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Research Question

1. What was so important that the government had to hide the information from

2. The investigation is on why Japanese bombing of Darwin has been censored and why
the government had to hide the event. Was there a warning that was ignored or did
someone tell the government to keep quiet.

3. The aims of the investigation are to find out while the bombing was censored, why the
Australian government hid the news from everyone and what was so important that
they had to hide the information. Also, to find out if they were forced to hide the news
from civilians.

4. It is important to know what happened, how and why the bombing occurred, what
caused the Japanese to attack that part of Australia and what caused them to bomb

Action Plan
- Who planned the bombing
- What caused the bombing to occur?
- What happened
- What was the impact
- Why did the Australian government censor the information?

Provide a brief description of each source and its usefulness in answering the focus questions.
Include the sources and a brief description of each source.

Sources Usefulness

History Books (from our school library). The books on Australian history and
Australia’s part in World War I and II
were extremely helpful because they
went in depth about the subject.

Interviews from Historians and Obviously, information coming from

documentaries. someone who has studied the subject
thoroughly, is likely to be more accurate
and more believable. Watching
Photographs (extracted from jacaranda, Photographs were most probably the
articles, magazines etc.) most helpful because we can first hand
see from a different perspective.

4. Create a Reference list of all the sources used for your research.





1. Discuss the implications of publishing the accurate account of what happened
in Darwin to the public.

Many things could go exceedingly wrong, for example; residents could get very
frightened and Darwin's economy could face massive inconveniences, it could ruin
Darwin's reputation. However, there is a plus side, things could also become better.
Residents could take more precaution; other countries could help Darwin and
residents would want to help their country as well.

2. Propose three reasons to the editor on whether your report should be

published or censored.

My report should be published because of the following reasons -

1. To raise awareness
2. Residents need to know what is happening around them (unfiltered)
3. It could benefit the country (Darwin) in many ways.

3. What were some issues that occurred during your research?

We encountered issues an infrequent amount of times but when we did, the information
was usually false and/or didn’t match all of our already recorded information.

4. Reflect on how you could have minimized those issues and improve your
action plan.

In my opinion, if we were to start earlier and pay more attention to the actual ‘action plan’ itself
then we would have more information and would be able to consider more topics and we would
have further ‘detailed in depth’ pieces of research. This is a way we would minimise the issues
and improve our action plan as a whole.

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