Ocean Pollution

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We already know that Water is the most important resource on the planet and the human
being has gone increasing its requirements to jeopardize the resource itself and what derived
from it. The oceans supply alf the oxygen we breathe, and provide food and for more than a
billion people. They are also home to a wondrous array of wild species.

Our oceans are in crisis and we are the main cause of water pollution and we generate that
throught the toxic waste the dumping of industrial waste, due to temperature rise, the
pesticides used in agricultural fields filter through underground channels and and the plastic
that we throw into the sea.

Most of the trash in the ocean does not decompose and remain in the ocean for years which
generates that the oxygen levels decrease. We’ve pushed many crucial fish stocks to the point
of collapse, threatening people’s livelihoods and food security and harming other species
including seabirds, turtles and dolphins. Chemical used in industries and agricultura do not get
dissolved and sink at the bottom of the ocean, the animal ingest these chemicals and are later
eaten by large animals, which then affects the whole food chain. By last, animals from
impacted food chain are then eaten by humans which affects their health as toxins from these
contaminated animals get deposited in the tissues of people.

In conclusión, ocean pollution is a diffuse, complex series of problems that are not easily
addressed. Nevertheless, some pollution problems can and have been successfully addressed.

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