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Wolf Motor Function Test for Characterizing Moderate to

Severe Hemiparesis in Stroke Patients
Timea M. Hodics, MD, Kyle Nakatsuka, Bhim Upreti, MD, Arun Alex, MD, Patricia S. Smith, PT, PhD,
John C. Pezzullo, PhD
ABSTRACT. Hodics TM, Nakatsuka K, Upreti B, Alex A, Key Words: Hemiparesis; Methods; Rehabilitation; Stroke.
Smith PS, Pezzullo JC. Wolf Motor Function Test for charac- © 2012 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation
terizing moderate to severe hemiparesis in stroke patients. Arch Medicine
Phys Med Rehabil 2012;93:1963-7.
Objective: To extend the applicability of the Wolf Motor
Function Test (WMFT) to describe the residual functional
abilities of moderate to severely affected stroke patients.
S TROKE IS A LEADING cause of long-term disability in
1 2
the United States and worldwide. Among the 795,000
Americans who have a stroke annually, about 60% to 70%
Design: Data were collected as part of 2 double-blind, sham- 3-5
have initial upper extremity paresis. Only 15% of all acute
controlled, randomized interventional studies: the Transcranial stroke patients who enter rehabilitation for upper extremity
Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in Chronic Stroke Recovery weakness ever regain full useful function of their limbs,6 while
and the tDCS Enhanced Stroke Recovery and Cortical Reor- 63% of those with severe upper extremity hemiparesis are
ganization. Stroke patients were evaluated with the upper ex- discharged to institutionalized care.7 With such a bleak outlook
tremity Fugl-Meyer (UFM) and the WMFT in the same setting for stroke patients, the promise of even partial recovery of
before treatment. upper extremity function has inspired dedicated study of new
Setting: University inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient therapies.
clinic. Evaluating the effectiveness of interventional therapy to
Participants: Stroke patients (N⫽32) with moderate to severe improve upper extremity weakness requires a sensitive and
hemiparesis enrolled in the tDCS in Chronic Stroke Recovery reliable assessment of functional activity in addition to evalu-
and the tDCS Enhanced Stroke Recovery and Cortical Reor- ation of the impairment.8 One valid and commonly used as-
ganization studies. sessment tool of upper extremity functional ability is the mod-
Interventions: Not applicable. ified version of the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT).9-13
Main Outcome Measures: WMFT scores were calculated us- The modified WMFT tests a broad range of upper extremity
ing (1) median performance times and (2) a new calculation function through 2 strength measurements and a series of 15
using the mean rate of performance. We compared the distri- functional tasks that progress from simple movements in prox-
bution of values from the 2 methods and examined the WMFT- imal joint areas to complex movements in distal joint areas.
UFM correlation for the traditional and the new calculation. Each of the 15 tasks is timed to completion, up to a maximum
Results: WMFT rate values were more evenly distributed of 120 seconds. Functional ability subscores represent the
across their range than median WMFT time scores. The asso- quality of the movement during the performance of these
ciation between the WMFT rate and UFM was as good as the functional tasks. WMFT was found to be a valid and reliable
association between the median WMFT time scores and UFM measure of upper extremity function in mild9,10,13 to moder-
(Spearman ␳, .84 vs ⫺.79). ately involved12,14 subjects, with high test-retest and interrater
Conclusions: The new WMFT mean rate of performance is reliability.15 High correlation between the WMFT and upper
valid and a more sensitive measure in describing the functional extremity Fugl-Meyer (UFM) scores established the criterion
activities of the moderate to severely affected upper extremity validity of WMFT in mild10 and moderately14 impaired stroke
of stroke subjects and avoids the pitfalls of the median WMFT patients. In these prior tests, UFM was chosen as the criterion
time calculations. test because it is a validated test that measures multijoint upper
extremity function reliably after stroke.16-18
There is a pressing need for using a similar time-based,
reliable, and sensitive functional motor measurement for the
From the Departments of Neurology and Neurotherapeutics (Hodics, Upreti, Alex),
and Physical Therapy (Smith), University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX; STEM-
assessment of moderate to severely impaired stroke patients,
PREP Program, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX (Nakatsuka); and Depart- especially early after the stroke when deficits are more se-
ment of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, DC (Pezzullo). vere,12 or for those chronic stroke patients who did not recover
Presented in part in a poster format to the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, well during the course of their customary rehabilitation ther-
CA, November 13-17, 2010.
Supported by the National Institutes of Health NICHD (The Eunice Kennedy
apy. However, the numerical characteristics of WMFT time
Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) (grant no. data present several distinct problems when applied to severely
5K23HD050267) and the Mobility Foundation, Dallas, TX (grant no. 50921). affected subjects. First, task times do not even remotely ap-
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research proximate a normal distribution, precluding the use of many
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organi-
zation with which the authors are associated.
classical statistical analyses (eg, analysis of variance). Second,
Clinical Trial Registration Nos: NCT00085657, NCT01014897.
Correspondence to Timea M. Hodics, MD, Dept of Neurology and Neurothera-
peutics, University of Texas Southwestern, Director of Stroke Recovery Program,
5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas TX, 75390, e-mail: Timea.Hodics@ List of Abbreviations Reprints are not available from the author.
In-press corrected proof published online on Jun 26, 2012, at UFM upper extremity Fugl-Meyer
0003-9993/12/9311-01117$36.00/0 WMFT Wolf Motor Function Test

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, November 2012


Table 1: Subject Characteristics

(Chronic ⫺ Acute)
Characteristic Acute Study Chronic Study (95% CI) P Pooled

No. of subjects (women) 20 (12) 12 (4) NA NA 32 (16)

Age (y) 62.3⫾11.7 (31–79) 56.2⫾9.0 (40–72) ⫺6.1 (⫺13.6 to 1.4) .11 59.6⫾11.2 (31–79)
Time poststroke 8.2⫾3.7d (5–15d) 16.9⫾10.8mo (7–44mo) NA NA 6.3⫾10.3mo (5d to 44mo)
NIHSS 7⫾3.2 (2–14) 3.9⫾3.4 (1–11) ⫺3.1 (⫺4.3 to ⫺1.9) .02 5.9⫾3.6 (1–14)
UFM 24.5⫾15.6 (4–54) 31.3⫾14.4 (12–53) 6.8 (⫺4.3 to 17.9) .22 27.6⫾15.5 (4–54)
WMFT rate 7.6⫾9.3 (0–31.8) 16.1⫾19.5 (2.3–70.9) 8.5 (⫺3.7 to 20.7) .18 10.8⫾14.3 (0–70.9)
WMFT time (s) 69.7⫾57.1 (2.4–120) 64.2⫾53.8 (2.3–120) ⫺5.5 (⫺46.5 to 35.5) .79 67.7⫾55.1 (2.3–120)

NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD (range) or as otherwise indicated. Acute and chronic study participants had similar ages and motor deficits.
Means, SDs, range of values, and CIs are shown. The NIHSS showed that the acute stroke study participants had a slightly higher multidomain
impairment level because of deficits other than upper extremity weakness. We compared numerical values using a 2-sample t test.
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; NA, not applicable; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.

a floor effect prevents the accurate representation of the per- upper extremities, and had no other neurologic disease. Addi-
formance of severely impaired subjects who cannot complete at tional inclusion criteria included age of 18 to 80 years with a
least half the tasks9,12,14; the median time becomes 120 seconds UFM score ⬍60, a Modified Ashworth Scale score of ⬍3, and
regardless of how well subjects performed on the tasks that a hand/wrist Medical Research Council Scale score of ⱖ1.
they were able to complete. This is particularly troublesome Subjects were excluded for the following: more than 1 symp-
because it underlines the inability of the median to quantify tomatic stroke, bilateral motor impairment, history of substance
overall changes in performance in moderate to severely im- abuse, psychiatric illness (severe depression, poor motivation)
paired subjects in response to treatment. Using mean task- or serious cognitive deficits, severe language disturbance, se-
completion times instead of median times does use data from vere uncontrolled medical problems, pregnancy, pacemaker,
all 15 tasks, but is also problematic because of the third metallic implants in the head, antiadrenergic medication, and
problem, the arbitrary 120-second limit, which introduces a seizure disorder. All subjects provided informed consent to the
correspondingly arbitrary amount of skewing into the calcula- studies’ institutional review board–approved procedures.
tions. Subjects were 16 women and 16 men (N⫽32) (table 1).
To offer a solution, we propose to calculate WMFT mea- Because subjects were taken from 2 different studies, the time
surements as rate of performance, where we calculate “how since onset of stroke fell within 5 to 15 days (acute study) or
many times would a person have completed the task had he or ⬎3 months (chronic study). The 2 groups were not different
she been performing it continuously for 60 seconds.” That is, from each other in age or upper extremity weakness as mea-
we are proposing a simple reciprocal transformation of task- sured by the UFM or the WMFT (see table 1). One subject
time data into task-rate data: from the chronic study group was excluded from the current
analysis because of a preexisting Dupuytren contracture on the
Task Rate ⫽ 60 (s) ⁄ Performance Time (s) fourth and fifth fingers of his affected hand that had decoupled
If an individual could not perform the action in 120 seconds, his UFM and WMFT scores. Our subjects’ arm function ranged
we propose assigning a score of 0, signifying the inability of from those who could not use the paretic arm even in a
the subject to perform a task. We also propose calculating the supportive role, to those who could use the affected arm and
overall WMFT value as the simple average (arithmetic mean) hand with some adaptive equipment or other supports. Sixteen
of the rates of the 15 time-based functional tasks. By replacing of our 32 patients could perform less than half of the WMFT
the arbitrarily assigned 120-second time score with a zero rate timed tasks.
score, which is perfectly meaningful for subjects unable to
complete a task, we can use the mean of timed measurements Test Administration
to sensitively detect variability among severely affected sub- The UFM and WMFT were both administered in the same
jects. By the central limit theorem, the mean of a set of session by a trained tester who was unaware of the purpose of
numbers will be more normally distributed than the individual this study. For the UFM, the tester gave clear instructions and
numbers, and this approach to normality will tend to be much demonstrations for testing flexor synergy, extensor synergy,
faster when nonperformance is signified by the reasonable movement combining synergies, movement out of synergy,
value zero than when it is signified by the large and arbitrary wrist function, hand function, and coordination/speed. The
value of 120. subjects first performed the movement with their nonaffected
This study investigates the validity of calculating mean limb, and then performed each of the tested movements with
WMFT performance rates in moderate to severely affected their affected limb 3 times. The highest scoring movement of 3
stroke subjects as compared with the standard median perfor- attempts was recorded for each movement, save for the coor-
mance times of the WMFT. dination/speed test, which was performed only once. In the
same session, the tester administered the modified version of
METHODS WMFT15 that included 2 strength measures (grip strength,
weight-lifting ability) and 15 functional tasks progressing from
Participants simple movements in proximal joints (ie, lifting forearm, ex-
Subjects from 2 double-blind interventional stroke studies tending elbow) to complex tasks in distal joints (ie, flipping
were included for this study if they had sustained a single cards, lifting a pencil) using only the affected limb.14 Use of the
symptomatic ischemic stroke affecting motor function in the less affected arm was allowed only for the bimanual task of

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, November 2012


Chronic Study Median WMFT Time Chronic Study Mean WMFT Rate

50 50

40 40
UFM Score

UFM Score
30 30

20 20

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Median WMFT Time (sec) Mean WMFT Rate (/min)
Acute Study Median WMFT Time Acute Study Mean WMFT Rate

50 50

40 40
UFM Score

UFM Score

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Median WMFT Time (sec) Mean WMFT Rate (/min)

Pooled (Acute + Chronic) Study Median WMFT Time Pooled (Acute + Chronic) Study Mean WMFT Rate

50 50

40 40
UFM Score

UFM Score

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Median WMFT Time (sec) Mean WMFT Rate (/min)

Fig 1. Scatter charts demonstrate consistent relationship between the WMFT mean rate of performance and UFM. Scatterplots of median task times
(on the left) and mean rates of performance (on the right) from the WMFT versus UFM scores from the chronic study (first row), acute study (second row),
and the combined dataset (third row). Each graph contains a locally weighted scatterplot smoothing line superimposed on the data points. Please note
that shorter task-completion times indicate better performance for the median time data; therefore, the sign of correlation is reversed.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, November 2012


folding a towel.14 Tables were premarked to indicate object Table 3: Subgroup Analysis by Severity of Impairment
placement, and subjects were given clear verbal instructions 0–25 UFM ⬎25 UFM 0–25 vs ⬎25
and demonstrations for each task to ensure understanding and Severity Group (n⫽17) (n⫽14) UFM
best effort. Subjects first performed the movement with their
Median time vs UFM ␳⫽–.49 ␳⫽–.74 P⫽.32
nonaffected limb, and then performed each of the tested move-
Mean rate vs UFM ␳⫽.78 ␳⫽.68 P⫽.59
ments with their affected limb twice, before moving on to the
next item on the test. The mean of the 2 measurements was NOTE. Median WMFT times have a floor effect in the weaker sub-
calculated for each test item for both the median and the mean jects that is reflected by the adjusted Spearman correlation coeffi-
rate values. The UFM was administered once, followed by the cient of –.49. (Adjustment was made for the “ties”: 14 of 17 scored
WMFT. 120 total score.) On the other hand, mean WMFT rate calculation
showed as good correlation in the weaker subject subgroup as in the
less impaired subgroup. Differences between the groups (third col-
Data Analysis umn) did not reach statistical significance because of the small
Timed task-completion data were analyzed using the stan- sample size.
dard median time calculation and also the new calculation,
which consisted of calculating the rate of task performance
over 60 seconds (60/performance time). Subjects unable to not statistically significant (P⫽.60 Fisher r to z, 2 tailed). The
complete a task within 120 seconds were given a rate of 0. acute and chronic studies showed similar correlation coeffi-
To determine the criterion validity of the rate-of-perfor- cients.
mance calculation, we calculated the correlation coefficient We performed an exploratory subgroup analysis on the rel-
(Spearman ␳) between the WMFT mean performance rate data ative strength of correlation between the median WMFT time
and the UFM data and compared it to the corresponding coef- scores and UFM and the mean WMFT rate scores and UFM
ficient between the WMFT median performance time data and (table 3). The mean WMFT rate of performance correlated well
the UFM, in this moderate to severely affected group. We used with the UFM in the lower functioning individuals, producing
the Spearman correlation because the median WMFT time a similar Spearman ␳ as in the higher functioning subjects.
values were not normally distributed. We fitted locally Sixteen subjects had a score of 120 on the median time score,
weighted scatterplot smoothing lines to the scatterplots to eval- but only 5 of them scored 0 on the new scale.
uate the relative merits of each calculation. Exploratory sub-
group analysis according to severity groups was carried out. DISCUSSION
We compared the correlation coefficients between the mea- This study extends the applicability of the WMFT, a widely
sures by the standard method using the Fisher r-to-z transfor- used stroke functional outcome measure, to describe the resid-
mation. ual functional abilities of moderate to severely affected stroke
Statistical analyses were carried out using the statistical/ patients.9,14 We report Spearman correlation coefficient results
graphical software packages R version 2.14.0a and SigmaPlot in the weaker stroke patients that are comparable to those
version 12.0.b previously reported in studies that examined higher functioning
stroke patients (Wolf et al,9 ⫺.54 to ⫺.68 in 19 patients;
RESULTS Whitall et al,14 ⫺.69 to ⫺.89 in a mild to moderate severity
The scatterplots shown in figure 1 show that when median group).
times and mean rates of performance are plotted against UFM Our criterion validity (concurrent validity) tests show an
scores, median time data points segregate into 2 distinct areas acceptable degree of correlation between mean performance
on the graph, agreeing with a fitted line only at the upper and rate data and the Fugl-Meyer Assessment; in fact, the Spear-
lower ends of WMFT performance. On the other hand, the man ␳ correlation test shows as good or slightly better corre-
mean rate-of-performance data are more evenly distributed lation between UFM and mean WMFT performance rate than
across the range of the data (see fig 1). The association between between UFM and median WMFT performance time, and this
WMFT and UFM was more clearly discernible when WMFT holds true for the weakest patients also.
was displayed as mean rate rather than median time. Comparison of correlation coefficients is of limited useful-
The correlation between UFM and WMFT (table 2) was ness in assessing the relative merits of the 2 methods of
overall slightly better with the mean performance rate data than expressing WMFT scores. Such calculation is usually reserved
with the median performance time data, but the difference was for independent datasets that limits its applicability to this
situation. In addition, the WMFT-UFM relationship may not be
linear, and the WMFT times are not even roughly normally
Table 2: Correlation Between UFM Data and WMFT Median and The main advantages of using mean rates instead of median
Rate Data times come from (1) the ability to use times from all 15 timed
Median Mean tasks, even for subjects who can perform only fewer than half
Outcome Measure WMFT Time WMFT Rate of them; (2) the more uniform spread of mean times across
their range; (3) minimizing the impact of the “floor effect”; and
Acute (n⫽20) ␳⫽–.76 ␳⫽.81
(4) the elimination of the arbitrary 120-second scores. It is most
Chronic (n⫽11) ␳⫽ⴚ.90 ␳⫽.95
telling to examine the scatter charts of median WMFT times
Pooled (n⫽31) ␳⫽ⴚ.79 ␳⫽.84
versus UFM scores, in which the times tend to be segregated
Chronic vs acute P⫽.26 P⫽.12
into a nearly dichotomous pattern, with all the actual comple-
NOTE. Spearman correlation coefficients are shown to validate the tion times near the left side of the graph and all the “120-
median WMFT timed test data and the mean WMFT rate data against second” noncompletion times at the right side. In contrast,
the UFM scores of the chronic study subjects, the acute study sub- scatter charts of mean performance rates versus UFM score
jects, and from a combined pool of all subjects from the acute and
chronic study (P⬍.001 for all correlation coefficients). Please note
data points show rates evenly distributed throughout their
that shorter task-completion times indicate better performance for range, indicating a more consistent relationship with UFM, and
the median time data; therefore, the sign of correlation is reversed. a more smoothly graded measure of performance, that renders

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, November 2012


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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, November 2012

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