encapsulated cells. It would be interesting to implant
stresses inside the peritoneal cavity, within 3 days unencapsulated cells in agarose so as to distinguish
the capsules lost their spherical geometry and had the effect of the agarose from that of the capsule. A
become flattened, but there were no signs of break- study of the viability and function of islets immobil-
age or tearing of the poly(HEMA–MMA) mem- ized in agarose gels showed that spherical implants
brane. The released microcapsules were surrounded were superior to tubular, and disk-shaped implants
by a single layer of host cells. The aggregation of the [39]. Optimization of the geometry and size of the
microcapsules and the presence of the fibrous tissue SeaPlaque agarose disk may lead to a further im-
presumably posed limitations on the diffusion of provement of the viability of the encapsulated cells.
nutrients to the encapsulated cells, especially within Similarly, strategies that increase the permeability of
microcapsules that were within the core of the the microcapsule membrane or the scaffold that is
aggregate. used to deliver the microcapsules may improve the
While the low-strength SeaPrep agarose was un- viability of the encapsulated cells.
successful in solving the deformation, aggregation,
and retrieval problems that were encountered, the
higher-strength SeaPlaque agarose proved to be more 4. Conclusions
useful. The higher-strength agarose gel was free of
any attachments to internal organs, remained stable Microencapsulation of mammalian cells is poten-
and intact at all explantation time points. The tially a powerful means of delivering therapeutically
physical stability of the gel in vivo resulted in a important molecules such as insulin. It can also have
complete recovery of all the implanted microcap- numerous applications as a platform for gene
sules. In addition, a significant majority of the therapy. However, realizing this potential has been
microcapsules maintained their spherical shape and more difficult than first anticipated. Small amounts
were free of any deformations. By prevention of of protein per cell necessitates high cell numbers.
their aggregation and deformation, it was possible to This, in turn, requires ultrasmall capsules such as
maintain viability of the implanted cells for at least those produced by conformal coating if the total
21 days. Nevertheless, a reduction in the number of device volume is to be kept small. Immobilization
viable cells / capsule was detected with the passage of matrices need to be added to the cells to minimize
time (Fig. 6), although the reduction was less than intercellular diffusion gradients, while specific ex-
for the low-strength agarose. Once the viable cells tracellular molecules may be needed to facilitate the
were released from retrieved microcapsules and growth of anchorage-dependent cells. Finally, the
regrown as monolayers, they expressed SEAP at a behavior of cells in vivo is critically dependent on
similar level to their encapsulated but non-implanted minimizing antigen shedding and on inhibiting the
counterparts [38]. At explantation, the agarose was corresponding presentation of these antigens in a
surrounded by a single layer of host cells. The host functional manner to host lymphocytes. This then
cells did not penetrate the agarose gel and their requires minimization of the host inflammatory
presence was restricted to the outer surface of the response and preservation of the viability of the
disk. These microcapsules had not been washed or encapsulated cells as well as minimization of the use
maintained in protein-free medium prior to implanta- of foreign proteins, for example in the serum or
tion. Hence, a more severe fibrous tissue reaction matrices used with the cells. The agarose disk
occurred on the side of some gels where microcap- technique may prove to be useful, if not in the actual
M.V. Sefton et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 65 (2000) 173 – 186 185

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