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Inglés II Mg. Nancy León P.

Quantifiers - Some / Any
Quantifiers are words that show how much there is of something.
Some is used to show an indefinite quantity, the exact number is not important. It is used in affirmative
statements, for example:
- I have some books. - She wants some apples.
Some is also in questions, but only when you think the answer wil be "Yes". For example:
- Would you like some french fries? ( I expect the anwer is "Yes")
Any is used in negative and interrogative statements. For example:
- I don't have any money. - Is there any time to go to the hospital?

Every means all. It is usually used in positive sentences, but can also be used in negative. Let’s look as
some examples:

 Did you win every game?

 I won every game!
 I did very well in my tennis match, but I did not win every point.
 You didn’t win every point, did you? That’s almost impossible!

No and none means not any, they are the only negative word we need to include in our sentence. This
difference between no and none is that none is a pronoun, so it can replace a noun and/or be the subject
in a sentence. .

 Question: How did your games go? Reply: None of them went well.
 None of my friends play tennis.
 I have no friends that play tennis.
 Question: Are there any rackets on sale? Reply: No, there are none on sale.
.Do you have any
coffee? No, I don't, but I have some
tea. . Do you want some?

Yes, please.

I. Practice time! Fill in the blank with the correct word. Choose between
every, some, any, and no/none. Answers are found below.

1. To be a good player, you have to practice every week.

2. Do you have some friends you can practice tennis with?
3. My friends play ping-pong, but I do not have any paddles, so I can’t play.
4. I saw some people playing ping-pong at the park yesterday.
5. I enjoy playing evtyeprey type of sport.
6. There are some courts available.
7. Every court is being used.
8. No of the ping-pong tables are open right now.
9. Would you like some time on the court?
10. There are not some paddles left, so you have to wait until the next game.

II: Complete the dialogue with: some / any

Principio del formulario
Waiter: Are you ready to order now?
Peter: Yes, we are.
Mary: Do you have any Russian salad today?
Waiter: No, we don't have any . I'm sorry. We have some Greek salad left though.
Would you like some?
Mary: Oh, OK. I'll try some.
Peter: Yes, I will try the Greek salad too. Can I have any of the Italian seafood that
are on the menu. Would you like some too, Mary?
Mary: Oh, no not for me. I never eat any seafood. It makes me sick! Waiter:
What about the main course? We have some very nice steak today. Peter: Well, I
don't eat any red meat so I will have the quiche. Is there
any meat in that?
Waiter: No, there isn't some meat in the quiche. And for you madam?
Mary: I would like the steak please.
1. Can you recommend any good shows?

Waiter: Would you like some wine with your meal? Peter: Let's get
some strong red wine. What do you think? Mary: OK, a bottle of
red wine.
Waiter: Fine. Thank you very much.

III. Make ten sentences using any – every – some – no.

2. I watch the news after lunch every day

3. Don’t worry, you’ll make some friends at school.
4. I would like some cake, please?
5. Do you like one this candy? No, I do not like it.
6. I told to my son about some of my experiences.
7. There aren’t any hospitals in that neighborhood.

8. My brother helps me with my homwork every day.

9. I had some strange dreams this week. But I am not afraid
10. Mary cleans her bedroom every weekend.

I saw some of
them on TV.

Did you see any

Yeah, I saw every

We have all seen pictures like this from time to time ...perhaps you live in a country where
there are volcanoes.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about volcanoes.
What are volcanoes? A volcano is a mountain or hill with an opening through
which steam, gases and lava from the centre of the Earth can escape into the air.
What is lava?
Lava is red-hot rock which comes to the Earth's surface through the volcano. It has a
temperature of about 1, OOO Degree Celsius- ten times hotter than boiling water! Lava can
move as fast as 55 kph ... faster than most animals can run.
How many volcanoes are there in the world?
There are about 850 active volcanoes in the world. About sixty percent are in an area called
the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. The largest active volcano is Mauna Loa on the island of
What's the difference between 'active' and 'extinct' volcanoes?
An active volcano can erupt at any time. Extinct volcanoes are volcanoes that have stopped
What happens when they erupt?
A volcano erupts when there is a violent escape of gases and lava from the volcano. In 79 AD,
Mount Vesuvius in Italy erupted, destroying the Roman city of Pompeii. The worst volcanic
disaster in the twentieth century was in Martinique, a French Island in the Caribbean Sea. A
volcano called Mount Pelee near the town of Pierre erupted on the morning of 8th May 1902.
Of the 30,000 people in Pierre, just two survived.

Can we predict when a volcano is going to erupt?

Nowadays, scientists usually know when a volcano is going to erupt. In 1991, the Pinatubo
volcano, 100 kilometers northwest of Manila in the Philippines, began one of the largest
eruptions of the twentieth century. Thanks to the scientists' warnings, more than 100,000
people left the area before the volcano erupted.

Resource: P a g e – D o w n l o a d e d f r o m i b a t e f l. c o m

Answer the questions with complete answers

1.What is the Lava temperature? It has a temperature of about 1, OOO Degree Celsius- ten
times hotter than boiling water.

2.What is the speed at which lava can move? Lava can move as fast as 55 kph ... faster than
most animals can run.

3.How many volcanoes are there active in the world? There are about 850 active volcanoes in
the world. About sixty percent are in an area called the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean.

4.What is the location of Mauna Loa? The Manua Loa is ubicated in the Island Hawai.

5.What is the date when Vesuvius erupted? In 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius in Italy erupted,
destroying the Roman city of Pompeii.

6.What happens when the volcanoes erupt? There is a violent escape of gases and lava from the

7.Can we predict the volcanoes eruption? Nowadays, scientists usually know when a volcano is
going to erupt.

8. Names two volcanoes in Peru and its location Misti Volcan is ubicated in Arequipa City and
Ubinas Volcan is ubicated in Moquegua City.

9.Do we have volcanoes in Ancash? Not, There is not.

10. Is a volcano dangerous? Yes, It is a very dangerous. There is a violent escape of gases and
lava from the volcano and can kill many people when erupts.

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