Journal Entry Charles Angela Bonocan BSN 1C

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Charles Angela G.

Bonocan March 26,2020

BSN – 1C

Journal Entry

1. What have I learned? What challenges have I met in the creation of Video?

I learned that to be able to assess the patient properly I have to read and understand on how to assess
the Eyes, Nose and Neck. So that I’ll be able to assess my patient correctly & use the proper equipment
that is needed to assess the patient. Talk to your patient & tell them what are you going to do and
explain it to them that they should also participate, so you can assess the patient properly. What
challenges have I met in the creation of video is that I don’t know if what I did is right or wrong because
there are some instructions that is hard to understand and complicated. It is much more better if there
are Clinical instructors that will demonstrate in front of us on how to properly assess the Eyes, Nose, and
Neck of the Patient and it’s also advantage to us students because we’re able to ask questions directly to
the Clinical instructors & if we assess the patient wrong the CI’s can tell us what is the correct way to
assess the patient. It is much much more better if it is Actual Demonstration. Also there are some
students who doesn’t have the equipments.

2. What are the pros and cons of having a conventional type of classroom discussion over a
flipped-classroom type of teaching strategy (online) & vice versa?

The pros of having a conventional type of classroom is that the teacher will teach in front of you and will
really explain it thoroughly and if you have misconceptions or any complications you can ask her/him
right away and she/he can correct you your mistakes. And you can build a lot of friendships in the school
and make friends. The pros of a flipped-classroom type of teaching strategy (online) is I wake up any
time of the day and just stay in my house and do the homework & quizzes online. The cons are I can’t
ask my teacher if I have any questions and I will ask I’ll wait a few more hours for her/his reply. There
are instructions that is hard to understand and also teachers will give a lot of activities online than the
actual class. I can’t socialize with different people and make new friends. Also teachers will give a PDF
that should be studied but the students won’t study because there’s no teacher watching them.
Therefore, I will choose having a actual class than this new online teaching strategy because this is more
complicated and it’s not easy for us students that is used of having a direct or one-on-one class.

3. In a scale of 1-5 (5- excellent, 4- Very good, 3- good, 2- fair, 1- needs improvement), how would
you rate your learning? How would you rate this new teaching strategy being implemented in
most of your subjects?

2- Fair, I don’t like this new teaching strategy that is implemented in most of our subjects. Because there
are questions that we want to ask or clarify with the CI’s personally and through this new teaching
strategy (online class) we can’t ask anymore. There are some instructions that is hard to understand. It’s
better to have a conventional type of classroom discussion because the teacher can explain the topic to
us thoroughly and can give examples and us students can ask questions directly to the clinical
instructors. This new teaching strategy (online class) is hard for me. I’ll choose to go to school everyday
and early in the morning than this online class. Most of us students are not used to this kind of teaching
strategy, a lot of students are confused because of this teaching strategy. I personally prefer a
conventional type of classroom discussion because a one on one teaching is much better than this online
class. But I know that I can’t do anything with this because of the problem that our country facing right
now which is the Covid-19.

4. What can be done to improve the delivery class online?

Teachers will take a video of him/her discussing about the topic and will give examples. And if
there’s any activity that they will give, they should explain it thoroughly so that the students will
understand right away. Also they should give 1 activity per week. Because a lot of subjects will also
give activities.

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