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Jaimini SJC

A Vedic Astrology resource based in Frederiksberg, Denmark: devoted to the teaching and practice of
Vedic Astrology.

An audio lecture on selecting the appropriate colors for a person to wear.
This includes:
- Grahas and colors
- Rasis and colors
- Varnada lagna and colors
- Arudha lagna and selecting the appropriate colors.

Colours and Jyotisha: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Posted in 2007, Basic principles, Jaimini SJC | RSS 2.0

16 Responses to “Colours”
1. Louis Says:
June 11th, 2007 at 2:37 am

Great pictures Visti! Especially Garuda,Awesome!!!

Peace, louis

2. Sharat Says:
June 12th, 2007 at 8:25 pm

||Namah Shivaya||
Dear Visti,
Do the Rasi colours work in Vargas say like in Dasamsa? Have you tried that?
You did mention about using rasi coloUr of 7 th from UL for meetings, how about interviews say for
Thanks and regards,

3. Visti Larsen Says:

June 12th, 2007 at 10:33 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

1 af 7 18-03-2009 21:34 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Dear Sharat, Namaskar

They should work in Vargas, just as Gemstones also work in divisional charts.

You could use the same colour, but the colour of the Varnada lagna is much better suited for
this purpose.
Yours, Visti.

4. Ashish Says:
June 21st, 2007 at 11:21 am

Dear Visti,
Namaskar, In the lecture you made a comment about Lagnesh and Atmakara not supporting each
other or Lagnesha rejecting Atmakaraka. I attach the data of my daughter she is very little right now
but her Lagnesha Mars is in 3rd House Capricorn and the Atmakarak is Saturn in Cancer, 9th
Please let shed some more light on this and if this might result in any potential health problems, i am
also worried about the Ma-Sa Yoga which is on lagnesha.
ate: March 5, 2007
Time: 0:32:00
Time Zone: 0:00:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 0 W 34′ 30″, 51 N 31′ 59″
Best Regards,

5. Visti Larsen Says:

June 22nd, 2007 at 11:09 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Ashish, Namaskar
This is an exact case of what I was talking about. This can give excess tightness of the nerves
as Mars rules the Majja dhatu, along with similar nerve problems. Don’t encourage her to eat
bitter foods, nor spicy foods (no chili). Keep most of the foods mild in taste and encourage her
to drink lots of water.
In addition ensure that every year until her ninth year, make sure the Rudrabhisheka is
performed on her birth-nakshatra-day.
This is a powerful and fool-proof method of ensuring the child the best of health for their
The problems seem to be manifesting mainly after 18 years of age in the third Shoola dasa
which is along the cap/can axis.

Yours, Visti

6. Ashish Says:
June 22nd, 2007 at 11:47 am

Dear Visti,

Thanks a lot fo your reply, I will find out more about Rudrabhishekha and perform it.
I think would need to consult astrologers later when she is near to 18.
Warm Regards,


2 af 7 18-03-2009 21:34 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

7. Sourav Says:
August 4th, 2007 at 5:31 am

Dear Visti-ji,
namaskar and Pranaam. I have a question:

Suppose a graha is in an inimical/debilitated rasi, viz. Chandra in Vrischika. Does it mean that
wearing dull yellow color clothing strengthens Chandra ?

In my limited understanding it seems to be not so.

Best wishes,


8. Sourav Says:
August 4th, 2007 at 6:03 am

Dear Visti-ji,
namaskar and pranam. I refer to Sharat’s question and your comment vis-a-vis color theory in
vargas. I see some difficulty in understanding this explanation. Please permit me to explain this
difficulty here.

All vargas are derived from the angular positions of grahas in the rasi chart and not the reverse; that
means by knowing a varga it is not possible to reconstruct the rasi chart. Rasi chart shows the total
effect whereas vargas clarify individual spheres of life. A graha can be enhanced by wearing its
specific gemstone as the gemstone corresponds to the specific energy of the graha. Hence it is
understood that gemstone’s controlling effects will be felt in all spheres of life, hence in all vargas.

However a rasi signifies a resource and so when color of the rasi is used (per Rasi Chakra position),
it means that one is asking the graha to increase its control (grahana) over the individual. It does
increase the graha’s energy within the individual in an indirect way by enhancing the
surroundings/circumstances that the graha/intelligence uses to act. The graha may not have any
connection with that rasi in a varga and hence such enhancement will not be affected in that varga.

This is similar to the dasas. Nakshatra dasas indicate how the grahas are making us perceive this
world and our status within this world, whereas Rasi dasas indicate the world situation which
indicate what the status we can perceive us to be in. Rasi and graha is Siva and Shakti. One is
potential and the other is action (kinetic).

Please provide some comments.

Best wishes,


9. Uma shanker achanta Says:

October 15th, 2007 at 4:44 am


I have seen lot of people wearing yellow saphire in the index finger which should not be worn as per
your lecture. But I would like to know why is that yellow saphire or any other stone should not be
worn in the index finger or the thumb.

Could you kindly explain the reasons please…..

3 af 7 18-03-2009 21:34 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

10. Uma shanker achanta Says:

October 15th, 2007 at 5:28 pm


Intresting lectures on Rasi and Adhana. Do you any lectures on the basics of astrology ie how to
start constructing a chart with the degrees, the lords and the rashis.

It would be useful for beginner like me to learn astrology

If you any such letures kindly provide me with the link please..

Uma shanker achanta

11. Uma shanker achanta Says:

October 18th, 2007 at 5:51 am


Awaiting your response from my quries?????

12. Visti Larsen Says:

October 20th, 2007 at 10:09 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Guys, Namaskar

Obviously wearing yellow clothes for Moon in Scorpio won’t help. Instead wear the clothes for
the rasis where either Mars or Venus are placed as this will bring Neecha bhanga.

Reg. Colors
Did you know that we can use the color of the navamsa lagna-sign for color therapy?

If you say that the rasi chart is the origin of the varga-signs, and therefore the rasi dominates
over the vargas, then i can agree. But, if you say that the signs in the vargas cannot be
remedied, then its like saying that the varga-signs do not exist or have no impact on the
individual. Therefore states such as exaltation, debilitation, etc. become defunct in application.
However, we know this is not true based on several slokas from Parasara on the

So, the colors of the signs in the vargas can be used for remedies, and in the Parampara this is
actually advised.

Uma Shanker Achanta

Your answer lies in the book: Vedic Remedies in Astrology, By Sanjay Rath.
I believe i have already detailed this in my lecture on gemstones:
Do go through it and let me know if it is there.

Reg. basics, there are two sources.

i) is giving excellent basics courses in Jyotish.
ii) Branka Larsen will be giving some nice basics writeups on her website in the near future:

4 af 7 18-03-2009 21:34 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

13. Julli Says:

October 28th, 2007 at 10:44 pm

Dear Visti, Namaste,

I also have a question about lagnesh and Atmakaraka being inimical.

This boy has a Scorpio lagna with Saturn conjoined. Lagnesh Mars is debilitated in 9th (conjoined
Sun, Venus, Mercury) with Atmakara Moon in 2nd. Jupiter is in 6th. He has been prone to illness all
his life, with a burst appendix 8 years ago and maybe mono just now.

I don’t know what to suggest for color. Scorpio has Saturn, Cancer’s lord is in 6th from Cancer, the
Moon’s (and Rahu’s) dispositor is in the 6th.

His chart particulars: Aug 7, 1987, 15:09 EDT (+4 GMT) 69w58 43n55

Thanks for any thoughts, and blessings to all,


14. priya Says:

November 15th, 2007 at 6:50 pm

Dear Visti-ji, I really enjoy listening to your audio lessons. Thank you so much for making them
available to all. I was born on the 23rd of November 1970 at 2130 (+7.30 GMT). I have just ended
a very bad period of Rahu Dasha. Will Jupiter(Badhakesh) dasha be any better….will it behave as a
Venus Dasha due to conjunction with Venus? Please advice on the best colours that i should utilize.

15. priya Says:

November 16th, 2007 at 10:08 am

Nameste Visti-ji. I forgot to mention birth place details. It is Kuala Lumpur 101′43″E & 3′9″N.
Currently time zone is +8.00 but prior to the 80’s it was +7.30. My dob 23/11/70 @ 2130. I also
want to add that in D9 there is parivarthana between Venus inthe 12th and Jupiter in the 2nd from
Aries D9 lagna. I am keen to know which colours/planets/rashis will enhance the quality of my
relationships. Are there any colours or gemstones that i have to absolutely avoid. Thank you.

16. priya Says:

December 31st, 2007 at 1:00 pm

Dear Visti-ji, Namaskar.

I have Moon and Mars in the 4th(Virgo). As per your explanation i should wear white and blood red
on Wednesdays. But my Mars is in parivarthana with Mercury, so does that mean that i wear white
with green instead on Wednesdays. Is this concept used regardless of the maleficience of the planet
or placement?
Many thanks,

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SJC: Jaimini Danmark

Re: (a) Saturn or Rahu? (b) What if Palana Devata is the Atmakaraka Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Visti Larsen
Re: Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Visti Larsen
Re: Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from Friday, March 13, 2009

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Raman Deep Singh

(a) Saturn or Rahu? (b) What if Palana Devata is the Atmakaraka hims Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from AL Friday, February 27, 2009
Raman Deep Singh

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