Digital Communications - Fundamentals & Applications (Q0) PDF

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Fig (1) Block Diagram of a Typical Digital Communication System.

Fig (2) 7-Bit American Standard Code for information Interchange


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Q\ If you want to transmit the word (THINK) using an 8-ary, 32-ary system,
encode this word into a sequence of bits using 6-bits ASCII coding, how many
total bits (bit stream) are there in the message?
A\ For 8-ary system: each symbol = 3 bits ↔ K = log2 8 = log 8 / log 2 = 3
For 32-ary system: each symbol = 5 bits ↔ K = log2 32 = log 32 / log 2 = 5
Message (Text): “THINK”

8-ary waveforms: s1(t) s2(t) s0(t) s4(t) s4(t) s4(t) s3(t) s4(t) s6(t) s4(t)

32-ary waveforms: s5(t) s1(t) s4(t) s17(t) s25(t) s20(t)

Total Bits = 6-bits * Number of characters = 6 * 5 = 30 bits.

Q\ what are the advantages of PCM?

A\ (1) Effect of channel noise and interference reduced.
(2) PCM permits regeneration of pulses along the transmission path (this
reduces noise interference).
(3) The bandwidth and signal to noise ratio are related by exponential law.
(4) Multiplexing of various PCM signals is easily possible.
(5) Encryption or decryption can easily incorporated for security purpose.

Q\ what are the disadvantages (Limitation) of PCM?

A\ (1) PCM Systems are complex compared to Analog pulse nodulation
(2) Increasing of channel bandwidth because of digital coding of analog

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Q\ what are the possible modifications of PCM?

A\ PCM can be:
(1) modified to delta modulation [more simplified method of implementation].
(2) used in wideband communication channels to overcome bandwidth
(3) Reduces the data rate and remove the redundancy (with the help of data
comparison along with PCM).

Q\ How can you reconstruct the signal of DPCM?

A\ (1) the decoder reconstructs the quantized error signal as shown in Fig (3).
(2) The quantized error
signals are summing up
with predication filter
output to give the
quantized version of the
original signal.
Fig (3) DPCM Receiver (Reconstruction of PCM).
(3) The signal at
(Receiver) differs from actual signal by quantization error [q(nTs)].
Q\ what is the difference between present sample and next sample?
Draw the scheme of redundant information in PCM.
A\ any signal does not change fast
(the value from present sample to
next sample does not differs by
large amount), the adjacent
samples of the signal carry the
same information with little
difference as shown in figure (4).
Fig (4) Redundant information in PCM.

Q\ Draw:
(a) Transfer characteristic of quantizer.
(b) Variation of quantization error with input.

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Fig (5B) Variation of quantization error with input.

Fig (5A) Transfer characteristic of quantizer.

Q\ Compare among PAM, PWM and PPM.

Sr. Pulse Amplitude Modulation Pulse Width (Duration) Pulse Position Modulation
No. (PAM) Modulation (PWM/PDM) (PPM)

Amplitude of pulse is Width of pulse is proportional The relative position of pulse

(1) proportional to amplitude of to amplitude of modulating is proportional to amplitude
modulating signal signal of modulating signal

Bandwidth of transmission Bandwidth of transmission Bandwidth of transmission

(2) channel depends on width of channel depends on rise time of channel depends on rising
the pulse the pulse time of the pulse

Instantaneous power of Instantaneous power of Instantaneous power of

(3) transmitter varies with transmitter varies with transmitter remains constant
amplitude of pulses (amplitude with width) of pulses with width of pulses

(4) High Noise interference Minimum Noise interference Minimum Noise interference

(5) Complex system Simple system Simple system

(6) Similar to (AM) Similar to (FM) Similar to (PM)


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Q\ what is the relationship between pulse duration and frequency spectrum?

A\ Pulse duration (T) varies inversely with frequency spectrum shape
according to the equation:
T= [increasing of (T) will decreases (f) and vice versa).

Example (1): Calculate the bandwidth required to transmit (5) signals having
a maximum frequency of (2 kHz) using TDM system.
Solution: BT = N * W= (5) (2 kHz) = 10 kHz

Example (2): For the analog signal: s (t) = 2 cos(100πt) + 18 cos(2000πt)

determine the allowable sampling rate and sampling interval.
Solution: take the highest [18 cos(2000πt)]
2πf t = 2000πt → fm = 2000/2 = 1000 Hz = 1kHz
fs ≥ 2fm ≥ 2 (1kHz) ≥ 2kHz → Ts = 1/fs = 1/2kHz = 0.5 msec

Example (3): A binary channel with bit rate of (36 kbps) is available for PCM
voice transmission (W=3.4kHz); evaluate the Nyquist sampling rate,
recommended sampling rate, the number of quantization levels, the
transmission bandwidth, and the number of binary digits in PCM encoder.
fs ≥ 2fm ≥ 2W ≥ 2 (3.4kHz) ≥ 6.8kHz [N.Q sampling rate = recommended]
BT = r = 36kbps /2 = 18kHz [Transmission bandwidth]
r = v * fs → v = r/fs = 36kbps/6.8kHz ≈ 5 bits/sample [No. of binary digits]
q = 2v = 25 = 32 [No. of quantized levels]

Example (4): Audio signals having bandwidth up to (15kHz) are recorded

digitally using PCM. If the audio signal is sampled at a rate (20%) more than
the Nyquist rate for practical considerations and the samples are quantized
into (65536 levels), determine the minimum bandwidth required to transmit
the PCM signal.
fs ≥ 2fm ≥ 2W ≥ 2 (15kHz) ≥ 30kHz [At 100% sampling rate]
fs (120%) = (120/100) fs = 1.2 (30kHz) = 36kHz [(20%) more than the N.Q rate]
q = 2v → v = log (q) / log (2) = log (65536) / log (2) = 16 bits/sample
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
BT = r= [v * fs (120%)] = [16 * 36kHz] = 288kHz
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐

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Example (5): The information in analog signal having maximum frequency of

(3kHz) is required to be transmitted using (16) quantization levels in PCM
system. Find the number of bits per sample and minimum sampling rate
required for PCM transmission.
q = 2v → v = log (q) / log (2) = log (16) / log (2) = 4 bits/sample
fs (min) ≥ 2fm ≥ 2W ≥ 2 (3kHz) ≥ 6kHz [Minimum sampling rate required]

Example (6): A (6-bit) single-channel PCM system gives an output

transmission data rate of (60 kbps), what could be the maximum possible
analog frequency for this system?
Solution: r = v * fs → fs = r/v = 60kbps/6 = 10kHz
fs ≥ 2fm → fmax = fs/2 = 10kHz/2 = 5kHz [maximum possible analog frequency]

Example (7): Consider the maximum frequency of an analog information

signal is (3.2 kHz). A binary channel of bit rate (36kbps) is available for PCM
voice transmission. Compute the minimum sampling frequency, number of
bits required per sample, and number of quantized levels.
Solution: fs ≥ 2fm ≥ 2W ≥ 2 (3.2kHz) ≥ 6.4kHz [minimum sampling frequency]
r = v * fs → v = r/fs = 36kbps/6.4kHz ≈ 5 bits/sample [No. of binary digits]
q = 2v = 25 = 32 [No. of quantized levels]

Example (8): Consider an analog signal: x(t) = 3 cos(500πt).

Evaluate the signal-to-noise power ratio using (10-bit) PCM system.
Solution: ( )dB = (1.8 + 6v)dB = 1.8 + (6)(10) = 1.8 + 60 = 61.8 dB
Example (9): Determine the step size for a quantized PAM signal whose peak
voltages are (+16.8V) & (-22.4V), assuming 16-bit PCM code for each sample.
Solution: q = 2v = 216 = 65536 , 𝜺max = |𝜹/2|
vp-p = 2|xmax| = [16.8 - (-22.4)]V = 39.2V
𝜺max = 2|xmax| / q = 39.2V/65536 = 0.6mV (maximum quantization error)
∴ Step size: 𝜹 = 2 * 𝜺max = 2 (0.6mV) = 1.2 mV

Example (10): 24 telephone channels, each band limited to (3.4kHz), are to be

time division multiplexed by using PCM. Calculate the bandwidth of the
PCM system for (128) quantization levels and an (8kHz) sampling frequency.

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Solution: q = 2v → v = log (q) / log (2) = log (128) / log (2) = 7 bits/sample
BT = N * r = N * v * fs = (24) (7) (8kHz) = 1344kHz = 1.344MHz

)q( ‫) وعدد المستويات‬fs( ‫) وتردد النمذجة‬N( ‫ عندما يتوفر في السؤال قنوات متعددة للنقل‬:‫مالحظة‬
.)BT = r( ‫) بدالً من القانون‬BT = N * r = N * v * fs( ‫فيجب أن نستخدم قانون عرض الحزمة‬
Example (11): The analog signal has a bandwidth of (1kHz) and an
amplitude range of [(-10) to (+10)]V is to be transmitted over 16-levels PCM
system. If the average power is (20mW), determine the:
(a) number of bits per symbol. (b) bit rate and bandwidth. (c) S/N.
(d) maximum quantization error and percentage of accuracy.
Solution: (a) q = 2v → v = log (q) / log (2) = log (16) / log (2) = 4 bits/symbol
(b) fs ≥ 2W ≥ 2 (1kHz) ≥ 2kHz ; r = v * fs = 4 * (2kHz) = 8kHz
(c) ( )dB = (4.8 + 6v)dB = 4.8 + (6)(4) = 4.8 + 24 = 28.8 dB
(d) 𝜺max = 2|xmax| / q = 2(10)V/16 = 20/16 = 1.25V = Accuracy
∴ Percentage of accuracy = 𝜺max * 100% = (1.25) (100)% = 125%

Q\ Choose the correct branch:

Q1: Identify which process of sampling in pulse code modulation is known as
(A) Analog modulation (B) Impulse modulation
(C) Digital modulation (D) Quadrature amplitude modulation.

Q2: Choose the sampling rate at which the amplitude of the analog speech
signal is sampled in standard digital voice communication systems
(A) 1600 Samples/sec (B) 3200 Samples/sec
(C) 6400 Samples/sec (D) 8000 Samples/sec

Q3: Select the appropriate Nyquist sampling rate when an analog signal
having highest frequency of (1630Hz) and lowest frequency of (250Hz)
(A) 1630 Hz (B) 1880 Hz (C) 2760 Hz (D) 3260 Hz

Q4: A continuous time signal is represented by [s(t) = 8 cos(200πt)].

The minimum sampling rate to avoid aliasing should be
(A) 100 Hz (B) 200 Hz (C) 400 Hz (D) 800 Hz

Q5: Statement I: In uniform quantizers, step size remains same throughout

the amplitude range of the input analog signal. Statement II: The process of

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companding allows binary codes to be compressed, thereby reducing

transmission time and bandwidth requirements
(A) Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect.
(B) Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect.
(C) Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct.
(D) Both statements are correct.

Q6: In ___________________, the code used for each sample is based on the
difference between successive samples rather than samples themselves
(A) Differential pulse code modulation. (B) Delta modulation.
(C) Delta-sigma modulation. (D) Adaptive delta modulation.

Q7: To avoid slope overload distortion in delta modulation, which one of the
following relationship between the sampling rate (fs), the maximum
frequency (fm), the maximum amplitude of the input sinusoidal signal (Vm),
and the step-size (𝜹) is correct
𝟐𝛑𝐟𝐦 𝛅 𝟐𝛑𝐟𝐦 𝐕𝐦 𝟐𝛑𝐕𝐦 𝟐𝛑𝐟𝐦
(A) fs ≥ ( ) (B) fs ≥ ( ) (C) fs ≥ ( ) (D) fs ≥ ( )
𝐕𝐦 𝛅 𝐟𝐦 𝛅 𝐕𝐦 𝛅

Q8: Statement I: The (S/N) performance of DM is better than PCM by more

than (3dB). Statement II: For same quality of transmission, the bit rate
needed for DM is much higher than by PCM
(A) Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect.
(B) Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct.
(C) Both statements are correct.
(D) Both statements are incorrect.

Q9: Slope overload is a large difference between the original and replicated
delta modulation signals. It can be avoided by using
(A) Uniform step size. (B) Non-uniform step size.
(C) Adaptive step size. (D) Non-adaptive step size.

Q10: PCM using at the standard transmission bit rate of (64kbps) requires
(A) (4kHz) channel bandwidth for transmission of digitized voice signals.
(B) (8kHz) channel bandwidth for transmission of digitized voice signals.
(C) (32kHz) channel bandwidth for transmission of digitized voice signals.
(D) (64kHz) channel bandwidth for transmission of digitized voice signals.

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